Beans for weight loss: what are the benefits of bean diets? Benefits of beans for weight loss. Bean Diet Recipes

The bean diet is an effective and healthy way to lose weight, which is recommended by leading nutritionists. With the help of such a weight loss system, it is possible to get rid of three to five kilograms in a couple of weeks.

Although there are more fast diets, this weight loss has undoubted advantage when you manage to lose weight and eat right at the same time. The name of the diet does not mean that only legumes are applicable, the menu is very diverse. In addition, to achieve best result You can, if you approach the system of weight loss in a complex and engage in physical activity.

Variety of legumes

At first glance, it may seem that legumes are peas and beans. In fact, the bean diet is quite varied as this type of food will include:

  • Peas;
  • Corn;
  • beans;
  • Beans;
  • lentils;
  • And even peanuts.

All this allows you to make food not insipid. Beans are rich in protein. Vegetarians often choose this diet, since protein from herbal products replaces protein in meat. Often legumes are a side dish for meat and fish dishes, porridges and soups are cooked from them, they are one or the main ingredient in salads. In this regard, nutritionists have developed a special bean diet, which helps not to feel hungry and at the same time, due to the low calorie content, allows you to effectively lose weight.

As for the composition and useful properties, beans, lentils and peas contain:

  • Minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • vegetable protein;
  • Vegetable fats.

Lentils are well absorbed by the body. It is low in fat and carbohydrates, which does not lead to weight gain. In addition, she is able to replenish daily allowance intake of iron and vitamin B group, if you consume 80 grams of these legumes.

In turn, beans contain pectins, which help to normalize metabolism and digestive work, neutralize toxins and other harmful substances, serving as a protective barrier against their entry into the human body. Beans are a low-calorie food, which, in turn, satisfies hunger. It is also an excellent immune booster.

Green peas include:

  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Vitamins of groups A, B and C;
  • Manganese.

Green peas - the content champion useful elements. It is recommended to eat every day, and even for those who do not follow a diet.

Another legume - peanuts - also contains a lot of D and B vitamins. But they should not be eaten much and often, because they are hard to digest and contain fat, which negatively affects weight change.

Diet Specifics

Like any other weight loss system, the bean diet requires dietary restrictions. There is no need to constantly starve. Weight loss occurs due to the content in the method of products containing not a large number of calories. In addition, while dieting, only weight decreases, not muscle, the protein in legumes helps maintain them. Also, beans, corn, peas have a lot of fiber, and this affects the rapid saturation of the body and the normalization of the digestive system. The merit of fiber is that it cleanses the intestines, freeing it from toxins and positively affecting the metabolism, namely, it is involved in the main roles in the processes of losing weight. Often the cause of obesity and overweight are metabolic disorders. With the help of such a diet, the work of many organs can be stabilized and improved.

It's no secret that during the diet period a person is depressed, stressful condition. Legumes, on the contrary, do not cause such processes, helping to maintain the emotional background in order - they contain vitamins and minerals.

Thus, the essence of the bean diet is the use of low-calorie foods enriched with proteins and allowing you to simultaneously strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and at the same time not gain excess weight.

Efficient and at the same time safe technique weight loss is a bean diet. But it turns out that legumes include not only peas and beans that are well known to all of us since childhood, but also soybeans, lentils, peanuts, chickpeas, and even clover with mimosa.

The benefits of legumes

Almost all legumes eaten are very useful for the body, they are rich in vegetable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, for which they received the name "vegetable meat" among the people.

In addition to the previously listed common properties each member of the family is unique and irreplaceable in its own way.

  • Peas, for example, contain a lot of starch, ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins.
  • Beans are low-calorie, but very nutritious, and thanks to the valuable substances in its composition, it not only supports protective functions body, but also improves immunity, prevents the development various infections. In addition, its presence is highly desirable in the diet of diabetics, because it is rich in unsaturated sugars that are indispensable for them.
  • Lentils are the champion in iron content among legumes. A large amount of potassium and calcium is found in soy, products from which help in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Peanuts are famous total absence in its composition of cholesterol, despite the fact that it contains 50% fat. In addition, it contains antioxidants that prevent early aging and reduce the impact of harmful free radicals on the body.
  • Undeservedly rarely used by us, low-calorie chickpeas are known for their rich content of methionine, an amino acid that improves liver function and acts as an antidepressant. And if we recall the presence in its composition of selenium in large quantities, which prevents the development oncological diseases and increasing mental activity, then chickpeas will rightfully take pride of place on our table.

As you can see, representatives of the legume family are just a storehouse useful substances. So why not start consuming them more often and ditch the bean diet along the way. overweight?

Types of diet

In general, the bean diet is divided into two main types.

The diet of the first type is considered strict, if it is observed, it is allowed to eat only specific product, and depending on this main product, the diet can be pea, bean, lentil, soy.

Strict lentil

Let's take a closer look at the strict lentil diet, which involves 3 meals a day.


  • In the morning you drink a glass of water, after 1.5-2 hours - a cup of green tea or coffee without adding sugar, milk or cream.
  • Drink another glass of water before dinner. Lunch and dinner boiled lentils with vegetables.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink any unsweetened fermented milk drink.

This diet lasts for about 7 days.

light diet

The second type bean diet is less restrictive and more enjoyable. There is no need to torture yourself with monotonous food, but there are still certain restrictions.

  1. Firstly, no sweet and starchy foods.
  2. Secondly, forget about semi-finished products, canned food, smoked meats, fried and fatty foods.
  3. Third, cut out alcohol completely.

As with most diets, you need to drink plenty of water, green tea, herbal infusions, natural juices. Low-fat boiled meat and fish, vegetables (except potatoes), fruits, brown rice, light soups in vegetable broth, lean stews, dairy products but in moderation.

The daily diet is divided into 4 meals, the main part of two of them are boiled or stewed legumes.


  • Breakfast - unsweetened sour-milk drink, a sandwich of grain bread with cheese.
  • Snack - an apple or 2 kiwi, a glass of water.
  • Lunch - boiled beans with finely chopped greens, seasoned with olive oil, unsweetened tea or coffee.
  • Dinner - lentil porridge, herbal tea.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

Advantages, disadvantages, precautions

  • The undoubted advantage of the diet is that the products that make up the bulk of the diet are available to everyone and always, you can “sit” on it at any time of the year.
  • because of huge amount vegetable protein in the diet fat mass will disappear, while the muscle will remain in place.
  • Fiber swells in the stomach, which speeds up satiety and prevents you from eating too much. The body is enriched with useful trace elements, and due to the large amount of fiber, the feeling of hunger will be alien to you throughout the entire period of dieting.
  • It is impossible not to appreciate beneficial effect her to work digestive system- the walls of the intestines are cleansed of toxins, the metabolism is accelerated.
  • Nutritionists advise sticking to a non-strict bean diet for no more than two weeks, during which you will lose 2 to 5 kg. Then you should take a break for 2 months, after which the diet can be repeated if desired.
  • Before starting a diet, be sure to consult a therapist! If you are suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver or kidneys, then the bean diet will not only not be beneficial, but can also seriously harm.
  • In addition, adherents of the diet should avoid increased physical exertion - due to the low calorie content of foods consumed for quite a long time, your body may start to work for wear.

Dishes from peas, beans, lentils are not only healthy, nutritious and quite tasty. Delight your household with dishes of Mexican, European, Italian, Turkish, Indian, Ukrainian and even Greek cuisine made from legumes, and you will not leave anyone indifferent.

Type of diet- low calorie

weight loss- 4-5 kg

Application period- 7 days

Legumes are the best for weight loss. In their composition, they contain a large amount of vegetable protein, a lot of fiber, enough vitamins and minerals, as well as fats. In addition, legumes / beans, peas, lentils / are quite low in calories. All this makes them irreplaceable. dietary products. Therefore, the site site recommends using legumes not only for diets, but also for healthy eating. because of great content protein legumes are also called vegetable meat. They have been known since ancient times - even in the tombs of the pharaohs they found beans, peas and lentils.

The bean diet is designed for 7 days and allows you to lose 4-5 kg, but for this you need to follow some rules:

It should be excluded from the menu sweet, fatty, flour dishes, as well as alcohol;

In tech. drink more than usual during the day drinking water, tea and coffee without sugar;

At night, you can drink a glass of fat-free kefir to improve bowel function.

Bean diet menu for the week

Monday Breakfast - toast with cheese, one glass of kefir.
Second breakfast - orange, kiwi, apple salad.
Lunch - 100 grams of boiled beans (canned is also suitable) with vegetable oil, one glass of pumpkin or tomato juice.
Dinner - one serving of lentil porridge, vegetable salad, one glass of juice.
Tuesday Breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese - 150 grams, tea without sugar, a cup of coffee.
Second breakfast - two fruits (bananas are excluded).
Lunch - boiled beans - 100 grams, sauerkraut salad with one tablespoon sunflower oil.
Dinner - boiled green peas - 100 grams, boiled fish- 100 grams, green tea without sugar.
One glass of yogurt before bed.
Wednesday Breakfast - a piece of cheese, toast, kefir - 200 grams.
The second breakfast is any one fruit. Dinner - pea porridge- 5-6 tablespoons, vegetable salad, tea or coffee without sugar. Dinner - one serving of bean soup (without meat), vegetable salad, tomato juice.
One glass of yogurt before bed.
Thursday Breakfast - toast with cheese, kefir - one glass.
The second breakfast is a salad of orange, kiwi, apple.
Lunch - boiled beans - 100 grams, boiled fish - 150 grams, vegetable salad - 200 grams, one glass of pumpkin or tomato juice.
Dinner - one serving of pea soup with two slices rye bread, one glass of tea without sugar.
One glass of yogurt before bed.
Friday Breakfast - 150 grams of cottage cheese with raisins, tea or coffee without sugar.
Second breakfast - any fruit (two pieces).
Lunch - one serving of vegetable broth, boiled lentils - 200 grams, sauerkraut.
Dinner - stewed eggplant - 250 grams, green tea without sugar, one slice of black bread.
One glass of yogurt before bed.
Saturday Breakfast - one serving of sprouted beans, one glass of juice.
The second breakfast is any fruit.
Lunch - one serving of pea soup, lean vegetable salad - 250 grams, tea without sugar, one slice of black bread.
Dinner - vegetable stew(without beets and potatoes) - 300 grams, tea without sugar with lemon.
One glass of yogurt before bed.
Sunday Breakfast - cottage cheese 150 grams, tea or coffee without sugar.
The second breakfast - fruits any one piece.
Lunch - sauerkraut salad, stewed green peas or beans - 100 grams, one cup of tea.
Dinner - one serving of pea porridge, boiled meat - 100 grams, a few slices of rye bread, tea without sugar or juice.
One glass of yogurt before bed.

Reviews. Bean Diet quite satisfying and allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry. However, it is better to exclude excessive physical activity for the whole time of the diet.

With its help, you can lose from 3 to 5 kilograms in just two weeks. Of course, there are diets and faster ones. But this nutrition system allows you to lose weight and eat right at the same time. Do not be afraid, you will not have to eat only beans and peas for two weeks. The diet menu is very varied. And if you combine it with daily exercise, then the result will not keep you waiting.

Legumes are very diverse. These are peas, and beans, and corn, and beans, and lentils. Many consider peanuts to be a nut, but in reality they are the same beans. Cocoa, as you know, is also made from cocoa beans. Therefore, the role of this culture in nutrition is really great. Vegetarians focus on this food, because it is rich in protein, which in a normal diet is obtained from meat. Legumes are often used as a side dish for meat, boiled soups and cereals, added to salads. So why not use this wonderful product in order to lose weight?

The essence of the bean diet

, like many others, is based on a dietary restriction. But you do not have to constantly starve. But the foods in the diet are extremely low-calorie. The legumes themselves are rich in protein, so during weight loss damage muscle mass there will be no body. They have a lot of fiber, which helps to quickly saturate the body, thanks to it you will not feel hungry. In addition, it has a good effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system. By cleaning the walls of the intestine, fiber frees it from toxins, has a beneficial effect on metabolism. And metabolic processes, as you know, play a big role in the process of losing weight. Often body fat and excess weight appear precisely as a result of their violation.

On the fourth day breakfast will again consist of toast, cheese and kefir. For second breakfast, make a salad of oranges, apples and kiwi. The lunch menu includes 100 grams of boiled beans, 150 grams of boiled fish and 200 grams of vegetable salad. Dinner will be modest - 250 grams of pea soup and a couple of slices of rye bread.

On the fifth day breakfast will delight you with low-fat cottage cheese with raisins. Before lunch you can have a fruit snack. Don't forget bananas on time bean diet prohibited. For lunch, prepare 150 grams of vegetable broth, 200 grams of lentils and sauerkraut salad. You can have dinner with stewed eggplant and a slice of black bread.

On the sixth day of the bean diet breakfast will be very interesting. In advance, you need to germinate about 150 grams of sprouted beans. You can drink this amazingly useful dish with any juice. We snack on fruit again in anticipation of dinner. And then we prepare the already familiar to us pea soup(about 250 grams) and vegetable salad without oil. You can eat some black bread. Dinner will be vegetable stew. Do not add potatoes or beets to it.

On the seventh day you need to have breakfast with 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese. The second breakfast will consist of a couple of fruits. For lunch, you can cook 100 grams stewed beans or green peas and sauerkraut. In the evening, the menu will consist of pea porridge, 100 grams of boiled lean meat and a couple of slices of rye bread.

So a week bean diet ended. But there is one more, the menu of which will be the same. And when it is over, you can look in the mirror with joy and see pleasant changes.

Specialists in the field of nutrition and healthy nutrition have created bean diet as a safe and effective way to combat overweight. It really justifies itself, because in 14 days it allows you to part with 3-5 kg. Of course, there are faster and more efficient power systems. However, it is this diet that makes it possible at the same time to reduce weight and adhere to proper nutrition. Surely many, after reading the name, will decide that for weight loss they will have to eat only beans. It's not like that at all. In fact, the diet on this diet is distinguished by an enviable variety. If you supplement it with a daily physical activity, nice results make you happy even faster.

What do you need to eat on such a diet? As they say, not only peas. The list of legumes, fortunately, is quite extensive. For cooking diet meals you can safely use soy, beans, lentils, chickpeas, cocoa beans and the already mentioned peas.

The bean diet, just like many others, is based on certain food restrictions. True, it must be said that there will definitely not be a need for a hunger strike. However, all foods allowed in this food system should only be low-calorie.

The most important quality of legumes is their enrichment with protein. This is very beneficial for the muscles - in the process of losing weight, they will not lose their mass. Also they are in large quantities contain fiber. It is she who needs to say “thank you” for the quick saturation and absence obsessive feeling hunger. And that's not all. Fiber makes an invaluable contribution to the functioning of the digestive system. She, like a professional cleaner, diligently cleans the intestinal walls from adhering toxins and, accordingly, has favorable influence on metabolism. It's no secret to anyone that just metabolic processes plays a leading role in weight loss. Often fat deposits and their natural result - overweight and additional centimeters - occur when they are violated.

Any, even the most - a kind of shake-up for the body. Legumes are good because they qualitatively eliminate its consequences. How? With the help of many useful substances in the composition. Lentils, peas, and beans are packed with incredible amounts of high-quality plant-based protein, as well as vitamins and various minerals. They are also rich in fats. Only vegetable. it healthy fats- they do not provoke an increase in body weight. There is a lot of protein in lentils, but on the contrary, there are few fats and carbohydrates. By the way, it is absorbed better than other legumes. And one more fact in favor of lentils: in order to provide yourself with a daily intake of B vitamins and iron, you will need to consume only 80 g of this legume.

How to diet properly

Positive and negative sides

The pluses include:

  • The undeniable benefits of legumes for the body.
  • Good nutritional balance. The fullness of the diet with sour milk, fruits and other benefits.
  • Variety of daily diet.

The cons are:

  • Lack of animal proteins in the diet.
  • Diet contraindication for people with gastrointestinal diseases and some other diseases.
  • The need for a competent exit from the diet. If they are neglected, the weight will gain again and quickly.

Meal schedule for 1 week

Mon Let's have breakfast Thin slice toast hard cheese. Drink a glass of kefir with 1% fat.
Have a snack Apple salad, kiwi and orange.
Lunch 100g serving of boiled beans with added olive oil. Drink a glass of tomato or pumpkin juice.
Dinner A portion of lentil porridge with vegetable salad. We drink juice (glass).
WT Let's have breakfast A 150-gram portion of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content. You can have a cup of tea or coffee. You can't sweeten.
Have a snack A couple of fruits of your choice. Only bananas are banned.
Lunch 100g serving of boiled beans with sauerkraut, in which you can add a little bit of oil (olive).
Dinner A 100-gram serving of boiled green peas with a piece (no more than 100 g) of boiled fish. It is allowed to drink a cup of unsweetened green tea.
SR Let's have breakfast See mon
Have a snack Any fruit of your choice (1 pc.)
Lunch A portion of porridge from peas (volume - 5-6 tablespoons) with a salad of vegetables. Drink a cup of tea or coffee. Unsweetened.
Dinner A serving of bean soup (you can’t cook on meat) with a salad of vegetables. We drink tomato juice.
Thu Let's have breakfast See mon
Have a snack fruit salad(apple, kiwi and orange).
Lunch A 100-gram serving of boiled beans with a piece (no more than 100 g) of boiled fish. Add to this a salad of vegetables (200 g). Wash down with pumpkin or tomato juice.
Dinner A portion of pea soup, with which you can take a couple of slices whole grain bread. Drinking a cup of tea
Fri Let's have breakfast 150-gram portion of cottage cheese with the addition of raisins. Drink a cup of tea or coffee.
Have a snack Fruits of your choice (2 pcs.)
Lunch A portion of broth on vegetables and boiled lentils (200 g). Add sauerkraut to this.
Dinner A 250-gram serving of braised eggplant with a slice of whole grain bread. Drink a cup of tea (green).
Sat Let's have breakfast A serving of beans (they must first be germinated). We drink a glass of juice.
Have a snack Fruit of your choice.
Lunch A serving of pea soup with a diet vegetable salad (250 g). You can take a slice of whole grain bread. We drink a cup of tea.
Dinner A 300-gram portion of vegetable stew (it is forbidden to use potatoes and beets). We drink a cup of tea. You can throw in a slice of lemon.
Sun Let's have breakfast See Fri
Snacking> See Sat
Lunch 100-gram serving of boiled beans (can be replaced green peas) with sauerkraut salad. We drink a cup of tea.
Dinner A portion of porridge from peas, a piece (100 g) of steam dietary meat with 2-3 slices of whole grain bread. We drink juice or tea - to your taste.

Let's summarize

Many people like dishes made from lentils, peas or beans due to their nutritional value and wonderful taste. In addition, they are likely to please the rest of the family. And this will save you from having to cook food for each separately.

"Sitting" on legumes, you will provide your body with a decent supply of the most important nutrients, and also, as already mentioned, enrich it with a very valuable protein. Your muscles will thank you. Legumes will not only help you lose those extra pounds, but they will do it with the highest quality, without harm to the body. And this is the most important thing in every food system.

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