What pills to take on vacation abroad. What medicines to take on vacation. Essential medicines for children and adults during the holidays. What to take with you to the sea with a child

One of the main stages of preparation for a trip to warmer climes is the collection of medicines and hygiene products needed at sea. This is a particularly responsible step if you plan to spend your vacation with small children.

What medicines to take to the sea with a child

When going on a trip, it is important not only to decide which medicines to take with you to the sea, but also to check their expiration date, as well as the integrity of the package. Everything you need must be completed in a capacious cosmetic bag or thermal bag, protected from sunlight.

If you plan to travel abroad, tablets, ointments and drops for children should be on hand, as they are much more expensive in a foreign country. In addition, there may not be analogues of conventional drugs abroad, or a prescription will be required to obtain them in a pharmacy.

List of medicines - 1 year old child

Parents should be sure to put in their purse aids that may be required during hygiene or antibacterial procedures.

You will need the following:

  • cotton buds and discs;
  • thermometer resistant to mechanical damage;
  • small scissors;
  • tweezers and pipette;
  • bandage and moisture resistant plaster;
  • dry and wet wipes (sterile).

The list of medicines that a 1 year old child may need at sea includes antipyretics, antiseptics, antihistamines and analgesics.

An approximate list of drugs familiar to us:

  • "Smecta" - with diarrhea (quickly restores the intestinal microflora).
  • "Nifuroxazide" (suspension) - a cure for intestinal infection
  • "Plantex" - if the baby has bloating and gas formation.
  • Glycerin suppositories or "Duphalac" in the form of syrup - for constipation.
  • "Vertigoheel" in drops - only this drug is allowed for babies with motion sickness.
  • "Nurofen" for children - at high temperature.
  • "Drapolen" cream - to prevent the development of diaper rash.
  • "Tavegil" - for allergies (recommended from 1 year).
  • "Albucid" in drops - to relieve inflammation of the eyes.
  • "Enterosgel" - removes toxins in case of poisoning.
  • "Fenistil" (emulsion) - relieves itching and burning from insect bites.
  • "Laferon" (candles) - prevention of rotovirus.
  • "Ambrobene" is an expectorant.

The health of the baby should be carefully monitored, especially in climatic conditions that differ from the usual. If the condition of the crumbs does not improve after taking the drugs, you should immediately seek medical help.

First aid kit at sea for children 2-3 years old

When going to sea with a child of 2-3 years old, parents should take medicines that lower the temperature, fight possible intestinal infections, and prevent allergic reactions.

List of medicines for children:

  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops - Levomycitin or Albucid.
  • Antipyretic - "Efferalgan", "Nurofen" or "Nise" in tablets (allowed from 2 years old).
  • Antidiarrheal - "Enterosgel".
  • To reduce gas formation - "Espumizan".
  • From motion sickness: "Dramina" (for 2-3 years old) or "Avia-Sea" (we accept admission from 3 years old).
  • From rotovirus - "Lipoferon".
  • From allergies - "Claritin" in syrup.
  • If a cough occurs - "Erespal" or "Gedelix", a runny nose - children's "Nazol", "Nazivin".
  • To combat intestinal infection - "Furazolidone".
  • With otitis media and ear pain, let's say Otipax.
  • Laxatives - "Prelax" or "Duphalac".
  • In case of sleep disturbances or nervous overstrain, "Hare", as well as "Dormikind", will help.
  • To relieve pain from sunburn - "Panthenol" (aerosol, cream form).

The first aid kit should contain a kit that helps with injuries, injections and cuts. These are healing ointments, peroxide and other disinfectants, sterile bandages, plasters.

Child 4-5-6 years old - what to take on a trip

Please note: if the baby suffers from chronic pathologies that require constant intake of specific drugs, they must be included in the first-aid kit, since they can not be found in a foreign city.

An approximate list of medicines for a child from 4 to 6 years old:

  • For the gastrointestinal tract: with rotovirus - "Regidron"; in case of poisoning - "Sorbex", activated carbon.
  • Sedative - "Novopassit" is allowed.
  • Enzymatic preparations and intestinal antiseptics - Pancreatin, Nifuroxazide.
  • Means for motion sickness on a trip - "Vertigoheel" in drops, "Dramina" (for this age category, the allowed dose is half a tablet).
  • Antipyretic drugs for children. It can be "Paracetamol for children", "Ibufen" or "Panadol". It is unacceptable to give funds with aspirin or its derivatives in order to reduce the temperature.
  • Probiotics - "Lineks", "Lactiale".
  • Antiseptics - potassium permanganate, peroxide, furatsilin, iodine, etc.
  • For washing the sinuses - "Salin", "Marimer".

Put proven drugs in the first-aid kit, to which the child's body responds with a positive reaction!

Dr. Komarovsky - medicines at sea for a child

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that the composition of the first-aid kit should be agreed with the attending doctor, who will most accurately determine the most vulnerable places of the baby according to the anamnesis and medical history.

The doctor regulates the list of necessary funds:

  • hormonal anti-inflammatory agent;
  • disinfectant solution;
  • eye antiseptic;
  • iodine solution in alcohol (5%);
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • drug for motion sickness;
  • pain reliever and fever reducer (based on paracetamol);
  • means for oral rehydration;
  • adrenaline solution;
  • Activated carbon;
  • antiallergic drugs (both general and local action).

In addition, aerosols for burns, skin-soothing creams, disposable syringes for washing the nose, a safety pin for securely attaching the bandage, and neat sharp scissors are required.

List of medicines at sea for adults

Medicines for adults on a trip to the sea are collected separately, and it's not just about the dosages of the pills. There are drugs that are forbidden to be taken by children, and at an older age they are more effective.

First aid kit on vacation

An adult first aid kit includes the same categories of medicines as in a children's kit.

What medicines to take at sea for an adult:

  • Sorbents ("Activated charcoal", "Smecta"), from diarrhea, including those caused by intestinal infection ("Furazolidone").
  • Enzymatic preparations that help with overeating ("Creon", "Mezim").
  • You can normalize the microflora by taking "Hilak Forte", "Linex".
  • Anti-allergic drugs (even if there was no allergy before) - Claritin, Suprastin or Fenistil.
  • Preparations for motion sickness (especially important for problems with the vestibular apparatus). The most common are "Dramina", "Avia-Sea".
  • Antipyretic, helping to fight the symptoms of a cold. It can be "Nurofen" or "Ibuprofen".
  • Sprays, lozenges for sore throats - Miramistin, Septolete, etc.
  • Drugs that can relieve toothache, headache or muscle pain. The most common are Spazmalgon, Citramon, No-Shpa.

Antiseptics, sunburn remedies, ointments for insect bites are also required.

List of medicines at sea to Turkey

It is not always possible to take the necessary set of medicines when going abroad by sea due to restrictions on the transport of medicines. You can take almost everything to Turkey, Egypt or Thailand, but in other states there are some prohibitions.

You can not transport to the States, Arab Emirates, Estonia "Valocordin" and "Corvalol" (contain narcotic substances). With caution, you need to treat appetite suppressants, antidepressants, strong painkillers.

Traveler's first aid kit at sea abroad:

  • Means that protect the skin from the active sun ("Bepanten" or "Panthenol").
  • A drug that relieves fever and relieves pain.
  • Ointment, cream, aerosol that helps relieve itching from insect bites ("Fenistil" or "Soventol").
  • Sprays for sore throats. Ingalipt, Geksoral are popular.
  • Pinosol, Otrivin fights well with a runny nose.
  • Drugs that normalize the state during the flight - "Dramina", "Bonin". You can also stock up on all kinds of mints and lozenges.
  • Means for antibacterial treatment of wounds and dressings.
  • Antiherpes drugs ("Zovirax" or "Acyclovir").

Before the trip, you need to clarify the list of drugs allowed for import at the embassy or ask for help from the tour operator.

What medicines to take during pregnancy

If a woman is 7 or more months pregnant, long trips should be refrained from in order to avoid deterioration due to flights and climate change.

At sea you can take the following:

  • Iodine, peroxide, bandage, antibacterial wipes.
  • Creams, lotions for UV protection.
  • Ointment for insect bites (during pregnancy, allergies can be very dangerous).
  • Thermometer for monitoring body temperature.

A certain list of drugs for pregnant women can be used only after the appointment of the attending physician (antipyretic, antiviral, antibiotics, anti-allergic).

When collecting medicines for the road, it is important to choose those funds that you have already used. In the presence of chronic diseases, you need to take the entire course of prescribed drugs on the road. If abroad the pills do not help get rid of pain symptoms, you need to urgently seek medical help.

It's no secret that when going on vacation, you need to decide which medications to take. But what should be the first-aid kit on the road abroad? Today we will give you the answer to this question.

To begin with, let's get acquainted with the main principles of compiling a first-aid kit for travel:

A first-aid kit on a trip abroad should correspond to the age of travelers. There will be one medicine for children, another for adults, and a third for the elderly.

In addition to the mandatory minimum, which we will talk about today, you must have medicines appropriate for your medical condition with you. If you have a chronic disease, be sure to take any medicines prescribed by your doctor with you. The same applies to allergy sufferers and those whose blood pressure jumps or their heart is naughty. Please note that these drugs may be subject to import and export restrictions.

When choosing which medicines to take on vacation, remember the peculiarities of the country and the way you spend your time.

First aid kit on the road abroad: a mandatory minimum

This list is independent of country, age, or other factors. Choose the drugs that you usually take: do not take unfamiliar medicine on a trip.

Painkiller: Nosh-pa, Ketanov, Pentalgin, Analgin, Baralgin.

Antipyretic: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

For indigestion: Smecta, Mezim, Activated carbon.

For allergies: antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Tavegil or Claritin.

For a cold: Coldrex, Insty, Anti-Flu, etc. Choose the drug that works for you. You can catch a cold in Egypt, at a temperature of +40.

Dressing: bandage, plaster.

Antiseptics: iodine, green

Take one or two preparations from each section. You should not take 10 types of painkillers or antipyretics with you.

Now let's move on to special cases.

First aid kit on the road abroad: what else to put?

If you are going to Europe, for example, and plan to take long walks, stock up on a lot of patches.

Most often, tourists rub wet calluses; for this case, pharmacies sell special patches for calluses. We also recommend that you put a small bottle of antiseptic, such as Miramistin or chlorhexidine, in your travel first aid kit in case the corn bursts to disinfect the wound.

If you wiped your legs in the blood, then it's too late to use a patch from corns, in this case you should have an ordinary bactericidal patch. The corn patch contains active ingredients that can irritate an open wound.

With long walks, special creams and gels for the legs, which are used to treat varicose veins and edema, will not hurt. For example, Heparin or its more popular counterpart Lyoton.

If all this happens in Asia, then when you are going on a trip, put a little more than usual in the first-aid kit to fight and prevent indigestion.

In addition, take plenty of antiseptics. In addition to the already mentioned chlorhexidine or miramistin, you can buy antiseptic hand gels in stores and pharmacies. Use them every time you get off public transport and before eating.

When traveling to exotic countries, put an allergy remedy in your travel first aid kit. You never know how the body will behave after tasting a foreign fruit.

What medicines to take on vacation at sea?

If your trip involves prolonged exposure to the sun, do not forget about the cream before and after sunburn. In addition, be sure to take a sunburn remedy with you, such as Panthenol or Rescuer cream.

Even if your goal is to fly back from vacation with a beautiful chocolate tan, take at least a small tube of cream with SPF 30-50 with you in case you have to be in the sun longer than usual. For example, during a tour. It is convenient to smear this cream on the nose and shoulders, they burn in the first place.

Often a sunburn is accompanied by rashes on the body, in this case, antihistamines will help you, which should be in the first-aid kit on the road abroad, regardless of the purpose and place of your trip.

If you are seasick or you are planning a long boat trip, put anti-sickness remedies, such as "Avia-Sea" or its analogues, in the first-aid kit on the way abroad.

If you plan to lead an active lifestyle, snowboarding or skiing, then take a little more dressing with you. Do not forget about an elastic bandage and remedies that help with stretching muscles and ligaments - anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics, these can be sprays, ointments, gels or patches.

For travelers who prefer the vast expanses of our homeland abroad, we advise you to take an insect bite remedy on your trip. This primarily applies to those who plan to take long walks in the forest: ticks are very insidious insects!

What exactly should not be put in the first-aid kit on the road abroad?

Any potent drugs, especially those containing narcotic substances, are not needed in the first aid kit for travel. Antibiotics will also be superfluous. Only a doctor should prescribe them, depending on the individual characteristics and type of microorganisms that caused the disease.

Also, do not take malaria medicines with you on the road. Firstly, these drugs have a huge list of contraindications and side effects. Secondly, malaria is a rather serious disease and you should not self-medicate. Your task in this situation is to see a doctor as soon as possible. Local drugs will help overcome malaria much faster than those bought at home.

How to transport a travel first aid kit?

In the cabin of an airplane, you are unlikely to need it. If you are flying with luggage, then pack a first aid kit in your suitcase. But if you need to take any medications regularly, then you need to take them with you to the salon.

You can carry medicines in hand luggage, but you need to keep in mind two points:

1. If you are carrying several packages of the same drug, then get a prescription from your doctor.

2. Remember about the restriction on liquids (including cream and gel) - each container should be no more than 100 ml. In total, it is allowed to take with you up to 10 such containers, with a total volume of not more than 1 liter.

All liquids must be put in a separate transparent bag with a lock:

If you have any chronic medical condition that requires you to take liquid medicines regularly, then the liquid restrictions do not apply to you. Just do not forget to take a certificate translated into English with you (if you are traveling abroad).

Most airlines prohibit the carriage of mercury thermometers. For travel, buy an electronic counterpart.

Also, do not take scissors in hand luggage. Although some airlines allow knives and scissors with a blade up to 6 cm, it's not worth the risk, they are very often taken away.

We hope that now it will not be difficult for you to choose which medicines to take on vacation. Last advice: it is better if the first-aid kit on the road abroad is voluminous. It is better to be safe than to get into an unpleasant situation on vacation.

Experienced travelers, going on a trip, will never forget about a very important detail of preparation. This is a travel first aid kit. The list of needed drugs can be standard, or it can be selected taking into account chronic diseases.

A tourist's first aid kit is especially useful when traveling abroad, because in many countries it is simply impossible to buy even the simplest painkillers without a doctor's prescription. To insure yourself and your children, you need to make a list of medicines in advance so that you have everything you need at hand without extra vials and bags.

How to properly complete a first aid kit on the road?

If you are going on a trip for the first time, then simple packing rules will help you decide how to assemble a first aid kit on any trip:

  • Under the influence of high temperature, medicines deteriorate. Therefore, it is better if the travel first aid kit is one of the options for a thermal bag. It can be purchased once and then used on any trip.
  • Take on the road only those drugs, the expiration date of which will not expire in the near future.
  • Separate bags for each type of medicine will not only help you quickly navigate in an emergency. They will prevent abrasion of the inscriptions on the packages. Then you will know exactly which package contains the right tablets, suppositories or drops.
  • All drugs must be packaged with instructions, because in many situations, an overdose of drugs can cause serious complications. This is especially important for a first aid kit when traveling with a child.
  • If you or your children have any chronic diseases, then you should use the recommendations of your doctor and draw up an individual list of medications.

Healthy people can use the standard list when compiling a first aid kit on the road. In all other cases, the case should be approached more seriously, given their illnesses, as well as the possibility of transporting certain medicines abroad.

Standard set of medicines on the road

The traveler's first aid kit should include the necessary drugs, if not for all occasions, then at least to solve the most common problems that may arise directly on the road or during the holidays. Preparation of medicines on the road is easier to carry out according to their categories and purpose.

Medicines for motion sickness

On the road, both adults and children often get sick. Taking pills with you to solve this problem, you need to know for sure whether they are suitable for the child. Read the instructions carefully before putting the treasured pills in the tourist first aid kit. For travel, they often take pills such as dramina, air-sea, aeron.

For a child, the children's drug bonin is suitable. Almost all such tablets have contraindications. Before you pack antiemetic and antinausea tablets on the road, read the instructions or consult your doctor.


Each of us knows exactly which remedy is best for toothache, headache or menstrual pain. The action of drugs is individual, since it is aimed at eliminating different mechanisms of pain. Therefore, the list of the traveler's first aid kit may include No-shpa, baralgin, spazmalgon, caffetin. For a child, you can take Nurofen in tablets or syrup with you.

If on vacation you noticed that abdominal pain arose without previous causes, then you should not take risks and immediately take painkillers. The pills collected on the road can remove an important symptom of a gastrointestinal disease, eliminating pain. And this will greatly complicate the diagnosis.

Antipyretic drugs

Colds, flu, SARS, accompanied by fever, are often taken by surprise even in hot countries. From antipyretics, you can take paracetamol, nurofen, ibuprofen, ibuklin, efferalgan on the road. Not all remedies that can help adults are suitable for children.

A first aid kit on the road with a child should be equipped with antipyretics that you usually use at home. Most often it is nurofen, panadol or paracetamol in syrup. For older children, the same funds can be used in tablets.


On vacation, when all sense of proportion and caution is lost, it is easy to catch a cold or catch some kind of virus. It is good if one of the antiviral drugs, for example, arbidol or cycloferon, is at hand. Soluble anti-cold powders - teraflu, coldrex, fervex - also work effectively. You can take with you some lollipops for sore throats, for example, Falimint or Strepsils. If your colds are usually accompanied by a runny nose and ear pain, then you need to take the usual drops with you.

But it is better not to take antitussives in those cases when a first-aid kit is going on the road abroad. This is due to the fact that most of these drugs contain substances that suppress the cough center in the brain, which means they can be used to produce drugs. To smuggle them abroad means to get yourself a lot of trouble, up to criminal liability.

Medicines needed for poisoning

A standard first-aid kit at sea or on a trip abroad should contain the drugs needed in case of poisoning. Unfortunately, during the holidays, many are faced with this problem. First of all, you need to take sorbents with you on vacation, designed to remove toxins from the body. It can be white coal, smecta, enterosgel, sorbex. Together with these drugs, you need to take funds that prevent dehydration if the poisoning is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. It can be rehydron or orsol. It would be useful to take antimicrobial intestinal agents (nifuroxazide or bactisubtil) and probiotics (bifiform or linex) with you to the sea.

Gastric remedies

Unfamiliar food can cause digestive problems. In this case, enzymes will help - festal or mezim-forte. When tasting unusual dishes and drinks, many people are helped by drugs such as almagel, phosphalugel, maalox. See which of these remedies are right for you and your baby. These are the ones you need to take with you.


Means against allergies must be in the tourist's first aid kit. Unusual surroundings, pollen from exotic plants, unusual foods, insects, living conditions can cause an unpleasant allergic reaction even for those who have never experienced such a problem.

Among the huge variety of anti-allergy drugs, it is sometimes difficult to sort out. If you have ever taken them before, then you need to take them on the road. If you do not know what medicines to take with you, then you need to choose modern drugs that do not cause side effects.

Particular attention should be paid to drugs intended for the child. Tourists on vacation often encounter insect bites. In this situation, Fenistil gel, which can be used from any age, will effectively cope with the problem. If a rash appears on the body, then tavegil, fenistil, suprastin, zodak can help.

Be sure to read the instructions to know exactly what medicines can be given to children and from what age. If an allergic reaction leads to Quincke's edema, then it is better not to try to cope with the problem on your own, but to seek medical help from a qualified specialist.

Antiseptics and anesthetic ointments

On vacation, no one is immune from injuries, scratches, bruises and cuts. Therefore, the first aid kit should be equipped with iodine, hydrogen peroxide, dressings. Indovazin or Rescuer ointment will help you cope with pain from sprains, bruises, and dislocations.

sun protection

If you plan a beach holiday, then you should take to the sea, first of all, foam or cream with a degree of protection corresponding to skin color. If you are going to the sea with a child, then you can choose panthenol spray as sun protection. You will be calm if it is in your first aid kit. At sea, it will also help a child with allergic skin reactions, chafing, wounds and scratches.

What else to take with you on the road?

During the trip, you may also need other medicines and technical equipment:

  • If you have chronic diseases, you should take with you the medicines that you take constantly so as not to interrupt the course of treatment.
  • For people suffering from high blood pressure, it is sometimes vital to have a tonometer with you at all times.
  • The thermometer is an indispensable travel companion for families with children. It is better not to take a mercury thermometer on the road. The choice should be stopped on the electronic version.
  • If the child suffers from frequent obstructive bronchitis, then you need to carry a nebulizer with you.

What should not be taken with you?

Absolutely no need to take antibiotics with you. In most cases, with problems that arise on vacation, they are useless. And without a doctor's prescription, it is better not to use them. If, nevertheless, a situation has happened when you cannot do without them, then it is important to have medical insurance with you so that you can consult a doctor. All costs in this case will be reimbursed by your insurance company.

Video: first aid kit for a tourist.

Medicines prohibited from being transported across the border

Each country has developed its own rules for transporting drugs across the border. When planning a trip, you need to carefully read the list of drugs that you can bring with you. This information is publicly available. You can ask for it at the travel agency where you buy tickets, or at the consulate of the country where you are going to go, as well as on the Internet.

You can not transport medicines that contain narcotic and psychotropic substances. They can be found in the following preparations:

  • strong painkillers;
  • sleeping pills;
  • antidepressants;
  • drugs for the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases;
  • weight loss and appetite control products.

Drops such as Corvalol and Valocordin, as well as some other heart medicines, contain the banned substance phenobarbital. Therefore, they are prohibited for transportation to some countries.

If you are carrying essential medicines prescribed by your doctor that contain prohibited substances, you will need to fill out a customs declaration and list all these medicines. You must have a doctor's note with you about the need to use these drugs.

To the question of what time of the year is the most pleasant and long-awaited, many will jokingly answer - vacation. People are waiting for these happy days for a whole year and plan to spend it for the benefit of themselves and their families. Some people use this month to repair or solve long-planned issues, but we will not talk about them, but about those who want to spend their legal holidays abroad, on the sea coast or enjoy the silence in the countryside. And one of the most important tasks for such travelers is the question of what medicines to take on vacation so that the disease does not violate plans and allows them to enjoy their vacation. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but it is approximately possible to complete a basic set of medicines that can help in various unforeseen situations.

How to start collecting a first aid kit on the road?

The first thing to decide when going on the road is what medicines are in the home first-aid kit and which ones should be bought in addition. To do this, you need to carefully study the expiration dates of existing drugs and take only those that are suitable for more than a month. The rest will need to be purchased at the pharmacy. As for the amount of this or that drug, it is better to take it with a margin.

In addition, you will need to think about what to bring a set of medicines on vacation, since the packaging should not only be convenient and compact, but also protect the contents from the sun, getting wet and mechanical damage.

If someone in the family suffers from a chronic disease and needs constant therapy, such medications should be put in the first place. But as for the rest, you need to foresee all unforeseen situations and take one drug for the treatment of the most common diseases.

Medicines for motion sickness

If you plan to travel long distances by various modes of transport, it would be useful to include in the list of medicines needed on vacation, such remedies as Dramina and Aviamore for motion sickness. These drugs will help to better move the road and relieve unnecessary discomfort during boat trips and excursions. Therefore, it is better to take them with a margin, even if there were no complaints about motion sickness before.

Antiallergic drugs

A sharp change in climate and other foods are a strong stress for the body, which can “respond” with an allergic reaction: an exacerbation of the common cold, skin itching or hives. You can easily get rid of these ailments with the help of Zirtek, Claritin, Telfast, Fenistil, Suprastin or Zodak. Any of these medications will be able to quickly deal with an allergic reaction that can ruin the whole vacation. In addition, the drug "Vizin" or "Albucid" should be put in the first-aid kit in case an allergic reaction causes inflammation of the eyes and tearing. The properties of these drugs are identical, the principal difference is only the price. The cost of Albucid is 6-7 times less than the imported Vizin, so everyone can choose which medicines to put in the first-aid kit on vacation abroad or at sea, depending on their financial capabilities.

It is important to know when using antiallergic drugs: many of them do not combine with alcohol and cause drowsiness, as well as inhibition of reactions. If on vacation it may be necessary to drive a vehicle, preference should be given to new generation drugs that do not cause adverse reactions.


A long road, changing climatic conditions and many other factors can cause headaches and muscle pain in a new environment. Therefore, another necessary medication that you should definitely take on vacation is painkillers. The list of these medicines is very large, but it is worth choosing only one or two names. No need to experiment and buy expensive new drugs, it will be enough to put Spazmalgon, Ibuprofen or Baralgin tablets in the first-aid kit. Any of these medicines will cope with pain no worse than expensive imported analogues. If a decision is made to take stronger painkillers with you, you should not spend money on expensive Ketanov, you can buy a cheaper Ketalong generic.


Unusual food and water, changing climatic conditions can adversely affect the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and this is not the best alternative to rest. Therefore, it is better to stock up on means that can not only stop diarrhea and vomiting, but also improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Therefore, it will be necessary to think carefully about what medicines to take on vacation.

The first thing on this list that should be put in a travel kit is enterosorbents and antidiarrheals, such as Enterosgel, Activated Carbon, Smecta, Imodium or Loperamide. As a rule, the effect of taking these drugs can be felt after a couple of hours, but if the desired recovery does not occur within three days of treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Often, vacationers due to a change in diet complain of heartburn, heaviness in the stomach and even nausea, so it would be safer to take Rennie, Gastal, Pancreatin or Mezim Forte, Motilak and Cerucal with you .

But what medicines to take on vacation so that food poisoning does not cause an unplanned premature return home? The answer to the question is simple: it is worth stocking up with a sufficient amount of funds such as Regidron, Bifiform, Enterol and Ersefuril. It is especially important to take these medicines on vacation at sea, as there are many temptations to purchase low-quality food on the beach. Of course, in such situations it is better to seek professional medical help, but if this is not possible, you can independently remove toxins from the body.

With a deterioration in intestinal motility in a new environment, the drugs Forlax, Laxigal or Gutalax will help. Which tool to choose, you can decide on your own, the main thing is that each of them will be able to solve the task.

Cold and antiviral agents

It is quite easy to catch a cold even in summer at home, let alone such an opportunity in a different climate. Therefore, for the treatment of colds and SARS, you should also take several medicines.

And in the first place in this paragraph are the antipyretic drugs "Panadol", "Efferalgan", "Nurofen" or "Paracetamol", which, in addition to their main function, also eliminate muscle and joint pain.

As a rule, a cold is accompanied by a runny nose, so be sure to take one of the remedies, such as Otrivin, Xymelin or Rhinostop. These medicines are not recommended, so you can take any other nasal drops from a cold that are in your home medicine cabinet.

But Strepfen, Septolete Plus and others from this group will cope with a sore throat. You can also supplement this anti-cold medication with an aerosol "Ingalipt" or "Gexoral".

For the treatment of cough, it is better to take a personally proven effective remedy, selected taking into account the individual tolerance of the components. In order not to be afraid of SARS and colds on vacation, the travel first-aid kit should be understaffed with the antiviral drug "Groprinazin" or any other.

Antiherpetic medicines

Often, with sudden changes in climatic conditions, herpetic eruptions appear. This virus is known as one of the most insidious, as it can live in the human body for many years without any manifestations and strike at the most unexpected moment. In order not to become a victim of such deceit, the first-aid kit should have medicines on vacation, the list of which is not limited to anti-herpes ointments. There should also be drugs to restore the immune system. In other words, in addition to Acyclovir or Zovirax medicines, you need to take Amixin, Arbidol tablets or Immunal oral drops with you. Only such complex therapy will quickly get rid of painful rashes.

Calming agents

Many wonder why doctors recommend taking sedative medications on a trip. But only until such time as they themselves are faced with sleep disturbance on vacation. Emotions, a long road, a change in the climatic zone and other factors can affect the psychological health of a person, and how the body reacts - with irritability or a violation of biological vital processes - depends on the individuality of each. To avoid such stressful situations and fully enjoy your vacation, Novopassit, Valerian, Persen or motherwort tincture will help.

External antiseptics and dressings

In search of an answer to the question of what essential medicines may be needed on vacation, one should not forget about the simplest injuries and bruises. This can happen to anyone, so in addition to bandages, bactericidal patches and cotton swabs, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine should be in the first aid kit. It is worth noting that the last two products are available not only in the form of a solution, but also in the form of pencils, which are convenient to take on the road. With these medicines, you can quickly treat an abrasion or wound, and then apply a sterile bandage, preventing microbes from entering the body.

Prudently equipping the first-aid kit with Finalgon ointment or Fastum-gel preparation, it will be possible, if necessary, to cope with bruises and sprains. It is especially important to take enough of these medicines if you are planning a mountain vacation or an active recreational program.

Remedies for leg fatigue and swelling

Having completed the basic medicines on vacation in a sealed first-aid kit, the list of these medicines should be supplemented with such means as Ginkor Gel or Gelenven. After all, if long walks and excursions are coming on vacation, they will be able to relieve fatigue in the legs and allow you to enjoy the new atmosphere.

What can you do without the sea?

If you plan to spend a long-awaited vacation at sea, it is simply impossible to do without means that protect against ultraviolet radiation. These sunscreens will allow you to stay in the sun for a long time without harm to your own health. However, you should not think that, using one of these products, even with the highest protection factor (SPF), you can spend time in the sun from morning to evening. This can cause heat stroke.

If sunscreen has not been used and the skin is burned, Panthenol or Soventol can help. These medicines must be taken on vacation at sea, even if there were no such problems before. They are especially relevant for those vacationers who travel to a country with a different climate.

Means for fighting insects and their bites

In order not to treat insect bites, which are accompanied by unpleasant itching, be sure to put repellents in the first aid kit. It is better to take those funds that have already been used before to prevent an allergic reaction. If you purchase products that have not yet been tested on your own skin, it is better to conduct such an experiment at home before the trip. To do this, it is enough to apply a new repellent to the skin of the inside of the arm and check the reaction after a while. If visible irritation does not appear on the treated area, the product can be safely sent to the first-aid kit.

However, it is worth remembering that even the highest quality repellent cannot completely protect against insects, therefore, when considering what medicines to take on vacation, one should not forget about those that will relieve the effects of the bites of these annoying creatures. To do this, it is better to stock up on the medicine "Fenistil" or "Soventol". Any of them will relieve unpleasant itching and reduce visible manifestations on the skin.

What medicines should be taken on vacation for a child?

The principle of completing a first-aid kit for a child practically does not differ from a similar process for an adult, since a list of medicines for a child on vacation can be compiled in accordance with your own. The only thing to consider is that the form of release of the medication should be suitable for the age of the young traveler. So, to relieve heat, you can take children's syrup "Nurofen", "Efferalgan" or "Panadol" or the same medicines in candles. If you are planning a trip to the sea, then you should definitely take sunscreen for babies with a UV factor of more than 30.

The rest of the medicines on vacation with children can be selected so that all family members can be treated with one remedy. This will not only reduce the expense item for completing the travel first aid kit, but will also significantly save the amount of luggage.

Rules for transporting medicines abroad

If you plan to go on vacation abroad, the list of medicines should be compiled more carefully. Indeed, in another country, some medicines that are “everyday” for us may be prohibited. Before deciding which medicines to take on vacation, you should carefully study the annotations for each of them. It is this leaflet that contains information on whether a prescription is required to purchase the product.

If the purchase of a medication does not require a document from a doctor, then you should not worry about possible problems during customs control. Otherwise, originals or copies of recipes will need to be taken with you on the road. In addition, when filling out the customs declaration, the names of such drugs must be indicated. Only in this case can you easily reach your destination with a fully stocked first-aid kit.

In order for the days of rest to pass carefree, you should not refuse insurance. Of course, it is not as cheap as you want, but it will allow you to use qualified medical care if necessary.

When going on a trip, it is necessary to complete a suitcase with medicines. Anything can happen on the road and during rest, and you should quickly stop the symptoms of the disease. Below is a complete list of medicines at sea, you can not buy everything, but you must take one representative of the group.

Tourist First Aid Kit Rules

There are several factors to consider when assembling a medicine case. Criteria that determine the composition of the first-aid kit for vacation:

  1. Medicine form. At sea, take pills, syrups, ointments, creams, powders. Liquid and gel-like substances must be in containers with tight-fitting lids. Instead of started blisters, put whole ones in the first-aid kit, on which the name of the drug is clearly visible. If you are traveling with a small child, it is preferable to give liquid forms of the medicine.
  2. Travel country. Analyze the epidemiological situation of the area you are going to visit. If the cuisine in the country of travel is unfamiliar to you, there is a high risk of catching an intestinal infection, being bitten by insects or animals, put appropriate medicines in the first-aid kit at sea.
  3. Type of travel. Here the question of motion sickness in transport pops up. If one of the tourists becomes ill in a car, plane, train, ship, be sure to keep special tablets in the first aid kit for vacation.
  4. List of participants. The presence of children, pregnant women, elderly men and women, people with chronic diseases determines the completeness of the first-aid kit at sea.

When you have collected all the medicines, you need to fold them correctly. First make sure they have a normal expiration date. There will be a lot of drugs in the medicine cabinet, so for strangers, keep the instructions or write a short memo on doses and methods of administration. Read the storage conditions. Candles, for example, begin to melt at temperatures above +25 °C. Take prescription medications with a margin (they can be imported into other countries with the expectation of three months of admission). First, put the medicines that are constantly needed by the participants of the trip, then all the rest.

List of medicines for the trip

Take on vacation only those medicines to which you and other tourists have no contraindications, adverse reactions. If travelers have chronic illnesses, take medicines to help relieve symptoms when they flare up. Your first aid kit at sea will look like this:

  • medicines to be taken every day;
  • general preparations "for all occasions";
  • medicines necessary for a possible exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Antipyretics, painkillers and antispasmodics

If the body temperature has risen above 38 ° C, it is necessary to take any drug based on paracetamol and ibuprofen (active ingredients). An adult can take pills, it is better for a child to give syrup. They should be taken symptomatically. Trade names of drugs that should be put in the first-aid kit for vacation:

  • Ibufen;
  • Nurofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuklin;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Cefekon;
  • Panadol.

In the first-aid kit for the sea, you need to have one type of drug based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. They also relieve headache, muscle, toothache. In a suitcase with medicines for the sea, there should also be such medicines:

  • antispasmodics: No-shpa, Baralgin, Tempalgin, Spazmolgon, Plantex (relieves intestinal spasms in children);
  • painkillers: Analgin, Nise (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug), Diclofenac, Nalgezin (for pain in the musculoskeletal system), Movalis, Ketanov (for very severe pain, sold by prescription).


Even if tourists have never had allergies, it is necessary to take antihistamines on vacation at sea, especially when traveling abroad. Verified medicines:

  • for a child: Fenistil, Zirtek, Suprastin, Cetrin, Claritin;
  • for adults: Loratadin, Tsetrin, Telfast, Zodak, Tavegil;
  • ointment / cream / gel for external use: Gistan, Ketopin, Prednisolone ointment (hormonal), Skin-Cap, Fenistil;
  • eye drops: Opatanol, Allergodil, Kromoheksal.

Cold remedies

In case of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, runny nose, lacrimation in the first-aid kit at sea, it is necessary to have drugs that relieve symptoms. These include:

  • remedies for sore throat: Faringosept, Falimint, Strepsils, Septolete, Yoks, Ingalipt;
  • powders based on paracetamol: Coldrex, TeraFlu;
  • vasoconstrictor drops in the nose that relieve congestion: Pinosol, Vibrocil, Noxprey;
  • saline solutions: Aquamaris, Humer, Salin, normal saline.

Means for the treatment of wounds

If a tourist has damaged the skin, he needs to treat the injury with an antiseptic. In the first-aid kit for vacation there should be hydrogen peroxide 3%, Chlorhexidine, an aqueous solution of Furacilin or Miramistin. Only the edges of the wound surface are lubricated with iodine or brilliant green. It is very convenient to take antiseptic sprays with you on vacation at sea: Panthenol, Octenisept, Ioddicerin. After treatment, any wound healing ointment from the first-aid kit can be applied to the wound: Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Baneocin, Bepanten-plus.

Drops and ointments for the eyes

On vacation at sea, the risk of conjunctivitis increases many times over. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the first-aid kit, you need to put the following medicines:

  • ointments: Hydrocortisone, Tetracycline, Tobrex (there are also drops), Levomekol;
  • drops: Oftalmoferon, Albucid, Floksal.

For indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting

Very often, during a vacation at sea, irritable bowel syndrome occurs, acute enterocolitis (poisoning) - food, alcohol, chemical. Below are the medications that you need to take in the described sequence:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - needed for a solution that is used to wash the stomach during vomiting (cannot be used for ulcers and bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • adsorbents for a first-aid kit at sea: black or white coal, Enterosgel, Sorbeks, Smecta, Polyphepan;
  • oral rehydration solution: Regidron, Hydrovit, Humana Electrolyte;
  • tablets and syrups for diarrhea: Nifuroxazide, Loperamide, Enterofuril, Ftalazol;
  • preparations for the normalization of microflora: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Acipol;
  • products with enzymes: Mezim, Festal.

Help with a burn

It is better to prevent the harmful effects of the sun from the very beginning - for this, before going to the sea, apply sunscreen with SPF20 and above. In case of thermal damage to the skin, it is necessary to take any ointment or spray based on dexpanthenol (Panthenol, Bepanthen, D-Panthenol) from the first-aid kit for vacation. You can apply hydrocortisone ointment, Actovegin. If the burn is not caused by the sun's rays (boiling water, jellyfish sting), take Olazol aerosol, Radevit ointment. With caution, they should be used on the mucous membrane, with damage to the tongue, eyes.

Medicines for motion sickness

The most effective remedy for motion sickness, which should be in the first-aid kit at sea, is dimenhydrinate (Dramina) tablets. If you can’t take them (and many medicines are prohibited for children and during pregnancy), choose another drug:

  • Avia-Sea is a homeopathic medicine that increases the resistance of the vestibular apparatus to kinetic influences;
  • Kokkulin - tablets that prevent and eliminate the symptoms that occur during motion sickness;
  • Corvalment - menthol tablets that prevent vomiting;
  • Bonin is an antiemetic that blocks receptors (deserves to be in the first aid kit due to its long-term effect).

Broad spectrum antibiotics

Your vacation travel kit should contain antimicrobials that kill most common bacteria. They are prescribed in serious cases - with indomitable diarrhea, vomiting, infectious processes of the upper and lower respiratory tract, fraught with serious complications. Put one or two broad-spectrum antibiotics (international names) in your first aid kit:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Levomycetin.

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