Chief physician of the city dental clinic. Medical care profiles. Types of medical care

Hospitals and clinics, medical centers, sanitary units and dental clinics in Moscow open their doors to patients today in the capital. This is where you can get Attentive attitude medical personnel and decent treatment. However, each of us wants to know which of these establishments is better.

All opinions former patients medical institutions Moscow on the appropriate price level and the quality of the services provided medical services formed on the basis of their personal experience. For this reason, we greatly appreciate every opinion not only of a Muscovite, but also of the guests of the capital, who underwent diagnostics and subsequent treatment in Moscow hospitals and after that received their personal impression of these institutions. After visiting the ProDoctors portal, you no longer need to search for up-to-date and fresh information about many medical institutions in the metropolis through your friends, relatives and colleagues. We have collected the most honest and detailed reviews about treatment.

History of dental clinics in Moscow

The first dentist in Russia, who received the official right to practice dentistry in Moscow in 1710, is the Frenchman Francois Dubrel. A little later, in 1755, Moscow University was opened in the capital of Russia. The medical faculty appeared at the university only 10 years later, that is, in 1765, but even then the training of doctors with a narrow specialization in the field of dentistry was not carried out at the medical faculty. Until the beginning of the 19th century, dentistry in Russia did not stand out in a separate specialization and was considered by many more as a craft than a science. However, obeying the objective process of differentiating healing into separate special areas of medical knowledge, which is characteristic of European medicine, in Russia in early XIX century, there has also been a tendency to single out dentistry from general surgery in a separate science. So, for example, in the first "Russian Medical List", which began to be published in our country in 1809, there were already 18 dentists. The leader in this list is Ilya Luzgin, one of the first dentists in Russia. Further, according to the Russian Medical List, the growth of dentists in Russia was extremely slow. In 1811, 24 dentists were listed, in 1818 - 29, in 1824 - 36, in 1826 - 44. In the lists of 1829, the first woman appeared among dentists - a dentist of Polish origin Maria Nazon.

In 1885, the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University was marked by a great event - on the initiative of N.V. Sklifosovsky, an associate professor of odontology was created. Recall that odontology is a science that aims to study the structure, various variations and stages of the evolution of the dentoalveolar system. And only in 1891 was finally issued a law called "On the transformation of teaching dental art." For specialists in dentistry, the law established two titles: dentist and dentist. A dentist is a graduate of private dental schools, and a dentist is a specialist who has gone through school from a student to a master in private dental surgeries. At that time, no one was preparing dental technicians, they were usually referred to as a jewelry workshop. However, even after the adoption of this law, the strict division of specialists into “dentists” and “dentists” still for a long time did not have. Often, both dentists and dentists were trained by the same specialists at home or abroad.

On the other hand, the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is marked by a rapid growth in the number of certified dentists. So, if in 1883 441 professional dentist, then by 1917 their number had already approached 5,000. The first specialized State Institute dentistry was opened in Russia only in 1922 on the initiative of P. G. Dauge and N. A. Semashko. Since then, the Institute has changed its name several times. In 1927 it was the State Institute of Dentistry and Odontology, in 1935 - the Moscow Dental Institute, and since 1949 - the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. Today, the institute is glorified by such great names of dental scientists working within its walls in different years, such as P. G. Dauge, I. G. Lukomsky, E. E. Platonov, A. S. Pekker, A. I. Evdokimov and many others. In 1972, the Moscow Medical Dental Institute was awarded an honorary award - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

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