Tsyts on tiptoe approached the gypsy to the chicken. The topic of the lesson is "Spelling Y - And after Ts". I. Organizational moment




  • Educational:
    • introduce a new identification feature - the presence c before a vowel, with spelling s-and after c;
    • learn to justify the choice of vowels s-and after c in roots, suffixes and endings;
    • repeat spelling ooh after words hissing at the root, unstressed vowels of the root, punctuation in a complex sentence;
    • propaedeutic acquaint with spelling -he N- in adjectives.
  • Educational:
    • develop attention, memory, logical thinking, the ability to compare, classify, generalize;
    • expand students' vocabulary.
  • Educational:
    • arouse interest in the lessons of the Russian language.

Equipment: a poster with algorithms, the text of a poem, differentiated cards, workbooks.


I. Organizational moment

- Hello guys! Sit down. Today we will continue to work in our small scientific laboratory, we will find out by the end of the lesson who is the most attentive, resourceful, active in the lesson.

II. Explanation of new material

- We are starting to study a new spelling topic, we will get acquainted with a new rule for you. Let's turn to the material for observations and determine the topic of the lesson. (Material for observations on the board is closed for now).

street station
Sinitsyn Circus

What sounds are heard in all these words? Describe the consonant sound. (c) This sound will be the guest of our lesson today. And here is the word in which this sound lives. (I open the material for observations) Look at what is written on the board. (tsy and qi)
– Why is that so? Our task is to figure out when after q you need to write Y, and when - I. What is the topic of our lesson? Help me formulate it.
"Spelling s-and after c».

– To find out when after c spelled s, and when - and Let's continue our observations. Read the poem aloud.

The chicken performed in the circus
He played the cymbals
Traveled on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He pulled out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And only one did not know
Where they write QI, where QI.

(I. Kozlovsky)

What style is this text?
- What are cymbals?
- Name the words with s and and after c (Chicken, circus, cymbals, motorcycle, figures, cucumbers).
- The chicken did not know where TSY is written, where is QI. Do you know? Now we will turn to the rule on page 173 of our textbook. Read the rule. (Children read the rule aloud).
- When is Y written after C, and when is I?
- Let's write in the notebook examples of words when it is written Y:

1) In the endings of words: birds, cucumbers, tits.
2) The second case when Y is written is in the YN suffix: Sestritsyn, Lisitsyn, Volchitsyn.
3) In the roots of the words-exceptions, it is written Y: gypsy, chick, chick, tiptoe, chick, chick-chick. These words must be remembered.

- And so that you do not forget, I will read you another poem, which includes all these words. Write these words from the poem in your notebook.

Gypsy saw a chicken
Played the violin
And the chicken heard -
Danced on tiptoe.

Shut up, guys, don't make noise,
And then the gypsy will go astray,
The violin will stop singing
Our lesson is broken.

- Well, chickens, do you understand everything? (Yes)

Sounded for you guys
Our lesson is about Qi and Qi.
Who did not understand, those chickens,
Who remembers, well done!

- Read the words you have written. (Gypsy, chicken, tiptoe, chick, chick (shout).
- A gypsy on tiptoe poked “tsyts” to a chicken - a well-known formula.
- And when do we write after c and?
- In the roots of words: circus, figure and etc.
- In words on - tion: lecture, section, collection etc. These words end in -tion, and the ending I, and QI - is part of the root.
The rule that we are studying today is complex, the rule is an instruction, so we need to draw up an algorithm, a reasoning scheme (a poster in front of the students).

Spelling Y-I after Ts

III. Consolidation of the studied

1. Oral spelling analysis (Students explain orally the spelling of the words written on the board using the algorithm).

delegation, top hat, bird, tits, swarthy.

2. Vocabulary dictation. (The teacher dictates, the students explain the spelling of each word using the algorithm).

carapace, Tsaritsyno mirror, black zigeyka, gypsy, cheerful rehearsal, songbirds, cyclone, poof loudly, yellow chick, acacia blossomed, tsyts all.

3. Warning distributive semantic dictation. (Recognize the word by lexical meaning and write it in two columns.)

1) Baby chicken (chicken).
2) A sign to indicate a number in a letter (number).
3) One-eyed mythological creature (cyclops).
4) A tool for drawing a circle (compass).
5) A person who monitors order on the street (policeman).
6) Stand on your fingertips (on tiptoe).
7) A kind of gloves with a compartment for the thumb only (mittens).

- Read the words when after C they wrote And, and when - Y.
So, what did you learn in class today?

IV. Homework: p. 86, exercise No. 446.

V. Summary of the lesson. Diagnostic work

I option.

Sea borders ..., sisters ... n scarf, editorial ... newspapers, c ... gan, c ... rk, c ... films, large c ... stubble, new c ... rkul, songbirds ... .

2. Write out words from this group only for the studied spelling (letters Y-I after C).

Ra ... writing, be ... noisy, lectures ... I, sh ... sweat, c ... films, under ... rides, c ... fry, under ... rit, on c ... kidneys, foxes ... n tail.

II option.

1. Insert the missing letters Y or And after Z. Indicate the conditions for choosing the letters Y or And after Z.

Listen to lectures..yu, write ts...frs, narrow streets..., motorcycles...cl, grow ts...plates, on ts...kidneys, sports section...I, foxes...n tail, ts...rkovsky artist.

2. Write out words from this group only for the studied spelling.

Ra ... order, c ... rkul, r ... drain, sv ... vuyut, c ... gan, sh ... sweat, tits ... n, service ..., station ... I, panz ... r.

3. Make 2 complex sentences using the words and phrases from the first task, underline the grammatical foundations.

In the morning haze of Mishkin, where I had the good fortune to be a teacher of literature in the first year of post-institute practice, when I went on my first morning exercise, I found on the roads and paths of the village a certain number of picturesquely scattered boys of the widest age range and school age in a half-bent state, swarming in accordance with the law of nature "about Brownian motion" in completely different directions, that is, chaotically.

One might assume that the morning boys are looking for something on the roads and paths of Mishkin. However, a closer observation of them revealed an essential detail in their behavior: in the hands of the scurrying boys there were some devices with which they performed some mysterious physical work.

The boys fidgeted frantically with knobs that looked like Boer knobs or knobs that once started cars. As a result of such spinning, the wheel, which was tightly attached by welding perpendicular to the axis of the handle, slipped in the mud ...

Which, in fact, was the desired object of desire.

And this ingenious children's invention was called Buksa ...

The axle box wheel could be from a baby stroller, a wheelbarrow, a trolley, from a scooter, from a small children's bicycle - it doesn't matter. The important thing was that the wheel had to inevitably slip, which was achieved through the rapid rotation of the same crank.

It was possible to skid in the mud, in a puddle, "uphill", in wet grass, in snow - anywhere. And the variants of the sounds that the boys made with their vocal cords also had a wide range - from the uterine low “to”, similar to the hum of the Rostov bell “Sysy”, to the mosquito treble “si” of Robertino Loretti.

It was possible to skid together. Then spontaneously created a wonderful ensemble with compositions in the style of Stravinsky.

It was possible to skid alone. Then you could listen to amazing improvisations, similar to the etudes of a very early Schnittke.

Canonically immutable and vile was only one thing - the slippage itself. It was holy. Like dirt and stupidity in Russia ...

Buksa (a verbal noun, derived from the word “slip”) was a general craze for the Mishkin boys, a three-dimensional standard for measuring time, space and desire, a unit of exchange, the equivalent of good, a card for a closed boy's club.

The boy who did not have axle box was an outcast, a representative of the lowest caste, whose existence was simply not noticed by anyone. It just didn't exist, that's all.

Not in rubles, but in axle boxes, in Mishkin the well-being of the family was measured.

The son of the chairman of the collective farm waddled around, chewed hard-to-find chewing gum, spoke in a lazy drawl, and had four boxes. He used one himself, kept the second “in reserve”, and the other two, which was worse, he rented out to “poor outcasts”. The latter responded to the chairman's son with a gleam of devotion in their eyes and endless services.

Pupils "came" to the school on axle boxes. The axle boxes lined up at the school doorstep were like good cowboys at the door of the saloon.

The boys talked about axle boxes at school, they thought about them.

On axleboxes, the guys “returned” from school home and, throwing a briefcase into the doorway of the house, wound on the axleboxes, like on a car speedometer, the rest of the daylight hours until it was completely darkened.

The school where I taught was like a funeral parlor, and the learning process itself and everything connected with it was something of a mournful necessity that everyone had long been tired of, but which only inveterate losers had the social courage to abolish.

The relationship between teachers and students was reminiscent of a "non-aggression pact", which the parties, long overripe by the world, were weary of.

Teachers conducted lessons, wrote plans and filled out journals. Pupils brought home honest triples. The school itself, at least on the part of the male half of the students, was something like a Books Lovers Club.

At school, at the lesson, looking at textbooks, the boys imagined how the book slipped, stuck in the lines of the book, falling into the intervals between words, bouncing, as if on bumps, on conjunctions and prepositions. They accelerated on long sentences, treading over capital letters like a tractor; stupidly rumbling, rested, as in anti-tank hedgehogs, in brackets, numbers and quotation marks ...

Why are you writing “chicken”? - I ask Lena Tsyplakova, looking into her notebook during the dictation.

The test word is “tenacious,” Lena answers uncertainly, “yesterday he caught my paw on my jacket, and then fluttered so funny ...

And how does mom call chickens when she takes out food for them ?! - I found myself with a test word.

- “Chick-chick-chick!!!” - the whole class roared.

Lena sighed and corrected the chain chick to the average "chick".

And why do you write “gypsy” through “and”? - I ask the same Lena.

Lena was completely upset and sadly looked out of the autumn window:

She’s a woman… Aunt Lara… Now, if her husband, Uncle Yakov, he’s definitely a “Gypsy”: angry, grimy and with one tooth in his mouth… And Aunt Lara is kind… True, she smells of her…

They don’t wash in the bathhouse, - Ilyusha Repin, the son of the collective farm chairman, clarified, - they say, they don’t wash skirts ...

Yes ... - Vasya Vukolov, strong and vigorous, like a boletus mushroom, thought, - he, Uncle Yasha, should kill a man, what will you blow your nose ...

And why is he tiptoeing to a chicken some kind of “chicks”? - Fedya Strukov, the “coolest” rural “buksnik”, doubted.

Yes, go to the chicken coop. The bird is poking, and then this small one panics underfoot ...

Uncle Yasha will say something to the chicken! Bosko turned to the side - and business something! Also a problem...

How he slaughtered the father of our father Vasily, demanded the keys to the church, but the father did not give him anything! How alive something remained!

The dictation continues. I am again at Lena Tsyplakova's notebook.

Well, why do you write "motorcycle" with "s"?!

Lena sighs again and says nothing, and outside the window you can hear “drin-dyn-dyn !!!” - someone’s motorcycle serenade, and the word suddenly begins to growl and roar, smell of gasoline, ring with iron ... And the future biker girl stings in the nose from motorcycle smoke. "Motorcycle" is correct. But "motorcycle" - believe me, more real ...

And how to write correctly: "tsitski" or "tsitski"? - someone asks.

Not understood?!

Well, that is, women's boobs ...

And where is it in the dictation?!

Mishka's girls did not share the boyish enthusiasm, outwardly laughed at the guys, but it seemed that they secretly envied them. No matter how idiotic it seemed to them that the boys were fascinated with axle boxes, the girls did not have this either ...

Coming to the hut after school and having changed into everything homemade, into something awkward and colorful, they involuntarily merged in appearance with the "colorful", became, like nesting dolls, all on the same face, for some reason weeping, although there seemed to be no tears in their eyes...

No, of course, the girls also dreamed of something. And only they taught something in all subjects, even honestly crammed. But when, inspired by the fall, I too zealously approached the high school students with “Eugene Onegin”, one quite mature girl sobered me up: “Why do I need all this, if I still, like my mother, will be a milkmaid ?!” ...

And suddenly, clearly, to the last crumpled ruble, smelling of diesel fuel, to the last piece of rag from the already outdated single “output” dress, I saw the gray existence of this girl ...

And Eugene Onegin bashfully closed the door behind him.

What were the girls thinking? I dont know. But the girls also froze when the school window burst into the roar of a car skidding somewhere nearby on the road, the sounds of its almost animal resistance to the awakened fatty and predatory elements.

The teacher returned to the classroom from his sky-high dreamy heights and paused the lesson. There was a solemn silence in the school, like a moment of silence. For a moment there was a truce. Life lit up in the eyes of the children, and meaning appeared in life and unlimited spaces for exploits opened up ...

“Behind every shaft is a distance, behind every distance is a distance” ...

But the sounds outside the window sooner or later were exhausted. Always someone alone won in this eternal confrontation between man and nature ...

A heart-rending cry of the teacher was heard, similar to the roar of a wounded animal, and the festive fresh light in children's eyes was extinguished by the carbon monoxide impulse of everyday stupidity ...

Spelling of vowels -И (-Ы) after Ts.

The chicken performed in the circus
He played the cymbals
Traveled on a motorcycle
And he knew a lot of numbers.
He pulled out of the cylinder
Carrots and cucumbers
And only one did not know
Where do they write QI, where is QI?

After c, the letter and or s is written.

Letter s is written in the following cases.

1. In the roots of words - exceptions:

gypsy, chick, chick, chick, tiptoe, tiptoe, chick-chick, chick, chick, chick(and in derivative words, for example: gypsy, gypsy, gypsy, chick, chick).

2. In the endings of nouns and adjectives ,

cucumbers, archers, capitals, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; stubby, pale-faced, narrow-faced.

3. In the adjective suffix -yn,

Sistersyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Trinity Day.

Place names are written in the same way.-tsyn, -tsyno,

Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno.

Note. In Russian surnames, after ц, the letter and or ы is written in accordance with tradition and with registration in official documents, for example: Tsipko, but Tsybin; Kunitsyn, Kuritsyn, Sinitsyn, Skobeltsyn, Solzhenitsyn, but Vitsin, Yeltsin, Tsitsin.

In all other cases, the letter and is written after c, namely:

a) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names:

circus, cycle, top hat, cynomolgus, scurvy, mat, figure, armor, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, yutsik; Cicero, Circe, Zimmerwald, Cincinnati;

b) in suffixes of foreign origin:

organization, electrify, medicine, calcite, publicist, skepticism;

c) after the first parts of complex and compound words and in sound abbreviations:

blitz interview, special boarding school, CEC.


Write I:

  • at the root of the word: the circus, number;
  • exceptions: tsy gan, tsy ts, on the kidneys, chick.
  • in words on -TSIA: section, station, station.

Write Y:

  • in suffixes: Sisters n, Birds n, Queens but.
  • in endings: streets, villages, sisters.


Surnames retain the traditional spelling: Birds n, qi qi n.


1. Fix bugs:

I went on an expedition. The weather is unfavorable: cyclone. I managed to collect a collection of insects, even cicadas were caught. Birds interfere with work.

2. Insert missing letters. Mark the spelling graphically.

C ... gan, militia ... I, akats ... I, narc ... ss, armor ... r, on the c ... kidneys,

c ... nga, foxes ... n, c ... plate, from the streets ..., section ... I.

3. Insert missing letters. Graphically designate the spelling

C_panty, c_ganka, c_ferblat, from the streets_, sisters_n, for martens_,

scissors ..., c ... geyka, akats_ya, c_koriy, because of the door_.

4. Insert missing letters. Graphically designate the spelling .

Rats_ya, Tsaritsa_no, Afghans_, ts_geyka, cartoon_ya, take under knot_.

5. Insert missing letters. Graphically designate the spelling .

Ts…gan at the lecture…and flipped through the pages…and Sinits…n read ts…tats.

6. Insert the desired letter, graphically indicate the spelling being studied.

1. In their hanging palaces .. the owners of starlings fly .. .
2. The chicken admired the ts.
3. There were trained dogs and cats in the church.
4. Because of the lack of vitamins, the sailors were ill with c..ngoy.
5. The father brought the children hotels.. .
6. From Ancient Greece..and many sports came to us.

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