Common basil: benefits and harms, use in medicine, cooking, beauty. Basil - useful properties and contraindications of fragrant spices

Basil - also known as regan (not to be confused with oregano), reagan, reyhan, raykhon, rayhan, rean, tulsi - is considered a favorite of Italian and French culinary specialists, a sacred plant for Hindus and an essential ingredient in ayurvedic medicine. Interestingly, basil is truly a “universal fighter”: it is eaten raw, brewed, dried, applied internally and externally, applied to wounds, added to cosmetics. What is contained in the "royal grass"? The fact is that in modest-looking leaves there is an almost complete set of useful properties: there are vitamins and minerals, acids, tannins, tannins, phytoncides, flavonoids. And all this with a small number of contraindications for use.

Essential oils, which are present in abundance in basil, determine not only the specific spicy taste of the plant, but also its beneficial features. Scientists at the University of Malaysia have proven that a substance called eugenol reduces the activity of enzymes that contribute to inflammatory processes in the body - by the way, there are even separate solutions of eugenol with a concentration of up to 95%, which are used mainly for the treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system. Basil essential oil contains a lot of eugenol, so the plant has an effect that relieves inflammation and pain.

This is what basil leaves look like

The combination of linolenic, rosmarinic, oleic acids effectively destroys the bacteria of staphylococcus, enterococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antiseptic properties give basil and substances such as camphelo, citronellol, myrcene, linalool, cineole, citral, limonene, terpineol. Some of these substances, by the way, also have sedative action, so it is shown at nervous disorders and headaches. The plant contains natural antibiotics- phytoncides, which help to strengthen the immune system.

Thanks to the ability of the "royal grass" to fight various kinds bacteria and microbes, it is successfully used to treat diseases of various etymologies. Camphor is known for its beneficial effect on the respiratory system, this substance helps with coughing and removes phlegm from the lungs. And the content of phytonutrients allows the use of basil not only for mild diseases. respiratory tract but also in asthma and even tuberculosis.

A high iron content increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, minerals help strengthen the heart muscle and normalize blood pressure. Vitamin A is very useful for vision, and in combination with vitamins C and PP, it increases immunity, makes blood vessels more elastic, and improves skin condition. Vitamin C in combination with potassium has a general strengthening and calming effect. Vitamin K helps calcium absorption, activates the synthesis of proteins that regulate blood clotting, and promotes cell repair - this vitamin is especially necessary for people in the postoperative period.

Basil can even be grown on a windowsill in a pot.

Beta-carotene is the enemy of free radicals, due to which nerve fibers are destroyed, the aging process occurs and malignant tumors. Beta-carotene also protects the body's cells from destruction and reduces blood cholesterol levels, which promotes rejuvenation and reduces the risk of heart disease. Protect the cells of the body and flavonoids, which are present in abundance in the composition of the basil and turn it into a powerful antioxidant that can even fight cancer.

The fact that he is able to make the body more resilient, stronger and more resistant to various kinds of diseases, doctors said in ancient times. And they were not mistaken: the antioxidant effect of basil was officially proven by scientists from the Pune College of Pharmacy, located in the state of Maharashtra. The results of the research were presented by Indian specialists in Manchester, the British Pharmaceutical Conference.

Basil has found its “place under the sun” not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is no coincidence that the extract of this plant is an ingredient in many creams, masks, shampoos - mainly due to the notorious antioxidants. Thanks to antiseptic properties plants, face products based on it to eliminate acne, acne, acne. The fresh juice of the plant helps to cure even psoriasis and ringworm. Oil based on it is also famous for its moisturizing properties, has a rejuvenating effect, and helps fight wrinkles. For hair care, the product is valuable in that it can improve blood circulation and wake up hair follicles.

There are no comrades for the taste and color: plant varieties

The variety of beneficial properties of basil for humans is comparable only to the impressive number of varieties of this plant. Let's start with the fact that there is an ornamental variety that is not used for food: for example, it includes a variety with the romantic name "Thai Queen". We are also interested in the so-called vegetable basil. Only varieties of an edible plant, there are about 70, they are all divided into two categories: purple and green. Sometimes, for example, lemon or thai look, but this is already a classification according to palatability and place of origin. Depending on the shades of taste, in addition to lemon, there is pepper, clove, clove-pepper, caramel, vanilla, cinnamon, licorice, anise, mint.

Basil has a truly wide variety of varieties.

In Europe, preference is given to green basil, which has a softer and more refined aroma.

Here are the main types of green basil:

    Genoese or Italian;



    Camphor or mint;







In oriental cuisine, it is mainly used purple basil, different high content essential oils and therefore a more pronounced spicy taste. The peoples of the Caucasus, Malaya and Central Asia the plant is valued precisely for its sharp, rich smell. This category includes the following types of basil:

    Basil ordinary;


    Purple or Dark Opal;

    Red ruby;

    Indian (holy basil, aka tulsi);

What species and variety is most valuable in terms of health benefits? Correct answer: any. plant varieties are different appearance, place of cultivation and, of course, taste characteristics. The content useful elements about the same in all varieties. To nourish the body with useful substances and maintain immunity, it is enough to include the product in the menu from time to time - fortunately, cooking knows a lot of ways to do this. You can use fresh leaves for salad (they are especially well combined with tomatoes), add to stews, sauces, meat and fish meals, omelettes, soups, marinades.

Useful components: oil, juice, seeds, leaves and other

It is valuable that in such a plant as basil, there are no unnecessary substances. in medical and cosmetic purposes juice from it, fresh or dried leaves, decoction and infusion of leaves, as well as plant seeds are used. Wide application found an essential oil based on it, obtained from a plant by distillation. You can buy this oil at any pharmacy. Not his, but a remedy close to it in its properties - if suddenly you don’t have a distiller at hand - you can cook it yourself. The easiest way is to add to any vegetable oil basil and heat in a water bath for 5-6 minutes.

Basil decoction is tasty and healthy

The table shows the diseases in which one or another is used. dosage form, and methods of application.

The form Indications Application
Oil Fatigue, nervous tension Bath with 10 drops of oil
Stress, migraine, insomnia Two drops in an aroma lamp
Toothache Rinse with a solution (2 drops per glass of water), lotions (in pure)
Acne, skin inflammation Spot application on problem areas, enrichment of cosmetics
Dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen Applications (in pure form), compresses (with solution)
Juice Cystitis, diseases of the genitourinary system Inside, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1
Infusion Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Clean inside
Cough Clean inside
Angina, stomatitis, gingivitis Rinsing three times a day
temperature, cold Clean inside
Insect bites Applications twice a day
Wounds Applications three times a day
Conjunctivitis, eye redness, fatigue Washing in the morning and evening
Decoction Diseases of the nervous system Inside in pure form twice a day
Nausea, vomiting Inside in pure form three times a day
Increased arterial pressure Inside in pure form twice a day
Arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism Compresses three times a day for two weeks.
fresh leaves Motion sickness in transport Chew 1-2 leaves
Herpes Lotions from chopped leaves
Inflammatory processes Inside with food
dried leaves Sleep problems Place a sprig of basil under your pillow
Avitaminosis, decreased immune function As a condiment for food
seeds Overweight, gastrointestinal diseases brewed with food

A solution for compresses is prepared as follows: 3 drops of essential oil are dissolved in 15 ml of water. Use immediately, store in the refrigerator for up to a week. The composition of the washing solution is somewhat different: in a liter boiled water add 20 ml of infusion, which is easy to prepare yourself. 15 g dried leaves pour 100 ml of water and keep in a water bath for half an hour. The liquid is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 7 days.


Basil based drinks

    To prepare a cough drink, you need to throw 8-9 leaves of the plant and a chopped clove of garlic in 100 g of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. You can add honey and ginger root. Drink 3-4 times a day.

    With flu and colds, basil tea helps well: the leaves are brewed with boiling water along with cardamom, cloves, milk is added. As soon as the drink cools down a bit, you can drink. Consume after every meal.

    With chronic flatulence: brew 2 teaspoons of dried leaves with 200 ml of boiling water. During the week we drink 2 cups a day, take a break for 2 weeks, repeat the course.

    Recipe for cystitis, stomach ulcers and cough: mix 2 teaspoons of basil juice in equal proportions with water and honey. Drink 2 times a day before meals.

    Fortifying tea: 2 tablespoons of dry leaves, pour 300 g of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink 1 glass a day. The course is 10 days, then you need to take a break for 10 days. To achieve the effect you need 3 courses.

    Healthy and tasty lemonade: mix 20 g of fresh basil, 2 lemons, 250 ml of ice and 750 ml of water in a blender. Drink immediately.

seed dessert

Basil seeds help to remove toxins, speed up metabolism. For delicious and healthy recipe 1 teaspoon of seeds is poured with water at room temperature, stirred. After a few minutes, the seeds will swell and become like eggs. Before use, add fruits, berries, yogurt or coconut milk. In Asian countries, seeds are added to drinks: juices, smoothies, milkshakes.

Basil - features and nuances of use in men

In addition to the restorative effect on the body, basil is important for men's health in that it contributes to the normalization reproductive function enhances potency and sex drive. Applying it as natural aphrodisiac was popular in ancient india. beneficial effect plants on male body explained as follows: the microelements present in the composition improve blood circulation, positively affect endocrine function stabilize blood glucose levels. Iron is needed for correct operation nervous system, potassium and magnesium - to strengthen blood vessels, and zinc - to restore hormonal levels.

The most simple, but no less effective method the use of basil for men is a tea, infusion or decoction of the leaves of a plant as a biologically active additive to food.

    To make a decoction to enhance potency, you need 4 tablespoons fresh leaves plants pour 1 liter of boiling water and cook for 7-10 minutes. Then you need to let the drink brew for half an hour. Take 3 times a day, 75 ml after meals. You can add honey and lemon.

    To make tea, it is enough to pour 50 g of fresh leaves into 1 liter of boiling water and brew like regular tea. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day.

To make the drink even more effective, you can diversify the composition for decoction or tea with rosemary, sage, mint, thyme, raspberry and currant leaves. You can’t expect a magical momentary effect from a remedy when erectile dysfunction. The first results usually appear after 2 weeks of regular use. The course is 1 month. It is also useful for men to add to hot bath basil essential oil. it great way relax, relieve stress and recharge your batteries. The recommended dose is 10 drops per bath. And, of course, do not forget about eating fresh basil.

Useful properties and secrets of use for women

Basil is recommended to be included in the diet of women with disabilities menstrual cycle and strong menstrual pain. Can you eat basil during pregnancy? On the one hand, the leaves of this plant are able to eliminate the symptoms of toxicosis, cure headache, increase immunity - in particular, resistance to viral diseases. In addition, pregnant women are usually deficient in vitamins and minerals, and basil is a source of beneficial trace elements. The potassium contained in the basil saves from cramps, the iron helps to cope with anemia, and the calcium helps to strengthen bones and teeth.

In doing so, it must be borne in mind that a large number of essential oils present in the composition of the plant, increases the tone of the uterus. With excessive use of basil this feature plants threaten miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, with a tendency to hypertonicity of the uterus, you can not use the product. In the first and third trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to eat basil in an amount of no more than 20 g and no more than 2 times a week. Another contraindication is the instability of blood pressure during pregnancy. And, of course, it is necessary to introduce basil into the diet carefully: individual intolerance may be absent in a woman, but it may manifest itself in a child.

But the external use of basil has no contraindications during pregnancy. Moreover, inhalations, decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of the plant will help out future mother at the moment when the most harmless diseases threaten with complications, and the use medications has a lot of limitations.

Basil should be used with caution during pregnancy

During the period breastfeeding basil, like any other product, should be introduced into the menu of a nursing mother with caution. One side, this product promotes increased lactation, improves digestion and has a beneficial effect on nervous system On the other hand, it can become an allergen for the baby. Greens and spices - including basil - are recommended to be added to the diet when the child is 3 to 6 months old. Try to introduce basil into the diet, preferably in minimum quantities in the first half of the day - if no negative reaction is observed in 2 days, the dose can be gradually increased.

Basil for skin and hair beauty

Many care products mature skin contain basil oil: substances contained in the plant contribute to the elimination of wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, protect against harmful effect sun rays. Here are a few recipes for anti-aging masks based on basil, which are enough to do once a week:

    Grind ½ avocado and 5 fresh basil leaves with a blender. Apply the resulting paste on the face, wash off after 15 minutes.

    Mix 10 crushed fresh leaves with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and the same amount of milk powder. Dilute with purified water until a thick slurry is obtained, apply on face for 10 minutes.

    Grind in a blender 3 basil leaves and ½ fresh cucumber. Apply the mixture on your face, wait 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.

    Mix the crushed dry basil leaves and fatty cottage cheese in a ratio of 2:1, apply to the face. Wait until the mixture dries, rinse with warm water.

Other indications for the use of basil for facial skin are inflammation, acne, increased fat content. You can make your own face mask by grinding fresh basil leaves in a blender. The resulting mass should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Such a simple recipe will help to normalize the work sebaceous glands, and the camphene present in the composition of the leaves will make the procedure not only useful, but also pleasant: the basil mask has a mild cooling and soothing effect. Use the product 1-2 times a week for 2 months.

A decoction of basil can be used instead of a facial tonic - such a tool will help refresh the complexion and forget about acne. To prepare a decoction, you need to grind 3 tablespoons of fresh leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. When using dried leaves, reduce the amount of raw materials by 2 times. Another use is to make cosmetic ice from the decoction and wipe your face with it every morning. Will be useful for problematic skin and Fresh Juice basil - it is applied pointwise to areas prone to inflammation, 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

Basil-based products also help with hair loss. To strengthen hair, accelerate their growth and add shine, it is enough to use an infusion of basil leaves as a rinse after each shampoo. To prepare the infusion, brew 1 tablespoon of fresh leaves with 0.5 liters of water and let it steep for 30-40 minutes. You can complicate the recipe by adding mint leaves and rosemary. In this case, all ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

Basil for face skin and hair can be used as a self-sufficient remedy or added to the usual masks, creams and shampoos. An effective method is the enrichment of cosmetics with basil essential oil: the recommended dosage is 2-3 drops of oil per 100 ml of product.

For weight loss

Thanks to its ability to speed up metabolism, basil is a faithful companion for almost any diet. The easiest way to use is to add fresh or dried leaves to dishes. The calorie content of food will practically not change from this, but the metabolic rate will be significant. Another way that does not require much effort is to eat basil seeds with herbal teas, fruit or vegetable smoothies, fat-free yogurts. Before cooking, just pour the seeds clean water and leave for 5-7 minutes to swell.

You can make a drink based on basil and ginger. To do this, we need 1 grated ginger root, 5-6 chopped basil sprigs and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix all the ingredients, add a little sugar and yeast. The first day the drink is infused at room temperature, the second day - in the refrigerator, and on the third day the "lemonade" is ready for use. It is enough to drink 2-3 glasses of the drink a day, and after 2-3 weeks you will notice the result. Maximum duration admission - 1 month. Another option is to add fresh or dry basil leaves to tea 2-3 times a week. In this case, the duration of use is unlimited.

Like any medicine, too much basil turns into a poison that can cause severe poisoning. When using a decoction or infusion for rinsing the mouth, the dosage should be observed: some substances that make up the basil tend to destroy tooth enamel. The use of basil has contraindications. Of course, there can be no complications due to a couple of leaves of the plant, but you should refrain from more significant amounts without consulting a doctor if you have one of the following diseases:

    low blood pressure;

    cardiovascular diseases;


    coagulation disorders;

    cardiac ischemia;


If basil is not yet an integral part of your diet, be sure to try using it as a seasoning - the taste of the "royal herb" is very interesting. Experiment with the types and varieties of basil - and soon you will become so friendly with him that the need to take basil as a medicine will disappear by itself. Combine business with pleasure!

If you have any difficulties or problems - you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

Pregnancy is a period when a woman's eating habits can change drastically. But the requirements for products remain: dishes must be not only nutritious and safe, but also tasty. Various spices and seasonings help to make them so. Basil has a wonderful aroma, and its leaves contain many beneficial substances. But during the bearing of a child, strict restrictions are imposed on its use. This is a medicinal plant that has its own side effects and contraindications.

Aromatic and exotic basil

Botanists call basil Ocimum basilicum, and among the people it is known as a noble, royal or royal herb - all thanks to original taste, spicy aroma, unique medicinal properties and high content essential oils. The birthplace of the plant is considered to be India. Today, basil is cultivated in Europe, the USA, tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean countries. There are more than 200 types of basil in the world. They differ in the color and shape of the leaves, aroma and healing effect.

Chefs love this herb for its pleasant spicy smell and add it to dishes as a spice or in fresh dressing salads with basil seeds. Cosmetologists appreciated healing properties essential oil obtained from the stems and leaves of the plant. His doctors and traditional healers did not ignore him.

In cooking, sweet basil (linalol) is more often used, in cosmetology - sweet and exotic (methyl chavicol), in medicine - sweet, exotic, methyl cinnamate, methyl eugenol.

Basil is grown in home gardens and in flower pots on the windowsill. It can also be found in flowerbeds in parks and gardens.

Such a demand for basil is quite understandable:

  • vitamin A in its composition, participating in protein and fat metabolism, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails, affects the sharpness of night vision, has antioxidant properties;
  • vitamin B9 ( folic acid) is responsible for the breakdown and assimilation of nucleic and amino acids, protein, promotes cell growth and division, prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • potassium and vitamin K help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fight varicose veins;
  • iron prevents the occurrence of anemia (anemia);
  • calcium is good for dental health;
  • magnesium and omega-3 fatty acid contribute to increased brain activity;
  • essential oils(there are about 1.5% of them in the ground part of the plant) soothe and relax the nervous system, disinfect, regenerate, rejuvenate and nourish the skin.

Basil has an antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulating, antioxidant, astringent, mild diuretic effect. It encourages work digestive system and prevents the formation of "bad" cholesterol.

Royal grass - video

Can pregnant women eat basil

During the period of bearing a child, doctors do not recommend eating basil, despite all its benefits. It may influence contractility uterus, which is dangerous for abortion. In addition, the plant contains substances that accumulate in the body and have a teratogenic ( defiant appearance defects and anomalies) effect on the fetus.

In this context, it is absolutely necessary to recall the so-called emmenagogues (“emmenagogue” is translated as “inducing menstruation”). Emmenagogues include drugs and medicinal plants that provoke menstrual bleeding. Their action is most often based on provoking endometrial detachment and uterine contractions, so they can be dangerous for pregnancy.<…>Basil is an emmenagogue, has an abortive and teratogenic effect.

Contraindications and precautions during pregnancy

The use of basil during pregnancy requires strict adherence to the following rules:

  • you can not eat spice every day;
  • an absolute ban on the use of the plant is the threat of abortion;
  • basil is contraindicated in diseases of the cardiovascular system, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis of the extremities, diabetes, high level blood clotting, problems with blood pressure;
  • if a woman has not tried basil before conception, you should not do this before childbirth (in addition to the negative effect on the body, allergic reactions may occur).

A single dose of a medicinal plant, the effect of which on the fetus is unknown or known to be Negative influence, most often will not bring harm if the dose active substance small. Frequent or permanent reception medicinal plants can lead to complications of pregnancy and even to its termination. Therefore, the use by pregnant women medicinal herbs and preparations created from medicinal raw materials should be strictly justified and careful.

Berezovskaya E.P., obstetrician-gynecologist, researcher, author of books, publicist

If during pregnancy you really want basil, you can eat it quite a bit: as a seasoning, like greens in salads or soups, add a few leaves to tea. From the use inside the juice of the plant, infusions and decoctions from it, as well as essential oil, must be abandoned.

Danger early and late

On the early dates Pregnancy, a plant in large quantities can provoke uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage, disturbances in the formation and development of the fetus, in the later stages - digestive disorders, irritation of the mucous membranes, and increased blood pressure. During pregnancy, he rare cases prescribed by a physician medicine, but only when more safe replacement medicinal product for some reason is not possible.

Basil essential oil during pregnancy is contraindicated (including external use) due to high concentration biologically active substances contained in it

Methods of use

Basil is an essential oil plant that is added as a spice during cooking. Its aroma goes well with meat, cheese, fish, poultry. They are seasoned vegetable salads, appetizers, sauces, soups.

fresh and dried

In season, basil is best eaten fresh, as it loses up to 30% of its beneficial properties when dried. When cooking dishes that are subjected to heat treatment, it is better to add it 10–15 minutes before the end, otherwise the aroma of the herb will disappear, and the food will acquire a specific bitter taste.

Salad with tomatoes, cheese and basil

Basil complements the taste of cheese and tomatoes very well.


  • tomatoes - 4-5 pieces of medium size;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • basil - 1-2 shoots;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.


  1. Rinse the tomatoes and basil under running water, peel the onion.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into slices, onions into thin half rings, cheese into cubes (or grate on a coarse grater), tear the basil with your hands.
  3. Put everything in a deep bowl.
  4. Season the salad with salt, pepper, olive oil and mix.

Fish baked in the oven with tomatoes, cheese and basil

For this dish, it is better to choose low-fat river fish- perch, pike.


  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • salt, pepper, chopped garlic - to taste;
  • 4-5 medium tomatoes;
  • hard cheese - 100–150 g;
  • fresh basil - leaves from 2 shoots;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil.


  1. Grease a baking dish with olive oil.
  2. Rinse the fish fillet under running water, dry with a paper towel, rub with a mixture of salt, pepper, garlic and put in a mold.
  3. Drizzle fish fillet not large quantity olive oil.
  4. Wash the tomatoes, remove the skin from them, cut into slices and put on top of the fillet.
  5. Sprinkle with basil leaves and grated cheese.
  6. Drizzle with remaining olive oil.
  7. Place the mold in a preheated oven and bake at 180–200°C for 15–20 minutes.

Unlike fragrant, ordinary basil does not have such a rich, spicy aroma, but it is no less tasty and healthy. Due to the high content of vitamins, tannins and other elements, this plant is an excellent tonic. What is the use of basil, who is categorically not recommended to use this spice, and what can be prepared on the basis of this herb - to your attention on this page.

What are the benefits of basil and how to eat it

Basil is a spicy-aromatic plant belonging to the mint herb family, whose homeland is considered South Asia, where this plant is used in culinary and medical purposes for over 5 thousand years.

The word "basil" comes from the Greek "caesar", as in Greek and other Mediterranean cuisines, this plant was considered the king of aromatic herbs.

It is curious that in Ancient Rome Basil was believed to bring prosperity, and in India, this herb was considered sacred.

There are about 70 types of basil. The most common basil is ordinary, or fragrant. It has oblong bright green leaves and has a strong peppery-cool smell and a bitter but fresh taste.

You can see a description of the beneficial properties and photos of basil below:

In addition to the taste and aroma, basil also has useful ones, since its leaves and shoots contain carotene, rutin, tannins, provitamin A, sugar and many macro-and.

Depending on the type and degree of freshness, basil leaves contain up to 2% essential oils. In addition, basil and even.

It tones the body, restores strength, calms the nervous system during stress, has a decongestant effect.

Used for oral care, helps with respiratory diseases, high fever, asthma, lung diseases and.

However, not everyone can eat this spice in unlimited quantities. Contraindications to the use of basil are:

  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • An overdose of basil essential oil is also very dangerous, even fatal.
  • Basil should not be taken with medicinal purpose during pregnancy and lactation.

How can you eat basil and what is prepared based on this plant? Basil is used primarily as a spicy seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. Basil-based pesto is widely used in Italy.

Recipe for making Basil Pesto Sauce

How to make Italian Basil Pesto Sauce?


2 bunches of basil, 70-80 g parmesan cheese (can be replaced with any hard cheese), 2 tbsp. spoons pine nuts, 3-4 cloves of garlic, 100-120 ml of olive or vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Sequentially grind all the ingredients in a mortar, adding drop by drop. If you need to speed up the preparation of the Basil Pesto according to this recipe, you can use a blender and beat everything together until smooth.

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Any dish will be healthy and fragrant if you decorate it with a sprig of basil. Basil has many useful and medicinal properties for good health. No wonder it used to be called royal or royal grass. To get from this spicy herb as much as possible more benefit and less harm, you need to know the secrets of its use. This will be discussed today.

This plant is familiar to many. It has a specific, rather fresh aroma. Currently, breeders have bred many varieties of this plant. Depending on the variety, you can smell the smell of pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, camphor, lemon, cloves, caramel ... Green and purple varieties are distinguished by color. By chemical composition all varieties are slightly different from each other.

Here is the most valuable thing that this plant contains.

  • The main thing is a large number of essential oils, very complex in composition. Those smells that we feel, these are the smells of essential oils. They have a very strong bactericidal effect. Of particular note is efgenol - this is part of the essential oils that have antispasmodic properties.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins - A, beta-carotene, E. A lot of vitamin K (this is a hemostatic factor). It is contained in the basilica more than 3 daily allowance, 10 times more than celery and 30 times more than orenago.
  • From water soluble vitamins- there are B vitamins, vitamin C, rutin (vitamin P), which belongs to bioflavonoids.
  • Of the minerals, there is potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.
  • Amino acids, fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6), bioflavonoids, phytoncides, terpenoids (camphor), a large amount of indigestible dietary fiber.

The nutritional value is 23 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Useful properties of basil

Basil is a herb revered by the people since ancient times. In India, this spicy herb is revered as a sacred plant. It is believed that without this plant there will be no health and happiness in the house. AT Ancient Italy she personified the grass of love.

What are the health benefits of basil?

  • Essential oils have a strong bactericidal effect, have a detrimental effect on listeria, ischerichia coli, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • Efgenol relieves spasms and inflammation. This is especially noticeable when inflammatory diseases joints, including rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinones) has hemostatic properties.
  • Used as an expectorant for colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and in smokers;
  • As a digestive and assimilation aid nutrients taken for diseases of the stomach. Helps to cope with flatulence;
  • Phytoncides perfectly reduce body temperature during viral and fungal infections, destroy protozoa;
  • Relieves headaches, including migraine, toothache and menstrual pain;
  • The disinfecting effect of basil helps with wounds and ulcers in the oral cavity, for example, with stomatitis;
  • Possesses astringent action which is good for gum disease. By chewing a leaf, you can stop bleeding during periodontal disease;
  • It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, as the composition contains potassium. In addition, the plant helps to get rid of excess cholesterol;
  • Has a calming property. Added to food or simply chewed on a leaf, basil will help to cope with stress. And adding to food will help improve sleep and improve memory;
  • Displays uric acid, which means that it will be useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones;
  • Basil has antioxidant properties free radicals and removes their negative effect on the body;
  • Increases immunity after serious illnesses, including in cancer patients and in patients with HIV infection;
  • It is an aphrosiac, stimulates and enhances sexual desire and sexual activity. It will be useful for both men and women.


Basil irritates the mucous membranes of all organs. For this reason, it should not be taken in large quantities.

With a strong blood-clotting effect, it should be limited or completely excluded from the diet for people suffering from:

  • blood clotting disorders,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • and taking blood thinners such as warfarin.

Overdose when using basil essential oil is dangerous and can even lead to lethal outcome. Prolonged chewing of the leaves can also be dangerous, as the leaves contain mercury.

Folk ways to use basil

Basil in traditional medicine used in the form of infusions, tinctures, teas, decoctions, of course, fresh. Apply internally and externally.

Even in ancient times, basil leaves were rubbed, white sesame oil was added, and this mixture was used for skin diseases. An infusion of basil and black sesame seeds helps reduce high temperature helps with colds. Exhausted women in labor were helped by crushed basil leaves mixed with sour milk, the remedy gave them strength.

  1. To soften corns, apply gruel from basil leaves to the corn.
  2. For headaches, grated gruel from the leaves is applied to the temples and the back of the head.
  3. A tea made from the dried leaves can help lower blood pressure and give you energy.
  4. For the treatment of wounds and cuts, baths from the infusion of leaves are used, and for sweating feet, baths with cold infusion are made.
  5. When you have a runny nose, inhale the aroma of basil leaves.
  6. A decoction of basil leaves helps with skin diseases, with a runny nose and for washing the eyes.
  7. From the leaves and flowers, you can make juice, which is used in a tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.
  8. To strengthen the gums, the juice should be kept in the mouth for 2 minutes. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry or fresh leaves brew in a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain. For appetite, with indigestion, take a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

At skin itching infusion is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. dry leaves in 0.5 liters of boiling water, brew, infuse, strain the infusion. Take half a glass before each meal. With the same infusion, you can wash your eyes with conjunctivitis.

To prepare a decoction for sore throat 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for another 20 minutes over low heat. Cool and strain. gargle with a warm decoction of a sore throat.

With otitis media 2 tbsp. l. brew dry raw materials in 0.5 liters of boiling water and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for another 10 minutes. Strain. With the resulting decoction, make a compress on the ear with otitis media for 1-2 hours.

To obtain a gruel for external use, basil leaves can be crushed using a meat grinder or blender. From the resulting slurry, you can then squeeze the juice.

How to choose basil when buying in a store?

If you do not have the opportunity to grow basil, now you can easily buy it in a store or market. When buying, pay attention to the following.

The grass must be juicy. Don't buy basil if it's thin and wilted. Such a purchase is unlikely to be useful. In order not to be deceived, tear off one leaf and grind it between your fingers, and then smell it. Fingers should smell.

How to save basil?

To spicy herb as long as possible remained fresh and kept everything useful material, after buying basil, put in a jar (glass) with cold water. And then store in the refrigerator. By changing the water in the container daily, the grass will stay fresh for a week.

For long-term storage collect leaves or cut the plant 10 cm from the top. It is better to collect greens when it has a large leafy mass. And it is better to do it before flowering. During flowering, essential oils and camphor in the leaves become less.

For long-term storage, basil can be frozen. At the same time, essential oils and vitamins are preserved long time. You can freeze in another way. Finely chop the washed and drained grass and mix it with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, linseed). Stir to make a thick paste. We fill the cells of the ice container with the resulting slurry. We put the container in the freezer. As soon as the mixture hardens, we shift the cubes into a plastic bag and put them back in the freezer until required.

All useful substances in the basil are preserved even when dried. To do this, the leaves are collected in dry weather and laid out in a ventilated room in the shade. It is better to store dried basil in glass or ceramic jars with a tightly ground cork. So dried leaves do not absorb foreign odors and moisture, and essential oils will not evaporate.

What is the right way to use basil?

In order for the spice to bring as many health benefits as possible, it is best to use it fresh. It is difficult to list all the dishes where you can add basil. These are all possible salads, hot soups, meat and fish dishes, pizza, etc. Add basil to the most last moment, when served. This is necessary in order for essential oils to reveal their wonderful aroma, and useful vitamins didn't collapse.

By the way, basil is included.

If you want to all year round use fresh basil in your recipes, grow it at home, on your windowsill. How to grow basil on the windowsill, watch this video.

Dear readers, after reading about all the beneficial properties of basil, you probably fell in love with it even more. And it's worth it. Grow it in your home gardens and just in your apartment on the windowsill. And be healthy!

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Basil is a medicinal spicy plant, whose homeland is considered to be India and some other Asian countries. The plant is widely used in cooking and folk medicine. spice has pleasant aroma and gives a refined taste to many dishes, the seeds of the plant are used as dressings for salads and some first courses.

In addition, basil is used for medicinal purposes: from colds, for good memory, strengthening of nervous tissues, fight against bronchitis, getting rid of excess weight etc. The plant is considered versatile, as it is used in combination with many other spices and herbs. Today it is difficult to find another similar plant that would have so many beneficial properties for human health.

Basil: useful properties

If you do not know what basil is good for, the following information will be very relevant for you. First of all, it is worth talking about unique composition plants:

  • the juice of the leaves of the plant and its oil contain carotene, rutin, vitamins C, PP;
  • contains up to 1.5% essential oil;
  • components that are important and useful for the body: ocimene, tannins, saponin;
  • many macro- and micronutrients.

Useful properties of basil:

  1. Strengthens immune system human being protected from various infections and colds.
  2. Prevents the appearance and development of fungal diseases.
  3. Has an antipyretic effect.
  4. Helps improve memory and brain activity.
  5. Compresses based on basil, as well as teas prepared with the addition of this plant, help with headaches.

Is basil good for weight loss? A separate paragraph will be devoted to the answer to this question, but it should immediately be noted that the plant is often used for weight loss, since it contains few calories and helps to remove harmful substances from the body.

Basil: contraindications

Why is basil harmful if it has such a large amount positive properties? First of all, it is worth using the product in moderation. Abuse of the plant can lead to undesirable consequences and exacerbations of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Basil contraindications:

  • Contraindicated in people suffering from epilepsy.
  • Not recommended for use in early pregnancy.
  • The plant is irritating gastrointestinal tract which can lead to poisoning.
  • Contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.
  • Individual intolerance.

As you can see, the harm from basil is not too dangerous, but you should be careful when taking preparations and products based on this plant so as not to encounter unpleasant situations.

Basil and weight loss

You can use basil for weight loss, for this you do not need to invent any diet, come up with tricky recipes. It is enough to add basil to different diet meals. The plant will not reduce the calorie content of these dishes, but it will speed up the metabolic process and improve digestion.

For weight loss, basil seeds are used, you can make an infusion from this plant. 100 g of the product contains only 24 kcal. This will allow you to lose weight without worrying about your own health.

How to lose weight with basil?

  1. Prepare drinks from plant seeds. Detailed recipe such a drink will be described later in the article.
  2. You can make baths with basil leaves. Thus, harmful substances will be removed from the body and excess fluid. In addition, the condition of your skin will improve.
  3. The spice is added to various vegetable salads, meat and fish dishes, soups.

You can lose weight with the help of basil in a fairly short period of time. The result will be doubly effective if you combine the use of basil with physical activity. At the same time, there is no need to exhaust yourself complete exhaustion, a few exercises in the morning will suffice.

It is quite possible to lose 5 kg in 1 week. You may not achieve such a result in the first week, but subsequently your body will begin to adapt to a new product, thanks to which overweight will leave pretty quickly and unnoticed by you.

Ways and amounts of the use of basil

  1. Take 1 tsp. basil seeds, pour warm water(no more than 100 ml), mix the seeds thoroughly in water, let it brew for 5 minutes. After the seeds of the plant swell, you can add to the cup natural juice or yogurt, drink a drink. This product is perfect for breakfast.
  2. Salad with basil. Prepare 2 zucchini, 2 tomatoes, 200-250 g green beans, 50 g basil, pepper to taste, vegetable oil, salt and garlic. Boil zucchini and beans separately for 2 minutes, refrigerate food. Remove the seeds from the pepper, chop it, chop the garlic and mix it with the oil and basil leaves. Mix all ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste. Tasty dish Done, you can start dieting.
  3. Ginger lemonade with basil. Grate the ginger root on a fine grater, squeeze the juice from 1 lemon. Cut 4 sprigs of basil, mix with a little sugar and water, add dry yeast. Pour the drink into a two-liter plastic bottle and leave it for a day in the kitchen, then put it in the refrigerator for another day. After that, the drink is ready to drink.

Basil during pregnancy

Can pregnant women take basil? This question worries many expectant mothers who love drinks and decoctions based on this plant. Many doctors prohibit the use of plant-based products and preparations in early pregnancy. Subsequently, it is recommended to limit the use of the product to 2 times a week.

Basil during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the immune system of a woman, helps to cope with infections and is used for toxicosis. At the same time, one should be wary of poisoning by this plant, as well as premature birth due to the abuse of basil.

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