Ointment of Preobrazhensky: instructions for use. Complex ointment in the nose: instructions for use. The therapeutic effect of the components of the ointment

For some diseases of the nasal cavity, the doctor may prescribe a multicomponent ointment. This medicinal product is prepared in production department pharmacies only on order. The composition contains various components that have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Complex ointment for the nose helps to fight sinusitis and rhinitis of various etiologies. During treatment, it is very important to comply with the dosage and not exceed the indicated duration of therapy.

Advantages of ointments

A complex ointment in the nose with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis has a number of advantages over other forms of drugs:

  1. Due to the thick consistency, the drug well envelops the nasal mucosa and quickly has a therapeutic effect.
  2. The possibility of getting the drug into the middle ear cavity and the development of complications is excluded.
  3. The composition of the medication has special components that prevent excessive drying of the nasal mucosa and the appearance of dry crusts.

As part of multicomponent ointments, there are components that help to quickly stop the main signs of the disease. Due to the multicomponent ointment, you can achieve the following effect:

  • Treat sinusitis without sinus piercing.
  • Eliminate swelling and congestion of the nasal passages.
  • Reduce inflammation.

The use of such drugs is especially justified in cases where the use of antibiotics should be abandoned. systemic action. Such a talker can be prescribed to pregnant women and small children.

The healing properties of the multicomponent composition are truly unique. It allows for a short time cure nasal diseases that occur with severe inflammation and the formation of purulent masses.

Types of medication

Multicomponent ointment is of several types. There are differences in the composition and method of application. Each type of medicine has its own contraindications and side effects. Unreal to find standard instruction on the use of a complex ointment in the nose, since depending on the substances included in its composition, the method of application and dose changes.

Quite often, the prescription contains antibacterial substances, but according to the doctor's prescription, a drug based on vegetable substances. Most often, cyclamen root is included in the composition.

Standard Recipe

Most often, patients are prescribed a classic talker made from the following components:

  • vaseline oil.
  • Novocain and Dimedrol.
  • Levomycetin and Menthol.

Depending on the diagnosis and the sensitivity of bacteria to the action of antibiotics, Levomycetin can be replaced with Erythromycin. In this case, the composition will be as follows:

  • Vaseline oil as a base.
  • Erythromycin.
  • Menthol and Lanolin.
  • Lidocaine.

In certain cases, prescriptions may be supplemented with other components, the use of which must be agreed with the attending physician.

A complex ointment is made in a pharmacy only to order. Its preparation usually does not take much time.

Preobrazhensky's recipe

The appointment of Preobrazhensky ointment is advisable for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. The composition of such a drug includes a number of substances that have a pronounced therapeutic effect. The Preobrazhensky recipe contains:

  • Norsulfazol - antibacterial drug a large spectrum of action, capable of inhibiting the growth and reproduction of pathogens.
  • Ephedrine - Has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect.
  • Sulfadimezin is an antimicrobial drug.
  • Streptocide is a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent.
  • Eucalyptus oil and camphor - have strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Well moisturize the nasal mucosa and prevent the formation of crusts.

All components are placed in the medicine in a strictly defined amount. Both an excess of a single component and its deficiency reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Chatterbox has the following therapeutic effect:

  • Reduces swelling and irritation of the nasal mucosa.
  • Reduces the inflammatory process.
  • It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Reduces nasal congestion.
  • Softens the nasal mucosa and prevents it from drying out.

This ointment is often prescribed for the treatment of children and women in position, as well as all those patients who, for some reason, are not recommended for systemic antibiotics. The viscous consistency of the drug allows you to effectively treat the nasal cavity. The medicine does not drain into the throat and has only a local effect.

Due to the optimally selected composition, the duration of the ointment is quite long. Therefore, there is no need to treat the nose frequently.

With silver

Sometimes, for diseases of the nose, it is advisable to use ointments with silver particles. Such a drug reduces the degree of inflammation and effectively fights microbes. Such a medicine is being prepared according to a standard prescription, only it is supplemented with protargol.

Diphenhydramine is often included in the composition. Its amount in the drug is so minimal that it does not have a systemic effect on the body. It is possible to use multicomponent ointments with Diphenhydramine even for the treatment of young children.

According to Simanovsky

Such multicomponent drug used to treat severe purulent processes in the nasal cavity. The drug is prepared exclusively according to the doctor's prescription in a pharmacy. Simanovsky's recipe contains the following components:

  • cocaine hydrochloride.
  • Menthol oil.
  • Lanolin.
  • Vaseline oil.
  • zinc oxide.

Before using any complex means the nasal passages must be washed with a solution of Furacilin or a strong decoction medicinal herbs. To reduce congestion, the nose is dripped with vasoconstrictor drops, and then cotton turundas smeared with ointment are put into the nasal passages.

Prepare complex compositions qualified specialist. It is not recommended to make such preparations on your own.

Features of treatment

A complex composition with antibacterial substances in the composition is often prescribed to those patients who are not recommended oral intake antibiotics:

  • These medicines for the treatment of children can be used only as directed by a doctor. The composition of the drug and the duration of treatment may differ depending on the diagnosis and age of the child.
  • Complex preparations often contain Diphenhydramine, but despite this, the drug does not affect the reaction rate and attention. During treatment, it is allowed to drive a car and work with complex mechanisms.
  • These medicines do not interact with other medicines. Therefore, they can be written in the composition complex treatment.
  • An expiration date is indicated on a nasal preparation made in a pharmacy. It is strictly forbidden to use the medication after the expiration date.
  • There is no standard instruction for the use of these drugs. Therefore, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

Keep the drug in the refrigerator. Before use, the talker can be kept for about an hour at room temperature.

Side effects

Even if a multi-component nasal ointment is used in accordance with the prescriptions of the attending physician, there is a high risk of side effects. When treating with a talker, you may experience:

  • Nose bleed.
  • Severe itching and burning in the nasal cavity.
  • Irritation and excessive drying of mucous membranes.
  • Peeling of the skin around the nostrils.

If there were any adverse reactions, treatment is stopped and a doctor is consulted.

With the help of complex ointments, you can quickly get rid of sinusitis and rhinitis of various etiologies. These drugs well envelop the mucosa and have a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. The attending physician explains the subtleties of the use of such drugs. The price of such drugs is quite acceptable, which only adds to their popularity.

With frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and other inflammatory processes occurring in the nasal cavity and accompanied by purulent secretions, often prescribe a complex ointment. getting ready this drug in a pharmacy. Complex ointment is not produced by pharmaceutical companies. The drug is a mixture of components that are combined into one mass in certain proportions.

Benefits of the ointment

Complex ointment allows not only to get rid of inflammatory process, but also to eliminate some of the signs of ailments. The properties of the drug are simply unique. Complex ointment allows you to:

  1. Avoid surgery.
  2. Much easier breathing.
  3. Stop the inflammatory process.

The use of such drugs is relevant in cases where antibiotics are unacceptable. This applies not only to children, but also to pregnant women.

Main varieties

Complex ointment is made of several types. The main difference between the drugs lies in the composition. The expediency of using a particular drug is established only by specialists. In addition, only a doctor can tell you how to properly apply the ointment and in what quantities. In addition, the specialist should warn the patient about possible side effects that are a signal to stop using medicinal composition. This can explain the fact that pharmacies do not have instructions for the use of complex ointments.

The composition of these drugs most often includes antibiotics. However, there are prescriptions for medicines, where a ready-made ointment is taken as the basis. In some cases, cyclamen root is used to prepare the drug.

Classic recipe

A complex ointment, the instructions for use of which are listed below, is usually prepared according to classic recipe. The composition of this drug includes:

  1. Petrolatum.
  2. Novocaine.
  3. Dimedrol.
  4. Menthol.
  5. Levomycetin.

The composition of a complex ointment may include another antibiotic. In some cases, chloramphenicol is replaced by erythromycin. The composition of the drug will be as follows:

  1. Vaseline oil.
  2. Menthol.
  3. Erythromycin.
  4. Lanolin.
  5. Lidocaine.

Prescription with silver preparations

Complex ointment is often made with the addition of silver preparations. Most often, it includes protargol. This component has a fairly strong antibacterial effect. Protargol effectively fights tissue inflammation. It is for this reason that the ointment with this component is in great demand. Its composition is as follows:

  1. Vaseline oil.
  2. Menthol.
  3. Streptocid.
  4. Dimedrol.
  5. Protargol.
  6. Lanolin.

Many are confused by the presence in the composition of a complex ointment of such a component as diphenhydramine. Parents especially do not like it if such a drug is prescribed to their child. However, as it shows medical practice, as well as consumer reviews, side effects of this component are extremely rare. This can only be due to individual intolerance to Diphenhydramine.

Simanovsky's drug

This is another difficult nasal ointment. The instruction says that this drug contains:

  1. cocaine hydrochloride.
  2. Lanolin.
  3. Menthol.
  4. Petrolatum.
  5. zinc oxide.

It is also prescribed for the treatment of various purulent inflammation nasal passages. The medicine is prescribed only by a doctor and is sold in pharmacies by prescription. There is no open sale of this ointment. It is made in a pharmacy.

Is it possible for children and pregnant women

A complex ointment may contain not only antibiotics, but also silver preparations. There are situations when the use of drugs with such components is not recommended. However, in certain situations, they cannot be dispensed with. For example, during breastfeeding and pregnancy. If a young mother has sinusitis, then it is simply impossible to cure the disease without antibiotics. AT similar situations the doctor may prescribe a complex ointment, assessing the possible risk to the child and the benefit to the mother. According to many experts, it is better to use such a drug than to take oral antibiotics.

As for children, such a nasal preparation can only be prescribed by the attending pediatrician. At the same time, the feasibility of using a complex ointment is evaluated. Not only the prescription of the drug is selected individually, but also the exposure time, as well as the number of procedures. When prescribing a complex ointment, the doctor must take into account the stage of the disease and the age of the child.

Complex ointment in the nose: instructions for use

Before use similar drug experts recommend thoroughly rinsing the nasal passages. For this you can use saline solution, an infusion prepared on the basis of herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as a solution of furacilin. In addition, you can apply various drugs for washing the nose, which are sold in pharmacies.

After this procedure, it is necessary to drip into each nasal passage a drug that has a vasoconstrictive effect. A piece of cotton wool should be wound on a match, and then lowered into a container with a complex ointment. You need to wait until the solution is absorbed into the material. Then it is worth removing the cotton wool and inserting it gently into the nasal passages, making twisting movements.

As for the exposure time, it is prescribed by the doctor. Follow the instructions of the specialist strictly. This is especially important if we are talking on the treatment of the disease in lactating and pregnant women, as well as in children.

So that a complex ointment, the instructions for use of which must be fully observed, does not drain into oral cavity, it is worth breathing through the mouth. After the cotton wool is removed, you need to gently blow your nose. It is worth noting that the use of such a drug allows not only to get rid of the inflammatory process, but also to remove pain and cure sinusitis completely without surgical intervention. This is indicated by numerous reviews of consumers and narrow profile doctors.

Side effects

Can complex ointment cause side effects? The use of such a drug should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Even if the instructions are fully followed, there is a risk of side effects. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. Burning or severe itching.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Irritation and drying of the mucous membranes of the nose.
  4. Possible peeling and redness skin around the nasal passages.

Such side effects may indicate that the patient is allergic to one of the components of a complex ointment. If such symptoms appear, it is worth stopping therapy and consulting a doctor. Before using a complex ointment, it is also recommended to conduct an allergy test. To do this, the ointment must be applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If there is no redness, peeling, burning and itching, then the drug can be used to treat the underlying disease.


Now you know how a complex ointment is applied. The instructions are quite simple and easy to follow. However, it is worth considering that the drug in some cases may be contraindicated. Most often this is due to individual intolerance. There are no other contraindications for a complex ointment.

The drug can be used to treat all kinds of purulent inflammatory diseases of the nose. It is allowed to use it for the treatment of the disease in children, and in pregnant women, and in lactating women. It should be noted that a complex ointment does not affect the patient's condition and after its use can be controlled vehicle. Also, the drug does not affect the effects of other drugs. Therefore, you can use a complex ointment in complex therapy. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, experts do not recommend self-medication, since in some cases its use can aggravate the patient's condition.

runny nose, nasal congestion, respiratory infections, Clinical signs sinusitis are always associated with the use various kinds drops in the nose, making breathing easier, helping to cope with the symptoms of the disease. However, there is another unjustifiably forgotten form of drugs for the treatment of colds - ointment. It has several advantages over liquid medicines. One of these drugs is Preobrazhensky ointment, which has a complex composition.

Manufactured pharmacy network or available in finished form, ointments have a number of advantages compared to drops:

  • applied to inner surface the nasal composition remains on the surface of the mucous membranes much longer and contributes to a longer exposure time.
  • Does not run down back wall nasopharynx, and, therefore, there is no risk of getting the drug into the Eustachian tube, the digestive tract, which is extremely important in the treatment of rhinitis in young children.
  • When applying the ointment, a longer anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, vasoconstrictive effect is provided than when using sprays and drops.
  • When applying funds with a complex composition, which is Preobrazhensky's ointment, a long-term anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, vasoconstrictive effect is provided, which significantly improves the results of therapeutic measures.
  • Such products, having the consistency of creams or gels, in the composition, as a rule, contain components that nourish and moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane, which prevents it from drying out, promotes regeneration and restoration.

Preobrazhensky's ointment is a medicine that has been proven over the years for the treatment of a runny nose, sinusitis, and symptoms of a cold.


The main components of the drug are:

  • The base is vaseline.
  • Natural ingredients - camphor and Eucalyptus oil.
  • ephedrine hydrochloride.
  • Streptocid.
  • Sulfadimezin.
  • Norsulfazol.

All components of the product in the manufacture are taken in strictly defined proportional ratios, which allow potentiating the action of each other. The pharmaceutical industry produces a finished nasal preparation called Sunoref, which is an analogue.

The use of a local combined drug - Preobrazhensky's ointment - allows for a long-term therapeutic effect on all mechanisms of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, sinuses.

Mechanism of action

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, antiseptic and anti-edematous action. Therapeutic effects are provided by the components that make up the ointment, mutually reinforcing the action of each other:

  • Streptocide - has activity against many infectious agents: streptococcus, Escherichia coli, meningococcus, gonorrhea pathogen, pneumococcus. It has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect, disrupting the synthesis of nucleic acids in pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing their reproduction.
  • Sulfadimezin - another antibacterial component in the ointment. It has a bacteriostatic effect on clostridia, Escherichia coli, the causative agent of diphtheria, Klebsiella, Yersinia and other microorganisms that stain and do not stain according to Gram.
  • Norsulfazol - is sulfa drug, which leads to the cessation of growth and reproduction of pathogenic cocci, coli, chlamydia, the causative agent of diphtheria, toxoplasmosis.
  • Ephedrine salt (hydrochloride) - has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect. Helps to increase blood pressure bloodstream, has a bronchodilator effect. In recent years, its use in Russia and European countries has been controlled and limited due to the pronounced psychostimulating effects that ephedrine can provide. It can be replaced by other components with a vasoconstrictor mechanism of action.
  • Camphor oil is an antiseptic, analgesic with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, improves trophic processes in tissues.
  • Eucalyptus oil is a natural phytoncide. It has anti-inflammatory, antifungicidal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is a natural adaptogen.

Vaseline, as the basis for the manufacture of ointments, has softening, moisturizing properties, preventing overdrying of the surface on which the product is applied. It is an environment due to which, different in structure chemical substances retain their properties and have healing effects.


Indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • Rhinitis with acute or chronic protracted course due to bacterial infections or allergic nature.
  • Inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses: maxillary, frontal, main.

Important! The use of agents containing components with a pronounced antibacterial effect is not indicated for the relief of symptoms of a viral infection.


Ointment of Preobrazhensky can not be prescribed in the following cases:

  • With available allergic manifestations on one of the components that make up the medicinal product.
  • With signs of heart failure, rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure.
  • With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • With sleep disorders, increased excitability, gross changes in the central nervous system, accompanied by a convulsive syndrome.
  • With clinically pronounced manifestations of vascular atherosclerosis.
  • With insufficiency of kidney function.

You can use the ointment only as directed by a doctor.

Side effects

Given the multicomponent composition, the most common undesirable effect is the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which can be manifested by lacrimation, sneezing, urticaria, and the development of angioedema.

Adverse reactions are due to the active ingredients that make up the drug. Against the background of the use of the ointment, the following symptoms may occur:

  • The appearance of a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, increased excitability.
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, migraine-like pain.
  • An increase in heart rate.

Rarely, but there may be inhibition of hematopoiesis, the consequence of which is agranulocytosis. Similar severe complication it is possible if patients violate the doctor's recommendations and instructions for use.

Modes and doses

Before applying Preobrazhensky's ointment for the nose, the instructions provide for compliance the following rules concerning methods of use, dosing of the medicinal product. Doing them helps to avoid not only unwanted side effects, but also to improve the results of treatment:

  • The ointment is applied only topically and only to lubricate the nasal passages. It is forbidden to use the composition in other ways.
  • Before laying the ointment, it is recommended to clear the nasal passages from accumulations of mucus, pathological secretions.
  • The agent is recommended to be used in one of two ways: either to lay the ointment directly into the nasal passages, or by inserting ointment turundas into the lumen for 10-15 minutes.
  • If the ointment is used in children, turundas are inserted alternately into each nasal passage for 10-15 minutes.

You can use Preobrazhensky's ointment only after consultation with your doctor.

However, there is another unjustifiably forgotten form of drugs for the treatment of colds - ointment. It has several advantages over liquid medicines. One of these drugs is Preobrazhensky ointment, which has a complex composition.


Manufactured by a pharmacy chain or produced in finished form, ointments have a number of advantages compared to drops:

  • The composition applied to the inner surface of the nose remains much longer on the surface of the mucous membranes and contributes to a longer exposure time.
  • It does not flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx, which means that there is no risk of the drug getting into the Eustachian tube, the digestive tract, which is extremely important in the treatment of rhinitis in young children.
  • When applying the ointment, a longer anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, vasoconstrictive effect is provided than when using sprays and drops.
  • When applying funds with a complex composition, which is Preobrazhensky's ointment, a long-term anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, vasoconstrictive effect is provided, which significantly improves the results of therapeutic measures.
  • Such products, having the consistency of creams or gels, in the composition, as a rule, contain components that nourish and moisturize the surface of the mucous membrane, which prevents it from drying out, promotes regeneration and restoration.

Preobrazhensky's ointment is a medicine that has been proven over the years for the treatment of a runny nose, sinusitis, and symptoms of a cold.


The main components of the drug are:

  • The base is vaseline.
  • Natural ingredients - camphor and eucalyptus oil.
  • ephedrine hydrochloride.
  • Streptocid.
  • Sulfadimezin.
  • Norsulfazol.

All components of the product in the manufacture are taken in strictly defined proportional ratios, which allow potentiating the action of each other. The pharmaceutical industry produces a finished nasal preparation called Sunoref, which is an analogue.

The use of a local combined drug - Preobrazhensky's ointment - allows for a long-term therapeutic effect on all mechanisms of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, sinuses.

Mechanism of action

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, antiseptic and anti-edematous action. The therapeutic effects are provided by the components that make up the ointment, mutually reinforcing each other's action:

  • Streptocide - has activity against many infectious agents: streptococcus, Escherichia coli, meningococcus, gonorrhea pathogen, pneumococcus. It has a pronounced bacteriostatic effect, disrupting the synthesis of nucleic acids in pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing their reproduction.
  • Sulfadimezin is another antibacterial component in the composition of the ointment. It has a bacteriostatic effect on clostridia, Escherichia coli, the causative agent of diphtheria, Klebsiella, Yersinia and other microorganisms that stain and do not stain according to Gram.
  • Norsulfazol - is a sulfanilamide drug, which leads to the cessation of growth and reproduction of pathogenic cocci, E. coli, chlamydia, the causative agent of diphtheria, toxoplasmosis.
  • Ephedrine salt (hydrochloride) - has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect. Helps to increase blood pressure, has a bronchodilator effect. In recent years, its use in Russia and European countries has been controlled and limited due to the pronounced psychostimulating effects that ephedrine can provide. It can be replaced by other components with a vasoconstrictor mechanism of action.
  • Camphor oil is an antiseptic, analgesic with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, improves trophic processes in tissues.
  • Eucalyptus oil is a natural phytoncide. It has anti-inflammatory, antifungicidal, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is a natural adaptogen.

Vaseline, as the basis for the manufacture of ointments, has softening, moisturizing properties, preventing overdrying of the surface on which the product is applied. It is a medium due to which chemical substances of different structure retain their properties and have healing effects.


Indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • Rhinitis with acute or chronic protracted course due to bacterial infections or allergic nature.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses: maxillary, frontal, main.

Important! The use of agents containing components with a pronounced antibacterial effect is not indicated for the relief of symptoms of a viral infection.


Ointment of Preobrazhensky can not be prescribed in the following cases:

  • With existing allergic manifestations to one of the components that make up the drug.
  • With signs of heart failure, rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure.
  • With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • With sleep disorders, increased excitability, gross changes in the central nervous system, accompanied by a convulsive syndrome.
  • With clinically pronounced manifestations of vascular atherosclerosis.
  • With insufficiency of kidney function.

You can use the ointment only as directed by a doctor.

Side effects

Given the multicomponent composition, the most common undesirable effect is the occurrence of an allergic reaction, which can be manifested by lacrimation, sneezing, urticaria, and the development of angioedema.

Adverse reactions are due to the active ingredients that make up the drug. Against the background of the use of the ointment, the following symptoms may occur:

  • The appearance of a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, increased excitability.
  • Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, migraine-like pain.
  • An increase in heart rate.

Rarely, but there may be inhibition of hematopoiesis, the consequence of which is agranulocytosis. Such a severe complication is possible if patients violate the doctor's recommendations and instructions for use.

Modes and doses

Before applying Preobrazhensky's ointment for the nose, the instructions provide for compliance with the following rules regarding methods of use, dosing of the drug. Doing them helps to avoid not only unwanted side effects, but also to improve the results of treatment:

  • The ointment is applied only topically and only to lubricate the nasal passages. It is forbidden to use the composition in other ways.
  • Before laying the ointment, it is recommended to clear the nasal passages from accumulations of mucus, pathological secretions.
  • The agent is recommended to be used in one of two ways: either to lay the ointment directly into the nasal passages, or by inserting ointment turundas into the lumen for 10-15 minutes.
  • If the ointment is used in children, turundas are inserted alternately into each nasal passage for 10-15 minutes.

You can use Preobrazhensky's ointment only after consultation with your doctor.

Preobrazhensky composition mixture

During my childhood and adolescence, pharmacies sold powder from

runny nose, which was used by sniffing and was called "Mixture

Preobrazhensky". Helped me very well. Now it is not for sale and even

names are not known. It consisted, as far as I remember, of streptocide, something from

sulfonamides, and I think there was ephedrine and something else. Somebody knows

What is the exact composition of this powder?

Sergey A. Cherukhin

norosulfazole. Grind in a mortar, or in a tablespoon with a teaspoon.

white streptocide -1.5 g, norsulfazol -1.5 g, penicillinED,

ephedrine hydrochloride - 0.05 g.

Is it possible to replace ephedrine with any analogue available without a prescription?

Can ephedrine be substituted simultaneous reception Koldakt Plus?

  • facilitates breathing;

Application area

The instructions for Preobrazhensky's ointment are quite simple: before using the nasal ointment, rinse the nostrils thoroughly, if necessary, use vasoconstrictor drops. Next you need to take cotton swabs and twist them into small thin sticks.

Reviews of Preobrazhensky's ointment for the nose

There are few patient reviews about the drug, this is due to the fact that most people use nasal drops to treat a runny nose, and there are few patients who are prescribed combined drug mixtures.

Valeria, 32 years old, Tyumen: “The most cheap ointment. She saved me from tubootitis, when she did not cure sinusitis in time. Now, even with a cold, I try to get it. ”

Evgenia, 26 years old, Omsk: " good remedy, but it only helps me when I am almost “healthy” and there is no runny nose. And at the beginning of the disease, with a very stuffy nose, I only drip drops.

The only drawback is the inaccessibility - the mixture is prepared only in the prescription departments of large pharmacies. Reviews about the drug are positive both among doctors and patients, but most people know little about this dosage form, so only a few use this mixture.

Preobrazhensky composition mixture

On the radiograph of the paranasal sinuses, a total decrease in pneumatization of both maxillary sinuses, frontal sinus on the right - 2-sided sinusitis, right-sided frontitis

Maybe someone will tell you how to deal with this beast so that it does not develop into a chronic one. And do you have to go to the hospital?

To LOR's son only tomorrow. I would like to have some information before talking with the doctor, because, having lain down this year with the younger in the children's hospital, I do not trust them:roll: Therefore, if it is necessary to go to bed, I will have to look for options. The question is how urgent

And another question, why did a cold give such a complication, everything seemed to be done correctly

If it is possible to get by with a puncture of the maxillary sinus to remove pus and wash the sinus, then this can be done on an outpatient basis, in a clinic. Several procedures may be required, then usually physiotherapy, antibiotics are prescribed, as a rule. They advise you to go to the hospital so that you don’t wander around the city in such a vulnerable state, you don’t collect an additional infection, etc. If the clinic is near the house, of course, it is better to go there for procedures than to wallow in the hospital.

But in the description of your radiograph there is not a word about the level of exudate, blackout in the sinuses, I think it's about not such a terrible inflammation and will do without a hospital.

Write how things turn out.

"Flemoxin" 0.5 - 3 times a day - 5 days

Naphthyzinum - 3 days

The main thing - rinses the nose with mineral water without gas "Omskaya-1" - brackish mineral water. Still.

He no longer complains about anything. The circles under the eyes are long gone. But ENT still does not prescribe.

The question arises: the diagnosis was made on the basis of an X-ray examination. Does it need to be repeated at checkout? What is safer in terms of further health - to do an x-ray, or not?

On the one hand, I don't want a chronic one. On the other hand, X-rays are not so harmless.

Drops in the nose of the Transfiguration

Drops in the nose from a cold: what drops treat a runny nose?

Drops from the common cold - who is not familiar with them? Perhaps there is no such person who would never use nose drops. All nasal drops offered by modern pharmaceuticals, depending on their pharmacological action, can be divided into eight groups: vasoconstrictor, moisturizing, combined, antiviral, bacterial vaccines, antibacterial, phytopreparations, complex drops.

What drops treat a runny nose?

Vasoconstrictors (decongestants)

That is why they are so popular and widely known. Ask even a child, and he will immediately answer the question of what a person who has a runny nose needs - nose drops. However, not all so simple. Action vasoconstrictor drugs for a short time - from 4 to 8 hours, and they do not treat a runny nose in any way. Their purpose is to relieve symptoms.

When using these drops, a runny nose goes away on its own, according to the good old scheme: you treat it in a week, you don’t treat it - in seven days. If you follow the doctor's recommendations and the annotations for the drug, everything will be fine, you will gradually get rid of the annoying companion, which can be a runny nose and all its "charms".

Vasoconstrictor drugs are not recommended for use for more than 3-7 days. With improper use, an overdose of vasoconstrictor drops, arrhythmia and palpitations, increased blood pressure, headaches and nausea, and even depression can occur. They are contraindicated in glaucoma and atrophic rhinitis, during pregnancy and lactation. Use for children must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Products such as AquaMaris are designed to cleanse the nasal cavity and moisturize the nasal mucosa. Moisturizing nasal drops are not medicines. Their function is to facilitate the discharge of mucus.

Combined drugs

At viral diseases(ARVI) the most effective and safe are such drops for a cold as Interferon and Grippferon. They are non-specific antiviral drugs a wide range actions. Interferon must be diluted before use boiled water, and Grippferon is already water-based.

The group of bacterial vaccines includes the so-called immunomodulatory drugs. They are designed to speed up the body's immune response to viral infection. Simply put, boost immunity, as they contain antigens of the most common bacteria.

  • normally, no flora is present in the nasal cavity, so there is simply nothing to destroy there;

    Medicinal preparations made from herbal raw materials cost separate group among all remedies for the common cold. Perhaps the only drug from this group that treats viral runny nose- Pinosol. In addition to pine, eucalyptus, mint and vitamin A oils, it contains thymol, which is the reason for its good anti-inflammatory effect.

    It is used for atrophic rhinitis, chronic inflammatory diseases nose and nasopharynx. There are also contraindications:

    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • allergic rhinitis.

    Pinosol is ineffective in purulent rhinitis. Not recommended for acute rhinitis.

    Complicated drops from the common cold

    Do not self-medicate. Before using the drug, be sure to consult your doctor.

    How to use Preobrazhensky ointment?

    Compound ointments are prescribed if there are contraindications to the use of other dosage forms - drops, nasal sprays, or as auxiliary drug for the treatment of acute and chronic forms of rhinitis, sinusitis. One of these medicinal ointments is Preobrazhensky's ointment for the nose (Sunoref). Consider the features of its application.

    Description and composition of the Preobrazhensky ointment

    The ointment includes many components, which together provide a pronounced therapeutic effect. It consists of:

  • Ephedrine hydrochloride is a drug that has a vasoconstrictor effect. In recent years, ointments have been made without ephedrine, it is replaced by another vasoconstrictor.

    All of the above components in the manufacture of the drug are added in a certain ratio, a lack or excess of one element can not only reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but also lead to side effects.

    Preobrazhensky's ointment has the following therapeutic properties:

  • reduces swelling and irritation of the nasal membranes;
  • destroys microbes and bacteria;
  • moisturizes and softens the nasal membranes.

    Instructions for use of the Preobrazhensky ointment

    The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Its duration is no more than a day. The instructions for use of Preobrazhensky's ointment for the nose indicate that it is better for children to apply such a remedy at bedtime, so the mixture is better absorbed and the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved.

  • in finished form - up to 6 months;

    Reviews about the use of the drug are mostly positive.

    Doctors actively use the remedy in a hospital, and also prescribe treatment with an ointment at home.

    Ekaterina, 28 years old, Rostov-on-Don: “We always give drops to the child, because when the nose “flows” and swells, only they can help. Preobrazhensky's ointment was advised to us by the therapist, he said to use it instead of drops for small discharge from the nose. I smeared it several times a day, it really became easier for the child to breathe, and the nose was cleared for 4-5 hours.

    Valeria, 32 years old, Tyumen: “The cheapest ointment. She saved me from tubo-otitis. when sinusitis was not cured in time. Now, even with a cold, I try to get it. ”

    Thus, the compound ointment according to the prescription of Dr. Preobrazhensky is a unique drug for the treatment of the common cold. various etiologies(viral, allergic, bacterial). The main advantages of the drug are its safety, low cost, use in different groups population (children, adults, pregnant women).

    Drops of Preobrazhensky Instruction for Children

    It also became very interesting about this ointment, but I didn’t really find anything on the Internet. The only normal info on the link is Preobrazhensky ointment - instructions for use OINTMENT ‘SUNOREF’ OR OINTMENT PREOBRAZHENSKY Rp. Pediatrician of the clinic for children and adolescents ‘SM-Doctor’, doctor of the highest category. Preobrazhensky drops contain ephedrine, which is prescribed to infants only in exceptional cases.

    Calcium and magnesium stimulate motor activity ciliated cells, as a result of which pathogenic viruses and bacteria cannot gain a foothold on the mucosa and cause inflammation. Iodine and sodium chloride normalize the production of nasal mucus, and also produce an antiseptic effect. Therefore, the prevention of colds and runny nose with Aqua Maris. In these places, microelements and minerals are 7–1.

  • Vibrocil 1-2 drops when the child is on its side and drip into the lower nostril. The mixture of Preobrazhensky is the name of the composition that you wrote besides it. The instructions for Miromistin do not say about how to drip, it says that when.
  • And one more thing: these drops are made by the pharmacies themselves - their shelf life is no more than 10 days, so it is very important to buy with the date! And one more thing: Preobrazhensky drops are on. Taste from childhood: a step-by-step recipe for lazy cabbage rolls. Frog for breakfast: time management rules for kids.
  • April 17, 2012, 20:48. Moms, how do you feel about fluferon and Preobrazhensky drops? Previously dripped and yourself and the child, and to my husband. But today I watched Komarovsky's program 'about immunity' - now I won't.

    The most effective are 5% carbolic-glycerin drops with the addition of cocaine (3 or 5%); glycerin is applied dehydrated (Ac. Preobrazhensky powder for a cold. Drops in the ears with otitis media.

    Zinc and selenium increase local mucosal immunity. Calcium and magnesium stimulate the motor activity of ciliated cells, as a result of which pathogenic viruses and bacteria cannot gain a foothold on the mucosa and cause inflammation.

    Drops of Transfiguration. Contact the operator! Be sure to check prices and availability of drugs by phone pharmacies. In 5 ml of a 0.02% solution of furacilin, diphenhydramine, ephedrine hydrochloride and novocaine are dissolved. The solution is filtered through a cotton swab, previously washed with a solution of furacilin. Drops of Preobrazhensky Rp. It also became very interesting about this ointment, but I didn’t really find anything on the Internet. The only normal info on the link is Preobrazhensky ointment - instructions for use OINTMENT ‘SUNOREF’ OR OINTMENT PREOBRAZHENSKY Rp.

    This drug has no synonyms. At the same time, you can be sure that the price of Preobrazhensky ointment (extemporal ointment for external use 10.0) will be competitive. The special base allows the ointment to stay on the mucosa much longer than drops, and. According to the instructions for use, a complex ointment in the nose is needed. As part of the Preobrazhensky ointment is large. Who has heard anything about drops of Preobrazhensky and where you can buy them. Joint purchases Here they buy things at their real price. Flea market New and used

    If the pills do not help, take an injection, it will help faster!

    Drops of Preobrazhensky Instructions Price

    Protargol with sinusitis. A very popular drug in ENT practice, protargol, belongs to organic compounds.

    Who has heard anything about drops of Preobrazhensky and where you can buy them. Joint purchases Here they buy things at their real price. Flea market New and used If the pills do not help, take an injection, it will help faster!

    It contains a protein formula that includes silver ions ( mass fraction 7.8–8.3%), so its other names are silver proteinate, colloidal silver. It is widely applied. With rhinitis; sinusitis; In particular, sinusitis; urethritis; conjunctivitis; And others bacterial infections. In pharmacies, this powder is used to prepare a colloidal solution of silver proteinate (1-5% depending on the recipe).

  • In 5 ml of a 0.02% solution of furacilin, diphenhydramine, ephedrine hydrochloride and novocaine are dissolved. The solution is filtered through a cotton swab, previously washed with a solution of furacilin. Drops of Preobrazhensky Rp.
  • This drug has no synonyms. At the same time, you can be sure that the price of Preobrazhensky ointment (extemporal ointment for external use 10.0) will be competitive.

    Depending on the concentration, protargol either kills bacteria or stops their vital activity and release of toxins. These are otitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, rhinitis in children and adults. It is indicated and very effective in newborns with blepharitis and conjunctivitis. It is also successfully used for gynecological and urological infections. The result is a decrease in congestion, free passage of channels, normal evacuation serous-purulent contents from the maxillary sinuses and nasal cavity. Its highly efficient active ingredient penetrates through the ducts into the maxillary sinuses, sanitizes them, reduces the concentration of bacteria, as a result, alleviating painful symptoms.

    Pharmacies offer so many medicines that you won’t immediately understand which drops are treated for a cold, and which ones are better not to buy.

    Often we are very frivolous about the common cold. Of course, it annoys us, brings inconvenience, because of it it is impossible to sleep and work productively, but usually we just go to the pharmacy, buy any nose drops for a cold, just to be able to breathe freely, and we think that we have done everything possible. However, if a runny nose is not treated, the consequences can be unpleasant and dangerous - sinusitis and sinusitis will not take long.

    The most popular and widely used group of nasal drops is vasoconstrictor drugs. It also includes such inexpensive drops from a cold like Naphthyzinum, Xylen, Galazolin, as well as more expensive drugs - Nazol, Xymelin. This is known to all Ambulance” for the nose, which is resorted to in the first place and most often used incorrectly - too often and for too long.

    Despite the difference in price and composition, all decongeners have the same properties:

  • the rate of mucus formation decreases, its density increases;
  • breathing relief comes quickly and effectively.

    If the “treatment” is uncontrolled, you will reach for the “magic bubble” every time discomfort forms in the nose - trouble cannot be avoided. And such a seemingly harmless medicine as drops against the common cold can have a side effect or be addictive and, as a result, vasomotor rhinitis.

    Moisturizing drops

    Such preparations are made from sterilized sea water or water from mineral springs. Since no other components except salt and minerals there are no moisturizers in the composition - you can dose the drug without strict restrictions.

    Sometimes antihistamine components are added to increase the effectiveness of vasoconstrictors. These components relieve swelling very well, relieve itching and sneezing. Such combined drops include Sanorin-Anallergin. This drug is mainly used for allergic rhinitis, but it can also be used for colds.

    Combined preparations with an antihistamine component make it difficult for the virus to multiply in the nasal mucosa, significantly reduce the amount of mucus, and also effectively relieve swelling characteristic of viral rhinitis.


    This group of drugs has been known for a long time and has shown itself to be active against almost all types of viruses. The interferon group is "native" human body and the only side effect of their use can be rare case hypersensitivity reactions to a foreign protein.

    These drugs are necessary for people prone to chronic colds, those who have every seasonal drop in temperature accompanied by a "leak" from the nose. It is also shown to children whose squelching noses haunt their parents every off-season. Interferons can be used both for prevention and as a treatment for all age categories including newborns and pregnant women.

    Bacterial vaccines

    If we consider the currently existing bacterial vaccine drops from the common cold, the list will consist of only two drugs. This is Poludan - a powder diluted with boiled water, and Derinat - ready water solution. These drops from severe runny nose won't help. Preparations from the group of bacterial vaccines are best used as a prophylaxis or at the very beginning of the disease. Derinat can be prescribed for a long-term sluggish viral infection.

    Antibacterial drugs

    Drops for the treatment of a cold with an antibiotic are called antibacterial. They are used for sinusitis, sinusitis and ethmoiditis. Many are afraid to use them, as antibiotics destroy the microflora, are addictive and reduce immunity. This, of course, is a correct remark, but it has nothing to do with the nasal cavity:

  • unlike vasoconstrictor drugs. antibiotics do not affect the tone of blood vessels;
  • at topical application antibiotics also do not have an effect on immunity;
  • even if you swallow a certain amount of the drug, it all goes into the stomach and into acidic environment (gastric juice) breaks down into its constituent parts, not reaching the intestines with its microflora.

    To antibacterial group drugs for the common cold include Polydex, which includes a vasoconstrictor - phenylephrine. Healing spray drops from the common cold Polydex - modern safe remedy, which is suitable for the treatment of children from 3 years of age.

    In most cases, the timely use of antibacterial nasal drops eliminates the need for systemic antibiotics. In some cases, using drops against the common cold with an antibiotic, it was possible to cure adenoids in frequently ill children without surgery.


    The advantages of Pinosol are that it softens, helps to restore the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, removes the feeling of dryness in the nose, is not addictive and fights many bacteria and viruses.

    Complex drops, rather, already the historical past modern pharmaceuticals going back to the time when medications and including drops for the treatment of the common cold were made by pharmacists according to their own, "proprietary" recipes. However, some have successfully survived to this day and continue to be used.

    Such preparations in most cases are prepared on the basis of an antiseptic, such as furatsilin, or water with the addition of vasoconstrictors, anti-allergic components, painkillers, anti-inflammatory hormones, antibacterial agents and vitamins. Such drops from the common cold as Collargol and Protargol as an antiseptic base have an aqueous solution of colloidal silver and are used to treat prolonged rhinitis.

    Complex drops from the common cold, based on the domestic antiseptic mezaton, began to be used forty years ago and are still successfully used for treatment chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and tubo-otitis. By the way, the sensational phenylephrine, positioned as a breakthrough in modern medicine- an analogue of the domestic mezaton.

    What to look for when buying nose drops for a runny nose

  • an aqueous solution of colloidal silver is more viscous than just an aqueous solution. Drops will act more slowly, with little efficiency, but longer;
  • oil base - such drops can only be used when small problems, at thick secretions they are not effective;

    Nose drops for newborns. How to clean the baby's nose with Aqua Maris drops? Spray is recommended for use by children who have reached the age of one. Zinc and selenium increase local mucosal immunity.

    At home cooking it is almost impossible to accurately select the proportion of salt and maintain sterility, so there is a risk of bringing mucous more harm than good: the wrong concentration can cause swelling or even burns of the mucosa. Calcium and magnesium stimulate the motor activity of ciliated cells, as a result of which pathogenic viruses and bacteria cannot gain a foothold on the mucosa and cause inflammation. Sterile Aqua Maris.

    1. Drops Bobotik from colic - complete instructions. Drops and ointments from conjunctivitis for children up to a year. Plantex from colic for the little ones. Is it possible to give glycine to children, why is it prescribed and how to use it correctly?
    2. Mastoiditis (anthritis) in children early age. Radiography temporal bone. Recognition of complications of otitis. Powder of Preobrazhensky from the common cold. Drops in the ears with otitis. Carbol-glycerin ear drops.
    3. The special base allows the ointment to stay on the mucosa much longer than drops, and. According to the instructions for use, a complex ointment in the nose is needed. As part of the Preobrazhensky ointment is large.
    4. Drops of Preobrazhensky Rp. Ephedrini hydrochloride Acidi borici ana 0.3 Norsulfasoli. Please note: when instilling drops into the child’s nose, place him with his back on your knees.

    This liquid dosage form has two main features, like all colloidal solutions. As a result, a protective film is formed on the mucous membrane, which covers the receptors from the effects of microflora. In addition, capillaries narrow, reducing tissue infiltration and swelling. This results in an antibacterial (rather than antiviral) result.

  • Opening hours: 9:00-21:00. Preobrazhenskaya Square. For information on the availability of goods and prices, check with pharmacies. With this product also buy. Vizin Pure tear drops ch.

    Preobrazhenskaya Square. Quinax 0.015% eye drops 15ml Drops of Transfiguration. Contact the operator! Be sure to check prices and availability of drugs by phone pharmacies. The special base allows the ointment to stay on the mucosa much longer than drops, and. According to the instructions for use, a complex ointment in the nose is needed. As part of the Preobrazhensky ointment is large. It also became very interesting about this ointment, but I didn’t really find anything on the Internet. The only normal info on the link is Preobrazhensky ointment - instructions for use OINTMENT ‘SUNOREF’ OR OINTMENT PREOBRAZHENSKY Rp.

    These are silver propionate tablets that come with a dissolution liquid. Dissolve 1 tablet 2. Which can be poured into a special bottle with a spray nozzle, it is also included. The course of treatment for sinusitis ranges from 7 days to 2 weeks, depending on the severity clinical picture. Its use in sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases is reasonable and safe.

    Iodine and sodium chloride normalize the production of nasal mucus, and also produce an antiseptic effect. Therefore, the prevention of colds and runny nose with Aqua Maris. In these places, microelements and minerals are 7–1. With home cooking, it is almost impossible to accurately select the proportion of salt and maintain sterility, so there is a risk of doing more harm to the mucosa than good: the wrong concentration can cause swelling or even burns of the mucosa.

    Calcium and magnesium stimulate the motor activity of ciliated cells, as a result of which pathogenic viruses and bacteria cannot gain a foothold on the mucosa and cause inflammation. Sterile Aqua Maris.

    Flu and colds are treated with various antiviral agents, antibiotics in such cases are powerless. As a rule, doctors prescribe tablets, powders, drops, but at the same time, many doctors forget about combined medicinal ointments. Such complex ointments are made in the prescription departments of pharmacies, so they can only be purchased in large pharmacy chains.

  • Norsulfazol is a drug with antibacterial action, active against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. In its action, it inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Sulfadimezin - antimicrobial agent from the group of sulfonamides.
  • Streptocide is a well-known bactericidal agent with a wide spectrum of action.
  • Camphor and eucalyptus oil - herbal remedies have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the oils in the ointment prevent the drying of the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • removes the inflammatory process;
  • facilitates breathing;

    The combined mixture is often prescribed to children, pregnant women and those who are contraindicated in taking antibiotics and vasoconstrictor drops. The main advantage of the compound agent is its local effect - the contents of the drug act only in the area of ​​​​application, do not drain into the throat and do not enter the patient's stomach. The components of the composition allow you to increase the time of therapeutic exposure, so the mixture does not need to be applied several times a day.

    Application area

    Important! Only a highly qualified specialist should make the product, so doctors do not recommend making such a medicine on their own.

    The instructions for Preobrazhensky's ointment are quite simple. before applying the ointment for the nose, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the nostrils, if necessary, use vasoconstrictor drops. Next, you need to take cotton swabs and twist them into small thin sticks.

    Gently dip each stick in the ointment, wait a bit until the medicine is absorbed into the cotton wool, then insert the sticks into the nostrils shallowly. The mixture will gradually melt and be absorbed by the nasal membranes, so it is recommended to breathe through the mouth for the first few minutes.

    The dosage of the drug depends on the age of the patient:

  • for adults - insert tampons with ointment 2-3 times a day and hold for a minute;
  • for children - insert cotton swabs twice a day for a minute or 1 time a day at bedtime.
  • For the prevention of colds in children and adults, the drug is applied once a day to the wings of the nose.

    Shelf life of the medicinal mixture:

  • freshly prepared mixture - no more than 10 days in the refrigerator.
  • In addition to the common nasal drops and aerosols, ointments for the common cold can also be used in the treatment.

    They are used both as a therapy and preventive purpose and are of particular relevance in the cold season, when the prevalence of colds is very high.

    With the seeming ease of such treatment, one should not forget that the choice of ointment for adults and children depends on many factors and requires an individual approach.

    How to smear the nose with a cold?

    All existing ointments for the common cold can be divided into the following drug groups:
    1. antiviral- are widely used for prevention, especially during epidemic outbreaks;
    2. antiseptic- are used in the treatment of bacterial infections;
    3. combined- have a general therapeutic effect, are used in a complex effect;
    4. homeopathic- based on natural ingredients, used as part of a comprehensive treatment of the disease.

    The causes of rhinitis are infection or the body's reaction to an allergen. They can be pet hair, flowering plants, household dust. Before using this or that remedy, you need to determine the cause of the disease.

    What ointments from the common cold can be used for children?

    Many parents believe that ointments can help in the treatment of a runny nose, since they have a thick consistency and do not get into the throat, which often causes discomfort in a small child.

    However, one should listen to the opinion of experts who say that not all of them can be recommended for children.

    Safe for children from 2 years old will be the Golden Star (Asterisk) balm, Evamenol, Fleming and Thuja ointments. They are based on petroleum jelly and herbal extracts.

    After agreement with the doctor, it is possible to use oxolinic and ichthyol ointments, Viferon. It should be noted that the listed drugs will be truly effective only as part of complex therapy.


    It is undesirable to use ointments based on petroleum jelly and herbs for treatment infants. Uncontrolled use without prior consultation with a doctor can lead to disruption of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

    There is no ointment designed specifically for babies. In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections for children, Vishnevsky, Levomekol and tetracycline ointments are not used.

    What are the contraindications

    The safest drugs are those belonging to homeopathic group. Almost the only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to the components. Antiseptic ointments are prohibited for use in:

    1. children under 6 years old;
    2. pregnant and lactating women;
    3. persons with chronic diseases liver and kidneys;
    4. allergy sufferers.

    Ointments are not used if the runny nose is accompanied by copious ones. Since such symptoms may indicate the development of sinusitis, the treatment of which must necessarily be complex.

    Antiviral and antiseptic

    Antivirals are effective in reducing the likelihood of infection during SARS epidemics. It is most effective on initial stage diseases, are able to remove individual particles of viruses from the affected cells.

    Antiseptic with antibiotic properties are used for bacterial infections, which are characterized by persistent rhinitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes, pain.

    Tetracycline ointment

    Antimicrobial drug, antibiotic, destroys pathogenic microorganisms. It has good efficiency and strong action.

    For this reason, the ointment is recommended to be applied no more than three times a day for a week. If rhinitis is caused by viruses or fungi, the use of tetracycline ointment is ineffective. It is also not applied in the presence of blood crusts in the nasal cavity.

    Prolonged use of the ointment adversely affects the work internal organs. The medicine is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under the age of 6 years.


    It is indicated for use in order to prevent the disease or at the first signs of its manifestation. Available in the form of an ointment or gel. The main advantage is that it can be used expectant mothers and infants.
    Source: website

    The nasal passages are lubricated several times a day until the signs of a cold disappear completely. Main component drugs, interferon, effectively affect invading viruses even before they begin their destructive activity.

    Oxolinic ointment

    The most famous nasal ointment in the nose from a runny nose, used mainly for the prevention of influenza or SARS.

    It has few contraindications, but is highly undesirable for children under 2 years of age. The agent is applied to the nasal mucosa 1-2 times a day for 3 weeks.

    In some cases, a burning sensation is possible. This indicates the hypersensitivity of the body to the components of the drug.

    Many experts note the lack of proven data on the effectiveness of oxolin. The medicine can help reduce the spread of infection in combination therapy.

    Vishnevsky ointment

    Main components - Castor oil and Birch tar. In some cases, it can be used for sinusitis. Treatment of SARS with this tool possible only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

    Use at home is not recommended due to increased risk allergic reactions.


    The drugs in this group are based on natural ingredients, have an immunomodulatory effect. Ointments to order on a natural basis can be purchased at every pharmacy.

    Doctor Mom

    It is used to facilitate breathing with nasal congestion and severe SARS. The composition contains menthol, camphor, eucalyptus and turpentine oils.

    Fleming's ointment

    Assign when colds and sinusitis. Well tolerated by patients, side effects in the form of itching, burning or skin rashes rarely occur.

    For treatment, processed turundas are administered. You can also lubricate both nostrils twice a day for two weeks. The drug can be used during pregnancy, it does not affect the development of the fetus and the condition of the expectant mother.


    A well-known aromatic balm from Vietnam, which was used in Soviet times. It contains natural essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the upper respiratory tract and activate immune system, forcing the body to actively resist the disease.

    An asterisk is not used. It should also not be applied to mucous membranes, as this may cause severe irritation and even a burn.


    Medicines with combined composition eliminate nasal congestion due to the antibacterial activity of the components.


    Prescribed if the causative agent of the disease is an infection bacterial origin. For accurate diagnosis analysis results are required.

    Cotton swabs soaked in the drug are introduced into the nasal passages. Therapeutic effect possible when the processed tampons are in the nose for at least four hours.

    Only a doctor can prescribe Levomekol to children and expectant mothers. In case of an overdose or hypersensitivity of the body, burning, itching, swelling on the skin, rash are possible.


    The main secret of popularity is its naturalness. Pinosol contains pine, eucalyptus and mint oils. They kill pathogens.

    May be prescribed to relieve symptoms acute rhinitis and complicated by the formation of crusts. The nasal passages are carefully treated with Pinosol applied to a cotton swab.


    Menthol and eucalyptus in the composition have a distracting, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The course of treatment should not exceed 5-10 days, during which the nasal passages are treated 2-3 times a day. If during this time the desired effect does not occur, more effective drugs are required.

    Among the contraindications - hypersensitivity to the components and childhood up to 2 years. Evamenol is quite safe for pregnant women. The ointment is quite cheap, which also contributes to its popularity.

    Other ointments


    With the transition of ARVI to chronic form Sunoref will help to cope with the problem. It has an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.

    The ingredients in the composition are eucalyptus oil, camphor, streptocide, ephedrine. The latter belongs to substances with narcotic effect, that's why this medicine can be bought at a pharmacy only on prescription. Not recommended for hypertension and individual intolerance.


    It is possible to prescribe a remedy for rhinitis, which is accompanied by abundant liquid secretions. For application use cotton swabs or sticks. The recommended course of treatment is two weeks with application twice a day. Possible allergic reactions Therefore, it is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age and nursing mothers.


    First of all, it helps with burns and abrasions, but it is also possible to prescribe for getting rid of the symptoms of SARS and with exacerbations of sinusitis and sinusitis that occur. Relieves the feeling of congestion and dryness in the upper respiratory tract.

    Do not prescribe for liver diseases, abnormalities in work hematopoietic organs. Since we are talking about an antibiotic, its appointment to pregnant women should be separately discussed with the doctor.


    The main ingredients of the product - menthol, boric acid and petroleum jelly, have effective impact at various diseases upper respiratory tract. The drug is prescribed as an additional to eliminate inflammation. Enough two or three times a day. Not recommended for children under five years of age.

    with propolis

    The well-known bee product is effective in the treatment of many diseases. It also helps with the first symptoms of a cold and its complications. Propolis is also useful because, in addition to its anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to strengthen the immune system.

    The cooled product is crushed, mixed with butter and peach oil and mix thoroughly. Lubricated with the resulting mixture, turundas are placed for 5-10 minutes alternately in one and the other nostril. A remedy with propolis for the common cold is not used for patients prone to allergic reactions.

    It is not necessary to rely on ointments as a panacea to completely get rid of the common cold. Many patients, as well as young and inexperienced mothers, tend to exaggerate them. positive action. But the competent and timely use of ointments in combination with other drugs gives a positive and lasting effect.

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