How to start eating right. Studies have shown that two or three pieces of dark chocolate can replace a whole bar of milk chocolate. Thinking through the menu for a few days ahead

Many people think that proper nutrition It's a diet and a lot of restrictions. In fact, it is a lifestyle with a set of good eating habits and useful products. To eat right, you do not have to starve or eat unleavened food. Limit your diet to boiled chicken breast and buckwheat is a bad idea. Dishes should be tasty, varied, easy to prepare. And when switching from the usual diet to the right one, you should not experience stress and radically change the diet. Where to start? This question will be answered by 7 simple, but effective recommendations Natalie Makienko is a popular blogger, nutritionist, nutrition and healthy lifestyle consultant.

1. Review the “grocery basket”

If you are complaining more and more about bad feeling, loss of strength and lack of energy, most likely, some products are to blame. Try to find a replacement for them and you will soon feel the difference.

  • Replace white with honey, coconut, grape or cane sugar, maple syrup, agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup.
  • white refined flour premium(it is the lowest quality) replace with whole grains of the 1st and 2nd grade, durum flour or spelled. You can also use coconut, oatmeal, buckwheat flour.

A useful alternative can be found for any product. And it is mentally and physically easier than hard and forever to remove flour and sweets from the diet.

2. Control your daily water intake

If you think that now I will write about the annoying 2 liters of water a day, then you are mistaken. One of the most common mistakes in drinking mode- consumption excess liquids. General recommendations this question cannot be, so calculate your individual rate: 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. Other mistakes - drinking cool water Or add honey to it. Morning should start with a glass of warm pure water. Plus, drink a glass of water throughout the day 20-30 minutes before meals and at least 40-60 minutes after.

Water nourishes tissues, participates in many processes, helps to cleanse the body. And any supplements (the same honey) require enzymes and time for absorption, linger in the gastrointestinal tract, and do not cleanse it.

3. First breakfast-only light meals

Contrary to popular advice, the first meal of the day should not be heavy. The body is in awakening mode, starting all systems and cleansing. And the best thing you can do for him now is to help, and not load heavy protein and fatty foods. To normalize bowel activity, it is useful to eat a non-acidic fruit or drink a smoothie based on fruits, greens, nuts 20-30 minutes after a morning glass of water, before the main breakfast. So you help the body in two ways: fiber with the first meal starts the cleansing process, improves peristalsis, and normalizes bowel function.

4. Eat hearty lunch

The right way to avoid evening overeating- Organize your lunch properly. Lunch should be the most balanced meal and contain complex carbohydrates, protein, vegetables. For example, it can be whole grain, cooked "al dente" with vegetables. These delicious life hacks will help you lose weight, improve your well-being and get rid of cravings for sweets and hunger.

5. Don't Eat Your Dinner Too Late

We all know that eating at night is not healthy, but it is unrealistic to completely avoid evening meals in the modern rhythm of life. What can be done? Eliminate 3-4 before sleep animal protein and opt for thermally processed vegetable dishes. At strong feeling hunger is not forbidden vegetable protein, which is found in lentils, soybeans, avocados, spinach, bananas. In any case, you should not have dinner later than 20.30.

6. Pair foods the right way

The right combination of products is by no means separate meals, and an approach based on knowledge of physiology and reflexes digestive system. You can start simple - for example, choose dishes from one category. For example, if for lunch you have prepared a salad with fish, then choose fish for hot, not meat. That is, do not mix different types protein in one meal.

Eliminate the combination of red meat and any side dishes. This rule applies specifically to red meat (including rabbit and duck) and offal, such as liver or tongue. These products require maximum body work and create a load on the liver, kidneys, gallbladder.

For the assimilation of meat, the body needs up to 24 hours of continuous work, the production of enzymes, which leads to the "acidification" of the body. To facilitate the work of the digestive tract, add only greens and vegetables to the meat, except for potatoes, corn, boiled beets and carrots.

7. Don't Eliminate Salt

Surprised? But water-salt balance impossible without water and ... salt. By eliminating salt, you provoke dehydration and loss important trace elements, including calcium. Choose sea or Himalayan salt, be sure to coarse grind so that the crystals are visible. At home, you can grind it yourself in a mortar, coffee grinder or special mill. But table salt, especially marked "extra", is really better to exclude.

And mine last tip- food should be tasty. Otherwise, the body will not receive a signal of saturation, and hence the pleasure of the process of eating. And psychological discomfort and stress lead in the first place - right! - to the refrigerator or to the pastry shop for cakes.

If you have embarked on the path of gaining and strengthening health, then you have probably already wondered how to switch to proper nutrition? Where to start for a person who has no idea how to bring work back to normal gastrointestinal tract, start removing toxins from the body, feel light and confident? We bring to your attention 10 simple steps transition to proper nutrition.

Usually, people do not even want to hear about the rejection of their habitual wrong diet. Therefore, not only their figure suffers, but also their health. Sweet goodies often defeat willpower, and incompatible products they are digested for a long time, tormenting the poor stomach, which does not know why, how and for what it is such a punishment. Why the hell does he need these candies in borscht? ..

Due to my full-time job 5 days a week, I have to dine in a public cafeteria and it just so happens that I really enjoy people-watching. When I see a chubby or pot-bellied person who clearly does not think about how to switch to proper nutrition, I pay attention to what kind of food he picks up for his dressing. Which, frankly, makes me feel sorry for him.

In 99% of cases, in addition to the first and second courses, a person takes a bun and two or three glasses of compote to eat. There is no limit to my surprise ... Of course, it will smash you like yeast dough, dear! Do not do it this way! It is better to start eating right. Need to know about.

Hear your body's call for help and be prudent. Have pity on him. I think this clear and understandable step-by-step scheme should help "beginners" in getting on the path of proper nutrition.

How to switch to proper nutrition?

1. The first thing to start with is to remember once and for all a simple circuit proper nutrition. That is, what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

In general, according to the classics of proper nutrition, we should eat in 5 approaches. For breakfast, it is best to eat complex carbohydrates, since from them the body will be able to get a portion of the energy necessary for normal labor activity, on at least, before lunch. My morning always starts with a mixture of cereals or oatmeal, into which .

Favorite sweets are highly recommended to eat before noon. Only not those sweets that are offered by shops, but home-made sweets prepared by you personally from natural ingredients. It is better to generally switch only to honey and dried fruits - these sweet foods are much healthier.

Once your stomach has finished digesting breakfast, you'll want to have a snack. This will be the second meal. It is best to gnaw through some fruit, a handful of nuts, cookies from whole grain, cottage cheese, some dried fruits, etc. Remember that you have started to lead a proper diet. Where to start your lunch meal? For lunch, you need to eat foods that contain carbohydrates, protein and fiber.

For example, it can be any porridge with chicken and vegetable salad. For dinner, also cook something protein and rich in fiber. The evening meal should be without carbohydrates. It can be cottage cheese, meat, chicken, legumes, eggs and vegetable salad. Quite a simple scheme of proper nutrition, right? But this is only the first point in the answer to the question: “How to switch to proper nutrition?”

2. Before going to the store, always make a list of what you buy.

Include vegetables and fruits in red, green and yellow flowers. For what? It is believed that it is good for us to eat red, green, yellow, bitter and sour.

Also do not forget to write down chicken meat, greens, cottage cheese, eggs, whole wheat bread. You're on the right diet, right?

Therefore, get out of the habit of folding in a basket or cart familiar products The ones you buy all the time.

3. Be sure to buy more greens.

Enter this simple and useful advice about how to "pop" the greens, after which it will be possible to proceed to the consideration of the fourth step. Remember, there are never too many "green friends"! To feel a real surge of vivacity and freshness, every day eat not just a couple of green onion feathers, but a whole plate of dill, parsley, lettuce, etc.

4. Forget canned food.

It is better to start replacing them with frozen vegetables, fruits and berries as early as possible, the shock freezing of which allows you to save everything in them. useful elements. Pickles and fruits from a jar, although tasty, often contain a lot of salt and bad preservatives, like products in cans (sprats, gobies, sardines, etc.).

5. Never go shopping hungry or hang out with friends in cafes.

As statistics show, a hungry person is much more likely to buy or order extra and unhealthy food than full. And such food can only harm. Especially if it becomes systematic.

6. "No!" fast food.

If you are a fan of prepared food from supermarkets, then forget about this addiction forever! Leave the finished packaged dumplings and dumplings to lie in their place. This will be the right decision.

7. Say "that's it!" white bread.

Here's what to give up! I advise you to start eating only whole grain breads and buy whole grain flour. Foods containing yeast should be avoided.

8. Forget about refined sugar and sweets, and make sure to switch to honey and fruits.

These natural ones will only benefit you, unlike the first ones. Excess sugar, getting into the blood, violates all stability.

9. Always put in a conspicuous place all sorts of "usefulness."

Let fruit and cereal biscuits take pride of place in the center of the table and be in full view.

Its lack leads to the fact that your cells suffer from thirst, instead of bathing in water. Pure drinking water for excellent health is needed every day in sufficient quantities.

That's all! Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how to switch to proper nutrition, where to start and what to follow, feel free to take action. Pamper yourself with the right and combined food.

Denis Statsenko was with you. All HOS! See you

Extra pounds - a problem familiar to many, regardless of gender, age category, occupation, social status and self-realization. The desire to build up is dictated by a number of reasons (improvement appearance, the fight against complexes, professional activities recommended by doctors as a necessity), but on the way to a slim body, losing weight will have to add sports activities to the list of mandatory activities and adjust the diet. No diet without physical activity will not give a slender and toned embossed body with elastic skin, and physical activity without nutrition control is ineffective.

Tandem healthy food and the gym is able to transform the body. However, a sharp transition to the opposite lifestyle is potentially stressful situation for the body, which exposes the central nervous system to overload and is fraught with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, breakdowns in the forbidden sweet / fatty / salty / peppery and physical injuries.

How to start eating right and exercising

Fruits and vegetables are the key to a healthy diet.

In order to transfer the functioning of the body to the track of losing weight and painlessly adjust the quality and volume of food consumed, a gradual transition from the usual diet to a healthy diet is necessary. The initial stage is an analysis of your own eating habits with a detailed fixation of the amount and calorie content of food eaten, the number of meals and snacks, the amount of water and liquids consumed, indicating the level of sugar content. Keeping such a diary (7-10 days) will give you an understanding of the true amount of fast carbohydrates you consume in the form of bakery products and sugar (suppliers of deposits in "fat depots"), semi-finished products and fats/oils/spreads ("culprits" bad cholesterol), the presence / absence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, methods of cooking and eating patterns. You will receive information about the average caloric content of the diet and the primary problems that need to be addressed on the path to excellence.

The diary is a signal board that tells you how to start eating right and losing weight:

  • Water . For an adult, it is normal to consume 1.5-2 liters of water per day (6-8 glasses). For physically active people this figure is higher. If your “thirst” according to the diary is 1-2 glasses, you should not forcefully pour the rest into yourself. Start with three glasses a day and add one glass every 3 days. This will allow you to reach the norm without excessive load on the kidneys and the formation of a negative attitude towards water.
  • Salt . The allowable limit, including the sodium chloride contained in the products, is 15 grams. If your daily intake is close to this figure, reduce the amount of salt. Excessive salt intake provokes water retention in the body and adversely affects metabolic processes and condition of the bone tissue. When preparing some types of meat and fish, sauces and salads, salt is successfully replaced with lemon juice.
  • Fast carbohydrates, sugar . Sugary drinks that bring extra centimeters, bakery and confectionery products should be transformed into wholemeal bread, acceptable sweets (jelly from agar-agar and fruit juice, marshmallows, dark chocolate), herbal decoctions, berries and fruits.
  • Chaotic Nutrition . Without breakfast / dinner / snacks / rarely and in large quantities. If you are trying to lose weight, you will have to accustom yourself to breakfast, to eat little, but often, preferably at regular intervals.
  • Roast . Proper nutrition excludes only this type of cooking, with the exception of grilling without adding oil. Fried is the exception, not the rule. Improvise - stewing, boiling, baking, steaming - discover new tastes of familiar dishes.

The transition to proper nutrition requires patience. The main rule - do not set yourself impossible tasks. Get rid of the ones that have been formed over the years bad habits gradually. Plan your work for the coming weeks:

  • 1st week - stabilization of water consumption and reduction in the proportion of salt;
  • 2nd week - consumption control simple carbohydrates, the replacement of complex, the rejection of sugar;
  • 3rd week - 5-6 meals a day, breakfast is required, etc.

Make a note in your diary of which of the planned items you have difficulty completing. Please note that it may take longer for the body to get used to the new regimen than you planned.

Do not rush to enter the diet sports nutrition if the physical activity plan has not yet been adjusted and proper nutrition has not become a habit. Pre-workout complexes, fat burners, proteins, amino acids will not help if there are tasty harmful things in the diet.

Sports activities

An experienced coach will warn a beginner, eager to say goodbye to hateful deposits in a short time, from throwing in the gym “right off the bat” and test him for physical form. If you are doing it yourself, you will have to conduct such testing yourself. As much as you would like to rush into the fight with heavy weights, your the cardiovascular system, spine, joints, muscular framework not ready for this. As in the case of the diet, accustom the body to physical activity should be gradually. Start with water gymnastics, swimming, water aerobics. Don't like water? Prefer gym? Stretching before and after training is required, in the cardio zone, give preference to an elliptical trainer, an exercise bike, walking on a treadmill. Running (even light jogging) with severe overweight adversely affects the condition of the joints and is potentially traumatic. Don't chase heavy weights. A light weight + a large number of repetitions is your task in the first stage, the implementation of which will help in two ways:

  • direct weight loss
  • gradual adaptation of the body to stress and the formation of endurance without stress.

And remember: sports are 30% of the result. The key to proper long-term weight loss without harm to health is nutrition. Therefore, treat the formation of the menu with full responsibility.

How to start eating right: menu

You need to eat delicious! And PP is no exception. Because no amount of willpower is able to constantly curb appetite. Food should saturate, give enough energy and building material for the formation of a relief body and satisfy the taste (and sometimes aesthetic) needs of losing weight. The diet is made up of low-fat varieties meat/poultry/fish, dairy products, cheeses, vegetables and fruits (limiting starchy and sweet), complex carbohydrates(durum wheat pasta, whole grain bread, whole grain rice, buckwheat). Healthy fats enter the body through olive oil, nuts, seeds. Be aware of frequent fractional nutrition and drinking regime. It is acceptable to use ready-made mixtures of spices without adding salt. A justified option would be to form your own shelf with seasonings.

Variations on the theme "Breakfast":

  • protein pancakes made from oatmeal, eggs and one banana with not large number m stevia or liquid honey;
  • scrambled eggs skimmed milk from two eggs with chopped dill, bell pepper and cherry tomatoes.

Variations on the theme "Dinner":

  • Bulgarian soup ("tarator") on kefir with the addition of diced cucumbers, crushed garlic, chopped walnuts, dill, ice cubes and a teaspoon of unrefined sunflower oil;
  • oven-baked carp stuffed with onions, boiled asparagus and broccoli florets.

Variations on the theme "Dinner":

  • tomatoes stuffed with curd mass whipped in a blender with flax seeds, salt, black pepper;
  • stewed in skimmed milk river trout with salad mix.

Variations on the theme "Snack" (between meals) :

  • apple + a handful of nuts;
  • whole grain bread with low-fat cheese;
  • natural yoghurt without sugar.

For a snack after dinner with an unbearable appetite, cottage cheese and kefir are suitable.

Dietary variety, lack of hunger and sufficient energy are a guarantee against breakdowns. Experiment, fantasize, discover new tastes, food combinations as part of proper nutrition and lose weight with pleasure. A conscious transition to PP with the addition of physical activity will achieve visible results in short time and maintain the acquired harmony for a long time.

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How to start healthy lifestyle life

Hiccups: what is it and how to deal with it?

In dreams of slim body people try different diets: low-carbohydrate, protein and many others. They give a result, but temporary: the weight quickly returns. And sometimes the effect is the opposite of what was expected, and instead of losing weight, health problems begin.

The truth is that food should be balanced. To feel good, you need to provide the body with the whole spectrum nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The optimal, according to the American nutritionist Robert Haas, is the ratio of 50 - 25 - 25. This means that daily diet should be 50% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 25% fat.

Watch your diet

Fats participate in the construction of new cells, the production of hormones, water metabolism and the transport of vitamins. Fatty acids are divided into two groups: rich and unsaturated. The former are harmful to health, as they settle on the walls of blood vessels and increase the level of "bad" cholesterol.

Unsaturated fatty acid perform the useful functions discussed above. At the same time, some fatty acids, such as omega-3, are not synthesized by the body and can only be ingested with food. Therefore, you need to try to include exactly healthy fats. These are found in avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts, sea ​​fish and other products.

Protein- the main building material of the body, and not only for cells, but also for enzymes and hormones. Protein helps build muscle strong bones, beautiful hair and nails.

Proteins are animals and vegetable. It is believed that two-thirds of the daily protein intake should be ingested with animal food (lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products), the rest - with plant foods (beans, beans, nuts, seeds, vegetables).

Carbohydrates - main energy supplier. Carbohydrate-containing food should form the basis of the diet - 50%. Do not be confused by this figure - this also includes fiber, vitamins and minerals; they are often concentrated in carbohydrate-rich foods.

You can restore strength after vigorous physical activity, for example, with a glass of fruit juice or a can of soda. Both drinks contain sugar - fast carbohydrate, a source of glucose. Thanks to him, these drinks are sources of fast energy. But don't forget about daily rate sugar consumption - no more than 65 g. Watch the amount of sugar contained in foods and drinks and added to them. For reference: mango nectar - 14.5 g of sugar per 100 ml, Coca-Cola - 10.6 g per 100 ml, Orange juice- about 13 g per 100 ml.

Drink enough


The body is 55-65% water. Hydration is very important for health. As Yuri Tyrsin notes in his book “Secrets of Proper Nutrition. Minerals, vitamins, water", dehydration of only 2% significantly reduces performance, and 4% dehydration leads to lethargy and apathy. The individual norm is calculated by the formula: 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

It is necessary to increase fluid intake in hot weather and during physical activity.

Support water balance you can use any drinks: juice, fruit drink, sweet soda like cola, tea - all of them are 85–99% water, perfectly quench your thirst and saturate the cells of the body with vital moisture.

Snack right

The time for a full meal has not yet come, and the feeling of hunger is already approaching. How to be? Have a bite! But no buns or sandwiches. To snack was not harmful, it must be correct. Keep apples, bananas, nuts, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or hard-boiled eggs handy. It's helpful and incredible nutritious foods to help fight hunger.

Also, don't store junk food at home. Chips, twinks, popcorn - it's all delicious, sometimes you can afford them. Even if you have willpower of steel, there will come a moment when it will crack. Better not keep temptations at home.

Don't expect instant change

“I will eat well and immediately become slim and healthy” is a mental trap that almost everyone who tries to make their diet more balanced falls into.

However, the development and consolidation of the system healthy eating requires methodical and rather lengthy work on oneself. Don't expect instant results!

Lightness and harmony will come gradually. But you will certainly notice these positive changes.

The material was prepared with the information support of TCCC.

Proper nutrition is a rather broad concept, and not every beginner can first understand all its intricacies and immediately start eating right. In addition, proper nutrition is one of the manifestations of lifestyle, abrupt change which can also cause stress in the body, as well as the fear that new image life will not justify the hopes placed on him.

Therefore, any business must begin with the fact that it is necessary to draw up a plan correctly, which should be followed in order to switch to proper nutrition with maximum pleasure and interest.

For beginners, it should be explained what proper nutrition is. Proper nutrition is the mode, methods and quality of food intake. What does it mean? The concept of proper nutrition includes diet, certain rules food consumption, food quality and nutritional balance in the diet.

It is on these four points that we will switch to proper nutrition for beginners. But in order to do this correctly, let's describe each component - what should it ideally be?

1. Diet. Ideally, we should have 5-6 meals per day. But this does not mean that we should eat first, second and compote every time. Ideally, we should have breakfast, after 2-3 hours have a snack, after an hour and a half have lunch, then have a snack again, and have dinner in the evening. It is believed that it is ideal to have breakfast around 7-9 o'clock in the morning, or half an hour or an hour after you wake up, have lunch at about 12-13 o'clock in the afternoon, or 4-5 hours after breakfast, and have dinner around 5-6 o'clock or 5 hours after dinner.

2. Rules for eating. This is a very broad concept that includes appetite, the environment (colors of the interior, serving the dish, sounds), the correct sequence of taking various dishes (for example, vegetables first, then meat). Subject to all these rules, food is better digested and all the nutrients from the products are absorbed.

3. Product quality. It means the benefits of these products. Why products may not be useful: if they are not fresh, if they are spoiled due to various circumstances or infection with some kind of infection, if they do not initially benefit the body ( harmful products- products fast food, highly processed foods, foods with a large amount food additives, transgenes, fats). The quality of products is determined by the amount contained in the product useful substances compared to potentially harmful ones. Such healthy apples can also be harmful if they were raised with chemicals, and meat, even if not pricked with anything, may contain some amount of antibiotics, possibly used to treat this animal in the past.

4. Nutritional balance in the diet. No matter how useful apples or meat are for our health, we still cannot eat apples or meat alone, because our body must receive additional nutrients to ensure all life processes, health and beauty. For this there are certain norms obtaining nutrients per day, but our task is not to fill our heads with numbers, but it is most understandable for ourselves to understand how to combine all products in the correct proportions. There are several rules by which the diet is formed.

- the first rule - you need to eat 5 food groups per day: meat, eggs, offal; cereals, cereals; vegetables; fruit; milk and dairy products. By eating at least one food from each group per day, you will provide your body with all the beneficial nutrients.

- the rule of breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is believed that for breakfast it is preferable to consume cereals, grains and dairy products, for lunch they are better absorbed and digested. meat products, complex dishes, fresh vegetables, for dinner it is better to prefer light but hearty food - fish, dairy products, lean meat, stewed vegetables, and you can snack on fruits, vegetables, fermented milk drinks, juices.

Here is a brief digression into proper nutrition for beginners, and now actually more about where to start.

Where to begin?

- since the most important thing in nutrition is to enjoy the food you eat, it is better to start by looking for those that will be to your liking among healthy foods. We all love fruits, some types of meat. If you do not like porridge, then pasta from the 2nd grade of flour is quite suitable for a replacement, besides, bread also belongs to cereals. For many, a tragedy begins when you need to give up sweets. So, you don’t need to give up sweets, you just need to love yourself and buy high-quality confectionery products, if it’s chocolate, then let it be expensive chocolate with a maximum percentage of cocoa content, if it’s a pie, then it’s to order or homemade, because it’s not so much harm pie or cake, how many additives that were added to it (palm oil, sugar substitutes, taste improvers, stabilizers, emulsifiers, etc.);

- since it is very important in nutrition to be aware of what you eat, then you need to acquire such a habit - when eating, you will need to think about what is useful and harmful in this product, and when it already becomes a habit, then you will automatically refuse some products. The first product that I refused in this way was chips, although I used to eat them on both cheeks, and then when I ate them in again, it seemed to me that the fat from them drains directly into my stomach, and since the chips are almost enlightened, alas, I didn’t see healthy potatoes there, then there were crackers, store-bought dumplings and now I’ve already reached the sausage, although sometimes I won’t refuse raw smoked .

- try to start breakfast, if you haven’t done it before, cook breakfast for yourself several times in the evening, which can be simply warmed up or easy to cook. If you eat breakfast at the same time for several days in a row, then the body itself will demand it.

- try to establish at least some mode or at least avoid bouts of hunger, because it is more harmful than having a snack on time, besides the fact that frequent hunger can cause gastritis, this is the first step to weight gain (the body is under stress from hunger and when food arrives, he automatically puts aside for the same occasion). To do this, try to always have fruits or dry biscuits, dried fruits, nuts, seeds on hand in case of emergency.

As you can see, proper nutrition for beginners is not so difficult at first glance, but still, at the beginning of your journey, you may encounter certain difficulties. It is very important to take the first step, to start somewhere. I recently read that if you want your wish to come true, start acting within no more than 72 hours, otherwise your wish is simply doomed to failure.

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