Exoderil - full instructions, characteristics and reviews. Exoderil: instructions for use of ointment and solution

Exoderil is a popular synthetic antifungal agent. The main component that is part of it (naftifine) is used in most medicines that have a similar effect. Today we will consider instructions for use, reviews, price, Exoderil, its composition and analogues.

Features of the drug

It is necessary to protect the eyes from exposure to any form of means. Do not wash off after use.

It does not adversely affect the ability to control complex mechanisms, concentration and attentiveness remain at the usual level even with the systematic application of Exoderil. The solution is presented in packs of 10, 20 and 30 ml. Cream - in tubes of 30 and 15 mg.

This video will tell about the drug Exoderil:

Composition of Exoderil

The solution contains naftifine hydrochloride. Auxiliary components are ethanol, water and propylene glycol. Both the solution and the cream in 1 mg have an equal amount of naftifine hydrochloride, but differ in auxiliary components.

The second form of application has a longer list of them:

  • stearyl alcohol,
  • water,
  • sodium hydroxide,
  • polysorbate,
  • cetyl alcohol,
  • isopropyl myristate,
  • sorbitan stearate,
  • cetyl palmitate,
  • benzyl alcohol.

Dosage forms

The average price of Exoderil ointment for nail fungus in a pharmacy is 600-700 rubles. As for the release forms, Exoderil is produced in the form of a cream or solution intended for external use.

pharmachologic effect

Fungistatic, fungicidal, antifungal.


Both types of product release are intended for external use only. After application to the affected area, the production of squalene-2,3-epoxidase begins, which provokes a decrease in the content of ergosterol in the cells of the fungus.

A synthetic antimycotic is the basis of the drug, it is active against various types of dermatophytes, fungi of yeast and mold origin. Exoderil acts as an antibacterial agent against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, the activity of which provokes infectious conditions.

The anti-inflammatory effect of the solution is expressed to a greater extent in the field of anti-inflammatory therapy. Against the background of use, redness and inflammation decrease. The effectiveness of fungistatic and fungicidal effects depends on the strain of fungi.


Absorbed into the skin surface quickly, remains in it for a long time, preventing the growth of fungi. This allows you to use Exoderil only 1 time per day.

Only 6% of the cream or solution applied to the skin undergoes systemic absorption. Metabolization is partial, excreted through bile and urine. The half-life does not exceed 3 days.


  1. Skin candidiasis.
  2. Mycoses are interdigital.
  3. Microsporia.
  4. Fungal infection of the nail plates.
  5. pityriasis.
  6. Fungus of the skin or skin folds.


  • intolerance,
  • injuries and wounds
  • sensitivity to components.

Instructions for use

Externally applied to the affected area and the area of ​​​​healthy skin located next to the fungus. The skin is pre-cleaned and processed. Against the background of the use of Exoderil, hygiene is very carefully monitored. In addition, you need to use anti-perspiration agents and do not allow your feet to be constantly wet.

  • The affected nail plate should be removed as much as possible. The cream or solution itself is used 1-2 times a day, rubbing until completely absorbed. The duration of the course is individual, but usually does not exceed 4 weeks. After the signs of the fungus disappear, preventive therapy is continued for another 2 weeks. The longest period of use of Exoderil is 4-6 months. Such long-term treatment is required for onychomycosis.
  • If mycosis has affected the auricle and ear canal, the medicine is applied to a cotton swab and placed inside. After 8 minutes, it is cleaned.

With caution, Exoderil is prescribed for use in childhood. Since there is no exact clinical data on the effect of the composition of the product on the body, it is used only after the recommendation of a doctor, strictly according to the instructions and under the supervision of a doctor.

During pregnancy, it is possible to prescribe Exoderil or its analogues, since in a moderate dosage it does not affect the fetus in any way. Special control is necessary during lactation: after applying the product, a woman should wash her hands thoroughly and use it under medical supervision.

Side effects

Perhaps the appearance of hyperemia, burning, with. All these phenomena are limited to the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse and stop after the rejection of Exoderil.

Appears least often. This requires a visit to a doctor for the appointment of specialized funds.

special instructions

  • It is strictly forbidden to apply Exoderil to damaged areas or mucous membranes.
  • Against the background of the use of the product, there is no ban on the use of decorative varnishes. However, if the fungus has affected more than 2/3 of the nail, then it is better to remove it before each application.
  • In the absence of the proper effect for 4 weeks, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis.

Accidental swallowing is dangerous! If this happens, you need to contact the doctor immediately!

Interaction with other drugs

Before prescribing the drug, you need to inform the doctor about the use of:

  • beta blockers,
  • corticosteroids
  • and other medicines that reduce immunity.

Exoderil is used to cure many fungal diseases. Including used Exoderil from nail fungus. Reviews, price, its benefits, drug contraindications will be discussed in this article.

When is Exoderil used?

According to doctors and patients, Exoderil is able to cope with all these diseases, including nail fungus.

The use of the drug is justified in the following diseases:

  1. Microsporia. This disease is widespread. It affects mainly the skin, including on the head.
  2. Epidermophytosis. The fungus that causes this disease is active only in a humid environment. With this disease, the soles, interdigital zones suffer.
  3. Rubromycosis. Damages the nail plate. It is caused by a microorganism called red trichophyton. The disease begins with a lesion of the nail area at the base. The plate fades and begins to flake off the nail bed.
  4. Diseases caused by fungi. They are introduced into the nail when it is already affected by any infection. First, the big toe becomes inflamed. The color of his nail changes, growth slows down.
  5. Nail candidiasis. The nail is affected by yeast fungi. Fungi are introduced into the place where the roller comes into contact with the nail plate. The roller swells to such an extent that it hangs over the nail plate. Sometimes small curdled discharge appears in this place.
  6. Trichophytosis of nails. This type of damage to the nail plate is caused by ringworms, they mainly affect the fingers. The nail becomes gray in color, and its tuberosity appears. The disease is chronic and difficult to treat.
  7. Favus of nails. The causative agent is one of the varieties of the fungus - trichophyton. Spots of yellow and gray shades appear on the nail plate. At first they are small, but gradually increase in size. It is difficult to treat this infection because it is difficult to diagnose.

The price of treatment will depend on the form in which the medicine is used, as well as the duration of its use.

The principle of action of the drug Exoderil

Medicinal action is carried out by the substance naftifine. It actively destroys many types of fungal infections. These are dermatophytes, yeast, mold fungi and various others.

The effect of drugs on pathogens is different. On some, naftifine has a fungicidal effect. Fungi will be destroyed at all levels of development. Other fungi will be fungistatic.

The reproduction of fungal infections will be stopped. New pathogens do not form

The drug blocks ergosterol. Ergosterol is an essential component of the cell membrane of fungi. Because it does not form fungi will have a fragile membrane. It will easily miss substances that are detrimental to such infections.

According to doctors (the price of the drug will be discussed below), Exoderil is used not only for nail fungus, but it also destroys other microorganisms.

Clinical trials have shown that the substance naftifine prevents inflammatory processes That's why pathogens disappear so quickly. Itching stops bothering after several applications of Exoderil.

Attention! With the disappearance of all symptoms of the fungus, treatment should not be stopped.
It is necessary to use the medicine for at least 0.5 months after the external manifestations of the infection have disappeared.

Used Exoderil for topical use only. It is available in cream, ointment and liquid form.

Features ointment Exoderil

It is sold in metal containers in the form of a tube, with a volume of 10 or 30 g. The ointment is similar to a regular whitish cream. It is easily distributed over the skin and penetrates inside. Leaves no traces.

It looks like ointment "Exoderil" ointment

The ointment is popular because of its ease of use. It is usually applied once a day. due to its prolonged action. When only the nail plate is treated, the ointment is applied to it 2 times a day.

Attention! It is useful, before applying the ointment, to properly treat the surface affected by the fungus. A good effect will be when using hydrogen peroxide for this. Nail fungus will go away much faster.

The price of peroxide is low, so there will be no increase in the cost of treatment from this. The effectiveness of Exoderil ointment will increase significantly. Customer reviews confirm this fact.

Action on the fungus solution Exoderil

To get rid of a fungal infection on the nail plates, Exoderil is often used in the form of a solution. It is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. It is available in bottles, the capacity of which is 10 ml or 20 ml. The bottle has a dispenser for more convenient use.

These are Exoderil drops.

Application of the solution to get rid of nail fungus has many advantages:

  1. Convenience. Thanks to the dispenser that is on the bottle, the application of the solution on the nail plates is more convenient than the application of the ointment. The dispenser has a limiter, and the drug can be applied pointwise, which ensures its economy.
  2. Price. The price of treatment is lower when using the drug Exoderil for nail fungus in this form. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of other people.
  3. Ease of use. When using a bottle with a dispenser, the processing of the nail is greatly simplified. You can apply the drug precisely to a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail without touching healthy tissue. At the same time, the likelihood of allergic reactions for sensitive skin is less.
  4. Application efficiency. The solution is deeper than the ointment, penetrates into the nail plate, which means that its medicinal value is stronger. He is able to cope even with a neglected form of infection.

The effectiveness of Exoderil cream

Often the fungus affects not only the nails, but also the other surface of the foot. It can be the soles, the spaces between the toes. In such cases, it will be more convenient to use the cream. You can also use it for the treatment of nails, because the active substance in the cream and in the solution is the same. In this case, it is recommended to apply the cream 2 times a day.

Nail treatment process

Allowed the use of both funds on the same day. In the morning, the solution is applied only to the nail, and in the evening the entire foot is treated with cream.

For treatment to be beneficial, it is necessary to use the medicine correctly. Indeed, in case of improper use, it may not help, or be insufficiently effective.

Instructions for use of the drug:

  • clean with a damp swab or napkin the place affected by the fungus;
  • dry;
  • apply a thin layer of antifungal agent, capturing 1.5 cm of skin unaffected by the fungus;
  • rub the remedy;
  • repeat daily.

If the nails are affected by the fungus, they should be cleaned of the fungus before applying the medicine. On the nail surface 40% urea is applied and left on it for 3 days. Healthy tissues are protected by zinc ointment.

The nail becomes soft and can be easily cleaned with a nail file or similar tool. Then everything is done according to the instructions.

The treatment of fungus on the nails is very long. It continues until the entire nail is replaced. Usually it is 0.5 years or more.

Advantages of Exoderil over similar drugs

Reviews of doctors about the cure of Exoderil for nail fungus are positive. It is more effective than its counterparts, despite the higher price.

Analogue of Exoderil - Mycoderil

In Russia there is only one analogue of the drug Exoderil - this is Mycoderil. It contains the same active ingredient as the drug Exoderil - naftifine. Therefore, these two drugs have the same effect on the fungus.

Both drugs can help get rid of the infection if used correctly.

Doctors analyzed the reviews of sick people about treatment with these drugs. It turned out that, when Exoderil was used, allergic reactions occurred less frequently. Therefore, people with sensitive skin are advised to use Exoderil for nail fungus.

Finding effective drops for nail fungus on your own is quite difficult. Therefore, with the development of such a disease, you should consult an experienced doctor. Only a qualified doctor will be able to choose a drug for you that will not only eliminate the existing problem, but also prevent its reappearance.

The best antifungal

What are the best drops for nail fungus? Experts say that the drug "Exoderil" copes best with the problem under consideration. About what properties are inherent in it, how it should be applied, and so on, we will describe below.

Form, composition

The drug "Exoderil" from the fungus is produced in the form of a 1% clear, colorless solution for external use, slightly yellowish, with the smell of ethanol.

The main substance of this remedy is naftifine hydrochloride. It also contains: ethanol, propylene glycol and purified water.

Pharmacological and kinetic features

What is the drug "Exoderil" (price, reviews of this medicine will be indicated below)? According to experts, this is an antifungal agent intended for external use. Its principle of action is based on the inhibition of the synthesis of squalene-2,3-epoxidase, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the formation of ergosterol, which is part of the fungal cell walls.

The drug in question is active against mold, yeast and other fungi, as well as aspergillus naftifin and dermatophytes. In relation to the last two, it acts fungicidal. As for the former, here the drug exhibits fungistatic and fungicidal activity (depending on the strain of the microorganism).

It cannot be said that Exoderil, the composition of which was presented above, has an antibacterial effect on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria that cause secondary infections. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to eliminate signs of inflammation and itching.

Is the external medicine "Exoderil" absorbed from the fungus? According to the instructions, its main substance quickly penetrates the skin, creating stable antifungal concentrations in various layers.

Indications and contraindications

The drug "Exoderil" (cheap analogues will be listed below) is indicated for use in:

  • Fungal infections of skin folds and skin, including interdigital mycoses.
  • Pityriasis versicolor.
  • Fungal nail infections (onychomycosis).
  • Dermatomycoses (with and without itching).

It should also be noted that Exoderil treatment is prescribed for mycoses that affect the hair growth zone and skin areas with hyperkeratosis.

As for contraindications to the use of this medication, they include the following conditions:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • the presence of various wounds and abrasions on the skin;
  • breast-feeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the substances of the solution.

With caution, the drug in question is prescribed in childhood.

Instructions for use of the drug "Exoderil"

The composition of this drug is such that it should only be used externally. "Exoderil" is applied to the affected surface of the skin, as well as adjacent areas once a day, after thorough drying and cleansing. At the same time, approximately 10 mm of healthy skin is captured (at the edges of the affected area).

The duration of treatment with this drug for dermatomycosis is 2-4 weeks (if required, up to 8 weeks), and for candidiasis - about 1 month.

In the presence of onychomycosis, before the first application of the solution, it is necessary to remove the affected part of the nail plate with scissors and a file. In this case, the drug should be used twice a day for six months.

In order to prevent recurrence of infection, therapy should be carried out for 2 weeks after a complete clinical cure.

Medication "Exoderil": price, reviews, side effects

The cost of the funds in question is approximately 518 rubles per bottle.

The Exoderil antifungal solution is tolerated quite well. Sometimes, against the background of its use, patients experience local reactions such as hyperemia, dry skin and burning. It should be especially noted that such effects are reversible and do not require discontinuation of treatment.

Most consumer reviews about this drug are positive. The remedy in question is an effective and effective antifungal medication that quickly copes with its direct task.

According to the reports of patients, in addition to the complete elimination of the fungal disease, this drug well eliminates the inflammatory process and itching on the skin.

Similar funds

What can replace the Exoderil solution? Cheap analogues do not always work effectively. Therefore, doctors recommend paying attention to the quality of the medication, and not to its low cost.

So what drops from nail fungus can be used instead of Exoderil? Let's list them right now.

The drug "Terbinafine"

Synonyms of this remedy are: "Binafin", "Lamikan", "Lamisil", "Mikonorm" and so on. All of these drugs, including Terbinafine, are actively used in the treatment of nail fungus. They are also often prescribed for dermatological diseases such as trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytosis and candidiasis.

The antifungal drug "Terbinafine" goes on sale not only in the form of drops for external use, but also in the form of a cream.

Before using this remedy, the affected nail plate should be removed using special keratotic preparations. Only then can the drops be applied twice a day.

Drops "Cyclopirox"

Drops of "Cyclopirox" get rid of nail fungus quite well. The analogues of this medication are the following: "Olamin", "Dafnedzhin" and "Batrafen".

The drug in question is most effective in the early stages of a fungal disease, when 1/3 or half of the nail plate is affected by the infection (that is, without damage to the matrix). It is also prescribed after oral administration of systemic drugs.

Medication "Bifonazole"

Drops from the fungus of the toenails "Bifonazole" are a 1% solution, produced in 15 ml vials. Its analogue is the medicine "Mycospor".

Apply this tool should be on the bed of the nail plate, lightly rubbing it into the affected area. The drug must be used 1 or 2 times a day.

Bifonazole drops treat nail fungus quite well. Also indications for the use of this remedy are: trichophytosis, microsporia, pityriasis versicolor, rubrophytosis, candidiasis of the nail folds, increased sweating of the feet and diaper rash between the fingers.

It should be noted that in case of damage to the nail, it is not the Bifonazole solution that is most effective, but the ointment. With this drug, it is necessary to treat the diseased area, and then apply a patch and a bandage for exactly one day.

Before applying the next dose of medication, the fingers of the lower extremities should be kept in warm water for several minutes, and then carefully remove all parts of the softened nail plate. Similarly, it is necessary to act until the entire affected nail is removed. Typically, this process takes about 1-2 weeks.

According to experts, Bifonazole drops from nail fungus will be most effective if combined with oral antifungal tablets, which were prescribed by a dermatologist.

Other medicines for fungus

Drops from toenail fungus are sold in all pharmacies. But, unfortunately, even the most experienced pharmacist will not be able to tell you which remedy is the most effective. Therefore, with a fungal disease, you should immediately contact an experienced doctor.

Most often, after a thorough examination of the patient, doctors prescribe drugs such as Exoderil, Cyclopirox, Lamisil and Bifonazole. These are quite popular drugs that are in great demand in pharmacies. In the absence of the listed medicines, they can be replaced with medicines such as:

  • "Terbinafine".
  • "Lamikan".
  • "Terbifin".
  • "Binafin".
  • "Mikonorm".
  • Fungoterbin.
  • "Onychon".
  • Terbinafine Pfizer.
  • Terbizil.
  • "Mikoderil".
  • "Thermicon".
  • "Exifin".

According to experts, all these drugs contain terbinafine hydrochloride, which exhibits pharmacological activity against many types of fungus found in humans.

The most effective analogue of drops "Exoderil" is the drug "Naftifin". It got its name from the main active ingredient. This drug works well for yeast-like infections and can also be used as a preventive measure.

Despite the safety of all the remedies mentioned, they should only be used as directed by a doctor. If mycosis has spread not only to the nail, but also to the skin of the feet, then it is better to use another form of the drug, for example, a cream.

Exoderil is a topical antimycotic agent belonging to the group of drugs - allylamines.

Exoderil is a popular antifungal agent of synthetic origin. The main component in its composition is naftifine, which belongs to the group of allylamines and is used in most medicines that have a similar effect.

The mechanism of action of the active component is to disrupt the formation of ergosterol, a substance that is part of the cell membrane of the fungus. Naftifine inhibits the synthesis of epoxidase. After that, the formation of ergosterol becomes impossible. Yeast fungi of the genus Candida, trikhoviton - are completely destroyed.

Naftifine is effective against dermatophytes, yeasts, molds and other species. Exoderil is actively used in the treatment of various types of fungal infections caused by pathogenic yeast fungi (Pityrosporum, Candida), pathogenic dermatophytes of the genus Trichophyton, Microsporum, Epidermophyton, mold fungi Aspergillus and other varieties of fungi.

In relation to some fungi, Exoderil acts fungicidal, and in relation to others, it is fungistatic. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the symptoms of inflammation, in particular itching, quickly disappear.

Exoderil is available as a liquid solution (drop) and cream (ointment). Exoderil in the form of a solution is more effective than a cream for the treatment of fungal infections in the scalp or on smooth skin with foci of hyperkeratosis. In all other cases, it is recommended to choose any dosage form that you like more for some subjective reasons.

The solution and cream have a one percent concentration of naftifine (10 mg/g). Exoderil can only be used externally, it is strictly forbidden to take it inside. Due to the various forms of release of the drug, it is prescribed for fungal diseases of almost any localization: smooth skin, scalp and nails (onychomycosis).

Complex therapy is carried out by local application of ointment, solution or drops and oral administration of other systemic antifungal drugs, which leads to a pronounced therapeutic effect and the achievement of long-term remission.

When applied externally, it penetrates well into various layers of the skin in concentrations sufficient for antifungal action. When applied to a nail affected by a fungus, the solution penetrates deep into the nail canals due to its liquid consistency.

Indications for use Exoderil

Exoderil cream and solution are used as local therapy for fungal invasions provoked by fungi susceptible to naftifine, namely:

  • skin candidiasis;
  • interdigital mycoses;
  • fungal infections of skin folds and skin;
  • inflammatory dermatomycosis, both accompanied by pruritus, and without it;
  • fungal infections of the nails of the hands and feet (onychomycosis).

For solution for external use additionally:

  • mycosis of the external auditory canal.

Topical application of an ointment or cream to the affected areas of the skin prevents secondary infection with bacterial flora.

Instructions for use Exoderil, dosage

Locally in the form of an ointment or solution: apply 1 time / day to problem areas of the skin, which must be cleaned and thoroughly dried before, capturing approximately 1 cm of healthy skin at the edges of the affected area.

Duration of therapy for ringworm - 2-4 weeks. (if necessary - up to 8 weeks), with candidiasis - 4 weeks.

For infections of the nail plates, the drug should be used 2 times / day with a duration of therapy up to 6 months. In case of onychomycosis, before the first application of the solution, it is necessary to remove the affected part of the nail as much as possible with scissors and a nail file.

After using the drops, it is enough to wait just a couple of minutes, since their active ingredient perfectly penetrates the horny plates and is also well absorbed into the adjacent soft tissues.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on individual characteristics (including the rate of nail growth in patients suffering from onychomycosis), and, as a rule, is about 6-7 months.

Application features

The individual dosage may vary depending on the degree of the lesion, its type and localization, and the doctor can accurately calculate it.

As the practical experience of dermatologists shows, in case of severe fungal infection, it is worth adding the use of tablets or other systemic antifungal drugs to the use of Exoderil.

The drug is used externally and does not affect the psychomotor reactions of the body. Data on the compatibility of therapy with the simultaneous intake of alcohol is not available.

Side effects and contraindications Exoderil

The drug is usually well tolerated by patients, in isolated cases, local adverse reactions may develop, including dryness and redness of the skin, as well as a burning sensation at the site of application of the drug.

Local irritant action: dryness, hyperemia of the skin, burning, irritation.

Side effects during therapy usually pass quickly and do not require discontinuation of the drug.


Symptoms - increased side effects.

Therapy is symptomatic.


  • breastfeeding period (efficacy and safety has not been determined to date);
  • pregnancy (efficacy and safety not determined).

In addition, you can not apply Exoderil (patient reviews confirm this) on the wound surface.

It is forbidden to use this tool in the presence of individual intolerance to one of the components.

In childhood, it is also worth prescribing the drug with caution. The doctor may choose, for example, a reduced dose.

Analogues Exoderil, list of drugs

Analogues of Exoderil are drugs (list):

  1. Mycoderil (Mycoderil);
  2. Clotrimazole (Clotrimazole);
  3. Fluconazole (Fluconazole);
  4. Futsis (Fusys);
  5. Livarol (Livarole);
  6. Fetimin (Fetimin);
  7. Naftifin (Naftifine).

It is important to understand that the instructions for use of Exoderil, the price and reviews of analogues do not apply and cannot be used as a guide when using or replacing Exoderil with analogues. Any actions must be agreed with the attending physician, additional actions may be required to change the treatment regimen.

Exoderil, regardless of the form of release, has a complex and systemic effect on the affected areas. It is aimed at relieving inflammation, fighting bacteria and, directly, fungus. At the same time, the anti-inflammatory activity of the drug is comparable to hormonal and antihistamine drugs.

- This is a special type of infection of the nails, which is caused by opportunistic or pathogenic mycotic pathogens. More than 20% of the population is infected with varying degrees of this disease. Dermatology offers a comprehensive approach to its treatment, which necessarily includes treatment with local preparations. Such potent agents as Exoderil ointment for onychomycosis can become an effective basis for therapy, stop the reproduction of the fungus.

Features of the drug

Exoderil ointment for onychomycosis is a well-known remedy for the treatment of various nail diseases. It has useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial.
  • trichophytons;
  • moldy fungi;
  • pathogens of the genus Microsporum.

Antimycotic ointment has shown itself well in the treatment of fungal diseases, which are accompanied by bacterial infection of the nail base or the skin around.

Release form and main components

Pharmacology offers several forms for use, among which the most popular is an ointment or cream. It is produced in the form of a homogeneous dispersed mass of white color, which has a characteristic smell and shine. It is packed in aluminum tubes and packaged in 15 and 30 gr.

The main pharmacological action is due to the presence of a synthetic antimycotic - naftifine. It inhibits the production of new spores of the fungus, penetrates the cells of the pathogen and destroys them from the inside. This is the fungicidal effect, leading to a gradual cure of the patient.

When applying Exoderil ointment, naftifine penetrates deeply into the keratin layers, the upper cellular level of the epidermis. According to long-term studies, no more than 5% of the applied amount of the agent enters the human blood. This eliminates overdose and minimizes the occurrence of side effects. Naftifine is a more modern and versatile component, so the ointment is well received in combination with other drugs.

Therapeutic action

Exoderil ointment for onychomycosis is a powerful antifungal drug that helps patients quickly get rid of the fungus on the nails of the hands or feet. The ointment combines two main actions that make it effective for various strains of mycoses:

  • Fungicidal: completely destroys fungal cells at any stage of development or reproduction;
  • Fungistatic: the component of the ointment affects some types of pathogens at the stage of reproduction. They live for a certain period, lose the ability to give spores and die in the mature phase.

Some subspecies of fungi that cause onychomycosis can fall on, back or provoke complex mycoses in large folds. Therefore, the remedy against nail fungus Exoderil is used in therapy:

  • different types of lichen (or color);
  • candidiasis of the nails or skin;
  • mycotic inflammations on the skin of the hands or;

Often, the agent is used as an adjuvant therapy for certain forms of mycoses complicated by bacterial infections.

Exoderil cream application

Before using Exoderil, you need to read the instructions for the ointment, which will help you adjust the number of applications and the time of use. In many cases, before proceeding with the treatment of the affected nail plates, the dermatologist recommends softening the growths with the help of specialized keratolytic agents. This will help remove dying cells and increase the permeability of the ointment to the upper layers.

At the initial stage of treatment of onychomycosis, the patient is recommended to carry out the following procedure daily:

  1. Steam nails in a warm bath with the addition of medicinal compounds, sea salt or herbal decoction.
  2. After drying, carefully cut or saw off the damaged parts of the plate.
  3. Apply a thin layer of ointment, rubbing it a little into the nail and the skin around.

For greater efficiency, it is possible to process interdigital folds, feet, which often have traces of fungal infection. For a speedy and complete cure, the first two weeks, such a procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. During this period, the dead part is almost completely removed and the growth of a new nail begins.

Treat the nail affected by the fungus with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide
Squeeze a little cream out of the tube like on a toothbrush

Apply the cream on the inflamed nail, spread evenly and wait until absorbed

Within a week after application, constant itching disappears, peeling and increased sensitivity of the skin around the nail decreases. Gradually, as the plate grows back, it acquires a healthy shine and a beautiful pink color.

With advanced forms of onycomycosis or simultaneous infection of several plates on one arm or foot, the course of treatment can be delayed for six months. On the recommendation of a dermatologist, at the last stage of therapy, the ointment can be replaced with a medicinal varnish with the same composition.

Special instructions for use

After applying Exoderil to the surface of the nail and skin, you must thoroughly wash your hands, treat all cosmetic instruments well with alcohol. Even after complete absorption, sealing dressings should not be worn. The best effect will give open access to air, so it is necessary to provide time for the complete drying of the composition.

Ointment is often prescribed for the treatment of onychomycosis in children and pregnant women. This is possible only with the permission of a specialist after confirmation of the need by laboratory tests.

Contraindications and overdose

The main indication is hypersensitivity to any component of the drug. Therefore, before applying, patients should carefully study the instructions. There have been no cases of overdose with Exoderil. Rare side effects may include:

  • slight burning sensation;
  • redness at the site of application;
  • severe allergy in the form of a rash.

On the positive side, Exoderil does not have the ability to react with other drugs. This helps to avoid severe side effects, dizziness and disorientation. The ointment can be used in conjunction with other external creams or solutions, keeping at least 15 minutes before re-applying.

Exoderil ointment analogues

Experts include all ointments and creams containing naftifine to synonymous preparations of Exoderil. Only Mikoderil is a complete and effective analogue. As a similar product, fit: Terbikon, Mikonorm, Nitrofungin or Batrafen.

Ointment Exoderil reviews

Yura, 30 years old, Vyazma

On weekends, my wife and I go to a nearby water park to swim in the pool. We have been walking for about six months and we were prepared for the possibility of contracting a fungus (we bought a cream from a foot fungus from a well-known manufacturer Lamisil). But as usual, the disease did not appear where it was expected, namely on the nails, and at the same time in my wife and me. They noticed troubles with nails not immediately, but as they found out, they immediately began to smear with cream. They treated the nails daily before going to bed, but there was no result. We bought another tube of Lamisil, but it was of no use either. The nails began to lose their healthy appearance, turned yellow, the skin around them began to itch terribly. In short, it was decided to consult a doctor. Having passed the tests, the doctors diagnosed - onychomycosis. They prescribed the same Lamisil and Termikon tablets (I don’t remember the exact name). Considering the cost of Lamisil, we did not buy it, since the third tube was already really affordable. On a site dedicated to fungal diseases, they found an interesting Exoderil ointment for onychomycosis. It was decided to try and to our surprise, the fungus on my wife's nails disappeared after a week. I suffered for another five days, simultaneously treating my nails with an iodine solution. Then they took tests for a fungus - they turned out to be normal. To some, the cost of Exoderil will seem high, but the ointment is still cheaper than Lamisil, and it works 100 times better. This is my opinion, which has been tested by experience and time ... Thank you all.

Marina, 29 years old, Ufa, primary school teacher

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