Juniper essential oil. Rules for the use of juniper oil. Useful properties of juniper ether

Although juniper formally belongs to poisonous plants, it has been used for centuries in medicine, perfumery, for the manufacture of cosmetics, alcoholic beverages and even drugs for fleas and lice. Beneficial features this shrub can be listed for a long time; there are enough recipes for all kinds of ointments and masks with its needles and berries for a dozen separate articles ... And for those who don’t want to mess around with decoctions and make infusions, there is an easier way out: just buy a vial of juniper essential oil at the pharmacy, and you will get all the benefits medicinal plant without too much hassle.

Useful properties of juniper oil

Essential oil juniper is produced in different ways:

Good juniper oil is clear and light, slightly viscous, often greenish or yellow in color and has a noticeable pine needle scent. It contains over one hundred and fifty useful compounds: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, resins, sugars, organic acids, tannins and coloring pigments. Thanks to all these components, the oil has a number of valuable qualities:

  1. It is a recognized antiseptic. Before the advent of vaccinations, juniper oil treated wounds and abrasions, escaping from tetanus.
  2. It promotes excretion from the body uric acid and therefore has long been used to relieve rheumatic pains, arthritis, arthrosis, gout and other diseases associated with the joints.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on respiratory system: North American Indians left tuberculosis patients among the juniper bushes to alleviate their condition, and in mild cases to achieve a full recovery.
  4. It is a good antispasmodic. Massage with juniper oil relieves cramps and relaxes muscles.
  5. It has a slight stimulating effect on the nervous system, helping to relieve fatigue and improve both physical and mental performance.
  6. It has diaphoretic properties - and as you know, through sweat, the body is cleansed of toxins.
  7. Juniper oil solves various skin problems: from eczema and psoriasis to clogged pores and acne.
  8. In addition, the oil normalizes blood flow and contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
  9. Juniper oil strengthens weak hair and teeth affected by periodontal disease.
  10. Used in aromatherapy, it copes with depression, low spirits, normalizes the emotional background, fights insomnia and awakens inspiration.
  11. Scientists have repeatedly noted the ability of the juniper bush to create around itself a kind of aura from the purest air, free from microbes and viruses. It is not surprising that the oil obtained from its fruits and needles can also serve to disinfect rooms, and at the same time fill your apartment with the wonderful aromas of the forest.
  12. Finally, juniper is an aphrodisiac, making it a desirable ingredient in many essential compositions.

Application in cosmetology

Numerous beneficial properties of juniper essential oil could not pass by the attention of cosmetologists. The fragrant gift of the thorny bush regularly appears in recipes for facial, body and hair care; with its help get rid of cellulite, reduce bruises, stretch marks and dark spots. They even lose weight with it!

For face

The glory of an excellent cosmetologist juniper oil brought its ability to normalize blood circulation in upper layers skin, cleanse the dermis of toxins and generously share with it nutrients. Do you want to get rid of a dull complexion, bruises under the eyes, peeling? Tired of acne and herpes? Have the first wrinkles appeared? You - for juniper oil.

Enriched cream for all skin types

Add 2-3 drops of juniper essential oil to your day or night cream, stir and apply to cleansed face as you normally would. That's all, the simplest mask that does not need to be washed off is ready!

If you have sensitive skin, it is better to start with 1 drop - the face may react to excess oil with redness and burning

Tonic for every day

  1. Combine in one container 100 ml mineral water without gas with 2-3 drops of juniper essential oil.
  2. Shake well, moisten a cotton pad with tonic and wipe your face along the massage lines.
  3. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening, remembering to shake the bottle before use.

Tonic ice

  1. Dissolve in a glass of clean drinking or mineral water 1 tsp. honey.
  2. Add 4-5 drops of oil, beat, pour into molds and freeze.
  3. Wipe the resulting cubes on your face in the morning.

Mask for acne, enlarged pores and blackheads

  1. Whisk the white of one egg with 2-3 drops of juniper essential oil.
  2. Apply to cleansed face, focusing on cheeks and T-zone.
  3. Wait a quarter of an hour and wash off the mask warm water. After that, be sure to use a moisturizer - the protein tightens and dries the skin.

The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week for dry skin and 2 times for oily skin.

Moisturizing mask

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. any fatty cosmetic oil with 2 drops of juniper oil.
  2. Apply to clean skin face, neck and décolleté.
  3. Leave on for 20-40 minutes and then pat dry with a paper towel. Finally, wash with warm water.

The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per week for oily skin and 2 times for dry skin.

Oil masks are more convenient to apply with a brush

Remember, masks with fatty oils will work better if you warm them slightly in a water bath or pre-steam the skin with steam bath. And do not forget that in the essential oil all substances are in a very strong concentration, so smear it on the skin in pure form unreasonable.

For hair

Juniper extract is not without reason often introduced into the composition of shampoos, balms and ready-made hair masks. He:

  • helps fight dandruff - a type of fungus;
  • acts as an antiseptic, preventing the development of bacteria and microbes in the pores of the skin;
  • has a slight drying effect, relieving curls from oily sheen;
  • soothes irritated scalp;
  • stimulates hair growth.

The same effect can be achieved with essential oils.

Aroma Combing

Arm yourself with a wooden comb, apply 3-4 drops of oil to its teeth and comb your hair well before going to bed. The procedure should be repeated once a week for dry hair and once every 4–5 days for oily hair (recall, juniper oil dries them).

Enriched Shampoo

Every time you decide to wash your hair, just add 4-5 drops to a portion of shampoo juniper oil and massage your head with fragrant foam for several minutes in different directions. Everything! Your curls have already received their portion of useful substances.

Oily hair mask

  1. Take 2 tsp. cosmetic clay.
  2. Mix with the same amount of starch.
  3. Divorce everything mineral water to the consistency of sour cream.
  4. Add 5-6 drops of essential oil.
  5. Treat the scalp with the resulting mass, cover with a plastic bag and a towel, and after 45 minutes rinse your hair well.

The frequency of the procedure is no more than 1 time in 7-10 days.

Experiment with different types of clay, it's fun

For dry

  1. Steam up 3 tbsp. l. fatty oil- olive, burdock or any other that you love.
  2. Add 5-6 drops of juniper berry oil.
  3. Rub the warm mixture into the scalp, distributing the residue throughout the length of the hair, wrap in a plastic bag, and then with a thick towel. Wash off the oil with warm water after half an hour. large quantity shampoo.

The mask makes hair softer, eliminates dandruff and accelerates hair growth. Especially if you flavor it with a couple of drops of essential oils of rosemary and sage.

The frequency of the procedure is 1-2 times a week.

From dandruff

  1. Mix soda and finely ground salt, taken in 2 tsp.
  2. Rub them with 1 tbsp. liquid honey.
  3. Add 5-6 drops of juniper oil to the mass.
  4. Apply the mixture on the scalp and intensively, but without excessive zeal, massage it in different directions for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Rinse with warm water and shampoo, making sure that the mask does not run into the eyes.

Frequency of application - 1 time in 7-10 days.

Face and hair masks with juniper oil are made in courses of 5-10 procedures. After that, both the skin and curls will need a break of several months.

Video: a mask that strengthens the roots and stimulates hair growth

The use of oil in other areas of cosmetology

Where else is it used useful product"beauty experts"?

Scented baths

Staying in fragrant, smelling of needles and wood water relaxes, relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system, improves mood and makes the skin fresher and more elastic. Moreover, the impact on the body will go in two ways at once: some active substances will penetrate through the pores skin, and others - through the respiratory system.

Making this bath is easy. Take a handful of sea salt, a few spoons of honey or a glass of milk, mix with 5-6 drops of juniper oil and pour into a bath with warm, but not too hot water. Duration water procedures for beginners it is 15 minutes, and for bathers who often pamper themselves with aromatic baths - 30–35 minutes.

Taking a bath with real juniper is difficult, but with oil - easily!

Foot baths

Juniper oil softens and disinfects the skin of the feet, and also helps fight bad smell. Besides, similar procedures often become part of the treatment for nail fungus - of course, if the attending physician does not mind.


Want to get rid of fresh stretch marks and make old ones less noticeable? Want to tone your muscles? Do you dream of seeing your skin refreshed and elastic? Add 2-3 drops of juniper essential oil to 1 tbsp. l. base oil for massage, and the effect will not be long in coming. And if you want a more powerful effect, enhance the mixture with a couple of drops of grapefruit essential oil.

For women leading an uncompromising fight against cellulite, such a massage is doubly useful. Apart from external influence on the surface layers of the skin, the active substances of juniper will penetrate into its depth, accelerate blood flow and lymph flow and be able to establish metabolism, which will most favorably affect the condition of the hips.

For weight loss

What does essential oil have to do with weight loss? The fact is that the aroma of juniper increases resistance to stress, because of which we are so often drawn to eat something forbidden. Of course, oil will not provide you with a loss of 5 kg per week, but it will become very an effective supplement to diet and exercise. Get yourself an aroma lamp or hang an aroma pendant with a fresh coniferous smell around your neck, do not forget to include fragrant juniper oil baths and anti-cellulite massage in your personal care program, and getting rid of extra kilos will go faster.

Some scents are soothing

Some people prefer to use the oil inside according to the following recipe.

  1. Dissolve in 100 ml pure water 1 tsp honey.
  2. Add 2 drops of juniper essential oil.
  3. Shake and drink.

The procedure should be repeated three times a day. In a week, your metabolism should normalize, your body should cheer up, and weight loss should go forward by leaps and bounds.

In the bath

That's where the oil will definitely be in place, so it's in the steam room! Add a few drops to a bucket of water before pouring it over the hot rocks, and the healing compounds of juniper will rush into your body through your lungs, skin pores, and exposed hair scales. Entering the steam room, you will arrange for the body several medical and cosmetic procedures at once:

Of course, to some extent, bath steam will do all this on its own, but with juniper oil, the effectiveness of the procedure will be much higher.

Beginners can stay in a "flavored" steam room for no more than 2 minutes in a row, and for old-timers - no more than 15.

Application in medicine

Juniper essential oil comes to the rescue not only for cosmetologists, but also for doctors.

In the form of inhalations

Since we are talking about the bath and inhalations, it is worth dwelling on this issue a little more. Inhalation of juniper fumes helps human body deal with a lot colds get rid of the common cold, sinusitis, severe cough and even fight pneumonia. Greatest effect provides hot inhalation:

  • boil water;
  • let it cool down a little (if you have a special thermometer, you can use it and bring the water temperature to the recommended 85 ° C by doctors);
  • add 3-4 drops of oil to a container of water;
  • lean over her, covering her head with a towel;
  • breathe for 5-12 minutes, depending on how you feel. The steam will penetrate into the lungs, and the healing compounds contained in it will begin an uncompromising fight against microbes and viruses.

If there is no time for hot inhalation, use the so-called cold method. Just put some oil on a handkerchief and from time to time bring it up to your nose while taking a deep breath.


Juniper oil destroys the fungus and disinfects the feet

To treat a fungal infection on the affected area of ​​the body, it is recommended to make compresses from a mixture of fatty base and essential oils, as well as take aromatic baths. True, this can be done only after consulting a doctor, since not every fungus can be overcome on its own. Well, more serious illnesses require complete examination and drug-assisted therapy.

For oral administration

In some cases, juniper oil is taken orally:

  • for colds - 2 drops per cup of tea with a spoonful of honey (3 times a day);
  • with edema - 2 drops per cup of tea (2 times a day);
  • to cleanse the body - 3 drops along with plentiful drink. In the morning, oil is taken half an hour before the first meal, and in the evening an hour after dinner.

Treatment lasts from 3 days to a week, after which it is necessary to take a break for at least 4 months.

Note that the idea of ​​taking essential oil even in such meager amounts is quite risky. In order not to harm your stomach and not cause poisoning, you should consult a doctor before you start taking an odorous medicine.

Juniper essential oil is contraindicated:

  • women during pregnancy, as it can cause uterine contractions and miscarriage;
  • nursing mothers, as in this case it will affect the composition of milk;
  • for chronic or acute diseases any organ of the digestive tract.

To avoid allergies, before using the oil for the first time, put a small drop of it on your wrist and see if an allergic reaction starts.

Juniper essential oil in aromatherapy

We have already mentioned that oil gives restful sleep, reduces appetite and helps fight stress. But that's not all! Followers Eastern practices they often use it for meditation, assuring that the delicate aroma of juniper gives concentration and clarity of thought. And psychologists advise inhaling oil vapors to clients depressed by phobias and anxiety. So besides cosmetic or remedy you can get a natural sedative and antidepressant in one bottle.

Video: the beneficial properties of juniper oil

This remarkable plant has a myriad of useful properties used in various areas of everyday life.

And juniper oil is a particularly valuable product obtained from ripe berries coniferous inhabitant of the forests of our planet, also has wide range applications. Therefore, acquaintance with the oldest representative of the genus of evergreen shrubs will bring into our lives undeniable benefit and an enchanting fragrance.

A little history of juniper oil

Although medications hold pride of place in people's lives in the hierarchy of basic needs, essential oils also firmly occupy their high position and are successfully used not only in medicine, but also in cooking, cosmetology, and aromatherapy.

Juniper essential oil is a powerful source of phytoncides, active substances that destroy bacteria, so it copes well with various diseases and skin and hair problems.

One of the most valuable suppliers of essential oil is juniper, a unique coniferous evergreen tree or shrub of the Cypress family, which has been living on our planet for almost 50 million years. The lifespan of a single plant is also impressive, it can reach 3000 years. It is hard to believe. Imagine how much a person would see in his life if he had the opportunity to live such long life. The habitat is also very wide. From the Arctic to the subtropics.

The beneficial properties of juniper oil have been known since ancient times. Even the ancient Romans knew about the healing properties of juniper, successfully using the plant as a diuretic, adding berries to wine.

But even in Russia, coniferous shrubs were known no less than in Europe. The variety of uses of juniper in everyday life is surprising. The bark of this marvelous plant was used to make dishes in which milk did not sour, preserving freshness for a long time.

Without scientific knowledge, people guessed about the bactericidal properties of the shrub. They used the beneficial and healing properties of juniper oil, setting fire to dry juniper berries smoke fumigated the room where the patient was. With juniper brooms they went to the bathhouse, expelling ailments.

Even the juniper was known in Russia as an exile of evil spirits. There was a custom to place a branch of needles, consecrated in the church, behind the icon.

Characteristics and composition of juniper oil

Juniper oil is obtained from berries, needles, shrub wood, using the water-steam distillation method.

Ether is a light, viscous liquid of yellow, green or orange color (depending on which parts of the plant it is obtained from), which is stored away from light and in the cold.

In concentrated form, it has a very sharp, rich smell, associated with the smell of turpentine. This can be explained by the presence in the oil of the main active substances - terpenes contained in many essential oils, which in Latin mean "turpentine".

In a diluted form, in composition with other components, it has a very subtle smell of wood buds, resin.

Although all parts of juniper are used in the manufacture of oil, especially valuable properties possesses juniper oil obtained from the cones of the shrub. Since the cones are very similar to berries, they are more often called cone berries.

Chemical composition of juniper essential oil

Compound chemical substances, which make up the contents of cones, according to official data, has 174 components.

Familiar to all organic substances present in berries:

  • Starch;
  • Sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose);
  • Essential oil;
  • Tanning;
  • Aromatic;
  • resins;
  • pectins;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Organic acids: acetic, malic, formic.

To a greater extent, juniper fruits are useful, to a lesser extent - needles, wood.

The only variety of this shrub - Cossack, is poisonous plant unsuitable for food use.

Properties of juniper oil

Juniper has powerful phytoncidal properties. It is enough to get into the territory of the bush to understand how clean and fresh the air is in this area.

Juniper oil has a number of striking properties that are explained in its chemical composition.

  • These are excellent disinfectant, analgesic, antiseptic, diaphoretic properties.
  • The oil heals wounds.
  • Calming effect on the nervous system.
  • Strengthens immune system preventing the development of respiratory diseases.
  • Oil helps with depression, insomnia, maintains strength of mind. In this case, a bath with the addition of a few drops of essential oil has a beneficial effect, which can eliminate irritability and bad mood.

To those people who, according to their kind professional activity having to communicate a lot, it is advised to use the beneficial and healing properties of juniper essential oil as a psychological assistant that can restore the psycho-emotional state.

Getting acquainted with the properties of such a wonderful remedy for many problems, it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of buying juniper oil. But there are pitfalls in this matter.

If you decide to buy, remember that essential oil can be produced from different parts of the shrub.

  • Yellow has oil extracted from pine cones.
  • Greenish - from needles.
  • An orange tint is inherent in wood oil.

Before purchasing this valuable product, it would also be useful to get acquainted with the manufacturers of essential oils and decide for yourself the question of trust in a particular company.

The price of juniper oil fluctuates over a wide range. Starting from 40 rubles and ending with several hundred rubles for a 5 ml bottle.

Some experts argue that many oils can only be used in aroma lamps, excluding their other use. And, of course, that an inexperienced person in this matter may be confused in the choice. But we must remember that the oil only in that case has its effect. direct action when it is made strictly in accordance with technology, according to certain standards.

Be careful and then you can get the result from the use of juniper oil and, of course, pleasure!

In the northern latitudes of the globe, you can find a very beautiful, evergreen coniferous shrub - juniper. This is the most valuable plant! The source of essential oil of juniper is wood, needles and fruits of the tree.

Pleasant, tart, I would even say smoky aroma of the essential oil - the smells of resin and pine needles are mixed here.

Medicines based on juniper have a wide spectrum of action. Applied as:

  • Tonic for nervous system, digestion
  • Antiseptic for lungs, blood, digestion, genitourinary system
  • Diaphoretic
  • Cleanser
  • Diuretic
  • antirheumatic agent
  • Antidiabetic agent
  • sleeping pill

In addition, juniper improves the excretion of toxins and uric acid from the body.

Aromatic juniper oil is used externally, in the form of compresses and rinses, to enrich cosmetic substances, for massage mixtures, when taking baths and for aromatizing the room.

Indications for the use of juniper essential oil

This oil has found its application primarily in cosmetology. It helps to cope with the problems of inflamed and oily skin, cleansing and refreshing it. Helps to fight acne, with eczema, increases blood circulation and gives impetus to skin regeneration.

Very effective for healing varicose veins veins - eliminates vascular "asterisks".

Juniper oil is used to treat cellulite and edema. The aroma of this essential oil will alleviate the condition of colds and acute respiratory infections. The oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Oil is widely used in the treatment of pulmonary diseases: tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Juniper perfectly cleans indoor air from a wide variety of microorganisms. It is even used for meditation.

In the treatment of diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, this oil is indispensable!

Enrichment of cosmetics

Most cosmetics can be enriched with aromatic oils, this is the lightest and most effective method oils.

To enrich cosmetics, you need to take 15 grams of the base (it can be a cream, lotion, tonic, mask). Add 5 drops of juniper oil to the base and mix well.

Juniper oil is great for problems like itching and irritation after insect bites. Add a couple of drops of essential oil to baby cream and lubricate the areas of skin that are bothering you. After a few minutes, the itching will go away.

Externally, the oil can be used in a mixture with other aromatic oils, it goes well with lavender, cypress and sandalwood oils. They must be mixed in equal proportions.

Various oils or creams are used as the basis for any massage. To enrich massage mixtures for one, two tablespoons of the base, add 5 drops of juniper oil.

Bathing with essential oils

The duration of taking such a bath is from 10 to 20 minutes. On the full bath warm water (from 36 to 38 degrees), add 5 drops of essential juniper oil.

It is very useful to take a bath with a composition. To do this, the essential oil must be mixed with one tablespoon of an emulsifier (milk, honey, sea salt can act in this role).

Of course, speaking of aromatherapy, one cannot fail to mention the use of juniper essential oil in the bath.

Bath recipes

For three liters hot water 4-5 drops of oil should be used. Mix the oil in water, use to transfer water to the heater.

Very useful tincture of juniper fruit after the bath. Juniper fruits are amazing - they are very reminiscent of grapes, contain a large number of sugar and it is for this reason that the fruits are called coniferous northern grapes.

A tablespoon of juniper berries is enough to make a tincture. Grind raw materials and pour boiled hot water (200 ml). Heat the filled raw materials in a water bath for about 20 minutes, cool and strain. After that, it is necessary to squeeze out the remaining raw materials, bring the volume of the tincture to 200 ml with boiled water.

It is very useful to drink the infusion after a bath, adding two teaspoons to tea or fruit drink.

Traditional medicine uses juniper oil to treat wounds, and juniper berry extract improves digestion and serves as an excellent diuretic. A decoction of dry juniper berries can be mixed with honey and drunk before meals, one teaspoonful.

In conclusion, I want to say that before applying any aromatic oil need to test for sensitivity. If you do not experience discomfort when inhaling the aroma, an allergic reaction (coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath) is not detected, you can safely use aromatherapy.

To conduct a skin test, you need to apply 1 drop of oil or a mixture of oils to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front of the wrist. If after 20 minutes no irritation or rash appears at the application site, you can safely use the oil to enrich cosmetics.

There is only one contraindication to the use of juniper essential oil - it should not be used during pregnancy and children under 10 years of age.

Prickly juniper, or red (lat. Juniperus communis L.) is an evergreen coniferous shrub 100-300 cm, less often a tree up to 12 m high. Juniper belongs to the cypress family (Cupressaceae).

Juniper oil has been well known since ancient india as a means for the restoration and treatment of hair.

Juniper essential oil is obtained from the branches and bark of the tree by steam distillation. In ancient times, juniper oil was used to treat various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, scabies and skin rashes, hair loss, dandruff and other hair damage.

Juniper essential oil has traditionally been used to relieve depression and improve emotional mood. Our ancestors believed that juniper helps to get rid of painful emotions, drive away negative thoughts and evil spirits.

Juniper was also used by the Sumerians and Babylonians, it was sacrificed to such gods as Inanna and Ishtar (goddesses of fertility and carnal love).

Juniper used to be called oxycedrus. The word "' means "sharp cedar" and it was this type of plant that the ancient Greeks revered. Initially, sharp cedar grew in the Mediterranean region throughout Portugal and Morocco, in southern Lebanon and Israel, east to Western Iran and France. This plant grows until 1600 cm and prefers stone surfaces.

Native Americans used it to treat ailments in animals. Many healers used juniper to prolong youth and beauty.

Scientific research

In the 19th century, French healers used juniper to treat lice, leprosy, skin infections, snake bites and toothache.

Modern aromatherapy uses juniper oil to treat various kinds skin infections such as dandruff, scalp infections accompanied by hair loss, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and others skin irritations and rashes. Thanks to their medicinal properties juniper is used in the manufacture of soaps, lotions, creams and perfumes.

The chemical composition of juniper oil: juniper oil contains cadien, creosol, cadinol, p-creosol, terpenes and guaiacol.

Medicinal properties of juniper oil. To the main healing properties This oil includes antiseptic, disinfectant, healing, carminative, blood-purifying, diuretic, diaphoretic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic and tonic.

Useful properties of juniper essential oil

Essential oil of juniper in the fight against microbial infections. In 2003, Turkish scientists studied the antimicrobial activity of water and methanol extracts of juniper. The destructive effect on microbes has been studied on more than 56 species of bacteria, viruses and fungi. This study proved that juniper alcoholic extract had negative impact on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, bacilli, brucella, etc.

Other Egyptian studies confirmed the antimicrobial and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil from juniper leaves and berries against most of the studied strains, including gram-positive bacteria such as the bacterium Enterobacter cloacae and Staphylococcus aureus, and Gram-negative bacteria such as coli, Salmonella, bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas syringae, etc.

How to use:

  • The best way to use juniper oil to fight bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microbial infections is to add 3 to 4 drops of juniper essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil to your bath water.
  • You can also mix 2 drops of this oil with 1 ml of olive oil and apply it gently on the affected area.

The benefits of juniper essential oil in the fight against fungal infections. Due to its fungicidal properties, juniper oil effectively fights fungal infections such as ringworm, mycosis, dandruff, etc. This property is explained by the presence in its composition of the chemical compounds α-pinene (39.63%), manoyl oxide (12.34), 3-caryophyllene (4.1%) and extensively high content hydrocarbons monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.

In 2013 a study chemical composition and antifungal activity of juniper essential oil showed that the oil significantly inhibits the growth of phytopathogenic fungi.

How to use:

  • Mix 2 drops of juniper oil with 1 ml of sweet almond oil. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas of the skin. This tool helps to get rid of the fungal infection and prevent its further spread.

The use of juniper oil

In aromatherapy, juniper essential oil is used to treat skin conditions, hair problems, bronchitis and high blood pressure. It is also used in the treatment of pain, joint pain, leprosy, toothache, snake bites, lice, dandruff, cancer, peptic ulcer, pneumonia, diarrhea, itching and other infections.

1. Benefits of juniper oil for skin and hair.

Juniper oil is a proven treatment for baldness and other scalp problems. That is why juniper oil is often used as main component in the manufacture medicinal ointments to fight fungal, viral and bacterial infections skin.

How to use:

  • Mix 4 drops of essential oils of juniper, rosemary, thyme, cedar and 20 ml coconut oil. This mixture is used for effective treatment all skin diseases, allergies, microbial infections and hair problems. Massage with this oil helps to remove dead skin cells from the skin and promotes rapid healing wounds, disinfects and fights germs.
  • 2 drops of juniper oil added to bathing water will help get rid of psoriasis, eczema, lichen, wounds and herpes.
  • Add 10 ml of juniper oil to 200 ml of shampoo and mix well. This enriched shampoo helps in the treatment of lice and seborrhea. Juniper oil also nourishes hair follicles and promote their growth.
  • For dandruff, mix 10 ml of castor oil, ½ teaspoon of soybean oil, 10 drops of juniper essential oil and 2 drops of wheat germ oil. Mix all ingredients and store in a dark bottle. Massage your scalp with this oil mixture and leave it on for 2 hours. Then wash off using shampoo. Do this mask 2 times a week for a month.

2. Juniper oil for the treatment of genitourinary diseases.

The antiseptic and cleansing properties of juniper essential oil are used in the treatment of pyelitis and kidney stones. The use of juniper oil (baths, massage) is effective even in the treatment of advanced conditions in combination with antibacterial therapy.

It also helps with inflammation. prostate and prostate adenoma. For women, juniper oil is indicated for meager periods or their absence. It is also used for thrush.

How to apply:

  • Bath. Mix 8 drops of juniper essential oil, 2 drops of essential oil tea tree and 10 ml almond oil. Dissolve the resulting oil mixture in water and take a bath for 10-15 minutes.
  • massage mixture. Mix 8 drops of juniper essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil and 10 ml of warm oil grape seeds(or any base oil). tender, in a circular motion apply the oil mixture to your skin.
  • Compress. Apply any of the above mixtures to the skin and cover with plastic wrap. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes.

3. For the treatment of the digestive system.

Juniper essential oil improves appetite, helps with diarrhea and flatulence, and has a beneficial effect on the liver.

How to apply:

  • Evaporation in an aroma lamp. Add 10 (per 15 m3 of room) drops of juniper essential oil to the bowl of the aroma lamp in which to place warm water, light a candle. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
  • Cold inhalations. Put a little (2-3 drops) of oil on your pillow before going to bed.

4. The beneficial effects of juniper essential oil on the psycho-emotional sphere.

The essential little juniper is used as an incense in prayer and meditation. This quality is due to the fact that this oil can cause a strong spiritual uplift in a person. Due to the fact that juniper oil strengthens the nerves and helps to maintain fortitude, it is indicated for those who, by the nature of their service, communicate with a large number of people.

How to use:

  • Adding 2 drops of this oil to an aroma lamp, air freshener or scented candles during prayer and meditation can be of great help in helping you forget pain, quit addiction, fear of being forgotten, remove negative emotions and align the spiritual and emotional elements of the nervous system.
  • Regular meditations, simple physical exercises and praying with juniper essential oil can help open up your spirituality and bring you closer to the divine.

5. For the prevention and treatment of colds.

Juniper essential oil can be used for prevention in medical and educational institutions. This oil strengthens the immune system and helps get rid of congestion, inflammation of the nasopharynx and other acute respiratory viral infections.

How to use:

  • For the prevention of colds, juniper oil is added to water for mopping and wet cleaning in proportion to 1 liter of water 1 drop of essential oil. It is also effective to use this oil for evaporation in an aroma lamp.
  • In the treatment of colds, hot inhalations are indicated. For hot inhalation add essential oil to water (40-45⁰С) in proportion to 1 liter of water 6-10 drops of oil. To enhance the anti-cold effect, juniper oil can be combined with tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils.

Juniper oil is combined with essential oils: and all citrus fruits.

Attention! If you are using juniper oil for the first time, then swipe to prevent allergies.

Essential oils are actively used in cosmetology, not only as aromatic components, but as compounds with unique healing properties. Juniper oil has a special effect, which has a different effect not only on individual areas when applied, but also on the body as a whole.

Composition of juniper oil

The use of aromatics plant origin should be carried out with caution, as it is likely allergic reactions. This is due to the variety chemical elements, included in the composition, more than 173 compounds are released.

These can be attributed organic acids, including formic, camphene, which gives the oil a characteristic smell reminiscent of camphor.

Juniper oil includes alcohols, vitamins, oxygen-containing compounds, resins, monoterpene hydrocarbons, aluminum, tannins and dyes, as well as other substances that have certain properties, one or another utility.

It turns out that juniper berries, which are mainly used to make oil, are considered poisonous in large quantities. On the other hand, in the form of a concentrated oily solution, the same substances are indispensable in the treatment of many ailments and this is not the only scope.

Health Benefits of Juniper Oil

Now connoisseurs of safe cosmetics and adherents have heard more about juniper oil. traditional medicine, natural medicines. In these areas, juniper oil has a wide scope, and our ancestors used it at the beginning of the 11th century.

Juniper oil in medicine

The active components that make up the oil are valuable only in limited quantity, therefore, despite the special usefulness of juniper, the remedy should be used in moderation, observing a certain system.

Usually, the agent is added to the base, which can be vegetable oil, water, honey and other products. Sometimes a few drops are dripped onto black bread.
Juniper oil has positive effect if you have the following health problems:

  • Increased nervousness, insomnia, feeling of anxiety. Normalize sleep and general psychological condition aromatic compounds of coniferous shrubs will help. Naturally, it is impossible to completely overcome stress, but it is quite possible to calm the nerves with the help of oil. For this the best way suitable aroma lamp;
  • Disinfectant. This property was valued in ancient times, when, before suturing wounds, the threads were disinfected with solutions prepared with junipers. Now juniper oil in certain quantities is recommended for a number of dental diseases when you need to speed up healing. The ability to destroy bacteria is used in fungal diseases, in gynecology, for the treatment various infections, including the genitourinary system of men and women;
  • Food system disorders. It is believed that the regular intake of the active components of juniper into the body can improve the functionality of the esophagus, stimulate metabolic processes, get rid of gas formation, accumulation of fat deposits, and also normalize stools;
  • Fluid accumulation. Ether is an excellent diuretic, but use for this purpose should be taken with caution;
  • Pain sensations. Completely get rid of discomfort, as a modern analgesic, juniper oil is not capable, but it can reduce the feeling of discomfort;
  • Blood pressure, low elasticity of blood vessels. With regular use of oil, it is possible to improve vascular tissues and normalize pressure;
  • Colds. Runny nose, other symptoms accompanying viral manifestations, colds can be relieved if a few drops of essential oil are used correctly.

This list is not definitive, as there are great amount ways to use juniper oil for medicinal purposes, and different peoples application, purpose may vary

It is possible to successfully resolve health problems using essential oils, but they are not the main means for treating serious body dysfunctions. To a greater extent this good prevention but it shouldn't be abused.

Juniper for weight loss

Essential oils promote weight loss and get rid of cellulite deposits, which is achieved in several ways. External use is considered a priority, since it is possible to directly affect problem areas.

Juniper oil for weight loss can be taken orally and the effect will also be, but less noticeable than when properly applied to the skin.

Distinguish the following ways use of juniper oil externally:

  • Massage;
  • Wrap;
  • Hot baths;

Each of the options is slightly different in performance, which is associated with the method of implementation, the recipe for preparing the mixtures or solutions used. It is important to exclude contraindications before use, in particular pregnancy, kidney failure, serious inflammatory diseases, cardiac dysfunction.

Physical impact on the skin allows you to crush fat cells, and if the procedure is carried out using juniper oil from cellulite, then the result will become noticeable after several sessions. Massage can be carried out independently, use special brushes, but the best option is rubbing performed by a professional.

An alternative may be a procedure in the bath, when you can simultaneously enjoy the aroma of juniper and get rid of body fat.

Juniper essential oil during massage has a warming effect on the skin, which allows you to cope with unnecessary formations. Extra food cells, toning the skin, improving blood circulation, and this only helps to get rid of cellulite formations.

Only oil from cones is rarely used, it is mainly a supplement to the base. It can be honey, vegetable oil, special means for massage. Juniper goes well with other aromatic oils, the main thing is to choose the right components to exclude allergic reactions.

Wrap with essential oils

The principle of the procedure is to apply a special mixture, for example, from honey, a few drops of juniper, and then cover the treated area with a film. You can do this yourself, since you can prepare the product at home, and use ordinary food-grade polyethylene as a film.

Clay, honey, kefir, algae, olive oil, sesame oil, special solutions for wrapping are used.

During the wrapping period active ingredients, including juniper oil, begin to act intensively on body fat. This is due to the increase in temperature, which occurs due to changes in heat transfer.

To increase the effect, you can additionally dress or wrap yourself in a woolen scarf, do light physical activity.
Essential solutions, in particular, juniper oil from cellulite, should be used in limited proportions, especially when wrapping, when chemical reactions are most activated.

Hot baths with juniper oil

Aromas of pine needles perfectly relax, but at the same time they have some effect on subcutaneous fat. Naturally, after the bath there will be no sharp weight loss, but the compounds contained in the oils will have a positive effect on the structure of the skin.

Additionally, you can add salt, which is the leader in bath cosmetics. In addition to external influences, juniper in the form of concentrated oil is taken orally. It is believed that this also contributes to weight loss, and this happens due to processes such as:

  • Stabilization metabolic processes, reduction of body fat;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Conclusion excess fluid, and this happens due to sweat (wrapping, massage), as well as due to diuretic properties.

You need to understand that juniper oil, although universal remedy, but the result will be obvious together with a comprehensive disposal of excess weight. For example, proper diet food, physical exercise, walking and so on.

Essential oils are very nutritious, which is used for cosmetic purposes. There are many masks, scrubs, lotions, where there are coniferous components in the composition. Such remedies can be prepared at home, but even in industrial production there are cosmetics containing aromatic oils.

If we consider what juniper is useful for in terms of maintaining beauty, then well-chosen products will help improve the condition of the skin, hair and even nails. To do this, just add a few drops to the daily cream, shampoo, hair rinse.

Wiping with ice is well suited, which consists of green tea or parsley decoction, as well as a mixture of esters, including rosemary, tea tree. A mask made of clay, honey, as well as other bases, can be supplemented with juniper oil, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Antibacterial, nutritional characteristics, as well as the ability to enhance cell regeneration are especially beneficial for the skin.

If there is still a question, why is juniper useful, then we can conditionally answer that for almost everything. An important condition is the quality of the oil, its proper storage, as well as methods of application.

Experiment with concentrated solutions coniferous plants, as well as with other means, you need to be very careful. Before choosing a method of use, concentration, it is better to start with minimum dose. This applies to both external use and even more so internal.


Despite the magnitude of the beneficial properties of juniper, this is not a panacea for everything, but a good option maintain health, beauty, as well as correct weight and get rid of cellulite.

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