Growing purple basil. Where is purple basil used? Basil storage rules

Basil is a very common culinary herb. However, its useful properties have learned to apply in traditional medicine and cosmetology. This amazing spicy plant with branching stems can be part of a meal or decorate a flower bed near the house.

Depending on the variety, basil can be annual or perennial. It is a plant with thin leaves and a spicy aroma. The leaves of different varieties are different colors- purple and green.

Basil with green leaves:

  • fragrant garden or camphor - easily grown at home and on balconies;
  • lemon - has a pronounced lemon flavor.

Purple basil, due to its high decorativeness, is often planted in alpine hills and in the central places of flower beds.

Basil leaves and flowers contain an essential oil (0.3% in the stem, up to 6% in the leaves and 20% in the seeds) constituent components which are:

  • methylchavicol (up to 60%);
  • camphor;
  • havikol;
  • pinene;
  • cineole;
  • l-linalool;
  • eugenol;
  • ocimene;
  • phytoncides;
  • glycosides;
  • rutin (150 mg%);
  • β-carotene (3-8.7 mg%);
  • riboflavin (0.092 mg%);
  • a nicotinic acid(0.315 mg%);
  • vitamin E.

And also this plant contains sugars, tannins, proteins, fats and starch, fiber and ascorbic acid.
The seeds contain 12-20% fatty oil.


How is basil used?

This plant has been used in cooking, folk medicine and home cosmetology and even landscape design.

To use basil in cooking, it is dried, frozen and used in fresh. Often growing it on eco-farms, household plots and even on loggias and balconies.

Freeze crushed basil. To do this, the gruel is placed in ice molds and frozen. And then translated for long-term storage in special packages that withstand low temperatures freezers.

Green oil is prepared using basil. Chopped leaves are crushed into gruel with a blender and mixed with softened butter. In this form, spread the butter in small molds and freeze. As necessary, they take one such cube and put it on, for example, a portion fried fish. The butter will melt on a hot dish and gradually give the fish a creamy taste and spicy aroma.

Dried basil is a popular spice mix with rosemary, mint, coriander, marjoram and tarragon. It is seasoned mainly with meat and fish meals, pasta, sauces, soups and dressings for warm and cold salads.

Fresh basil leaves are added to hot dishes a few minutes before the end of their preparation. Prepare with them dressings for salads of their fresh seasonal vegetables and for autumn period marinating and preserving. They are also suitable for flavoring vegetable oils and liqueurs.

This spice is added to dishes a few minutes before the end of the heat treatment process, otherwise the leaves may darken. To avoid such a reaction, you can add a little fresh lemon juice along with the greens.

How to cook:

  1. Wash mushrooms and tomatoes and cut into slices;
  2. Ham also cut;
  3. Heat up in a frying pan vegetable oil and lay out the ham and mushrooms;
  4. Fry until a light crispy crust of products;
  5. Add tomatoes and stir;
  6. Fry for a few more minutes;
  7. Rinse and dry the basil leaves, tear them into small pieces with your hands;
  8. Pour eggs into skillet. Don't interfere;
  9. Sprinkle immediately with salt and ground pepper. Sprinkle with basil;
  10. Close the lid and reduce the heating of the stove;
  11. After 5-7 minutes, the omelet will be ready to eat.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 g: proteins - 6.5 g; fats - 16.3 g; carbohydrates - 0.9 g; 178.6 kcal

Basil essential oils have analgesic and antiseptic property. In this regard, it is added to the decoction for therapeutic baths at diseases of blood circulation, joints and vessels. He also helps chronic fatigue. Ointments with basil essential oil are rubbed into joints affected by arthritis.

Healing ointment recipe

  1. As the main component, the usual baby cream or any other cream without additives;
  2. In an enameled or plastic small cup, you need to mix the cream and essential oil in a ratio of 10 ml of cream to 5 drops of oil;
  3. Rub into the area affected by pain;
  4. To be at rest for 1-2 hours, covering the smeared area with heat.

Fresh basil combined with honey, peeled walnuts and dried fruits can increase the body's resistance to disease, greatly reducing the risk of respiratory diseases.

Basil, thanks to its medical properties, great for making homemade masks for the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

Crushed gruel of basil, together with a part of kefir, is able to smooth out wrinkles. This happens in connection with the normalization of the activity of skin cells and water-fat balance. But, this mixture should be used carefully. First, try applying the mask to a small part of your hand. If after a few minutes there is no discomfort, you can continue applying the mask.

Healing Oil Recipe

Such medicinal oil very easy to cook at home.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Choose fresh and undamaged leaves. Collect them in dry and slightly windy weather.
  2. wash the leaves cold water and lay out on a towel to dry.
  3. Grind the leaves in a blender. The smaller they are, the more essential oils will come out of them.
  4. Take any vegetable oil and mix it with basil gruel.
  5. Seal tightly and infuse in a cool, dark place for 3-4 days.
  6. Then strain the mixture through a tight cheesecloth.
  7. Use as directed.

Very important! This oil can only be used for 3 weeks. Then it synthesizes harmful substances, causing acute poisoning organism.

In landscape design

Basil bushes are planted close to each other, forming a small hedge, dividing the site into sectors.

Also, expressive basil leaves look great in a spicy flower bed along with mint, lemon balm, parsley, cilantro and watercress.

When making a flower bed, it must be remembered that basil, mint and lemon balm can grow up (up to 70 cm), without giving desired effect for design. Therefore, it is recommended to cut these plants in time, provoking the appearance of additional lateral buds and branches. So they will be more magnificent and decorative.

Basil contains a large amount of essential oils rich in camphor. With this composition, it helps our body in many diseases. Including with poor blood circulation, toothache, nervous shocks and disorders. And also basil acts as antimicrobial drug, the effect of which can be enhanced by the addition of lavender oil. It has a strong diuretic effect.

Essential oil of basil in combination with honey treats sore throats, flu, pruritus and nausea.

When used topically, basil helps with toothache, cough, and otitis media.

What is the harm to health?

Basil is completely contraindicated in case of poor blood clotting, tendency to thrombosis, recent acute diseases hearts, strokes and heart attacks.

It is strongly not recommended to use basil for cooking and medicinal mixtures for children under seven years of age and pregnant women (a large amount of basil eaten can provoke fetal rejection - miscarriage), as well as during lactation.

People suffering from epilepsy, diabetes and hypertension are strictly prohibited from using basil.

Allergic and dental diseases are incompatible with this plant.

If you plan to use basil leaves for medicinal purposes, it is best to consult with a general practitioner before doing so.

The ancient Slavs gave the basilica magical properties protection of family happiness and a prosperous and long life.

The peoples of India believe that this plant gives a person a feeling of love, compassion and faith. Helps to reveal the talents of clairvoyance.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about purple basil. Basil came to Europe from South Asia. It was discovered there and the first to be cultivated by the Germans in the 12th century. The beneficial properties of the plant were known much earlier and the ancient peoples already knew how to use it in medical purposes.

An annual plant has several dozen varieties. They may have various sizes and productivity. The color and shape of the leaves also differ.

Purple varieties differ from green-leaved varieties in a more pronounced aroma. But in terms of chemical composition and properties, they are almost identical. Grass is commonly used in cooking as a seasoning. But the medical and cosmetic benefits of purple basil are known.

Composition and health benefits

Basil composition trace elements

Basil is rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to them, the plant contains fiber, ash, phytoncides. Basil owes its pronounced aroma to essential oils, which contain camphor, saponins, glycosides, and tannins.


  • BUT. It has skin regenerating properties. Provides healthy look faces. Participates in metabolism. Useful for the eyes, preventing the development of blindness. Improves production breast milk.
  • AT 3. It is a component of about three hundred enzymes and is involved in most metabolic processes. Stabilizes blood glucose levels. Regulates content. Promotes the expansion of blood vessels and normalization of blood circulation. Important for the functioning of the brain and gastrointestinal tract.
  • AT 4. Essential for the proper functioning of the brain. Vitamin deficiency leads to memory impairment and reduced learning ability. Soothes nervous system. Important for the liver and heart.
  • AT 9. Essential for bowel maintenance hormonal balance, full work genitourinary system.
  • FROM. Maintains vascular elasticity. Needed by the immune system, is an antioxidant and helps the body fight off allergens.
  • E. Calms the nervous system, normalizes hormonal background. Helps lower cholesterol levels, is the prevention of thrombosis. Essential for skin, hair and nails. The regenerative abilities of the vitamin are widely used in the treatment of skin diseases.
  • TO. Essential for protein synthesis and proper metabolism. Required by the kidneys.
  • RR. Improves metabolism and tissue respiration. Helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Micro, macro elements:

  • Iron. Participates in tissue respiration and in the production of immune cells, hemoglobin. Essential for the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Potassium. Helps to regulate the water content in the tissues, prevents their stagnation and stimulates the cleansing of toxins. Important for the heart.
  • Calcium. It is one of the main elements in the basis bone tissue. Provides good sleep and metabolic rate. Calms the nervous system, is necessary for the heart and blood vessels. Promotes the removal of toxins and salts of heavy metals.
  • Magnesium. It is important for almost all body systems: central nervous system, endocrine, genitourinary, heart, brain. Helps normalize blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Manganese. Important for normal exchange various substances including insulin.
  • Copper. Helps iron to transform into hemoglobin. Important for the liver immune system and brain.
  • Sodium. Improves performance digestive tract. Maintains water-salt balance, ensures uninterrupted transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Phosphorus. Requires bone and muscular system. Participates in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Zinc. Required, the brain. Important for the male genitourinary system, positively affects the quality of sperm. Helps maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Benefit for health

The beautiful and fragrant herb has many health benefits. Therefore, they should not be neglected.

Basil properties:

  • Antibacterial.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Disinfectants.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Astringents.
  • Carminative.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Regenerating.
  • Tonic.
  • Diuretic.

Benefit for health:

  1. Helps to increase blood pressure.
  2. Effective in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.
  3. Indicated in diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  4. Can boost immunity.
  5. Effective in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  6. Improves function bronchopulmonary system: helps with coughs and bronchial asthma.
  7. Increases the resistance of the nervous system to stress and depression.
  8. Improves blood circulation, removes bad cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels.
  9. Eliminates headaches.
  10. Effective in therapy festering wounds.
  11. Eliminates inflammation of the gums.
  12. Helps with inflammation in the throat.

The benefits of basil for men

The plant belongs to the category of natural aphrodisiacs - it increases sexual desire. Improving blood circulation enhances potency, and diuretic qualities have a positive effect on the genitourinary system.

Basil contains a high concentration of protein, which helps to recover from physical training.

Benefits of basil for women

The plant promotes weight loss. Regular consumption of basil seeds activates lipid metabolism which leads to fat burning. Antidepressant and tonic qualities help to get a boost of energy and avoid bad mood, which women who are on a diet are susceptible to.

Purple basil is shown to be used in home cosmetology. For these purposes, oil and leaves are used, which positively affects the condition of the skin and hair.

Basil during pregnancy and lactation

The plant strengthens the immune system, regulates processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and is effective for bloating and abdominal cramps. Basil calms the nervous system and eliminates headaches.

Some experts do not recommend using purple basil during pregnancy due to its tonic properties. At the same time, most doctors talk about the expediency and usefulness of using it in a limited amount. A safe amount is 2 branches per week.

During lactation, it is necessary to monitor the amount of basil tea drunk, as it can act excitingly on the baby. In addition, the drink can lead to a significant increase in the amount of milk.


Do not use purple basil as a remedy more three weeks. Then you should take a break. Abuse of it can lead to a serious deterioration in well-being with pronounced signs of poisoning.

The plant is contraindicated:

  • After heart attacks and strokes.
  • With epilepsy.
  • Children up to 7 years old.
  • With varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.
  • With hypotension.
  • During the period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The use of basil in cooking

The herb is widely used as a seasoning for various dishes. Basil often acts as a component of sauces. In cooking, fresh and dried leaves, seeds.

The plant is combined with vegetables, meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes. It is added to desserts and drinks. The breadth of application is explained by its multifaceted taste: at first it is slightly bitter, and when opened it acquires a pleasant sweetness. Pairs very well with turkey.

The use of basil in medicine

The herb is widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions, infusions, ointments, teas are prepared from it. Seeds and leaves are used. The juice of the plant helps to quickly restore damaged skin. It is also effective in the treatment of purulent wounds. To do this, the required area must be lubricated with juice 3 times a day for a week.


An effective remedy for the treatment of arthritis of the joints. For cooking therapeutic agent you need a baby cream that will become the base. Essential oil of basil is added to it at the rate of 5 drops per 10 ml. bases. The finished ointment is rubbed into the inflamed joints and the area is insulated with clothing. The procedure takes 1-2 hours, during which you should be at rest.

seed preparation

Purple basil seeds are best for cleansing the body and aiding in weight loss. They must be assembled independently or purchased at a specialized place. Seeds intended for planting cannot be used for food, as they are processed with chemicals.

Seeds (1 tsp) should be poured warm water, stir well and let it brew a little. After a couple of minutes, the seeds will change their appearance and will look like eggs with a mucous membrane. Finished product you can eat with fruit, drink tea or juice.

Basil infusion

It is prepared from the leaves of the plant. The drink has calming properties, it will help relieve stress and improve sleep.


Need dry plant(1 tsp) pour boiling water (1 cup). Infuse for half an hour in a thermos, strain.


  1. Treatment of inflammation in the kidneys and urinary system. It is necessary to drink daily in small portions of 0.5 liters. infusion.


You need dry basil (1 tbsp.) Pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for 1 hour, strain.


  1. Cough treatment. It is necessary to drink ¼ cup in 20 minutes. before meals 4 times a day.
  2. Throat treatment. The infusion is used to gargle an inflamed throat. The procedure is performed 3 times a day.

Basil decoction

For cooking, fresh basil leaves (2 handfuls) are used, which are filled with water (1 l.). The mixture is put on the stove, brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the drink must be removed from the fire and insisted for 1 hour, strain, cool.


  1. Regular rinsing of the feet with a decoction can reduce their sweating.
  2. At urolithiasis you should drink ½ cup of decoction 2 times a day.

basil tea

To prepare the drink, fresh leaves of the plant (1 handful) are used, which are poured with boiling water (1 l.). Tea is infused for 5 minutes. The drink is drunk in a filtered and slightly cooled form. You can add lemon and honey.


  1. Treatment of flatulence. It is necessary to drink 2 glasses of tea daily for a week. The course is repeated after 2 weeks of break.
  2. Elimination of nausea and vomiting.

Application in cosmetology

Basil for the face

Basil well tones the skin, eliminates inflammation. Helps to solve the problems inherent in mature skin: wrinkles, age spots.


An effective remedy that eliminates various skin inflammations. Helps deal with acne. Ready tonic to wipe the skin in the morning and evening.

How to cook:

  1. Purple basil leaves (20 gr.) Wash and dry thoroughly.
  2. Grind as much as possible in a blender.
  3. Pour boiling water (0.2 l.).
  4. Insist 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Toning mask

The easy-to-prepare composition refreshes the skin, improves elasticity and evens out the relief of the skin of the face.

How to use:

  1. Grind fresh basil leaves in a blender and mix with a little water (the composition must remain thick enough, otherwise it will not stick to the face).
  2. Cleanse your skin first.
  3. Apply the composition on the face, neck and décolleté.
  4. Wash off with water after 20 minutes.

Revitalizing mask

The composition with the essential oil of the plant is intended for mature skin. It will provide deep nutrition, increase elasticity and firmness.

How to use:

  1. mix egg yolk, honey (1/2 tsp), basil oil (3 drops).
  2. Cleanse your face.
  3. Apply composition for 10 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.
  5. Rinse skin with cool water.

Hair care

Basil purple can improve the condition of the hair. They become stronger, shiny and more obedient. To do this, it is recommended to regularly use a rinse prepared from fresh leaves plants.

How to use:

  1. Leaves (20 gr.) Grind in a blender.
  2. Pour boiling water (1 l.).
  3. Infuse for 40 minutes, strain.
  4. Rinse shampooed hair.

Basil purple is useful plant used not only in cooking. Based on the fact that it has some contraindications, a specialist consultation is required before using basil for medical purposes.

Basil is perennial grass and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. He came to us from South Asia. The plant loves heat. It has an amazing aroma, which is why it is constantly used in cooking. AT ordinary life people most often use basil as an additive to food, in the form of a spice.

In the 20th century, it began to be grown in Greece, Moldova, Crimea, Georgia, Armenia, Iran and India. He became famous all over the world. Its stems are tetrahedral in shape and have a height of about 50 cm. The leaves are oblong in shape and green in color.

Healing properties

The benefits of basil are very great, but few people know about it. It contains cineole, methylchavinol, linalool, tannins, acid saponin and ocimene. It contains about 0.2-1.5% essential oil, the aroma of which cannot be forgotten for a long time. Basil also contains carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, rutin, nicotinic acid, sugar, saponin, glycosides and phytoncides.

Basil is in 4th place in terms of the amount of vitamin C. It is second only to parsley, red hot pepper and black hot pepper.

Not only a spice, but also a medicine

The healing qualities of basil are unique. It perfectly cleanses the body of all unnecessary. Surprisingly, it repels blood-sucking insects. According to Hindu doctors, the benefits of basil are to strengthen defensive forces body, it boosts the immune system. Our doctors do not argue with this either. Basil gives mental clarity and strengthens human memory. In Russia, this plant has long been used for headaches, arthritis and rheumatism. The benefits of basil for the body are very high. If you make a decoction of it, it helps during vomiting, with diseases of the stomach, with chronic ailments urinary tract. The benefits of basil also lie in the fact that it is great for gum disease, kidney disease, and respiratory tract.

Bactericidal properties

Its essential oil is a quick help for bloating and diarrhea. The benefits of basil for women are also very great, as it helps a lot in critical days relieving spasms and reducing pain. It is added to tea, gargled with decoction, used for bathing and for poultices.

The benefits of basil for men are also great. It perfectly relieves fatigue after a long busy day and perfectly tones. Basil increases male potency and is a real savior for erection problems. For positive action it is added as a seasoning for fish and meat, seasoned with salad, pasta, cheese, cottage cheese and fermented milk products.

Amazing composition

The benefits of basil for the human body are great. It is considered to be a natural antibiotic. Due to the presence of essential oils and phytoncides in its composition, the plant has bactericidal, disinfectant and antifungal properties. The health benefits of basil are that it protects against almost every kind of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

It helps to reduce the temperature in case of flu, typhoid fever, allergies, relieves inflammation of the lungs. Fights the effects of smoking, tuberculosis and cancer. Its benefit is also great in bronchial asthma. It eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the causes of its occurrence. Protects the cardiovascular system from exposure free radicals due to the presence in the composition of evengol. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and helps to normalize blood pressure.

Basil copes with bacteria by almost 100%, they can and should rinse the mouth. It gives long-lasting freshness of breath. Heals in the mouth ulcerative lesions and does not give rise malignant neoplasms. However, you should not just chew it, it is bad for the teeth, it is best to use a decoction. Basil is also a diuretic. Saves from the occurrence of kidney stones, removing uric acid.

Women's health advocate

Basil helps the mother during lactation. It enhances the secretion of milk from the breast. Experts advise expectant mothers to actively include this plant in their diet. It also helps women in skin care. It is enough to wash your face with a decoction of this plant - and then you will not be afraid of any problems with the integument.

Benefits of purple basil

The benefit of purple basil is that it contains more essential oils. If you add a little of it every day to food, they will improve. metabolic processes in the body. It will increase blood circulation, facilitate the digestion of food. It can be used to treat warts, it helps to eliminate itching and pain after an insect bite. This plant has a positive effect on the skin in general. At constant use wrinkles will begin to smooth out, the condition of everything will improve skin slow down the aging process. Purple basil can also be used for hair care. If its oil is added to masks, they will strengthen the hair and saturate them with energy.

Its leaves contain carotene. Getting into the body with food, it improves the protection of cells from external influences. negative factors, strengthens their shell. The fiber contained in the leaves of this plant improves bowel function. It is also rich in calcium, iron, chavicol and camphor, which further enhance the effect of the essential oil. It is best to add basil when the dish is ready. For example, if you are making soup, add the plant at the very end. Grinding it is best not with a knife, but with your hands. When shopping for basil, make sure the leaves aren't yellow. The main rule in its use is moderation, especially at first.

What are the healthiest types of basil?

Basil has many health benefits human body. However, there are many types of this plant. The most suitable for use are the following:

  • Asian (purple) - it is distinguished by large dense purple leaves and a stem covered with villi. The leaves have a strong smell and taste of spices.
  • Lemon species has leaves correct form and a spicy citrus scent. Very rich in vitamins A and C.

  • The Mediterranean plant is light green in color, with small rounded leaves, has a delicate unobtrusive taste and is often used for dressing salads.
  • Thai basil changes color from light purple to green as it grows. It has a particularly pleasant taste of sweet cloves. It contains the largest amount of flavonoids and iron.

What is harmful basil

Due to the fact that this plant contains mercury compounds, it can adversely affect the human body.

If used in small quantities, basil will not harm you in any way, but will only help with various ailments. However, sometimes even doctors forbid its use, since for some people it is contraindicated for health reasons.

Basil should not be consumed in cases where a person has been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus of 1-2 degrees, with vein disease, such as thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also if there is a disease associated with disorders of the heart.

Basil is rich in powerful essential oil. Because of this, it can cause a malfunction gastrointestinal tract or poisoning. It is not recommended to add it to the diet of children, as it sometimes gives an allergic reaction.

Like any other product, if you use this plant in moderation, it will only benefit you. Eating it every other day for food, adding it to the main dish or dressing it with salad, you will soon notice an improvement in the condition of the skin, the functioning of the stomach and heart.

Basil helps to improve food processing and removes unpleasant heaviness in the stomach after a hearty meal. Take care of your health and eat only healthy food.

Basil is actively used in cooking as a fragrant spice. However, in addition to culinary advantages, the plant also has valuable medicinal properties for the body: basil - the benefits and harms of the herb are of interest when it is used in medical practice and for the prevention of many diseases. Currently, physicians continue to actively study healing effect infusions, decoctions from the plant.

What is basil

Royal herb - this is how basil is translated from ancient Greek. It is an annual spicy plant of the mint family with a tart taste, growing up to 80 cm. All parts of the herb contain essential oil, which causes the expressive aroma of basil. About 70 of its species are known, but ordinary green basil is widely used and purple. There is also a lemon variety with a corresponding aroma. Basil is known under other popular names: regan, fragrant cornflower, raykhon.


Beneficial features basilica defined unique composition elements. The aerial part is rich in vitamins, contains essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, sugars, carotene. The fat content in the grass reaches 2 g, and the caloric content - up to 230 kcal / 100 g of the product. To understand how basil is useful for the body, you need to get acquainted with the rich chemical composition plants:




beta carotene

B1, thiamine

C, ascorbic acid

B6, pyridoxine

K, phylloquinone


trace elements



Fatty acid

Basil Properties

The benefits of basil are due chemical compounds in leaves and seeds, which can prevent a wide range of diseases, help promote health, fight infections. It has the following properties:

  • Antipyretic, diaphoretic. Basil is used for colds and respiratory problems, and if sesame seeds are used with basil flowers, such an infusion lowers high temperature and is also taken to prevent colds.
  • Antibacterial. These properties are used in dentistry against the formation of tartar, bad smell, bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Astringent, bactericidal. Decoctions help strengthen the gums, relieve inflammation.
  • Healing. The plant has a positive effect on skin diseases, contributes to the speedy scarring of wounds, sutures after surgery.
  • Immunostimulating. Such qualities make it possible to inhibit the growth of HIV and carcinogenic cells.
  • Diuretic. Infusions prevent stone formation in the kidneys.
  • Soothing. Spicy greens are great for stress, calms the nervous system.
  • Antispasmodic. Basil eliminates flatulence, relieves spasms in the stomach, normalizing gas exchange in the intestines.

What is useful basil

The value of phytonutrients forms medicinal properties basilica. The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process. The use of basil helps to restore and strengthen the body. The oil obtained from the spice is included in cosmetics care for aging skin. in different national cuisines basil is very popular. It gives dishes a spicy flavor: greens are added to salads, first, second dishes, even desserts.

For women

The use of basil has particular benefits for women. When following a diet, fresh leaves contribute to weight loss due to low calorie content, lack of cholesterol, and the ability to accelerate the breakdown of fats. A decoction of the plant reduces pain during menstruation and restores the cycle, enhances lactation in nursing. The impact of essential oils has a tonic effect, so it is undesirable for pregnant women to use (it is possible to increase the tone of the uterus), but these qualities are successfully used in cosmetology for anti-aging creams, to eliminate brittle hair and nails.

For men

In addition to the general benefit, the "royal grass" has specific influence on the body of men: about increasing male potency with her help, they knew for a long time, in ancient india, and modern doctors and ethnoscience this is confirmed. A huge content of acids that stimulate blood circulation, regulate blood sugar levels, improve the function of internal male organs, that's why stronger sex It is recommended to use this green spice daily.

The use of basil

Apply medicinal plant externally in the form of lotions and inside in the form of decoctions of leaves and flowers of dried or fresh herbs. Dishes, especially meat dishes, are better digested when spices are added. Inhaling the aroma of the plant helps well with a runny nose. Cold infusion foot baths are used for excessive sweating legs. A tea prepared with the flowers lowers high blood pressure, and a slurry of fresh leaves applied to the temples helps in the treatment of headaches. FROM therapeutic purpose the common (fragrant) variety of the plant is used.

For kidney disease

At chronic diseases urinary system an infusion is used, prepared as follows: 11 g of dry crushed leaves are taken in a glass of hot water, the mixture is closed with a lid, infused for 30 minutes. The broth is filtered and taken three times a day for 1/3 cup, half an hour after eating. To remove stones from the kidneys, you need to drink such an infusion half an hour before bedtime, half a glass.

In diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems

In a neurasthenic condition and diseases of the heart, blood vessels, it is recommended to drink a glass of infusion 2 times a day: a teaspoon of dried herbs is poured with half a liter of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes. It is possible to use a more concentrated infusion: a tablespoon of crushed dry raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for two hours, filtered. It should be taken in two tablespoons 4 times a day.

Restorative action

As a wonderful tonic and tonic, plant decoctions help strengthen the body's immunity. Making one of these is easy:

  • 2 g of herbs are placed in a porcelain container and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • insist half an hour;
  • strained infusion should be drunk during the day before meals;
  • take a decoction should be at least two weeks.

For diseases of the respiratory organs

Bronchitis, cough and other inflammations respiratory system treated with juice, which is obtained by squeezing the ground part of the plant (leaves, flower clusters, stem) immediately before flowering. Purple or green juice is mixed in equal proportions with honey and water, since it is taken in pure may irritate the stomach and esophagus. It is necessary to take 10 days for a teaspoon in the morning and evening after meals with a break of 10 days - only three courses.

Another viable option- making tea for colds - it has antibacterial properties. To receive you need to healing effect, such flavored drink needs to be cooked properly. A teaspoon of dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 5 minutes. Then you can add for taste lemon juice, sugar, honey. Properly brewed anti-inflammatory tea has yellow.

Harm and contraindications of basil

Basil - its benefits and harms are due to constituent components that can be harmful, in addition to treatment. The mercury compounds present in the plant limit its use by persons with diabetes suffering from hypertension, patients with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis. During pregnancy, angina pectoris, epilepsy, the use of this herb should be abandoned. At long-term use, over 3 weeks, possible food poisoning organism. In the treatment of children under the age of seven, it is forbidden to use preparations with basil.


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