Poorly overgrown seam after umbilical hernia surgery. Operation to remove an umbilical hernia: indications, methods, recovery. What are the contraindications

When a patient with an umbilical hernia goes to the hospital, most often he is recommended to remove it, by surgical intervention. But many are afraid and pull to the last, hoping that everything will resolve itself. In fact, knowledge of what constitutes an umbilical hernia in adults, reviews of the operation, information about , where it comes from, why it is necessary to do it, and why delay is dangerous.

What is an umbilical hernia

Normally, in the place where the tendon and muscle fibers come into contact, they are closely intertwined, but sometimes in the navel, for some reason, they do not closely adjoin each other, and then the umbilical ring relaxes and increases. It turns out a kind of hernial ring, which allows the organs of the abdominal cavity under internal pressure to protrude outward beyond its limits, forming an umbilical hernia. Usually it is either part of the intestine. They are located in the peritoneum consisting of a membrane.

At the beginning of the disease, the umbilical hernia is still small and can be easily reduced inward, but gradually, as a result of the adhesive process, the hernial sac fuses with adjacent tissues, and it is no longer possible to set the hernia inward. And over time, the umbilical ring can expand so much that the stomach can also get into the hernial sac.

symptoms, treatment

When the hernia is small, it is not particularly disturbing. Of course, sometimes there are unpleasant sensations, but they clearly do not affect the quality of life, and a slight increase in the navel does not scare, especially men.

Gradually, a hernia develops, it becomes more and more difficult to correct, pain appears during prolonged standing, coughing, and physical exertion.

Later, if the treatment was not carried out, the patient begins to experience constipation, difficulty urinating, frequent nausea, and vomiting may occur. This stage is fraught with dangerous complications, and you should not delay visiting a surgeon.

The doctor will most likely suggest surgery, since there is simply no alternative, although many hope that by adjusting the hernia, they will get rid of it forever. But this is impossible, and only a surgeon can eliminate it.

An umbilical hernia can manifest itself in different ways in adults. Reviews about this disease are varied. Those for whom it has not reached a large size and is not particularly worried are optimistic. But some patients complain of recurring unbearable pain, which even strong painkillers are unable to eliminate.

Causes of an umbilical hernia

Most often, this disease develops due to the weakening of the anterior wall of the peritoneum and the umbilical ring. Another factor is strong internal pressure. When both causes are present, the hernia develops rapidly and the position is considered dangerous and needs to be treated as soon as possible.

The reasons why the umbilical ring can relax are as follows:

  • Lack of exercise and muscle weakness.
  • Features of connective tissue from birth.
  • Excessive fullness.
  • Fast weight loss.
  • Pregnancy (most often develops in late childbirth).
  • Spikes and
  • Abdominal injury.

An increase in intrauterine pressure is due to:

  • Childbirth accompanied by complications.
  • Great physical activity.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Prolonged, strained cough.


Usually, the surgeon diagnoses the presence of the disease quickly enough. Its symptoms are pronounced. The doctor interrogates the patient and finds out if there is pain in the abdomen during coughing, physical exertion. Examining the patient, he finds out whether the umbilical ring is expanded. To establish more detailed information, he will prescribe an x-ray of the stomach, duodenum, ultrasound examination of the protrusion, gastroscopy. He will prescribe herniography - this is the introduction of a contrast agent into the abdominal cavity, which will allow you to examine the hernia.

When there is a suspicion that an umbilical hernia has appeared - in adults - symptoms, only the doctor determines the treatment, otherwise it is possible to confuse it with another, no less, and maybe even more serious disease.

Umbilical hernia and pregnancy

With a gradual increase in the uterus, intra-abdominal pressure also increases, so umbilical hernia is a fairly common phenomenon in pregnant women. But surgery is usually not required, since the disease proceeds quite calmly. This happens because the increase in pressure occurs gradually, and the uterus, located between the gates of the hernial sac and the organs, prevents their strong prolapse.

Moreover, surgery during pregnancy negatively affects it. Therefore, the doctor recommends wearing compression underwear and a bandage. They are selected necessarily under his leadership.

The same doctor will observe the patient after childbirth and determine the period of the operation. This usually happens when the abdominal muscles after stretching are restored, like the whole body of a woman.

Some women who have been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia during pregnancy (in adults) have very positive feedback about the operation. . For some, the surgeon, at their request, eliminated minor cosmetic imperfections associated with bearing a child. And the operations are carried out by sparing methods and do not leave ugly scars and marks on the body, which is most important for a woman.

Possible Complications

Exacerbations can occur at any time during the appearance of a hernia. Its infringement is most dangerous when there is a violation of blood circulation, and the tissues of the organ begin to die. This usually happens in older people, as the conditions for this develop progressively over the course of life.

Inflammation of the organ that got into the hernial sac may begin, often it is an intestinal loop or omentum. At the same time, part of the peritoneum gets there, which can contribute to the rapid development of peritonitis.

Usually, complications are provoked by lifting heavy objects or significant physical exertion. But it also happens that even laughter, coughing or sneezing can serve as a reason for pinching. Violation of bowel movements can contribute to an increase in pressure on the hernia and cause inflammation.

Symptoms of her infringement:

  • There is a sharp pain in the umbilical ring.
  • It is impossible to set a hernia in the abdominal cavity, if before that it happened quite easily.
  • The hernial sac becomes hot and tense.
  • With severe inflammation, general intoxication occurs, accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting, aching joints and lower back, fever.
  • When the intestinal loop is pinched, the symptoms are as with intestinal obstruction.

If these signs appear, then an immediate visit to the doctor is completely justified.

hernia surgery

The operation to remove an umbilical hernia is called hernioplasty, during which the organs return to the abdominal cavity, and the hernial ring is strengthened so that the disease does not return again.

It is best to perform it when the hernia has not yet reached a large size. Then there will be fewer complications, and the rehabilitation period passes without problems. Those who have been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia agree with this. In adults, reviews of the operation just confirm this opinion: everyone who went to the hospital on time says that they feel great, and there was no re-protrusion.

Surgery is contraindicated in complex heart diseases, chronic pathologies, acute infections and pregnancy.

The choice of the method of the operation depends on how the clinical picture proceeds. Hernia repair can take place with the involvement of the tissues of the patient himself, and sometimes synthetic implants in the form of a mesh are used. The endoprosthesis is used when the hernial ring is significantly expanded, and the umbilical ring is greatly weakened. Usually this method justifies itself, and postoperative relapses do not occur.

The disadvantage of the classical method of hernioplasty is a long recovery period, its duration can be up to a year, if the hernia was large or there was an infringement.

What does an umbilical hernia look like in adults after surgery? The photo below shows how successfully the hernioplasty was performed and what the stomach looks like if the visit to the doctor was timely.

If the operation is planned, and the hernia is small, then the doctor may suggest laparoscopy. In this case, no incisions are made, but everything happens with the help of several punctures. This method is relatively young and quite effective. The main condition is that the hernia should not be large.

Its advantage is that relapses are extremely rare, rehabilitation is much faster than with open interventions, and scars are almost invisible. This is due to the fact that adjacent tissues are much less injured, and the risk of postoperative adhesions is reduced.

How successful is an umbilical hernia in adults? Reviews after the operation are mostly positive. Almost all patients claim that during the procedure, although local anesthesia was used, they did not feel much pain and even talked with the surgeon.

There are also those to whom the disease has returned again for various reasons: due to a strong fright, weight lifting, coughing. With a second operation, many decide to put an endoprosthesis.


When an umbilical hernia is removed in adults, after the operation, further treatment takes place in the hospital. It will be possible to get out of bed the very next day, and if everything went well, then you can soon go home. When there were certain complications with infringement and inflammation, then there is a need for injections of antibiotics, and it will take longer to lie down in the hospital.

So that the disease does not return and the pressure on the still weak sutures is significantly reduced, it is recommended to wear a special bandage after the operation.

With an umbilical hernia, physical activity has a beneficial effect on recovery, but they should be moderate and correspond to the patient's condition. Walking and light running are allowed after two weeks. And weight lifting and training are allowed after a month, and then these should be strictly dosed loads.

Nutrition after surgery

An umbilical hernia in adults after surgery requires careful attention to food. The diet should be sparing, and eating those foods that lead to constipation and gas formation is contraindicated, as they can cause excessive pressure on the intestines.

Fatty meat, fish, smoked meats and marinades are those foods that should be absent from the diet. They also include mushrooms, legumes, brown bread, yeast dough pastries, cream, ice cream, hard-boiled eggs.

Cereals made from cornmeal, millet and pearl barley are also better not to eat, like raisins, dried apricots, seeds and nuts. Vegetables such as radishes and radishes, tomatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic, sweet peppers and eggplants are also harmful to maintaining the integrity of the seam.

It can intensify, and the volume of feces will increase significantly if you eat a lot of foods containing fiber, and this also needs to be avoided in every possible way. But at the same time, it is needed for better emptying of the intestines, so it should be used, but with caution. Bananas, peaches, apples, grapes - let these fruits wait until the stitches are removed, as well as black tea, coffee, juices, kvass and alcohol.

Of course, the diet is quite tough, but it contributes to a speedy recovery, and it is quite possible to endure. Before removing the stitches, you should eat only low-fat broths, semi-liquid pureed vegetable soups, thin cereals, cottage cheese, dietary meat or fish, steamed, or an omelet, a small amount of crackers. It is better to drink weak tea and fruit and berry kissels. These simple products will help satisfy your hunger, and postoperative sutures will be intact.

It becomes clear: when an umbilical hernia appears in adults, reviews of the operation show that the earlier treatment is started, and in this case this is the intervention of a surgeon, the more predictable the consequences, and over time you can simply forget about the disease forever.

Surgery to remove an inguinal hernia is performed on newborns, adult men and women. All patients, regardless of the chosen technique and state of health after treatment, undergo to restore the body after anesthesia and further stabilize the internal organs and general condition. Weakness of the connection of the umbilical ring leads to a hernia, and surgical treatment is performed to restore the anatomical position of the internal organs. Each operation has its own rehabilitation period, which can last from a week to six months, and delayed rehabilitation may be required even after decades.

Recovery after surgery in adults is impossible without additional therapeutic measures. Immediately after the removal of the umbilical hernia, the patient must wear a bandage, he is prescribed a strict diet, physical activity is limited, and a course of medications is attributed. After discharge of adults, scheduled examinations are coordinated to monitor the condition, correct nutrition, and undergo physiotherapeutic procedures.

Early rehabilitation period

The stitches are removed after the operation to remove the umbilical hernia in about a week. The procedure for adults is painless, but discomfort is present. Immediately after the seam is exposed, a wide belt or support bandage should be worn. It is possible to completely abandon the bandage only after the complete restoration of muscle tissue, which occurs on average after a month and a half and depends on the rate of wound healing in each individual.

By following all the prescribed preventive measures of the doctor, you can significantly reduce the rehabilitation and wound healing process.

For this, a strict diet, rest regimen, and medication are prescribed. Physical activity, heavy lifting, tension during coughing can lead to suture divergence, suppuration, infection of the wound.

What should be done in the first two weeks after the treatment of an umbilical hernia?

  • Observe the daily routine: this simple recommendation is not a formality, but a condition for successful rehabilitation of adults. For the first two days, a person should lie and sleep only on his back, on the third and fourth days, you can begin to do simple household work, walk more, but at the slightest fatigue, listen to your body and immediately rest. During this week, dressings and wound treatment are done daily. The entire recovery period is followed by a diet;
  • For the second week after the stitches are removed, soreness may still remain, therefore, painkillers or injections, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed;
  • The rehabilitation period of the elderly is more difficult, since it is necessary to monitor the possible occurrence of serious complications: respiratory failure, tachycardia, wound infection.

Massage and physiotherapy after stitch removal

In the postoperative period, massage is indicated more for newborns and children with a congenital defect of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Adult patients are also recommended to massage regularly to quickly heal the wound, improve blood circulation at the site of the operation. The procedure can only be performed by a professional, since after the operation the muscles are still weak and easily damaged.

In addition to massage, rehabilitation includes such physiotherapeutic procedures as ultraviolet treatment, electrophoresis, tocotherapy. All this allows you to normalize microcirculation, anesthetize the navel area after surgery and prevent inflammatory processes.

Already from the third week after the removal of the umbilical hernia, you need to start doing gymnastics, performing light exercises on the abdominal muscles. For adults, it is useful to do exercises daily before breakfast, stretch and warm up the muscles. Tilts and turns of the torso, squats, leg raises - all these simple exercises should be done in the umbilical bandage and on a soft rug.

Diet in the postoperative period

A therapeutic diet is necessary to fully saturate the body during the rehabilitation period and prevent digestive disorders.

The diet after the treatment of umbilical hernia is based on the following principles:

  • Exclusion of spicy, carbohydrate, fatty foods;
  • Daily meals should include soups, cereals, vegetables, fresh fruits;
  • Drink plenty of fluids, but limit coffee and milk;
  • Excluded alcoholic beverages, canned foods.

Immediately after the operation, the patient can only take liquid food to start the digestive system. Gradually, the diet is supplemented with soups, mashed potatoes, meat and steamed fish.

In the postoperative period, it is useful to prepare herbal tinctures at home: rosehip, oak bark, chamomile, sage, yarrow. Infusions and decoctions increase immunity, help reduce pain, relieve inflammation and calm adults after surgery. Nutrition should not be limited only to cereals and soups, for pleasure you can eat sweets, drink juices and a little coffee, but at the same time observe how the body reacts to certain food groups.

Complications and secondary umbilical hernia

Complications after surgery at the present stage of treatment of umbilical hernias are rare, and the reason for this is not a doctor's mistake, but the patient's attitude to the rehabilitation period.

Severe complications after removal of an umbilical hernia:

  • malnutrition provokes constipation, which increases intrauterine pressure and leads to re-pathology;
  • an early return to physical work causes divergence of sutures, recurrence of a hernia;
  • ignoring therapeutic exercises will make itself felt only after a few years, when the weakened muscles disperse, and the organs again lose their usual position.

Recovery after removal of an umbilical hernia: rehabilitation, prevention, diet, bandage

An umbilical hernia is a pathological protrusion of the abdominal organs through the umbilical ring, which can disappear or significantly decrease in size when the body is in a horizontal position. This disease in adults occurs in 6-10% of the population and is more common in women than in men.

At first, the umbilical hernia is small, disappears in the supine position, and is easily reduced. But over time, the umbilical ring can expand more and more, the hernia can grow. Its contents are first the omentum, then the small intestine enters there. But time passes, and the person is not treated. The navel ring does not seem to increase much at all. Then the time comes, and the hernia is no longer reduced.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults is carried out only surgically, regardless of the symptoms. Modern methods of hernia surgery can be divided into two methods - the installation of a mesh implant and the suturing of the hernia ring. These methods practically do not leave scars on the body and the recovery period after the operation is from 1 to 5 days. After the operation, the patient may be prescribed a diet, restriction of physical activity for a long time.

The reasons

An umbilical hernia occurs when the balance between intra-abdominal pressure and the ability of the abdominal walls to counteract it is disturbed. In a simple sense, this means that weak abdominal muscles can lead to a hernia if a person lifts weights and pushes hard. In medicine, two categories of factors that lead to a hernia are classified:

  1. Predisposing. In this category are factors related to the constitution of a person - for example, heredity, a certain body structure, age, gender. So, in pregnant women, the development of a hernia is very likely due to intra-abdominal pressure.
  2. Producing . This category of factors contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. It is because of them that a hernia occurs as a result - for example, when lifting a load, severe coughing, prolonged constipation, etc.

Thus, an umbilical hernia in adults is a fairly common phenomenon, the symptoms of the disease have characteristic features, and, as a rule, it is not particularly difficult to distinguish it from other types of hernias.

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in adults

An umbilical hernia is always accompanied by visual symptoms, so it will not be difficult for a person who is attentive to his health to notice the beginning of its appearance.

A small spherical protrusion in the navel may not even immediately attract your attention. Meanwhile, this is the first sign of the development of an umbilical hernia in adults. At rest, lying on the back, this swelling disappears, and when coughing, abdominal tension, it protrudes.

At first, this formation is easily set into place. But then the adhesive process begins, and the reduction of the hernia into the abdominal cavity becomes impossible. Characteristic pulling pains appear when lifting weights or other physical exertion associated with tension in the abdominal muscles. Similar symptoms are felt during defecation, especially in case of constipation.

If the hernia in adults reaches a fairly large size, which ceases to be reduced into the abdominal cavity, the symptoms are aggravated: constipation, vomiting, and impaired urination appear. This significantly impairs the patient's quality of life. In the absence of surgical treatment, the development of dangerous complications is possible - infringement, the threat of inflammation, tumor lesions, the development of coprostasis.

What is needed for diagnosis?

An umbilical hernia is a disease treated by a surgeon. Patients arriving with characteristic symptoms are first examined by a doctor, the clinical manifestations of the disease are studied. To confirm the diagnosis, the specialist often prescribes some additional studies.

Modern informative research methods include the following:

  1. X-ray examination of the duodenum and stomach;
  2. Gastroscopy - esophagogastroduodenoscopy, endoscopy;
  3. Herniography with the introduction of a contrast agent into the abdominal cavity;
  4. Ultrasound examination of hernial formation.

An umbilical hernia in its manifestations is similar to the symptoms of some benign tumors of the subcutaneous tissue (lipomas, dermatomas, dermatofibromas), congenital anomalies in the umbilical ring, very rarely in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, separated metastases of malignant neoplasms of almost all organs and systems of the human body can appear.

That is why, if any protrusion appears in the umbilical cavity and umbilical ring, or somewhat away from it, you need to seek the advice of a qualified surgeon.

What does an umbilical hernia look like: photo

Infringement of umbilical hernia

An umbilical hernia in adults can be infringed. Such manifestations are typical for older people, because the conditions for infringement of a hernia appear over time, and the longer the hernia exists, the more likely it is for an infringement to occur.

Infringement of a hernia can occur at any size of education. The main symptom is considered to be a sharp manifestation of pain at the site of the hernial protrusion, as well as the impossibility of reducing the hernia, which was previously reduced simply.

If the intestinal loops are infringed, then the person may show symptoms characteristic of the state of acute intestinal obstruction.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Treatment of an umbilical hernia that has appeared in adults should be carried out without fail. If it is not treated in time, there can be serious consequences - infringement.

Conservative therapy is used only in the absence of complications, and also if the patient has contraindications to surgery:

  • acute diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • long gestation periods.

Depending on the stage of development, one of the methods is selected surgical treatment:

  • plasty of the hernia gate using the patient's own tissues;
  • surgery using synthetic implants;
  • laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic implants (mesh).

How to treat an umbilical hernia in each case will be decided by the surgeon. Today, laparoscopic hernioplasty techniques are becoming more widespread and popular. Removal of an umbilical hernia during minimally invasive surgery not only makes it possible to completely eliminate the neoplasm, but also has a number of advantages, for example, a short rehabilitation period and a low likelihood of complications.

Tension hernioplasty

Hernioplasty is recommended for small umbilical hernias, up to 5 centimeters in size. The operation is quick and often performed under local anesthesia. During the surgical intervention, the surgeon restores the anatomical ratio of tissues, strengthens the weak points of the abdominal wall. Complications are rare for this type of treatment.

The main disadvantages of this method treatments are the following:

  1. Long period of rehabilitation. After this type of surgery, rehabilitation can last up to a year. It is recommended to limit physical activity, sports.
  2. Frequent relapses. The occurrence of repeated umbilical hernia in the same place. According to some reports, the frequency of such complications in the treatment of small hernias ranges from 5 to 20%. And in the treatment of umbilical hernias of large sizes, up to 30-50%.
  3. The presence of a postoperative scar. Also, when using the operation according to the Sapezhko method, the hernia is removed along with the navel. This leads to a significant cosmetic defect.

Tension-free hernioplasty

Treatment of a hernia using implants - woven mesh - is also called tension-free plastic. The method is optimal for large hernias. The endoprosthesis strengthens the hernial orifice. The operation gives a very good result: following the recommendations of the doctor, relapses are practically excluded. The patient needs a minimum of time to recover.

Advantages of the technique the following:

  1. Short rehabilitation period. With this technique, it is from seven to twenty days. Already on the first day after the operation, the patient can get out of bed and eat. On the third day, you can follow the usual diet.
  2. The absence of a cosmetic defect in the form of a postoperative scar.
  3. Low recurrence rate. According to some reports, it is up to 1%.
  4. Absence of prolonged pain in the postoperative period.
  5. Low invasiveness of the operation, the possibility of its implementation with concomitant somatic diseases.

Laparoscopic hernioplasty

In laparoscopic surgery, a mesh implant is also used, it is installed through a puncture in the abdominal wall.

The surgeon does not make a large incision, which significantly reduces the time of postoperative rehabilitation. According to reviews, this operation is the most preferred for adult patients.

But there are also certain difficulties. Laparoscopic hernioplasty requires special equipment and trained surgeons. Not every hospital has this opportunity. Operations through a puncture are contraindicated in patients with pathology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, with a large expansion of the umbilical ring.

Rehabilitation after surgery

Usually, if the operation goes without complications, the patient is allowed to get up on the first day.

  1. In the postoperative period, wearing a special bandage is indicated (when using mesh implants - about a month).
  2. On the 10-14th day, you can start doing therapeutic exercises, but it is forbidden to perform exercises for the abdominal press.
  3. After the operation, daily dressings are performed, the sutures are removed on the 7th day (if they do not resolve themselves).
  4. For pain, painkillers are prescribed.
  5. Also, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, vitamins, immunomodulators.

After surgery, patients should avoid physical activity and any activity that provokes tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Umbilical hernia in adults: reviews after surgery

We have selected some reviews of adult patients who underwent surgery to remove an inguinal hernia.

  1. It has been 3 years since I had hernia repair surgery. Everything was fine until I was frightened and screamed sharply - from a sudden exertion, the hernia appeared again. We performed the operation with the help of a tension hernioplasty, now I will insist on installing a mesh. The doctor was very wise, he told and showed everything, assured that everything would be fine.
  2. I had a hernia repaired very quickly, but they did it under general anesthesia. As soon as I recovered from anesthesia, I immediately went for a walk around the hospital, I think it will be the same for everyone else. The doctor discharged after 6 days, allowed everything except weight lifting and physical education - I had to forget about jogging for a while ...
  3. I had a hernia operation 4 months ago. In total, they kept me in the hospital for 2 weeks (1 week they did the necessary tests, then they did the operation itself, and the rest of the time I was recovering). A day after the operation, she could already walk normally, it was not particularly painful. The doctor allowed me to lift no more than 4-6 kg, and this should be done for another 6 months.

Treatment without surgery

Sometimes operations are contraindicated for people for a number of reasons. In this case, doctors recommend that adults wear an umbilical hernia bandage. It helps hold the abdominal tissue in place and the chance of the growth not getting bigger is reduced.

You can also massage the abdomen. The purpose of the procedure is to increase muscle tone. Recommended:

  • stroking the abdomen (performed clockwise);
  • light tingling of the umbilical region;
  • rubbing the abdominal muscles;
  • light relaxing strokes.

Physical activity should be moderate - overload can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

An operation for an umbilical hernia is a mandatory measure, and it is assigned to everyone without exception. Removal is performed by the method of tension or non-tension hernioplasty, and in each case there will be specific features of the rehabilitation period. After surgery to remove an umbilical hernia, there is a risk of complications and recurrence of the disease, so patients are prescribed a special regimen to minimize risks.

Excision of an umbilical hernia in adults is performed as planned. Before the operation, the body is sanitized, contraindications are excluded. In children under 6 years of age, attempts are still being made to reduce the navel without surgery, but in this case, there is a high risk of a hernia in adulthood against the background of high physical activity and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rehabilitation after removal of an umbilical hernia includes such basic measures as wearing a bandage, physical therapy, prevention of gastrointestinal pathologies, and exclusion of high physical activity.

Complications after umbilical hernia surgery occur mainly in patients who ignore the rules of rehabilitation. But even more often, the consequences of hernia repair relate to the mistakes of the surgeon during the preparation for the intervention and its implementation.

Rehabilitation after hernia removal

After a week, the stitches are removed, and after the scar has completely healed, various restorative procedures are prescribed. Young children and adults in the late period of rehabilitation are shown massage, therapeutic exercises, drugs for pain relief and physiotherapy as prescribed. After the suture is removed, a postoperative bandage is prescribed, in which you need to walk for several hours a day until the damaged muscle tissue is restored. It usually takes about two months, but this process is individual for each person.

To reduce the rehabilitation period allows compliance with all doctor's prescriptions, which include diet, reduction of physical activity, proper rest and limitation of stressful situations.

An umbilical hernia also occurs after surgery, which is facilitated by poor healing of the scar, non-compliance with preventive measures and congenital anomalies of the connective tissue. A recurrence of the disease is more often observed in patients who early refuse to wear a bandage, do not follow a therapeutic diet and give high physical activity to the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

In the early postoperative period, it is extremely important to eat right. The diet is based on preventing intestinal pressure on the operated area. This can be achieved by excluding fixing and gas-forming products from the diet.

The postoperative bandage is not put on the patient immediately, but only after the wound has healed, but in rare cases exceptions are made, which will depend on the choice of the attending physician.

In the early period after the operation of the umbilical hernia, the patient can move independently, but do this only in a supporting corset.

The patient is discharged 2-3 days after laparoscopic surgery and 3-7 days after open hernioplasty.

Features of recovery in the first weeks after umbilical hernia surgery:

  • after removal of a hernia in men, a regular examination by a urologist is carried out, after all, after the operation, problems from the genitourinary system may be disturbing;
  • diet after removal of an umbilical hernia is the same for women and men, it will be strict for the first days, and in case of complications - weeks, then the food is diluted and supplemented;
  • after hernia repair scarcan be removed by laser only after complete healing of the wound and tissue repair;
  • after surgery to eliminate several pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract at the same time, the diet is selected individually, because it differs depending on the operated organ;
  • therapeutic measures are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician and rehabilitator, and at home, you can only follow the appointments and apply methods approved by a specialist;
  • physical education and physical work are acceptable after the scar has formed, but at the same time, during the year, it is necessary to limit the load, because the healing of tissues is a long process, and with incomplete recovery, there is always a risk of relapse or the development of a postoperative hernia.

Possible complications after surgery

The divergence of the seams and the development of a ventral hernia are frequent, but not the only consequences of hernia repair. Complications after surgery arise due to the mistakes of the patient, and more often the surgeon.

What can happen after excision of an umbilical hernia:

  • eating out of schedule contributes to the appearance of constipation, which will become a factor in the appearance postoperative hernia or recurrence of the umbilical;
  • an early return to stress will lead to suture failure and relapse;
  • giving up the umbilical bandage may end muscle divergence and recurrence of pathology in the same place;
  • ignoring the need to visit a doctor for dressings and preventive examination threatens inflammation of the wound, its suppuration, which will aggravate the condition and delay the recovery of the body.

Massage and physiotherapy

In the postoperative period, massage is prescribed mainly for young children who have suffered a congenital umbilical hernia. Adults are also recommended a course of therapeutic massage to accelerate wound healing by stimulating metabolic processes. The procedure can only be performed by a professional massage therapist who is familiar with the history of the disease. At home, massage is permissible after the full recovery of the body.

Physiotherapy will not be mandatory, but a useful measure.

The patient may be prescribed drug electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, treatment with currents. Of the non-traditional methods of treatment, acupuncture, hirudotherapy, and apitherapy will be safe after surgery.

Exercise therapy and bandage

Physiotherapy exercises will be a useful measure to prevent the recurrence of pathology in all patients without exception. Gymnastics is prescribed after the healing of the scar, and when the patient gets rid of pain. A prerequisite for starting classes will be the absence of an inflammatory process of any localization.

Exercises are performed at home. The complex is selected first with the doctor, then corrected by the patient, depending on the sensations. It is permissible to do simple gymnastic exercises aimed at relaxing and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks.

The movements performed should not cause pain and discomfort. If there are discomfort, you should tell your doctor about it. A change in condition for the worse may indicate the occurrence of complications.

The postoperative bandage is prescribed for several weeks. In it, you need to do everyday activities, go out, that is, put on a belt during moments of physical activity. At night and during rest, the corset is removed. You need to wear it for as long as the doctor says. If you abuse its use, in the future it will lead to muscle weakness.

After the operation to eliminate the umbilical hernia, the rehabilitation of the body begins. It is important to understand that in the first postoperative period, a person will have to stay in the hospital in order to be under the supervision of doctors. In the absence of complications, this period will take no more than one or two days.

Immediately after the operation, the patient is put on a bandage. It should support the stomach and navel area, weakened after the operation. With the permission of the surgeon, you can replace the bandage with a wide belt.

There are cases when the patient is allowed to go home after 2-3 hours after the operation, if the postoperative patient feels well and the body has recovered normally after general anesthesia.

It is also important to have regular check-ups with your doctor after your surgery. If you do not follow the rules, it is fraught with the fact that the hernia will form again in the same place.

The possibility of recurrence of umbilical hernia also depends on the method of operation. Indeed, some methods, for example, as an operation using mesh materials, have a minimum rate of resumption of the navel disease.

But whether the patient is at home or in the hospital, he must be in bed for the first 2-3 days. That is, constantly lie down so that the seams do not open from an unusual load for the body.

Somewhere on the third day, a person may begin to roll over and stand up. At the same time, you need to understand that you need to exclude any physical activity or overwork for several days.

The next day after discharge and for a certain period (and this is 7-10 days), the patient will have to visit the hospital for dressings. Then the patient can make dressings himself. The nurse attached to him will teach him this.

A week after the operation, the patient is prescribed painkillers, antibiotics and physiotherapy sessions, which will help the rapid primary healing of the operated site.

Elderly people after surgery may experience respiratory failure with tachycardia. This may be a bad sign, which is better to tell the operating doctor.

Special treatment after surgery

Like any other operation, the removal of the protrusion requires special care and gentle treatment in the first period after surgery.

In the postoperative period, all the instructions of the surgeon should be followed so that the rehabilitation time passes quickly, without any special negative consequences. The first period the patient will have to abandon the usual way of life. For example, you will need to temporarily forget about physical activity and playing sports.

It is important not to forget about nutrition. No matter how easy the operation is, it should be remembered that this is an intervention in the human body and a certain violation of the integrity of the skin. This means that the body and internal organs need a calm regimen in order to cope with stress and "recover themselves."

A person's nutrition should be carefully monitored during recovery. It is necessary to completely exclude spicy dishes from your diet, eat only natural and healthy foods. Give preference to light cereals and soups that will soften the stool so that the feces are easily excreted from the body. In no case should constipation be allowed.

The first two days after the operation, the patient can only eat liquid food. Gradually, more and more new products can be introduced into the diet so that the stomach gets used to normal food.

Removal of stitches

Somewhere on the 6-7th day after the operation to remove the umbilical hernia, the patient can remove the stitches. This procedure takes only a few minutes and is completely painless. Of course, it cannot be called pleasant, but this is the final stage of the transferred operation.

After removing the stitches, the bandage will have to be worn for another 1-2 months. A bandage or a wide belt helps the body recover until the abdominal area acquires the necessary tone. In addition, the bandage holds the seam, which can disperse from unforeseen stress.

Rehabilitation after various types of umbilical hernia operations

The hernia is disposed of quite easily. There are two main ways to remove an umbilical hernia. The choice of one or another method during the operation depends on the size of the opening of the umbilical ring.

  • Hernioplasty or classic plastic surgery
  • Application of mesh implants

These types of operations have their pros and cons. They are used in different situations.

Classical umbilical hernia repair is used during surgery if the umbilical hernia has not reached a large size. In addition, this type is used if the patient has a small ovary opening, since suturing a large opening can cause a re-hernia if ruptured.

Hernioplasty has a longer recovery period. The patient will have to wear a bandage, adhere to a special diet and exclude physical activity for almost a year, otherwise there is a possibility of a relapse - a hernia appears in the same place. This plastic surgery of the navel is carried out under general anesthesia, after which the body recovers more difficult.

If mesh implants are used during the operation, the rehabilitation process is much easier. The bandage will have to be worn for only a month. This applies to both loads and power. In addition, the umbilical hernia is permanently removed by this method - the possibility of recurrence is almost zero, and the operation itself is performed under any anesthesia.

The newest method of operating on an umbilical hernia today is laparoscopy. This technique using a camera is good because it leaves almost no seams, and the rehabilitation period is minimized.

Postoperative rehabilitation in children

As for children, they very rarely experience complications after such an operation. If the hernia did not go away on its own before the baby went to school. Surgeons only help this process to happen.

Rehabilitation in children is completely the same as in an adult.

It may seem that after surgery, the skin around the navel has become less elastic, but this is possible only in the first postoperative period. As soon as the bandage is removed, the muscles will return the lost tone and the navel will return to its natural appearance.

To help the body acquire the necessary strength for recovery will help a special diet. On this issue, it is better to consult a doctor.

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