Maclura is a poisonous but useful plant. Maklura: medicinal properties, recipes for joints, reviews, methods of application. Maclura orange

Green, wrinkled, orange-like fruits are actively offered by street vendors in the Caucasus, the Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory. They are popularly known as the Adam's apple. The scientific name of the fruit is maclura. They grow on tall trees of the mulberry family.

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Beneficial features

The list of active substances that make up the plant is unique in its medicinal properties:

  • Phytosterols strengthen the immune system, regulate blood cholesterol levels, and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. They are powerful antioxidants.
  • Cholic (bile) acids have a beneficial effect on the liver.
  • Fatty acids prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize blood pressure, reduce inflammation in the body, increase immunity.
  • Organic citric acid improves metabolism.
  • Phenolic compounds have antitumor activity
  • A large number of macro and microelements are sources of vitamins, regulate the functioning of internal organs.

The healing qualities of the Adam's apple have been known since ancient times.

The list of diseases that Maclura successfully copes with is extensive.

These are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammation of a different nature, problems with the heart and blood vessels. Early stages of oncological diseases are successfully treated.

Maclura is widely used as a folk remedy for the treatment of various joint diseases.

It relieves inflammation, has an analgesic effect. Therefore, the plant is effective in the treatment of osteochondrosis, sciatica, various arthritis and arthrosis.

Maclura alcohol tincture is easy to prepare at home.

Not only fruits are used, but also young leaves and branches of the plant.

Important! Fruits should be chosen large and ripe. They have a yellowish tint. Maclura should be collected independently no earlier than October. Be careful, the tree has long sharp thorns.

Get ready for work

  • Wash the Adam's apple thoroughly with a brush in running water.
  • Be sure to wear thick rubber gloves. The fruits secrete milky juice. It's sticky and stingy. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Cutting board is better to use glass or ceramic. It will be almost impossible to wash plastic or wooden.
  • Maclura fruits are hard and hard to cut. The knife should be sharp, with a strong wide blade. You can use a meat grinder.
  • Use only glass jars for tincture. It is advisable to sterilize.

Best Recipes

  • Grate maclura together with the peel on a coarse grater. Transfer the resulting slurry to a jar (approximately up to the shoulders). Fill with 95% medical alcohol to the top. Put the jar in a dark place. You can use it after two weeks. But it is better if the tincture is prepared for at least six months.
  • 500 gr. finely chop the fruit, pour an equal amount of vodka. Insist in a dark cool place for three weeks. Strain, keep in the refrigerator. The disadvantage of this recipe is the short shelf life of the resulting tincture. After six months, it will lose its medicinal properties.
  • Pass young leaves and branches through a meat grinder. Pour alcohol with a strength of 70% in a ratio of 1 to 5 (for one part of the plant, five parts of alcohol). Keep warm for two weeks. When using strained tincture, dilute with water by half.
  • An easy way to prepare, but it will take at least a year to insist. Take some Adam's apples. Cut into large pieces. Place tightly in a glass container and pour vodka so that it completely covers the fruit. The recipe is good just for the duration of cooking. It is believed that the longer Maclura is infused, the more active its beneficial properties are.
  • Very finely chop the fruits and leaves of the maclura, add the side shoots of the golden mustache, Pour with alcohol diluted to 50%. Leave at room temperature for three months. A powerful tool that quickly relieves joint pain.

Important! With any method of preparing the tincture, air must not be allowed to enter. Lids must be tight. Banks must be turned over daily.

If the tincture has been prepared correctly, it will turn a yellow-orange or amber color. Long-term aging of the tincture (at least a year) retains the healing properties of the plant for more than five years.

When filtering, do not throw away the fruit. They can be applied to sore joints. If you add olive oil, you get a wonderful ointment. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

How to use the tincture?

Use the tincture of Adam's apple should be correct:

  • With radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis, the tincture is carefully rubbed into the sore spot. After that, a warming bandage is applied. This compress can be kept for up to thirty minutes. Then treat the joint with clean water and wrap it with a woolen scarf. It is permissible to leave the compress overnight. But it is necessary to monitor the allergic reaction. The duration of treatment is one month.
  • With severe pain, the tissue is abundantly moistened and applied to the problem area. Be sure to insulate. Additional cellophane wraps are not necessary. Keep the compress for 15-30 minutes, then rinse. Repeat the procedure three times a day. Until the pain disappears completely.
  • With osteochondrosis, the tincture is carefully rubbed over the painful area until redness appears. The procedure is carried out before going to bed for one and a half to two months.

Important! Outwardly, the tincture is strictly forbidden to be used by pregnant women and children.

Maclura tincture can be taken orally. She is able to relieve joint pain in a month. You should consult your doctor and be careful. The plant is poisonous! The course of treatment is 30 days.

Scheme of intake:

  • In the first week, every morning, along with food, take three drops of tincture in one tablespoon of water.
  • After seven days, the amount is increased to six drops (three in the morning, three in the evening).
  • In the third week, three more drops are added to lunch.
  • In the last week of the course, drops are taken three times a day, but their number is increased to four for each dose. Only 12 drops.

There is another scheme for taking the medicine:

Important! Adam's apple contains a lot of glucose. The tincture is forbidden to be used by patients.

Antibiotics should not be taken while treating Maclura. Alcohol must be completely eliminated from the diet.

Despite the fact that Adam's apple tincture relieves pain and restores joint mobility, it should be remembered. That any folk remedy is auxiliary. You should consult with your doctor.

This portal describes the medicinal properties of herbs and plants used in home medicine. All recipes are taken from the literature on traditional medicine published in the Soviet era and made available for free in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Before using any prescription, consult your doctor.

Maclura - description, preparation, dosage forms, medicinal properties

Maclura ("Adam's apple", "God's tree", "God's gift") is a deciduous tree, the height of which often reaches 15-20 meters. The fruit of the plant has healing properties, which has a round shape, resembles an orange or an apple in appearance, has a yellow color, and when cut, there is a smell of fresh cucumber.

Maclura is quite often used in home medicine, the fruits are infused with vodka, the strength of which is 50 degrees. From the "Adam's apple" make an ointment for external use. The fruits of the plant ripen in October, it is during this period that they should be harvested, but given the fact that they are poisonous, it is better to do this using fabric gloves.


Maclura's homeland is South America, it was from there that the fruits were first brought to Russia and spread throughout its territory.

Currently, the "Adam's apple" bears fruit in the Krasnodar Territory, in Adygea, in the Caucasus, you can meet maklura on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. At the same time, the most favorable climate for the plant is on the American continent and in Central Asia.

Scientists identify 12 types of maclura, none of them is edible, but the plant is used quite often as a medicine.

Maklura - medicinal properties.

As the practice of folk healers shows, maclura is quite effective in the treatment of various diseases, in particular, it has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. "Adam's apple" is used in the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, to relieve, fatigue, intoxication, strengthen the immune system and restore the nervous system.

Hypertension, hemorrhagic pathologies, skin diseases, tumors, gout, spurs on the legs, problems with the prostate gland, disorders in the liver and spleen - all these ailments can also be cured with Maclura.

Maklura - dosage forms.

Maclura fruits are used as a medicine, moreover, the use is carried out exclusively in home medicine, in the official "Adam's apple" is not used. From the fruits of the plant, tinctures (on "royal spirit") and ointments are prepared. The fruit of the plant is passed through a meat grinder, then stored in a freezer. Maklura for medicinal purposes is advised to use with carrot, cabbage or beetroot juices, so the effect will be most pronounced.

Medicinal properties of maclura in home medicine.

Rubbing for joints

For the preparation of this remedy, the maclura fruit is used, crushed on a grater with a medium-sized mesh. A homogeneous mass is mixed with an equivalent amount of alcohol (70% strength). In the process of infusion (within 2 weeks), biologically active compounds pass into alcohol, and the drug becomes ready for use. Good results are obtained when using moonshine instead of alcohol - "pervak".

Rubbing is used in the treatment of a large group of joint and muscle diseases: rheumatism, sciatica, gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis.

Treatment using this recipe is most effective in combination with traditional remedies designed to balance water-salt metabolism.

Tincture for internal use

The preparation is prepared by analogy with the preparation of rubbing, only the infusion time increases to 1 month (in some cases, up to six months), and 40% alcohol (vodka) is used as an extractant.

The most well-known method of using Adam's apple tincture is "accordion", with ascending and then descending intake (step increase - decrease in the frequency of taking the drug). Take tincture for weekly courses, 3 drops, starting with a single dose. After three weeks, the drug is continued for a week with the same frequency - 3 times a day. Then they start taking it with an increase in dosage: within 1 week, the number of drops increases by 1 per dose, bringing it to a maximum of 10 drops (30 drops will be obtained per day). Descending reception is carried out in the reverse order; first, reduce the dosage, and then reduce the frequency of administration.
Used to treat malignant neoplasms.

Healing ointment

An ointment made from the fruits of the Adam's apple is used in the same cases where rubbing is used. In addition, the ointment is used for tamponade, for example, in gynecology and in the treatment of hemorrhoids and rectal cancer.

An ointment is prepared by infusion of raw materials mixed with fats (lard). The fruits of the Adam's apple are cut into thin slices (0.5 - 1 cm thick), which are placed in layers in a container, interspersed with a layer of fat, previously melted to fluidity. The dishes with raw materials are hermetically sealed (covered with a lid and smeared with dough). Next, the dishes are kept in a "water bath" for a day. During the heat treatment, the lard melts, and at the end of the process it is easy to pour it into the prepared container.

For the manufacture of suppositories (medical candles), it is necessary to add yellow wax. The finished ointment is pre-melted in a water bath, then wax is added to the composition (1/4 - 1/6 of the volume). After melting the wax, the composition is vigorously stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the suppositories are cast into foil molds.

You can prepare an ointment by mixing the tincture with an ointment base, which can be used as various components, depending on the purpose of use (pork lard, lanolin, petroleum jelly, spermaceti). It is advisable to prepare an ointment for the treatment of skin diseases on the basis of pharmaceutical preparations - zinc or salicylic ointment. Maclura tincture is introduced into the fat base previously melted in a "water bath", in an amount of up to 1/3 by volume, after which it is vigorously stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

In the piggy bank of alternative medicine there are many different medicines for the treatment of a large number of diseases.

They are often prepared from medicinal plants. These are ointments, tinctures, infusions, decoctions, rubbing and compresses. One of the most unusual plants that are widely used in traditional medicine is the Adam's apple. The plant has several names.

It is called maclura (in honor of the American naturalist Maclura), the gift of the god tree, false orange, Indian or inedible orange. With the help of compounds from the plant, you can cure a lot of pathologies, in particular articular ones. The plant is definitely medicinal.

However, before you start preparing and using drugs for the treatment of a particular ailment, you should find out what the Adam's apple treats, what indications and contraindications it has, and also consult your doctor about the advisability of using the formulations.

Reviews of people who used the fruits for the treatment of ailments, in particular radiculitis, rheumatism, are mostly positive. This is evidence of the effectiveness of the appropriate use of drugs.


Maklura is a dioecious tree belonging to the Mulberry family and reaching a height of twenty meters. The plant is equipped with a deciduous, branched, spreading crown, a straight stem covered with brown cracking bark, curved branches, thorny shoots (there are also thornless species), oblong, green leaves, small inconspicuous flowers. Fruit ripening occurs in the middle of the autumn period.

The plant is native to South America. Tropics, North and South America, Europe, Asia, Crimea, the Black Sea coast - the habitat of the inedible orange. It is possible to be treated with an Adam's apple only after a preliminary consultation with the attending physician. The plant is poisonous, and improper manufacture and use of the product is fraught with disastrous consequences.

Composition of the Adam's apple

The plant, or rather its fruits, are rich in a mass of useful substances and medicinal properties. Alternative medicine has a huge number of recipes from maclura. Not many people know that the Adam's apple treats both articular pathologies, and cancer, and skin ailments. The effectiveness of the funds, first of all, is due to the composition of the plant. False orange is rich in sterols, organic acids, alcohols, flavonoids, essential oils, saponins, pectins, sugar, kaempferol, minerals, citric acid.

There are many ways to prepare medicines from inedible fruit. However, before you start using the drugs, it is important to find out what the Adam's apple treats and what are the contraindications to the use of drugs.

Adam's apple: medicinal properties and rules regarding the use of drugs

Maclura is a storehouse of useful and valuable medicinal substances. The fruits of the tree are endowed with a mass of healing properties.

Today, the following medicinal properties of the Adam's apple are known:

  • antioxidant;
  • anti-sclerotic;
  • anticarcinogenic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • neuroprotective;
  • cardioprotective;
  • antidiabetic;
  • antiallergic;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • soothing.

Adam's apple has unique medicinal properties.

The use of drugs from the plant contributes to:

  • restoration of the elasticity of the vascular walls;
  • stopping the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • prevention of tumor development;
  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • minimizing the inflammatory process;
  • accelerate the elimination of toxic substances;
  • prevention of salt deposits;
  • restoration of joint mobility;
  • elimination of puffiness.

Rules for the use of ointments, tinctures and oils from inedible orange. The plant is very medicinal and useful. The main thing is to know how to properly prepare and use maclura medicines. Due to the mass of medicinal properties, the Adam's apple is widely used in informal medicine.

Plant preparations are effective in combating:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • cancer;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • pathologies of the spleen and liver;
  • cystic inflammation;
  • ailments of the skin, in particular pendinsky ulcer, dermatitis, wounds, eczema, cancer of the dermis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

Means are also recommended for the treatment of gout, rheumatism, arthritis, hematomas, poisoning, chronic fatigue, hypertension, salt deposits, fibroids. In such a remedy as the Adam's apple, the healing properties are valued by people, and therefore it is used to treat a variety of pathologies. However, do not forget that the plant is poisonous and the inappropriate use of drugs can cause unpredictable consequences.

Before you start being treated with ointments, tinctures or oils from maclura, you should read a few recommendations:

  1. Collection of fruits for the manufacture of medicines must be carried out no earlier than September.
  2. It is necessary to collect raw materials strictly with gloves.
  3. When harvesting fruits, beware of pricks with thorns.
  4. During treatment, you can not take antibacterial drugs and drink alcohol.
  5. If overdose symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, malaise, epigastric pain, pre-syncope and fainting conditions, you should refrain from further use of the drug and without fail seek the help of a qualified specialist.
  6. Before you start using this or that drug, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Who should not use medicines from the Adam's apple

The use of funds from the plant during the period of gestation and breastfeeding is not recommended. You should not be treated with maclura for people with individual intolerance, as well as treat small children. It is forbidden to use drugs for people with diabetes.

Adam's Apple tincture on vodka: how to cook and popular recipes

Alternative medicine has a large number of prescriptions for preparations from false orange. Tincture "Adam's Apple" on vodka is a very effective remedy that will help in the treatment of osteochondrosis, rheumatism, gout, sciatica, and salt deposits.

It is not difficult to prepare a tincture, especially since there are many ways to make a medicine:

  1. Adam's apple (tincture for joints): the first way. It is necessary to take a small fruit, grind it with a meat grinder, and then place the mass in a glass bottle. Next, the raw material is poured with vodka - 500 ml. The container must be closed and set aside in a warm, darkened room for half a month.
  2. The second way. The method is similar to the first and the ingredients are taken in the same proportions. Only this tincture "Adam's apple" on vodka should be shaken daily. Duration of infusion - two weeks.
  3. The third way. This medicine has a longer preparation time, but at the same time, its shelf life is also extended. It is necessary to take the fruits of an inedible orange - about ten pieces, then rinse and cut into small pieces. Next, the raw material is put into a glass bottle and filled with high-quality vodka (it should be twice as large in volume as the fruit). Then the hermetically sealed container should be set aside in a warm dark place for two months.

How to apply

The tincture has a wide range of uses. It is especially effective in the fight against back pain and joint ailments. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, tincture of Adam's apple on vodka should be used as follows.

It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the preparation, and then rub it into the painful area on the back. After the appearance of redness and pleasant warmth over the body, it is necessary to lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket.

The tool helps to eliminate pain, inflammation, swelling and swelling. After the course of treatment, the general condition and well-being will noticeably improve. For the treatment of such ailments as salt deposition, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, polyarthritis, the remedy is recommended to be used as follows.

A little composition should be rubbed into a painful place, and then insulated with a scarf or scarf. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes. Relief and improvement of well-being occurs, as a rule, after three procedures. The optimal duration of the therapeutic course is fifteen procedures.

It is necessary to treat the affected area three times a day. In order to enhance the therapeutic effect, experts recommend using Adam's apple tincture on vodka both externally and internally. The complex use of the drug will help to quickly get rid of uncomfortable and painful sensations.

It is necessary to use the medicine as follows:

  • during the first week - 3 drops during the morning meal;
  • during the second - 3 drops, but already twice a day;
  • during the 3rd - three drops three times a day;
  • during the fourth - four drops four times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is a month. After six months, treatment, if necessary, can be repeated.

The appropriate use of Adam's apple tincture for the joints, in addition to helping to eliminate joint pain and discomfort, as well as stiffness, swelling and swelling, will contribute to:

  • improve the condition of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • normalization of the functioning of the CCC;
  • increase the protective properties of the body;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • activation of cell regeneration;

Ointment: how to prepare and use

Adam's apple joint tincture is far from the only remedy that can be made from Indian orange. From the fruits, you can make a healing ointment that is effective in the fight against joint ailments and intervertebral hernia, as well as skin inflammations, abscesses and long-term non-healing wounds.

The ointment is easy to prepare. You need to take maclura fruits, wash them, and then cut them into cubes. In a glass bottle, you need to put melted pork fat, after which chopped fruits.

The components are laid out in layers of one and a half centimeters until the container is completely filled. The final layer, without fail, is fat. Then the container is sealed with a test and placed for a day in a water bath. The next day, the product is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator. For the treatment of joint ailments and hernias, it is necessary to heat the spoon, then take the ointment with it and apply it to natural tissue.

Next, the product is applied to the affected area and insulated with a woolen cloth. The duration of the procedure is five hours. This ointment is also effective in the treatment of mastopathy. It is necessary to lubricate the cabbage leaf with the product, then attach it to the chest and warm it with woolen material. The procedure is preferably carried out before going to bed.

Preparation of ointment according to a different recipe

Making an ointment in the second way involves the use of a special base - an ointment (zinc or glycerin is suitable). The required amount of pharmacy base (depending on the disease) must be mixed with maclura tincture. With the prepared remedy, you need to lubricate the affected areas three times a day. The tool is effective in the treatment of abscesses, long non-healing wounds, skin pathologies.

Oil Recipe

The oil is effective in the fight against lichen, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema. To make the product, you should take ripe fruits in the amount of two pieces. They need to be cut into thin strips and placed in a glass container. Next, the raw material is poured with any vegetable oil - one glass. The container must be closed and left in a dark place for at least a week.

Maklura is a unique plant endowed with a mass of miraculous properties. Proper use of the compounds will help in curing a lot of ailments, as well as in strengthening the immune system and improving the general condition and well-being. The main thing is to prepare and use the drugs correctly and only after consulting your doctor.

The Adam's apple is the fruit of a deciduous large orange maclura tree belonging to the Mulberry family. Its homeland is South America, where it grows today. Although today the maclura, the photo of which is presented in this article, can be found in the Crimea, the Russian southern regions, America and Central Asia. This is enough and they look specific - they resemble an orange in shape, while they have a light green color. Because of this, it is also sometimes referred to as false orange, Chinese orange, and Indian orange. Although in the old days maklura was called more romantically - "God's gift."

The fruit consists of many dry fruits, while each of them contains only 1 seed. All this is grasped by the fleshy axis of the inflorescence. The fruit in the middle has a sticky white substance and gray seeds. It ripens in October. Despite the fact that the Adam's apple has various beneficial properties, it is absolutely inedible on its own. Consequently, such fruits are not used in their pure form, they are processed into a variety of medicinal preparations, while alternative medicine offers many types of ointments and tinctures. In this article, we will look at what maclura is, medicinal properties, recipes based on it, which can be used to improve your well-being.

One tree - three names

Maklura got its official name after Williams Maclure, an American researcher who devoted himself to the study of this wonderful tree.

The fruits of the plant among the people have different beautiful names. Adam's apple grew, according to legend, in Eden. Its unique healing properties have been known to healers since time immemorial.

In the East, the fruit was called "Chinese orange". There, the Maclura apple was highly valued for its ability to cure various diseases.

This tree is the closest relative of the mulberry. At the same time, even caterpillars, which are very selective in food, feed on its leaves.


In nature, there are more than 10 plant species. The maclura pedigree originates in Here, the locals use this unique tree as a hedge, protecting the territory from unexpected visitors with its thorns.

In our climate, you can find only one type of this plant - this is medicinal maclura, or orange. In the south of the country, trees are grown exclusively for decorative purposes, as they endure mild winters with ease.

Maklura: medicinal properties and chemical composition

It must be admitted that at the moment official medicine has not studied this tree very well, but the maclura fruit has certain healing properties that are well known to everyone. This explains its use in alternative medicine. The fruits of the tree are saturated with juice containing sterols, saponins and bile acids.

In general, the composition of this "fruit" resembles the composition of mulberry - a lot of sugars, fatty acids, citric acid. But experts consider flavonoid compounds, similar in structure to P-vitamins, to be the most useful and important components. These are very powerful antioxidants with many anti-carcinogenic properties.

This "bouquet" of useful substances allows you to actively use this plant for medicinal purposes. Maklura, the use of which is widely developed in folk medicine, has an anti-carcinogenic and anti-sclerotic effect, strengthens the immune system, destroys viruses, relieves fatigue and intoxication, strengthens the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and spleen.

Adam's apple is mainly used in the form of external agents, including ointments and tinctures, whose preparation recipe will be described in the article below - these agents are very effective for sciatica, varicose veins, rheumatism, polyarthritis, various hemorrhagic pathologies, gout, for the treatment of joints. In addition, the Maclura plant has found application in the treatment of various skin diseases - dermatitis, eczema, various wounds, as well as skin cancer.

Means from its fruits are also effective in the treatment of various neoplasms (including malignant ones), only in this case we are talking about drugs that need to be taken orally. It is believed that long-term use of tinctures can help even when cancer metastasizes.


As mentioned above, the tincture of the fruit of the maclura tree perfectly helps to fight a variety of neoplasms. Although in this case we are talking about its ingestion, which is dangerous in itself, since these fruits are poisonous (but medicines are also made from snake venom). Next, we will learn how maclura tincture is created, as well as what its correct application is.

Its recipe is very simple - you need to take 500 g of fruit and chop finely, then put the pieces in a jar, then pour them with 500 ml of vodka. The jar needs to be corked and put away in a dark, cool place. Vodka should be infused for about a month, the ideal option is 6 months. It is believed that it only gets better with time. Thus, the preparation of tincture from the fruits of the maklura tree is completed.

Another option - it is extremely rare to find a tincture in pharmacies. Sometimes it is easier to buy, especially if these trees do not grow nearby. Tinctures should be used in accordance with the instructions that come with each package, and we will find out how to use the homemade remedy described above.

In the 1st week of treatment, take 3 drops 1 time per day before meals. You need to dilute the product in a glass of water and drink. The dose is increased in the second week - they also take 3 drops, but 2 times a day. The next week - again an increase, take already 3 drops three times a day. Thus, the dose of the drug is gradually increased.

The maximum dose is the number of drops that corresponds to the age of the person, while not exceeding 30.

Further, the dose reduction begins, while it is impossible to stop drinking the drops immediately. The reduction occurs on the principle of reducing by one drop with each dose until they reach nine drops per day. It is easy to calculate that the course of treatment as a whole takes 14 months. If the disease has subsided during this time, stop taking the tincture. Otherwise, the course is repeated.

Maclura, whose medicinal properties are described in detail in this article, thus helps to cope with benign and malignant tumors. Consider the specifics of this tincture - you need to consult a doctor before using it!

External use of tincture

Having found out what the tincture can cure when taken orally, it must be said that it is also used externally. It is mainly used as a very effective remedy for arthrosis, arthritis, heel spurs, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints and spine. In this case, Maclura tincture is used in the form of grinding. It is done before bed.

To do this, a clean natural tissue is moistened in the product, then it needs to moisturize the skin on the treated areas (at the points of pain localization). Next, the material is removed, while the remaining moisture is carefully rubbed into the skin. Then the treated area must be insulated (for example, with a woolen scarf).

Maclura: medicinal properties, ointment recipes

Adam's apple is most often used in the form of tinctures, although there are also recipes for making an ointment. It is used for intervertebral hernia and in the treatment of diseases of the joints. It is also used to treat mastopathy, hemorrhoids and rectal cancer.

In order to cook it, you need lard. It is laid out in an even layer one and a half centimeters thick in a jar. Next, take the fruits of maclura and cut them into small slices. They are poured on top of the lard with a layer of 1.5 centimeters. This sequence should be alternated further until the container is full, while the layer of lard should be the top one.

Then the jar is closed with a lid, sealed with dough and put in a water bath for 24 hours. Then the resulting workpiece is transferred to another container so that there is no air in it. It will need to be stored in the refrigerator.

This ointment is used as follows: a spoon is heated and the drug is scooped out of the jar with it. Further, the agent is evenly distributed over a natural clean tissue, which is applied to the diseased area of ​​​​the body. After that, it is wrapped with a warm woolen scarf or scarf. Such a compress should be left for four hours, and then removed.

Maclura, the medicinal properties of which are listed above, thus helps to make a universal and indispensable tool for your first aid kit - an ointment from its fruits. She has almost no contraindications. It should be noted that it is not recommended for nursing mothers with breast pathology.

Intervertebral hernia

To the site of the hernia, you need to attach a piece of tissue, smeared with an ointment from the fruits of the tree. Maclura, the photo of which is given in this article, will help to cope with such an ailment. From above you need to impose and also wrap it with a warm woolen scarf. Such compresses should be done every other day for 3 months.

Sinusitis and adenoids

Maclura has medicinal properties that allow it to heal a person from these diseases. You need to melt a little ointment, while it should be liquid and not hot. Then it must be instilled twice a day in the nose. For adults, the course of treatment is 3 weeks, and for children - 10 days.

The use of ointment in cosmetology

The ointment also helps in the fight against age spots, in addition, it can get rid of acne and smooth out wrinkles. Often it is used for ulcers, such as abscesses, boils, chiri. The ointment should be gently rubbed into all problem areas until the skin defects are completely eliminated. Many note the amazing effect of this remedy, saying that it quickly restores the normal state of the dermis.

Treatment of mastopathy and fibromastopathy

Compresses from such an ointment are also effective in the treatment of fibromastopathy and mastopathy. To do this, you will need cabbage or burdock leaves, as well as the ointment itself. You will need to dip the leaf of the selected plant several times in boiling water, softening it, beat it a little so that all the juice comes out, and apply a thin layer of ointment on it. Apply the compress to your chest, then cover with a soft, clean cotton cloth, then wrap it with a warm scarf or scarf. The course of such treatment is three months, after a pause it can be repeated.

Maclura: contraindications

As we found out in this article, maclura, the recipes based on which for the treatment of various diseases are described in the article above, is able to cope with various ailments. This is a poisonous plant. Therefore, before using it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out about the available contraindications and possible side effects. In addition, drugs with maclura do not need to be used by girls during lactation and pregnancy.

This is exactly what I can call with all confidence these three miracle remedies, which consistently show high efficiency in the fight against articular, tumor, skin, cosmetic and other problems. it alcohol tincture, ointment and oil, the main component of which is an alcohol extract from the fruits of the now famous exotic tree - maclura orange. Maclura (or "Adam's apple" - this is how its fruits are called among the people) is an inhabitant of the southernmost regions of our country, but even those who have never seen this tree live can easily recognize it by its large, green, orange-like fruits. True, you can see them hanging on a tree only in autumn in October-November - it is then that the fruits reach the stage of ripeness and it is then that they need to be collected in order to be used for treatment.

The composition of the maclura fruit is unique!

AT milky juice ripe fruits maclura contains up to 4% fatty acid esters (triterpenoids): these are saponins, sterols, fatty acids. milky juice literally the whole fruit is soaked and, in order to preserve all its biologically active compounds, for the preparation of an alcohol extract (tincture), maclura fruits are used only in a fresh (not dried!) form. Maclura fruit tincture used for oral administration and preparation ointments. When taken internally, patients gradually restore the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries due to kaempferol and the active ingredient. osaiin, which belongs to the group of isoflavones (isomeric compounds of flavonoids), and its P-vitamin activity is several times higher than the well-known rutin, which is famous for its ability to normalize capillary permeability, help reduce the permeability of vascular walls, increasing their strength. Working in tandem with vitamin C, flafonoid compounds give a powerful anti-sclerotic effect and, in fact, act as antioxidants, preventing the accumulation of carcinogenic substances not only in blood vessels, but also in other human organs.

The effect of using the tincture of Adam's apple fruit inside for medicinal purposes is undeniable, but its beneficial effect on the course of diseases is not limited to this either. Indeed, with external exposure to the skin, it is able to withstand numerous pathogens of infectious diseases, thereby helping the rapid healing of wounds, ulcers, the elimination of abscesses, boils, and various kinds of rashes. Ointments prepared on the basis of an alcohol extract of fruits maclura, also have the unique property of softening salt deposits, relieving stiffness of the joints and spine, completely relieving heel spurs. In the official medicine of some countries, highly effective drugs are made from maclura fruits. ointment for rheumatism, arthritis and gout. In addition, when applied to external tumors and inflamed lymph nodes, maclura ointment will slowly but surely soften them, relieving inflammation.

In the treatment of the above diseases, the best effect is achieved by the parallel use of Adam's apple tincture inside and ointment (or oil) externally. Maclura preparations are not without reason called "natural antibiotic"(probably due to the high content of flavonoid group substances in fresh fruits). Acting in a complex way, they not only relieve symptoms, but permanently relieve many diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria and foreign microorganisms.

At treatment of joint problems Maclura is the first remedy. The maximum effect is achieved by the joint use of maclura tincture, maclura ointment and water infusion of marsh cinquefoil (brew 1 tablespoon of cinquefoil stalks with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain and drink in equal parts a day). As you know, cinquefoil effectively relieves joints of salts, but often causes severe exacerbations, which can be alleviated with Maclura preparations. Maclura ointment or oil is used externally on the joints of the arms and legs, as well as on the spine 2-3 times a day, rubbing intensively.

If there is treatment intervertebral hernia, then the ointment should, on the contrary, be rubbed gently, effortlessly and in parallel take an alcohol tincture of comfrey officinalis in half the usual dose (15-20 drops with water 3 times a day).

For gout and rheumatism, as well as for cardiovascular diseases, tinctures (or, if desired, decoctions) of the Caucasian Dioscorea root and blood-red hawthorn fruits should be connected to the treatment, taking them in turn in courses of 1 month against the background of taking maclura tincture (course treatment which can take several months).

How, in fact, take maclura tincture inside? Every day 3 times a day, strictly following the recommended scheme: you should start with 3 drops per dose, after a week increase the dose by 1 drop, etc., until a dose of 30 drops is reached - the maximum dose for an adult over 30 years old. If the age is less, then the maximum number of drops is equal to the age. Then we go down, decreasing 1 drop every week until the full course is completed - 60 weeks. Such a long course must be taken in case of severe chronic diseases of the lymphatic system, joints, tumors, and heart problems.

The surprising fact deserves special attention. cosmetic effect of maclura ointment restore damaged skin. First of all, this applies to postoperative scars, which heal quickly and “beautifully”. This fact is confirmed by specific reviews of those who used the ointment for this purpose. And although the mechanism of action of flavonoids is far from being fully understood, it is safe to note their beneficial effect on accelerating metabolic processes in the skin, improving cell nutrition and their regeneration.

Maclura ointment and tincture - recipes for cooking at home

For self preparation of maclura ointment at home, you must first make an alcohol tincture from ripe fruits (it is better to make a tincture with a margin: both for oral administration and for preparing an ointment). Important: collect fruits only in an ecologically clean place. Cut the Adam's apple into pieces, fill the container to the top and immediately pour 40% alcohol around the edge. Close the lid tightly, because prolonged contact of the tincture with air is undesirable. The tincture is ready after eight weeks of infusion, but it is advisable to infuse it much longer: up to a year. In a word, you can start taking Maclura tincture without filtering it; with prolonged infusion, the therapeutic effect is enhanced. To prepare the ointment, drain the required amount of extract and mix with the fat base previously melted in a water bath: palm, coconut or avocado oil (use butter butters) in a ratio of 1: 3 grams of butter), cool. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator for no more than six months, tightly close the lid.

Maclura oil (infusion) - recipe

To prepare maclura butter use liquid light stable base oil (grape seed, sweet almond, apricot, peach, jojoba). Maclura fruits, cut into pieces, are placed in glass jars loosely by about two thirds of the container and filled to the top with oil. Insist for at least 2 months in a dark place, tightly corked with a lid. Maclura oil is more convenient to use for general massage and rubbing of the back (for example, with osteochondrosis), muscle strain, extensive joint damage. General massage with maclura oil provides powerful healing and rejuvenating effect for the whole organism.

Tincture, ointment and oil of maclura orange- universal and necessary means in the home first aid kit. Unlike alcohol tincture, the internal intake of which contraindicated with diabetes, ointment and oil have practically no prohibitions for use, unless it is recommended to use them for the treatment of breast pathology for nursing mothers.

Ready-made and sold in our store. Also in the season (October-November) every year we offer fresh fruits for deportation.

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