Contour plastic Radiesse (Radiesse). Radiesse (Radiesse) - a drug for solving the problems of mature skin

Youth, health and a beautiful appearance of the skin depend on the content of collagen and elastin in it, which give the skin elasticity, volume and healthy appearance. Over time, our body ages, the amount of collagen in the skin progressively decreases, due to which the face loses its former volumes, wrinkles, folds, and flabbiness appear.

It is impossible to stop this physiological process, but it is possible to suspend and slow it down. Cosmetologists of all countries are actively working on this issue, as evidenced by the invention of the facial contouring procedure using fillers and volumizers. One of the actively used drugs in this area is Radiesse.

What is contour plastic?

Contour plastic is one of the methods of non-surgical rejuvenation. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and is an injection (injection) into the skin of pharmaceutical preparations based on hyaluronic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite (fillers).

The procedure is very simple, but at the same time effective and fast. Changes can be seen almost immediately after injections. The effect lasts from 12 to 15 months (depending on the type and dose of the filler).

The effectiveness of the technique is based on the introduction into the skin of substances that begin to actively stimulate the synthesis of its own collagen at the injection site, due to which the skin acquires its former elasticity and youth.

How does the Radiesse volumizer work?

Filler Radiesse is a unique substance for contour plastics. In some cases, it is not enough just to remove wrinkles so that the face acquires youth, but it is necessary to fill in the volumes lost during the aging process.

Previously, this was possible only by implanting various implants under the skin, but now this can only be done using Radiesse injections.

The formula was developed by scientists from the American company BioFormMedical. As it turned out, the composition of the medicine is very simple, but as we see more than once, everything ingenious is simple.

The drug has 2 components:

  • calcium hydroxyapatite microcrystals;
  • special gel.

Thanks to this composition, the filler has a double effect. Immediately after the injection, the gel creates a filling effect (acts as a volumizer). Deep folds and wrinkles are filled with gel, sunken areas or sagging cheekbones disappear, the natural contours of the face oval immediately return.

This gel is completely absorbed within 4-5 months, but the effect does not disappear. Why? Yes, because the second part of the unique formula comes into play - microcrystals of calcium hydroxyapatite. They are similar in structure to the same substance of our bone tissue. Therefore, the drug has ideal biocompatibility (allergic reactions are extremely rare).

These crystals from the first day activate the processes of synthesis of their own collagen fibers. And by the time the gel dissolves, its own new tissue already exists in its place, which retains the effect of the procedure for up to 15 months.

Possibilities of Radiesse

The Radiesse Volumizer is indicated for use on skin that has begun to age. It is recommended to use the drug after 35 years. Reviews about Radiesse speak for themselves. Almost all patients are satisfied with the results, side effects develop only in isolated cases. Not only women, but also men resort to injections of this remedy to create a more masculine oval of the face.

The features of the filler are as follows:

  • face oval correction;
  • getting rid of folds and wrinkles, even deep ones;
  • elimination of scars and scars;
  • the ability to raise eyebrows and open eyes;
  • shaping the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, tip of the nose;
  • correction of the shape of the earlobes;
  • smoothing nasolabial folds;
  • creation of a clear contour of the lower jaw;
  • replenishment of the volume of soft tissues on the hands.

The principle of the procedure

If you decide on contouring with Radiesse, then first ask if the doctor has a certificate to work with this volumizer. Because if the beautician makes some mistake, she will haunt you throughout the duration of the drug, which is almost a year and a half.

The introduction of the filler is carried out with a special syringe with a thin needle. At the request of the patient, the injection site can be anesthetized. The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the zone to be treated. As a rule, it takes from 10 to 50 minutes. Immediately after the injections, you can see the result.

The full effect of the volumizer develops in about a month. Therefore, repeated procedures during this time are inappropriate. If additional injections are needed, the doctor will let you know.

The price of Radiesse depends on the amount of drug spent. It is released in syringes of 0.3, or 0.8, or 1.5 ml. Approximate prices, respectively - 2500, 3500, 4500 rubles. For one session, an average of 1.5-3 ml of the drug is used.

What are the possible complications?

Contraindications and complications after Radiesse are few, but they exist.
Since Radiesse is highly compatible with human tissues, allergic reactions are rare, but possible. Injections of the drug can cause pain, numbness, itching, induration, burning, discoloration or redness of the skin at the injection site. But these unpleasant sensations do not last long and disappear after a few days.


  • should not be injected into the lips and superficial layers of the dermis;
  • diabetes;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin diseases at the intended injection site;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • epilepsy.


Is it possible to combine Radiesse with other fillers?

Such a question should be solved only by an experienced cosmetologist, based on his experience and knowledge. But in general terms, the answer to this question is yes. Different fillers can be combined with each other, which in some cases will make the contouring procedure even more effective.

How long does the procedure take?

The time of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the skin that needs to be treated, and on the skill of the doctor. On average, the procedure lasts 10-50 minutes.

How long does the result last after Radiesse injections?

Due to the double effect of the drug, the result of contour plastic surgery lasts from 12 to 15 months, in some cases up to 2 years.

Facial contouring is a new word in non-surgical rejuvenation techniques, and Radiesse will help make your face beautiful and voluminous.

Photos before and after

Radiesse is a dermal filler produced by the American pharmaceutical company BioFormMedical, now owned by Merz GmbH. & Co. Initially, the Radiesse filler was created for a completely different purpose than the one for which it is used now. Previously, it was used to restore the volume of facial tissues in people with AIDS. However, even today it is widely used by urologists, dentists, and surgeons.

Radiesse is an injectable of the latest generation, produced by the German company Merz. The purpose of Radiesse is the correction of wrinkles and the elimination of age-related changes. The very name "Radiesse" is already stably associated with a separate type of lifting, carried out using this drug.

Ingredients of Radiesse

The basis of this filler is calcium hydroxyapatite. This substance, similar to the well-known hyaluronic acid, is quite natural for the human body. They differ only in that calcium hydroxyapatite is found mainly in the bones.

However, the fact of the natural production of such a substance in the human body makes Radiesse an absolutely biocompatible drug. In other words, the possibility of rejection of the filler is excluded.

As for the composition, Radiesse consists of 30% calcium hydroxyapatite. This biomaterial is the main mineral substance that makes up bone tissue. The remaining 70% of the composition of Radiesse is distilled water, which serves as a carrier gel. The natural components of this drug make it completely biocompatible with human tissues, it does not lead to allergies, does not cause rejection, and is characterized by complete biodegradation.

The effect of this tool is to increase the volume of soft tissues and eliminate wrinkles, it allows you to increase the cheekbones or change their shape, as well as the shape of the cheeks, chin or tip of the nose. Also, this tool makes it possible to perform a correction of the oval of the face.

The main difference between Radiesse and gels based on hyaluronic acid is a significantly longer duration of action, which reaches 1 year with 4-8 months for the acid. Unlike other gels, the procedure with Radiesse requires less preparation (the difference is 25-30%). The use of this tool is justified both for facial contouring and as a filler for other parts of the body.

Opportunities Radiesse

The purpose of Radiesse is to eliminate age-related changes. It also allows you to increase the volume of certain parts of the face.

Filler Radiesse can be effectively used in cosmetology for:

  • face oval correction;
  • removal of scars and scars;
  • removal of folds and wrinkles;
  • improving the shape of the cheekbones, cheeks, tip of the nose, chin;
  • compensation of tissue deficiency in other parts of the body (according to many cosmetologists, this filler shows the best results when used for the back of the hands).

The duration of the procedure is determined by the total number of injections. It ranges from 10-40 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the patient can immediately return to his usual way of life, however, within 7 days it is necessary to abandon the sauna and solarium, and also avoid direct sunlight.

Radiesse is used on an outpatient basis, usually without anesthesia, as the procedure is atraumatic. However, lidocaine may be added to Radiesse prior to injection to improve patient comfort during the procedure.

A clear effect is noticeable immediately after the administration of the drug. It lasts 12-18 months. At the same time, facial expressions are not disturbed and the color of the skin at the injection site does not change.

Benefits of Radiesse

There are 2 reasons why cosmetologists advise using Radiesse:

  1. 2 weeks after the injection, the process of neocollagenesis becomes more intense, during which the body independently produces new collagen fibers. In this case, the drug is gradually absorbed, being replaced by these fibers.
  2. Immediately after the injection, the Radiesse filler also works - it carefully fills the empty subcutaneous areas, giving them the necessary volume. It is this process that makes the effect of the drug more pronounced.

Thus, the advantage of Radiesse is a unique combination of 2 types of exposure:

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Contraindications to Radiesse are completely standard. Cosmetologists do not recommend anti-aging injections of this remedy in the presence of any diseases in an acute form, a violation of blood clotting and the presence of inflammation in those areas where injections are supposed to be performed. The procedure with Radiesse is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. If the patient is taking any drugs at the time of the planned procedure, he must inform the cosmetologist about this in advance, since the possibility of performing the procedure may also depend on this. The same applies to those patients who have had implants previously.

Side effects

The degree of biocompatibility of this drug is very high, therefore complications after its injections are extremely rare. Possible unpleasant effects after the procedure are itching, pain, induration, numbness, redness or discoloration of the skin. However, these negative phenomena do not last long and usually disappear after two days.

What you need to know before choosing Radiesse

This remedy is most suitable for people over 35 years old, since its use on skin at a younger age is much less effective.

Radiesse injections are not used for lip augmentation. Despite the purely theoretical possibility of such an option for its use, those fillers based on hyaluronic acid are much more suitable for this procedure.

Before the procedure, you should check with the cosmetologist for a certificate that gives permission to work with this drug. In the event of a mistake when working with Radiesse, it will be visible for a much longer time than in the case of a mistake when using hyaluronic acid.

The injections take 10-40 minutes, after which you can return to your usual life. There are only minor restrictions related to visiting the beach, sauna and solarium, as well as playing sports. All of the above must be postponed for 2 weeks.

Some of the changes become noticeable instantly, but the full effect is felt after about a month. Therefore, additional injections during this period are not needed. If necessary, injections will be prescribed by a doctor, but not earlier than when 2 months have passed since the first injection of Radiesse. If the procedure is repeated, its effect lasts an average of 15 months.

The price of the procedure includes:

  • consultation of a cosmetologist;
  • correction of the necessary areas;
  • the cost of the Radiesse itself (in the required amount).

The price of this procedure is much lower than the price of any, even the most insignificant type of surgical lifting, including endoscopic lifting.

Implementation of the procedure with Radiesse

This drug is used on an outpatient basis and usually without anesthesia, although lidocaine is added to the injection formulation before it is administered to increase patient comfort during the procedure, since the injection of the filler can sometimes be accompanied by discomfort.

This drug always has individual packaging, is available in the form of a syringe with a solution ready for injection.

  1. The doctor disinfects the correction area with an antiseptic, after which he marks the correction area with a medical marker, marking the injection point on it, as well as the directions of Radiesse injection and their endpoints.
  2. A puncture is made in the skin, into which an atraumatic cannula with a blunt end is inserted. Its introduction is carried out at a right angle. The cannula is inserted until it comes into contact with the zygomatic bone. Thanks to this depth of injection, the effect of the procedure lasts longer.

The algorithm for contouring the nasolabial fold and lacrimal trough without complications (middle third of the face) using the Radiesse filler:

  1. First, the patient is positioned as comfortably as possible in the manipulation chair. The room where the procedure is performed must meet all the requirements that apply to such rooms.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, the cosmetologist disinfects and treats the areas of correction with an antiseptic. This manipulation is carried out several times.
  3. The doctor marks the area of ​​correction with a medical marker, noting:
    • injection point;
    • directions of administration of the drug;
    • endpoints of its introduction.
  4. The syringe, which is in the package of the drug, is sterile and ready for immediate use. The beautician pierces the skin with an injection needle, after which, with care, lightly presses on the puncture point, which allows a better view of the cannula insertion site.
  5. The beautician inserts a blunt cannula into the injection site. It is inserted until it touches the zygomatic bone, at an angle of 90 degrees. Only after this is the direct introduction of Radiesse. Thanks to this depth of injection, the effect of the procedure lasts longer. Radiesse is injected by the retrograde-fan method into the zygomatic and buccal zones, it is distributed from one point in directions that allow achieving the desired aesthetic effect. Thanks to the use of a cannula, the pain that may accompany the procedure is minimized. The movement of the instrument under the skin is carried out without injury to the soft tissues, because the cannula pushes these tissues apart without piercing. Minimal trauma makes it possible to almost completely avoid swelling and bruising. Therefore, there is no need for a long period of rehabilitation after such a procedure.
  6. Raising the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones and increasing the volume of the corrected areas, Radiesse leads to a smoothing of the nasolabial fold and tear trough, carried out in a natural way. It should be noted that this happens only when the procedure is performed at the initial stage of their formation.
  7. After the injection, the injection site is treated with an antiseptic and soft tissues are kneaded in the area into which Radiesse was injected through an internal puncture. This enhances the aesthetic effect of the drug.
  8. A similar procedure is carried out on the opposite side of the correction zone.
  9. At the end of the procedure, only a trace of the micro-puncture will remain. A slight redness is likely to occur due to the kneading of the injected drug by the cosmetologist in order to evenly distribute Radiesse under the skin. This redness disappears on its own in 1 hour.

The patient has the opportunity to immediately return to his usual rhythm of life. All restrictions are canceled after 2 weeks - after this time, you can visit the sauna and play sports.

Differences between Radiesse and other fillers

Fillers created from hyaluronic acid gel are used to smooth out wrinkles, restore volume, smooth the chin, correct the contours of the cheekbones and lips, and maintain skin moisture. The density of the filler injected into the skin, as well as the depth of the skin layers into which the injection is carried out, are determined by the depth of the wrinkle. Such fillers are biodegradable and are excreted from the body after 8-12 months. The effect of the procedure performed using an acid-based gel lasts 8-12 months, after which the procedure has to be repeated.

Radiesse has a different scheme of action. It contains microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite, which is a natural mineral component of bone tissue. These microspheres enhance the formation of collagen in the skin. This is the main difference between Radiesse and other fillers. The use of this drug gives an instant effect that lasts significantly longer - at least a year. Over time, Radiesse is absorbed, after which the volume created by it is supported by collagen naturally produced by the body.

Each filler has certain contraindications. You can learn about them from a cosmetologist who will choose the drug that is suitable for a particular situation.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the depth of Radiesse injections?

The dose of the drug used and the depth of administration are determined by the corrected area, as well as the volume that needs to be replenished. Radiesse must be injected quite deeply, otherwise there is a risk of nodules on the skin.

Cheekbone correction is one of the most common tasks for which Radiesse is used. The filler is used to increase the volume of the cheekbones, as well as their correction. For the Radiesse injection, a puncture is performed to the zygomatic bone, after which the cosmetologist distributes the drug in the tissues at this depth.

What is the duration of the effect of the procedure?

The aesthetic effect of Radiesse is noticeable immediately after the injection and lasts 12-18 months. At the same time, there is no violation of facial expressions and the color of the skin at the injection point does not change. However, it must be taken into account that the rate at which the carrier gel is absorbed is somewhat higher than the rate of connective tissue formation. Therefore, a month after the procedure, sometimes there is a feeling that the injected amount of the drug is insufficient. However, repeating the procedure is fraught with the risk of overcorrection. Since the action of Radiesse is quite long, it will be very difficult to cope with hypercorrection.

How safe is Radiesse?

Clinical trials of this drug took place in 1990-2000. Official permission for its use in medicine was issued by the FDA in 2003, and in 2004 a similar permission was issued by the EU. In the Russian Federation, the use of Radiesse was authorized by the Ministry of Health and Social Development in 2006.

Many years of experience have made it possible to establish that there are no negative effects of this drug on the body, radiesse complications are excluded. The drug is not characterized by mutagenic, irritating and toxic effects, it does not lead to allergies. There were no cases of granulomas due to its use. The negative effect of Radiesse on the course of pregnancy was also not found.

What is the difference between Radiesse and hyaluronic fillers?

The difference between Radiesse and these drugs is the absence of hyaluronic acid in its composition, so it can be used for patients who seek a longer effect, as well as for people with edematous tissues, for whom excess moisture in the skin tissues will not contribute to a positive aesthetic effect. Also, Radiesse does not dissolve with the help of hyaluronidase, unlike classic fillers.

It is unacceptable to use Radiesse simultaneously with hyaluronic fillers for the correction of one area. The procedure must be postponed until the resorption of the previously administered drug. The reason for this limitation is a strong load on the immune system.

Injectable implants for skin rejuvenation, creating a new shape for individual parts of the face, as well as replenishing the volume of soft tissues have recently become very popular. Most of the correctors used for these purposes are developed and created on the basis of hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, however, there are alternative preparations. Among them, Radiesse is a modern high-performance filler. What does he represent?

Information about the corrector: history and composition

The Radiesse drug was presented by the American company BioForm Medical relatively long ago, about 20 years ago, back in 1995. Initially, Radiesse was used in dentistry, surgery, and to compensate for the lack of soft tissue volume in HIV-infected people. Currently, the official supplier of the corrector is the German concern Merz, and the filler is used in the field of contouring.

The product is considered quite popular, it has gained recognition and positive feedback from both professional cosmetologists and patients. Among those who appreciated this remedy is the cult Hollywood actor Brad Pitt.

The composition of the filler is simple, which does not prevent it from being quite effective. The filler includes only two components, among them:

  • Calcium hydroxyapatite(It is a synthetic analogue of a substance contained in human bone tissue. This component does not cause rejection or allergies, its action is aimed at regulating the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The drug stimulates the independent production of collagen, which fills the voids under the skin, eliminating wrinkles and modeling new forms).
  • Auxiliary ingredient-gel(A water-based product whose task is to transport the active ingredient to the final destination. It is completely safe and is excreted from the body approximately 30 days after the injections were given).

Indications for use

Radiesse is considered to be a means of intensive exposure, which is why it is used only for special indications. First of all, the filler is used to solve the problems of mature skin, eliminate deep wrinkles, as well as folds (including the most problematic, nasolabial). Among other things, Radiesse perfectly eliminates scars. With the rich composition of Radiesse, professional cosmetologists easily restore volumes of soft tissues throughout the body.

How is the procedure?

The session of introducing the Radiesse implant under the skin can be conditionally divided into three stages. In general, these stages are similar to other manipulations in the field of contouring. But the procedure also has a number of features that the patient should definitely know about even at the stage of its planning. So manipulation means:

  1. The introduction of a local anesthetic (Most often, lidocaine is used for this purpose, it is distinguished by a good and quick effect, as well as a long-term effect).
  2. Injections of the Radiesse preparation itself (The amount of the corrector and the points for its introduction are determined by a certified specialist during the examination).
  3. Rehabilitation period (Does not require any special measures. It will be enough for you to comply with general restrictions that will consolidate a positive result).

The amount of the drug is determined by the cosmetologist

Features of use

Radiesse injections have certain features, ignorance of which often leads to the formation of a negative opinion about the product. You can find numerous negative reviews on the Internet that after the introduction of Radiesse, there is a short-term effect or an uneven distribution of the composition under the skin. If the instructions have been carefully studied, such questions should not arise.

The thing is that Radiesse is not an ordinary filler, the effect of its impact is divided into two stages. At the first stage, voids and wrinkles are filled with an auxiliary synthetic gel, which acts according to the classical method, but the result of its action is extremely short-lived, the composition disintegrates within 2-3 weeks after application. It is at this point that the formation of temporary voids and a short-term deterioration in the result can be noted.

Approximately one month after the injection of Radiesse, a permanent, long-term result is formed. The desired effect is provided by Calcium Hydroxyapatite, it stimulates the independent production of collagen, which provides the necessary action.

Benefits of Radiesse

Why is Radiesse so popular and getting so many accolades? Filler has many advantages, including:

  • the minimum number of contraindications;
  • long-term effect (from 1 year to 3 years, depending on external factors and the individual characteristics of the organism);
  • simplicity and practicality in use (the procedure is carried out without preliminary preparation and long rehabilitation);
  • Radiesse is completely eliminated from the human body.

Radiesse perfectly tightens the oval of the face and reduces the number of wrinkles

Radiesse, like many other injectable fillers for contouring, has a number of contraindications. The list of prohibitions in this case includes:

  • Infectious or inflammatory process at the injection site.
  • Individual intolerance to any of the components included in the filler.
  • Scarring tendency or extremely sensitive skin.

Radiesse is injected into the deep layers of the skin and is not intended to be injected into the superficial areas of the skin, blood vessels, or internal organs.

Unfortunately, injections of the drug can also provoke certain complications. First of all, it can be noted that any filler injected into the skin injures it, so such an effect as slight swelling, bruising and needle points are a normal reaction. Excessive use of Radiesse may result in excess implantation resulting in cracking of the skin.

If the technology of using the drug is violated, infection may occur. Complications of this nature, as a rule, are accompanied by pain, itching, thickening and local redness of the skin area. In especially advanced cases, the help of surgeons may be needed.

To prevent possible complications, certain precautions must be observed. In the first few days after the procedure, you should use an antiseptic cream, give up decorative cosmetics, visit the sauna, solarium, gym. Subject to these rules, product reviews will be positive, and the effect will last for a long time.

Thanks to modern cosmetology, anyone can restore youth to their skin and restore facial contours, for which contour plastic is used. Filler "Radiesse" is an American-made drug that allows you to make changes in the shape of the face through non-surgical rejuvenation. It has been used not so long ago, but has already managed to gain respect and popularity. The article will give answers to frequently asked questions: "Fillers" Radiesse "- what is it in cosmetology?", "Why are they used?" and "How are they better

The condition of the skin is largely determined by the presence of elastin and collagen in them. It is these elements that are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Unfortunately, over time, their synthesis is noticeably reduced, due to which the skin becomes dry, wrinkles form and the oval of the face sags. Therefore, the Radiesse filler is perfect for solving such problems.

Distinctive features

The Radiesse filler is based on the crystalline mineral calcium hydroxyapatite. It is a natural component of the human body and is part of the dental and bone tissue. In the production of Radiesse filler, calcium hydroxyapatite is synthesized from marine corals, after which it is suspended in a gel-like filler. The natural origin of the preparations guarantees their biocompatibility and biodegradability with a lasting effect.


Initially, the gel was used exclusively for medical purposes, to restore the facial tissues of patients. But thanks to the many positive results, the drug spread and began to be actively used in surgery, urology and even dentistry. Then, as is often the case with such products, it increasingly began to be used in cosmetology.

Today, for which areas fillers are not used - in the cheekbones, cheeks, nose, and so on. The drug "Radiesse" successfully restores the volume of specific areas of the face, where the first signs of aging appear. Cosmetologists use the tool for the following purposes:

  • elimination of scars and scars;
  • face oval correction;
  • smoothing ;
  • nose shape correction;
  • eyebrow raising;
  • soft tissue restoration;
  • improving the shape of the cheekbones, chin and cheeks;
  • building tissue on the back of the hand;
  • getting rid of other cosmetic defects on the body.

In addition, the filler can also be used to increase the volume of the lips. Although the reviews of clients and cosmetologists themselves indicate that hyaluronic preparations do this much better.

When restoring large volumes of soft tissues, the Radiesse remedy does not start in the cheekbones or in the sunken cheeks themselves. In this case, the gel is injected directly onto the bone tissue.

It is much more difficult to work with the neck, eliminating wrinkles on it. After the introduction of the filler, a not too noticeable white edging may form. This suggests that such procedures are carried out only in the presence of dense skin.

As for the back of the hands, the drug is injected there in small quantities, as it will be visible through thin skin. The unique properties of the product slow down the aging process and slightly thicken the surface of the skin of the hands, but they do not hide protruding veins.


The properties of drugs are largely determined by their composition. Radiesse, in addition to calcium hydroxyapatite, contains a migrating gel. Immediately after the injection, it forms a filler depot under the wrinkles, after which it increases to 80% in volume and pushes the tissues out.

The advantage of Radiesse over hyaluronic fillers is that the latter only attract moisture, while the former stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers, and also provide tissue repair, thereby guaranteeing a long-term rejuvenation effect. After complete decomposition of the filler components, the previously increased volume of soft tissues is preserved up to 30%.

The preparation contains a component that is 70% carrier gel and 30% calcium hydroxyapatite. It is quickly absorbed by microphage cells, and then a new collagen tissue is formed, which by the second month forms a fairly stable structure of a new tissue around the microspheres.


Radiesse, with maximum visual effect duration, is fully biodegradable. Unlike hyaluronic acid, this gel does not retain moisture, but promotes the formation of new collagen fibers, which is a considerable advantage. If we take this fact into account, then the drug is recommended for people with skin prone to puffiness.

Radiesse works from 18 months to 3 years, while the effect of hyaluronic fillers does not last more than 9 months. In addition, the first agent is not capable of causing inflammatory processes, mutagenic abnormalities in DNA, and gel migration.

Carrying out the procedure

The filler injection session is very similar to other procedures of this type. First, a consultation is carried out, then contraindications are excluded, a dosage is prescribed, and only after that the injection points of the gel are determined.

Before injection, an anesthetic cream is necessarily applied to the skin, which can significantly reduce the sensitivity of the skin. After that, the main drug is introduced. The entire session lasts from 15 to 50 minutes, depending on the number of treated areas.

Care after the session

After the administration of the drug, in most cases, swelling is observed, but it disappears in just a couple of days. To solve this problem faster, you should regularly apply ice packs to the treated areas and keep for about 3-4 minutes.

Doctors strongly recommend to exclude from the use of drugs, the action of which is aimed at thinning the blood: ibuprofen, aspirin, and so on. Along with this, it is required to abandon alcohol, fish oil and vitamin E (both internal and external use).

When introducing fillers into the nasolabial folds, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of foods that need to be chewed hard. This rule also applies to cases with the treatment of other areas, but if the drug is injected into the nasolabial folds, then special attention should be paid to this.

The filler is injected approximately 7-8 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to sleep exclusively on the back, using a soft pillow.

The effect of the introduction of the filler will be noticeable immediately after the swelling subsides. But it should be remembered that in a month it will be a little less pronounced. This is due to the beginning of the process of disintegration of calcium hydroxypatite and the delay of collagen fibers.

After some time, new ones will begin to form, due to which the designated zones will be filled with soft tissues. Many patients do not wait for this process and insist on re-administration of the drug, while risking an increase in the treated area. Re-injection of the filler is allowed only 2-3 months after the procedure.


Despite the fact that Radiesse is a biocompatible drug, there is still no guarantee that there will be no complications or side effects. Immediately after the injection of the gel, the patient may feel complete numbness, itching and induration of the treated areas. In addition, redness or discoloration may be noticed, which is quite normal. A few days after the session, all this will pass on its own. Owners of sensitive skin may develop allergies and a whitish edging on the skin where the drug was injected.

If the filler is introduced in order to impress others during an event, then the procedure is recommended to be carried out approximately 2-3 months before a significant date. During this time, all complications will pass, and the skin will look very natural.


The Radiesse filler has the same contraindications as other injectable implants:

  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncology;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • previous use of similar drugs;
  • taking coagulants;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes.

If at least one of the above points is present, you should definitely indicate this to the doctor during the consultation, since serious problems may arise after the procedure.


The price of the Radiesse filler depends on how much of the drug you need to use. A specialist who will eliminate defects will help to calculate this. The manufacturer himself packs the product in sterile disposable syringes. Each package contains only one such syringe, a pair of needles of different diameters and instructions for use.

For minimal correction of a small area, a syringe with a volume of 0.3 ml is used, which can be purchased for 11-12 thousand rubles. If the drug is needed to correct wrinkles of small depth and signs of wilting at the earliest stages, then you will have to buy a 0.8 ml syringe for 24-25 thousand rubles. If it is necessary to add volume, eliminate deep wrinkles and model the contour of the face, you will need to purchase a 1.5 ml syringe, the cost of which is more than 32 thousand rubles.

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