Evalar with blueberries. The benefits of blueberries - the main component of dietary supplements Bilberry forte. How blueberries affect human health - video. Useful video about dietary supplement "Blueberry forte"

Blueberry Forte is a common name for dietary supplements and vitamins for the eyes, which are produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Such dietary supplements are designed to improve the quality and visual acuity, the main active ingredient in their composition is an extract from blueberries.

Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the drug in improving daytime and twilight vision. Reducing eye fatigue, activating microcirculation in the tissues of the organs of vision, strengthening the walls of capillaries - this ensures the regular use of the Bilberry Forte Plus supplement.

Varieties of the drug

The product is produced in the form of capsules, ophthalmic drops, tablets. In addition to extracts from blueberries, biologically active additives also contain other components that enhance the therapeutic effect of the main substance.

The most common types of ophthalmic dietary supplements with an extract from medicinal berries:

  • Blueberry Intensive complex for vision;
  • Blueberry Forte with zinc and vitamins;
  • Blueberry Forte with lutein.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, dietary supplements Blueberry Forte are produced by several pharmaceutical manufacturers:

  • Evalar;
  • Farm Pro.

The drugs of these companies have gained the greatest popularity among buyers. The most effective and common are products from the Evalar brand, which are produced in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups or vitamins packaged in sachets.

Pharmacological action and group

It belongs to the group of dietary supplements designed to improve vision. The composition of the drug includes natural active ingredients, which provide the therapeutic effect of the vitamin complex.

The main active ingredient is a natural blueberry extract, which contains a huge amount of useful vitamins, trace elements, essential and organic acids, phenols, tannins, which have a positive effect on the condition of the organs of vision.

Medicinal, useful properties of Blueberry Forte:

  1. Reduced eye fatigue and irritability.
  2. Antioxidant effect - that is, the neutralization of harmful free radicals that can lead to damage to cell membranes in the organs of vision.
  3. Normalization of the process of formation of connective tissue.
  4. Increasing the flexibility of cell membranes and their resistance to external damage.
  5. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving the elasticity of their walls.
  6. Activation of metabolic processes in the body.
  7. Prevention of the development of inflammatory processes and reduction of their manifestations.
  8. Improving blood flow and microcirculation in the cells of the organs of vision.
  9. Blueberries help to improve, restore vision in pathological processes.
  10. Normalizes the work of enzymes in the tissues of the eye corneas.

It is widely used for the treatment and prevention of many ophthalmic diseases on the retina - cataracts, glaucoma, dystrophy. In addition, the drug prevents the likelihood of hemorrhages, and also puts in order intraocular pressure. It has pronounced firming and toning properties.

Indications for use

According to the description of Blueberry Forte Evalar, the supplement is recommended for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • cataract;
  • night blindness;
  • nearsightedness or farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • acceleration of regeneration after operations on the organs of vision.

Also, a dietary supplement is used for increased stress on the organs of vision, with eye fatigue associated with frequent exposure to a computer or TV monitor, the aggressive effects of an air conditioner, cold wind or other negative environmental factors.

Instructions for use

The guide to Blueberry Forte Evalar states that the method of using the drug depends on the pharmacological form. Before using the product, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

The medicine in the form of tablets is taken orally - it is necessary to swallow whole, without chewing or crushing. The optimal dosage for adults is 2 tablets in the morning and evening, preferably with meals or immediately after. For babies under 7 years old, one tablet twice a day, for children from 7 to 12-13 years old, three tablets throughout the day.

The course of treatment should last at least 3-4 months, but patients note that they noticed the first positive results already 10-14 days after the start of therapy.

Blueberry Forte Syrup is taken orally, during or immediately after a meal. Shake the medicine bottle thoroughly before use.

The recommended dose of Blueberry Forte Plus for adolescents and adult patients is a dessert spoon 2-3 times a day. Children under the age of 5-6 years use a teaspoon in the morning and evening, small patients 6-12 years old - a dessert spoon twice a day.

Description of Blueberry Forte Evalar claims that the average duration of the course of treatment should be at least 1-3 months. Already a few days after the start of therapy, good results can be seen - but this does not mean that it is necessary to stop treatment.

Blueberry Complex Intensive Vision Complex is a dietary supplement that is approved for use only in adults and adolescents. The drug is packaged in a special bag, which should be consumed once a day, during meals. It is allowed to drink a small amount of water.

If we talk about supplements such as Blueberry Forte with zinc and vitamins and Blueberry Forte with lutein, then the instructions indicate that they are approved for use for children who have reached the age of 3 years. The drugs are used similarly to dietary supplements in the form of tablets - adult patients are advised to take at least 2 tablets twice a day.

Blueberry Forte with lutein Farm-pro is a popular vitamin complex for improving the sharpness and quality of daytime and twilight vision. It is recommended for use both for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic pathologies. Take 2 tablets twice a day, morning and evening.

Side effects and contraindications

Liquid extract from blueberries has a number of positive properties, but before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor. This is due to the fact that the dietary supplement, which includes Blueberry Forte, has a list of contraindications and side effects.

In most cases, food supplements and other vitamin complexes are well tolerated by the human body and do not cause any negative manifestations. The main contraindications include:

  1. Children's age up to 3 years.
  2. All trimesters of pregnancy.
  3. breastfeeding period.
  4. Individual intolerance to the active components that make up the dietary supplement.

In rare cases, the drug can cause skin rashes, redness and other allergic reactions.

While breastfeeding, girls should take the drug under medical supervision - only if the risk to the health of the woman outweighs the possible danger to the health of the baby.

Use in children

Use for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases in children under 3 years of age is not recommended. After reaching 3 years, the specified drug is used exclusively for its intended purpose and under the strict supervision of a physician.

Release form and composition

Bioadditives have the following varieties:

  • Blueberry Forte in the form of syrup and tablets;
  • drug in the form of capsules for vision;
  • Blueberry Forte intensive complex for vision;
  • Blueberry Forte with lutein;
  • Blueberry Forte with Lutein Farm-Pro;
  • Blueberry Forte with zinc and vitamins.

Biofit Blueberry contains a large number of active components that are useful for the human organs of vision. The supplement contains:

  1. Natural extract from blueberries.
  2. Vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Zeaxanthin.
  5. Fish fat.
  6. lutein.
  7. zinc oxide.

Due to the natural composition, the drug is considered safe for human health and is approved for use in children over 3 years of age.

The medicine in the form of syrup and tablets contains a large number of active ingredients - rutin, natural extract from blueberries, vitamins B, C, zinc lactate.

Intensive complex for vision helps to improve the condition of the eyes and stop the development of many ophthalmic diseases. The dietary supplement contains blueberry extract, fish oil, zeaxanthin, lutein, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, PP, omega-3 fatty acids, anthocyanins.

Bilberry Forte with zinc and vitamins also has similar pharmacological properties, which contains a full range of vitamins, amino acids and minerals vital for high-quality vision.

Blueberry Forte with lutein from Pharm-Pro can be a replacement for a popular dietary supplement. The drug effectively eliminates dryness and discomfort of the mucous surface, and also helps to get rid of dry eye syndrome.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The vitamin complex can be purchased at the pharmacy network without a medical prescription. The average cost is 120-150 rubles.


In case of detection of adverse reactions or individual intolerance to the drug, budget Russian substitutes can be an excellent alternative, which are quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and are accompanied by a similar therapeutic effect.

Popular substitutes:

  • Optics;
  • Vision;
  • Mirtilene-forte;
  • Anthocyan Forte;
  • Will direct;
  • Mirticam;
  • Lutein complex;
  • Ginkgo Blueberry;
  • Lutax AMD Plus.

In addition, it is useful to regularly consume multivitamin complexes, which include a natural extract from blueberries. These include Vizualon, Alphabet Opticum, Lutein Complex, Focus Forte, Slezavit and Direct.

Also, other drugs to improve vision that do not have blueberry extract in their composition can become alternatives. Among them are Askorutin, Leovit, Super Optic, Triovit, Doppelherz Active with lutein, Vitalux plus.

As another option, ophthalmic drops can be used to improve the quality and visual acuity - Khrustalin, Taufon, Glazorol, Vidisik, Vitafakol, Systane Ultra. Before using drops, you need to read the annotation.

Vitamin complexes belong to approximately the same price range, have a similar pharmacological effect.

More and more people are suffering from eye problems. Hard work on a computer or activities that require increased attention, insufficient illumination of the workplace and many other factors lead to the fact that a person begins to notice that his vision is gradually deteriorating over time. What should be done in such cases? Seek immediate medical attention, wear eyepieces, or try to help your eyes with vitamins and supplements.

Blueberries and eye health

In folk medicine, to improve vision and eye condition, it is recommended to take blueberries. What is its strength that this berry has become so popular? Blueberries contain anthocyanins - coloring pigments that give fruits, flower petals and leaves a certain color. It is with these substances that the therapeutic and preventive effects of blueberries are associated. Accumulating in the eye tissues, especially in the retina, anthocyanins contribute to the regeneration of rhodopsin, stimulate the microcirculation of the retina. Anthocyanins also have a positive effect on the restoration of tissue mechanisms for protecting the retina, the stabilization of cell membrane phospholipids, and the strengthening of the collagen matrix of connective tissue. As a result, the retina becomes more sensitive to light radiation, which is accompanied by an increase in visual acuity and an improvement in the general condition of the visual apparatus.

Blueberries in the composition of preparations for vision

It is not always possible to improve vision using fresh blueberries. The unique properties of the plant have become the basis for many medicinal preparations that ophthalmologists recommend using during the course of restoring vision and simply for prevention. Among such preparations, a place of honor is occupied by the dietary supplement "Bilberry-forte" - the development of one of the leading pharmaceutical companies, which has already earned its respect from consumers.

This drug is a full complex of active substances, because it contains antioxidants, vitamins, as well as blueberry anthocyanins.

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find several varieties of supplements. So, the drug is produced with the addition of a full complex of vitamins for the eyes, zinc, lutein. These supplements can be used to prevent vision problems during intense eye work, to improve visual acuity, to correct it and prevent deterioration. Therefore, if you suffer from dry eyes, redness or poor vision, Blueberry Forte will come to your aid.

Instructions for use

The supplement is available in the form of tablets or capsules, which include blueberry extracts, sucrose, lutein, zinc lactate, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid. Tablets are available in 250 mg.

The preparation "Blueberry-forte" is not a medicine, therefore it can be used as an additional source of vitamins. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and on the individual tolerance of the components of the drug. Although no side effects were found from the use, it is still worth consulting with your ophthalmologist before starting the course.

Pharmacological properties

Under the action of blueberry anthocyanins, the synthesis and restoration of rhodopsin (the main visual enzyme) is accelerated, which improves vision, improves twilight vision and affects its sharpness. In addition, these substances relieve eye fatigue by stimulating regeneration processes in the retina.

The Bilberry-Forte supplement, whose composition is rich in vitamins and minerals, is ideal for those whose work is associated with a prolonged eye strain. Bilberry bioflavonoids, rutin and ascorbic acid stimulate a decrease in capillary permeability and fragility, reduce intraocular pressure, and improve microcirculation in the choroid. In patients with vision problems who took the course of taking this dietary supplement, the possibility of retinal hemorrhages decreased several times.

A natural antioxidant - zinc - protects the visual apparatus from the effects of free radical complexes. It also protects the retina from the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, improves color perception, prevents the development of cataracts and retinal detachment.

Vitamin complex

Supplement "Blueberry-forte", reviews of which are very positive, is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

B-group vitamins optimize metabolic processes in the structure of the visual apparatus. B1 affects the normalization of the muscular apparatus, and also protects the eye from the effects of free radicals (together with zinc). Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, plays the role of a coenzyme, participating in the processes of oxidation and reduction. A lack of B2 causes redness of the eyes, a burning sensation and dryness. Against its background, diseases such as cataracts, keratitis, conjunctivitis, and fear of light occur. Vitamin B6 reduces the risk of conjunctivitis, relieves muscle tension, takes part in the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Supplement "Blueberry-forte with lutein"

In the composition of eye preparations, a component called lutein is very often found. What is it and how does it affect the condition of the eyes?

Lutein is involved in the synthesis of zeaxanthin (a substance found in the iris, ciliary body, lens, choroid, and macula). That is why it is necessary to maintain and restore normal visual acuity. Numerous scientific studies have agreed that lutein lowers intraocular pressure in glaucomatous neuropathy, and it also prevents vision loss.

Indications for use

The drug "Bilberry-forte" is recommended for the prevention and restoration of vision and age-related changes in the eye apparatus. It is also used as an additional remedy for myopathy, cataracts, impaired twilight vision. But with such serious diseases, the Blueberry-Forte tablets or capsules (the doctors' reviews completely agree on this) can only act as a component of complex therapy. The dietary supplement is also indicated for those people who work at a computer, drive a car for a long period of time, as well as when performing work that requires close attention and constant eye strain.

Tablets "Bilberry-forte" are taken in the morning and evening after or during meals, 500 mg orally. The cost of dietary supplements will also pleasantly surprise the consumer, because one can of tablets costs about 110 rubles. Prices vary depending on the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package.


Despite the fact that the Blueberry Forte supplement, the photo of which you can see above, is not a drug and has a positive effect on the state of vision, some contraindications still exist. Firstly, you should not take the remedy for people who may experience allergic reactions to the components of dietary supplements. It is also not recommended for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding. Before starting the course of using Bilberry-Forte dietary supplement, you need to consult an ophthalmologist and follow his recommendations.


On the shelves of pharmacies, you can also find other drugs, the action and composition of which are similar to the Blueberry-forte remedy. Among the most common are the additives "Anthocyan-forte" and "Lutein complex". The first drug is also a dietary supplement. It helps to maintain normal vision, helps to reduce the sensitivity of the eye apparatus to increased stress, reduce fragility and vascular permeability. The unique composition allows it to be taken even by patients with diabetes.

The Lutein Complex tool is suitable for those people whose work is associated with a constant load on the eyes, in particular with computers and other monitors. In addition to the fact that the drug reduces the load, it also prevents the development of myopia and cataracts. The composition of the supplement includes vitamins A, E, copper, selenium and taurine.

Combined supplement "Blueberry complex with beta-carotene" has angioprotective and antioxidant properties.

It is very important to prevent vision problems. It is necessary to diagnose them in a timely manner and take corrective measures. For prevention, you should use special drops, glasses (when working with a computer), drugs, exercise complexes, you should not abuse the TV and computer, so take care of your eyesight, because losing it is much easier than restoring it.

The annotation to the dietary supplement "Blueberry Forte" indicates that this drug has a more prophylactic effect than a therapeutic one. Its reception helps to relieve fatigue and irritation from the eyes, and also prevents vision loss. In addition, thanks to the vitamins A, C, zinc, vitamins of group B and the natural extract of the blueberry plant, which are part of the dietary supplement, the Bilberry Forte dietary supplement supports the organs of vision with essential nutrients and has a general strengthening effect. A complex of B vitamins to maintain normal intracellular metabolism. With their deficiency, redness (hyperemia) of the eyes, fatigue, lacrimation appear, and cataracts may develop.

Reception of dietary supplement "Blueberry Forte" helps relieve eye strain and helps maintain visual acuity.

The manufacturer claims that the substances contained in blueberries improve the flexibility of the cell membranes of the retina and help increase blood flow to it, which is directly related to an increase in visual acuity, promote the regeneration of damaged cells, and in combination with vitamin C and bioflavonoids, the dietary supplement has a certain antimicrobial effect. and promotes the restoration of retinal cells with age-related changes in the eyes.

Dosage and method of application

The drug "Blueberry Forte" is recommended for and older than 12 years. You need to take 2 2 times a day with meals. The use of additives should be systematic and long-term. The optimal reception time is 2 -. Then it is recommended to take a break in taking the drug for 10 days, after which the drug is possible.

Instead of dietary supplements to preserve and restore vision, it is more effective to take complex vitamins.

Contraindications and side effects in the reception of "Blueberry Forte" have not been identified, however, there is an individual intolerance to its individual components.

The opinion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision on BAA "Blueberry Forte"

In medical practice, this drug is not particularly popular, since there is not a sufficient base of clinical studies that would confirm its effectiveness. In addition, the dietary supplement "Blueberry Forte" uses for its preparation raw materials that have not passed standardization, which does not allow determining the concentration of useful substances in it. There is a statement by the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation No. 2510 / 1875-04-32 “On the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance for the production and circulation of dietary supplements”: “Anthocyanins were not found in the Bilberry Forte dietary supplement. The presented dietary supplement cannot be used as a source of anthocyanins, the natural content of blueberries in the preparation is 0.25%.

We welcome you dear friend, on our website, where you can find a lot of useful information for yourself. We will try to provide it in such a way that you will not only be interested with us, but also as comfortable as possible. Therefore, everything will be provided in a pleasant and understandable form.

A little lower we will bring to your attention such a biological supplement as blueberry forte with lutein. The instructions for use provided with this tool will be able to reveal all its advantages and help determine whether it can be useful for you.


So, what is the secret of the effectiveness of this drug? It lies in its healing composition, thanks to which the patient's condition improves significantly. Pay attention to these healing components:

  • blueberry anthocyanins (7.5 mg.),
  • zinc (3 mg.),
  • vitamin E (5 mg.),
  • lutein (1 mg.),
  • blueberry extract,
  • b vitamins,
  • vitamin R,
  • fructose,
  • vitamin C,
  • sugar.

This dietary supplement is used as a biological additive. Produced in the form of tablets of 50-100 pieces. It is recommended to store this additive at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, no more than three years.

Tablets are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. Also, before taking, consult your doctor, as there was an individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

Additive properties

Now let's try to figure out what effect it has on the body when taking this vitamin-rich remedy. Here are the main components and their effect on diseased organs:

  1. Zinc - prevents the development of cataracts, due to ultraviolet radiation and bright light. In addition, it does not allow the retina to undergo the process of destruction. The lack of this trace element can lead to the development of blepharitis, neuritis, and even the formation of cataracts.
  2. Anthocyanins - relieve fatigue caused by a lack of light in the room, and significantly increase vision.
  3. Lutein - protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and protects them from light.
  4. Bioflavonoids and rutin - strengthen the walls of blood vessels and in the eyeball, improve blood circulation.
  5. B vitamins - are stimulants of the metabolism of the whole organism and the tissues of the eye itself. With a lack of this vitamin, muscle weakness, severe redness, burning, itching and slight twitching of the eyelids can be observed.

Due to the pharmacological properties of the supplement, the retina is updated faster. It can be prescribed as a necessary biological nutrition, with a lack of the body's own resources. It has an antimicrobial effect and accelerates the healing of damaged eye tissues.

Indications for use

If Blueberry Forte with Lutein is so saturated with healing substances, then it is extremely useful for people suffering from visual impairment or some other eye damage. Here are just a few of the group of those who need this supplement:

  • Drivers who have been driving for a long time.
  • Workers sitting at a computer monitor for hours.
  • Office workers, focused on documents and papers for hours.
  • Night shift workers.

Naturally, in parallel with taking this remedy, it is important to protect your eyesight, give your eyes a rest and wear glasses with special glasses from ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, this problem will haunt you constantly, and over time it may worsen.

Method of application and dosage

Despite the usefulness of Blueberry forte with lutein, it is very important to follow the correct dosage, especially if the body's reaction is unknown. So, follow these instructions:

  • Children (from 3 to 7 years old) - 1 tablet 2 times a day;
  • Children (from 7 to 14 years old) - 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • Adults (over 14 years old) - 2 tablets 2 times a day.

As for the treatment period, most often it lasts about two, maximum four months. But if you, and in particular the eyes, need constant nutrition and support, it is quite realistic to take it for a longer time. Do not forget to take 10-day breaks between courses of treatment, and be sure to consult a doctor for advice. He will be able to choose an individual medication for you.

Finally, let's talk about how to take care of the health of your eyes in order to prevent injury or deterioration of vision. After all, prevention, the most effective remedy that can work wonders, is better than any medicine, even the highest quality and healing ones.

Therefore, let's get acquainted with the advice of experts and become a little wiser by applying them in our lives:

  • Protect your eyes from direct sunlight.
  • During work hazardous to the eyes, wear safety goggles.
  • When working at a computer, stop for the obligatory twenty-second breaks, looking away at an object far away from you.
  • Change contact lenses periodically.
  • Do special exercises to improve and maintain vision.
  • When reading, hold the book so that your gaze is directed straight ahead, not down.
  • Regularly dip your entire face in clean, cool water without closing your eyes.
  • Get enough sleep, otherwise very soon you will notice that your eyes have become red.
  • Work in good light, preferably daylight.

By following these recommendations, you can prolong the health of your visual organs for a longer time. Do not disregard these tips and if you notice any signs of deterioration in their condition, immediately go to the hospital for an examination. It is better to know for sure what is going on with the eyes than to guess and experiment on them.

Well, having shared with you this useful and practical information and taking a tour of the drug, blueberry forte lutein, we can be calm! Applying all this in your life, you can save your eyesight for a very long time.

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In the modern world, it is quite rare to find a reference vision equal to one. Few people understand, but in order to see perfectly, it is not enough to be inactive in the expectation that everything will recover by itself. Auxiliary stimulation of visual work, which consists of eye exercises and medication, is an important part of preventing eye diseases.

For this reason, progressive pharmacological manufacturing companies present a number of additional opportunities that are aimed at improving and restoring visual acuity. One of the noteworthy in the series of preventive therapeutic products is Bilberry Forte.

The composition and properties of the drug

This is not a drug, but a food supplement, a biostimulant in the form of tablets, which includes biologically active ingredients in its composition. Among the components included in the composition should be highlighted:

  • the blueberry extract itself;
  • rutin, which is part of vitamin P and is responsible for the prevention of increased intraocular pressure;
  • zinc lactate, necessary for the health of the retina;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C to improve general immunity.

The main active element, in honor of which the drug got its name, is an extract from blueberries. This is a wonderful plant, the fruits of which include a balanced formula of micronutrients, organic acids, carotene and anthocyanins. This component enhances the regenerative functions of the retina and the regeneration of visual pigment, resulting in increased twilight visual acuity.

Taking the drug helps to reduce fatigue of the eyes and muscle tissue of the entire eye apparatus, contributing to their relaxation, which is necessary in conditions of prolonged activity at the computer.

The complex helps to adapt the eyes to low light conditions, resulting in reduced eye fatigue.

Rutin, along with vitamin C and blueberry bioflavonoids, is used as a complementary complex of active ingredients, their effect is aimed at activating the nutrition of the eye.

Complex compound has the following impact:

  • strengthening and increasing the elasticity of the vessels of the eyes;
  • increased nutrition of the eye apparatus due to increased blood flow;
  • stabilization of intraocular pressure.

B vitamins necessary for metabolic processes in the structures of the eyes.

  • B1 - activates the work of the eye muscles, increasing the endurance of the eye muscles;
  • B2 - a vitamin that is a traditional prophylactic against the occurrence of cataracts, and it also affects metabolic functions inside the eye;
  • B6 - takes part in the processes that stimulate the function of the eye muscles.

Zinc is responsible for the absorption of vitamin A, which is needed by the retina to produce melanin, the eye's protective pigment. Zinc is found in large quantities in the retina, in the vascular membranes of the eyes and in the layer of vascular tissue located under the retina.

Indications for use

Blueberry Biostimulant can greatly improve eye health due to its complex rich composition. But it is worth noting that the remedy will not give strong positive results in case of functional visual impairment, this product is assigned the role of a stimulating component, which makes it possible to restore vision in case of eye fatigue or visual acuity weakening due to incorrect light conditions.

Thus, a number of problems should be highlighted for which ophthalmologists advise taking this supplement:

  • decreased visual acuity at night;
  • cumulative preventive measures to maintain normal eye function;
  • high eye strain, which is felt by people who spend a long time driving a vehicle, at a computer, in working conditions with improper lighting, as well as prolonged visual concentration;
  • as a general strengthening program aimed at restoring the nutrition of the eyes, as well as increasing the elasticity of the eye vessels.

Varieties of the drug

Blueberry forte is already a very well-known product that has a large number of different types of additional components. Thus, taking into account the desired result, you can choose the right recipe that is most suitable for a specific need. Below are all possible types of forms and compositions of Blueberry forte, the choice is presented for both adult buyers and children, taking into account the characteristics characteristic of a particular age.

With vitamins and zinc

This product is a set of biologically active ingredients, designed to improve visual acuity. The product in its composition, in addition to blueberry concentrate as a basic component, contains a number of vitamins of various groups leading to a synergistic increase in drug exposure. Also zinc, which is part of the composition, takes an active part in maintaining the normal function of the visual apparatus. In addition, zinc has exceptional properties, protecting against high light and regulating visual activity in low light conditions.

With vitamins and zinc, children's includes in its composition all the vitamins and microelements necessary for additional stimulation of the functions of the eye. As in other types of supplements in the Blueberry series, the main substance is blueberry extract, but this biostimulant makes it possible to prevent the development of various ophthalmic pathologies, and also contributes to the standard development of the eye in childhood and adolescence. A feature of this type is that the supplement is available in the form of chewable sweets, which every child will like, and there is no need to instill drops previously recommended to maintain the health of a child's eyes due to winter beriberi.

With lutein

The instructions for use of Blueberry Forte with Lutein indicate that these tablets have a number of effective properties aimed at improving and supporting eye function.

A complex of vitamins, essential trace elements and other active ingredients provide complete nutrition to the eyes.

The specificity of the described product is that blueberry extract is combined into one complex with lutein, and he, in turn, has a pronounced stimulating effect aimed at correcting vision. This remedy is an excellent bioactive nutritional supplement for the whole family, aimed at maintaining vision.


Detailed instructions for Bilberry are attached to each of the varieties and forms of the provided remedy. At the same time, it should be noted right away that it is allowed to drink a biostimulating product only from the age of three. Blueberry Forte is not recommended for young children. It is also worth refraining from taking the supplement during pregnancy and nursing mothers.

When the child reaches the age of three, you can give one tablet twice a day.

Children over 7 years old are allowed to drink Blueberries three times a day, and adolescents over 14 years old are recommended to take a supplement twice a day, two 250 mg tablets. The remedy is required to be drunk in a course, since this product has a pronounced cumulative effect, the optimal course of administration is from two to four months.

Side effects

The tool really has no side effects. If all the rules of prima, the conditions of expiration date, storage, dosage are observed, then the occurrence of side effects is excluded. However, in some cases, with personal intolerance to the substance, an allergic reaction to individual components of the composition can occur.

Contraindications of the drug

The drug has no significant contraindications, however, people with hypervitaminosis should avoid taking a particular biological supplement.

Means analogues

The biological supplement from the manufacturing company Evalar is a unique product of its kind, as it contains ingredients that are not found in other products of this pharmacological category.

However, there are a number of biological food additives with a different composition that seem to affect the eye apparatus. The following substitutes can be distinguished:

  • Vitrum for eyes;
  • Myrtican;
  • Anthocyan Forte;
  • Total Nutrof.

Opinions and reviews

About Blueberry Forte with lutein and vitamins, patients with vision problems usually respond well.

When I noticed an intense decrease in vision, I immediately went to the doctor. Due to eye fatigue, I was prescribed to undergo hardware treatment and was recommended to eat more carrots and blueberries. Now I add carrots to every dish, but blueberries are out of season now, so I turned to pharmaceutical preparations. I liked the blueberry forte according to the description, and it turned out to be effective in action, it helps very well.

Myopia, as I remember, I have had since elementary school, and so that the situation does not worsen, I drink Blueberries every six months in a course, 2-3 months, especially in spring, when there are few vitamins. I take it with lutein, I like the enriched composition, in the complex the benefits are noticeably greater.

I started drinking pills and noticed that my eyes stopped hurting before going to bed, flickering, flies and black dots disappeared, and annoying morning turbidity and fuzziness disappeared. I recommend it to everyone, it helps.

Attention, only TODAY!

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