Hair restoration in men - focal, drugs. Causes of hair loss and restoration of their growth. Coconut milk and oil

Remedies for hair loss in men are actively interested. Today, partial or complete loss of hairline is a common problem for the male population.

But some males are even proud to have a bald spot on their heads, because in part it is fashionable.

And other men, on the contrary, are embarrassed by thinning hair and are struggling with baldness.

Before you find effective medicine from hair loss, you need to find the cause of their loss.

It depends on what treatment will be prescribed and what the result will be.

Prerequisites for the appearance of baldness

Usually, the causes of thinning hair are physiological. Doctors divide all the factors that led to the loss of hair density into groups.

Hair loss can be caused by:

  • telogen miasma - a consequence of experienced stress, long illness, complex surgery or severe infection;
  • a side effect of taking pills for cancer and heart disease, for hypertension and arthritis;
    lupus, syphilis, disease thyroid gland;
  • poor nutrition, lack of iron and zinc, deficiency of biotin and protein;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • fungus, infectious herpes zoster disease;
  • an autoimmune disease called alopecia.

But in men, thinning of the hairline can be observed due to a hereditary predisposition to baldness.

And some men have a bald head, because for the male half this is quite typical. They have a growing bald spot at the forehead, and the hair is thinning at the top of the head.

A man can begin to lose density in his hair at any time, regardless of age. This can even happen to teenagers.

Hair loss is caused by the tendency to baldness, inherited, male hormones ( high level testosterone) and advanced age.

An accurate diagnosis will be made only by a doctor who will check the condition of the follicles and hair shafts, and examine the scalp.

After all the tests, the specialist will tell you what treatment is needed, what drugs to take.

Hair restoration products

Medications that can restore hair former density, now a lot. It inhibits the necrosis of follicles and restores the growth of hairline such a drug as minoxidil.

Antiandrogenic drugs are prescribed when it is necessary to reduce the effect on the body and specifically on hair follicles male sex hormone.

The composition of these preparations include oils from red currant, cereals or avocado, so that they penetrate deeper into the roots of the hairline.

Experts have found that elevated hormone levels become a barrier to vitamin B6.

Therefore, treatment with preparations containing plant substances can save from hair loss. These are nettle leaves, St. John's wort, red clover and dwarf palm fruits.

Hair will grow if you hold special treatment and renew skin cells. The condition of the epidermis is improved by products containing lactic acids.

This ingredient removes hardened skin cells, stimulates blood circulation, which leads to the formation of a new epidermis.

Drug treatment with drugs may be accompanied by physiotherapy. This includes taking vitamins, walking on fresh air, physical education, diet and hardening of the body.

Physiotherapy treatments, such as massage or ultrasound, have a general strengthening effect.

But the frequency and nature of these procedures should be determined by the doctor, otherwise there is a risk of only aggravating the situation.

Hair treatment in men is often carried out with the help of electrical stimulation.

It makes the follicles revitalize and encourages them to enter the growth phase. The equipment used for this supplies a current of different voltages.

Sometimes drugs are injected into the skin during electrical therapy. This procedure called electrophoresis.

This treatment is very effective, because even a small amount of of the drugs involved can have the maximum effect.

Folk remedies for thinning hair

To cause hair growth in men, it is enough to massage the head every time while taking a shower.

Concretely, you need to spray lightly warm water turn your head and massage it for several minutes with your fingertips.

As a result, blood flow to the hair follicles is better carried out, which makes the hair grow faster.

A good way to protect hair from falling out is to rub a lotion made on the basis of nettle and vinegar into them. To cook it, you need to cut the nettle, you should get about 5 tablespoons.

Crushed leaves are poured with water in an amount of 0.5 liters. Then two tablespoons (tablespoons) of vinegar are added to it, preferably natural apple cider vinegar.

The resulting product is put on a small fire and boiled for half an hour. After removing it from the stove, close the lid and leave to cool until room temperature. Before applying to the hair, the lotion is filtered.

This tool is rubbed into the roots at night, and you can apply it to your hair for a couple of hours before washing your hair. Treatment course lasts 2 months.

Treatment with folk methods restores hair well and protects it from falling out. The best remedy for stimulating hair growth in men is onions.

Only after using it, the hair smells unpleasant, but you can endure it to get the result.

To achieve the desired effect, gruel from grated onion is applied to the roots at intervals of once or twice a week. You can add a couple of teaspoons of honey to this.

Men's hair will be protected from falling out by a mixture of onion and garlic in equal proportions. A little cognac is poured into this remedy for baldness - one tablespoon.

If there is no cognac at home, then it can be replaced with pepper tincture.

Since homemade onion and garlic products are stinging and acting quickly, the appropriate time for their exposure to the scalp is a maximum of 40 minutes.

Herbal decoctions for the treatment of men's hair

Common folk methods against baldness of the scalp in men are applied to the hair herbal decoctions. They are recommended to be rubbed into the hair once every two days.

Recipes for effective decoctions:

  • Calamus and burdock roots are taken, finely chopped on a board (one tablespoon each) and poured hot water three hundred grams. The crushed roots are boiled over low heat for only 15-20 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and cooled;
  • 3 spoons of linden inflorescences are used. The decoction is prepared similarly to the previous one;
  • The bark of oak, willow and medicinal plant thyme is cut, one tablespoon of each component is enough. The ingredients are poured with hot water (1.5 cups) and boiled for a little more than 20 minutes. Strained and cooled broth is rubbed before going to bed or washing your hair 3 hours before.

Hair loss in men is stopped by decoctions that should be rinsed with hair after shampooing. Hops help against baldness.

The cones of this plant are boiled in water for about half an hour. The hair is rinsed with filtered and cooled broth, making light massage movements.

Saving men from baldness can also consist in rinsing thinned hair with a decoction brewed from two tablespoons of nasturtium buds.

Pour half a liter into the container with the ingredient hot water waiting for the broth to cool down.

A decoction of dried flowers of medicinal plants - coltsfoot and calendula - can prevent hair loss.

It is necessary to pour hot water over 1 tablespoon of these herbs in a 500-gram container. The mixture should be boiled for about 20 minutes. Rinse your hair with this decoction after shampooing.

Masks from improvised home remedies

The first mask that helps hair grow is oil. It perfectly nourishes weak hair, having a beneficial effect on hair follicles.

Many folk methods with the use of a mask are based on the use castor oil.

To make such a mask, you need to heat 4 large tablespoons of oil in a water bath and add a few drops of essential oil to them.

They can be cedar or pine oil. The finished composition is rubbed into the roots, while massaging the head.

Then the head is covered with polyethylene and a towel so that the head is warm and the hair follicles better absorb nutrients. The mask is washed off the hair with shampoo, after waiting a few hours.

This procedure is carried out every 3-4 days, the total course of treatment should fit into 10 applications of the mask.

It can be periodically alternated with burdock.

A folk way to strengthen falling hair, known for centuries, is washing your hair with egg yolk.

Shampoo is not required here. Do not wait for the effect after one application of the procedure. It will take a long course of treatment in 15 such head washing techniques.

You can add a couple of drops of aloe juice to the yolk, this will have a beneficial effect on sensitive scalp.

Even table salt can return hair. But it is applicable only on dry hair.

With this method of hair restoration, small salt granules are used to avoid microtraumas on the head.

Salt is simply rubbed into the hair for about 15 minutes. This method is used only once a week for a month and a half.

What folk methods are effective against hair loss, you can find out by looking at the reviews on the use of certain lotions, masks and decoctions.

How to choose a remedy for baldness

Treatment of baldness in men is prescribed strictly after a thorough diagnosis and identification of the root cause of the disease. Hair may fall out different reasons: stress, malnutrition, hormonal disruptions and others. The chosen method of treatment depends on them and suitable remedy from male pattern baldness. Only experienced specialist will be able to prescribe a course that can really cure alopecia.

Androgenic alopecia

This type of male pattern baldness is due to hormonal disruptions in the body. This may be due to a transitional age or some kind of endocrine system disorder. The transition of the male hormone testosterone into its active form in the form of dihydrotestosterone is dangerous. It adversely affects the hair follicle, provoking large-scale loss. A man has bald patches on his forehead, and then on the parietal zone. The hairline on the sides and on the back of the head remains healthy. There are several types of this baldness according to the type of distribution:

  • U-shaped;
  • nesting;
  • diffuse;

There is also androgenetic alopecia, which differs from the above in that the predisposition to baldness is transmitted along with the genes from one of the parents (often from the mother). This type of baldness is diagnosed in 96% of all men who lose their hair. Treatment, as a rule, is associated with the normalization of hormonal processes and the functioning of the endocrine system.


This type of hair loss is characterized by focal lesions scalp that have round shape. In most cases, the disease manifests itself due to failures in the immune system of a man, which leads to damage to the follicles. The cause of alopecia areata can be:

  • general anesthesia;
  • viral disease, transferred earlier;
  • emotional stress.


The cause of the manifestation of the disease is a malfunction in the body. There are two types of this type of baldness in men:

  1. anogenic alopecia. It leads to poisoning of the body with poisons, chemotherapy, radiation, which is practiced in the treatment of cancer.
  2. Telogen alopecia. Emotional upheavals, some hereditary diseases, and diet provoke its development.


Viruses, fungi and bacteria that affect the scalp can cause such alopecia. Sometimes the disease can develop after an injury - physical (mechanical or thermal). Under its influence, damage occurs hair follicles, which can no longer be restored, they overgrow connective tissue. For this reason, the hair in this place no longer grows.

Medical treatment

It is important to consult a doctor at the first stage of the manifestation of the disease. Treatment of male pattern baldness can be truly effective if the causes of hair loss are addressed immediately. Problem drug therapy in that with more late stages it has only a symptomatic effect. After stopping the pills, the hair returns to its previous state. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a specialist when choosing drugs.

Hair loss pills

  1. Finasteride (Propecia). The action of the drug is aimed at blocking destructive action male hormones. It is recommended to take the medication for 5-6 months, after which 80% of men experience an improvement in the condition of the hair.
  2. Corticosteroids. These are serious hormonal agents which should be prescribed only by a doctor.
  3. Vitamin complexes. One of the causes of baldness is a lack of useful substances. Among the effective multivitamin complexes, Vitrum Beauty, Revalid, Pantovigar are distinguished.


  1. Anthralin (Drithocreme). Available in the form of a cream that effectively fights androgenetic alopecia. Apply it to the affected areas and hold for several minutes, then rinse with water. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the damage to the hairline.
  2. Minoxidil. Foreign remedy for the treatment of male pattern baldness. Designed for local use. It is applied only to those parts of the head where the prolapse process is active. The course lasts at least six months, the application - 2 times a day. Effective in the middle and early stages of baldness.

Physiotherapy treatment for hair loss

In cases of malnutrition of the follicles and microcirculation in the skin of the head, physiotherapy will be effective. physical impact reinforces metabolic processes, increases the degree of penetration, absorption nutrients. The methods described below are effective only in the initial stages of baldness. With an impressive fallout, the proper effect may not appear. Modern procedures for the treatment of baldness are:

  • microcurrent therapy;
  • iontophoresis;
  • cryotherapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • vacuum massage.


In the later stages, in some cases, only hair transplantation helps, which is surgical operation. This method, although radical, has the most high percent reliability in the fight against developing baldness. There are several types of possible procedures:

  1. Transplantation. Insensitive hairs are transplanted from the back of the head to the top of the head. The method is ideal for baldness only on the top of the head.
  2. Patchwork plastic. In the presence of a small area of ​​baldness, a part of the scalp is stretched, on which healthy hair continues to grow.
  3. Scalp reduction. With a clear and defined bald spot on the crown, this technique is used.

Treatment for hair loss folk remedies

In addition to pharmacies, in order to stop or prevent baldness, folk remedies for hair loss are used. They can be used for prevention purposes. The compositions are effectively used not only to treat hair loss that has already begun in men. Homemade recipes are not as successful in coping with the problem as medical methods, but can act as additional funds.


  1. Treatment with castor burdock oil. Take 2 tbsp. l. both components and mix with mustard powder in the amount of 1 tablespoon. Prepare the mask 30 minutes before use, you can not store it even in the refrigerator. Apply the mixture on the scalp, massage thoroughly with gentle movements. Leave for no more than 20 minutes, then wash your hair using shampoo for hair loss for men. Use this folk remedy 2 times for every 7 days.
  2. For the treatment of baldness in men, you should grate the onion on a fine grater, mix it with honey and rub (no more than 2 times a month) into the scalp. Keep this mask up to 40 minutes, then you need to wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. You can get rid of baldness by mixing half a liter of table vinegar, water, adding 100 g of nettle leaves. Brew the mixture for 30 minutes. Rub the resulting product into the scalp for 7 days in a row before going to bed.


  1. To get rid of hair loss in men, use burdock root. Pour boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. on a small fire. Let the broth brew until it cools down. Twice a week after washing, rinse your head with it.
  2. Herbal decoction. To treat male pattern baldness, make a decoction of plantain, wormwood, sage, and lungwort. For a glass of a mixture of these herbs, take 1 liter of water and a tablespoon of honey. Rinse your hair after shampooing.

Video: How to stop baldness in men


Artem, 29 years old: Finasteride at the moment - the best remedy for hair growth on the head in men. It only makes sense to drink it if the root cause of hair loss has been excluded. In my case, this happened after a strong emotional shock. The pills helped in hair restoration and there was no relapse. He took antidepressants at the same time.

Leonid, 22 years old: I noticed the first signs of baldness and immediately ran to the pharmacy. I took the mixture medicinal herbs and made himself a rinse aid. I think that this saved me from total hair loss. I use a decoction as a prophylactic to prevent baldness. These herbs cost a penny, so everyone can afford them.

Valera, 19 years old: I had problems with my hair in adolescence. Hormones raged, and my hairline could not stand it. I was saved in a timely manner by a visit to the doctor, who prescribed me a medical course of treatment. By the age of 17, everything returned to normal, and this problem did not affect me anymore.

Why does hair fall out

There are many reasons why men lose their hair. There are more than 500 of them. Here are some causes of hair loss:

  • constant stress, chronic fatigue negatively affect the hair follicle. Its blood supply is disrupted and gradually it dies off;
  • Taking medications that have side effects;
  • Hormonal disruptions, disorders in the thyroid gland, nervous disorders;
  • Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • Injuries and burns that damaged the hairline. Hair does not grow on the formed scars;
  • Some skin diseases. Ringworm, dermatitis, seborrhea.

At intense fallout, thinning hair, baldness in different parts of the head, there are three types of treatment.

  • The use of drugs;
  • Laser therapy (LT);
  • Transplantation of own hair.

What are the drugs for hair growth in men

Due to the fact that there are many causes of alopecia in men, it is very difficult to restore the hairs. Nowadays, only two medications are used that restore hair growth. Please note that they are temporary. Therefore, they must be used constantly.

Minoxidil is a drug that is allowed in our country. It is produced in the form of an aerosol with a different percentage of concentration from 2-15%%. Affects hair follicles, stimulates their growth, slows down hair loss. You need to use it constantly to maintain the therapeutic effect.

Effects of Minoxidil on male hair

Thanks to the enzymes of potassium and sodium oxide, which are part of it, they penetrate into the cells of the hairline and stimulate their growth. By expanding the vessels, they deliver oxygen to the cells necessary for the growth of the hair follicle.

The drug acts directly on the hair follicles. Hair grows slowly. It takes 3-4 months to see results.

Side effect of the drug

Minoxidil is generally well tolerated, but it has side effects that you should pay attention to:

  • An allergic reaction may occur;
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • Urticaria, angioedema;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Fainting;
  • swelling of the extremities;
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • The formation of dandruff;
  • Dermatitis may appear.

If one of these signs appears, you should stop using the drug. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug inside - it is toxic.

How to use minoxidil

Apply the drug 2 times a day. The result will be visible in about 3-4 months. The effect of the drug is local character, it does not affect the causes of baldness associated with genetics. For the continuous growth of hairs, the drug must be used constantly.

The effectiveness of the drug is high if baldness began no more than 5-8 years. After about 10-12 years, places without hairline, hair follicles are overgrown with connective tissue, and new hairs do not grow. There are many reviews of this drug on various forums.

Finasteride is a drug that is taken orally. He blocks negative impact hormone that affects hair growth male body. It does not act on the disease itself, but on its consequence, so finasteride must be taken constantly.

The main purpose of this drug is to treat prostate Therefore, before you start taking a drug for hair growth, you should consult with your doctor.

Laser treatment and hair restoration

Laser treatment is used to restore hair growth. At home, a laser comb (darsonval) can be used, but for best effect you should contact a specialist. AT medical centers using more powerful lasers.

It should be noted that after the termination of laser treatment, the hair follicles return to their original state. Hair transplantation. The third method of hair restoration is surgical.

A hair follicle is transplanted from the temporal and occipital sides, to the places of baldness. Recently, new methods have been developed that give good results. In any case, hair transplantation is done in extreme cases when other methods have been tried.

Hair care rules

The condition of your hair is directly related to your diet. Eat more protein, as hair is made of it. Lack of protein in the body leads to brittle hair. Your diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits so that your body has enough vitamins and minerals.

You can supplement your diet with complex vitamins necessary for strengthening and hair growth.
Eat oatmeal, walnuts, beans, peas, they contain biotin, necessary for hair growth.

Perform daily hygiene procedures:

  • Every day, for 5 minutes, do a head massage. This procedure will improve blood circulation, have a beneficial effect on hair growth.
  • Men are advised to wash their hair more often, daily. The right shampoo and conditioner will help keep your hair looking its best.
  • Lead active image life, rest more often, know how to relax properly, do not expose your body to stress. Stress and chronic fatigue, very often, entail hair loss.

In this article, you learned which drugs act on hair restoration in men, subscribe to our website, share useful information with friends and acquaintances.

About Existing Tools

Traditional highly effective combined serums against hair loss and for the resumption of hair growth, such as, for example, Revivogen (USA), Simone (Spain), Timuskin (Germany), Xeno laboratory (France-Ukraine) and a number of others are based on 2 principles:

  • 1. Stimulating the nutrition of hair follicles based on the external use of vasodilators that open potassium channels (Minoxidil, Spironolankton, Aminexil, Dibaxidil)
  • 2. Inhibition of 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is directly responsible for stopping hair growth and hair loss. (Finasteride, Azelaic acid, beta-sitosterol, zinc salts, pyridoxine, etc.).

Drugs based on only one of these principles of action, such as Minoxidil (Regaine, Rogaine) or 5-alpha reductase inhibitors alone, have a weaker effect.

Serums combined action showed their sufficient efficiency, but not universality. Before achieving a result in stimulating hair growth, they require a rather long time and, as a rule, daily use. Moreover, the resumption of hair growth does not occur in everyone. Usually, with the help of these drugs, the effect of stopping hair loss is achieved, of different duration, depending on the drug (serum).

The question arises:

  • Is it possible, in principle, to create such drugs or serums that could really resume hair growth in men and women?
  • Is it possible to restore hair on bald areas of the head in men, even with prolonged baldness?
  • Can women count on hairline restoration even after menopause?

Research conducted at the University of Miami under the direction of Dr. Martha Savoy (USA) and a collaborative study of Laboratories Xeno Garches. France and "Xeno laboratory" Ukraine allowed to answer this question in the affirmative. Indeed, it is possible to create a drug or serum capable of returning lost hair to a person within a reasonable time, and its development is already underway.

Main cause of hair loss

To date, there is a problem of consistent theory regarding the causes of hair loss. While everyone agrees with the basic principles, a number of trichologists consider baldness to be an irreversible process, others consider it reversible, there are also some discrepancies on the main causes of hair loss. According to Xeno laboratory, the main causes of hair loss are hormonal disorders associated with dehydrotestosterone (DHT), and microcirculation disorders, as well as malnutrition of the hair follicles and excretion of decay products (potassium channels).

The mechanism of action of DHT is unique. In androgen-dependent hair of men and women, with the help of androgens (DHT) and estrogens (progesterone), hair growth and hair loss are regulated. When exposed to hair follicle receptors with dehydrotestosterone, the latter receive a signal to stop the function of hair production and move from the anagen phase to the catagen phase. Then the hair falls out, passing through the telogen stage and under the influence of estrogens already on the receptors of the hair follicles, they are stimulated to go into anagen, i.e. to new hair growth. But with age, starting already from the end of puberty, more and more hair does not return to the anagen phase, the hair follicle degrades, as if “dries out” and is no longer able to produce hair. Although at the same time, the theoretical possibility of restoring its functions remains, which is confirmed, among other things, by the research of scientists from the University of Helsinki. The complexity of understanding these processes is that follicle receptors respond to DHT or progesterone as regulators, mediators of turning on or off the function of hair production. Progesterone stimulates hair growth, DHT stimulates hair loss. This process is species-specific, genetically programmed, and in men it is much more pronounced than in women, due to the greater amount of free testosterone. But in women, part of the free testosterone is also converted to DHT with the help of 5-alpha reductase. However, in women, a significant part of the formed DHT is converted into progesterone, due to a greater amount of the aromatase enzyme than in men. Dr. Martha Savoia of the University of Miami has noted aromatase deficiency in severely balding men as well. The ratio of androgens and estrogens in the blood, both in men and women, is generally stable, although in women the fluctuations of this ratio still depend on menstrual cycle, pregnancy, etc.

The regulation of this ratio occurs precisely by enzymes, where 5-alpha-reductase acts to increase the formation of DHT from testosterone, and aromatase converts androgens into progesterone.

We know that the amount of DHT in both men and women is not fatal enough to cause androgenetic alopecia. Moreover, in balding men, the amount of DHT actually corresponds to the biological norm. And there is no need or benefit to inhibit 5-alpha reductase with finastrid, lowering blood levels of DHT just to slow down the process of hair loss. For women childbearing age use of finasteride is generally unacceptable. Why does hair fall out more and more with age, both in men and women? The problem lies in the ability of DHT to interact with the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin - sebium. DHT and sebium, when interacting, form a rather viscous resin-like substance, part of which is concentrated on the surface of the hair follicle. Not only does this substance begin to interfere with the normal nutrition of the follicle, including blocking potassium channels, it contains DHT, and DHT gives the follicle a constant signal to switch from anagen to catagen. At the same time, there is no longer any access of progesterone to the follicle to stimulate anagen. As a result, the anagen time is reduced, hair falls out more often, does not have time to grow, and this is actually the cause of alopecia. This is not an instant process. The formation of a substance from DHT and sebium around the follicle takes quite long time, the process of degradation of the hair follicle takes even more time. Therefore, baldness in men or significant hair loss in women does not occur immediately, but as the number of affected follicles increases.

More than 30 years ago, the vasodilator Minoxidil and its commercial analogues - Rogaine, Rogaine, etc. began to be used to combat hair loss and stimulate hair growth. The mechanism of action of Minoxidil has not been sufficiently studied, but the reduction of hair loss and even the regrowth of hair has been a side effect of it. It has been observed that Minoxidil acts on potassium channels, stimulating the production of prostaglandins, in particular PGF2a. Later, a similar effect was found in other potassium-sparing diuretics, such as Spironolancton. Minoxidil, being a “potassium channel opener” of cell membranes, stimulates an increase in ATP in follicle cells, which is seriously lacking when exposed to DHT on the hair follicle. As a result, the hair follicle simply “suffocates”. In addition, minoxidil stimulates the excretion of decay products and free radicals, the removal of which from the cells of the follicle under the influence of DHT- is very difficult. Thus, Minoxidil, in fact, enhances the nutrition of the hair follicle and normalizes its metabolism, which in some cases significantly contributes to the prolongation of the anagen phase and even the restoration of hair growth. However, maintenance of ATP levels and proper metabolism requires constant use of minoxidil, and hair growth stimulation occurs only in 5%-7%. In addition, minoxidil does not eliminate the underlying problem, but only counteracts it for a while. Then its effect weakens and disappears.

Later, after the effect of DHT on alopecia was sufficiently studied, it became necessary to limit its formation, at least in the scalp area. Since the synthesizer of DHT from testosterone turned out to be the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, it was necessary to search for means of inhibiting this enzyme, which led to a decrease in the formation of free DHT in the scalp area. For this, for example, plant extracts, in particular the extract of dwarf palm, nettle and a number of other plants, have been used and are being used. As it turned out later, the 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor in them is the plant phytohormone beta-sitosterol, which in itself does not affect a person in any way, but is a more active competitor of testosterone in the process of interacting with 5-alpha reductase. This leads to a decrease in the formation of DHT itself. There are other 5-alpha reductase inhibitors such as zinc salts, pyridoxine, azelaic acid, etc. The most modern cosmetic preparations In this direction, it is 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors that are used.

However, inhibition of 5-alpha reductase is still not a radical solution to the problem of hair loss and hair regrowth. The fact is that this inhibition cannot be long-term. Any inhibitor is quickly washed out through circulatory system from the interstitial fluid in the scalp, acting very a short time- no more than a couple of hours and does not have time to produce the desired effect. More successful is the use of sera containing 5-alpha reductase inhibitors with the help of hardware, for example for the D'arsonval apparatus or for iontophoresis, which is offered, for example, by Xeno laboratory. This is the only serum in the world that acts for at least a day, since in such a hardware way interstitial fluid gets much large quantity inhibitor than by simply applying the product to the scalp. In other cases, masks containing similar inhibitors are used, which are applied to the scalp for several hours, often at night, which increases the time of their action, but this method is so inconvenient and unaesthetic, especially with constant use, that they are universally reluctant to use it for a long time. time.

It is also obvious that the inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase, although an effective method, but due to the above circumstances, cannot be considered sufficiently radical.

Problems traditional methods treatment of alopecia and stimulation of hair growth

This technology is the latest development, which has no analogues in the world so far. It is only known that specialists from the largest American company Alergan are working on a similar problem, and the commercial production of a drug based on a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin PGF2a in the form of bimatoprost is expected, according to them, no earlier than 2020. This technology is based on the regeneration and stimulation of hair follicles. As you know, different types of follicles in the human body are isomorphic, that is, in this case they are stimulated in the same way. Since there are methods for stimulating other types of follicles, it is natural that the assumption has arisen that hair follicles that are in varying degrees of degradation and are no longer able to produce hair can also be stimulated by similar methods.

Xeno laboratory research in this area began in 2007. The goal was to create a combined serum that would regenerate and stimulate the follicles and ultimately restore hair growth.

A very difficult task turned out to be how to select necessary drugs, and their dosage, which would not affect the hormonal and enzyme levels as a whole, that is, it would be safe in accordance with the safety standards of the EEC, in accordance with the directive 76/768 EEC of 07/27/1976 (with all later additions and changes) for cosmetic products. In this case, the serum should not be a drug.

The serum contains a special lipid complex based on a highly purified deproteinized xeno derivative XENO-808®, which has a local follicle-stimulating effect and prostaglandins PGF2a and PGE1, which also have a follicle-stimulating effect, including the "opening" of potassium channels of cells, which is significant (tens of times ) is more powerful than Minoxidil.

They act only on the hair follicles as follows:

  • 1. Quickly, in a few days of use, restores the metabolism of degenerated follicles, in which they increase in size at least 4 times.
  • 2. Regenerates deeply degraded "sleeping" follicles up to the stage of hair production within the following limits:
  • 3. Accelerates hair growth up to 20-27 mm per month. It should be noted that even with baldness of at least 20-25 years, hairline restoration will be NOT LESS than 65%, which is often cosmetically sufficient.

At the same time, 70 volunteers were examined, recruited via the Internet and through advertisements, of which 36 were men and 34 were women. The proposed results of clinical and consumer trials were conducted on various project topics in:

  • 1. At Zaporozhye Medical University.
  • 2. At the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. Academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov RAS.
  • 3. At the Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology named after O.M. Merzeev AMS of Ukraine.
  • 4. In beauty salons and trichology centers:
  • - SPA Center "Oreanda", Yalta, Ukraine;
  • - Favorit VIP club, Kyiv;
  • And in a number of other salons in Ukraine, Russia and the USA.

Used test methods and equipment

  • 1. Phototrichography using a special digital video camera.
  • 2. Examination of hair roots.
  • 3. Laboratory tests and control (blood tests for LH, follicle-stimulating hormone, total testosterone, free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, prolactin, DHEA-S, androstenedione).
  • Blood tests were also carried out for T4-free, AT to TPO, TSH, and ferritin. A chemical analysis of the hair for minerals was carried out, the structure of the hair and its thickness were studied) In the tests, the HAIRXP PRO software and hardware were used.

Age up to 40 years - 16 people
Age up to 60 years - 20 people

Hair loss at the time of testing at least 50%. Anagen-catagen ratio before and after testing:

Changes in the trichogram, average result. Increase in average hair density from 260 to 350.

Age up to 30 years - 8 people)
Age up to 40 years - 10 people
Age up to 50 years in the premenopausal period - 6 people
Age up to 55 years in the stage of stable menopause - 10 people

Hair loss from 10% to 50%. Anagen-catagen ratio before and after testing:

Changes in the trichogram, average result. Increased average hair density from 250 to 350.

An increase in the amount of vellus hair that has passed into terminal stage from 45% to 80%.

The active components of the serum, and the local increase in the content of aromatase in the scalp zone caused by them, act on the hair follicles, neutralizing DHT almost immediately, including on the follicle receptors, turning it into progesterone. This leads to the breakdown of the formation of DHT-SEBIUM in the follicle area, cleansing the follicles and replacing DHT with progesterone. Follicles receive a signal to grow and regenerate. This process remains active for at least 72 hours. At the same time, neither an increase in the level of estrogen and the level of aromatase in the blood was noted.

In addition, the serum contains prostaglandins E1 and F2a, which are not only highly effective microcirculation enhancers, but also very powerful “potassium channel openers”, as already mentioned, superior to Minoxidil-5% per 1 ml. funds many times over! When applied topically to the scalp, these prostaglandins have no effect on blood pressure levels.
Prostaglandin PGE1 - affects primarily the level of microcirculation.
Prostaglandin PGF2a acts as a powerful potassium channel opener.

Serum "DETONATOR" also contains a complex of micro and macro elements, amino acids, oligopeptides, nucleosides, fatty acids, oligosaccharides - vital and exclusively physiological components. The serum does not have a clear allergenicity, and its active substances they penetrate well through the blood-brain barrier into the very depths of the skin, since the molecular weight of its constituent components is less than 9 N/m. One version of the DETONATOR serum contains substances that inhibit a local allergic-autoimmune reaction, which effectively counteracts alopecia areata (focal hair loss) and leads to the restoration of hair in the foci of hair loss on the scalp, at least at relatively early stages. The active substances included in the serum, including the complex of B vitamins, especially pyridoxine and panthenol, effectively improve all metabolic processes in the hair roots.

The serum works incredibly fast. Hair loss stops after 1-2 applications. Most men notice the beginning of hair growth on completely bald areas of the head within a month and a half after the start of daily use. Women also notice significant hair growth within a few months.

The serum not only stimulates the growth of new hair, but also at least 1/3 of the hair in the early stages of catagen, synchronously returns to the anagen stage, i.e. regrowth of hair.

Improves hair quality. They thicken and become shiny. One of the modifications of the “Xeno laboratory” serum “DETONATOR” against hair aging stimulates not only the improvement of hair quality, but also prevents the appearance of gray hair, and in a number of noted cases, hair pigmentation is restored.

Serum is indispensable for women in menopause, when hair loss is especially significant. But it should be remembered that during menopause, synchronization of hair cycles may occur and a significant part of the hair may be in the stage of the so-called. "frozen telogen". (telogen efluvium) The same applies to a certain number of men aged 50 and older. When the follicles are stimulated for 10-15 days, a temporary increase in hair loss may occur, as the old dead hair begins to fall out synchronously, as the follicles are activated. Then the fallout almost completely stops.

Serum is contraindicated during pregnancy, since the influence of even minor local effects of inhibition of 5-alpha reductase and an increase in aromatase synthesis, even in cosmetic doses, when exposed to the fetus, has not been studied. Serum has no other contraindications.

Vladimir Shkarupa
Director of Xeno laboratory

Baldness is a problem for many men, and as you know, baldness is an excessive hair loss due to their ill health or any problems with the body. What is considered normal hair loss? How to restore hair after baldness? And when the problem of baldness should be addressed increased attention? Let's talk about it on our Beauty and Health website!

Science has established that hair loss is considered excessive when more than 70-80 hairs per day fly off the head. But the loss of up to 50 hairs per day is an absolute norm and can only indicate a weakened immune system or beriberi.

Of course, the lack of vitamins, frequent stress, malnutrition affects the whole body, including the state of weakened hair follicles.

And it is almost impossible to create for yourself a comfortable and calm lifestyle in modern conditions. So what to do?

No one counts the amount of hair lost, and often never draws the line between "just shedding" and "excessive shedding." But permanent fallout hair leads to uniform thinning, partial or complete loss of hair in certain areas of the head, that is, to baldness. Therefore, you should not start the problem.

And the best way to maintain healthy hair in this case is to prevent hair loss. Prevention of hair loss and simultaneous strengthening of hair will help prevent excessive shedding and stop it at a certain stage.

I will share with you the most effective folk remedies from baldness and excessive hair loss, which you can apply at home.

So, folk remedies for baldness
Recipe number 1. Oil mask from baldness.

Oil masks and compresses are often used for hair care at home. And not in vain! After all, oils intensively nourish weakened hair, while strengthening the hair follicle. In the fight against baldness, a recipe based on castor oil will help, which can not only stop hair loss, but also activate their growth. To prepare the mask, 3-4 tablespoons of castor oil are heated in a water bath and 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang, basil, cedar or pine essential oil are added. The prepared mixture is rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements (you can use special brush or even dental. Next, the head is wrapped in plastic wrap and insulated with a terry towel. Rinse thoroughly with shampoo after 1.5-2 hours. The procedure is repeated twice a week in a course of 10-12 times. In this recipe, castor oil can be alternated with burdock.

Recipe number 2. Yolk. For normal to oily hair.

A method known to our great-grandmothers. All you need is to wash your hair with egg yolk instead of regular shampoo. It is clear that the result will not become apparent after the first procedure. Therefore, hair restoration is also carried out with a course of up to 15 procedures, a frequency of 2-3 per week. In a stirred egg yolk, you can add a little fresh juice aloe (the recipe is also suitable for sensitive scalp).

Recipe number 3. Salt saves hair. For dry hair types.

Salt has long been used as a folk remedy for strengthening hair. Now we already know that a folk remedy for baldness is better to use small cereals in this procedure to prevent microtrauma skin. The essence of restoring hairline comes down to rubbing table salt into the hair roots. Salt is rubbed into the scalp for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated 1 time per week in a course of 6-10 times.

Recipe number 4. Mask for hair restoration in case of baldness.

Onion juice underlying this recipe, has been repeatedly used by women for various hair problems. And it has been repeatedly proven that this is an excellent folk remedy for baldness. I agree that the procedure is not pleasant, perhaps individual rejection of the smell of onions and even tears, but ... we all remember beauty requires sacrifice. And restoring hair health is a justified goal. Therefore, to prepare the mask, squeeze the juice of one onion and mix it proportionally with castor oil. Egg yolk is added to the onion mask. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied first to the roots, and then along the entire length of the hair. The head is wrapped in plastic wrap, insulated with a terry towel. Wash off after 40-50 minutes with shampoo. The course of treatment is 15-18 procedures, 2-3 times a week.

Hair restoration at home:
  • An ancient method of hair restoration is their treatment with henna. Today, the industry produces a special white henna that does not dye hair, which makes it possible for women with light color hair. The use of henna makes the hair denser, helps to renew the scalp, improves the nutrition of the hair follicles.
  • A wonderful remedy for hair restoration, which is very simple to prepare, is brewing tea. This method can also change hair color, so blondes should not use it. Brew the tea stronger and massage it thoroughly into the scalp. You can also use green tea, which will not have a coloring effect on the hair. You can not wash off the tea leaves, dry your head and sleep until the morning. Then rinse your head (in extreme cases, you can not even rinse).
  • Overseas cosmetologists recommend treating the scalp with corn oil. They can also massage the scalp. This will help stop hair loss.
  • You can take three hundred grams of pumpkin seeds with skins, grind in a meat grinder, brew with two glasses of warm water and steam. Do not let boil and do not steam with boiling water! Pass through a sieve and drink the liquid on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening, one tablespoon each. Treat the scalp with the same remedy before going to bed for seven days.
  • Take a little pine nuts, chop, add water and put in the oven for half an hour. Maintain a temperature of one hundred and fifty degrees. It turns out cedar milk, which should be massaged into the skin of the scalp with baldness () once a day for seven days once a month.
Hair restoration masks:
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of carrot juice, aloe, castor oil and cognac, as well as one yolk should be thoroughly rubbed together, treated with a mixture of hair and held for thirty minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • One teaspoon of lemon juice, one tablespoon of cognac and honey, as well as the juice from one onion, should be mixed well, treated with hair for half an hour or even an hour. Then rinse your head. This mask perfectly restores hair loss.
  • To strengthen falling hair, mix two teaspoons of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of wheat germ, two tablespoons of cream. This mixture should be rubbed into wet hair for twenty minutes.
  • Mask for dry and brittle hair: two tablespoons of burdock oil, castor oil, one tablespoon of an oil solution of vitamin A, vitamin E, and dimexide (this is a medicine that can be purchased at pharmacies). This remedy is first applied to the scalp with massaging movements. And after that, it stretches to the end. It is especially good for split ends. After treating the hair, you should put on a warming cap for one hour, or even up to four hours. After that, the hair should be rinsed with shampoo. The recipe has three uses.
  • Used to restore and nourish hair next mask: twenty grams olive oil, castor oil and regular shampoo should be applied to the hair and scalp. Hold for two hours, then rinse your head with shampoo.

Well, howling, we told the methods of preserving and restoring hair in case of baldness - we think you will choose the right one for yourself! For those people who do not want to restore their hair with folk remedies, we can recommend the achievement modern medicine- Shevelux hair restoration spray.

Well maintained long hair women have always been the object of male attention. Since ancient times, chic hair has been the pride of the fairer sex. Well, if there was nothing to brag about, then wigs and hairpieces were used. Nothing has changed at present.

Women still strive to have long curly hair. But if nature has deprived them of thick hair, then you can go to the hairdresser. They provide hair extension services. However, it is not necessary to resort to them at all. You can make some effort and grow your hair quickly yourself.

Causes of the problem

Often women wonder why their hair grows very slowly. This problem is of particular relevance in the case when you want to have a more magnificent and long hairstyle.

Beta-carotene is important for creating lush and beautiful hair. It is abundant in green and yellow vegetables and fruits. What other products can improve scalp hair growth? These are brown rice, rolled oats, brewer's yeast, soybeans, legumes and walnuts. Moreover, these substances must enter the body constantly. This must be taken into account when compiling a diet.


How to speed up the growth of hair on the head? To do this, you need to provide additional blood flow, which will allow the curls to receive enhanced nutrition. This process will start the head massage. This important procedure will need to be carried out with the utmost care. In this case, great efforts should not be made. During the massage, the scalp should be stroked, and the strands should be twitched a little. The rapid growth of hair on the head will be ensured if such exercises are carried out for ten minutes a day. During the massage procedure, oils can be used. These products will great benefit to enhance hair growth.

natural masks

How to speed up the growth of hair on the head? For this, it is recommended to use masks. Before carrying out such a procedure, you need to wash your head and wipe your hair with a towel. In this case, the curls should remain slightly damp.

You can make your own hair mask using only natural ingredients. A mixture of honey and egg yolk is very effective. If the specific smell does not confuse, then onion can be added to this mask. The mixture is applied to the hair, which then needs to be wrapped with a towel. After a while, everything is washed off with water.

A similar mask can be made without using egg yolk. To do this, the onion is grated and passed for additional grinding through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry in a ratio of 1: 4 is mixed with honey. Within half an hour, this mass should remain on the hair, after which they must be washed. For soft curls, a little olive oil is added to the mask.

A mixture of yeast and pepper accelerates the growth of strands. It is quite easy to prepare. Its main ingredients are yeast (30 g) and peppercorns (2 tablespoons). In order to stimulate the growth of hair on the head, the mask should be applied for twenty minutes. After the hair must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Ready mixes

You can enhance hair growth on your head with special cosmetics. These are very effective masks that receive good consumer reviews.

One of them is the drug "DNC-activator of hair growth". Already for short span time after the start of its application, the hairstyle begins to lose its shape. This happens due to rapid growth curls. You can buy such a mask for 30-40 rubles.

Good results are achieved when using the spray "Grandmother Agafya's Recipes". Its cost is quite affordable and is 50 rubles.

How else can you speed up the growth of hair on your head? To do this, it is recommended to use the cream-mask "Home Recipes". This tool gets good feedback customers who wish to enhance the growth of their curls.

Hair Care

What reasons might prevent healthy growth strands? One of them is the implementation improper care behind the scalp. It is worth remembering that literally everything in the body is interconnected. And to various pathological processes leads even a slight failure in the work of one of the organs.

Stress has a detrimental effect on the entire body, including hair. If it is observed often enough, then the growth of the strands slows down. Therefore, stressful situations should be avoided.

Proper hair care involves timely washing. This will help remove dandruff, fat and other substances that hinder the process from the scalp. normal functioning hair system. When caring for curls, you should use only proven products, and before purchasing a new drug, it is recommended to get expert advice.

How to deal with baldness?

Lush hair has always been considered one of the signs of health and youth. When the head begins to go bald, you should first of all think about the following: “What is wrong in the body?”. To answer this question, it is recommended to consult a trichologist. It will help stop the baldness process. If the doctor's recommendations are followed, new hair grows on the head. As a result, the hair is completely restored.

The most common cause of hair loss

Most often, baldness is associated with heredity and hormones-androgens. This problem affects mainly strong half humanity. However, it sometimes occurs in women. Baldness in women can be the result of some pathologies of the ovaries or increased production of androgens.

Preparations based on the fruits of dwarf palm and finasteride will help restore hair growth on the head. These funds are intended for oral administration in the form of tablets. The drugs are prescribed by a trichologist.

Special cases

Sometimes, against the background of absolute health, oval or round areas of baldness appear in the occipital region of the head. This is alopecia areata. In this case, it is necessary to consult an immunologist, because such baldness may be the result of a violation defensive forces organism. If autoimmune processes are detected, then this specialist will prescribe the main treatment. In addition to the course, the methods recommended by the trichologist should be used.

If the process cannot be stopped

In the event that the results of the course of treatment are disappointing, and desired effect not received, the patient is offered micro-hair transplantation. This procedure is a "relocation" of the bulbs from those places where there are a lot of them. Transplantation is carried out either individually or in small sections with a diameter of up to two millimeters. The microtransplant procedure is painless and performed under local anesthesia. At the same time, there are no contraindications for hair transplant manipulations.

Additional Treatment

Special ointments will help restore hair growth on the head. When these drugs are rubbed into the skin, additional production of keratin occurs, which is needed for the formation of curls. Active ingredients such agents are aminexil, minoxidine and diazoxide.

To stimulate the growth of strands, complexes of vitamins and minerals are needed. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the composition. It must include zinc and copper. These minerals serve to regenerate tissues, as well as hair.

In order for the curls to be healthy and lush, biostimulants are recommended. They are medicines that increase immunity and provide a general strengthening effect. These are preparations based on propolis, extracts from aloe leaves, shampoos containing placenta extract. Both general and topical application these medicines will provide the necessary background in which the body will be easier to cope with the resumption of hair growth.

Myostimulation and acupuncture will help revitalize the hair follicles. These procedures are carried out in beauty salons.

Hair growth on the head may slow down or stop. In many cases, this is a temporary phenomenon. To speed up this process, you can use pharmacy or home remedies to restore hair growth.

The main causes of baldness

Normally, the follicle goes through several phases of development, during which its cells are actively dividing, forming a young hair shaft. Gradually, this process slows down, mature hair falls out. Then comes a period of rest, when the cells do not divide. Normally, these phases alternate, and the entire hairline is constantly updated.

This process slows down in such cases:

  • excess in the body of the product of testosterone metabolism - dihydrosterone, under the influence of which the resting phase is lengthened; this is observed in men, but with age it also develops in women, due to an imbalance of estrogens and androgens;
  • shortening active phase growth under the influence various reasons– from stress to lack of nutrients; after the causes are eliminated, the hair grows again after a few months;
  • chemotherapy used for cancer destroys not only the tumor, but also any other actively dividing cells, including those in hair follicles; this process is reversible, but under the influence of drugs, the hair shafts fall out completely for some time;
  • an autoimmune process during which cells of the human defense system attack the hair follicles; alopecia areata is formed, which can be slowed down by inhibiting the activity of the immune system;
  • cicatricial alopecia is an autoimmune condition in which the hair cells are irreversibly damaged and the hair is no longer restored.

To find out how to restore hair growth, you need to contact a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will first find out the cause of baldness. Only then will he prescribe the most effective treatment for the patient.

Recovery methods

To slow down baldness and activate follicular cells, the following methods are used:

  • outdoor medications to restore hair growth, especially minoxidil;
  • inhibitors of the formation of dihydrotestosterone - Finasteride;
  • drugs that suppress the immune system alopecia areata;
  • cosmetics- masks, shampoos;
  • vitamins and dietary supplements for oral administration;
  • herbal medicine and other folk remedies;
  • surgical treatment (transplantation and).

All of the above methods of hair regrowth can be used in combination to enhance the effect. Of course, cosmetics, even medical, supplements, medicinal plants, homeopathic remedies and "Pantovigar" have no proven effect and can only be used at the request of the patient.

Baldness medicines


This substance is available in the form of sprays, solutions and foams for application to the scalp. It is part of such drugs: Alerana; Alopexy; Generolon; Kosilon; Revasil; Rogaine.

The drug is prescribed for androgenetic alopecia in men and women. Its mechanism of action is unclear. However, after 4 months of regular use in the morning and evening, the growth of hair shafts is restored. After stopping the use of minoxidil, the baldness process resumes, and after 3 to 4 months, the effect of the drug completely disappears.

The drug at a concentration of 5% is applied to the skin and head and rubbed, then it is advisable to put on a cap or scarf. The medicine can cause redness, peeling and itching of the skin, as well as hirsutism.

About a month after the start of minoxidil use, the hair follicles move from the resting phase to the growth phase. This is accompanied by increased baldness. Treatment does not need to be stopped, after 2 weeks the formed young hair replaces the fallen ones.

The medicine should not be used on damaged, inflamed scalp, as well as in children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women and with individual intolerance.


This tool not only restores hair growth, but slows down the formation of dihydrotestosterone, which causes androgenic baldness. It is usually used for prostate adenoma. However, abroad it is often prescribed for the treatment androgenetic alopecia. In Russia, drugs containing finasteride in the form of tablets are sold: Alfinal; Zerlon; Penester; Proscar; Prosterid; Urofin; Finast; Finasteride.

Abroad, the medicine Propecia is used.

Only a dermatologist can prescribe these drugs, independent use they are hazardous to health. They are contraindicated in women, as well as in prostate cancer, urolithiasis, individual intolerance. Of the side effects recorded allergic reactions, decreased sex drive.

Drugs that inhibit autoimmune rejection

In severe form of alopecia areata, the doctor prescribes drugs for oral administration or injection. They have many side effects and contraindications. The following means may be used:

  • glucocorticoids (Prednisolone);
  • antimetabolites (Methotrexate);
  • immunosuppressants (Cyclosporin);
  • zinc sulfate.

The use of these drugs for moderate hair loss is not recommended because the condition is not life threatening and severe side effects of these drugs develop in a large number of patients. It is safer to administer glucocorticoids directly to the skin lesion.

Additionally, ointments and creams containing glucocorticosteroids are prescribed:

  • clobetasol (Dermovate, Cloveit, Powercourt, Etrivex);
  • fluocinolone acetonide (Sinaflan, Sinoderm, Flucinar);
  • betamethasone dipropionate (Diprosalik lotion, ointments and creams Akriderm, Canison Plus, Rederm);
  • hydrocortisone butyrate (Laticort, Locoid);
  • mometasone (Momederm solution, Elocom lotion, creams and ointments Avecort, Gistan-N, Momat, Monovo, Silkaren, Uniderm, Elocom);
  • methideprednisolone aceponate (Advantan, Komfoderm).

They are applied to the scalp 1 time per day for 1 to 2 months. In addition to drugs to stimulate hair growth, physiotherapy is prescribed for alopecia areata: phototherapy using an excimer laser, and in severe cases – .


You can strengthen your hair on your own using cosmetics. Often their external effectiveness is associated with conditioning, smoothing the surface and giving volume. However, some of the nutrients contained in care products still get into the epidermis and hair follicles, and reduce hair loss.

You can use a special shampoo, for example:

  • Magic Glance La Botanique Luxurious Hair (it is possible to increase hair length by 3 cm per month);
  • Brelil Hcit Hairexpress;
  • ESTEL Alpha Homme (for men);
  • OLLIN Professional PREMIER FOR MEN (for men);
  • ESTEL Beauty (for colored hair);
  • Secretkey Fast Hair (for sensitive skin);
  • Adarisa Stimulating (for sensitive skin);
  • Concept Stimulant;
  • Planeta Organica Secrets of Arctica.

To enhance the action of shampoos, rinses, conditioners and tonics are used:

  • Secretkey (for oily hair);
  • OLLIN FULL FORCE GINSENG spray - tonic to stimulate growth;
  • tonic Indola Care;
  • conditioner Bosley Treatmen Treatment to Normal to Fine Hair Step 3;
  • conditioner Compliment with selenium;
  • leave-in conditioner Bosley;
  • conditioner Vegetable Beauty;
  • conditioner Vitex Revivor.

Masks to stimulate growth and restore hair with the inclusion of oils and serums give the most noticeable result.

1. Weleda hair oil
2. Shampoo Magic Glance La Botanique Luxurious Hair
4. Redken EXTREME LENGTH Lotion
5. Vichy Neogenic hair growth product


  • Weleda;
  • Doctor Nature - growth stimulator;
  • "Strengthening and growth" from the company "Mylovarov" with plant components;
  • DNC - growth activator;
  • Golden silk to activate dormant follicles;
  • Gemene Growth stimulator;
  • Natura Siberica Sea buckthorn.


  • Placen Formula lotion;
  • La Biosthetique Hair Care Methode Vitalisante Ergines B;
  • Delta BKB based on St. John's wort extract;
  • Wontersaf S.A PH 62 with thymus extract is effective in moderate and severe alopecia, including androgenic and post seborrhea;
  • La Biosthetique Intensive Activating;
  • Brelil for intense prolapse;
  • PHYTO for the prevention of aging of hair follicles;

Masks and serums

  • serum Brelil HairCur Intensive Treatment;
  • natural hair mask "Turpentine", Naturotherapy;
  • Guam for curly hair;
  • balm Magic Glance;
  • mask secretkey Booster Pack;
  • lotion mask Brelil Hair Express;
  • Vichy Neogenic;
  • mask Crown of Siberia with rejuvenating components;
  • Sesderma Seskavel Anti-hair Loss ampoules - a remedy in ampoules for hair loss;
  • serum Anariti;
  • concept serum from the hair loss reducing and stimulant series;
  • biomask No. 2 "For strengthening and hair growth" from the company "LN-cosmetics" helps follicles recover from stress;
  • mask Natura Siberica Sauna Spa Active Organics with burdock oil;

All of these drugs can be used to restore hair growth after radiotherapy. None of them is a cure and has not passed clinical trials. One can only believe the manufacturers who declare a slowdown in hair loss and an increase in the growth of hair follicles with the regular use of these products.

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