Where is the most zinc in foods. Daily rate: how much? What processes require

Today there is an active promotion of various vitamin and mineral complexes. However, apart from useful components, such products often contain hazardous and undesirable substances. Especially acute reaction"Additions" can cause allergy sufferers, causing redness, rashes and swelling. Foods rich in essential trace elements will help to avoid the consequences.

Zinc is found in many foods included in daily menu of people. For example, a considerable amount of the trace element is found in plant foods. Black currants, potatoes, celery, radishes, beets should be especially highlighted. Zinc is also found in apples, green vegetables, and figs.

More rich in zinc are eggs, meat and poultry, liver, sea ​​fish. A trace element in considerable quantities can be obtained by including brown rice, lentils, beans, peas in the menu. A lot of zinc is in bee honey, tomatoes, molasses.

It turns out that zinc is found not only in food, but also in drinks. For example, in mineral water, cocoa, milk and green tea. By consuming these liquids daily, you will avoid the lack of trace elements.

Seafood contains the most zinc. Shellfish, squid, shrimp and oysters are the most saturated with the necessary trace element. If for some reason the listed products are not available to you, consume pumpkin or sunflower seeds daily. Studies have shown that they hold the record for zinc content.

Why does the body need zinc?

Zinc deficiency negatively affects human development and health. First of all, metabolism suffers, because a trace element is an active process of splitting those entering the body. nutrients. Zinc is also responsible for maintaining right level acidity and is one of the components of insulin.

Zinc from the moment of its conception. Impossible without a micronutrient proper development and fetal growth. Lack of a substance can cause serious defects cause a difficult birth or cause a miscarriage. In babies, zinc is also involved in the process of cell division and helps develop reproductive organs.

Beyond zinc levels special attention need to watch girls and women. The microelement is an important assistant against dangerous toxins. Zinc removes lead and prevents it from accumulating heavy metals. Also, the trace element protects the skin from inflammation and helps the hair stay healthy. That's why a large number of contemporary cosmetics for care contain zinc.

We could start this article with the boring story that zinc is an element that is in the second group, the fourth period, chemical table Dmitri Mendeleev, etc., etc. Thus, by the time we get to the point, you would be bored and fall asleep, buried in the monitor. We do not set such a goal, our task is not to tire you, but to convey important and useful information.
Zinc is involved in all vital important processes body, you need to monitor its quantity, and the deficit in a timely manner to fill.

Zinc is one of the top 10 trace elements essential for human life. It is extremely important for the full functioning of any cell in the body. In body healthy person normally should contain about 3 g of zinc. Scientists believe that if humanity continues to deplete the soil, leading to a decrease in zinc, and raw food and vegetarianism continue to gain momentum, we are facing a full-blown public health crisis. People will be forced to buy zinc-enriched foods and various dietary supplements containing zinc in order to maintain the viability of the body.

Zinc is needed for:

  • Development bone tissue;
  • Stimulation of cell growth and division;
  • normal operation reproductive system;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • DNA synthesis;
  • Thymulin hormone production;
  • Development ;
  • Skin renewal;
  • Updates of the nail plate;

Deficiency in the body

Zinc deficiency at any age leads to sad consequences.
In adults:

  • Enlarged liver, cirrhosis;
  • Enlargement of the spleen;
  • Indigestion;
  • Various blood diseases;
  • Problems with thyroid gland(more often in women);
  • The formation of myopia or the so-called "night blindness";
  • Predisposition to oncology of various etiologies;
  • Mental disorders (crazy ideas, hysteria, schizophrenia);
  • Memory disorders;
  • Infantilism, impotence;
  • Poor wound healing.

In children:

  • growth retardation;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Perversion of taste, smell;
  • Tendency to various dermatitis;
  • Frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Irritability;
  • Attention Deficit Disorder;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Delayed sexual development;
  • Anemia;
  • Leukemia;
  • Rachiocampsis;
  • Umbilical hernias.

In pregnant women:
Zinc deficiency for women in position is fraught with:

  • miscarriages in the early stages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of a small child;
  • weak labor activity.

In elderly people
Everything is exactly the same as in adults before retirement age, but all processes develop faster. For example, the degeneration occurs very quickly yellow spot, the retina is destroyed and complete blindness occurs.

Deficiency symptoms

Because zinc is involved in almost all life processes, the symptoms of deficiency are extremely blurred. Still, it is worth taking an analysis to determine blood trace elements if you feel fatigue, more hair than usual remains on the comb, you have a sleep disorder, poor clotting blood. A striking evidence of zinc deficiency is: striated nails with white stripes, tremor of the extremities, cataracts, conjunctivitis, dry skin, the appearance of pigmentation, a tendency to frequent infectious diseases, taste distortion.

The risk factors are: vegetarians, raw foodists, pregnant women, athletes, the elderly.

Prevention and correction of zinc levels in the body

With a serious lack of zinc, medical and dietary adjustments are carried out. Not in acute situations, it is enough to balance the balance with diet. To do this, you need to remember which foods contain the most zinc. Below is a table of the content of mg of zinc per 100 g.

Meat productsDried fruits, nuts
Veal - 16
Stewed beef - 9.2
Boiled chicken hearts - 7.3
Fried lamb liver - 5.8
Boiled beef tongue - 4.9
Pine nuts - 6.4
Peanuts - 2.9
Walnut - 2,7
Almonds - 2.6
Cashew - 2.1
Legumesvegetable, fungal
and animal origin
Wheat bran - 16
Poppy - 8.2
Sesame - 7.9
Pumpkin seeds - 7.7
Sunflower seeds - 5.8
Flax seeds - 5.4
Lentil - 3.8
Dried peas - 3.3
Yeast - 8
Dried basil - 7.1
Dried thyme - 6.8
Yolk - 3.8
Porcini - 1,5
Horseradish - 1.4
Royal champignons - 1.1
SeafoodVegetables fruits
Oysters - 60
Eel - 12.1
Oil anchovies - 3.5
kohlrabi - 3.5

Naturally, daily rate zinc depends on age:

  • from 6 months up to 3 years - 3 mg / day
  • from 3 to 8 years - 5.5 mg / day
  • from 8 to 14 years old - 9 mg / day
  • girls and women - up to 12 mg / day
  • boys and men - up to 16 mg / day
  • lactating women - up to 17 mg / day

To keep the body functioning normally, you just need to remember where a lot of zinc is found and eat these foods.

Important! The use of hormonal contraceptives significantly reduces the percentage of zinc in the body. All dairy products slow down the absorption of zinc. caffeine containing and alcoholic drinks, salt and sugar, remove zinc in large quantities.

Excess zinc

150 mg of zinc is a lethal dose!

Zinc readily reacts to form compounds. The most toxic are sulfate and chloride. These compounds are formed as a result of the use of galvanized dishes and long-term storage of food in it. As a result of zinc compound poisoning, the pancreas gradually degenerates into a fibrous state.

An excess of zinc in the body leads to a slowdown in the growth of bone tissue, a violation of reflexes is observed, and leads to liver necrosis. May appear pressing pain in chest area, dry cough, tinnitus.

If you suspect you have poisoning with zinc sulfate or zinc chloride, call an ambulance immediately!

Who among us does not want to always be healthy? We all dress warmly in winter to avoid getting the flu. Someone goes in for sports, and someone tries to use exclusively healthy food. But is this enough, and what does the body actually need to function properly?

To maintain the work of all systems and organs, it is necessary that the elements of the table D.I. Mendeleev were contained in the body in sufficient concentration. However, it is not always possible to maintain the necessary balance of microelements and vitamins. And this is due frequent stress, environmental conditions, a decrease in the protective properties of the body.

It is possible to normalize the balance, and, in fact, it is not so difficult. And a balanced diet will help in this, as it is gastrointestinal tract(GIT) is the main conductor useful substances and trace elements, in particular zinc. In this article, you will learn what the benefits of this element are and which products contain the highest amount of zinc.

O healing properties This element has been known to man since ancient times. AT Ancient Egypt prepared an ointment from Zn that promotes rapid healing wounds. AT modern time, the role of this element is also appreciated, however, as a rule, by doctors. But it is equally important that everyone knows about the usefulness of zinc and which foods contain the most element.

Zinc is deservedly considered the "elixir of health and youth." It affects the human body at the cellular level, takes an active part in metabolic processes. In addition, it is an integral component of enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Zinc occupies about 98% of all cells human body.

Contains a trace element in red and white blood cells, testicles, prostate and ejaculate. Few people know that it is also contained in the retina of the eye. Zn is an essential element for normal operation all organs and systems. The presence of zinc in the body in sufficient concentration contributes to the provision of a person with normal life and excellent health. But the deficiency of this substance is fraught with:

  • violations in the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • the appearance of allergies;
  • the development of dermatitis;
  • poor circulation;
  • anemia;
  • delay in puberty;
  • loss of smell;
  • hair loss;
  • premature labor activity;
  • termination of pregnancy;
  • the birth of weak children with low weight.

Lack of Zn can be triggered by taking drugs that have a diuretic effect, the abuse of carbohydrates, physical activity.

Medicinal properties

A sufficient concentration of the element in the body is the key to the correct and coordinated functioning of all organs and systems. Zinc contributes to:

  • regulation of breathing;
  • normalization of hematopoiesis;
  • stimulating the work of growth hormones;
  • normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • rejuvenation of the dermis;
  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • stimulation of sexual activity;
  • removal of harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • neutralization toxic action on the body of heavy metals.

Daily dosage of Zn

AT children's body zinc must be supplied daily. The daily dosage is determined by age. Daily dose trace element for children from six months to three years - 3 mg, up to 8 years - up to 5 mg, up to 13 years - 8 mg.

In addition, the norm also depends on gender differences. The norm for a six-month-old boy is 3 mg of a trace element, and for girls - 2 mg, for girls and women 14-50 years old - 9-12 mg, boys and men - 11-15 mg.

The dosage for people over 50 is slightly reduced. female body 10 mg of Zn per day, and 13 mg for men. In pregnant women who are forced to eat for two, the need for zinc is slightly higher - up to 15 mg. Recommended during breastfeeding daily dosage trace element is 17-19 mg.

A little about zinc deficiency and excess

The lack of this substance can be understood by the signals that the body sends. Zinc deficiency is accompanied by: increased fragility of nails, hair loss, the appearance of white spots on the nail plates, frequent colds, prolonged wound healing, impaired attention and memory, absent-mindedness, lethargy, blanching skin, delay in growth and development of the body.

Elimination of the above symptoms, as well as a significant strengthening of the physical and mental state foods containing zinc will help.

An excessive concentration of a microelement in the body is fraught with a decrease in the absorption of other useful elements such as copper, calcium and iron. That is why it is recommended to include vegetables and fruits in the diet, which contain these substances.

When using daily 150-600 mg of zinc, poisoning, nausea, vomiting, malaise and other unpleasant symptoms of intoxication may occur.

In order to prevent poisoning of the body, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of foods rich in zinc, as well as to exclude cooking in galvanized utensils. It is intended for milking dry bulk products and water. If the water has been in such a dish for a long time, it is not advised to drink it.

You should know!

  1. Reception contraceptives provokes a decrease in the concentration of trace elements in the body.
  2. In doses exceeding 150 mg per day, zinc is toxic.
  3. The body needs more zinc in violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the use of drugs with diuretic properties.
  4. Dairy products slow down the digestibility of the element.
  5. Alcoholic beverages, caffeine, salt and sugar in the truest sense of the word "drain" Zn from the body.
  6. product use, rich in proteins, in particular nuts and legumes, helps maximize the absorption of zinc.

Products containing zinc - tables

Zinc is found in both plant and animal products. Emphasis is recommended to do on the second. But no one cancels the use of vegetables and fruits.

Meat products


The undisputed leaders and champions in the content of this substance are oysters (60 mg of a trace element in 100 grams). boiled eels and wheat bran They are also sources of trace elements necessary for the human body.

Vegetables and fruits

A lot of zinc is found in legumes and grains.

Cereals and legumes, seeds

Product item names Proportion of zinc (1 mg) per 100 g of food consumed
wheat bran 16,1
Poppy 8,1
Sesame 7,8
Pumpkin seeds 7,5
Sunflower seeds 5,6
Flax seeds 5,5
soy flour 4,9
soy beans 4,2
Lentils 3,8
Popcorn 3,4
Peas dry 3,3
Wheat flour 3,1
White beans 2,6
boiled beans 1,4
Pasta 0,55
oat flakes 0,5
boiled corn 0,5

Chances are you are not eating enough pumpkin seeds daily. But as an annual treatment, it is best to start taking in October. Their benefitsnot only in their surprisingly high zinc content, but also in the fact that they provide other health benefits: improve sleep quality, provide omega-3s, maintain blood sugar levels, and help you look good. A serving size of 100 grams per day will provide 7.5 milligrams of zinc. Daily allowance for women.

Nuts and dried fruits

In order to compensate for the lack of zinc, nutritionists recommend introducing into the diet green tea, figs, grapefruits, apples, oranges, lemons, radishes, asparagus, cream, celery, barley meal, soy, lentils, garlic, buckwheat, green vegetables, potatoes, poultry, onions and cheese.

Products of plant, fungal and animal origin

Now you know how important zinc is. Moreover, you know what its deficiency or excess can lead to. The use of products containing this microelement in reasonable quantities contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body, strengthening immunity and improving well-being.

The mechanism of oxidation works sensitively, according to the principle of dynamic equilibrium. Therefore, an excess of antioxidants in the composition of drugs can harm, making an oxidizing agent out of an antioxidant. This has been written about in the scientific literature for a long time, debunking the 20th century assumptions about the benefits of exaggerated doses of synthetic vitamins.

But through nutrition, it is much more difficult to get a regular overdose. But the lack of antioxidant minerals is formed easily. Therefore, a harmonious diet with a reasonable amount of key antioxidants is so important for a person.

Already know about the role of zinc in the body and looking for a list of useful products?

If you want to buy a supplement, read one of the last comments after the article, where we answer the question of our reader about the most digestible forms of the mineral.

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What is useful zinc for the body

Infographics will quickly introduce you to the beneficial properties of the mineral. After it, we will tell the most curious details about the benefits of zinc for the body.

Up to 2 grams of zinc is concentrated in many tissues human body especially in the liver, pancreas and muscles.

The role of this mineral in human health is enormous. Molecules of more than 350 hormones and enzymes are formed with the participation of zinc. It is needed for 80% of every second processes.

It is especially interesting that our hero is necessary for the synthesis and stabilization of DNA, and this is a diverse effect on health. Therefore, zinc is deservedly included in the top ten vital trace elements.

Immunity and the fight against viruses

remember one of the most effective recipes nutraceuticals:

At the first sign of a cold or SARS, it is beneficial to increase the intake of vitamin C, zinc, selenium and the amino acid lysine by 1.5-2 times. The same method accelerates recovery from herpetic infections- from "cold on the lip" to shingles.

The mechanisms of zinc participation in the formation of strong immunity are well studied.

T-lymphocytes require thymulin (thymus hormone), and it is zinc-dependent. There is a zinc deficiency - there are not a large number of T-lymphocytes. These are cells that suppress bacteria and viruses, and also regulate the immune response so that the body does not begin to destroy its own cells.

In addition, when there is little zinc, the phagocytic activity of neutrophils decreases. These are kamikaze cells that capture and destroy bacteria.

Cancer prevention and longevity

Given useful property especially pronounced in people older than 50-55 years. Zinc directly affects the process of cell mutation and the rate of growth of tumor tissues.

Today, American gerontologists (scientists who deal with aging) are deeply studying the possibilities of our hero for mass nonspecific prophylaxis cancer and anti-aging.

For example, the University of Michigan recently completed a study (50 people) with a placebo-controlled group, during which they collected information on markers oxidative stress when taking zinc supplements. Inflammatory cytokines, endothelial cell adhesion molecules, other plasma markers—virtually all indicators of inflammation were lower in people who took the supplement. ()

These observations confirm the significant contribution of zinc to the reduction of systemic senile inflammation. This is what removes old age from us and its deadly diseases- cancer, heart attack, stroke, aggressive senile dementia.

Reproductive health of men

Only a person far from the Internet has never met information about the direct connection between “zinc and testosterone”. Statements "zinc is a building material for testosterone" are hardly touching knowledgeable people. Testosterone molecule C19H28O2. Do you see zinc (Zn) in it? We don't see either.

But zinc does have a direct effect on reproductive health.

First of all, its benefits are huge for men. Thousands of reactions determine the process of formation of spermatozoa and the secretion of seminal vesicles and prostate, which are necessary for the high activity of germ cells. Many of these reactions require zinc.

Several key mechanisms.

  • Zinc regulates the production of the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone to estrogen. This provides more high concentration testosterone in the blood.
  • Supports the effectiveness of signals from the pituitary gland to the testicles to produce high-quality testosterone.
  • Increases sperm count and sperm motility.
  • Actively participates in the healing of the genital organs after infectious and inflammatory diseases.

In a recent study conducted by Wayne University, a group of young adults with low zinc intakes were given a supplement of the mineral (only 50 mg daily) for 20 weeks. And it boosted testosterone levels in most of the participants.

Women Health

Zinc is also important for a woman's body and her ability to conceive, as it is involved in the formation of a mature viable egg.

In the process of bearing, our hero insures against miscarriage and fetal growth retardation. Today useful and safe rise zinc in the diet of pregnant women are considered doses of 20 to 60 mg per day.

The hypothesis about special taste preferences and the severity of PMS in women due to a lack of zinc has also been substantiated. Zinc deficiency - low progesterone - cravings for salty and sweet.

Healthy skin and vision

Almost all skin diseases recede faster when the diet is enriched with zinc. At a dose of 100-150 mg, our hero is often used by dermatologists in the treatment of acne and psoriasis. The mineral helps allergic dermatitis after a food challenge and in children with an acute allergy to insect stings.

The contribution of zinc deficiency to common cause vision loss - macular degeneration. To slow down the destruction of the retina, a daily intake of drugs is indicated - from 150 to 200 mg of the mineral.

Muscle and bone growth, nutrient absorption

Testosterone, growth hormone, insulin: the synthesis of the three most important hormones depends on enough our hero. It is also needed for the proper metabolism of vitamin E and for the production of digestive enzymes that break down proteins and carbohydrates.

And even when drinking alcohol, our body actively uses zinc: it is part of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, which breaks down alcohol.

Having listed only the main reactions involving zinc, we see its widespread need. Without it, both high-quality digestion in the intestines and further reactions to the formation of fundamental processes in the body are impossible.

Possible Causes of Zinc Deficiency

Daily intake of the mineral with food is the key to good health.

Zinc deficiency can occur for various reasons.

  • Features of the diet (for example, vegetarianism, or lack of meat and fish products, eggs).
  • long excess consumption dairy products and coffee.
  • Pathologies in which the absorption of zinc in the intestines is impaired (diarrhea, inflammatory diseases pancreas, liver cirrhosis).
  • Increased and unmet need (teenagers, athletes).
  • Active zinc loss due to systemic conditions (alcoholism, diabetes, long and / or severe restrictions in food diversity, including for the purpose of losing weight, uncontrolled use of laxatives "at random", bulimia, treatment with corticosteroids).
  • Decreased ability to absorb zinc in the elderly and senile age.
  • Reception oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy.
  • Taking other drugs: aspirin, AZT (azidothymidine), enalapril, penicillamine and thiazide diuretics.
  • Any severe stress(emotional or physical).

Important! Up to 1 mg of zinc is excreted from the body of a man during any ejaculation (sexual intercourse or masturbation).

Daily requirement for children, women and men

It is always worth remembering that zinc and iron are three minerals that are more easily deficient than other micronutrients.

The average person needs 10 to 25 mg of zinc per day.

The daily intake is higher for men than for women. Adolescence, active sports, childbearing and breast-feeding- natural prerequisites for increased zinc intake.

In the United States, average daily allowances by age are accepted.


  • 0-6 months - 2 mg/day
  • 7-12 months - 3 mg/day
  • 1-3 years - 3 mg/day
  • 4-8 years - 5 mg/day
  • 9-13 years - 8 mg/day

Teenagers and adults:

  • Men 14 years and older - 12 mg/day
  • Women 14 to 18 years old - 9 mg/day
  • Women 19 years and older - 8 mg/day
  • Pregnant women - 11 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding moms - 12 mg/day

What foods contain zinc

The main sources of zinc are animal and vegetable products with high content squirrel. Nuts, seeds, meat of animals and birds, oysters, cheese, legumes and cocoa are foods where zinc is found in large quantities.

AT a small amount(up to 1.5 mg per 100 grams) zinc is present:

  • In vegetables and fruits (broccoli, beets, potatoes, black currants, bananas, figs, dates, canned corn and green peas)
  • In fish caviar and popular types of fish (carp, herring);
  • In rice wheat flour and bread;
  • In honey, ice cream, yogurt and milk.

Separately, we note that the bioavailability of zinc is generally low. Only 1/3 of the total amount eaten is digested.

  • In addition, excess calcium, coffee, alcohol, iron supplements and phytic acid in the composition of cereals reduce the absorption of zinc.
  • The ability to absorb zinc from food also decreases with age. In 80% of older people over 55-60 years of age, zinc deficiency can be assumed, regardless of the completeness of nutrition.

The conclusion is obvious.

The best sources of zinc in the available diet of our latitudes are beef, beef liver and chicken, accompanied by vegetables, as well as seeds and nuts.

For better assimilation substances from nuts and seeds, it is beneficial to eat them raw and soak them for at least 6 hours before use.

At long-term use food additives with zinc, a decrease in copper concentration should be taken into account. It is necessary to consult a doctor and carefully check the indications, doses and terms.

All zinc salts can be harmful if taken for long periods of time. Zinc sulfate already in the amount of 1 gram can cause severe poisoning. Protection against overdose - the absence of galvanized kitchen utensils and the competent appointment of food additives.

Signs of deficiency

Our hero has a lot of functions, so the signs of shortage can be very different. Here is a short list of the most common manifestations of zinc deficiency:

  1. appetite changes, including cravings for salty or sweet foods;
  2. Prolonged wound healing and persistent skin infections (including acne);
  3. Reduced glucose tolerance;
  4. Decreased libido and infertility, especially male;
  5. Hormonal problems in women strong PMS or severe symptoms menopause);
  6. Weak immunity (for example, SARS more than 3-4 times a year);
  7. Hair loss;
  8. digestive problems, especially diarrhea;
  9. Chronic fatigue and apathy;
  10. Poor concentration and memory.

When writing this article, we used:

  • PubMed publications (about clinical trials effectiveness of zinc);
  • Recommendations of the Institute of Medicine at the Council on Food and Nutrition of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (consumption rates);
  • Data from the National Department Agriculture USA (composition of products).

We hope you enjoyed learning about important features performs zinc in the body. What foods contain it in large quantities and how to suspect a deficient state in order to correct health in time with the help of balanced nutrition or nutritional supplements.

Thank you for the article (4)

Working at the cellular level, a mineral such as zinc comprehensively affects the human body. He governs metabolic processes and takes an active part in the rejuvenation of tissues, organs and systems. This substance enters our body along with certain products nutrition and synthesized. It is rather difficult to overestimate the properties of this mineral, but it cannot be underestimated either. With its help, the work of almost all organs and systems returns to normal, and diseases of the eyes, heart and blood vessels are prevented.

What is the mineral for?

Zinc is one of the minerals that provides normal functioning the entire human body. By consuming foods that contain it, you can maintain health and ensure your well-being. A balanced diet depends on:

  • the work of the reproductive system, both women and men;
  • state of immunity and defensive forces organism;
  • the ability to resist allergies of various etiologies;
  • normal skin condition, prevention of dermatitis, speed of regenerative processes;
  • blood formula and its delivery to all organs;
  • timely puberty, development and growth;
  • the work of the sense organs, in particular, smell and taste buds;
  • condition of hair and nails.

In addition, pregnant women, by eating foods containing this mineral, provide normal development fetus and reduce the risk of preterm birth.

Zinc is also important for men, especially for athletes and young men. In the first case, this substance increases endurance and helps to achieve set goals, and in the second case, it prevents the development of a tendency to alcohol addiction if such risks exist. This element provides an invaluable service. stronger sex, stimulating the process of testosterone production, improving potency and increasing sexual activity. It is able to remove toxic products from the body, which appeared as a result of poisoning, and help in the creation of its own antioxidants.

Zinc deficiency is directly related to nutrition. The main provocateurs of this problem are foods saturated with carbohydrates. Also, often a deficiency of this substance is observed with long-term use of diuretic drugs.

Zinc is one of the builders and protectors immune system, which in a certain way affects both the physical and mental health. It will help restore mental activity by adjusting brain activity. This mineral assists in the formation of the genetic apparatus and improves the functions of growth hormones. Zinc is actively involved in the formation of bone tissue and hematopoiesis, it promotes the removal of cholesterol, thereby preventing the development of many diseases. With its help, the work of the respiratory organs and the central nervous system is normalized. nervous system. Zinc prevents the development of fibrosis, infectious diseases and takes care of the eyes.

Making the menu right

To prevent possible problems with health, it is necessary to pay attention to products containing zinc in their composition. A special table will help in this. Animal Sources of Zinc:

Food of animal origin Treatment Serving of mineral per 100 g of product
oysters Extinguishing 60 mg
Calf's liver frying 16 mg
Acne Cooking 12 mg
Beef Extinguishing 9.5 mg
chicken heart Cooking 7.3 mg
Lamb liver frying 5.9 mg
beef tongue Cooking 4.8 mg
Egg (yolk) 3.9 mg
Lamb kidneys frying 3.6 mg
Anchovy oily 3.5 mg
Salmon Conservation 0.9 mg
Milk 0.4 mg

The second table contains plant sources of zinc.

Foods of plant origin Part/kind of product Mineral content
Wheat Bran 16 mg
Poppy seeds 8.1 mg
Yeast natural 8 mg
Sesame seeds 7.8 mg
Pumpkin Seeds 7.5 mg
pine nut Nucleus 6.5 mg
Sunflower Seeds 5.6 mg
Linen seeds 5.5 mg
Pecan Nuclei 5.3 mg
Soya Flour 4.9 mg
Soya dried beans 4.2 mg
brazil nuts Nuclei 4 mg
Lentils Dried 3.8 mg
kohlrabi cabbage 3.5 mg
Popcorn 3.4 mg
Peas Dried 3.3 mg
Wheat Wholemeal flour 3.1 mg
Peanut Nuclei 2.8 mg
Walnuts Nucleus 2.7 mg
white beans Dried 2.6 mg
Almond Purified core 2.2 mg
Cashew nuts Nuclei 2.1 mg
Coconut pulp 2.0 mg
hazelnuts Nuclei 1.9 mg
white mushrooms 1.5 mg
Boiled beans, horseradish root, pistachios 1.4 mg
nettle and sleepy 1 mg
Dried apricots 0.75 mg
Pasta 0.55 mg
Oat flakes and corn 0.5 mg
Prunes and boiled rice 0.45 mg
Green onion 0.4 mg
cauliflower, avocado pulp, boiled carrots, radish 0.3 mg

The last table shows that foods high in zinc tend to have vegetable origin. In addition, such food is better absorbed and can only bring health benefits, without affecting the work of various organs, in particular, the stomach and intestines. According to the advice of nutritionists, the diet should be varied. As a dessert, it is desirable to choose berries, citrus fruit and apples. In parallel, it is useful to drink an infusion of birch leaves, which is also characterized by a high content of zinc.

Principles of assimilation

AT digestive tract zinc is synthesized with other minerals, as well as with vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. The following factors can influence this process:

  • toxic substances;
  • medications;
  • protein food in the diet;
  • changes in the intestinal microflora.

Depending on them, zinc will be absorbed more slowly or faster. For example, in the presence of an optimal portion of protein, the synthesis of this mineral occurs much better, and a large amount of lead, cadmium, iron, copper and calcium, on the contrary, this process somewhat daunting.

Zinc perfectly interacts with vitamin A. The mineral improves its quality, helps to get into the blood and delivers to all organs.

Zinc is absorbed much worse when taking birth control pills.

It is not recommended to exceed the daily intake of this mineral - its amount of 150 mg can be toxic to the body.

Products with a sufficient content of zinc must certainly be present in the daily diet of children. And the daily rate will depend on the age of the child:

  • 1.5 - 3 years - 3 mg;
  • 4-8 years - 5 mg;
  • 9-13 years - 8 mg.

At the same time, gender also matters. So, the norm for boys is slightly higher than for girls: 3 mg and 2 mg, respectively. With age, the portion increases: for girls 14-18 years old - 9 mg, for boys in the same age category- 11 mg; for women from 19 to 50 years old - 12 mg, for men - 15 mg. Upon reaching the age of 50, the indicator decreases: for women, the daily intake of zinc will be 10 mg, for men - no more than 13 mg.

Zinc is essential for women during pregnancy and lactation. But during this period, since the consumption of all biologically active elements doubles, the norm also changes: up to 18 years - 15 mg and 15 mg, respectively, after 19 - 14 mg and 18 mg, respectively.

When composing a diet, do not forget about zinc. It will take care of the body of men and women of any age, increase its resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors and fill it with strength. And as a result - excellent health and high performance!

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