Treatment of folk remedies for liver disease in cats. The main signs of liver disease in cats. Common signs of liver disease in cats

Before talking about liver disease in cats, pet owners should be aware of its role and the function that the liver performs in the cat's body.

Due to its diverse and complex functions in the body, the liver is both an organ of digestion, circulation and metabolism.

Located in the front abdominal cavity, lies directly behind the diaphragm, for the most part in the region of the right hypochondrium.

The liver in the body of an animal plays a very important role in metabolism, participating in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, microelements and water.

In the liver, toxic substances that enter it from the intestines are neutralized. Liver Support normal level sugar in the blood, glycogen is deposited and broken down in the liver. In lactating cats, many milk precursors are synthesized in the liver.

In the process of fat metabolism, phosphatides are synthesized in the liver, which subsequently enter the bloodstream. From the amino acids that are brought with the bloodstream to the liver, body proteins are synthesized. The liver is a depot of blood, up to 10% of all blood in a cat is in the liver.

In the process of transamination in the liver, the amount of amino acids contained in the body in excess decreases and the missing amino acids increase. The liver in animals is a reserve "depot" of proteins. Blood plasma proteins (albumins, globulins, fibrinogen, prothrombin) are formed in the liver, from where they enter the blood. In the liver, proteins are renewed. The liver stores vitamins A and D, trace elements - iron, copper, manganese, zinc. In the liver, hormones such as thyroxine, insulin, ACTH, vasopressin, and sex hormones are broken down.

The specific function of the liver is bile formation.

The liver has incredible feature in the field of regeneration. Up to 75% of all hepatocytes (liver cells) work simultaneously in the liver, so the liver always has reserves. Even in the case of severe liver damage with some kind of poison, if the cat has retained at least a small amount of healthy cells, the doctor has a chance for a successful outcome of a particular disease.

The main symptoms of liver disease in cats.

Liver disease in cats is characterized by a number of signs that should alert its owner. The owner can suspect liver disease in his cat by the following symptoms:

  • , in which icteric staining of the mucous membranes occurs and subcutaneous tissue in yellow.
  • Skin itching.
  • Change in color of urine, from yellow to brown.
  • Change in color of feces from brown to brown to gray or brown.
  • - an increase in the volume of the abdomen due to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • Enlargement of the liver in size, which is manifested by protrusion through the abdominal wall.
  • Pain in the region of the liver (hepatic colic).
  • Multiple hemorrhages in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Poor blood clotting.

Major liver diseases in cats.

Hepatitis(Hepatitis) - common name inflammatory diseases hepatic tissue. Hepatitis often occurs simultaneously with diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and other organs. With hepatitis, the gallbladder and bile ducts are almost always involved in the process. Hepatitis is accompanied profound violations protein, carbohydrate-fat and pigment metabolism, there is a disintegration of liver cells.

In its course, hepatitis is acute and chronic.

Etiology. Hepatitis in cats rarely occurs as independent disease and is usually a secondary manifestation of various infectious, parasitic diseases and intoxications with poisons of plant and mineral origin. The development of hepatitis contributes to the reduced resistance of the cat's body, the functional weakening of the liver with congestion in the venous system.

Clinical signs. When conducting a clinical examination of a sick cat, a veterinarian finds jaundice, icteric staining of visible mucous membranes, conjunctiva and skin in yellow. In some affected cats, owners report loss of appetite, increased thirst, fever, symptoms of diarrhea or constipation. Fecal matter have a grayish-yellow color, changing the color of urine from yellow to dark yellow. At severe course hepatitis in a cat convulsions are observed.

Diagnosis the veterinarian puts on hepatitis on the basis of clinical signs disease, laboratory testing of blood and urine for bilirubin.

Treatment. Treatment of hepatitis in a cat depends on the cause that caused its development. A sick cat is prescribed a diet that would not have fatty foods. On the first day of treatment, the cat is placed on starvation diet, after which they are transferred to feeding with cereals, after a week, minced meat is gradually introduced into the feeding ration. From medicines the cat is prescribed vitamins of group B and preparations containing choline (Esentiale, etc.). To reduce pain and eliminate congestion in the liver, apply antispasmodic drugs. For removal acute condition at liver failure use chlorpromazine and fosprenil. If there are signs of dehydration, a drip with saline. To relieve intoxication, injections of glucose with vitamin C. To eliminate allergic reaction antihistamines. Conducting antibiotic therapy. Drink with hepatitis herbal preparations which have a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Cirrhosis of the liver in cats

Cirrhosis of the liver in a cat is accompanied by a change in the structure of the liver, due to growth in the liver connective tissue.

Etiology. Cat had hepatitis in the past, long-term effects on the body toxic substances, deficiency in the cat's diet of protein and B vitamins, infectious diseases bacterial and viral origin, heart problems, violation of the process of bile duct.

clinical picture. With cirrhosis, owners notice a decrease in appetite, diarrhea, and jaundice in their cat. Hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, ascites, the liver is dense on palpation, shortness of breath and disturbance in the work of the heart.

Diagnosis on cirrhosis of the liver put on the basis of the collected anamnesis, clinical picture diseases, results of a laboratory blood test - general analysis blood (including the study of the number of platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes), biochemical analysis blood (bilirubin, urea, glucose, electrolytes, creatinine, albumin, cholesterol, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, gammaglutamyltranspeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase), urinalysis, stool examination, additional - abdominal radiography and ultrasound diagnostic results. Spend histological examination liver tissue (biopsy).

Treatment. For the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, veterinary specialists prescribe glucocorticoids to a sick cat, calcium and potassium preparations, choleretic and diuretics to restore hematopoietic function. Vitamin therapy ( vitamins A, E, C and group B).


Gallstone disease is a disease accompanied in a cat by the formation of stones in the gallbladder, as well as the ducts of the liver.

Etiology. The cause of cholelithiasis is a cat's illness with hepatitis, congestion in the liver, impaired patency bile ducts, lack of vitamin A in the diet.

clinical picture. Cholelithiasis in a cat is accompanied by jaundice, indigestion, feces in a cat become fetid, pain in the liver on palpation, sometimes there is an increase in body temperature.

Diagnosis. The diagnosis of cholelithiasis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, laboratory blood tests, as well as the results of ultrasound.

Treatment. Treatment is symptomatic and is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. In the treatment of gallstone disease, the cat is prescribed painkillers and vasodilators. Sometimes you have to resort to surgery.

cholecystitis in a cat

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder.

Etiology. Presence in the gallbladder gallstones and invasive disease giardiasis.

clinical picture. The disease in a cat is accompanied by alternating diarrhea () and constipation. Increased body temperature, pain in the liver area on palpation.

Diagnosis veterinary specialists put on the basis of history, symptoms of the disease and the results of the study blood-general analysis(including the number of platelets, leukocytes), biochemical blood test (bilirubin, urea, glucose, creatinine, albumin, globulin, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, electrolytes, alanine aminotransferase, gammaglutamyl transferase).

Treatment. Treatment of cholecystitis in a cat consists of introducing easily digestible feeds into the diet, antibiotic therapy, prescribing choleretic drugs, a heating pad is applied to the abdominal cavity in the liver area (it is forbidden for purulent processes).

Liver failure

Liver failure - severe pathological condition an animal in which liver function is impaired. Liver failure in a cat can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Etiology. Liver failure in cats is caused by infectious diseases, with severe poisoning, generalized sepsis.

clinical picture. Liver failure in a cat is accompanied by jaundice, mental disorders, hemorrhagic syndrome appears. In acute liver failure, the cat constantly vomits, the cat's consciousness is disturbed, it is disoriented in space. From the cat's mouth there is a strong fetid odor. At the end of the disease, the animal develops shock.

The chronic form of liver failure in a cat develops gradually (over several months). With this form, the cat loses its appetite, vomiting () and diarrhea (), an increase in body temperature occurs. The liver was enlarged on palpation and on ultrasound. AT terminal stage the cat develops jaundice, body temperature drops below normal, traces of blood are noticeable in the feces.

Tumors of the liver

Tumors are rare in cats. However, they are most often malignant. Among liver tumors, bile duct cancer ranks first, followed by carcinoid and sarcoma.

Benign neoplasms include hepatic cell adenoma, hemangioma, hepatoma, and leiomyoma. In cats, bile duct cystadenoma is the most common.

Benign tumors usually do not bring any discomfort to the cat and do not cause the development of the disease, until they grow or rupture, causing the cat to bleed.

Prevention of liver disease in cats

Prevention of liver diseases in cats is based on the observance by the owner of the animal of a complete and balanced nutrition, prevention of toxins entering the animal's body, deworming against worms every 3-4 months, vaccination against infectious diseases of cats that occur in the region of residence.

The liver protects the body from harmful substances coming from the external environment. It is a biological filter that collects and neutralizes poisons, toxins and allergens, but sometimes it does not cope with this task, which leads to the development of diseases.

Liver Disease in Cats: Causes and Symptoms

Few liver diseases occur in cats

There are many liver diseases in cats, each of which has its own symptoms and causes of development. Some illnesses are milder, while others leave behind severe consequences. Let's consider each of these diseases in more detail.

Hepatitis (hepatosis)

Hepatitis is acute or chronic inflammation liver. Its main symptom is jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes). The cat loses appetite, drinks a lot, her body temperature may rise. With hepatitis, constipation develops or, the stool becomes gray-yellow.

The causes of hepatitis are:

  • the consequences of allergies or infectious diseases (the entry of toxins into the blood);
  • an overdose of drugs that have an accumulation effect.

Cirrhosis of the liver

With cirrhosis, the liver changes its structure, connective tissue grows in it. The animal loses its appetite, suffers from shortness of breath, and the work of the heart is disrupted. The liver increases in size and is easily palpable on palpation, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. There is redness of the conjunctiva, diarrhea and jaundice.

Causes of cirrhosis include:

  • transferred hepatitis;
  • long-term exposure to toxins;
  • deficiency of proteins and vitamin B;
  • infectious diseases of bacterial or viral origin.


Gallstone disease in cats can occur for a number of reasons, such as a lack of vitamin A and previous hepatitis.

With this disease, stones form in the gallbladder and liver ducts. The cat's body temperature rises, the stool becomes fetid, appear pain in the region of the liver. The animal suffers from jaundice and gastrointestinal upset.

Reasons for the development of gallstone disease:

  • transferred hepatitis;
  • congestion in the liver;
  • poor patency of the bile ducts;
  • vitamin A deficiency.

Cholecystitis in cats

Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Its symptoms are severe pain in the liver, constipation and diarrhea, fever body. main reason occurrence - gallstones and giardiasis (a disease caused by protozoa).

Lipidosis of the liver

This disease most often occurs in the background excess weight. It occurs in cats ulcerative colitis and . It causes fat to accumulate in the liver, which leads to damage and severe swelling, and in severe cases causes organ dysfunction.

Often lipidosis develops into liver failure. Main symptom of this disease sudden loss appetite and weight loss. The liver increases in size, jaundice develops.

Liver failure

Liver failure is a serious pathological condition in which liver function is impaired. It occurs in a chronic or acute form. The main symptoms are jaundice, neuropsychiatric disorders and hemorrhagic syndrome.

In acute liver failure, the cat constantly vomits, it is disoriented, consciousness is disturbed. A strong fetid odor appears from the mouth, eventually the animal develops shock.

The reasons for the development of this form of the disease include:

  • severe poisoning;
  • infections;
  • generalized sepsis.

The chronic form of the disease develops gradually (up to several months). The cat loses its appetite, vomiting and diarrhea are observed, body temperature rises, the liver increases in size. In the terminal stage, the animal develops jaundice, the temperature drops below normal, traces of blood are noticeable in the stool.

Tumors of the liver

Liver tumors are rare in cats.

Liver tumors are rare in cats and are most often malignant. The most common is bile duct cancer, followed by carcinoid (neuroendocrine tumor) and sarcoma.

To benign neoplasms include hepatic cell adenoma, hemangioma, hepatoma, and leiomyoma. In cats, bile duct cystadenoma is the most common.

Benign tumors do not bring discomfort to the animal and do not cause the development of the disease, but until they grow or rupture, provoking bleeding.

Neutrophilic and lymphocytic cholangitis

Neutrophilic cholangitis is caused bacterial infections in the liver. Bacteria migrate from small intestine into the bile ducts and liver, causing inflammation. With neutrophilic cholangitis, there is a simultaneous course of intestinal and pancreatic diseases.

Lymphocytic cholangitis also causes inflammation, but is not infectious. Veterinarians suggest that the development of this disease is associated with impaired work immune system cats. To the symptoms lymphocytic cholangitis include: accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, enlargement of the liver.

Amyloidosis and hepatic peliosis

With amyloidosis, a large amount of proteins (amyloids) accumulate in the liver, which leads to disruption of the functioning of this organ. This poses a risk of liver rupture and internal bleeding. Some breeds of cats are predisposed to amyloidosis.

Hepatic peliosis is rare. This disease causes the development of cavities in the liver with blood. There is a risk of liver rupture, as it becomes very fragile. With peliosis, hemorrhages are observed in the abdominal cavity.

Diagnosis of liver diseases

The main thing is to diagnose the disease in time, the sooner the better.

It is very important to diagnose liver disease in a cat in time. For this veterinarian appoints the following studies:

  • complete blood count (including the study of the number of platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes);
  • biochemical blood test (bilirubin, urea, glucose, electrolytes, creatinine, albumin, cholesterol, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase, aspartate aminotransferase);
  • Analysis of urine;
  • study of feces;
  • additionally, an abdominal x-ray ultrasound procedure(ultrasound);
  • histological examination of liver tissue (biopsy).

Treatment of liver disease in cats

Liver diseases are treated with pills, injections and homeopathic remedies. The veterinarian will describe in detail the treatment regimen and tell you what medications will be required.

With hepatitis, it is recommended to drink herbal teas to the animal, which have a diuretic and choleretic effect. To relieve an acute condition in liver failure, drugs Aminazine and Fosprenil are used, after which the veterinarian prescribes antibiotics and vitamins.

In lymphocytic and neutrophilic cholangitis, the cat should be given anti-inflammatory drugs. If the animal has a blood clotting disorder, vitamin K1 is prescribed, cats in serious condition do a blood transfusion.

It is very important during the treatment of liver diseases to provide the pet with proper nutrition. If the cat does not have an appetite, you should force-feed him through a syringe without a needle or through a tube (gastric, nasopharyngeal or esophageal).

Prevention of Liver Disease in Cats

Prevention of liver disease includes the following activities that every cat owner must follow:

  • prevention of infectious diseases;
  • once every 3-4 months;
  • preventing toxins from entering the body.

Proper nutrition for liver disease

A good therapeutic food is Hills Prescription Diet Feline

Proper nutrition in liver diseases is an essential condition for successful treatment. A complex diet is aimed at replenishing the body with hepatocytes and increasing the immune system.

A cat's diet should contain a large amount of proteins, they restore liver cells and help the body fight the disease. A weakened animal should be given vitamins K and B, as well as zinc and potassium. Cats with liver failure include levokartinin in the diet, which improves metabolism and increases appetite.

The best solution is to feed a sick animal with a ready-made veterinary diet. Excellent balanced medical Prescription Diet Feline I / d, its composition contains everything necessary substances, Besides this product helps the body fight disease.

For liver failure, cholangitis and other diseases, Hepatic HF 26 should be given to the cat. The animal is fed a veterinary diet for six months, and in some cases medicinal food appointed for life.

Any of the liver diseases is serious illness which requires immediate treatment. Remember that some diseases without veterinary intervention can lead to lethal outcome. Provide for your pet necessary treatment and good nutrition This will allow the cat to recover faster.

The liver is a biological filter of the body, while performing the following functions: detoxification, metabolism, excretory, hematopoietic, immune, and is also a depot of vital necessary elements. Liver disease in cats last years I often have to register at the DobroVet Exhibition Center.

Toxins (poisons, metabolic products, allergens) enter the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver parenchyma, where they are neutralized. In some cases, the liver is not able to neutralize all harmful substances, which leads to a pathological process in its tissues. In cats, liver pathologies such as hepatosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis.

The main signs of disease

Liver disease in cats, and the symptoms associated with them, have little to no pathognomic (other than jaundice) signs. Indirect signs and symptoms of hepatic pathologies:

Dyspeptic syndrome (vomiting, stool disorder);

Jaundice - yellow coloration of the skin, mucous membranes, sclera due to the deposition of bilirubin;

itchy skin;

The color of urine is dark, up to brown;

Hepatic coma;

Cal is discolored, gray-clay;

Ascites - an increase in the volume of the abdomen due to effusion in the abdominal cavity;

Hepatomegaly with protrusion through the abdominal wall;

Pain syndrome - hepatic colic;

Hemorrhagic syndrome, petechiae;

Anemia, thrombocytopenia;

Violation of coagulation.

The main clinical signs of hepatic pathology in cats include jaundice, which occurs in connection with a violation of the excretory function of the liver. Jaundice is mechanical, parenchymal and hemolytic type.

With mechanical (posthepatic) jaundice due to obstruction of the bile ducts, the outflow of bile into the intestine is disturbed, which leads to digestive disorders. For obstructive jaundice cholemia is characteristic - a symptom complex that occurs when it enters bloodstream all components of bile. Cholemia is often accompanied by pruritus.

Parenchymal (hepatic) jaundice occurs due to damage to hepatocytes. Inflammatory (and other) damage to the parenchyma leads to a violation of the utilization of toxins, as a result of which they enter the big circle circulation.

with jaundice due to hepatic pathology it is necessary to differentiate hemolytic - suprahepatic - jaundice (assessment of indicators of direct and indirect bilirubin blood serum).

Brief description of diseases

Hepatitis and hepatosis

Acute and chronic inflammatory processes. The reasons:

Intoxication with organic and mineral poisons;

Exposure to toxins as a result of infectious or immune diseases;

Overdose of drugs, the use of hepatotoxic drugs.



Temperature rise;

Decreased appetite, polydipsia;

Stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation), discolored, gray stools;

In the terminal stage, convulsions are observed.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, laboratory tests of urine (bilirubin) and blood (bilirubin, transaminase activity, alkaline phosphatase).

For liver diseases in cats, treatment tactics depend on the factor that caused the disease. A diet with the exclusion of fats is shown. On the first day - fasting, after which a high-carbohydrate diet (cereals) is prescribed, after a week meat is gradually added to the diet.

Basic principles of therapy:

Appointment of B vitamins and choline-containing drugs (Essentiale, etc.);

Appointment of antispasmodic drugs for the relief of pain and cholestasis;

Antibiotic therapy;

Infusions of saline solutions for dehydration;

Appointment of glucose with vitamin C to relieve intoxication;

Anti-inflammatory (glucocorticosteroids) and antihistamines.


In cirrhosis, the parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue, which leads to a violation of the basic functions of the organ.

Causes: history of hepatitis, prolonged intoxication body, protein starvation, lack of B vitamins, diseases of viral and bacterial etiology.

Signs: loss of appetite, diarrhea, hemorrhages in the conjunctiva, jaundice, ascites, palpable liver compaction, shortness of breath, impaired cardiac activity.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture, laboratory data (clinical and biochemical analysis of blood and urine) and ultrasound data.

Treatment: the appointment of glucocorticoids, calcium and potassium preparations to correct the electrolyte balance of the blood, choleretic drugs and diuretics, vitamin therapy (vitamins of groups A, E, C, B).


The disease is characterized by the formation of stones in the gallbladder and bile ducts. It is rare in cats. Causes: history of hepatitis, cholestasis, disorders anatomical structure bile ducts, hypovitaminosis A.


Pain syndrome - hepatic colic;

Jaundice, in some cases, fever;

Digestive disorders, offensive stools.

Diagnosis: difficult, based on ultrasound data, laboratory blood test data.

Treatment: symptomatic, analgesic and antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. The possibility of surgical treatment is being considered.


Inflammation of the gallbladder. Causes: the formation of stones in the gallbladder, giardiasis (protozoal invasion).

Signs: pain syndrome, fever, unstable stool (diarrhea is replaced by constipation).

Diagnosis: difficult, based on anamnesis, clinical picture, laboratory blood test data.

Treatment: easily digestible diet, antibiotic therapy, physiotherapy (contraindicated in acute and purulent processes!), choleretic drugs.


Prevention of liver disease in cats is to prevent infections and infestations through regular vaccination and deworming. Balanced diet nutrition, limiting access to poisonous and toxic substances.

Questions for the veterinarian

Can cats have neoplasms in the liver, and what is their prognosis?

Yes, they can form different types tumors: primary, formed directly in the liver in cats, or secondary, transferred from other organs. Liver tumors in cats have a poor prognosis.

What is hepatic purpura?

Amyloidosis, hepatic purpura - a disease in which protein (amyloid) is deposited in the liver, gradually destroying it, disrupting the normal functioning of the organ. Provokes rupture and hemorrhage. "Hepatic purpura" can also appear without amyloidosis, then cavities filled with blood form in the liver.

What is the diagnosis of liver disease in cats?

In diseases, a comprehensive, accurate and thorough diagnosis is carried out. This includes: history, clinical signs, laboratory tests, additional methods. complete picture diseases can only be detected in a veterinary center.

Veterinary center "Dobrovet"


Watch the animals. If the cat began to eat less food than usual, he regularly had diarrhea or vomiting for several days, his stomach was swollen, and the inside of his eyes and ears turned yellow, then he really had a liver disease.

Use dandelion to treat your pet. This plant has a strong cleansing effect, including the removal of toxins from the liver. Unlike natural flowers, commercially available dandelion capsules are more convenient to use. Give your cat 1/2 capsule once a day.

Vigorously rub the right side of the animal in the area of ​​the last three ribs for 15 seconds only once during the day. Such a massage helps to remove harmful substances from the bloodstream and improves lymph flow.

The milk thistle herb will protect the wounded organ from toxins and help it generate new cells. Pour a teaspoon of chopped herbs with half a glass of boiling water and let it brew. After straining, the infusion can be served to the animal. Greens of barley and wheat are useful for the liver.

Watch your pet's diet so as not to harm him. Many modern feeds on the shelves contain a lot of preservatives, dyes and flavors. All these ingredients create on the liver additional load. Choose food carefully and balance homemade food. Feed your cat a quarter teaspoon of grated beetroot a day to flush out toxins from the body. After five days of taking, take a break, because this root vegetable is a strong natural remedy.

The liver is a kind of filter of any living organism. Participates in metabolic processes, in the work of digestion, supports favorable environment inside the body. Often harmful substances – toxins, gas, allergens, toxic substances – too much intake .

Liver pathology in a cat

Unfortunately, pets are also prone to many diseases.

In such cases, filtering is difficult, and there are various pathological processes leading to diseases. Among others, the most dangerous pathologies: liver cirrhosis, cancer, fatty degeneration and liver failure.


Left healthy liver. From left to right - stages of cirrhosis.

Atrophy of parenchymal cells due to scattered proliferation of connective tissue is cirrhosis.

Naturally, there is a violation of the entire functioning of the liver due to a decrease in the number of liver cells.

Cirrhosis is a common ailment that affects the liver of cats.

Provoking factors

Distinguish primary and secondary nature occurrence of the disease. Prolonged intake of toxic and harmful substances into the body leads to death of parenchymal cells .

This phenomenon occurs when long-term use medicines, nutrition poor quality food, inhalation of exhaust gases.

And it can also be caused by eating animals household chemicals, for example, if cat dishes are washed using detergents and doesn't rinse well. Another reason could be a lack of B vitamins.

For the full development of the pet, it is necessary to ensure that vitamins of all groups are present in his diet.

For this you need burst of secondary factors :

  • failure of the metabolic process;
  • disruption of work gallbladder and outflow of bile;
  • violation of blood circulation due to diseases of the circulatory system;
  • genetic predisposition.

At the same time, a cat may be hereditarily predisposed not specifically to cirrhosis, but to other diseases that provoke this ailment.

Secondary Causes

In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to provide the cat with medical care in time.

Secondary causes are transferred or invasive. These diseases include:

  • viral or reactive hepatitis;
  • hepatosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • adenovirus;
  • heart failure.

Cirrhosis develops as a complication of the listed ailments with insufficient or untimely treatment.

Clinical picture

Cirrhosis is chronic disease , so the initial stages proceed almost asymptomatic .

With the development of pathology, the signs slowly gain momentum and appear clearly even when the cat is no longer to be helped.

Strong thirst of a pet may indicate ascites.

First visible symptom cirrhosis will be ascites. Fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity and can be felt on its own. The animal quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, sleeps for a long time. In parallel with this, there is an exhaustion of the pet, a decrease in appetite and, at the same time, excessive thirst. Due to consumption a large number water increases urination. Laboratory research blood will show anemia and leukopenia.

On the last stage there are signs nervous breakdown: , impaired coordination of movements, partial blindness.


Unfortunately, cirrhosis cannot be completely cured.

Applies maintenance therapy : heart medications to keep the heart working.

  • Prescribe medications that improve digestion.
  • In the diet, limit or eliminate food containing protein as much as possible.
  • , vitamin therapy with the use of vitamins of group B and C.
  • Permissible appointment of hepatoprotectors.
  • The presence of ascites requires the use of diuretics.
  • If they do not bring results, a puncture of the peritoneum is made to remove the fluid.
  • In case of bleeding, vikasol is administered, a blood plasma transfusion is possible.

Fatty degeneration

Lipidosis of the liver (fatty degeneration) - this is a lesion of parenchymal tissues, which is not accompanied by inflammatory processes. The disease directly depends on metabolic disorders.

To the group increased risk obese and neutered pets are included.

Obese cats are at risk for a disease called fatty degeneration.

The reasons

Fat, which is ingested with food, undergoes splitting under the action of enzymes and is absorbed into the blood. Then it migrates to the liver, so that by filtering the necessary elements remain in the body and saturate the blood and cells, and harmful and toxic fragments are removed.

There are several reasons that interfere with the physiological process:

  • diabetes;
  • exocrine pancreatic insufficiency;
  • overfeeding, oversaturated with fats food;
  • lack of protein;
  • prolonged drug overdose.

An additional factor may be a violation of the gallbladder - dyskinesia or cholelithiasis.


Lipidosis refers to slowly progressive disease . On the initial stages practically does not manifest itself in any way, but any slight push can provoke the appearance of clinical signs.

  • The first sign is considered to be refusal to eat, which subsequently leads to sharp decline weight.
  • Further, lethargy, apathy of the pet is observed.
  • An increase in blood glucose levels is accompanied by increased thirst and frequent urination.
  • Possible nausea and, violation of defecation - alternation and.
  • AT rare cases there is yellowness of the mucous membranes, itching skin, pain in the abdomen.


Help depends on the primary factor. Recommended low fat diet with adequate protein content. Force-feeding with a probe is allowed if food is refused.

Applies saline dropper for supporting vitality when exhausted. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating acute symptoms supporting general state weakened body. The use of drugs that restore the functioning of the liver is shown.

With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

Liver failure

This is what the ears of a cat with liver failure look like.

General complex of clinical signs various pathologies leading to liver damage is called liver failure.


Signs of deficiency are very general character for diseases of this nature. .

Help Methods

First of all, they are assigned medicines that help relieve intoxication and yellowness.

  1. Hepatoprotectors are used to maintain and restore the function of the affected organ.
  2. In order to avoid excessive stress on the heart, prescribe drugs that support it.

Diet and food for liver diseases

Special food Royal Canin called HEPATIC HF26 for liver disease in cats.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. The diet prescribed for liver pathology is suitable for most diseases of this origin and is conditionally general.

  1. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that increase the production of bile and have irritant effect to the affected organ. The list includes food rich in extracts, organic acids. Fried foods, fatty, saturated with cholesterol are to be excluded.
  2. However, we should not forget that the normalized amount of protein and fat is still necessary for normal functioning all systems.
  3. The menu should not contain sugar.
  4. A light meat or fish broth is recommended.
  5. It is acceptable to feed with cereals - rice or oatmeal, you can give rice water.
  6. A little later, it is allowed to add a spoon to the broths minced meat- chicken or beef.
  7. If the cat's condition does not worsen, the dose can be gradually increased.
  8. Further recommended are dairy products, fat-free and fresh.
  9. Useful to add to broth or porridge boiled vegetables- carrots, potatoes.
  10. At the end acute course you can return to the previous norms, but strictly control the amount of protein, fats, carbohydrates.

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