Feng Shui tips for the home. Zones according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui: all about the Eastern practice of space exploration

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, we can change the space in which we live in order to become happier, stronger, more successful, more successful and richer. However, understanding all the laws of Feng Shui, of which there are many, is a painstaking and troublesome business. Feng Shui masters study and practice for a long time in order to master all the subtleties of this ancient philosophical art.

What should we mere mortals do? Well, for starters, the best advice we can give you is to book a Feng Shui consultation with a real Feng Shui specialist. This will save you the most time. And the result - if the specialist is real - will be appropriate. However, if you have not yet matured to the professional intervention of a Feng Shui specialist in your life, then you can use a few simple techniques on your own.

How to find the right zone of influence in the house?

So, step one. We find on the Internet our main tool - the Bagua map. Print and cut with scissors. We put it in the middle of the house. Everything is almost ready, except for one thing: it is not clear how to orient the map. The north zone should face north.

Therefore, step two. Let's take a compass. A simple compass or a Feng Shui compass is not that important. Do you know which part of the arrow points north? That's right, usually one that is somehow marked or colored in a special way. Did you find north? Rotate the Bagua kata so that the north zone matches the one pointed by the compass. Ready!

On the sides of the Bagua map you can see which zone is located in your house. The map shows what each zone is responsible for.

Step three - determine what you want in life. Love? Wealth? Career advancement? The welfare of the children? Spiritual growth? Decided? Now let's activate the zone.

How to activate the selected zone?

The number one rule of thumb for Feng Shui success is: Before activating any area, please “turn on” the correct energy throughout your home using the laws of Feng Shui. How to do this, you can read here.

I want love.

Zone: Southwest. Feng Shui of love is activated primarily by paired objects and talismans. One of the most famous in Chinese philosophy is mandarin ducks, a symbol of fidelity. Also, since we live in the modern world, we can place in the love zone any symbols that carry the meaning of love for us - photographs and pictures of couples in love, hearts, valentines. Chinese texts recommend the image of peonies. The element of the southwest is the Big Earth. The earth is warmed by fire. Symbols and colors of fire that should activate the zone: red and orange colors, candles. It is appropriate to put candles in pairs. The area should be well lit. Do not place symbols of the element of wood in the love zone, for example, flowers in pots.

I want wealth.

Zone - Southeast. Element - A small tree. The tree is fed by water, so we place a fountain or an aquarium in this area. Place 8 goldfish and one black fish in the aquarium. Install a money tree - live (the name of the plant is a tree-like fat woman) or artificial, with leaves made of stone or Feng Shui talisman coins. Symbols such as a ship, Hotei, Feng Shui coins, a money three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth can be placed in the zone (the coin must be kept loose!). Do not place earth symbols in the wealth zone.

I want career advancement.

Zone - North. Element - Water. According to Feng Shui philosophy, metal stimulates water. Therefore, we activate the career zone with objects related to this element: metal objects, objects of gold and silver color. In the modern world, in the Feng Shui zone, you can place any objects-symbols of prosperity: for example, an image of an expensive mobile phone, cufflinks - everything that means a “successful career” for you. Also, a metal turtle and even a metal car are recommended. Do not place fire symbols in the career zone.

I want the welfare of the children.

Zone - West. Element - Small metal. Metal is activated by the symbols of the Earth element and the symbols of the Fire element are contraindicated for it. Therefore, in this zone it is appropriate to place plants in pots, natural stones. Also in this area place drawings and crafts of children, toys. Do not place antiques or used items in this area. The western zone in the house is ideal for placing a children's room.

I want spiritual growth.

You already have love, wealth and children. What more could you want? Of course, spiritual growth and personal development. Yes, even if there is nothing of this yet, anyway, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, like any other philosophy, it is spiritual growth that is the main thing in life. As they say, everything else will follow. The zone you need is East. Her element is Big Tree. Wood activates water and suppresses metal. Therefore, place symbols of water in this zone and refrain from everything gold, silver and metal.

feng shui house building

Building a house - this thought has visited many of us throughout our lives. Some even managed to turn the idea into reality. However, it is unlikely that you thought about the fact that the house should be properly located, built according to certain rules. Modern home construction is a coordinated approach that includes a variety of aspects. They must be taken into account so that peace and tranquility reign in your home. The family was close-knit, the children studied well and all difficult situations were successfully resolved. We offer some useful tips and advice on how to properly build a house.

Choose a place

This is the initial point in the construction plan, which must be carried out in strict accordance with various rules. There are not so many of them, and we can bring them all in order to give a complete picture of the future construction.

First you need to pay attention to the area where you are going to build a house. A careful observer can tell a lot about the plants and wildlife that fills the place. Such an inspection can tell you how good the soil is, whether groundwater is close to the surface. It is also important to identify geopathogenic zones related to adverse factors for humans. These places break the balanced energy of the earth, interfere with the harmony of what is happening and create conditions in which even a person who is not very sensitive to such phenomena will feel uncomfortable.

Geopathogenic zones include anomalous land areas. They represent an energy flow that is formed in the faults of the earth's crust. It lives its own life, pulsates and creates areas of energy in which a person feels bad. It has been noticed that in such places various nervous breakdowns, depression for unknown reasons, bad dreams and much more are possible. In this area, you can not put a house in any case.

The right place to build a house

Determining the location of the future home will depend not only on the presence of geopathogenic zones. There are other factors based on the interaction of the five elements. The most successful location is the point of concentration of Qi energy. All ancillary buildings should be evenly spaced around the main residential building. The shape of the house is also important. It is desirable that it be square. According to ancient teachings, building a Feng Shui house in a square shape is a symbol of spirituality, which in itself is very favorable. In addition, a rectangular design is also possible.

And a few more nuances:

More about the house project

Every home should have a project. It is especially good if Feng Shui rules are taken into account when creating it. We offer some of the main ones:

Homestead - additional buildings

As in any private house, cottage, dacha, there are always outbuildings on the site, as well as a garden. As mentioned earlier, such buildings should stand evenly around the main residential building. All this is necessary to create a favorable Qi concentration in the center, that is, specifically in residential premises. In addition, there are some other points to consider:

  • Decorative or natural ponds can greatly improve the harmony and balance of all buildings on the site. But the main thing is to choose the right place, because it can be bad for the residents of the house.
  • It is also important how the wastewater is disposed of, where the drainage systems are located and where the water exits to the surface.
  • To calculate such situations in Feng Shui, special “water” formulas are used. According to them, if the house is facing south at a certain degree, then water should not come to the surface in the southwestern place.

Each of us wants our home to be as comfortable, convenient and full of light energy as possible. A long time ago, our great-grandfathers, before building a new house, carefully chose a place for it and did not build it at random. Unfortunately, over time, this ancient knowledge was lost, and now we have to use the knowledge of the Chinese, who are more careful about their traditions. However, the main thing in this matter is the result, so let's look at how you can use Feng Shui for a house that has already been built or exists so far only in projects.

Basic Rules

According to the ancient Chinese science of harmony and well-being, any room is divided into eight zones according to the cardinal points, each of which is responsible for a certain goodness. So, the north is responsible for career, the northeast - for knowledge and wisdom, the east - for the family, the southeast - for financial well-being, the south - for fame and glory, the southwest - for the west - for creativity and, finally, the north -west - for travel and helpers. Thus, if you are interested in Feng Shui, you will have to get yourself a small compass. In order to activate all directions, or strengthen the influence of one of them, you need to place a symbol or object in it, which would be the embodiment of this zone.

Feng Shui for the home or how to restore former harmony

So, if you feel lonely or some problems often arise in a relationship with a loved one, place it in the zone of a happy couple. It can be an image of two swans, a wedding photo, or just paired items. If "finance sings romances," find a place in the wealth zone for a plant with round leaves or a souvenir frog with a coin in its mouth. Awards and diplomas look great in the fame zone, and a world map and souvenirs from the places you want to visit, etc. look great in the travel zone. As you can see, for those who know at least a little Feng Shui, create a safe home it's not so difficult.

Regarding the layout of the future home, there are a few more important points.

Home Planning Tips

  1. Make sure you have enough space.

As the family grows, there is less and less space in the home. This is especially true when guests arrive. The area of ​​​​each room must be planned so that the passages are always spacious, and if a room is divided into zones, then you need to try to designate them with decor, lighting or furniture.

2. Good Feng Shui for the home does not recognize sharp corners.

The Chinese themselves believe that the corners protruding into the room radiate negative energy, and even if you do not share this opinion, you should think about basic security. In addition to the fact that they are not very functional, they often cling to and get bruised.

3. Plan rooms according to their purpose.

This means that the furnishings of rooms such as the bedroom and bathroom should be as conducive to proper rest and recuperation as possible. There should be soft lighting, good sound insulation, cozy furniture, etc. But the nursery, study and living room, on the contrary, should cause a surge of energy, and therefore it is recommended to make them light and bright.

In decoration, give preference to natural materials: stone, wood, fabrics, etc. The house and the surrounding area should be perceived as an integral system.

Feng Shui for the home recommends many ways for this. You can adhere to a certain style in decorative elements when decorating, you can maintain a similar color scheme or use uniform design solutions. How exactly this will be done is up to you. It is difficult to write about all the subtleties within the framework of one article, however, the main thing is not to scrupulously adhere to every little thing, but to understand the very philosophy of this Chinese science, listen to your intuition and turn your home into your dream home, in which you will not only feel great, but also feel positive energy.

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How to choose a house according to Feng Shui? It is very important to know a few important principles of ancient knowledge in order to decide whether a house or plot is suitable for you according to Feng Shui or not.

For example, the place of residence and place of work can explain why two friends, having equal starting conditions, start a business, but one prospers, the other goes bankrupt, and so on.

Sometimes there is no need to go inside the premises to determine that his Feng Shui is bad. First of all, it is enough to pay attention to how this house is located, what surrounds it, whether it is easy to find a way to it.

Importance of feng shui building in your life

A good environment helps to attract good luck, a bad one takes it away. However, even if the environment looks nice, you need to check whether it respects the principle of the Four Heavenly Protectors: Turtle, Dragon, Tiger and Red Phoenix.

The powerful building behind your house symbolizes the Black Turtle, which is responsible for stability and confidence in the future.

The Dragon- this is the building, which is located to the left of the house, and is responsible for the active yang energy. If there is no such building or hill, it will be difficult for men in this house, and business activity will be difficult.

Tiger- this building, which is located on the right, and is responsible for the Yin energy, patronizing women and Yin affairs.

red phoenix- this is a bright space in front of the building, which helps to attract perspectives and new opportunities into your life.

How feng shui can affect your life

The negative environment at home, even if you have put things in good order in your apartment, house or office, can have a rather unfavorable effect on you.

Signs of a bad Feng Shui environment can be as follows:

  • near the house there is a constant repair of the road;
  • water on the roads around the house stagnates;
  • unpleasant situations often occur in the house: bays, power outages, elevator breakdowns;
  • the entrances are dirty and untidy;
  • a lot of drinking and disturbing the order of citizens;
  • there are a lot of non-payers and debtors for housing and communal services in the house;
  • for working people - an unstable position, difficulties in work;
  • difficulties in relationships and affairs.

Step 1. Choosing a Good Feng Shui Home Environment

If you have a good period of luck in your life, you can intuitively choose a good house according to Feng Shui. However, to make sure that the Feng Shui around the house is really good, pay attention to the following details.

Signs of good Feng Shui in your home environment:

  • The house has all four Heavenly Protectors: Turtle, Dragon, Tiger and Red Phoenix.
  • Near the house there are gardens and parks, especially with conifers and other evergreens, very favorable. They symbolize health and longevity, as they do not shed their leaves with the onset of cold weather. If a park, garden or flower garden is located opposite the front of the house, this is favorable.
  • From the windows of the house one can see rounded structures, roads with curved shapes, smoothly flowing around the house.
  • Kindergarten and any educational institutions in the environment of the house are favorable.
  • Sports centers, fitness clubs, recreation centers located near the house also indicate that the Feng Shui of this place is good.
  • A small pond or fountain in front of the house will improve the circulation of energy if it is clean and the water does not stagnate.
  • Prosperous, neat and clean shopping centers will also confirm that the house has good Feng Shui.


There can be a lot of unfavorable factors affecting the house and the luck of the residents. Therefore, carefully inspect the house from all sides.

Signs of unfavorable Feng Shui in the environment of the house:

  • T-junction. The location is considered especially harmful when the house or building is located in the center of the letter T. Such directed energy suppresses the inhabitants of the house, causes strife, losses and other troubles.
  • Houses and buildings with sharp corners, roofs directed towards the house. This is especially unfavorable when these sharp corners and roofs are visible directly from the window.
  • Transmission lines, transformers, which are located close to the house and are visible from the windows.
  • Tall houses with shiny, mirrored surfaces if they are close to the building.
  • Any buildings associated with illness and death: cemeteries, morgues, war memorials, hospitals.
  • Abandoned construction or abandoned production next to the house.

Step 2: Specify the year the building was built

Specify the year the house was built, because depending on the year, the energy of buildings can vary greatly. This is especially important to consider from the point of view of the classical Feng Shui method, which takes into account the time factor - Flying Stars.

These houses will be the best choice:

  • Built in the 8th period, i.e. after February 4, 2004 - the best option.
  • Houses of the 6th period (1964-1983) are a completely acceptable option.
  • Houses of the 7th period (1984-2003) - also suitable, but somewhat worse than the previous ones.

Step 3. Choose a room of the correct shape

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the most favorable are apartments and other premises of a rectangular or square shape.

If there is no sector in the room, but you really liked it, at an individual consultation it will be possible to clarify how critical this influence will be.

Step 4. Checking the position of the front door, bathroom and kitchen

The entrance door to the apartment should be located in one of the favorable locations and directions for you according to the Gua number.

If the door to the bathroom is directly opposite the front door, this is unfavorable. Consider if you can carry it.

If the kitchen is located in the northwestern sector of the apartment, this is also unfavorable, and it is better not to choose such a room.

So, let's summarize all the main points of choosing a house according to Feng Shui

  • Choosing a good Feng Shui environment for your home. This is very important, as we will not be able to change it in the future.
  • We specify the year of construction of the building. There are house building periods that are best suited, and those that are not worth choosing, at least without detailed analysis.
  • We choose rooms of the correct form - square or rectangular.
  • We check the position of the front door, bathroom and kitchen in the living room.

You can choose the best solution for your situation at a consultation, read more about which you.

Have a great Feng Shui!

Best regards and best wishes,

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