Ultraviolet radiation in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. How to cure the body with a lamp. The use of systemic and other drugs

Home phototherapy with an inexpensive and simple Dermalight 80 device. A compact device will allow you to get rid of dermatological diseases different origin.

Dermalight 80 is an economical and very convenient device used for the treatment of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Due to the small size, lightness, simplicity of the device, it can be used at home, on trips, while traveling. The basis for the treatment of skin diseases using such a device is healing effect ultraviolet light on local areas of the skin.

Phototherapy - healing with light - a method of treatment used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Now this technique has been embodied in the modern medical direction, using high-quality devices. With the help of the dermalight device, you can get rid of atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, alopecia. It is also effective in treating common skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.

UV Dump for Home Use

UV Dermalight 80 (http://dermalight-80.ru/produkcziya.html) allows you to irradiate small areas of the skin, works on the scalp and body. Complete phototherapy using the device can be performed without a hospital visit. A doctor is needed to select the dose and frequency for the most effective treatment.

The Dermalight device is a reliable home device, indispensable in the treatment of chronic dermatological problems. It was developed by German specialists and created a device with consistently high quality, inherent in everything medical equipment from Germany. The procedure is very simple, even a child could perform it. The design of the lamp is simple and clear, the Russian-language instruction makes it easier to work with the device.


The most important aspect that the developers of the home UV lamp paid attention to is the safety of the procedures. To prevent accidental contact with the base and the lamp itself from damaging the skin and hairline, the device has a reliable protective screen that does not interfere with ultraviolet radiation. Eyes that can be damaged by such radiation are well protected when using the goggles supplied with the lamp. Sanitization lamp should be performed after each procedure. It only takes a few minutes. After its implementation, dermalight can be used both by the same patient and by other people.

In addition to safety goggles, a comb with conductive teeth is supplied with the device. It must be used to get ultraviolet light on the skin, bypassing the hair, or to localize a fixed affected area on the body. The dermalight timer will provide exact time procedures, will not allow you to be under radiation for longer than the time specified by the doctor.


It is known that the course of some dermatoses is beneficially affected by sunlight, which is explained by the effect on the skin ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays on the scale of electromagnetic waves occupy an intermediate position between the visible spectrum and x-rays. So, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, narrow-wave phototherapy is used, which brings a positive effect. How is the procedure for treating atopic dermatitis with UV radiation, which can be side effects and measures to prevent them, read further on the site.

Ultraviolet radiation in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

So, medium-wave rays reach the horny and spiny layers of the dermis, and long-wave rays reach the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis. There is a lot of information in the literature about the effect of solar radiation on the body. For example, under the action of long-wave radiation on a cell, growth inhibition and respiratory activity are inhibited, DNA synthesis also changes, the site notes. Some authors argue that UV - radiation affects lipid - photolabile components through peroxidation. UV radiation affects immune system by changing the quantitative content of Langerhans cells.

There are 4 types of phototherapy in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases:

  • selective phototherapy - a combination of medium-wave radiation with long-wave radiation;
  • narrow-wave UVB - phototherapy with maximum emission at a wavelength;
  • photochemotherapy - combined application long-wave irradiation with photosensitizers;
  • phototherapy using long-wave UV radiation of a narrow spectrum.

Aspects of UV treatment of atopic dermatitis

Some authors point to the effectiveness of the use of general photochemotherapy in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, which is based on the long-wavelength spectrum of cure in conjunction with the ingestion of furocoumarin preparations.

Latest Scientific research showed that the wavelength of 311 nm has an optimal therapeutic effect in the treatment of atopic dermatitis with minimal erythema.

In general radiation booths, where the lamps are arranged vertically, the patient receives radiation while standing. In places with horizontal lamps, the patient takes the procedure lying down. However, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis with phototherapy, it is possible that adverse reactions.

These include the appearance of a yellow skin tone, lentigo, uneven pigmentation, telangiectasias, as well as thickening of the skin, decreased turgor, and dehydration of the skin. The symptoms described above are common name- photoaging of the skin.

Therefore, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis using phototherapy, it is necessary to intensively moisturize the skin with hydrating agents of medical cosmetics, which will restore the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. The composition of these preparations should include moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, shea butter, linoleic acid.

It is also necessary that the composition of the cosmetic product in the treatment of atopic dermatitis should contain substances that accelerate the processes of skin regeneration (aloe extract), anti-inflammatory agents and antioxidants. AT recovery period after treatment of atopic dermatitis with phototherapy, the use of antioxidant drugs is necessary.

Quartzization is a very effective method of dealing with various diseases and is widely used for prevention. Quartz lamps are used in medical, preschool and other institutions, they are also used at home. With the help of ultraviolet, the premises are treated, that is, they are disinfected. It is effective for the prevention and treatment of rickets, some skin diseases, as well as diseases respiratory system.

Ultraviolet radiation can be:

– local (local) UFO skin,

- in-band,

— UFO premises and household items.

Total UV shown for:

  • Increasing the body's resistance to various infections, including influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • Treatments inflammatory diseases internal organs(especially the respiratory system), peripheral nervous system;
  • Prevention and treatment of rickets in children, pregnant and lactating women;
  • Treatments for pyoderma, common pustular diseases skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • Normalization of immunity in chronic sluggish inflammatory processes;
  • Normalization of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, improvement of reparative processes in case of bone fractures;
  • Compensation for ultraviolet (solar) insufficiency to persons who have professional activity in the absence sunlight;
  • Treatment of widespread furunculosis and other pyoderma of the skin;
  • Treatment of atopic dermatitis (common neurodermatitis);
  • Treatment of the winter form of psoriasis.

Local UVR is indicated for:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Prolonged course of chronic bronchitis;
  • Acute and chronic neuralgia and neuropathy of peripheral nerves;
  • Deforming arthrosis, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Traumatic injuries of the skin and musculoskeletal system(bone fractures);
  • festering wounds, trophic ulcers, bedsores, inflammatory infiltrates, boils, corbuncles;
  • Acute and chronic erysipelas;
  • Shingles (herpes zoster);
  • Acute and chronic inflammation female genital organs.

Intracavitary UVI is indicated for:

  • Periodontitis, periodontal disease, ginguinitis;
  • Chronic tonsillitis;
  • Chronic subatrophic pharyngitis, acute pharyngitis;
  • Acute and vasomotor rhinitis;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the outer and middle ear;
  • Acute and chronic inflammation of the vagina.

UVR of premises and household items used to disinfect them. You can irradiate the room, children's toys, dishes, and other household items. This helps in the fight against infections, because sometimes it is not enough to treat only the people themselves - pathogens can remain in the things that surround us.

Follow the instructions!

Before using a quartz lamp at home, be sure to consult a doctor about contraindications and a suitable dosage. desired effect This can only be achieved if you strictly follow the doctor's instructions. After all, each person reacts to treatment in his own way, so you can’t do it alone. general recommendations. Ultraviolet rays are biologically active and, if the irradiator is used ineptly, can cause serious harm. The sensitivity of the skin to UV radiation in people is different and depends on many factors: age, skin type and its qualities, general condition body and even seasons. By the way, blondes after irradiation may experience more pronounced redness than brunettes.

The two main rules for using a quartz lamp are to always wear safety goggles and do not exceed the recommended exposure time. Goggles, as a rule, come with a quartz machine.

All areas of the skin that are not planned to be irradiated should be covered with a towel. It is important to observe the recommended exposure time because if it is exceeded, there is a possibility of overdrying of the skin and the appearance of pigmentation.

It is necessary to start irradiating a person 5 minutes after the quartz lamp lights up, it is during this time that a stable mode of its operation is established.

UV lamp should be located at a distance of half a meter from the irradiated skin area.

Before irradiation, evenly, lightly smear the skin with oil or cream (sunscreen is best).

The duration of irradiation should be increased gradually, starting from 0.5 minutes, increasing by 0.5-1 minutes in each session, eventually bringing it up to 3 minutes. One area can be irradiated no more than 5 times, no more than once a day.

At the end of the session, the quartz lamp must be turned off, and it can be turned on again only 15 minutes after complete cooling for 15 minutes.

Do not use a quartz lamp for tanning.

Animals and domestic plants should not fall into the irradiation zone.


Irradiation cannot be elevated temperature, after the transferred serious illness. If a quartz lamp is used to disinfect premises, then you can ignore the contraindications, since there should not be people in it during the quartz treatment. But in UVI, which directly affects a person, contraindications for use are:

  • kidney failure;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • neoplasms (tumors);
  • hypertrichosis (thickening of the nail plate);
  • dilated superficial blood vessels;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the acute stage;
  • hypertension stage II-III;
  • circulatory failure stage II-III;
  • thyrotoxicosis (damage to the thyroid gland);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • systemic blood diseases;
  • advanced atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain and coronary vessels;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

If during the procedure or some time after its completion, a strong headache, appears nervous irritation, dizziness, it is better to stop quartzing or, on the recommendation of a doctor, at least reduce the exposure time.

Wide selection in center of medical technology, st. Bekeshkaya, 6

Radiation of the ultraviolet spectrum has a beneficial effect on certain types of dermatoses. AT traditional medicine already long time phototherapy is used to treat skin diseases. She shows very good results.

Since the sun, which is natural source UV rays, gives the necessary radiation only a few months a year, for UV therapy is used special equipment providing the necessary radiation. The most effective in the treatment of dermatoses are UVV and UVA spectra.

The mechanism of action of ultraviolet radiation on the skin

UV rays, falling on the surface of the skin, are able to eliminate certain cells that provoke inflammation. in the right therapeutic doses such radiation has a positive effect on the epidermis and the outer layer of the dermis:

  • provokes the reproduction and spread of pigment cells (melanocytes);
  • has a local immunosuppressive effect, that is, it inhibits the activity of immune cells that cause a reaction of irritation and inflammation of the skin;
  • contributes to the normalization of the processes of reproduction and distribution of the main cells of the epidermis - keratinocytes.

Scientific studies have shown that the 311 nm wavelength provides the most optimal therapeutic effect. Some experts point out that the combination of long-wave UV radiation with furocoumarin preparations used orally shows even better results.

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with phototherapy | Dermalight 311 UVB (Dermalight).

The main principles are the following activities:

  • elimination of the irritant that provokes an allergic reaction;
  • the use of antihistamines and sorbing drugs;
  • corrective diet;
  • use of specialized cosmetics external influence;
  • the use of local disinfectants and epithelial agents.

It is this effect, which is indicated last, that phototherapy has. It can be used not only during periods of partial or complete remission, but also during exacerbations of the disease.

There are four types of phototherapy that can be used to treat atopic dermatitis and other skin conditions:

  1. Phototherapy is selective. A combination of medium-wave and long-wave radiation is used.
  2. Narrowwave UVB. Creates maximum emission at a wavelength.
  3. Long Wave UV Therapy. During the treatment, a narrow spectrum irradiation is performed.
  4. Photochemotherapy. Along with the use of long-wave radiation, photosensitizers are used.

For each patient, the radiation dose and the required number of exposures are determined depending on the individual skin reaction. As a rule, the first significant improvement is noticeable within a few days or weeks after therapy has been started. It is noted that 70-90% of patients after 15-20 sessions become owners of clean and healthy skin. But, it must be taken into account that a positive effect can either come on quickly or disappear suddenly. Therefore, experts recommend periodically undergoing maintenance treatment and eliminating the factors that can provoke manifestations of dermatosis as much as possible.

Phototherapy can be done lying or standing. This will depend on the location of the lamps. In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the skin must be moisturized, as UV rays can dry it out. For this, hydrating agents are used. medicinal products, which may include linoleic acid, glycerin, shea butter, etc. In addition, the use of regenerating agents saturated with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances is shown. They will help skin cells recover faster.

Lamps used for UV therapy | Dermalight 311 UVB

For phototherapy, it is advisable to use only special UV lamps. They differ from all other lamps in that on inside The flask is coated with a phosphor - a composition that determines the required radiation spectrum. The material of the lamp itself is also important - quartz glass, capable of transmitting ultraviolet radiation. The base, dimensions and power of the lamps may be different.

Some Precautions

When treating with phototherapy, you need to be careful, since ultraviolet radiation has a powerful effect. In some cases, adverse reactions may occur: a decrease in skin turgor, the formation of uneven pigmentation or a yellowish tint, thickening and dehydration of the skin. This complex of phenomena is called photoaging of the skin. Therefore, sessions are held only when using optimal dose radiation and applications special means for the skin.

In spite of high efficiency phototherapy, it has contraindications for use:

  • I skin type according to Fitzpatrick (for such people it is impossible to get a tan). It includes red-haired people and albinos.
  • Age under 3 years old.
  • Benign or malignant neoplasms.
  • Mental disorders of an extremely severe degree.

Pregnancy is not absolute contraindication, but still women should not be zealous with UV radiation during such a period. Supportive non-intensive phototherapy is allowed.

When treating with ultraviolet light, several precautions must be strictly followed. First, observe the recommended distance between the lamp and the skin, as well as the duration of the session, so as not to provoke a skin burn. Secondly, in no case should you look at a working lamp without special protective glasses. This can lead to serious problems with vision.

UV therapy is effective method fight against various skin diseases including atopic dermatitis. Using it in combination with other methods and activities, you can achieve amazing results.

Have you noticed that some skin diseases disappear without a trace as soon as the body succumbs to a natural tan: when visiting the beach, for example, or while working on fresh air under open sky? Surely, many, having not found already rather annoying spots on the surface of their skin, were surprised and enthusiastic at the same time. The secret is that some dermatovenereological ailments do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight on their foci. More specifically, ultraviolet. With his help modern medicine learned to win and atopic dermatitis! Special hardware for customization desired length waves, is able to effectively eliminate the manifestations of dermatitis, restoring the skin and giving it a natural healthy look.

Why Atopic Dermatitis Should Be Treated

It acts as one of the most common skin ailments among children and the general population. adolescence regardless of gender and social status. According to statistics, about 7 out of 10 children feel the manifestation of its symptoms from time to time. It is good that the pronounced, and even more so chronic, form is much less common.

Dermatitis, by itself, is not life threatening. But it can be a reason to join secondary infections, which will not be difficult to penetrate thin, cracked skin. Yes, and a lot of other troubles, he can deliver. What is the danger of atopic dermatitis:

- increases the likelihood of connecting secondary infections;

- is a serious cosmetic defect;

- causes physical suffering to the patient: pain, itching, and so on;

- does not go away on its own, enters a period of remission with frequent relapses.

It looks like a bright red color of multiple rashes, different in compaction and pigmentation (dry), localized primarily in the face and lower back, on the bends of the knee and elbow statutes, on the wrists and hands, pubic and ankle zone. It is better to get rid of it as soon as possible. And modern medicine has all the tools for this!

Treatment of atopic dermatitis with ultraviolet light

In the treatment of dermatosis, including atopic dermatitis, UVA, UVB spectra of ultraviolet radiation are used. In English interpretation: UVA, UVB. This is the waves different lengths(300 - 1800 nm). It directly affects the degree of penetration of radiation deep into the skin, which is of great importance.

They are divided into general and local. It should be carried out at an average ambient temperature of about 19.5-20.5 degrees Celsius. Not so long ago in medical practice bulky stationary irradiators were used, which were installed at a distance of 0.7 to 1 meter from the patient. Today, they have not been replaced by more convenient, compact and efficient directional irradiators that can be used even at home, after reading the instructions for their use.

For the effective treatment of dermatitis at home, a modern, effective and easy-to-use device is perfect: a UV lamp. With her help positive result can be achieved quickly, while minimizing your own discomfort, the impact on your body pharmaceuticals and getting rid of the need for regular long-term visits to medical institutions.

The device works in different modes. Waves middle length affect the spiny and stratum corneum of the skin dermis. The long waves emanating from the irradiator reach the layers of the papillary type and the mesh type. Thus, ultraviolet (its safe for human body, but detrimental to the disease, doses) can penetrate deep into the skin, working along the entire depth of the lesion, and not only in the very upper layers. Such abilities are possessed not only by stationary devices installed in specialized medical institutions, but also "manual" home compact modern devices.

In total, phototherapy is divided into four types!

  1. Long-wave irradiation with a narrow wave spectrum.
  1. Selective phototherapy, which is an optimally selected combination of long and medium wavelengths.
  1. Photochemotherapy: An effective combination of long wave irradiation with photosensitizers.
  1. Narrowwave UVB - ultraviolet therapy, characterized by the maximum possible emission at a wavelength!

In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, one should focus not only on general indications and frequency of procedures. Main landmark - individual reaction skin. Positive effect from regular procedures comes, in the vast majority known cases, pretty fast. As a rule, changes in the skin condition in the desired direction can be observed after 1-2 weeks, and in some cases even after a few days. However, the result can also disappear very quickly. Given such nuances, experts advise: resort to maintenance therapy!

The main factor that allows to consolidate the effect of intensive care, and hold it, is the impact minimal doses ultraviolet irradiation narrowband type. During the period of remission, one should not forget about the exclusion of common provoking factors that can cause a relapse of the disease!

What should be excluded:

- mechanical trauma, chapping of the skin;

stressful situations, strong emotional outbursts;

- anything that can lead to a decrease immune protection;

serious violations diet (eating very spicy, sweet, salty, fatty foods in large quantities) and so on.

This will help prolong the period of remission and even, quite likely, completely eliminate relapses.

So, don't be upset if you've been diagnosed with the loud and intimidating sound of "atopic dermatitis"! Naturally, we will have to take appropriate, possibly emergency, measures. Achievements modern science will help this. Treatment of dermatitis with UV radiation is now available both in stationary and at home (using individual irradiators).

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