Distilled water is sterile. Water for injection: how much it costs, the composition of the injection mixture Restrictions on use

Recipe (International)

Rp.: Sol. Aqua destillati 10.0.
D.t.d. No. 10 in amp.
S. according to the scheme.

pharmachologic effect

Solvent. In the human body, water is necessary for constant metabolic processes. Under normal conditions, water is excreted in urine, feces, sweat and breathing. Fluid loss through sweat, respiration, and feces occurs regardless of fluid administration. Maintaining adequate hydration requires 30-45 ml/kg/day of water in adults and 45-100 ml/kg in children and 100-165 ml/kg in infants.
Water for injection is used to prepare infusion and injection solutions, providing optimal conditions for the compatibility and effectiveness of substrates and water.

Mode of application

For adults: In / in, drip, in the form of "shock" therapy or injection, according to the instructions for the use of added infusion solutions, concentrates for the preparation of infusion, injection solutions, powders and dry matter for the preparation of injection. The daily dose and infusion rate must comply with the dosage instructions for the added drugs. therapeutic incompatibility).


As a carrier or diluent solution for the preparation of sterile infusion (injectable) solutions from powders, lyophilisates and concentrates.
- it is used for the purpose of preparing sterile solutions s / c, i / m, i / v, etc. introductions.
- externally for washing wounds and moisturizing dressings.


Not found

Side effects

Not found

Release form

Solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection. Produced in ampoules of 10 and 20 ml and tanks of 5 - 10 liters. Store under aseptic conditions, under which it is suitable for consumption no more than 24 hours. Colorless transparent liquid, odorless and tasteless, pH 5.8-7.0.


The information on the page you are viewing was created for informational purposes only and does not promote self-treatment in any way. The resource is designed to familiarize healthcare professionals with additional information about certain medicines, thereby increasing their level of professionalism. The use of the drug "" without fail provides for a consultation with a specialist, as well as his recommendations on the method of application and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

LSR-00673 0/09-210809

Trade name of the drug: Water for injections

INN or grouping name: Water

Dosage form:

Solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection


Water for injection - 5ml

Description: Colorless, odorless, transparent liquid

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Solvent, excipient

ATC Code:

pharmachologic effect
Water for injection is used to prepare injection solutions, providing optimal conditions for the compatibility and effectiveness of substrates and water.

With the introduction of constantly alternating water and electrolytes, homeostasis is maintained by the kidneys.

Indications for use
As a carrier or diluent solution for the preparation of sterile injectable solutions from powders, lyophilisates and concentrates. It is used for the preparation of sterile solutions, incl. for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous administration.

Water for injection as a solvent for medicinal products is not used if another solvent is specified.

Dosage and administration
Doses and rates of administration should be in accordance with the dosing instructions for reconstituted medicinal products.

The preparation of drug solutions using water for injection should be carried out under sterile conditions (opening the ampoules, filling the syringe and containers with drugs).

When mixed with other medicinal products (infusion solutions, concentrates for infusion; injection solutions, powders, dry substances for injection), visual control for compatibility is necessary (pharmaceutical incompatibility may occur).

Special conditions
Water for injection cannot be directly injected intravascularly due to low osmotic pressure (risk of hemolysis).

Release form
Solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection. 5 ml in neutral glass ampoules. 5 ampoules in a PVC blister pack, followed by the insertion of two blister packs together with instructions for use and a ceramic ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack. When using ampoules with a ring or a break point, the scarifier is not inserted.

Storage conditions
At a temperature not higher than +30°С. Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
4 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
On prescription.

Manufacturer/Claim Receiving Organization
LLC Firm "Ferment", 123423 Moscow, st. Nizhniye Mnevniki, 37A.
Production address: 143422 Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, s. Petrovo-Far.

Water for injection is a special sterile liquid that has no color, taste or smell. Water is extremely important for humans, because it is it that supports the normal course of metabolic processes. Therefore, it is often necessary for injections to make a solution of the drug in the required dosage. For this, this water is used, normalized according to several pharmacopoeial articles (hereinafter referred to as FS). Let's figure out what it is and what it is theoretically needed for.

When is it used?

This water for injection is used either as a carrier or as a diluting preparation in the preparation of infusion or injection solutions from:

  1. powders;
  2. dry substances for the preparation of injections;
  3. concentrates for preparation of infusion;
  4. lyophilizates;
  5. infusion and injection solutions with unsuitable concentration and so on.

That is, water for injection is needed to dissolve or dilute drugs (depending on what requirements their instructions impose), before their intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous manifestation is carried out. The form of release of such a liquid is ampoules. The shape is almost always the same, but the volume may vary.

Water for injection is not the same as saline. If saline is sodium chloride, then water for injection is distilled / sterile water, previously prepared in a special way.

Here is some more information about this water:

Composition and creation

Water for injection is water that has been purified from any biological or chemical contaminants, including:

  • gases;
  • salt;
  • pyrogenic substances;
  • microorganisms;
  • any other form of microimpurities.

Such a liquid is purified using the reverse osmosis method, that is, a special technology for separating organic compounds. Also, such water can be distilled so that its composition is sure to be pure. To make it distilled, it is first converted into vapor, and then returned back to the liquid state. All these procedures are carried out in compliance with the highest hygienic requirements, everything takes place in a special aseptic unit, where it is unacceptable to carry out any other actions that are not directly related to the distillation of water. Because this water always comes out sterile. Such requirements for the use are imposed by the FS, and the requirements for the use of the FS must be observed. It is also necessary to observe the expiration date, if the expiration date is violated, the effects can be negative.


Water for injection necessarily has a number of characteristics (they are required by the FS, in addition to the FS, distilled / sterile water is standardized according to GOST), which distinguish it from any other water. Here are the parameters and requirements that must be observed:

  • the pH value cannot be higher than 5.0-7.0;
  • there can be no reducing substances, calcium, chlorides, nitrates, carbon dioxide, and heavy metals in any volume;
  • one milliliter of water, according to the FS, cannot contain more than one hundred microorganisms;
  • water must certainly be pyrogen-free;
  • ammonia content should be normalized;
  • no antimicrobial type substances may be present;
  • no additives may be present at all.


Instructions for the use of this liquid depends on which drugs it is used with. The requirements are imposed just by the drug that is diluted in this water, therefore it is necessary that the instructions for use that come with this particular drug are used. It should indicate the dosage that will be used to dilute these drugs.

If we talk about the requirements common to all medicines, this is that water for injection must be used under aseptic conditions, so that there is not the slightest risk that it will not be sterile enough.


When water for injection is mixed with other medicinal products, compatibility must be checked visually. If this is not done, then pharmaceutical incompatibility can be missed.

It is important to remember that if the requirements for the drug indicate the need to use a different type of liquid, for example, a special saline solution must be used, then drinking water is unacceptable. Also, it cannot be used for external preparations, the requirements for them are also completely different.


The shelf life of such water can be up to three years. When the expiration date expires, the use of this water is unacceptable. It is important to remember that the expiration date is indicated for storage at an approximate temperature of 2 to 25 ° C without freezing.

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Formula: H2O, chemical name: water.
Pharmacological group: Miscellaneous agents / excipients, reagents and intermediates.
Pharmachologic effect: solvent.

Pharmacological properties

Water for injection is a solvent. Water for injection has no pharmacological activity. Water for injection is used to prepare injection and infusion solutions, providing optimal conditions for the effectiveness and compatibility of substrates and water.
Under normal conditions, water is excreted through sweat, urine, feces, and breathing. With the introduction of constantly alternating water and electrolytes, homeostasis is maintained by the kidneys.


As a diluting solution or carrier for the preparation of sterile injection and infusion solutions from lyophilisates, powders, concentrates; for the preparation of sterile solutions, including for subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous administration; externally to moisten dressings and wash wounds.

Method of application of water for injection and dose

Water for injection is administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously. The dose, route and rate of administration should be in accordance with the dosing instructions for the reconstituted medicinal products.
The preparation of solutions of medicinal products using water for injection should be carried out under sterile conditions (opening the ampoules, filling the syringe and containers with the medicinal product).
Water for injection cannot be directly administered intravascularly due to low osmotic pressure (risk of hemolysis).

Contraindications for use

If another solvent is indicated for the preparation of the medicinal product.

Application restrictions

No data.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy and lactation is determined by the instructions for the drug, for the dilution of which water for injection will be used.

Side effects of water for injection

No data.

Interaction of water for injection with other substances

When mixed with other drugs (concentrates for infusion, infusion solutions, powders, injection solutions, dry substances for injection), visual control for compatibility is necessary, since pharmaceutical incompatibility is possible.
Water for injection is not mixed with oily solutions for injection.
Human albumin must not be diluted with water for injection, as this may lead to acute hemolysis and acute renal failure.

Dosage form:  solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection Compound: Water for injections. Description:

Colorless transparent liquid without a smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: ATX solvent:  

V.07.A.B Solvents and dilution solutions, including irrigation solutions


Water is the most versatile solvent, the basis of not only a wide variety of transfusion preparations, but also biological fluids and tissues (blood, lymph, cell plasma, etc.), necessary for constant metabolic processes.

Under normal conditions, it is excreted in urine, feces, sweat and breathing. Fluid loss through sweat, respiration, and feces occurs regardless of fluid administration. Maintaining adequate hydration requires 30-45 ml/kg/day of water in adults and 45-100 ml/kg in children and 100-165 ml/kg in infants.

Water for injection is used to prepare infusion and injection solutions, providing optimal conditions for the compatibility and effectiveness of substrates and water. for injections - a hypotonic environment in relation to the tissues of the body, therefore, in its pure form, it causes somewhat more irritation than isotonic solutions or solutions prepared on the basis of water for injections (for parenteral administration, eye drops, etc.). With the introduction of pure water for injection into a vein, hemolysis can occur, however, the slow administration of a small amount has practically no such effect. Therefore, it is safe for injection as a solvent for preparations (in accordance with the instructions for use) prepared with water for injection.


As a carrier or diluent solution for the preparation of sterile infusion (injectable) solutions from powders, lyophilisates and concentrates. It is used for the preparation of sterile solutions intended for subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous administration immediately before use.

Externally for washing wounds and moisturizing dressings.


Water for injection as a solvent for medicinal products is not used if another solvent is indicated as mandatory for some of them.

Dosage and administration:

Intravenous, drip, shock therapy or injection, according to the instructions for use of added infusion solutions, concentrates, concentrates for infusion preparation, injection solutions, powders and dry substance for injection. The daily dose and rate of infusion should be in accordance with the dosing instructions for the added drugs.


Incompatibility of medicines with water is almost never encountered, since if a substance is incompatible with water, it will be incompatible with the aquatic environment of the body. When mixed with other drugs (infusion solutions, infusion concentrates; injection solutions, powders, dry substances for injection), visual control for compatibility is necessary (chemical or therapeutic incompatibility may occur).

Special instructions:

Do not mix with water oil solutions for injections, external means for cauterization. Means, the concentration of which must remain within certain limits, are diluted with water for injection only within the specified limits. for injection cannot be directly injected or administered as an infusion due to the lack of substances with low osmotic pressure (risk of hemolysis!).

Release form / dosage:

Solvent for the preparation of dosage forms for injection 0.5 ml, 1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml.

Package: 25 ml or 50 ml in glass bottles or in glass bottles with a capacity of 50 ml.

10 ampoules in a pack or box along with an ampoule knife or a scarifier and instructions for use.

5 ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml and 2 ml in a blister pack. 2 blister packs with a knife or ampoule scarifier and instructions for use in a pack.

5 ampoules with a capacity of 1 ml or 2 ml in a blister pack. 2 blister packs with instructions for use, ampoule knife or ampoule scarifier in a cardboard pack.

When packing the drug in ampoules with a clamp having a ring or a point for opening, an ampoule knife or a scarifier is not inserted.

1 bottle with instructions for use in a pack.

Storage conditions:

Store at a temperature of 5 to 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

Freezing is not allowed.

Best before date:

4 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

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