Watery snot in a child than to treat. The child does not have a runny nose. Circumstances affecting the appearance of discharge from the nose

Physiological breathing through the nose childhood is the key to successful development and maturation young body. A seemingly harmless runny nose can give not only severe complications on the ears and brain, as well as go to chronic form and manifest long-term consequences much later. We will learn how to quickly cure a runny nose in a child, and what to do with rhinitis.

Before starting therapy, you need to make sure that the child's runny nose is caused by an inflammatory process, and not a consequence foreign body or anomalies in the structure of the nose.

Clinical case: Girl 4.5 years old. Parents turned to Laura with complaints about purulent discharge from the right half of the nose and a request to cure the child's runny nose.

Three different vasoconstrictors dripped independently for 2 weeks, but without effect. On examination: the right half of the nose was edematous; after anemia, the doctor saw a button, which was successfully removed under the control of an endoscope.

Antiseptic drops were prescribed, after 4 days all complaints disappeared and the girl's condition returned to normal.

How to treat a runny nose in a child:

  • washing and cleansing the nasal cavity;
  • nasal drops;
  • antibiotics or antivirals;
  • physiotherapy;
  • traditional medicine.

Complex therapy will help to cope with the infection and symptoms of the disease, as well as prevent the development of complications.

Nasal lavage

One of the stages of treatment is the cleansing of the nose from mucus and pus (on purulent inflammation points and yellow green color snot) that accumulate there during a runny nose and prevent the child from breathing. A child from 4-5 years of age can be taught to blow his nose on his own.

It is important that the baby does it correctly: without sudden efforts and one nostril, while the mouth is slightly open. In such cases, the risk of infection in auditory tube infection is reduced. To help get rid of snot in young children, you can use aspirators.

Older children are taught to flush their nose already. To do this, take a warm antiseptic solution (miramistin, chamomile decoction, etc.). Pour it into a container with a neck and carefully pour it into one nostril. The head is slightly tilted to the other side. A solution mixed with mucus flows from the second nostril or through the mouth.

In a clinic or hospital, you can perform a nose wash according to Proetz (“cuckoo”).

How this manipulation goes: the doctor pours an antiseptic solution into one half of the nose, the patient repeats the phrase “cuckoo”, thanks to which soft sky rises, and the solution does not enter the oral cavity.

Nasal drops

To eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose, various types of drops are used. Consider the most popular:

When choosing decongestants for the nose, pay attention to drops with children's dosages, for example, Nazol baby. It contains phenylephrine, which acts very quickly and gently constricts blood vessels, making it easier nasal breathing within two to three minutes after application. Approved for use in children over 1 year of age.

  • Drops with antiseptic action.

For disinfection and drying of the mucosa with a profuse runny nose, good effect will bring drops based on silver ions (Sialor, Protargol). This tool has the ability to destroy the walls of bacteria, and also causes vasospasm, thereby reducing swelling.

Polydex with phenylephrine contain vasoconstrictor and antibacterial (neomycin, polymyxin B) components. You can treat snot in a child from 2.5 years old with this remedy. Local antibiotics fight bacteria, and phenylephrine improves breathing and relieves swelling.

  • Hormonal drops.

Local hormones have firmly occupied their niche in conservative treatment adenoids and prolonged rhinitis in children. These drugs are relatively safe (Nasonex is approved for use after 2.5 years), they work only at the level of the nasal mucosa and do not give systemic side effects of hormones. They eliminate puffiness and clean allergic component illness.

  • Vegetable based drops

Oil drops in the nose Pinosol are allowed for children over 12 years of age or younger after consultation with the attending physician. natural drops contain plant extracts and may cause allergies in some children.


If the doctor suggests viral cause illness, then antiviral drugs will help cure the snot in a child.

They are prescribed locally:

  • Interferon. In children of the first months of life, it is instilled into the nose. After 3 years, it can be additionally prescribed in the form of inhalation. It is recommended for the prevention of viral infection and in the early stages of the disease.
  • IRS-19 (a mixture of bacterial lysates). Immunomodulatory spray that stimulates local immune defense. Used in children from 3 months of age.

Except local funds, appoint systemic drugs, which help maintain immunity and quickly get rid of viruses when a child's snot flows in a stream.

Of the systemic immunostimulants in children, Derinat is often used. The drug has an immunostimulating effect on different parts of the immune system. It is released in the form of ampoules for intramuscular injection and in the form of a solution that is used topically.

With a runny nose, it is dripped into the nose or tampons soaked in Derinat for half an hour are placed in both nostrils. At severe forms a viral infection is prescribed intramuscularly. In addition, it can be used for inhalation.


Run effective inhalation a young child at home is possible only with the help of special device. Under the action of the compressor or ultrasound, the drug is split into tiny particles that are absorbed by the mucosa of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

What means can be used in a nebulizer for a cold:

  • Saline. Helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and promotes the speedy recovery of breathing. It has practically no contraindications and is used in children from the first days of life.
  • Antiseptics (Miramistin, etc.). Disinfects mucous and destroys viruses and microbes.
  • Mucolytics (ACC, etc.). Acetylcysteine ​​can be used from the first days of life. it effective remedy from a cold for children, helps to make thick snot more liquid, making them easier to blow your nose and expectorate.
  • Immunostimulants (Derinat, Interferon). Helps to strengthen and activate the immune system.

Steam inhalations for folk recipes contraindicated for children. Their benefits have no evidence base, and the risk of getting burned by hot steam is very high.

Essential oils

These funds are relatively safe and mild. They are used as a method of preventing the common cold and to alleviate the symptoms of a cold.

Which of them is used for rhinitis:

  • Tea tree . Has antiseptic properties. They lubricate the wings and the vestibule of the nose, and also add to the aroma lamp.
  • Camphor. Shows disinfectant and wound healing properties. Its oil is added to homemade nasal drops, and is also used for inhalation.

Application essential oils in young children should be agreed with the doctor.

homeopathic remedies

The use of homeopathy in children with a cold has no scientific justification. There is no clearly proven effect from the use of such drugs.

For reference, here is a list of the most popular tools from this area:

  • Cinnabsin. Complex preparation based on plant extracts. It is used in the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis. May be given to children over 2 years of age.
  • Aconite. It has a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Assign for influenza, runny nose and SARS.
  • Echinacea. It has an immunostimulating effect.
  • Corisalia. Combats the symptoms of a runny nose and reduces the effect of allergens on the nasal mucosa.

Features of the treatment of infants

Appearance clear slime in the nose of a baby in the first months of life without others accompanying symptoms not considered a runny nose. In that age period the nasal passages of the child are narrow, and the cells that produce mucus are just beginning to adapt to the features environment. This phenomenon is called the physiological runny nose of the baby.

It is not difficult to distinguish real snot from such a phenomenon. In case of illness in a child, in addition to mucus from the nose, there is a violation general condition: the temperature rises, the baby becomes restless, loses weight, appetite, constantly cries, and snot flows from the nose.

The key problem of a runny nose in infants is that the baby does not know how to blow his nose. And normal breathing through the nose at this age is especially important, because infant while feeding, can only breathe through the nose.

Removing snot from the nose

Cotton swabs, flagella, and other items will not be able to clear the baby's nose of snot during a cold. In addition, intensive picking with foreign objects in the nose can cause injury to the thin mucosa.

You can effectively and safely remove secretions with the help of children's aspirators (nozzle pumps). They are manual, semi-mechanical and mechanical. The principle of operation resembles a vacuum cleaner: a soft rubber tube is inserted into one half of the nose, and the device gently sucks mucus and snot out of the nose.

You can use a small enema for this procedure. The tip of the rubber pear is moistened with vaseline or other oil, the enema is squeezed, inserted into one nostril of the child and the mucus is sucked off.

Non-drug measures

Beloved by most parents, the respected pediatrician Komarovsky, with almost every conversation about a cold, emphasizes the importance of such activities in the treatment of a cold:

  1. With a runny nose and no temperature, walking with a child can and should be done.
  2. Decreased appetite with a cold is normal, but infants need to be careful not to become dehydrated. If the baby refuses to breastfeed, then you can give water from a spoon or syringe.
  3. Airing the room and humidifying the air in the room where the child lives.
  4. Do not wrap a sick child excessively.

Application of nasal drops

Cure a runny nose for a child infancy and relieve the symptoms of a cold, first of all, drops help.

sneezing - This is a reflex reaction of the body to an irritant entering the mucous membranes of the nose. Together with mucus (in other words, snot), sneezing creates a barrier to microbes, viruses and bacteria entering the body.

Symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing may appear in small child for a variety of reasons and cause him great anxiety. Nasal congestion interferes normal sleep baby, at infants nutritional problems may arise. Prolonged runny nose may cause ear infection and other more serious illnesses.

What can cause a runny nose?

As a rule, we associate the appearance of transparent snot with the onset of a disease, for example, SARS or acute respiratory infections. The second common reason that a child has snot is an allergy. A number of other less frequent, but possible phenomena that cause mucus separation are also possible. Let's consider them in more detail.

Allergic reaction

If the child sneezes and transparent snot flows, and there are no symptoms indicating a cold, for example, redness of the throat or cough, then an allergy may develop.

Today, in children, an allergic reaction is a fairly common phenomenon, and if we react immediately to the appearance of hives or itching, then we may not pay due attention to sneezing, but in vain.

In young children, allergies are more often recorded in summer or late spring during the flowering period of plants, but can also be caused by ordinary house dust or animal hair. There may be other symptoms that make it possible to identify exactly allergic nature runny nose such as redness of the eyelids, rash or itching.

If the child sneezes constantly without visible reasons should be tested for allergies. Today, the most common method is a blood test, unlike previously accepted skin tests, this analysis can be carried out even for very young children, it is quite informative and accurate.

  • more often, to make wet cleaning in the room;
  • limit contact with plush toys and fluffy bedspreads;
  • do not use blankets and pillows with natural filler;
  • wash the child's nose with saline or sea water;
  • if necessary, purchase an air purifier.

You should be careful about the presence of allergies. Conduct a survey and timely treatment because, as a result of a neglected disease, a child may develop bronchial asthma.


Most often, sneezing is clear sign cold disease. In infants, a cold can be a consequence of hypothermia; after three years, viral and infectious diseases are more likely.

When a child begins to get sick, as a rule, transparent snot can be observed, so the body is trying to get rid of pathogenic microbes in the nasal cavity.

Strong immunity can defeat the disease in initial stage and everything will be limited to a few days of a runny nose and sneezing, if the body is weakened by something, then the disease can develop further. The temperature may rise or other symptoms of SARS may appear.

The main difficulty with a runny nose and that he cannot get rid of snot on his own, which means that there is a high risk that the infection will spread further throughout the body. The structure of the nasopharynx in a baby is such that a runny nose very quickly causes inflammation of the ear; therefore, if the nose is blocked, it is recommended to slightly tilt the mattress in the crib so that the mucus flows down the throat. And in the children's first aid kit, you must have a special children's suction (aspirator) with interchangeable tips.

Nasal congestion and sneezing can progress to more serious conditions without treatment. The infection will go down to the bronchi and the lungs must be started to fight it immediately.

How the common cold develops in several stages:

On the first - special symptoms is not observed, the baby simply feels discomfort in the nose and throat and therefore may be more capricious than usual. At the second stage, transparent snot appears, breathing is difficult and this can interfere with feedings. On the final stage the separated mucus becomes viscous and opaque, breathing becomes easier - this means that the baby is on the road to recovery. The runny nose usually stops within a week of the onset of symptoms.

Reaction to external stimuli

Another reason that the child often sneezes may be the reaction of the body of the newborn to environmental factors. Since adaptation to the outside world has not yet occurred, the baby may have a runny nose with various irritants familiar to adults - smells, dry air, in some cases, food that is not suitable for age, for example, too spicy or spicy.

A similar condition may also be accompanied by headache, anxiety and uncharacteristic weakness. Too much light can also cause sneezing.

congenital features

If in the first 2-3 months of life the child sneezes and transparent snot flows, this may be due to the congenital narrowness of the nasal passages. Over time, the structure of the nasal septum will change and the symptoms will disappear, but until then it is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the nose, if necessary, clean the nasal passages from the resulting hard crusts.

Prevention of children's runny nose

In order to be less likely to face the problem of why the child often sneezes and his nose is stuffy, it is necessary to be attentive to the daily routine and nutrition of the baby:

  • Avoid hypothermia;
  • Make sure that the child is dressed according to the weather;
  • To develop immunity, try to support breastfeeding for at least 3-4 months, ideally six months. Even if the food is mixed (partially breast milk partially milk formulas) this will still give the baby immune protection for the first time;
  • Pay attention to the composition of the child's diet or, if he is breastfed, then to his own. The kid should get enough nutrients and protein;
  • Support children's immunity: brew chamomile tea or prepare a rosehip decoction for newborns born in winter period it is recommended to give vitamin D, try hardening. This does not mean that you need to run with your child to swim in the hole or ice water. Main principle hardening - gradual.

Treatment and preventive measures

If, and transparent snot appeared, and within 2-3 days the condition did not improve, then the help of a doctor is necessary to diagnose the condition and prescribe treatment. For infants in the first year of life, the choice of drugs is extremely limited and it is not worth prescribing them yourself.

As a self-treatment, you can perform nasal hygiene with cotton turundas and vaseline oil, use an aspirator to remove mucus and hard crusts. The rest of the measures should be applicable only as prescribed by a doctor.

For a child older than one year, you can perform nasal irrigations with saline or sea ​​water, it is better if the drug is with a capillary dispenser - the baby still does not know how to blow his nose and the sprayer can only worsen the situation.

As prescribed by a doctor for a runny nose, it is usually recommended:

  • Rinse your nose, now in pharmacies you can find various preparations for washing, the most popular Aqualor baby and, for children over 6 years old, you can try to use Dolphin, but not all children will calmly endure the procedure.
  • age appropriate. Up to 3 years it is better to use only drops! Transparent snot is often caused by dryness of the nasal mucosa, and drops on oil based moisturize well.
  • Please note that you can use vasoconstrictor drugs for no more than 5-7 days! Long-term use may be addictive or have the opposite effect!
  • At severe congestion, at bedtime, can be given to a child antihistamine This will make breathing easier and allow him to sleep peacefully at night. But only on the recommendation of a doctor!
  • The child should drink enough fluids natural antiseptic chamomile tea is recommended.
  • If the runny nose dragged on, a temperature appeared and the snot changed color to green or yellow - this alarm bell! Definitely worth a visit to a doctor big share the likelihood that you will be prescribed sprays and drops containing an antibiotic, for example, "Isofra".

What can you do yourself

It is not worth self-medicating and using various inhalations, warming up or herbal decoctions in relation to the baby without a doctor's prescription! With this you can apply serious harm baby condition!

At an older age (5-6 years), inhalations on herbs or oils can be used as home remedies. It is advisable to purchase the simplest inhaler (a plastic container and something like a respirator). This method is especially recommended for thick snot.

There are also herbal rubbing agents or plasters (Doctor MOM, Nozzle and others), they are more effective for diseases accompanied by a cough, but you can also rub a child with a cold. Or prepare a warming composition on your own, based on heated ( NOT HOT!) vegetable oil or interior fat with the addition of essential oils (the most common are eucalyptus, fir or lavender oil).

It is advisable to coordinate all these measures with your doctor, as they may have contraindications, and if used incorrectly, you can seriously worsen the child's condition, the consequences can be very different, from allergies to sinusitis.

  • Carry out frequent wet cleaning, wiping all surfaces where dust and harmful microorganisms can settle;
  • Ventilate the baby's room more often, oxygenated air is good for the baby's health and reduces the concentration of bacteria in the room. If there are no contraindications during illness, try to spend more time outdoors;
  • If an air conditioner is installed in the room, control the air flow - it should not fall directly on it and be sure to clean the device;
  • Pay attention to the humidity in the nursery, this is especially important in winter, when heating systems dry out the air, which provokes excessive drying and irritation of the mucous membrane -. To saturate the air with moisture, you can purchase a humidifier, or simply cover the batteries with a damp cloth.

Sneezing and runny nose - the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky:

If a child sneezes and transparent snot flows, do not panic - the reason may be a momentary irritant, and after a while the sneezing will pass. You should be worried if a runny nose lasts more than a day or other symptoms have appeared. anxiety symptoms. It is necessary to consult a doctor and adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen.

Children's runny nose is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor. This symptom can accompany many diseases of an infectious, allergic or vegetative nature. Do not think that a runny nose in children 2 years old is completely safe. Of course, in most cases, this ailment goes away on its own and does not leave behind any consequences. But still, sometimes there are complications caused precisely by the accumulation of mucous masses in a small nose.

Children's runny nose

Before treating a runny nose in children 2 years old, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist can reliably determine the cause of the pathology. As you know, mucus in the nose is just a symptom, not an independent disease. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to act on the source of infection. Please note that a runny nose can have two forms: acute and chronic. The latter is more difficult, as it is practically not amenable to treatment. Acute rhinitis, in turn, has three phases:

  1. Initial or catarrhal (manifested by dry mucous membranes, itching, the baby may sneeze).
  2. The period of the main manifestations (abundant liquid slime other symptoms may be added, e.g. morning cough, congestion).
  3. Recovery (at this stage, liquid nozzles gradually thicken and become cloudy, and then completely disappear).

It should be noted that not always the third phase is characterized by recovery. If a complication occurs, then at this stage the runny nose becomes protracted or becomes chronic.

What to do if the child has snot?

Imagine that you have discovered the first signs of illness in your child. How to treat a runny nose for a child (2 years old)? Komarovsky (famous pediatrician) tells in his blogs that first you need to create a crumb comfortable conditions. They consist in the maintenance of the regime and the organization of daytime. Perhaps this will be enough to little patient went to fix it.

  • Walk with the baby at least twice a day (provided that he does not have a temperature).
  • Frequently ventilate the room in which there is a child with a runny nose.
  • Set the room temperature to no more than 22 degrees. Optimum humidity - 60%.
  • If the sick person refuses to eat, do not force feed him. It is much more important to provide him with plenty of fluids.

After the priority recommendations are taken into account, you need to show the baby to the doctor. How to treat a runny nose in children 2 years or older? It depends entirely on clinical picture illness. All therapeutic methods are divided into two large groups: drug and non-drug. Let us consider in more detail how and how to treat a runny nose in children. What medicines can be used independently?

Regular washing is the key to a quick recovery

If you are interested in how to treat a runny nose in children 2 years old, and doing it safely, then pay attention to saline solutions. You can use them even without a doctor's prescription. They will not bring any harm to the child. Salt solutions contain a sterile concentrate of sea or ocean water. In a pharmacy, you can buy products such as Rinostop, Solin, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Dolphin and many others. Always pay attention to age restrictions, as some drugs can be used from birth, while others - only from 3 years.

Salt solutions are needed to perform two important functions: cleansing and moisturizing. At correct use they irrigate the nasal mucosa, removing pathogens from it. At the same time, the preparations do not allow the mucous secretions to dry out and prevent the formation of crusts. An alternative to these medicines can be the most common sodium chloride solution or self-prepared sterile water with addition sea ​​salt. Never rinse your child's nose if the baby complains of ear pain.

Antiseptics help fight infection

How else to treat a runny nose in children 2 years old? Preparations with antiseptic properties can be used on their own, but it is important to use them correctly. The medicines Miramistin, Protargol, Collargol, Sialor will help to eliminate the infection, clear the nasal passages and dry the mucous membrane.

These drugs have contraindications. If the child has an individual intolerance to the components, then it is better not to use them. Antiseptics cannot be used in unlimited quantities, unlike saline solutions. If you use them for a long time and a lot, then you can dry out the delicate mucous membrane of the nose and throat of the baby.

Popular drugs actively promoted by doctors

If you ask a doctor about how to treat a runny nose in children 2 years old, you can hear about drugs such as Interferon, Nazoferon, Grippferon, Genferon. These funds belong to immunomodulators and antiviral drugs. They act on the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infections. At the same time, many sources speak of the ineffectiveness of such drugs. giving antiviral agents your child or not - decide for yourself.

What are vasoconstrictor drugs for and how to use them correctly?

If the child constantly breathes through the mouth, severe runny nose does not allow you to inhale with your nose, then what to do in such cases? As emergency assistance vasoconstrictor drugs may be used. Among the drugs allowed for young children, one can single out Vibrocil, Nazivin, Snoop and others. They all work in much the same way: they relieve puffiness, reduce the amount of mucus secreted and make breathing easier. Such funds can be recommended by a doctor as a prophylaxis of otitis media, since often inflammatory process in children goes to the ears.

Important not to use vasoconstrictors without consulting a doctor for more than three days. If you do not adhere to the treatment method specified in the instructions, then the baby will quickly develop addiction to such a medicine.

When is antibiotics needed?

How to treat a runny nose in children 2 years old? Medicines based antibacterial components required under the following conditions:

  1. Nasal mucus acquires a yellowish-green purulent hue.
  2. Runny nose is present for more than 7-10 days.
  3. Rhinitis is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which lasts more than 4 days.
  4. Added complication in the form of otitis media.
  5. The infection affects the nasopharyngeal tonsils, causing adenoiditis.

Antibiotics for local application allowed for children are sold without a prescription. You can give preference to the preparations "Isofra" or "Polydex". The latter contains phenylephrine, a vasoconstrictor. So if you use this drug, then from different kind vasoconstrictor agents can be abandoned.

To warm or not to warm?

Very often, older people recommend that young parents warm up their baby's nose to cure a runny nose. This can be done in different ways. But some of them can be quite dangerous. You should not warm the child's nose if we are talking about bacterial infection. Does the baby have green snot and a high temperature? Think twice and be sure to consult your doctor before warming up.

  • Put a few tablespoons of coarse salt on a dry frying pan. Warm the product, then place it in a sterile napkin. Apply to the nose of the baby for 10-15 minutes.
  • Boil the egg in a steep, wipe and wrap in a thick napkin. Apply for 2-3 minutes to each sinus.
  • Boil salt water. Place the baby in front of a bowl in which you place boiling water. Cover the child with a blanket and let him breathe like that.

Doctors do not recommend doing such procedures on their own. AT best case they won't do any good. During warming up, the child may get burned, and heat will contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which will lead to the spread of infection through the lymphoid tissue.

Proven Grandma's Recipes

  • Prepare a decoction of chamomile, calendula and sage. Every day, 3-4 times instill these funds into the child's nose. Herbs help relieve inflammation and accelerate the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot and beetroot juice, mixed in a 1:1 ratio, effectively eliminates a bacterial infection. You should use this remedy 2-3 times a day for 4-6 drops.
  • Garlic and onions are natural antibiotics. With their help, you can quite effectively get rid of germs in the nose. Unless your baby may not like this method. Squeeze out the juice of garlic and onion, add a couple of drops olive oil and mix with saline solution, let it stand.
  • Mustard plasters are a proven remedy for the treatment of colds. They warm up the respiratory tract, help eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Doctors recommend very careful handling of this folk remedy for the treatment of the common cold. Children's delicate skin can be very easily injured.
  • Inhalations with mineral water- a good tool for uniform irrigation of the nasal passages. It is important to carry them out correctly, as sometimes they can provoke the infection to descend into lower divisions respiratory tract.

What to do if the nozzles do not allow you to live in peace? If the child is 2 years old, how to treat a severe runny nose? Prolonged rhinitis indicates that the disease has become chronic. You will not be able to cope with a runny nose on your own. For the treatment to good result, you need to see a doctor.

Show the child to the doctor urgent order if, in addition to a runny nose, the following symptoms are present:

  • high body temperature;
  • fatigue and apathy, drowsiness;
  • pale skin;
  • headache;
  • vomiting and nausea, impaired stool;
  • coughing.

As you can see, a runny nose can be a symptom of many pathologies. Approach responsibly to its or his treatment.

Runny nose almost always occurs in response to inflammation of the nasal mucosa and nasopharynx. It can be either one of the symptoms of the disease, or an independent problem, which is much easier to cure. In childhood, many effective drugs for rhinitis are contraindicated.

But this does not mean that you can neglect treatment and not see a doctor, because even simple snot can cause serious complications, which will be much more difficult to cure in the future.

Types of rhinitis

The form of rhinitis can be acute and chronic.

By etiology:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • traumatic.

According to the course of the disease:

  • seasonal;
  • paroxysmal;
  • constant.

Rhinitis also happens:

  • hypertrophic;
  • atrophic;
  • simple catarrhal;
  • vasomotor.

Causes of snot

Runny nose affects a person at any age. Snot in a child can be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergens and banal hypothermia: in this case, rhinitis is an independent disease.

A runny nose can be a symptom of influenza, SARS, whooping cough, scarlet fever, meningitis, measles.

The main causative agents of rhinitis are:

  • rhinovirus;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • parainfluenza and influenza virus.

Less commonly, rhinitis in a child appears due to the pathogenic effects of a specific and atypical fungal and microbial flora:

  • gonococci;
  • mycoplasmas;
  • chlamydia;
  • tuberculosis bacillus;
  • legionella.

The following may contribute to the development of a runny nose: pathological processes in the body:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoids;
  • tonsillitis;
  • diathesis;
  • a foreign body that has entered the nasal cavity;
  • post-vaccination period;
  • deviated septum of the nose.

stress, illness digestive tract, nose injuries and changes hormonal background during adolescence can cause vasomotor rhinitis in a child.

Also, rhinitis can have a physiological transient character. For example, a runny nose in newborns, due to the anatomically narrow nasal passages and the periodic accumulation of mucous secretions in them. It usually occurs within the first 10 weeks of a child's life and resolves on its own without any treatment.

Associated symptoms

Acute infectious rhinitis is a constant companion of any colds and viral diseases in children. This type of rhinitis occurs most often.

The clinical course of pathology in medicine is divided into three stages:

  1. Dry irritation of the mucosa. The child may complain increased dryness, burning and tickling in the nasal passages, headache, some nasality, shortness of breath. At this stage infectious agents embedded in the epithelium of the nasal mucosa. If at this moment a rhinoscopy is performed, the doctor will note hyperemia of the mucosa and non-physiological narrowing of the nasal passages.
  2. Serous discharge. This stage is characterized by the active production of a mucous or serous-mucous secretion, which has an irritating effect on the skin near the nose and in the vestibule. upper lip. At this stage, the child has a strong flow of snot, there may be hyperemia of the skin near the nose with the formation of painful cracks. In children under one year old, lacrimation may occur. With rhinoscopy, the doctor detects swelling and hyperemia of the mucosa, partial or complete obstruction of the nasal passages.
  3. Secretory-purulent discharge. At this stage, the nature of the secret changes, it acquires a yellow-green hue. With the help of rhinoscopy, you can see a gradual decrease in swelling of the mucosa.

Most often, a runny nose appears acutely, with accompanying additional symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • chill and heat, alternating;
  • coughing;
  • smell problems;
  • sore throat and ears;
  • pain in the region of the nose on palpation.

Spicy vasomotor rhinitis accompanied only by nasal congestion, without an increase in temperature and an increase in liquid secretions.

Allergic rhinitis develops exclusively after contact with an irritant, its main symptoms are severe sneezing and separation a large number watery mucus from the nose.

Symptoms allergic rhinitis stop after taking antihistamines or avoiding contact with the allergen.

If a child has snot, there is almost always a violation of nasal breathing. This problem can cause poor sleep, lack of appetite and reduced concentration.

Children with a runny nose cannot drive full image life, they are constantly in stressful situation. Therefore, if a child has snot, treatment should be mandatory.

How to stop snot stream? Medicines for children

In children, a runny nose is more severe than in adults, since the immune system in childhood is not fully developed. It is most difficult to cure snot in infants; treatment can only be carried out with the participation of a pediatrician.

In addition, the anatomical narrowness of the nasal passages causes problems with clearing the nose of mucus and leads to rapid drying of the crusts. So, what to do if the child's snot flows in a stream?

At the first stage of a runny nose (stage of dry irritation of the nasal mucosa), you need to give the child warm tea with chamomile or raspberries and make foot baths with the addition of dry mustard.

If the disease is of viral origin, the child is prescribed Viferon or Genferon Light suppositories, Derinat or Grippferon nasal drops in the nose.

For the simultaneous removal of swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is recommended to take antihistamines - Suprastin, Zodak.

If at this stage the body temperature rises, Paracetamol-based medicines should be used at a dosage intended for a particular childhood.

How to treat flowing snot in a child in the second and third stages of rhinitis?

At this time, on the recommendation of the attending physician, the child may be prescribed systemic antibacterial drugs, at easy course process - local antiseptics and antibiotics. Bioparox, Miramistin, Isofra, Polydex are usually prescribed.

To normalize sleep, children are prescribed drops with vasoconstrictor effect- Nazivin for children, Vibrocil, which can be used only at night and not longer than 10 days to prevent the addictive effect. For increase defensive forces the pediatrician can prescribe Sinupret and IRS-19 spray.

In children under one year old, it is important to restore respiratory function to normalize feeding. Physiological rhinitis of the newborn does not require specific treatment.

It is necessary to systematically clean the nasal passages of the child water-salt solutions such as Aqua Maris, Aqualor, saline- each of them can be purchased at the pharmacy. Dry crusts from the nasal passages should be removed with cotton swabs soaked in sterile oil.

Vasomotor rhinitis should be treated with intranasal novocaine and hydrocortisone blockades, IRT and SIT methods, magnetic therapy, and acupuncture.

Chronic rhinitis in the acute stage is treated according to the above treatment regimen. acute rhinitis, as well as surgically(resection of adenoids and polyps, correction of the nasal septum) or immunotherapy.

The choice of treatment method in the case of chronic rhinitis depends on its underlying cause.

Regardless of the type of rhinitis, during its treatment it is necessary to follow the general recommendations:

  1. Normalize from the very beginning of the disease children food and start a course of taking multivitamin preparations.
  2. Each medicine should be taken according to the instructions, since an overdose of any drug can cause unpleasant side effects, for example: a more extensive vasodilation and an increase in secretions, while the snot in a child can drain down back wall nasopharynx and infection can penetrate into the trachea and bronchi.
  3. During treatment, the temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees.
  4. The child should receive hot plentiful drink.
  5. Young children do not know how to blow their nose, thereby clearing the nasal cavity from the accumulated secret. Parents should clean the nasal cavity of a small child by suctioning the mucus with a rubber pear or a special children's aspirator.

Treatment of rhinitis should be aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at preventing the spread infectious process beyond the limits of the nasopharynx - to the larynx, trachea and ears.

As the medical therapy, the district pediatrician should monitor the child's condition, and, if necessary, adjust the prescribed treatment program.

Folk remedies for the common cold

Alternative medicine for the treatment of a runny nose in a child should be used with caution, at the same time as drug therapy, provided that the disease proceeds without complications, and only with the permission of the attending physician.

Effective treatments for rhinitis in children are:

  1. Hot plentiful drink. Heat a glass of milk, dilute a teaspoon of honey and cocoa butter in it. Drink in small sips in the morning and evening. Brew a tablespoon of mint in a thermos with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, add honey to the infusion and drink the remedy throughout the day.
  2. Washing the nose. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over a tablespoon of sage, let it brew for an hour. Strained infusion is used to wash the nose 3 times a day. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of burdock, boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Infuse the remedy for 3 hours, strain and rinse the nasal passages in the morning and evening.
  3. Nasal drops. In equal proportions, mix honey and aloe juice, instill the product into the nose, 5 drops 3 times a day. Combine freshly squeezed beet juice in equal proportions with sterilized vegetable oil. Drip into the nose 3 drops 3 times a day.
  4. Inhalations. Can do steam inhalation using a decoction of oak bark, linden, plantain, raspberry, etc. Collection from medicinal herbs brew 2 cups boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After the decoction has cooled to 80 degrees, the child should breathe over its steam for 10 minutes 3 times a day. You can not carry out inhalation during a fever in a child and when acute course runny nose.

In addition to the above recipes, you can rub the chest and back of the child. beeswax, make applications on the wings of the nose with onion gruel or menthol oil.


To prevent the development of acute rhinitis, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid hypothermia of the body, in particular, dress the child according to weather conditions;
  • refusal of cold food;
  • minimizing contact with persons suffering from respiratory viral diseases;
  • reception multivitamin complexes and consumption of foods rich in vitamin C;
  • physical education, hardening, observance of the daily routine;
  • regularly clean and rinse the nose, wash hands often;
  • correction of nasal pathologies: elimination of adenoids and polyps, correction of the nasal septum, etc.

A runny nose is not dangerous for the health of the child, if you start treating it correctly and in a timely manner. Otherwise, rhinitis may acquire chronic or cause a number of complications in the body, for example, more serious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

How to treat a runny nose, if a child has snot, the pediatrician will tell you. At the first symptoms of rhinitis, it is recommended to consult a specialist and not to treat yourself.

Useful video about the common cold in children

Snot (runny nose) is a common occurrence in children. More often they occur in preschool children, namely those who go to kindergarten. They are less common in children under one year of age.

The appearance of snot in infants is very unpleasant phenomenon, bringing a lot of anxiety to the mother and the kids themselves. Congestion, nasal discharge prevent them from sucking milk from the mother's breast or from a bottle of milk, they begin to become angry and capricious. Sleep worsens, the process of falling asleep is disturbed. With snot in children under one year old, you need to be very careful. In young children, the structure of the nasopharynx is somewhat different from its structure in adults, which is favorable for the development and spread of infection. Therefore, than younger child the faster and more often complications develop. In medicine, a runny nose is called "rhinitis".

Reasons for the appearance of "snot":

1. Infection (viruses, bacteria, fungi).
The main cause and most common are acute viral diseases. Infection with viruses occurs through the inhaled air, into which they enter with droplets of saliva and sputum during coughs and sneezes of sick people. But this does not mean at all that with any contact with the virus, the child will definitely get sick. If the immune system works well, then the microbes die as soon as they enter the body. You can get sick only if you are in very close contact with the patient, although even in this case, with good immunity the disease will pass in a mild form and recovery will come quickly.
More often, "snot" accompanies SARS, measles, diphtheria, etc. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and loses the ability to delay and neutralize the infection, which spreads further to the bronchi and lungs.
Usually such a runny nose goes through three stages of development:

The first stage lasts up to 2 days. At the same time, the child feels discomfort tickling, burning and dryness in the nose. Body temperature at this stage is usually normal or rises slightly
- the second stage begins with the appearance of a large amount of muco-watery "snot", accompanied by a feeling of nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. The sense of smell is disturbed, and sometimes the taste. At this time it is possible general weakness, fatigue, distraction of attention, working capacity decreases, memory worsens.
- in the third stage, the discharge from the nose changes to mucopurulent, with a bacterial infection - often green snot, nasal congestion becomes less, the headache disappears, it becomes easier to breathe. Usually this condition occurs on the 7-8th day from the onset of a cold. But if a runny nose is not properly treated or not treated at all, the relief will be temporary and develop into more serious diseases - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), or inflammation of the ears (otitis media).

2. Allergy
"Snot" of allergic origin is often found in children. Such a runny nose occurs when inhaling various allergens, such as house dust, plant pollen, bird fluff, animal hair, aromatic substances, food. It becomes difficult for the child to breathe through the nose, he often sneezes, watery "snot" appears from the nose. Worried about itching, burning, tingling in the nose, the child constantly scratches his nose, there may be lacrimation. Usually, a runny nose with allergies does not go away until contact with the allergen that caused it is eliminated. It is important to identify and treat such a runny nose in time, because in the future it can lead to asthma attacks that characterize serious illness - bronchial asthma. Allergies can be suspected especially in children whose parents themselves suffer from some type of respiratory or skin allergy.

3. Increased vascular response to stimuli
Sometimes snot in a child appears as a result of an incorrect reaction of the vessels of the nasal mucosa to such external stimuli that do not cause reactions in other children. Attacks of profuse muco-watery discharge occur, which are accompanied by frequent sneezing, alternate nasal congestion, a feeling of heaviness or pain in the head. In this case, the child usually complains of weakness, memory impairment, palpitations, sweating, and insomnia. Such a runny nose is not associated with the presence of infection, it usually occurs when exposed to tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, various chemical substances. It may also result from hormonal disorders, under the influence of stress, when exposed to hot or spicy food. Discharge from the nose begins immediately after the action of the above factors and can be repeated several times. The mucous membrane of the nose does not become inflamed during such a runny nose.

4. Medicines
If used for a long time vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, then serious adverse reactions. In children, vasoconstrictors are needed only for temporary relief of breathing, but not for the treatment of "snot". The constant use of drugs of this kind is addictive and drug addiction. The effect occurs only during the action of the drops, and then the discharge begins with new force. The vessels stop working on their own. Such a runny nose is very difficult, and sometimes impossible to cure without surgery.

5. Injuries
In childhood, such cases are not rare. Small child can easily stick small objects up his nose while playing. Usually in this case, the discharge comes from one half of the nose. To exclude such a situation, an examination by an ENT doctor is required.

6. Adenoid enlargement in a child is also a common cause chronic rhinitis. Usually discharge greenish color. The child appears nasal voice, he often coughs in the morning, snores through his nose at night. In this case, the child should drip a solution of collargol 3% into the nose. The composition of this drug includes silver, which has the ability to reduce the volume of adenoid tissue. But still, it is necessary to treat adenoids in combination with other drugs. Treatment should be done by an ENT doctor.

7. Sometimes the cause of persistent "snot" can be violation of the position of the nasal septum. It may form incorrectly in childhood or adolescence due to developmental disorders of the nasal bones. In this case, only surgery will help cure the common cold.

Factors provoking the occurrence of "snot":

- weakened frequent colds immunity
- Poor diet, with insufficient protein
dressing the child inappropriately for the weather

What to do if the child has "snot"

First of all, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning 2 times a day, since dry air in the room provokes the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

Ventilate the room regularly, as children during a runny nose experience a lack of oxygen in the body. It is especially important to do this with a runny nose caused by viral infection, in order to reduce the concentration of viral particles in the air.

Toddlers who do not know how to blow their nose yet need the help of their parents. Once the mucus has accumulated in the nose, remove it with special devices. You can use a small pear for babies. There are various aspirators (for example, "Otrivin") for sucking mucus from the nose in infants, with which the mother at home can effectively clear the baby's airways.

Pay attention to the fact that the discharge does not stagnate and does not dry up in the nose. To do this, as often as possible, instill a weak solution of sea salt into the nose of the child, which is easy to prepare at home. Just take 1 teaspoon of salt and add it to 0.5 liters of boiled water. This solution is dripped into the child's nose, half a pipette into each nasal passage. You need to drip your nose into lying position. This procedure is very important in the treatment of snot in a child. It enables the nasal mucosa to fully do its job of fighting infection, as well as to take medications well. AT pharmacy network sold ready solutions for washing the nose. These are preparations made on the basis of sea salt (Aquamaris, Marimer, Humer, Aqualor), you can also use Salin, Nosol.

Sometimes during a runny nose, a child’s nose gets very stuffy, which gives him a lot of trouble. He suffers himself and brings his mother to hysterics. In this case, it is simply necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. They, by acting on the vessels, reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane and reduce the amount of discharge.

When choosing drops, be sure to see the instructions for their use, because. for each age should be different concentration medicinal substance. Least dangerous drops for children - Nazivin, Nazol, Knoxprey, Sanorinchik, Nesopin, Fazin.
For children up to a year, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage of a 0.01% solution
Children from 1 to 6 years old: 1-2 drops in each nasal passage of a 0.025% solution
From 6 years old, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage of a 0.05% solution

These drugs can only be used for 3 maximum 5 days. From the age of 6, sprays can be used instead of drops.

There is an alternative to chemical vasoconstrictor drugs. It's completely safe elevated concentrations sea ​​salt, which relieves swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, without causing addiction. They are used within 7 days. Good Aquamaris strong, Humer hypertonic. Such drugs are used in children older than 3 months.

It is important for older children to learn how to blow their nose correctly. First, one half of the nose is released from mucus, then the other.

Apart from local treatment must be carried out in general. Basically it's warm. plentiful drink, warming treatments (only with normal temperature bodies). With the onset of a runny nose, it is useful to make the child foot hot bath 15 - 20 minutes before bedtime, then put on woolen socks and put the child to bed. If a runny nose is accompanied by fever, antiviral or antibacterial drugs are included in the treatment complex. However, which of them the child needs, only the doctor should decide.

Pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

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