What diseases badger fat treats. Badger fat: medicinal properties, features of use and contraindications. How to take badger fat - are there any contraindications

The benefits of wild animal fat have been known for a long time. People have noticed that bears, marmots, badgers and other animals that hibernate in the spring look quite cheerful and healthy. The subcutaneous fat accumulated over the summer helps these animals successfully endure long-term starvation.

Shooting began in late autumn, when the badgers gained the greatest body weight. The hunter who got the badger provided his family with meat, valuable fur and fat, which was used in medicinal purposes. In healers' reference books of the 18th-19th centuries. you can find recipes for various potions using badger fat. The healing properties of this product are also recognized by modern medicine.

It is very easy to check the quality of badger fat purchased on the market: put a small lump in your palm and observe its condition. Natural badger fat begins to melt after a few seconds.

Badger fat - 10 useful properties

  1. Strengthens the immune system

    To protect your body from seasonal colds and viral infections, you can use badger fat mixed with other healing products. For example, with raspberry or blackcurrant jam, good honey, decoctions of medicinal plants. The medicine is taken for 2 weeks in the dining room three times a day before meals, in the next 14 days - at the same dose in the morning and at bedtime. For children, depending on age, 1-2 teaspoons of badger fat is enough for each dose.

    The following composition has a positive effect on the body's defenses: flower honey, badger fat, finely chopped dried apricots, raisins, walnuts. All products must be taken in equal proportions, mix well. You should eat 1 tablespoon of vitamin paste for a month daily before each meal. For babies, the portion of the medicine is reduced to 1 dessert spoon.

  2. Used to treat throat, bronchitis and lungs

    With wet and dry coughs, heated badger fat is used to rub the sternum area. You can also take the fat by mouth by mixing it with honey, milk, rosehip syrup and an alcoholic tincture of echinacea or licorice root. Take the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. Recommended dose: adults - 1 tablespoon, children - half a tablespoon.

    For the treatment of acute bronchitis, badger fat is used in its pure form without additives. It is enough to eat 1 tablespoon of the product once a day to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. Children from 8 to 10 years old should be given 1/2 teaspoon of fat, older ones - 1 teaspoon.

    With laryngitis, accompanied by inflammation of the ligaments and loss of voice, this method helps well: eat a piece of black bread smeared with badger fat with a few tablespoons of raspberry jam, washed down with any herbal infusion.

    badger fat often used as an adjunct in the treatment of tuberculosis. Of course, fat cannot completely get rid of this disease, but it will contribute to the renewal of lung tissues and the overall strengthening of the body. To prepare a healing elixir, take 3 tbsp. spoons of badger fat, 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe leaf passed through a meat grinder, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon brandy. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting portion of the medicine is eaten daily on an empty stomach in the morning or before lunch.

    When inflammation of the middle ear is instilled into ear canal 2-3 drops of badger fat mixed with an equal amount of chicken fat.

  3. Eases back, joint and muscle pain

    For people suffering from sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other similar diseases, badger fat will help get rid of pain. Fat is rubbed into the back and joints, after warming up the body under a hot shower or bath. You can also prepare an anesthetic ointment: for 4 tbsp. spoons of badger fat take 1 tbsp. spoon olive oil, bring to a homogeneous mass in a water bath, after cooling, add 10-15 drops of any aromatic oil, for example, lavender, lemon, coniferous, tea tree. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a lid and store in the refrigerator.

  4. Serves for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

    Taking badger fat orally replenishes the deficiency of poly unsaturated acids in the body, which favorably affects the functioning of the heart and the state of blood vessels. Fat is useful for ischemia, hypertension, coronary insufficiency. The use of badger fat is recommended as prophylactic with a predisposition to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, oncological diseases.

  5. Restores strength after operations and serious illnesses

    Badger fat is very useful for people who have undergone surgery, chemotherapy, long-term antibiotic treatment. The product is recommended for patients suffering from dystrophy, cachexia, nervous or physical exhaustion. Due to the 100% digestibility of the components of badger fat by the body, its use helps to quickly restore working capacity, restore lost vitality.

  6. Treats kidney and bladder diseases

    Vitamins and microelements contained in badger fat endow this product with bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of fat positive impact on the kidneys, prevents the formation of stones. Taking badger fat is recommended for cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. Proved that healing product able to completely cure these diseases.

  7. It is used for acute and chronic disorders of the digestive system

    The use of badger fat is recommended for gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis and other pathologies of the stomach and intestines. The treatment course is 3-4 weeks, one spoonful of fat per reception before breakfast and shortly before dinner. For the same purpose, a mixture of equal amounts of badger fat, milk and honey is used.

  8. Treats various diseases and skin lesions

    Badger fat heals wounds, abrasions, frostbite, sun and thermal burns well. The antiseptic properties of the product make it possible to use it in the treatment of dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, purulent fistulas, trophic ulcers. Fat lubricates the skin of bedridden patients to prevent bedsores.

  9. Strengthens hair and promotes their growth

    With weakened and split ends, as well as with their loss, it is recommended to rub badger fat heated in a water bath into the scalp daily. From above, the head is wrapped with plastic wrap and tied with a warm scarf or towel. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    You can also prepare the following composition: mix 25 grams of badger fat, honey, burdock oil and a teaspoon of onion juice, add 4-5 drops of mint or clove oil. The mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, kept for 1-2 hours, and then washed off with warm water in the shower.

  10. Used for cosmetic purposes

    Masks, which include badger fat, rejuvenate the skin, relieve dryness and wrinkles.

    To prepare a vitamin night cream, pour the same amount of melted cocoa butter into 50 grams of badger fat, add a tablespoon of jojoba oil and a few drops of any aromatic oil. The cream is stored in the refrigerator and used to care for the skin of the face, hands, neck.

    To eliminate acne, they make such a mask: melt a spoonful of badger fat, add the same amount of bitter chocolate. The warm mixture should be kept on the face for 10-15 minutes.

    An ointment made from 50 grams of badger fat, 1 tablespoon of almond oil, 1 teaspoon helps to fight roughness and cracked heels. beeswax. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, heated in a water bath. When the mixture has cooled down, add a teaspoon of glycerin and 7-8 drops of antiseptic oil extract such as tea tree.

How to apply badger fat?

The general rule when using badger fat internally: you should not eat more than 1 tablespoon of the product at a time. Fat is washed down with warm tea or milk, jammed with jam or honey. In pharmacies, you can find dietary supplements containing badger fat enclosed in gelatin capsules. Take these drugs according to the instructions that come with the package.

The use of badger fat during pregnancy

Women who are expecting the birth of a baby can take badger fat only under strict medical supervision. At the initial stages of fetal development, the liver of the expectant mother experiences increased loads therefore, during this period, the use of fat is highly undesirable.

Medicinal properties of badger fat for children

Babies under 8 years old should not be given badger fat inside without prior consultation with a doctor: the liver of a growing organism may not be able to cope with the load. With a cold, you can rub fat on the chest, back and feet of the child. For these purposes, it is convenient to use the cream "Badger", specially designed for children. The drug has antiseptic and analgesic properties, as well as a warming effect.

For children over 8 years old, badger fat is best given in combination with sweet fruit syrups, natural honey, homemade jam. To make the taste of fat more pleasant, you can melt it with butter, add chocolate and cocoa powder. The mass spread on bread is offered to the child in the form of a sandwich for dessert. From the age of twelve, pharmacy capsules with badger fat can already be used to treat childhood diseases.

Badger fat - contraindications

traditional healers badger fat has long been used to treat coughs, inflammatory processes in the bronchi and lungs, to strengthen the immune system, eliminate skin problems, enhance hair growth. External use of the product, as a rule, is not accompanied by undesirable effects. When using badger fat inside, the following contraindications should be considered:

  • children's age up to 6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Some people may experience individual intolerance to the product, both for external and internal use. In case of occurrence unpleasant symptoms, taking badger fat should be stopped and consult a doctor who will tell you the methods of treatment that are acceptable to you.

What else is useful?

Forest animals store fat for a reason. Nature itself provided for them the opportunity to reserve vital substances for long months of hibernation. The badger is one of the most thrifty in this regard: according to experienced hunters, about 5-7 liters of fat are obtained from one carcass.

The value of this product lies in the unique combination of components, each of which is necessary for the human body in its own way. How to drink badger fat in order to get rid of serious ailments, people knew at least two centuries ago. Today, this organic substance is familiar not only to folk medicine. Professional doctors do not object to it either.

About the composition of badger fat

Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 - these polyunsaturated acids are considered the most important components. After all, they protect the human body from cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, oncology, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, multiple sclerosis, regulate metabolism, cholesterol and blood clotting, activate the immune system.

In addition to acids, badger fat contains a whole set of vitamins:

  • BUT, which activates the synthesis of cartilage and mucous membranes, is responsible for visual acuity and skin tone, for the work of the adrenal glands and nervous system;
  • B (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12), responsible for the production of proteins and blood cells, for metabolism in general. They prevent nervous disorders, problems with sleep, memory and appetite;
  • E, a well-known antioxidant, is necessary for stable immunity and normal development of the muscular system. Women need it for beauty and health, bearing and normal development of the unborn child, and men for sexual activity and sufficient sperm production. Gives elasticity to blood vessels and contributes to the disappearance of blood clots and inflammation;
  • To, which improves the absorption of calcium and bone metabolism, kidney function and blood clotting;
  • RR that prevents thrombosis. It also stabilizes blood cholesterol levels, cell metabolism and hormonal balance, improves joint mobility, resistance to nervous overload.

Most of the vitamins on this list are fat and water soluble. The fat base creates ideal conditions for their preservation and complete assimilation by the human body.

About the beneficial properties of badger fat

The constituents of badger fat make this product extremely strong. natural immunostimulant and an antioxidant that can reduce the recovery period after operations, injuries, chemotherapy, physical and nervous exhaustion. It activates blood circulation and vascular tone, and therefore reduces the risk of hypertension, angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, thrombophlebitis.

Most of us have heard about badger fat as a centuries-old remedy for chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and frequent colds. But not everyone knows about its effectiveness for gastrointestinal tract affected by gastritis, colitis and ulcers.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists use the regenerative capabilities of badger fat, because it can heal not only small wounds, but also such extensive skin lesions as psoriasis, eczema, and even bedsores. Creams and masks containing it rejuvenate the skin, give vitality to hair and nails.

The most effective is the fat of an animal mined at sunset in autumn - before hibernation.

About contraindications and side effects

  1. Hepatic and biliary pathologies, as well as pancreatitis - these are the main restrictions on admission.
  2. Badger fat can be difficult for pregnant and lactating women, as well as babies under 6 years old. These categories of patients are allowed to be treated only externally.
  3. Treatment of children from 6 years of age should be discussed with a pediatrician. Moreover, there is a possibility of allergies and unpleasant side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Badger fat capsules

Due to the specific taste, not everyone can use badger fat in its pure ghee form. For such cases, pharmacies offer an option in the form of capsules of 0.25 or 0.2 g of badger fat. Golden balls are easy to swallow and allow you to calculate the recommended amount of fat per serving.

Manufacturers prescribe for one to two months to take 6 capsules 3 times a day with meals. At chronic form diseases per year, two or three such courses are carried out. However optimal amount for a particular small patient, the pediatrician must determine.

Badger fat in gelatin capsules retains the properties inherent in nature. Capsules are also produced with additives that make them even more useful and naturally preserve the main substance, such as wheat germ oil in Barsukor capsules.

"Barsukor": how to apply?

Each capsule of Barsukor contains 0.2 g of badger fat and 0.05 g of wheat germ oil, which does not allow fat to oxidize and is an additional supplier of vitamin E.

Biologically active additive Barsukor gives both children and adults within three to four weeks of taking right amount beneficial acids and vitamins. For this in ages 5 to 12 should be swallowed 2-3 capsules twice a day with meals, from 12 years old and adults - 4-6 capsules twice a day.

Ointment "Badger"

This is another one pharmacy drug based on badger fat, but for external use, which allows you to comprehensively treat cough in children. The ointment also contains camphor and red pepper extract, these components give a powerful warming effect when rubbed in, improve blood circulation.

In the treatment of cough for children, rubbing is performed in the chest area, bypassing the heart area, and between the shoulder blades. However, it must be remembered that in the acute period with high fever and fever, rubbing the child is contraindicated. And also the fact that the ointment can cause allergies, so you need to try on a very small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Due to its warming properties, the ointment is effective not only for coughing, but also for muscle pain, including from injuries and hypothermia. If your child doesn't measure the puddle well, rubbing the feet will help prevent a runny nose.

Badger fat when coughing

A protracted cough from laryngitis, tracheitis and other colds and chronic diseases respiratory organs, including chronic cough perennial smoker.

During the period of exacerbation or the onset of a disease with a high temperature, it is impossible to treat badger fat - this can worsen the condition up to complications. But if the cough has been observed for several days or has become chronic, then just right.

Dry cough treatment

An obsessive dry cough in an adult should go away in two weeks of treatment according to the following scheme: three times half an hour before meals, use a tablespoon of melted fat (6-12-year-old children - half as much).

The smell and taste sensations of this oily substance are not the most pleasant. To alleviate the fate of your taste buds, you can mix it with honey or jam in a ratio of three to one. Some go even further and make sandwich paste for hot herbal tea. To do this, melt 100 g of chocolate and the same amount of cow butter, and mix 8 dessert spoons of badger fat and 6 teaspoons of cocoa powder into the still warm mass.

From a persistent cough, a cocktail of badger fat with hot milk or rosehip broth and honey will help for 14 days - a spoonful of lard and honey per glass of liquid. Before the next course, a break of the same duration is needed.

Rubbing treats cough at any age. Melted fat is vigorously rubbed into the chest, bypassing the region of the heart, into the interscapular space and soles. After that, you need to wrap yourself up and go to bed.

Badger fat for bronchitis and pneumonia

Chronic inflammation of the bronchi relieves slightly heated linden honey with badger fat in a mixture of 1:3. A daily three-time intake of a spoon before meals is indicated for bronchitis in adults, a teaspoon for bronchitis in children after 6 years.

Pneumonia is treated in the same way. Taking a fatty drug in addition to medicines allows you to quickly eliminate congestion in the lungs and relieve inflammation.

Another option is 100 g of badger and lard melt, mix 100 g of aloe juice, 100 g grated chocolate and 200 g of honey. The reception scheme is similar.

Badger fat for pulmonary tuberculosis

The antiseptic properties of the badger fat layer are able to overcome the tubercle bacillus, while simultaneously clearing the lungs of mucus and pus and increasing immunity.

With such a diagnosis, a child from 6 to 10 years old should be given melted fat a teaspoon three times a day, an adult - a tablespoon. For washing down, a warm decoction of wild rose or St. John's wort is used.

Adults are offered another option. Swallow two tablespoons of fat with two drops of birch tar three times a day before meals with warm milk. After a month of such treatment, a week-long break is necessary, then the course is repeated.

Badger fat for the digestive system

You can treat the gastrointestinal tract with a mixture of equal parts (200 g each) of badger fat, honey and cow butter melted over low heat with the addition of 50 ml of aloe juice and two tablespoons of cocoa fruit powder.

The remedy is used in a tablespoon half an hour before meals, washed down with a glass of hot milk for 10 days. At this time, you will have to follow a sparing diet.

Extra treat gastric tract you can take warm decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot and thyme. After two or three weeks, the course is repeated.

Use for hemorrhoids

Getting rid of hemorrhoids is complex. A tablespoon (you can take two to four capsules) three times a day for a month - two are taken orally. Such courses are carried out 3-4 per year.

At the same time, patients use rectal suppositories, which are easy to make on their own by melting badger and goat fats in equal parts for a couple. Hand-molded from a cooled mixture, candles are used daily at bedtime and are perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

Badger fat for psoriasis

In the complex treatment of psoriasis, badger fat should be properly used as part of a honey-fruit mixture of crushed walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, and honey. All components, including fat, are taken in 100 g. You need to eat a teaspoon of the sweet mass three times a day before meals.

Plaques formed from psoriasis are smeared with pure fat, as well as mixed with a similar amount of honey or cedar resin.

Badger fat for burns

It is possible to smear areas of the skin damaged by burns in the healing stage with badger fat, flavored with extracts of anti-inflammatory plants: celandine, plantain, chamomile, aloe or Kalanchoe. But when the burns are deep or cover a large area, especially if there is open wounds, self-medication is strictly prohibited to avoid infection. In such cases, medical assistance is needed.

Application in cosmetology

Beauty vitamins A and E have made badger fat a popular component of industrial creams and masks and homemade cosmetics.

For example, one way to protect the delicate skin around the eyes from fine wrinkles is to apply a weekly composition of a tablespoon of melted fat, two raw yolks, two teaspoons almond oil, a teaspoon of honey and 50 ml of distilled water. The mask is kept for 10-15 minutes.

Badger fat for muscles and joints

Fat rubbing and compresses will ease the course of osteochondrosis of the spine, arthritis and rheumatism, heal sports and household injuries - bruises and sprains. It is better to steam out sore spots before this. For rubbing with pain and tension in the muscles, as well as with pain syndrome and limited joint mobility, it is recommended to add wheat germ oil to fat, as well as essential oils of rosemary, lavender and mint - 5-10 drops per 0.5 cup of fat.

Radiculitis is treated by going to the bath. Right in the steam room, after a little warming up, badger fat is rubbed into the joints with massage movements, wrapped in a towel and lie with such a compress on the lower shelf for 15-20 minutes.

How to take badger fat for disease prevention

To prevent the pathology of internal organs and strengthen the immune system will help preventive courses at intervals of two to three times a year. A tablespoon for adults and a teaspoon for children (or the number of capsules required by age) is as follows single dose, which must be repeated 2-3 times a day, an hour before meals.

Ghee is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for two years. It is difficult to determine the authenticity of this product by eye. This means that it is better to buy it in pharmacies, specialized stores or from well-known hunters who will be able to properly melt the fat, retaining all its healing properties. And before use, even for prevention purposes, be sure to consult a doctor.

Badger subcutaneous fat is a reservoir for storing valuable substances that allow the animal to survive in extreme conditions, and has been used by humans since ancient times. The modern pharmaceutical industry delivers to the market quality product, known as badger fat. The article provides an overview dosage forms, indications for use, methods of use are described, folk recipes are given, it is indicated how to determine the quality of fat.

The benefits of badger fat for the human body

To survive the winter period, the badger's body falls into a state of hibernation. The supply of tissues and organs with nutrients occurs due to accumulations, which by the onset of winter are deposited in a significant amount in a kind of pantry - badger fat. This substance has a white or yellowish color and a specific (usually sour) smell. Fat has a low melting point, so in the refrigerator it acquires a dense texture, and quickly softens at room temperature.

The product contains many health-promoting, vital components that have made it medicinal value. For the weakened human body he is the richest source to compensate for the deficiency of fatty acids, minerals, retinol, vitamins and other antimicrobial substances that help a person recover. Preparations based on badger fat are recognized by official medicine.


Badger fat owes the status of the drug to significant amounts of its constituents. useful components, trace elements. have therapeutic value the following substances:

  1. Polyunsaturated acids - oleic, linoleic, linolenic help the production of healthy cholesterol, protect cells, reduce inflammation, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, the development of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis.
  2. Vitamin A (retinol) improves the condition of nails, skin, hair, quality of vision.
  3. B vitamins neutralize anxiety, depression, headache help to get rid of the syndrome chronic fatigue.
  4. Vitamin E has a number of beneficial properties. It contributes to the enrichment of blood with oxygen, thereby helping to fight fatigue. In the chronic form of bronchitis, it reduces the intensity of the inflammatory infectious process, dilutes sputum. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, optimizes cellular nutrition, helps to destroy blood clots.
  5. Vitamin PP plays one of the key roles for a full-fledged metabolism.
  6. Vitamin K counteracts hemorrhages and bleeding.
  7. Folic acid protects circulatory system and strengthens the immune system.

Finished forms

Depending on the purpose of use, one of two dosage forms prepared on the basis of melted badger fat is selected: capsules and ointment. It is recommended to consult with a specialist before choosing a finished form of the drug. The features of each type of product help to achieve the highest efficiency, provided correct application instructions.


The capsule form of the product is popular because it helps to get valuable components in an acceptable form, helping to avoid the characteristic unpleasant taste sensations. Sometimes the manufacturer adds wheat germ oil to the composition, which increases the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of a number of diseases. Capsules are packed in plastic blisters of 50 or 25 pieces and placed in cardboard packs. Main producers: Realcaps, Fitosila, Bagheera.


The ointment is used to restore the skin after hypothermia, removing muscle tension, recovery after injury. Presented for sale in tubes of 30 and 50 ml. Two types of ointment are produced - for adults and children. For improvement medicinal properties the manufacturer can add camphor, peppermint oil and pepper to the composition. Main manufacturers: Dina+, Bagira, Fitosila, Pharmacy Union, Barsukor, Sustamed.

Medicinal properties of badger fat

Preparations with badger fat stimulate the body's defenses and optimize blood circulation processes. When assigning a product, they are guided by its following properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory badger fat serves as a reservoir useful substances during the recovery period from the disease, it softens the effects of chemotherapy.
  • Particularly effective natural product for skin protection and rheumatism, for strengthening hair.
  • Recommended as a prophylactic for people suffering from frequent colds and nervous exhaustion organism.
  • Badger fat has found its use in the field of cosmetology; on its basis, masks are prepared for skin elasticity, including other components (for example, birch tar).

Indications for use

The product has a wide spectrum of action. The practice of application has proven the effectiveness of badger fat therapy in the following cases: pathological manifestations:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract, kidneys, lungs;
  • pneumonia;
  • tonsillitis;
  • cough, sore throat, cold;
  • asthma;
  • weakening of male potency;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • oncology (tumors);
  • psoriasis;
  • bedsores;
  • eczema;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • angina;
  • stroke;
  • dystrophy;
  • normalization of hemoglobin level;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • initial stage psoriasis;
  • trophic ulcer;
  • dermatitis;
  • prevention of skin aging in men and women.

The use of badger fat for medicinal purposes

Treatment with badger fat is widespread in folk medicine. Depending on the disease, the use of a useful product is divided into categories:

  1. External - rubbing, ointments, creams that help with coughing with phlegm, burns, wounds, vinegars of insects, animals. Locally, fat can be used for arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, equal wounds, cuts, frostbite, chapping of the skin, eczema, dermatitis, rashes, trophic ulcers, diathesis.
  2. Internal - you can take capsules, tablets or pure badger fat for bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis, asthma, exhaustion of the body.
  3. In cosmetology - the product is added to masks, creams for fortifying the skin, restoring lipid balance.

For respiratory diseases

To eliminate cough, fat can be mixed with milk, honey, rosehip broth in a ratio of 1: 3. Half an hour before breakfast and at bedtime, the mixture is drunk in a tablespoon for adults and a teaspoon for children. Such a drug is completely absorbed by the body, saturating it with organic acids, vitamins, strengthening the immune system. With bronchitis, fat is taken orally or in the form of rubbing.

For oral administration, melt 8 tsp. fat, 100 g butter, a bar of dark chocolate and pour 6 tsp. cocoa. The resulting mass is spread on bread, due to the sweet taste it can be used in children. In acute bronchitis, 2 tsp are taken orally. drugs. Children 10-14 years old - a teaspoon, and 8-10 years old - half. At chronic bronchitis reception lasts 30-45 days, with acute - 2 weeks.

Children can do rubbing of the back and chest, after the procedure they are wrapped in a blanket. To eliminate the unpleasant taste of fat, hot milk and jam are added to it. For children under three years old, it is better to use the product externally, because when oral intake the liver may not be able to handle the processing. During pregnancy, the product is taken as an immunostimulating and tonic medicine. In the first trimester, the use of the product is prohibited, because in this time runs laying of fetal organs, internal systems women work hard.

Gastrointestinal tract

From gastritis and erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach or intestines, taking a mixture of 200 g of fat, honey, unsalted butter, 50 ml of aloe juice (obtained from a plant over 3 years old), 2 tbsp. cocoa or finely grated chocolate. The products are melted, mixed, taken in a tablespoon half an hour before meals, washed down with a glass of hot milk. The course of treatment lasts 10 days, repeated after 2-3 weeks. During therapy, it is useful to refuse sour, salty, bitter dishes, you need to drink decoctions of oregano, coltsfoot, thyme.

With tuberculosis

With an undeveloped stage of tuberculosis, patients who suffer from exhaustion can take drugs based on a valuable product. It compensates for the lack of lipids, strengthens the body and renews cells. By adding cocoa, the nutritional value is enhanced, and aloe further stimulates the immune system. One and a half tablespoons of fat is mixed with a tablespoon of aloe leaf twisted in a meat grinder 1.5 tsp. cocoa and 1 tsp. alcohol tincture or cognac. Take once a day on an empty stomach.

With otitis media

The benefits of badger fat for children are especially evident in the treatment of otitis media, which a child can get sick at any time of the year. To relieve pain and discomfort, you need to mix chicken and badger fat in equal proportions, juice from one onion. The mixture is heated in a water bath, cooled to room temperature, buried in a disturbing ear. The procedure is repeated three times a day for a course of 10 days.

For frostbite, burns and injuries

Badger fat can prevent the formation of blisters at the burn site, relieve pain from injuries and frostbite, and prevent necrosis. Equal proportions of the product with a decoction of plantain, celandine and chamomile are applied to the affected area, do not cover, repeat several times a day. At umbilical hernia not large quantity melted mass rub the sore spot. Adults can additionally give lard a tablespoon three times a day for a monthly course. Treated similarly hernia.

For diseases of the joints

In folk medicine, badger fat is used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis. They rub their joints, make compresses. Phytotherapeutists recommend visiting a sauna or taking a hot bath before the procedures. A few recipes for the treatment of joints:

  1. From pain in the joints, muscles: melt 100 g of fat, mix with 5 drops essential oil mint, apply to the affected area.
  2. From sciatica: warm up in the bath, rub the product, wrap yourself in a towel. Repeat every day.
  3. From sciatica, neuritis: cool 40 g of propolis, chop, pour cold water, mix with melted bacon, heat, stir for 10 minutes, filter. Rub the affected areas, then warm with a blue lamp.

In dermatology

A valuable product is used to treat psoriasis, alopecia, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, rashes, allergic skin itching, purulent focal inflammation. Fat nourishes, softens the skin, smoothes wrinkles, rejuvenates. Cooking recipes:

  1. With alopecia (hair loss): 1 tsp is added to a tablespoon of the melted product. honey, burdock oil, juice onion, 10 drops of essential oils of clove and mint. The mixture is applied to the hair roots twice a week for 2 hours, washed off with shampoo.
  2. For dermatitis: add a drop to a tablespoon of lard fish oil apply for 15 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. From wrinkles under the eyes: combine 1-2 tablespoons of the melted product with 2 egg yolks, 2 tbsp. almond oil, 1 tsp honey and 50 ml of water. Apply the composition in layers on the skin until it runs out, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse.

In gynecology

In urology and gynecology, badger fat is also in demand. A few recipes:

  1. From hemorrhoids: mix the product in equal proportions with goat fat, melt in a water bath, make candles with a little propolis. Put suppositories at night until improvement occurs. Anal fissures can be lubricated with clean fat.
  2. From impotence: take orally a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals. You can combine the product with nuts, dried apricots, honey. The course lasts a month, then a 2-3-week break is made, repeated. Next treatment carried out in a year.
  3. With prostate adenoma, prostatitis: cleanse the colon with an enema from a decoction of herbs or soda solution, insert a suppository of fat with propolis. The course lasts a month.
  4. From infectious diseases: douching the vagina with chamomile, calendula or soda solution, insert candles or fat-soaked tampons inside.


The beneficial properties of badger fat are wide, but its use also has contraindications. The most famous are considered.

Fat badger takes special place among the tools that are actively used in alternative medicine. It has been used for several centuries to eliminate the most diversified various diseases and ailments. In addition, it should be noted that the fat of this animal is also actively used in medicine as an effective remedy for the elimination or prevention of ailments.

The fat of this animal is extracted at the end of autumn, when the badger begins preparations for a long hibernation. Exactly at given period it has the most healing and strengthening properties. Such fat has a yellowish tint, as well as a special specific smell.

What does it consist of

Badger fat contains great amount various useful and active substances as well as vitamins. It also contains a large number of various minerals that ensure the full, normal and uninterrupted operation of the whole organism. Badger fat is so rich different substances that, thanks to him, the animal can successfully survive even the most severe winter and the beginning of spring. Badger fat contains such elements and vitamins useful for the human body as:

  1. Minerals. Stabilize and normalize the process of metabolism of nutrients.
  2. polyunsaturated acids. Needed to improve the metabolic processes that occur in the body. They are able to nourish tissues, and also have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the body.
  3. Vitamin complexes belonging to group B. They take an active part in the formation of human immunity. They are also able to normalize the functioning of the nervous endocrine system and the process of hematopoiesis.
  4. Vitamins A and E. Increase resistance immune system, are able to enhance the effect on the body of unsaturated acids. They also contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin and participate in the development of the body. Ensure normal functioning reproductive system person.

It should also be noted that badger fat contains a huge amount of various vitamins and macronutrients. For example, it contains a large amount of folic acid, carotenoids, tocopherol. Also in this fat there is a certain amount organic acids, which ensure the full and stable functioning of the whole organism.

Badger fat can be actively used not only during the treatment of various diseases, but also to strengthen the body and immune system. After all, as you know, badger fat is an excellent general tonic, which is often used in combination with traditional treatment diseases.

What medicinal properties does

Such a remedy as badger fat is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. It is often used as the main alternative means that can replace certain medications. It has such useful properties as:

  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • improves and accelerates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body;
  • provides active regulation of the hematopoietic system;
  • has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects on the body;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • promotes increased sexual activity and leads to normal condition hormonal balance.

In addition, it should be noted that, thanks to the use of badger fat, the risks of development and occurrence in humans are significantly reduced. oncological diseases. It is able to normalize the functioning of all internal organs, as well as body systems. Badger fat can significantly improve and accelerate the process of skin regeneration after burns of varying severity or injuries. Vitamins and minerals contained in fat are actively involved and necessary for the human body during its active growth and formations.

Also, badger fat is able to prevent the aging process that occurs in the body. Its use significantly improves general state nails, skin and hair. Quite often, it is used not only for treatment, but also as a prevention of the occurrence of various kinds of diseases and ailments. It is able to eliminate diseases, inflammatory processes, as well as disorders that have arisen in the human body after injury.

What diseases are most often used to eliminate?

Badger fat is actively used as the main remedy for the elimination of a wide variety of diseases. Thanks to its use, the recovery period is significantly accelerated and the effectiveness of treatment is increased.

  1. Badger fat is indispensable tool to eliminate problems that have arisen in the work of the digestive system. Thanks to its use, you can eliminate such ailments as gastritis, reduce acidity in the stomach. It is also actively used during the treatment of colitis, stomach ulcers and enterocolitis.
  2. Quite often, it is used both in folk and traditional medicine during the complex prevention of heart disease.
  3. It is also used during the treatment of varicose veins, elimination of thrombosis or coronary disease hearts.
  4. In addition, this fat, due to the fact that it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the body, is able to eliminate short time inflammation in the urinary tract.
  5. It successfully eliminates ulcers, stretch marks, eczema, acne and various kinds of injuries that violate the integrity of the skin epithelium. This fat is an excellent remedy that is actively used in case of severe frostbite or burns. Thanks to its use, lichen can be eliminated.
  6. In folk medicine, badger fat is often used during the elimination of various diseases that occur in musculoskeletal system organism. For example, it can be used to treat arthritis, osteochondrosis or arthrosis.
  7. Also, preparations made on the basis of badger fat are actively used during the treatment of prostatitis, cervical erosion, and prostatitis.
  8. Badger fat is an indispensable tool that allows you to quickly restore the normal functioning of the immune system, which can be impaired due to a long and severe illness. Thanks to its use, a person quickly improves general well-being and increased performance.
  9. In addition, badger fat is an excellent tool that allows you to eliminate the intoxication of the body resulting from the use of a variety of medications.
  10. It is used in case of severe depletion of the body or even dystrophy in a person.

Badger fat is also quite often used during the treatment of such diseases:

  • pharyngitis;
  • sore throats;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma.

Badger fat, which has healing properties, can be actively used as additional biological additives. It contains a large amount of fatty acids, which are indispensable during treatment or during preventive measures ailments such as:

  • Colds.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Anorexia.
  • Gastric ulcer.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Psoriasis.

Quite often, it is prescribed to the patient during the recovery period, after severe and complex operations. Badger fat during the treatment or prevention of various kinds of diseases can be used as an external agent for rubbing or preparing compresses, or taken orally.

Contraindications for use and side effects

Despite the fact that badger fat has a large amount of nutrients, as well as useful substances and is well absorbed by the body, in individual cases, after using it, a person may experience a feeling of nausea and vomiting. Also, badger fat can cause a rash on the surface of the skin or provoke a violation of the stool and dysbacteriosis.

It is not recommended to use badger fat during the treatment of diseases if a person has an individual intolerance to it. Its use is contraindicated for the treatment of people who suffer from liver disease, acute pancreatic disease or who have disorders in the biliary tract. For children under 5 years of age, this remedy is contraindicated.

What recipes exist and how to use

  1. To strengthen the immune system from badger fat, you need to prepare a special tincture, which should be consumed before meals, on an empty stomach. To prepare such a tincture, you need to take 100 grams of honey and fat, 50 grams of raisins and dried apricots, as well as 150 grams of walnuts, well chopped in a meat grinder. These ingredients must be mixed together and put for several hours in a dark and cool place. You can use this tincture for no more than a month, 25 grams 1 time in 24 hours.
  2. For the treatment of colds, in the event of diseases in the respiratory system, or to increase immunity with the help of badger fat, you can prepare a special remedy. For its manufacture, you need to use about 150 grams of honey, badger fat and cocoa powder. All these components must be thoroughly mixed together until a homogeneous mass. Then a little aloe, propolis and butter must be added to the resulting mixture. At the final stage, 10 milliliters of alcohol must be added to the resulting product. This tool must be taken orally. Daily dose is no more than one tablespoon. After taking this remedy, it must be washed down with water. It can also be added to warm milk and taken a few hours before meals. It is worth noting that this remedy, made from badger fat, can be used as an ointment for rubbing. To do this, the finished mixture must be dissolved in 250 milliliters of ode and rubbed with it on the back, chest or feet.
  3. Quite often, badger fat is used to make an ointment that is used to repair bruises or injuries. It is able to effectively eliminate sprains and sharp pains in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles. To prepare such an ointment, you need to take about 100-150 grams of badger fat and add about 10-15 drops of essential oil to it. Then, in the resulting mixture, you must additionally add oil made from lavender and mint. It is recommended to use this ointment after visiting the bathroom.

Video: badger fat treatment

Badger fat, or as badger fat is otherwise called, is an excellent medicine, judging by its unique properties. The useful functions of this product are difficult to overestimate, because it is he who is able to cope with many diseases.

Medical workers claim that it is badger fat that can effectively strengthen the immune system not only in adults, but also in young children. And all because this product rich in various nutrients. What is useful badger fat? Medicinal properties and contraindications will be discussed in this article.

Composition of badger fat

Note that the fat of this shaggy animal has high concentration vitamins, as well as biological substances that have an extremely beneficial effect on the body of any person.

So, what is found in badger fat:

  • Vitamin A helps long years keep youth, and hair, nails and teeth will look great.
  • B vitamins. They have a great effect on blood vessels and the nervous system.
  • Vitamins of the PP group. Normalize the activity of the heart muscle.
  • Folic acid. Excellent helps brain activity, and also reduces the risk of such unpleasant diseases as heart attack, as well as stroke.

Badger fat: medicinal properties

  1. Badger fat helps to suppress the reproduction of cancer cells, and also perfectly protects the body from this terrible disease.
  2. The intake of fat slows down the aging process in the processes of the body, and also helps to rejuvenate the skin of the whole body.
  3. Badger fat has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also normalizes the activity of the intestines and digestive tract. Metabolism improves, the circulatory system returns to normal.
  4. Salo is an excellent cough suppressant. It is especially effective in the treatment of tuberculosis bacillus.
  5. Most of the properties of badger fat are aimed at strengthening, as well as increasing immunity.
  6. Salom effectively treat bronchitis and severe asthma. But in order to achieve desired result, it is necessary to study all the subtleties of the use of badger fat.

Usually the drug is taken for 15 or 30 days - this is a course of treatment. Adults drink one tablespoon once or twice a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals, and children - one teaspoon.

Badger fat has repeatedly justified its medicinal properties and there are many grateful people who have been helped by the use of this miraculous remedy.

How to use badger fat with a strong cough

The interior fat of a representative of the Mustelidae family is a medicinal product with unique properties, as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Badger cough fat is a fairly popular remedy. Compresses, rubbing are made from it, and they are also taken orally.

There are many folk recipes that include this important component. And also badger fat is often used in its pure form.

  • Badger fat is drunk three times a day, one spoonful for a month, but this is for advanced and chronic diseases, and if the cough has just begun, then the patient will be healthy in a week, there will be no trace of the disease.
  • Fat will also come to the rescue in combination with other components. Mix six tablespoons of cocoa bean powder with eight tablespoons of bacon, also add 100 grams of pure chocolate and the same amount of butter. This recipe helps those who cannot tolerate badger fat in its pure form. The mass is mixed until it becomes homogeneous. It is recommended to melt the butter and bitter chocolate in a steam bath.

The resulting cream is often smeared on a sandwich or eaten like butter, it smells good and resembles chocolate in appearance and taste.

Quite often, badger fat is found only positive reviews. Many argue that this is a panacea for many unpleasant diseases.

The use of badger fat

Badger fat, the use of which is also recommended as a preventive measure, is recommended to be consumed once or twice a day, half an hour before meals. It is advisable to start using this product only after the recommendations of the attending physician.

Fat is a great helper for severe burns, insect bites, as well as sprains, lower back pain, joints, sciatica, and even arthritis.

Badger fat for the little ones

It is highly recommended for children to give badger fat, because it has exceptional properties, and for many centuries it has been saving babies from various diseases. I must say that as a preventive measure you should not refuse to use such a valuable product.

Note that even snake venom is not able to affect the badger, because the layer subcutaneous fat cleanses the cells of poison, thereby enhancing the protective reflex.

Badger fat for children will help heal wounds. It, unlike iodine and brilliant green, will not pinch. It will also come to the rescue in the treatment of severe bronchitis, runny nose and other cold complications.

The benefits for babies of badger fat are as follows:

  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Prevents inflammation.
  • Heals bronchi.
  • Favorably affects the urinary system.
  • Nails and hair grow quickly.
  • Getting rid of acne and purulent formations.
  • Treatment of rashes and other dermatological complications.
  • Helps treat respiratory disease.

But difficulties may arise. The catch is that fat has a specific smell and taste, and the baby will simply refuse to eat it. Therefore, it is recommended to give children a similar medicine in the form of chocolate butter, the preparation of which was described above.

Badger fat is also dissolved in warm milk, where honey is added for sweetness and taste. If desired, the bee product can be replaced with jam.

Do not forget about rubbing fat on children's legs, back, chest. Spread the medicine on the desired area and rub it into the skin in a circular motion, then wrap the child. So leave it on all night.

How to store badger fat

First of all, badger fat is a product natural origin, where there are no chemical additives. It is for this reason that it can quickly deteriorate, especially if all storage rules are not followed.

When buying badger fat in a pharmacy, first of all read the instructions, and also pay close attention to the color.

If it resembles mustard in shade, it means that the fat was subjected to heat treatment and the storage instructions were incorrectly followed. It is not worth buying such a medicine, it has destroyed the healing properties.

At the pharmacy, ask for a passport, as well as a certificate of quality. If it is available, you can be sure that the drug is of high quality and meets all the declared properties.

When fat is purchased from hunters, its quality must also be carefully studied. Smell - the fat should not smell of sourness and rottenness.

Usually the color of badger fat is white, slightly yellowish.

Taste it - there should not be any bitterness, and if it is present, then the product is already spoiled and will not bring the expected benefits.

Best option for storage valuable medicine- fridge. If you follow all the rules, then badger fat will last for two whole years and will not lose its healing properties.

Application area

The beneficial properties of badger fat are endless. It is worth mentioning that this universal remedy to preserve youth and beauty.

There are special creams, masks, serums that act as an elixir of youth, and every woman has the opportunity to admire her reflection with stretched, elastic skin for a long time.

The drug is also sold as various ointments and rubbing for those who cough a lot.

Softens fat and rough skin on the heels.

Side effect of badger fat

Naturally, each drug can cause the opposite effect in a person. Badger fat is no exception, it, like other drugs, tends to have contraindications and side effects.

If a person experiences an allergic reaction, diarrhea, rashes, nausea, then it is advisable to stop using this drug and look for something more suitable.

Badger fat: contraindications for use

Despite the fact that badger fat is unique in its medicinal properties, do not forget that there are some contraindications to its use:

  • Children under three years of age should not use the drug.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Disease of the pancreas.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder.
  • First trimester of pregnancy.
  • Individual intolerance.

Summing up, I want to say that badger fat is a wonderful medicinal product. This is evidenced by numerous reviews and research results. Be sure to use this tool if necessary. But if any complications suddenly arise, immediately stop using fat, otherwise you can harm the body with your actions. Now you know how to apply badger fat. Medicinal properties and contraindications were described in the article. Be healthy and beautiful!


Badger fat - medicinal properties

Badger fat (badger fat) has unique medicinal properties that are used in the fight against a number of diseases.

Medicine claims that the use of badger fat is especially effective for strengthening children's immunity, since the product is saturated with a large amount of nutrients.

Composition of badger fat

It should be noted right away that the product has high level the content of vitamins and biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the state of the human body.

  1. Vitamin A is found in it, which helps to maintain youth, strengthens nails, teeth, hair.
  2. The product contains vitamins of group B and PP, which normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, helping to relieve stress and depression.
  3. It contains folic acid, which has a positive effect on brain activity that reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, it contains organic acids and a set of macro- and microelements useful for human health, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acid to help regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Useful properties of badger fat

  1. Badger fat helps suppress education cancer cells; its use provides protection of an organism from oncological diseases.
  2. Reception of badger fat prevents aging of the body, promotes skin rejuvenation.
  3. The drug is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect, it normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, regulates protein metabolism in the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system.
  4. Badger fat is used as a cough medicine. It is effective in the fight against tubercle bacillus, has a high preventive effect. The properties of the drug aimed at strengthening the immune system and increasing the body's resistance to various diseases are noted.
  5. It is also used to treat bronchitis, bronchial asthma. At the same time, to achieve the desired effect, you need to know how to take badger fat. As a rule, take it in a course of 15 or 30 days. For adults - 1 tablespoon twice a day half an hour before meals; for children - 1 teaspoon - according to the same scheme.

Badger fat has repeatedly confirmed its medicinal properties, naturally the question arises whether there are contraindications for this drug. Exist different opinions on this account. Some argue that he has practically no contraindications. Others argue that, despite this, it is necessary to take it with caution and after consulting a doctor for those who suffer from cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, and pancreatic diseases.

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badger fat

In ancient times, when penicillin had not yet been invented, our ancestors were saved by handy means that Mother Nature presented. In addition to medicinal plants, wise healers used the fatty layer of wild animals. One of the most valuable, with great healing power, was considered badger fat, the use of which is recommended by modern medicine.

The fat of this fluffy animal saved mankind from serious diseases, since it contains a whole pantry of minerals. Until now, people are sure that it is a panacea for almost all ailments. This is not surprising, because it has been used for more than two hundred years as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug.

Where to buy and how to choose?

To get the desired benefit from the product, you must be able to choose it correctly. It is recommended to purchase high-quality raw materials in a pharmacy, having previously checked all the necessary certificates of authenticity for the goods, and not from traders on the market. There are a number of important distinguishing features natural product: pleasant whitish color with a slight yellowness, characteristic aroma without sourness and neutral taste (not bitter).

Can give a small sediment fresh badger fat. Reviews of hunters involved in the preparation of such a product recommend taking it as a general tonic. Armed with basic knowledge on choosing a product, you can distinguish falsified fat from natural fat and not fall for the trick of scammers.

Vitamin and mineral complex

The rich composition of fat is due to the content of essential organic acids and a group of vitamins, necessary for a person for the normal functioning of internal organs. It is one of the few foods that are completely absorbed by the body. For example, a deficiency of linolenic and linoleic acids negatively affects the blood vessels.

PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) nourish and improve tissues, prevent inflammation and deposition bad cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Fat also contains oleic acid, which is responsible for the metabolism. In addition, it prevents the development of malignant tumors.

In addition to this, badger fat, the use (reviews of experts confirm the high therapeutic activity) of which is indicated for weakened immunity, is replete with retinol (vitamin A). As we know, without it, the condition of our hair, skin and nails deteriorates. Medicinal properties are characterized by the presence of vitamins E, B, K, PP, as well as trace elements and minerals.

It is generally recognized that the product exhibits anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, restorative and immunomodulatory effects. Due to the valuable biological active composition it is used internally and externally for various pathologies.

Badger fat: therapeutic use

Badger fat increases blood clotting, strengthens the heart and has a beneficial effect on cellular metabolism. Traditional healers strongly advise people who are prone to thrombosis, ischemia, heart attacks and hypertension to use it. Useful to use when poor circulation, dystonia and benign tumors.

According to doctors, fat in complex therapy helps to cure severe respiratory diseases. These include: pneumonia, tuberculosis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, it is quickly possible to eliminate chronic and persistent cough even among heavy smokers with experience.

Treatment with badger fat is carried out with various forms of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, laryngitis and tonsillitis. The tool activates the defenses, strengthens the body, preventing complications. Often it is advised to use it for people with an unbalanced psyche, nervous disorders, dystrophy and cachexia.

Fat is indispensable in the rehabilitation period after complex surgical interventions, chemotherapy, severe and prolonged illness. Natural medicine is an excellent assistant in the fight against dermatological ailments (psoriasis, eczema). It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, accelerates the regeneration process, including on the mucous membrane (gastrointestinal ulcer). They exterminate purulent fistulas, bedsores, deep wounds and acne.

Found wide application product in treatment bone tissue and diseases of the spine. For removal pain syndrome and puffiness, it is rubbed into the skin or compresses are applied. Helps to cope with osteochondrosis and arthrosis. Used externally - in the form of rubbing.

The presence of a balanced mineral complex contributes to the normalization of the genitourinary system. Assign in small doses (in combination with drug therapy) for cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephritis. The tool removes the clinical picture, prevents acute and chronic inflammation.

Badger fat: how to take dietary supplements?

Pharmaceutical companies produce badger fat in gelatin capsules and liquid form. In fact, this is a dietary supplement with an attached instruction, the supplement is taken by courses, both for adults and children. Badger fat in capsules can be washed down with sweet tea, water and even milk. The annotation describes in detail the scheme and duration of therapy.

Many pediatricians advise treating them with a cough. Badger fat for children is safe and effective remedy in the fight against colds. On average, the duration of treatment reaches several weeks. The dosage for children from three to eight years does not exceed 3 g per day. From the age of 9 to 14 years, you can give a dessert spoon (5 g). It is advisable to divide the tool into 2-3 doses. It is better to drink half an hour before meals.

For best result should be rubbed into the feet, chest, back with strong cough. For bronchitis apply compresses. Timely treatment will prevent complications and allow you to recover faster. The therapeutic effect is due to the bactericidal effect.

Even a healthy person can use natural medicine to increase tone and strengthen the immune system. You should take a tablespoon of bacon daily with herbal tea or decoction - twice a day. Within a few days, you will notice that you sleep better and sounder, your irritability disappears, and your mood improves.

How to rejuvenate with badger fat?

Natural badger fat, the use of which has been shown by many cosmetologists, has a beneficial effect on the quality of our skin. It is used as masks and creams. The most important advantage of the product is that it is completely safe, does not contain chemical elements and really helps a woman stay young.

For this reason, the product occupies a worthy place in cosmetology. Using masks based on fat, you can smooth out the skin in a short time. mimic wrinkles, restore former elasticity, velvety and improve color. On frosty days, they are recommended to lubricate their face and lips to protect themselves from chapping and frostbite.

External use should be combined with internal use. Thus, you can strengthen your hair, nails and overall health. The necessary cosmetic products are easy to make at home.

Hand sanitizer

The first signs of aging are most often seen on the skin of the hands, it becomes thin, dry and less elastic. The following cream will help fix this, the recipe of which is subject to absolutely everyone. Mix 25 g of badger fat and cocoa butter in a container (melt the components beforehand), also add a tablespoon of wheat germ extract, 5 drops each rose oil, geranium and ylang-ylang. Badger fat perfectly moisturizes and softens aging skin. Application (reviews of women using homemade cream are enthusiastic) is indicated for very dry and dehydrated skin.

Anti-aging mask for women after 40 years

  1. Melt a tablespoon (15 g) of fat - in a microwave or in a water bath. Add 10 drops of vitamins E and A, 5 ml of rosehip oil, the same amount of honey and beaten yolk to the mixture. Apply the resulting mass to a cleansed face, décolleté and neck. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and wash.
  2. Combine melted lard (15 g) with the same amount of fish oil and honey. Leave for ten minutes, cleanse the skin with lotion.

Perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, badger fat will keep youth. The use of such masks can be carried out twice a week.

With a cold

Purchase at pharmacy network liquid fat without the content of additional impurities and give the child a teaspoon on an empty stomach, 30-40 minutes before a meal. For an adult, the dose is more - a tablespoon.

In acute, severe pathologies (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Treatment with badger fat can be started only after consulting a doctor and under his strict control. The therapy is combined with medications. The duration of admission is 30 days, then you need to take a break for two weeks and repeat the course again until it disappears completely. clinical signs. The dosage is prescribed depending on the course and severity of the disease. To improve the taste, add honey or syrup. This is especially true for small children.

We strengthen the body, fight weakness and exhaustion

In the autumn-winter period, we often experience a breakdown in strength, in order to improve our general condition, we recommend using this remedy this season: purchase badger fat in a pharmacy, mix it with dried apricots, crushed walnuts, raisins and honey - take 50 g of all components. Eat a teaspoon daily.

In case of skin damage (insect bites, cuts, burns, wounds, etc.)

Put warm fat on sterile gauze and make a compress on the sore spot. The tool is used for diseased joints. You can simply rub the damaged areas of the body for people suffering from rheumatism, sciatica and osteochondrosis. To get the maximum therapeutic effect badger fat must be used daily. The price for a 100-gram jar ranges from 350–450 rubles. The cost depends on the region.


It should be understood that no folk remedies and recipes will replace antibacterial drugs, especially when a person's life is at stake. All herbal ingredients are adjunctive therapy to the main treatment. And their uncontrolled use will provoke an unpredictable reaction.

Badger fat has some limitations that everyone who starts using it should be aware of. Contraindications include all pathologies of the biliary tract, diseases of the liver and pancreas. It is forbidden to take it to persons with stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

With extreme caution should be given to young children and people prone to allergies. Before taking, it is advisable to conduct a mini-test: apply a small amount of product on the elbow and leave for half an hour. If during this time no rashes, itching and burning have appeared on the skin, then your body normally perceives the supplement.

Sometimes with long-term treatment, some people experience unpleasant side effects in the form of nausea, diarrhea, urticaria, swelling and vomiting. At similar signs stop using immediately. When buying a product, carefully inspect it, as unscrupulous sellers often slip a counterfeit product that can be harmful.

In general, badger fat reviews from customers and specialists in some cases are positive. He helped many to get rid of a debilitating cough, some - from pain in the back and lower back. Women were pleased with masks based on fat: after several procedures, the skin noticeably tightened and became much softer. No negative feedback was found.

Despite the usefulness of the above product, do not forget about the precautions.


Badger fat when coughing

Badger fat is a valuable remedy for diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia and even consumption. The effectiveness of badger fat has been tested for centuries; mention of it can be found in ancient Russian folk healers. Several centuries ago, people did not use chemical synthetic substances, but tried to cure the disease with affordable and natural ways. It is believed that badger fat for coughing and hemoptysis is one of the best and most effective remedies.

Unique properties of badger fat

Badgers, like other inhabitants of the forest, hibernate in winter, but first they stock up on useful vitamin substances. Badger fat contains fat-soluble vitamins A and E, vitamins of group B, a nicotinic acid, minerals, as well as useful fatty acids, completely absorbed by the body. For example, oleic acid has antitumor activity and improves metabolic processes.

The product has the following healing properties:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • increases the protective capabilities of the body, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system;
  • helps fight anemia, improves blood composition;
  • normalizes the secretion digestive tract;
  • promotes better absorption of protein;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • has a slight irritant effect on the bronchi, which helps to eliminate sputum;
  • reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

When applied externally, the remedy helps to get rid of burns, purulent wounds and psoriasis.

Application rules

First of all, you should make sure that you have purchased high-quality badger fat, use for coughing only in this case will bring the desired effect, and the body will not receive any harmful substances. The product should be bought in white or yellowish color, and you can catch its characteristic smell. Fat has a low melting point, so it is recommended to store the product in the refrigerator.

Badger fat remarkably helps with any kind of cough, clears the lungs of smokers and asthmatics, and relieves chronic bronchitis. It is used for the following diseases:

  • SARS, influenza, colds;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the bronchi;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis.

There is evidence of a positive effect of badger fat in lung cancer.

How to take for cough?

Adults should adhere to the following dosage: take according to Art. spoon 3 times a day, preferably half an hour before meals. Please note that the benefits of treatment can only be obtained with the systematic use of the remedy. The average duration of treatment is 2 weeks. After this period, the number of doses can be reduced to 2 times a day (before breakfast and dinner).

At serious illnesses bronchi and lungs, treatment continues for a month, after which it is recommended to interrupt for a couple of weeks. Then the course can be repeated again. It should be warned that in case of dangerous diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia), refuse drug treatment prescribed by a doctor is inappropriate. This can lead to dire consequences.

Badger fat itself is not a medicine, it increases the body's resistance and immunity, which helps the body cope with the disease on its own. Badger fat can and should be used as aid to the treatment prescribed by the doctor. It is completely absorbed by the body and does not cause negative reactions. However, not all people can tolerate its specific taste and smell. In some individuals, taking a spoonful of the remedy can provoke a gag reflex. In this case, it can be advised to drink fat with milk or a sweetish drink, for example, a rosehip broth, fruit compote or herbal tea is suitable. You can mask the unpleasant taste of bacon with jam or honey, mixing them in a ratio of 1: 3.

Chocolate mass based on badger fat

This product will appeal to both adults and children. The mass is being prepared in a water bath. Melt 100 grams of butter and add 8 teaspoons of badger fat. Heat until the mixture of fats reaches liquid state. Break the bar of dark chocolate into pieces and throw into the pan, keep on fire until the sweet bar is completely dissolved. Finally, 6 teaspoons of cocoa powder are added to the mass. The drug is removed from the fire and kept on the table until solidified. The sweet mixture can be spread on bread and eat such a “sandwich” three times a day. By the way, such a mass will be useful not only for inflammation of the bronchi, but also for laryngitis, when hoarseness is observed. Thanks to this recipe, the ligaments restore their elasticity.

Bronchitis treatment

Cough can drag on for a long time, that is, go into chronic process. And in this case, badger fat will come to the rescue, the use for bronchitis continues for at least one week. If the disease has acquired a protracted course, then the treatment is carried out for 1-1.5 months. Here effective recipe: 200 grams of fat must be melted in a steam bath and mixed hot with cocoa (powder will need 2 tablespoons). The mixture should be slightly cooled to an acceptable temperature, avoiding hardening, and add 1/3 cup of aloe juice. They take such a drug for bronchitis according to Art. spoon 3 r / day, washed down with a glass warm milk.

External treatment

With bronchitis, badger fat is used not only inside, but also externally. Rubbing is carried out at night, provided there is no high temperature. Fat is smeared on the chest and bronchial area on the back. The procedure is carried out quite intensively, rubbing the skin for 10 minutes. After that, the patient is advised to wrap himself in warm clothes and drink hot tea. Warm compresses are preferably carried out in the evening.

Treatment with badger fat in children

Fat is not given to very young children, because their liver and digestive organs cannot cope with its digestion. Starting from the age of 6, you can use badger cough fat for children. It is taken orally in the amount of 1 teaspoon per reception, and is also used to rub the chest and feet before bedtime. If the baby flatly refuses to take the remedy, you can dilute it with honey or jam (in the absence of an allergy to these products).


  • Individual sensitivity;
  • liver disease;
  • pathology of the gallbladder;
  • poor functioning of the pancreas;
  • children under 6 years of age.

Do not forget to consult with your doctor and agree on the tactics of treating the disease.

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