What to eat after removal of polyps in the stomach. Products of animal origin. What is strictly prohibited

About polyps in the intestines, symptoms and causes of their appearance

With polyps in the intestines, diet is an indispensable condition for treatment. Her the main task- reducing the load on the mucous membrane so that the body can recover faster. To do this, foods that can injure the intestinal walls are completely excluded from the diet for polyps in the intestines. Injuries are mechanical (large pieces of food can linger in different departments intestines, causing fermentation and putrefaction) and chemical (in order to digest heavy foods, the intestines have to produce increased amount enzymes).

With intestinal polyps, indigestion begins with the fact that on the mucosa appear small seals. Gradually, they grow, so that the lumen of the intestinal walls narrows. In itself, such a narrowing is dangerous, since digested food does not pass well through the intestines, it lingers for a long time in different departments, which is why putrefactive processes begin.

Another danger of polyps is that the damaged intestine cannot produce enough digestive enzymes(part of the cells that perform secretory function, eventually replaced by cells connective tissue). In this case, a precancerous condition is diagnosed. So the appearance of polyps is the first step towards a malignant tumor.

The fact that the situation may be critical is evidenced by the following symptoms: diarrhea, alternating with constipation, It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen, pain during bowel movements, blood clots in feces, general weakness, loss of appetite, lethargy. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As for the causes of the development of the disease, everything is very individual. Most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are provoked malnutrition, due to which the mucous membrane regularly becomes inflamed. The more fat (especially trans fats), spices in food, the more alcohol and convenience foods in the diet, the higher the likelihood of just such a scenario. True, one should not forget about genetics, because gastroenterological diseases are often inherited.

Treatment of polyps with nutrition is impossible - only surgical intervention, otherwise over time benign tumor may develop into malignancy.

Proper nutrition after surgery

After a polypectomy (surgery to remove polyps), all food should only be eaten pureed and warm. Very hot dishes affect the inflamed mucosa and aggravate the situation, and to digest the cold intestines, you need to spend a lot of energy (first, you need to warm up the food, and then digest it). A strict diet after removal of polyps in the intestine is observed for two to three weeks. Its basis is pureed soups, cereals on the water with a small piece of butter, lean meat only in minced form, steamed or baked.

You need to eat five to six times a day, and portions should be the size of a fist so that the intestines can digest them more easily.

The diet after removal of the intestinal polyp must be included protein products, since it is the amino acids contained in them that are the main building material for cells, tissues and organs. However protein food by no means should it be heavy. The faster it is absorbed, the better. The diet should include:

  • chicken eggs (only in the form of an omelet or soft-boiled, as hard-boiled ones are hard to digest);
  • nuts in a small amount(except peanuts);
  • lean meat (chicken or turkey, but without the skin) and lean fish;
  • vegetables with low content sugar (greens, cucumbers, cauliflower, beans, onions, garlic);
  • porridge with water butter(about 20 g);
  • dairy products(low-fat, non-acid);
  • dry white bread (can be in the form of crackers), dry biscuits.

Coffee and cocoa will have to be abandoned in favor of herbal tea, infusions based on wild rose, chamomile.

Folk remedies

The most effective folk remedies after removal of polyps to prevent recurrence, the following are considered:

  • infusion from viburnum fruits. Use it 3-4 times a day, you can add a little honey;
  • a decoction of dry chaga, St. John's wort, yarrow in the same proportions (1 tablespoon each). Pour the mixture with boiling water (200-300 ml) and leave for half an hour. Drink a quarter cup three times a day before meals for 20 minutes;
  • infusion based on horseradish and honey. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, pour boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day;
  • propolis with butter (proportion 1:10). Take 1 teaspoon three times a day, after dissolving the mixture in a glass of milk.

Approximate power schemes

Option number 1

Breakfast - low-fat fresh cottage cheese without sugar, honey and sour cream or oatmeal or rice porrige on water with butter, a decoction of wild rose or St. John's wort.
Snack - crackers from white bread, grated cheese.
Lunch - vermicelli soup or meat broth with noodles or rice, chicken fillet soufflé, stewed vegetables, dried fruit compote.
Snack - diet pate, white stale bread, a decoction of wild rose.
Dinner - hake baked in foil, boiled egg, dried fruits compote.

Option number 2

Breakfast - poached eggs or dietary omelette (from 2 proteins), jelly.
Snack - kefir, baked apple with cottage cheese.
Lunch - cauliflower puree soup, green peas, zucchini, jelly.
Snack - coarse bran, weakly brewed tea without sugar.
Dinner - oatmeal on the water with a piece of butter, a rosehip broth.

Health foodimportant aspect in the treatment of any diseases of the stomach. Any therapy begins with a diet. On the early stages pathology, dietary correction can significantly reduce symptoms, restore the gastric mucosa, and prevent the development of complications. Nutrition for polyps plays a key role, especially in the postoperative period.

The main task of therapeutic nutrition for polyposis is to reduce the physiological load on the gastrointestinal tract. Weakened immunity, difficulty digestive processes and aggressive food - all this depresses not only general state organism, but stimulates the growth of new polypous neoplasms.

Dieting is very dependent on the acidity of the stomach.:

  • Decreased acidity suggests in the diet foods that stimulate secretion gastric juice.
    The menu must necessarily include liquid dishes, steamed or boiled ingredients. It is permissible to eat boiled sausages made from natural meat, unsaturated broths, low-fat cheeses.
  • Acidity requires the mandatory inclusion of mucous soups, cereals, vegetable broths in the diet. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to offset excess acidity.
    It is unacceptable to eat fatty, spicy and spicy foods.

Healthy nutrition is necessary for gastric polyps of any localization. However, with a prepyloric polyp, the risks of tissue malignancy and disruption of the functionality of the stomach increase dramatically.

Important! The diet should include mucus foods suitable for low stomach acid. Also, be sure to include in the diet fresh fruits and vegetables, previously pureed.

General principles of diet

For all types of polyps in the stomach, the doctor prescribes special food. It is important to understand that dietary treatment is always long-term, must be combined with absolutely in a healthy way life.

Therapy is based on the following aspects:

  1. Nutrition should be fractional, but frequent (small portions 5-6 times a day);
  2. All products must be steamed or boiled;
  3. It is important to consume no more than 2800 Kcal per day;
  4. Drinking regimen no more than 2 liters per day.

There should not be long breaks between meals, as hunger stimulates the production of of hydrochloric acid. Acid components destroy the polyp, contribute to its ulceration, stimulate hyperplasia of the mucous tissues of the stomach.

People who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract need to know that a healthy diet:

  • reduces pain;
  • normalizes appetite;
  • completely eliminates heartburn, vomiting, nausea;
  • increases the absorption of all useful trace elements.

Note! advantage diet food is the ability to prevent cancerous cell transformations.

What fruits and vegetables can you eat?

Vegetables are rich in vitamins, necessary trace elements and fiber. Pectins, contained in almost all vegetables, envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing its damage.

  • potato;
  • zucchini or zucchini;
  • carrots with cream;
  • pumpkin;
  • white and cauliflower;
  • all greens.

Vegetables can be eaten boiled or fresh. Nutritionists recommend combining freshly squeezed juices with cream or full-fat milk (for example, 1 tablespoon per 250 ml of juice), adding greens and celery to the juice. However, it is important to observe the measure and drink no more than 300 ml of juice per day.

Important in the diet are fruits - a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber. With gastric polyposis, fruits are recommended that do not irritate the mucous membrane, stimulate appetite.

Here is their list:

  • Bananas- hearty fruit, the components of which envelop the mucous membrane and protect against damage;
  • Pear- should be eaten peeled for easier digestion;
  • Apples - useful fruit with polyposis, it is recommended to process thermally: bake, boil like compote;
  • Plum- it is important to eat ripe sweet fruits with the minimum amount acids;
  • Watermelon- there is almost no sugar in the berry, and the pulp is neutral with respect to the acidic component;
  • Persimmon- a very useful fruit that has an astringent effect and protects against negative impact internal factors;
  • Avocado- does not contain acid, but it contains a lot healthy oils and vitamins.

Berries are a great addition to fruit.

Especially useful for polyps:

  • Strawberry,
  • sweet cherry,
  • sweet cherry,
  • blueberry,
  • lingonberries and cranberries.

Fruits and berries go well with honey, cottage cheese, kefir.

For good assimilation It is better to eat fruits with sour-milk and dairy products.

Table for the week

Sample menu for polyps for a week:

  • Monday. For breakfast oatmeal, tea with milk, 2 teaspoons of honey. Salad for lunch fresh vegetables with butter, broth chicken breast. For dinner, buckwheat with butter without salt. From drinks it is recommended to drink green tea, water.
  • Tuesday. Low-fat cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots, decoction of wild rose berries. Vegetable salad with sour cream, broth, egg for lunch. steam cutlet, dried fruit compote for dinner. Snacks of their bread and a decoction of rose hips.
  • Wednesday. Gingerbread diet and a glass warm milk with honey for breakfast. For lunch, vegetable salad with herbs and meat broth. For dinner, buckwheat without salt. Snacks - milkshakes and bread.
  • Thursday. Buckwheat with milk and tea with milk for breakfast. Steam cutlet with mashed potatoes for lunch. For an afternoon snack, milk with gingerbread. For dinner, cottage cheese casserole with sour cream and milk. Snacks - dried apricots, prunes, compote.
  • Friday. Semolina porridge with milk, sandwich with butter, milk. For lunch, chicken fillet with vegetables and rosehip broth. For dinner, rice and fish cake. Instead of snacks, you can drink green tea, a decoction of chamomile or rose hips.
  • Saturday. Light breakfast from any milk porridge, banana puree, tea with milk. Vegetable soup with chicken and noodles for lunch, apple compote. For dinner, milk soup with noodles, rosehip broth. Gingerbread, milk, crackers are suitable as snacks.
  • Sunday. Sandwich with butter and coffee with milk. Cottage cheese casserole for the second breakfast. Mashed potatoes and stew fresh cabbage, and a decoction of rose hips. For dinner, yogurt or kefir.

The approximate menu can be modified, changed in places or days. The main thing is that meals should be 1 time in 2-3 hours in small portions. Food should be homemade, steamed or boiled.

Valid menu after removal of polyps: what can you eat, what can not?

The first two months after the operation, it is important to organize proper nutrition. Usually appoint table number 5 according to Pevzner, which is used for serious illnesses organs of the gastrointestinal tract and in the recovery postoperative period.

The following foods are allowed:

  • mucous porridges and soups;
  • kissels, berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes;
  • steam meat or fish cutlets (minced meat is passed 2-3 times through a meat grinder);
  • vegetables are steamed.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Morning. Milk porridge, butter sandwich, tea with milk.
  • Lunch. Gingerbread and a glass of jelly.
  • Dinner. Steam cutlet of fish, mashed potatoes, berry juice.
  • afternoon tea. Cookies with kefir.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat without salt with a glass of berry jelly.

In the first weeks, you can not drink concentrated juices, strong tea or coffee. In no case is it unacceptable to take alcohol, smoke!

An effective diet will be in which only 100 grams per day. proteins, 500 gr. carbohydrates, 80-90 gr. fats. General daily calorie content should not be more than 3000 kcal.

For a speedy recovery, it is necessary to eat viburnum (berries, a decoction of viburnum, juice), oil or juice from sea buckthorn (1 teaspoon before meals).

Consequences of not following the diet

non-compliance healthy regimen nutrition contributes to the development of diseases of the digestive tract, even against the background of the absolute health of the patient. Ulcers, gastritis, gastric polyposis, pancreatitis - these are just a few complications that can develop against the background of bad habits and poor nutrition.

More information about Diet #5 in this video:

Medical nutrition - important process in the life of every person with polyps in the stomach. However, nutrition is not used as monotherapy, but it significantly increases the effectiveness of drug and surgical methods treatment.

One of the main elements of treatment is a diet for polyps in the stomach. During the disease, growths appear on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which sometimes transform into malignant neoplasms. Diet can reduce the risk of developing cancer and normalize digestion.

Why is a diet necessary?

Thanks to specially selected dietary nutrition, it is possible to eliminate pain syndrome, which often occurs with polyposis of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the patient's appetite normalizes, bouts of nausea and vomiting cease to disturb him. Also important is the improved absorption of trace elements and vitamins, which are necessary for normal functioning organism.

The general condition of the patient is normalized, as a result of which the effectiveness drug therapy increases. Undoubted advantage dietary nutrition, physicians believe a decrease in the likelihood of cancer, which often ends lethal outcome. By using proper diet it becomes possible to stop the growth of polyps in the stomach. In some situations, growths on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract disappear altogether.

General principles of diet

When treating stomach polyps, it is important for a person to remember following rules supply:

Reading should not be combined with eating.
  • Eat small meals at least 5 times a day. In this case, the interval between meals should not be more than 3 hours.
  • Exclude from menu strong coffee and tea.
  • Stop reading and watching TV while eating.
  • Don't snack on the go and chew your food thoroughly to help with digestion.
  • Do not eat fried, fatty, overly salty and spicy foods.
  • Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Health professionals recommend drinking 3 tablespoons of olive oil on an empty stomach. It contains components useful for the gastrointestinal tract, which improve the activity of the digestive organs. In addition, patients will need to monitor the condition of their teeth. Health workers note that people suffering from polyposis of the stomach often have dental problems. Thereby pathogenic microorganisms from the mouth they move into the gastrointestinal tract, becoming the cause of the development of various gastric diseases.

What is allowed to eat?

If the patient is diagnosed with polyps in the stomach, the menu will need to add food such as:

People with this disease are allowed to cook pasta.

  • soups cooked on vegetable or weak meat broths;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • low-fat types of fish and meat;
  • dairy products;
  • black currant;
  • marmalade;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • dill and parsley;
  • pears;
  • eggs (no more than 2 pieces per day).

It is allowed to drink compotes, kissels, non-carbonated mineral water.

What is forbidden to eat?

Nutrition for polyps in the stomach involves the exclusion from the diet of rough and heavy foods that are poorly digested. It is forbidden to eat such foods:

Such patients should not eat tomatoes.
  • fatty varieties fish and meat;
  • fresh milk;
  • caffeinated drinks;
  • sour fruits;
  • spicy, fatty, fried foods;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • corn;
  • sausages;
  • smoked meats;
  • tomatoes.

sample menu

If a person is diagnosed with a stomach polyp, the diet is made by the attending physician. At the same time, the diet also depends on the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, which will help to determine endoscopy using a probe. However, each patient should approximately know what foods are allowed to eat. Consider sample menu for 4 days.

  • Breakfast:
    • syrniki served with low-fat sour cream;
    • weak tea.
  • Lunch:
    • carrot salad;
    • yogurt.
  • Dinner:
    • vegetable soup;
    • chicken meatballs cooked in a double boiler;
    • braised cabbage;
    • berry compote.
  • Afternoon snack:
    • biscuit cookies;
    • a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner:
    • potato casserole;
    • cucumber and tomato salad dressed with olive oil;
    • herbal tea.
  • - This is a small formation of a benign nature. There are several types of them, depending on which the degree of danger is measured. The threat to life and health lies in the fact that there is one or another risk of malignancy - the transformation of tissue into malignant form. Regardless of which polyp is found in a particular case, the first thing the doctor will recommend is to follow a diet. What does it mean? And what is it? Let's take a closer look below.

    Types of polyps

    The main division of types goes into 2, or 3 groups:

    1. . These polyps are potentially dangerous only in 0.5–1.5% of cases. They are the result of a violation in the process of regeneration of their own cells of the gastric mucosa. These polyps are not large sizes(up to 2 cm) and rarely lead to unpleasant symptoms.
    2. Adenomatous or neoplastic type. These polyps are composed of glandular tissue and often contain atypical cells that are characteristic of the intestine. Such polyps are formed much less often than the first type, but the risk of their malignancy is an order of magnitude higher and amounts to 10–15% of cases. They are able to reach a size of 6 cm and cause serious trouble to the patient. One of dangerous complications is internal bleeding, which is provoked by trauma to a large polyp.
    3. The hyperplasiogenic type is sometimes referred to as the first hyperplastic type, but it has significant differences. Its name comes from the term hyperplasia, which refers to the rapid growth and division of cells. Therefore, such polyps actively grow and are capable of malignancy. official medicine the presence of such polyps is considered a precancerous condition. By appearance the growth is similar to cauliflower.

    Separately, I would like to mention such a condition as polyposis - these are accumulations of polyps of more than 10-15 pieces. Each species can occur both in a single variant and as a polyposis.

    Treatment of stomach polyps

    The presence of polyps suggests 2 scenarios of therapeutic actions:

    1. Operation. It is assumed that all species whose size has reached 3 cm and above are subject to removal. In fact, doctors are reinsured and immediately upon detection at the FGS. This is done with the help of special instruments of coagulators or loops for excision. This operation is called a polypectomy.
    2. Observation is prescribed in cases where the polyp is not prone to rapid growth, It has small size and there is no risk of malignancy. Sometimes the operation is not possible due to a very serious organ damage. Observation of a polyp involves planned examinations, treatment of inflammation, antibiotic therapy against Helicobacter pylori and diet.

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    Expert opinion

    Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

    Doctor, expert

    Attention! None exist medicinal product, which is guaranteed to save a person from polyps. All drug treatment is based on the elimination of causes and disturbing symptoms.

    What foods are prohibited?

    The diet for polyps in the stomach primarily involves the rejection harmful products that provoke the growth and development of formations:

    • Fresh bread leads to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.
    • Bread with bran can injure the gastric mucosa.
    • Avoid citrus fruits and other acidic foods.
    • Alcohol, sweet soda, juice from the package, coffee with polyps is forbidden to drink.
    • Excess salt, spices and other irritating components capable of doing harm.
    • Foods that can cause bloating are also not worth eating. First of all, it is cabbage, beans, beans, peas.
    • Smoked lard, meat, sausage, fish are prohibited.
    • Canned foods, convenience foods are not useful in the presence of polyps.
    • Fried dishes, and baking with a crust is also excluded. You should at least remove it.
    • Highly fatty foods prohibited.
    • sweets, especially yeast baking, cream on oil based, caramel (in it lemon acid) are eliminated from the diet.
    • Raw vegetables, fruits with coarse fibers.

    The list of products goes on. The main rule when choosing products is to exclude everything that, by its structure and content, can negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

    Png" class="lazy lazy-hidden attachment-expert_thumb size-expert_thumb wp-post-image" alt="">

    Expert opinion

    Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

    Doctor, expert

    Important information! Smoking, although not related to nutrition, is one of the most dangerous factors for stomach health. It is necessary to either reduce the number of cigarettes, or abandon them altogether.

    Healthy foods with stomach polyps

    There are ingredients that correct use not only do not harm, but also help the stomach cope with the disease:

    • Kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, cheese, other fermented milk products support microflora, acid-base balance organism. Due to the soft texture, they do not damage the mucous membrane, they are easily digested. Do not rush to options that indicate the status of "dietary" or "low fat" on the label. The latter may even be harmful due to a large number thickening additives. It is enough to choose fresh products with low fat content.
    • Low-fat fish, meat, poultry are a source of building material for immunity.
    • Porridge, especially oatmeal, is an elixir for the digestive tract. However, you do not need to flavor it with a large piece of butter.
    • Vegetable soups.
    • broths on lean meat or skinless chicken.
    • Allowed vegetables boiled, grated or baked.
    • Sweet fruits, if they have a rough structure, then only in crushed form.
    • Eggs are allowed to be eaten exclusively soft-boiled, fried or hard-boiled.
    • Herbal teas, compotes, kissels without sour ingredients.
    • Mineral water on doctor's recommendation. As a rule, gases should escape before use, and the liquid itself should warm up to just above room temperature.
    • Sweets that do not harm the stomach. It can be marmalade, chocolate without additives, soft biscuits, cottage cheese or sour cream. These products will not cure the stomach, but will relieve depression caused by the rejection of other goodies.
    • Vegetable juices diluted in half with water. For example, carrot, beetroot.
    • Honey that is applied.

    How to eat right in the presence of polyps?

    We've already discussed the do's and don'ts. Now consider the rules of nutrition:

    1. Starving is prohibited. Meals should be no more than 3 hours apart.
    2. You need to eat a little. The rule of two hands applies here. How many can fit in them, so much is allowed to be used. A large amount of food injures the stomach, as well as the polyp itself.
    3. You can't rush. Unground food should become so as a result of chewing.
    4. Refuse to eat at night. It's just bad, in every sense.
    5. Send only high-quality, fresh products to your mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules of storage, as well as cooking. Even yesterday's super-healthy soup can harm your health.
    6. Monitor food temperature. Hot as cold foods, including drinks, act like alcohol, they damage the gastric mucosa.
    7. Consume with food vegetable oils in moderation, they will protect the stomach, help in digestion and assimilation.
    8. Avoid complex meals large quantity ingredients.

    Polyps can pose a serious threat to human health. The growth of mucous membranes internal organs can go into an aggravated form and develop into malignant tumor. In addition to regular intake medicines and observation by doctors is necessary to adhere to a strict diet.

    Compliance certain rules eating with polyps, as well as after surgery to remove them, are necessary to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. The digestive system is in a weakened state, and the general condition of the patient will depend on what he eats.

    During the treatment of the stomach from formed polyps, it is necessary to change not only food, but also the mode of eating. Such a change is necessary so that a regular meal eliminates the appearance of a possible hunger, and with it
    excessive secretion of gastric juice. Breaks during portioned meals should not be less than three hours.

    When treating polyps and after surgery to remove them, nutritionists advise taking three teaspoons of olive oil on an empty stomach. Oil should be consumed 3-40 minutes before breakfast. The product contains monosaturated fats, antioxidants, vitamins, phenols, and other useful elements for the human stomach. Olive oil promotes improved digestion digestive tract to normal operation a few days after the operation. If the patient has various chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract or the appearance of polyps on the gallbladder, this method is not suitable.

    For nutrition, you should choose foods that contain proteins. The body during the fight against the disease and after the removal of the affected mucosa requires stable operation of the entire immune system patient. For proper functioning, immunoglobulin is needed, which is contained in a separate category of proteins. To provide them to the body, you should consume protein. The highest concentration of these trace elements has milk product- serum.

    Therefore, in this situation, you should make it a rule to eat whole milk products for get well soon with polyps. However, if the patient is older than 40 and has certain problems with gallbladder or secretory organs, then such nutrition should be avoided. The fact is that the enzymatic system digestive system will not be able to break down the milk fats and casein that come with the intake of such food in the body.

    To avoid increased loads on the liver and kidneys for the treatment of polyps must be taken medical preparations. Boil liquid food on vegetables, weak meat broth. They will help to saturate food with a concentrate of purines, as well as salts of certain heavy metals. The broth contains a rich set of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial trace elements.

    If the body experiences some physical exhaustion, then in such a situation positive impact will render beef soup or with chicken fillet. Boiled meat after processing gets rid of harmful substances and enzymes, such food has a positive effect on the body in the treatment of a patient from polyps, helping to saturate it with amino acids of animal origin.

    After removal of polyps, it is necessary to monitor the level of carbohydrates in the body; vegetables are the best source of their replenishment. If they are taken in crushed or mashed form, their assimilation will be even better. But you should stop eating spicy foods or with high content essential oils. Since the sharp taste qualities and excessive sharpness can irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, this can lead to a general deterioration in well-being, and the need additional measures to relieve symptoms of ulcers.

    At a certain age, lactose stops being absorbed and broken down by the body. This leads to fat storage, and excess fat can lead to indigestion, diarrhea, and other symptoms.

    In order to avoid negative influence products on the intestines in the treatment of polyps, you should consume more fermented milk. Such food helps to restore the balance of microflora in the stomach and normalize metabolism. Bread is best eaten not too fresh. It's even better to eat crackers. Freshly baked bread or others bakery products can cause flatulence.

    While on a diet, you can restore fiber levels with a certain kind carbohydrates - slow carbohydrates. They are found in pasta (vermicelli, spaghetti, pasta). Amino acids also affect mood improvement and sound sleep. It is preferable to consume such food in daytime so as not to load the stomach before bed. Pasta contribute to the restoration of the balance of microflora in polyps and after their removal.

    For proper treatment After the operation, the body needs a set of vitamins and trace elements. They can replenish the body with various fruits, berries, teas, juices and compotes. Too concentrated juices should be diluted drinking water so as not to harm the stomach.

    Potassium is needed to strengthen the walls of the mucous membrane and of cardio-vascular system and calcium for bones. But you should not use them in excessive quantities, this has a bad effect on the metabolism, and the excess begins to accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.

    Use chicken eggs positively affects the microflora of the stomach. They are a natural protein and also provide the body with vitamin E and lutein. These trace elements work as a natural antioxidant, it will improve well-being and eliminate heartburn. Lecithin will help remove cholesterol and strengthen the entire nervous system. Eggs can only be eaten in the form of an omelet or boiled soft-boiled. To comply with the diet, you need to eat them intermittently and not every day.

    Video “Removal of polyps in the clinic”

    What products cannot be

    The diet must be followed for at least one month after the operation. Doctors prescribe treatment approach and further recovery digestive system. Everything is aimed at softening the work of the gastrointestinal tract and preventing the effects harmful factors. These include mechanical effects, thermal and chemical, they can additionally irritate the affected areas of the mucosa, which will lead to a deterioration in well-being.

    When treating polyps and after their removal, you should stop eating for at least a month. fresh bread. If an operation was performed, then it must be excluded from the diet. The fact is that it will increase the level of acidity in the stomach, and bran bread can, in addition to everything, damage and irritate the intestinal mucosa.

    Also, during the treatment of the stomach, it is necessary to exclude the intake of excessively acidic foods. It is not recommended to eat citrus fruits.

    With polyps in gastrointestinal tract can't drink alcoholic drinks, which can burn the irritated mucous membrane of the patient. also in postoperative period you need to remove sweet sparkling water, factory packaged juices from the diet. Since they contain a preservative - citric acid, which in this state can be fatal.

    It is necessary to exclude drinking coffee, coffee drinks, energy drinks. Do not add harsh spices and seasonings to food. Excessively salty food can negatively affect the well-being of the patient. Bean dishes and salads white cabbage can be harmful, and their use should be stopped for the duration of the diet.
    And, of course, in no case should you eat fried foods, smoked meats, dried sausage, salted delicacies.

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