Medicinal properties of common juniper. Juniper: medicinal properties and contraindications, application. Features of the structure and collection of juniper berries

Juniper - that is, "growing between the firs" - has been known to people for many centuries. And at all times people knew about its healing properties. The berries of this plant are especially useful, but the roots and needles are also used in medicine. Nevertheless, before using parts of the plant in any form, it is worth taking a closer look at the medicinal properties and contraindications of juniper, so as not to harm your health.

The chemical composition of this coniferous shrub is quite complex. Berries contain various types of sugars, the total composition of which reaches 40%. Also, they found about 9 - 10% of resins, as well as tannin, pectins, about 2% of valuable essential oil, wax, malic, acetic and formic acids, mineral salts and dyes.

In addition to essential oils, juniper needles contain a significant amount of vitamin C. Therefore, in the northern regions, people chewed needles, drank a decoction from it to escape scurvy.

Juniper: medicinal properties

Juniper is increasingly found in garden plots, and for good reason. Its healing qualities can be listed for a long time.

  • Berries are very useful in diseases of the kidneys. They have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal actions, help get rid of edema.
  • Common juniper fruits are used both as a choleretic agent and as a mild laxative.
  • Juniper is very good for anemia, loss of strength, loss of appetite.
  • Treat with it and sore joints.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of this plant for men and women.

For Women's Health

With the help of a decoction of berries, the fair sex is successfully treated for colpitis and thrush, and baths help relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages.

Juniper is very useful during menopause, as it helps to normalize hormonal levels.

Alcohol infusion and a visit to the bath with a broom of thorny branches increase libido.

What is useful for men

For men, the same tincture of alcohol helps with impotence, and a decoction of berries has a similar effect. After using such a remedy, depression recedes, which is also important for sexual dysfunction.

The benefits of berries, bark and root of the plant

Juniper berries are the most valuable. This is a real storehouse of useful substances. They found essential oils, vitamins, trace elements, and even a pleasant smell to boot.

  • Berries are widely used in cooking, making seasonings from them and adding them to alcoholic beverages. But most importantly, they are widely used in folk medicine. They are also in demand in cosmetology.
  • The root of a coniferous plant contains tannins and diterpene alcohols, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Juniper bark and needles are rich in essential oils. The bark also contains useful resins and tannins. With the help of juniper branches, they purify the air in the house, rid it of harmful microbes.
  • The crushed bark is placed in special pillows and rollers, with the help of which the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are alleviated. If you are lucky enough to purchase juniper utensils, you will notice that the food in it stays fresh for a long time.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, juniper is used very widely:

  1. In diseases of the respiratory system as an expectorant. Sputum, thanks to a decoction of berries, liquefies and easily leaves.
  2. For gout, arthritis and rheumatism, juniper baths are taken, and sore joints are rubbed with essential oil.
  3. With stress and nervous exhaustion, berries have a relaxing and at the same time tonic effect.
  4. In the prevention and treatment of gallstone disease, berries are taken - this normalizes the outflow of bile.
  5. During the period of mass diseases with influenza and SARS, taking fruits, using oil in an aromatic lamp, or even simply setting fire to juniper twigs will protect you from infection.
  6. Tea with juniper helps against herpes - it contains both phytoncides and antiviral substances.
  7. In case of indigestion, flatulence, painful colic in the intestines, alcohol tincture is taken (25 drops 3 times a day).
  8. With pharyngitis, gargling with a decoction or infusion of juniper is healing.
  9. For diseases of the kidneys and bladder, a collection is used, which, in addition to juniper berries, includes mint leaves, elder flowers, as well as goldenrod and quince seeds. The decoction is consumed three times a day for 1-2 months.

It is only important not to abuse the treatment, since the juniper to a certain extent is a poisonous plant.

Juniper essential oil: benefits and harms

The oil obtained from juniper berries contains a lot of useful components. It has already been said about tannins and organic acids, and it also contains iron, copper, manganese and aluminum.

Phytoncides have a beneficial effect on the air. It is no coincidence that when listing the advantages of resorts, if juniper groves grow there, this fact is certainly mentioned in advertising booklets. The air in such places becomes fresh, clean, there are no harmful bacteria in it, it is truly healing. Even animals come to where the juniper grows to gain strength. And in the primitive tribes, it was customary to bring the sick to the thickets of this bush and leave it there until relief comes.

Juniper oil has a number of beneficial properties. It contributes to the normal outflow of bile, cleanses the bronchi of accumulated sputum, disinfects, improves digestive processes, lymph flow becomes optimal, energy returns and sleep normalizes.

But the oil can not be taken:

  • during an exacerbation of kidney disease;
  • at elevated pressure;
  • with allergies to coniferous plants.

Anyway, before starting the treatment of any diseases in an acute form, it is better to consult a specialist.

Important: Pregnant women should not be treated with juniper. In the early stages, it can provoke a miscarriage, and in the later stages, it can cause bleeding.

How the plant is used in cosmetology

Juniper oil has found wide application in cosmetology. It is used in the treatment of cellulite and added to anti-wrinkle products. And it can also make scars and stretch marks less noticeable.

The oil is just great for oily problematic skin.

  • It kills harmful bacteria.
  • Removes inflammatory processes.
  • Tones the skin, which takes on a fresh and healthy look.
  • Tightens pores, skin becomes drier.

It makes sense for young girls to purchase juniper oil and add a few drops of it to their favorite cream. But for ladies of elegant age, juniper brings a lot of benefits. With regular use, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, and the face looks younger.

Juniper oil can be used to lubricate herpes on the lips - ugly rashes will disappear faster.

It is only important that the agent does not get on the tongue.

With success, oil is added to hair cosmetics. With its regular use, the hair roots are strengthened, they themselves fall out less often, dandruff disappears.

And if you take foot baths with the addition of juniper oil, you can get rid of fungal diseases, unpleasant odors and sweating.


Juniper is a poisonous plant. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to find out the exact dosage and in no case exceed it.

With great care, juniper should be used by people who are allergic to any plants. And diseases of the kidneys and bladder with the help of juniper oil can be treated only in a chronic form.

An absolute contraindication to the use of juniper-based products is pregnancy.

Here he is, common juniper - a true healer, a good helper of man for many centuries. Meet, use, respect and be sure that this plant will provide you with invaluable benefits.

Juniper wood is incredibly fragrant - the specific, pleasant woody smell of juniper is its hallmark.

Many people know him from souvenirs from the Crimea: coasters for mugs and hot dishes, combs, various memorabilia.

This plant has been known to mankind since time immemorial, and even in ancient times, the then healers widely used juniper for therapeutic purposes.

But what about today? The benefits of civilization and the achievements of modern pharmacy have not diminished the healing significance of juniper.

Until now, people are actively using it for medicinal purposes, and how exactly we will tell further.

General information and interesting facts

Juniper is a typical representative of evergreen conifers, the cypress family, the people also know him under the name Veres.

It grows in almost the entire northern hemisphere: in Europe, Asia, in Transbaikalia and Yakutia, in the Crimea and other regions with different climates.

Juniper is very hardy, on average it can live up to 500 or even 1000 years! You can talk about such a plant as juniper for hours - it is so unique and has a rich history.

Here are just a few of the facts that most nature lovers know about:

Juniper groves existed on our planet 50 million years ago.

As already mentioned, a tree can live and bear fruit for almost half a thousand years.

Juniper berries are tiny cones because the tree is a conifer.

Juniper has no equal among the representatives of the plant world in its ability to purify the air.

It has been proven that a juniper plantation with an area of ​​1 hectare per day is able to completely cleanse the atmosphere of a huge metropolis from most bacteria and dangerous compounds. Such an array releases 30 kg of phytoncides in 24 hours. Impressive, isn't it?

Juniper branches are an invariable component of bath accessories, they not only disinfect all bath utensils, but also have a powerful healing effect for those who come to the steam room.

In Ancient Rus', the wood of this conifer was used to make dishes for long-term storage of finished products, in such a place even milk is not sour in the heat, the juniper tree has such a strong antibacterial effect.

Over the years, juniper wood only gets stronger. Aged raw materials are used to make beautiful and expensive canes, as well as stationery pencils.

But the most interesting thing is that juniper is beneficial not only in reality, but also in a dream: a dreaming juniper tree promises very quick and very positive changes in life, as well as health and wealth.

In addition, juniper is an excellent addition to various culinary experiments. With it you can cook unusual fruit drinks, spicy meat, spicy vegetables and other interesting dishes.

Therefore, on occasion, be sure to plant this amazing, beautiful and incredibly useful tree or shrub on your site.

Juniper - medicinal properties

In terms of bactericidal properties, juniper has no equal, but this plant is not only famous for this.

Like all conifers, it is rich in bioactive oils, phytoncides, bitterness and other elements that can cure even the most complex diseases.

For medicinal purposes, needles, roots and cones of juniper are used.

1. With the help of juniper, you can disinfect any items, up to the bed linen of people suffering from contagious diseases.

2. Means prepared on juniper roots completely heal ulcers and other stomach ailments, excellently treat tuberculosis, even advanced.

3. An aqueous decoction of juniper branches is an excellent cure for dermatitis (eczema, diathesis, allergic rashes, relieves itching from insect bites).

4. Juniper cleanses the kidneys, relieves swelling, removes toxins - it has very high diuretic properties.

5. Promotes the outflow of bile, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver.

6. Has an analgesic effect, relieves toothache, headache, juniper oil helps with migraines.

7. Pillows stuffed with juniper shavings and placed at the head of the bed calm the nervous system, promote quick falling asleep and sound sleep.

8. Juniper is a good general tonic during the season of colds and increased stress.

9. Juniper smoke is suitable for fumigating rooms, it kills germs and pathogenic bacteria.

10. Infusions disinfect the organs of the urinary system.

11. Alcohol tinctures of juniper- salvation for arthrosis, arthritis, joint pain, swelling, tumors, diseases of muscle tissues.

12. Used in gynecology, treats trichomonas colpitis.

13.Juniper - a natural antidepressant, normalizes high blood pressure, replaces pharmaceutical sedatives.

14. During viruses and colds, juniper is the first helper. In case of influenza, ARVI, juniper preparations are drunk, dripped on the nose, rubbed into the sternum and neck, and aromatize the premises.

15. Yes sinusitis treatment prescription based on juniper oil: 2 drops of oil per 50 ml of warm water are mixed and used as a sinus wash.

16. Juniper remedies improve appetite, eliminate flatulence.

17. Juniper oil cauterizes herpetic eruptions.

18. Juniper improves metabolism.

19. Ephedra berries cleanse the blood- they need to be eaten dry, starting with 5 pieces, increasing daily by 1 piece, reaching 15 berries - reduce by one per day until returning to the original 5 cones.

20. Juniper improves the state of nervous disorders, normalizes blood circulation.

For a therapeutic effect, juniper baths or rubbing the whole body with a decoction of pine needles are used.

21. Juniper oil is diluted with water and instilled into the ears to treat otitis media.

22. A variety of dental problems are treated with hydroalcoholic agents - inflammation of the oral mucosa, periodontal disease, bleeding gums, bad breath and others.

Not everything juniper is capable of can be covered by the volume of one publication. This is a wonderful natural remedy for a hundred diseases.

It must always be at hand and, before going to the pharmacy, try to use its miraculous abilities for the benefit of health and longevity.

Juniper - contraindications

It cannot be argued that such a powerful healing plant as juniper is of exceptional benefit. If used carelessly, it can cause serious trouble.

It is better not to use juniper-based products during pregnancy.

People with acute diseases of the kidneys and organs of the excretory system.

Children up to three years old.

Those who constantly suffer from excessively low blood pressure and insufficiently active work of the heart muscle.

In any case, despite the huge list of useful properties of juniper, before you start using it to treat existing ailments, do not be lazy, consult your doctor. Be healthy.

People have long known and used the healing properties of juniper. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians already used juniper as a medicine.

In places where juniper grows, there is always clean air. One hectare of juniper thickets emits almost 30 kg of phytoncides per day - this is 6 times more than other conifers and 15 times more than deciduous. According to experts, this amount of juniper is enough to purify and improve the air of a medium-sized city.

In folk medicine, juniper berries are used to prepare infusions and decoctions, which are used as a diuretic, expectorant, appetite stimulant and digestive aid.

Common juniper Juniperus communis L. is a coniferous evergreen plant, a species of the juniper genus of the large Cypress family (Cupressaceae). There are other names for it - heather, juniper, black grouse.

Common juniper is common in the forest zone of the European part of Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia, grows in the undergrowth in coniferous, especially in light pine and mixed forests, along river banks, on moss swamps, on forest mountain slopes, in clearings.

Siberian juniper grows in southern Siberia, and Caucasian long-leaved juniper is common in the Caucasus, known locally as juniper, the Turkic name for junipers. For medical purposes, only common juniper is used, other species are not used.

Juniper ordinary description

Usually it is a tree-like shrub 1-3 meters high, less often a tree 8-12 meters high with a cone-shaped crown and branches pressed upwards. Leaves in the form of prickly needles remain on shoots up to 4 years.

The needles are trihedral 1 ÷ 1.5 cm long, prickly, the needles are collected annularly, 3 in each bunch, in juniper berries, 3 seeds. All these signs, coincidences, evergreenness, longevity, balsamic aroma of a plant have always seemed very surprising to people and gave rise to various superstitions.

For a long time, juniper has been considered a symbol of eternal life. People planted juniper near the threshold of the house, its branches were placed behind icons, fastened to the ceiling, they considered it a protection from evil spirits, they believed in the guarding power of juniper.

Previously, huts were fumigated with juniper to purify the air, they wiped the floors with needles if there was a sick person in the house. Junipers cleaned and steamed barrels, tubs for cucumbers, cabbage, mushrooms - they disinfected them before harvesting pickles.

Monoecious, often dioecious plants. Male inflorescences in the form of sessile spikelets 2 -4 mm long yellowish with anthers are located at the ends of the branches. From the inconspicuous female inflorescences located in the axils of the leaves of young twigs, after pollination in May - June, numerous, almost sessile fruits are tied - cones or juniper berries.

In the first year they remain green, ovoid, ripen in late summer in the second year, becoming soft, bluish-black with a waxy coating. On one plant, you can see both green annuals and mature black cones at the same time.

Juniper bears fruit from 5 to 8 years old, good harvests are repeated after 3 to 4 years, lives for a long time - about 600 years. Birds eat berries with pleasure, spreading seeds over long distances.

Mature fruits and branches of juniper are used as medicinal raw materials. Juniper berries are harvested in autumn in September-October, plucking the berries or shaking off the bush on a spread sackcloth, then sorting and drying, spreading out on paper, in the air in the shade, in attics, in air or heat dryers at a temperature of 30-40 ° C, stirring occasionally . You can store well-dried berries for 3 years.

Juniper twigs are dried, hanging in bunches in a cool room, where the air is not very dry, so that the needles do not fall off.

The healing properties of juniper are due to its complex chemical composition. Juniper berries contain a lot of sugars - about 40%, resins - about 9%, flavone glycosides, tannin, pectins, essential oil - up to 2%, complex composition; dye uniperin, wax, fatty oil, organic acids - malic, formic, acetic - a mixture of which gives them a typical aroma and a spicy tart taste; bitter substances, mineral salts. The needles contain a lot of ascorbic acid, essential oil.

Juniper berries medicinal properties

The essential oil contained in the berries has a strong diuretic, expectorant, choleretic and antimicrobial effect. Preparations from juniper berries are used for chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder - chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, acute and chronic urethritis. As a diuretic, it is used for edema of various origins.

Juniper berries also have a tonic, tonic, laxative effect. In traditional folk medicine, they are used for asthenia, anemia, joint diseases, chronic skin diseases, furunculosis, gallstone and kidney stones, chronic respiratory diseases, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, liver diseases associated with stagnation of bile, gastrointestinal tract , to stimulate appetite.

A decoction of juniper berries and branches is used externally for baths and compresses in diseases of the joints, gout and rheumatism, and skin diseases.

The scientific name of the genus Juniperus - from the Celtic word juneprus - prickly, the species name communis in Latin - "ordinary". The Russian name "juniper" comes from the words "mezh" and "elnik", meaning "growing between the firs".


  • The plant is poisonous. It is necessary to take in strict accordance with the recommendations.
  • The use of drugs inside is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis, nephroso-nephritis.

Juniper berries medicinal properties and contraindications

With edema, kidney stones, inflammation of the bladder:

1. Decoction of berries: 1 tsp. crushed berries pour 1 cup boiling water, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, strain. Drink during the day 1/3 cup 3 times a day as a diuretic.

2. Infusion of berries: 1 tsp. brew chopped berries with 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, wrapped. Drink throughout the day.

Infusions and decoctions of juniper berries are used externally as an analgesic and disinfectant for rinsing with inflammation of the gums.

An infusion or decoction of berries can be taken in diseases of the upper respiratory tract to thin and facilitate sputum discharge, as a choleretic agent.

In the Crimean resorts in the Miskhor region, the healing properties of juniper thickets on the mountain slopes are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Majestic slender juniper trees grow in a warm seaside climate.

Juniper fruits, as a rule, are prescribed together with other drugs, as part of medicinal decoctions, teas.

For diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract:

  • 1. Juniper fruits - 1 part
  • licorice root - 1
  • bearberry leaves - 1

Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals as a diuretic.

  • 2. Juniper fruits - 1
  • harrow root - 1
  • violet grass - 1
  • elderberry flowers - 1
  • goldenrod grass - 1
  • quince seeds - 1
  • mallow leaves - 1

One st. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times daily before meals with chronic nephritis .

  • 3. Juniper fruits - 1
  • lovage root - 1
  • violet grass - 1
  • flax seeds - 1

1 st. l. mix pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Take 1/3 cup in inflammation of the bladder .

  • 4. Juniper fruits - 1 part
  • strawberry leaves - 1
  • lingonberry leaves - 1
  • horsetail grass - 1
  • cumin fruits - 1
  • licorice root - 1

1 st. l. mix pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals with urolithiasis .

For diseases of the liver, gallbladder:

  • Juniper fruits - 1 part
  • chicory root - 1
  • dandelion root - 1
  • smoke grass -1

Two st. l. mix pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals with cholecystitis .

To stimulate appetite, improve digestion and strengthen the stomach:

Common juniper berry syrup:

  • 1 st. l. pour 1 cup boiling water over dry chopped fruits, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, strain. Add honey or sugar until you get a syrup. Take 1 tbsp. l. in 20 - 30 min. before meals.
  • 2 tsp crushed dry berries pour 1 cup boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6 hours, strain. Add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, boil over low heat until syrupy. Take 1 tsp. in 20 - 30 min. before meals.

It helps to increase appetite, activates the motor and secretory functions of the intestine, and has a disinfecting effect inside the intestine.

For rheumatic pains, gout, arthritis:

1. A decoction of juniper berries: pour 100 g of crushed dry berries into 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain. Make baths and warm compresses on sore joints.

2. Alcohol tincture: Pour 15 berries with 100 ml of alcohol, insist in a glass container with a closed lid for 10 days in a dark place, strain, squeeze. Use for rubbing painful joints and muscles.

This tincture is used for inflammation of the middle ear - a cotton swab dipped in tincture and slightly squeezed is injected into the ear. It quickly relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Aromatic juniper tonic baths:

Prepare a decoction: 100 - 200 g of raw materials (berries and twigs) pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat in a sealed container for 20 minutes, strain. Add to bath. Take a bath for 20 minutes. per day at 38°C.

Juniper essential oil is used in solution to treat poorly healing wounds and ulcers. With rheumatism, juniper oil is used to rub the joints, it is added for inhalations and baths.
Juniper oil has strong disinfecting properties, so it was used to treat sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea), 2-5 drops per dose. For the same purpose, a decoction of berries was prepared - boiled 2 times and drank throughout the day.


  • Juniper berries have a strong irritating effect on the kidneys, so they should not be used in acute inflammation of the kidneys - nephritis, nephrosonephritis, as this can cause an increase in the inflammatory process.
  • An overdose of the drug should not be allowed.
  • Do not use preparations from juniper berries inside for a long time, which can lead to debilitating urination.

The use of juniper in cosmetology

In cosmetology and dermatology, the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties of juniper are used to treat skin rashes, to strengthen and grow hair.

Beauticians in Germany, Poland, Bulgaria use the bactericidal properties of juniper in their practice. Assign juniper baths, rubbing with dermatitis, skin rashes, lichen.

In the treatment of hair, a large place is occupied by preparations of plant origin, preparations with juniper have always been highly valued.

With increased hair loss:

1 st. l. raw materials (needles, fruits, young twigs) chop, pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist until cool. Rub daily into the scalp. The infusion strengthens hair, promotes their growth, eliminates baldness.

Watch the video:

Juniper useful properties video

Economic use of juniper

Juniper wood is reddish, with a pleasant aroma, has high strength, is used for the manufacture of canes, pencils, chess, toys.

Juniper berries are a favorite spice for hunters, they are used as a seasoning for game dishes. It can be used in the preparation of a marinade for fatty meat, fish, in the preparation of cabbage, beets to improve the taste and aroma.

In ground form, dried berries are used as part of special spicy mixtures. Juniper is often used in German, North French cuisine.

Berries are used in the alcoholic beverage industry, for the production of juniper vodka. Juniper berries are the main aromatic and flavor component of gin.

The plant is used as an ornamental, grown in gardens and parks, various types and varieties of juniper are used.

There are less and less juniper thickets in nature, they renew themselves and grow very slowly. Therefore, they must be treated with care. You can not break the branches, you need to carefully cut if necessary. The berries must be gently shaken off, holding the stem of the plant with your hand.

Dear readers! In the article Juniper medicinal properties and contraindications juniper berries application we examined the main properties of this wonderful healing plant and its use to improve our health.

Since ancient times, people have been using common juniper not only in traditional medicine recipes, but also in cooking. Useful are not only berries, but also other parts of the plant. It is important to follow the rules of use and take into account contraindications.

Juniper - what is it?

This coniferous plant, which is evergreen, can grow as a shrub reaching a height of up to two meters, or as a slender tree with a height of up to five meters. Juniper is a unique plant that has hard needles instead of leaves, reaching a length of up to 1 cm. The fruits are cone berries that can be harvested for 2-3 years of life. At first they are green, and then they turn blue-black.

For the harvesting of common juniper, it is necessary to collect only mature fruits. The collection is carried out in September, and for it, a litter should be spread under the bush and the berries should be shaken on it. Drying is allowed only in a natural way, because if you do it in a dryer or in an oven, you can lose most of the benefits. Berries should be stored in closed jars for no more than three years. They also collect needles, bark and roots.

How useful is juniper?

The plant has a rich chemical composition, which provides a large number of useful properties. If you are interested in what juniper treats, then you should know:

  1. Folk remedies increase bile formation and bile secretion.
  2. It is antiseptic and fights inflammation well.
  3. Proven to be effective for edema, dermatitis, and scabies.
  4. Decoctions and infusions help relieve inflammation in the lungs and bronchi.
  5. It has a positive effect on blood circulation, the state of the heart, and the plant also normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Berries are recommended for colic and constipation.

Juniper - use in traditional medicine

The presented plant is used to treat various diseases and its properties are confirmed by scientists. Juniper tincture and other folk remedies are used for digestive problems and to combat worms. Effective plant for diseases of the urinary tract. Juniper berries and needles of this plant are widely used in recipes to strengthen the immune system.

Juniper with cystitis

With the onset of cold weather, many women face such a problem as cystitis. For treatment, many people use folk recipes, so the healing properties of juniper will help with such a problem. The plant has a diuretic and antiseptic effect, and all thanks to the presence of essential oil. In addition, it fights bacteria well. The effect of the remedy, the recipe of which is presented below, occurs after four hours.


  • crushed fruits - 1 teaspoon;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp.


  1. Pour ordinary juniper with hot water and hold it under the lid until it cools.
  2. After that, strain and add a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar. Put on a small fire and cook in a water bath until syrup is obtained.
  3. Take a thick infusion of juniper 1-2 teaspoons before meals three times a day.

Juniper for colds

Since ancient times, people have been actively using the properties of juniper to cope with a cold. The plant helps to reduce the manifestations of cough, destroys viruses and microbes and has a general strengthening effect. Aromatherapy essential oil can be used to purify the air and speed up recovery.

  1. The juniper plant is used for hot water inhalations, for which you can take a handful of pine needles or 3-4 drops of essential oil.
  2. In the complex, it is recommended to rub the chest and back. Mix a large spoonful of vegetable oil and six drops of ether, and then rub the skin well until completely absorbed. After that wrap up and drink tea.

Juniper for joints

The plant is used for external exposure to cope with various problems. It has been proven that juniper is effective in treating it, since it relieves the inflammatory process, reduces pain and the manifestation of other unpleasant symptoms. The plant can be used in two ways:

  1. baths. Take 200 g of needles and branches, and fill them with a liter of hot water. Keep covered until cool. Pour the finished infusion into the bath and take it for half an hour. Carry out the procedures daily until the condition is relieved.
  2. Ointment. To prepare an effective remedy in a coffee grinder, grind six parts of bay leaves and part of the needles. Mix the powder with ten parts of high-quality butter and rub the diseased joints with the finished product.

Juniper in cosmetology

A wide list of useful properties allows the plant to be used for cosmetic purposes, to combat various problems.

  1. The essential oil can be used to care for all skin types. With regular use, juniper, the beneficial properties of which have been proven by scientists, moisturizes well, reduces puffiness, increases elasticity and.
  2. In addition, it is worth noting that the oil perfectly cleanses the dermis and helps fight wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.
  3. Finding out how useful juniper is for a person, it is worth mentioning that this remedy helps to narrow pores and even out complexion, and it also effectively copes with rashes and inflammation.
  4. It is recommended to add a few drops to the hand cream to heal small cracks and soften the skin.
  5. Common juniper is also used to care for hair that becomes shiny, strong and elastic. Enhances hair growth and reduces the risk of hair loss. Another important property - juniper oil copes well with dandruff and itching.

Juniper for the face

There are many ways to use juniper oil for face care:

  1. To prepare a mask to deal with acne, beat the yolk and add three drops of ether to it. After mixing, apply on the face for 15 minutes and then rinse.
  2. The properties of juniper can be obtained by preparing a simple tonic, for which add 3-4 drops of ether to 200 ml of mineral water. Mix and use the product twice a day, thoroughly wiping the face.
  3. Good results can be obtained by making cosmetic ice, for which add a small spoonful of honey and five drops of common juniper ether to 200 ml of water. Pour the finished product into ice molds and freeze. Wipe your face with ice in the morning and evening.

Juniper for hair

There are several ways you can use essential oils to take care of your hair.

  1. The easiest way to use juniper to make your hair healthy is to add a few drops to your regular shampoo. You can also carry out aromatic combing, for which a few drops are applied to a wooden comb and walk through the hair.
  2. A mask has proven itself well for normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands and healing curls. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of base oil and five drops of juniper ether. Heat vegetable oil in a water bath and add ether. Rub into the scalp, and then spread the mixture along the entire length. Keep the mask on for an hour, but no more.

Juniper for cellulite

You can cope with the ugly "orange peel" with the help of simple procedures using juniper ether. It helps to remove excess fluid and activates the lymphatic system. With regular use, you can improve blood circulation and improve metabolism. Juniper oil from cellulite is used for massages, healing baths and body wraps. Thanks to its warming effect, it removes toxins from the body along with sweat.

It is recommended to mix 3-4 drops of juniper ether with chamomile, sesame or thyme oil to increase efficiency. Rub the product into problem areas, performing circular and pinching movements. It is important to move along the legs not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top, which, given the movement of the lymph. If you are doing wraps, then wrap everything on top with a film and leave for half an hour.

Juniper for weight loss

To cope with excess weight, it is customary to use juniper ether, which improves metabolism, eliminates cellulite and improves the functioning of digestion. There are several ways to use this tool:

  1. You can take the ether inside, for which, before eating, drink 200 ml of warm water with the addition of a couple of drops of juniper oil.
  2. To cope with extra pounds, take a body cream and add 4-5 drops of essential oil to it. Apply the product to problem areas after a shower, rubbing well in a circular motion.
  3. Juniper oil for weight loss can be added to baths. Take enough water to cover your thighs and belly. Separately, mix 8-10 drops of ether with 1 tbsp. spoon of sea salt and add to the bath.

Juniper - contraindications

The presented plant has a wide list of useful properties, but before you start using it, you need to familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications:

  1. Some people may be allergic to juniper, so an allergy test should be done beforehand. To do this, apply a couple of drops on the back of your wrist and leave for a couple of hours. If there is no reaction, then you can safely use the remedy for treatment. Please note that oil should not be used in large quantities, as this may cause burns.
  2. Ingestion of folk remedies is prohibited for pregnant women, as they cause uterine contractions, which increases the risk of miscarriage.
  3. Common juniper is prohibited for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. If you neglect this prohibition, then you can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.
  4. You can not take funds with juniper in large quantities, as this can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to give such funds to children under three years of age.

It is an evergreen shrub or tree from the cypress family. In appearance, juniper is similar to a tiny cypress. This plant is a real long-liver: in comfortable conditions, it can live from 600 to 3000 years.

Did you know? In ancient Greece, juniper was considered the best medicine for snake bites, and the ancient Romans added its crushed berries to wine, which was then taken for liver diseases or as a powerful diuretic. In Rus', dishes were made from its bark, and the branches were used to protect homes from evil forces.

In many nations, juniper bushes are revered as a symbol of eternal life.

The chemical composition of juniper

Juniper cone berries contain up to 40% carbohydrates, and in addition, they contain resins, wax, tannins, as well as dyes, more than 2% of essential oils, organic acids, macro- and microelements (copper, iron, manganese and aluminum), and also vitamins. The composition of the essential oil present in the berries includes the terpenes camphene, terpeniol, cadinene, pinene and borneol.

Important! Juniper has toxic properties, which is why when using it, you need to follow the exact dosage.

plant needles - a real storehouse of ascorbic acid, and about 8% of tannins, saponins, resins and essential oils are present in juniper root.

Calorie and nutritional value of juniper berries

The calorie content of juniper is 116.3 kcal. The nutritional value of the plant is very low, because it contains only about 40% carbohydrates, although there are no proteins and fats at all.

The benefits of juniper for the human body

Juniper produces a huge amount of phytoncides, which explains its beneficial properties and makes it possible to use it for a variety of diseases.

Did you know? Scientists have found that a hectare of juniper grove emits 30 kg of phytoncides per day, and this amount of antibacterial substances is enough to completely cleanse the atmosphere of a metropolis from pathogens.

Due to its pronounced antimicrobial action, juniper is ideal for use in the treatment of many ailments. The oil obtained from it has a pronounced disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic effect, which allows it to be used for trichomonas colpitis, sciatica, neuralgia, polyarthritis, rheumatic joint pain. Juniper-based preparations are an effective cough medicine. They have expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. The benefits of juniper berries are due to their choleretic, diuretic and fixing action. In addition, taking juniper relieves flatulence and dyspeptic disorders, improves appetite and digestion.

Application in folk medicine: prevention and treatment of diseases with juniper

Juniper has been used in folk medicine hundreds of years ago. The high therapeutic effect of a decoction of juniper cones allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases of the respiratory system. It contributes to the rapid thinning, separation and excretion of sputum in asthma and tuberculosis. Baths with juniper are taken to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation in gout and polyarthritis, poorly healing wounds are washed with a decoction of the plant, and joints with arthritis are rubbed with its infusion.

Did you know? In the old days, juniper was used to fumigate the hut and clothes of the sick. A decoction of juniper needles was used to wash the floors and walls in the house where there was an infectious patient. Juniper branches were taken with them to the bath, and they were also placed in tubs and jars with pickles to prevent the appearance of mold.

Juniper berries contain an impressive amount of essential oils and resins, thanks to which they have a tart smoky aroma that has a sedative and anti-stress effect on the human body. In addition, juniper oil is characterized by a pronounced tonic and invigorating effect.

Important!Preparations made from juniper are not recommended for women who are preparing to become mothers, as the plant causes contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus, and this can cause miscarriage.

Fresh juniper berries - an excellent prophylactic and therapeutic remedy for gallstones, and during rampant flu and viral infections, juniper decoction can work real miracles. In order not to get sick, eat one tart berry every day, and you will not be afraid of viruses.

For the treatment of cough

Long walks through juniper groves are the best remedy for diseases of the respiratory system. They are indicated for those who suffer from asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis. The thing is that the phytoncides that juniper secretes have a pronounced antiviral and anti-edematous effect, which allows you to quickly get rid of the disease. Now, on the basis of juniper, many drugs have been developed for the treatment of the respiratory system. However, the best results in the treatment of cough gives the use of fresh berries.

To get rid of a dry, hacking cough, buy or harvest about 0.5 kilograms of juniper berries. It is necessary to take them on the first day, one berry, on the second - two, and so on, until you reach twelve fruits. Then start the countdown and eat one less fruit each day than yesterday. A decoction of juniper is also effective for coughs that occur against the background of a cold. It also helps with purulent pleurisy and pneumonia. However, in order for the medicine to cope with the disease, you need to know exactly how to brew juniper correctly. Take a tablespoon of the fruits of the plant and pour them with two glasses of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and bring the volume of the drug to half a liter with water. Take a decoction of a tablespoon four times a day.

For the treatment of herpes

The treatment of herpes in traditional medicine is limited to taking antiviral agents, which do not completely cure the disease, but only transfer it into remission. At the slightest hypothermia or weakening of the immune system, the disease makes itself felt with a vengeance. However, not everything is so hopeless.

An excellent folk remedy for herpes is tea with juniper, the beneficial properties of which are due to the high content of phytoncides and antiviral substances in the plant. Making tea is easy. Take half a teaspoon of dry fruits or pine needles and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water over, letting the medicine brew for 25 minutes. The drug should be taken three times a day.

To improve digestion

Digestive disorders can cause a lot of unpleasant moments for a person. Pain, bloating, intestinal colic and indigestion will pass if you systematically take juniper tincture. To prepare it, you need to pour 15 berries with 100 milliliters of 70% alcohol. Infuse the drug for 10 days. After this period, strain the tincture and squeeze the berries. You need to take the medicine for 30 days three times a day, but not more than 25 drops.

With pharyngitis for gargling

Those who suffer from chronic pharyngitis know how painful this disease can be. Malaise, fever, as well as pain, soreness and dryness in the throat, accompanied by a dry cough, can tie the patient to bed for a long time. Infusion and decoction of juniper for gargling are considered to be sure remedies for this ailment. To prepare juniper infusion, you should take a tablespoon of the bark or berries of the plant, put them in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for an hour and use it to gargle.

Gargling with a decoction of juniper also gives excellent results. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of chamomile, calendula and juniper. Pour everything with a liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let the broth brew for 45 minutes and strain.

With pyelonephritis and cystitis

Pyelonephritis is a kidney disease that has an inflammatory and infectious nature, it occurs against the background of damage to the kidneys by pathogenic microorganisms penetrating into them from the lower parts of the ureter. Very often, pyelonephritis develops against the background of cystitis.

Important! When using juniper, the course of treatment should not exceed one or a maximum of two months, otherwise inflammation of the kidneys may develop due to constant irritation of their parenchyma with tannins, resins, and essential oils present in the plant.

For the treatment of pyelonephritis or cystitis, it is necessary to prepare a collection consisting of juniper berries taken in the same parts, bearberry leaves and licorice root. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. Take a quarter of a glass 4 times a day. No less effective is the phyto-collection, which consists of juniper fruits, steelwort root, violet grass, elder flowers, goldenrod grass, mint leaves and quince seeds taken in equal amounts. A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes, the drug is taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day.


Medicinal drugs from juniper are often used as a diuretic. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of dry or fresh berries and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Boil the drug for 10 minutes over low heat and let it brew for 30 minutes. Take a decoction of 1/3 cup three times a day. Juniper tea also has a pronounced diuretic effect. To prepare it, you need to pour a teaspoon of dry crushed cones and let the medicine brew for 30 minutes. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

Useful properties of a juniper bath

A decoction of juniper berries is added to baths in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Already after 2-3 baths, patients feel significant relief: the intensity of pain decreases, inflammation disappears and swelling in the affected joint decreases. To prepare therapeutic baths, pour 100 grams of dried crushed berries with a liter of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Apply warm. To prepare baths in the treatment of poorly healing wounds, eczema and dermatitis, you will need to take 200 grams of dry raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes in a tightly closed container.

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