Smoking and youth. How smoking affects a young body. Youth smoking

Relevance research is due to the fact that last years in our country, hookah smoking has become widespread, especially among young people, which is quite understandable. But the saddest thing is that many consider it quite "safe entertainment". The reality is quite different. Based on published over the past five years scientific research, there is the following evidence for hookah smoking. Regular hookah smoking means inhaling substantially more smoke compared to cigarette smoking. If during the latter, within 5-7 minutes, usually 8-12 puffs are taken and 0.5-0.6 liters of smoke are inhaled, then during the usual hookah smoking session, 50-100 puffs are made, each of which contains 0.15 - 1, 0 liter of smoke. Thus, a hookah smoker can inhale smoke in a volume equal to the smoke of several dozen cigarettes in one smoking session.

Target: to reveal the attitude to hookah smoking among young people "MK No. 1".

Hypothesis: hookah smoking more harmful than smoking cigarettes.


  • conduct a literature review
  • determine the level of awareness negative impact hookah smoking on the health of a teenager (questionnaire)
  • conduct research and analyze data;
  • develop proposals and recommendations for students who continue to smoke hookah.

Through a selective survey of students of 1-4 courses, it turned out that 25% of students have a positive attitude towards smoking hookah and do it at least twice a week.
According to the results of the survey, it turned out that about 46% of students smoked a hookah at least once in their lives. At the same time, the majority smoking hookah do not know that tobacco, even in this form, adversely affects their health. The survey showed that most hookahs are used by the male half of the students, and the first-year students are at risk.
Hookah smokers are also prone to drinking alcohol. The popularity of hookah smoking is due to its taste (flavorings are used in the preparation of the tobacco mixture), as well as the ease of smoking, since the inhaled smoke is cooled through the liquid inside the hookah. The smoke is soft, which attracts even those people who are not prone to smoking. Studies have shown that one breath of hookah smoke gives such a dose. harmful substances that a typical smoker gets per day. Pipes from hookahs that are served in cafes and bars are not properly cleaned, so when smoking a hookah in public place can be infected with an infectious disease.

About 100 million people smoke hookah every day in the world. Scientists are concerned that teenagers, for whom hookah is a fashionable hobby, have become addicted to hookah smoking. However, do not forget about your health. The first hookahs appeared in India and were made from coconut shells. They became popular in Iran and then in all Arab countries. It was in Turkey that they got their current form. A hookah is a vessel for smoking that allows you to cool and humidify the inhaled smoke. Hookah is filled with water, wine or other liquid to filter the smoke and get the taste. A tube is immersed in a vessel with water, through which the smoke enters under the water and exits through another tube above the water level, and then enters the smoker's lungs. Myths about hookah smoking:

  1. there is no paper in hookah tobacco, which, when burned, releases a bunch of harmful substances.
  2. tobacco itself does not come into contact with an open fire and, therefore, does not burn, but simply smolders or even dries out. As a result, hookah smoke does not contain harmful carcinogens.
  3. the inhaled smoke is not hot, but cold, therefore it does not burn the upper Airways, which also speaks in favor of the hookah.
  4. tobacco passes through the water filter, therefore, all toxic impurities contained in it and most of nicotine stays in the water.

But is it really so? research confirms that hookah users suffer from the same diseases as regular smokers. That is, they are prone to cardiovascular, respiratory and oncological pathologies no less than those who do not part with a cigarette. Studies of hookah tobacco have shown that, on average, it contains much more nicotine, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, (lead), and harmful resins than cigarette tobacco.

So, despite the soft smoke and pleasant aroma hookah, this type of smoking is not safe and can be addictive.

The harm from a hookah can be increased many times over:

  1. If you smoke a hookah for a long time in an unventilated room, poisoning is possible. carbon monoxide- there are dizziness, nausea, weakness, shortness of breath.
  2. It is risky to combine hookah smoking and drinking coffee. They help increase blood pressure. And this can cause a hypertensive crisis.
  3. It is dangerous to smoke a hookah on an empty stomach, while the mucosa is damaged. gastrointestinal tract. This increases the risk of stomach ulcers or gastritis.
  4. Smoking and aromatic mixtures are dangerous because narcotic herbs can be mixed in them. For example, Mexican sage, Hawaiian rose, which are hallucinogens.

Studies of hookah tobacco have shown that, on average, it contains much more nicotine, carbon monoxide, heavy metals (lead), and harmful tar than cigarette tobacco. For example, the concentration of carbon monoxide in the smoke from a hookah is 2-3 times higher than in cigarette smoke. As a result, humidified smoke hazardous substances and toxins enters the lungs much deeper, causing harm to health.

It has been established that hookah smoking, like smoking conventional cigarettes causes cancer of the lungs, larynx and other oncological diseases and various heart and lung diseases.

The researchers found that the concentration of nicotine, arsenic, lead, carboxyhemoglobin in the body of hookah smokers is higher than that of ordinary cigarette smokers.

In addition, in families where both husband and wife smoke hookah, children with low birth weight are most often born. Moreover, hookah smoking can even lead to infertility.

Based on the research results, one more disappointing conclusion: in the body of hookah smokers, the level of carbon monoxide is increased. Namely, this gas contributes to an increase in heart rate and gives the effect of slight intoxication when smoking a hookah. Moreover, when smoking a hookah, foil is usually used, which, when heated from coal, produces carcinogenic aluminum fumes, which are very harmful.

Due to humidity, the smoke remains in the lungs of a hookah smoker for for a long time. At the same time, the quantity carbon dioxide, inhaled through a hookah, is significantly higher than when smoking cigarettes. So, when smoking a cigarette, on average, 10-12 puffs are made within 4-7 minutes. During this time, about 0.5 liters of smoke enters the lungs of a cigarette smoker. A hookah is smoked for about an hour, while doing 50-100, and sometimes 200 puffs, each of which contains 0.15 - 1 liter of smoke. Hence the conclusion that in the process of smoking one hookah for an hour, the smoker inhales as much smoke as when smoking 100 cigarettes.

In addition, the hookah is an excellent carrier of infections due to the fact that the hookah pipe is used different smokers. For example, through a hookah such infectious diseases like hepatitis, tuberculosis, and even HIV.

It should be noted that occasional hookah smokers, who smoke hookah very rarely, for company or out of interest, are almost never addicted to tobacco or nicotine. Most of them do not inhale smoke, so serious harm Such smokers do not inflict on their body.

So, despite the mild smoke and pleasant aroma of hookah, this type of smoking is not safe and can be addictive. The smoke contains many toxins, tars, heavy metals, which are not filtered by water and lead to various serious illnesses. For one full session when smoking a hookah, a smoker inhales 100 or even 200 times more harmful smoke than when smoking a cigarette.


Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. MK#1 students are ill-informed about negative impact hookah smoking on human health - 80% believe that hookah smoking is harmless.
  2. 50% of students are surprised that through a pipe from a hookah, you can become infected with acute respiratory infections, hepatitis and tuberculosis.
  3. 60% of students are dissatisfied with the ban on smoking hookah in public places.

Practical significance

  1. Do not smoke hookah in an unventilated room to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning - symptoms: dizziness, nausea, weakness, shortness of breath.
  2. It is risky to combine hookah smoking and drinking coffee. They help increase blood pressure. And this can cause a hypertensive crisis, because. teenagers sometimes have high blood pressure.
  3. An unwanted companion of a hookah is alcohol, giving additional load on the heart. It is no coincidence that in the East, during gatherings with a hookah, they drank green tea and dates. These foods are rich in antioxidants, which to some extent reduce harmful effect on the body of tobacco and tar.
  4. It is dangerous to smoke a hookah on an empty stomach, while the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged.
  5. Smoking and aromatic mixtures are dangerous because narcotic herbs can be mixed in them. For example, Mexican sage, Hawaiian rose.

The more smoking bans, the more people smoke. Young people disappear into hookah lounges, teenagers fumigate each other with a pair of electronic cigarettes. What will smoking fashion lead the younger generation to?

Fashion is a global and merciless dictator. Life today modern man completely subordinate to various trends: things, appearance, behavior, thinking and even habits - all this is shaped by fashion. But if a haircut and a beard turn young people into an army of clones, then other fashion trends are not so harmless. For example, vaping (from the English vapor - "steam"), or smoking electronic cigarettes (steam generators) - is of great interest to teenagers and fear among specialists.

Comrades in dope

Entrepreneurs actively popularize a new trend - they create vape communities. Their main target audience is young people, including high school students. Countless groups dedicated to the fashion hobby are springing up on the Internet, vape shops are opening in Nizhny - departments and smoking shops.

The main claimed feature of an electronic cigarette is thick puffs of exhaled vapor. The community of vapers is formed around this cloud.

“With the help of an electronic cigarette, I quit smoking,” says Ivan Nesterov from Nizhny Novgorod. - I haven’t let go of a cigarette since I was 12, now I’m 23. Electronic cigarette - is it bad? Minimum harm, calms the nerves.

Moreover, sometimes those who have not smoked before and were not going to become "vapers" - they were interested in the created subculture. Mostly they are teenagers - almost children.

“All my friends smoke pipes. It's practically harmless! We hang out, communicate, and you can do vaping wherever you want, says 17-year-old Yegor Ermilov. “When I bought a pipe, they explained to me in the store: it is now forbidden to smoke tobacco in many places, but there are no restrictions for electronic cigarettes.”

Other young Russians sit in hookah lounges, presenting themselves as no less than sheikhs. There is also a community there.

“Good company, conversation, aromas are very relaxing,” says Olga Tsaritsyna from Nizhny Novgorod. - I don't smoke myself, but I like hookah. I did not notice any addictions to bad habits. Yes, smoking is not harmful. Hookah is less dangerous than regular cigarettes."

By the way, this overseas hobby began to be indulged not only in restaurants or at home, but right on the embankments, in open areas. Just put the hookah on the trunk of the car.

Dangerous for children!

“Cigarettes are no longer in fashion among young people - electronic pipes and hookahs are in fashion,” says Dmitry Sorokin, a psychiatrist-narcologist at the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Narcological Dispensary. - Someone systematically forms such a style, and they came up with a beautiful name - “vaping”.

According to him, in a person who smokes an electronic tube, nicotine, albeit in smaller quantities than in a cigarette, enters the lungs. However, the harm of vaping is not so much in nicotine. Nitrosamines and diacetyl are recognized as more toxic, the content of which in this form of use can exceed many times safe norms. in inhaled electron pairs the amount of carcinogen-forming substances can significantly exceed their concentration in exhaust gas cars and in "regular" cigarettes.

“Electronic cigarettes can cause allergic conditions and immune disorders. Their vapor is also less toxic for the smoker than for others - relatives, friends and colleagues who become passive smokers- said Dmitry Sorokin. - Unlike pipes, the use of hookah is associated with the breakdown product of nicotine - cotinine. Cotinine is less active than nicotine, but can also cause addiction to smoking. In addition, when coal is burned, a significant amount of carbon monoxide CO is released (up to 10 times higher than normal). If you inhale hookah smoke in poorly ventilated areas, it is dangerous for heart complications.

Experts say that from the point of view of narcology in general, vaping can be considered a "pig in a poke", since the exact composition of the liquid for pipes and hookahs is unknown.

“According to our chemical-toxicological laboratory, cannabinoids (drugs) and other psychoactive substances banned for non-medical use in Russia have been repeatedly found in the urine of people who use hookahs,” said Dmitry Sorokin.

Thus, it’s definitely not necessary to talk about the benefits of vaping yet, but about possible harm a lot of information.

Evil merchants

If smoking and selling tobacco products is now limited by a special law, the sale of liquid for electronic cigarettes, as well as their use, is not regulated regulations, reported the department of Rospotrebnadzor for Nizhny Novgorod region. There are no restrictions yet on smoking electronic cigarettes in public places.

True, there are already advances - a bill has been prepared to ban the sale of electronic cigarettes to minors, they also propose to ban trade electronic systems delivery of nicotine through vending machines. It is planned to consider this proposal at the federal level in the fall.

By the way

For the sale of tobacco and hookahs to teenagers, merchants still face punishment - a fine for citizens from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, for officials - from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 100 thousand to 150 thousand rubles (part 3 of article 14.53 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In recent years, an incessant flow of new drugs has been entering Russia from China, dispersing throughout the country by mail, and direct trade is carried out through the Internet. The names of these drugs in slang: spices and salts. It is difficult to fight them, because they are included in the list of banned drugs belatedly, and also because the distribution takes place via the Internet, and the organizers do not touch the drugs themselves. The main consumers are young people born in 1989-1999.

These drugs are extremely dangerous, as they are available, easy to use, and act primarily on the psyche.

The state is not able to protect our children, so we must protect them ourselves. No one will do it except us.

Do not be careless, do not think that this can affect anyone, but not you. Remember - drugs are not chosen, the son of a teacher or the daughter of a general. And the main reason for drug addiction is the availability of drugs.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no tests for these types of drugs in Russia, therefore, testing carried out today in educational institutions does not reflect the real state of affairs at all.

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, lyapka, plop, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

Accompanied by cough(burns mucous)

Dry mouth(requires constant fluid intake),

Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes(important sign! drug addicts know, therefore they carry Vizin with them, and others eye drops)

Impaired coordination

Speech defect(sluggishness, tape stretch effect)

Inhibition of thinking(stupid)

Immobility, freezing in one position with complete silence(if heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)


Rapid pulse

Fits of laughter

After consumption, for several days or longer:

The decline of the general physical condition

Disconcentration of attention

Apathy(especially for work and study)

Sleep disturbance

mood swings(from extreme to extreme)

From experience:

The main sign is that a teenager starts skipping classes, academic performance drops, and generally stops going to school. Lies all the time. Friends appear that he does not talk about. When talking with them on the phone, he goes to another room, or says that he will dial later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, avoids any serious conversations, avoids contact with parents, turns off the phones. With constant use, degradation becomes apparent. He thinks for a long time, is untidy, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses sense of reality, develops paranoia.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in porches and computer clubs in winter.

The use of smoking mixtures - common cause teenage suicides. As a rule, they leave the windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to commit suicide, perhaps he just wanted to fly.

And further. In 99% of cases, smoking mixtures are started by those who already smoke cigarettes.

They buy these drugs either through the Internet or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known drug trafficking sites by typing in a search engine several keywords, receives a contact, writes off via Skype or ICQ, makes an order, he is immediately told the account number, he pays through the terminals, and he is told where to pick up the hidden drugs.

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, classmates, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kureha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - phone.

For teenagers, it all seems interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence, they usually do not erase it.

Peers, classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have other phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. They are approached by the elders. They become negative leaders, and, as a rule, positive-minded children lack the arguments to reverse this situation.

From experience:

A teenager who has started dealing drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

What does this drug look like?

JWH comes here as a reagent (concentrate). This reagent is a powder, similar to ordinary soda. He is being bred different ways, and applied (sprayed) on the "base". Most often, the "base" is the usual pharmacy chamomile. Maybe a mother-and-stepmother and in general any pharmacy herb. Sometimes, for viscosity, they are mixed in a mixer with prunes or tobacco for hookahs. But, young users tend to take ready-made drugs.

The most common way to consume smoking mixtures is in a small plastic bottle with a hole (if such bottles with a burnt hole are found in school toilets, this is the surest sign that drugs are being used at school). Also, mixtures are sometimes smoked through different pipes. They are usually kept to themselves, and they stink terribly. Sometimes, before going home, a teenager leaves such a tube in the entrance (in the shield).


Alcohol, and even beer, potentiates the action of the drug. Man goes crazy, turns off vestibular apparatus, loses spatial and temporal orientation, and completely knocks off memory. It is common in teenagers.

From experience:

None of those who use smoking mixtures consider themselves a drug addict. He completely lacks self-criticism, they have a difficult thought process, they communicate only with their own kind, therefore they are convinced that everyone smokes.

First, one or two puffs are enough. Then the frequency of use increases. Then the dose. They accelerate quickly. Later, they begin to smoke the undiluted reagent. From this point on, the addict can no longer do without the mixture and experiences incredible discomfort and anxiety if the drug is not with him.

They come to their senses for a very long time. As a rule, several months pass before they begin to adequately assess what is happening. We happened to watch irreversible consequences the use of smoking mixtures.

You can show this video to your children (VIDEO)

Also, even more terrible drugs, MDPV (salt, legal, speed, whistle, etc.) are popular among the youth.

The danger of these drugs lies in their availability and ease of use (they sniff, smoke less often, dilute in any liquid and drink, and the worst thing is they inject into a vein).

It is very difficult to calculate the dose and with overdoses of salts, the percentage lethal outcome significantly higher than with opiate overdoses. And perhaps the worst thing is that these drugs affect the psyche and destroy the personality. When using salts, a person rapidly degrades, and this degradation has irreversible consequences.

What parents need to know

If smoking mixtures can be used imperceptibly for some time, then one who has begun to use salts can be seen immediately.

Under the influence immediately and within a few hours after consumption:

wild look


alarm condition (the feeling that you are being watched, that they have come for you)

Speech defects(convulsive movements lower jaw, grimaces)

Lack of appetite

hallucinations(usually auditory)

Gesticulation(involuntary movements of arms, legs, head)

Complete lack of sleep

Incredible burst of energy(the desire to move, to do something, all actions are usually unproductive)

Willingness to do some hard work(as a rule, they begin to disassemble complex mechanisms into components).

crazy ideas(for example, to rule the world)

And all this is accompanied by sincere ambition, arrogance and total absence self-criticism.

Later - sudden loss weight (for a week up to 10 kg.).

Outside of taking drugs - excessive drowsiness (sleep for several days).

Severe depression, depression, suicidal ideation.

Untidy appearance.

A "side effect" comes out - the face is covered acne and pimples.

The limbs and face often swell.

A sharp decline in intellectual capabilities, and constant lies.


Through the eyes of toxicologists.

During 2010 - 2012 We are seeing a rapid increase in the number acute poisoning synthetic drugs psychostimulating action. The severity of poisoning lies in the development of acute psychosis and disorders vital functions, including cardiac disorders ( sharp rise, then a drop in blood pressure, palpitations, circulatory failure), acute respiratory failure; in some cases (4-5% of patients), acute renal or hepatic-renal insufficiency. However, the most severe manifestation given poisoning- uncontrolled hyperthermia (up to 8% of patients) and the development of cerebral edema. With an increase in body temperature over 40-41ºС, the patient quickly develops cerebral edema, acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure the patient dies within a few hours.

For your information: the number of people admitted with overdoses increases by one and a half to two times every month. Lethality is very high. Sometimes required intensive therapy in intensive care, patients need hemodialysis. An acute psychotic state can be removed within 24-48

hours, but some patients do not get out of it, and need long-term treatment in a psychiatric ward.

When to call " ambulance» in case of poisoning with psychoactive drugs? One of the following is sufficient:

1. Consciousness: responds only to painful stimuli or consciousness is absent

2. Chest pain of the type of angina pectoris (pressing, squeezing)

3. Seizures similar to epileptic, even single

4. Temperature more than 38, not falling after 15 minutes of rest or more than 40 with a single measurement

5. Heart rate more than 140 in 1 min for more than 15 minutes

6. Blood pressure: systolic less than 90 or more than 180, diastolic more than 110 in two measurements with an interval of 5 minutes

7. Confusion, severe agitation or aggression without improvement within 15 minutes

Buy these drugs in the same way as JWH (see above)

What does this drug look like?

Like a crystalline powder. Looks like powdered sugar. Color from bright white to dark.

They are stored in the house, as a rule, in the toilet, in the ventilation, on the balcony, under the floor covering, in bed linen, or in the entrance on your floor. Everyone has a special box or bag where syringes, drops, and everything you need to use are stored.

From experience:

Adolescents begin to use, behavior changes. They ask for time off to nightclubs, they are constantly not at home. They may disappear for several days. Returning, they sleep for a very long time, and the zhor attacks.

Later, suspicion arises, sound and visual hallucinations. When there are several people in the hangout, paranoia becomes collective. As a rule, they close curtains, windows and doors, they are afraid of everything.

Listen to loud, fast music without words, or rap.

They don't sleep at night.

By using longer, disappear from the house for a long time. They don't answer calls. Increased aggressiveness. They are not aware of what is happening. Communicate condescendingly, with ambition.

Hallucinations become stronger, and can push for bullying and murder. In this state, weapons are kept at hand. They can even throw themselves at their mother.

Nobody from the salts ever knows today's date.

Often they keep eye drops "Tropikamid", "Metriocil", "Cyclomed" with them. Added to the solution, used as prolangators.

Under the influence, all character traits are hypertrophied.

For rehabilitation:

Salts are the hardest position. Conscientious narcologists honestly say that they do not know what to do. As long as they are just digging.

From experience:

There are a lot of salts in rehabilitation. At some point, at the end (at the end of the action), they are quite suggestible, and agree with their parents to go to rehabilitation.

They come to their senses for a very long time. It clears up in the eyes of the month for the third, fourth, climbs out all the diseases. Most continue to think only about drugs. Some dream in a dream that he is under the influence.

Leaving the center, they try to use it on the first day. When they bring it back in a day or two, everyone sees how rapidly the person has degraded. Having observed a lot, I am convinced that in most cases, the systematic use of MDPV leads to irreversible consequences.

Half of the salt comes to us from mental hospitals, many are already diagnosed with schizophrenia.

There are no methods for working with saline. As long as I see the only indoors, and lack of drug access. This is a chance. And every day spent without drugs adds something to the chance.

What else is important to understand

It is believed that smoking JWH has its own symptoms and is not as quickly addictive as the use of MDPV. But! Recent times, in JWH, at the stage of preparation, add the components of MDPV. This dramatically changes the impact when used, and there is an instant addiction. We understood this from experience, and this point was confirmed by toxicologists. Overdose survivors claimed to have used JWH, and tests showed MDPV!

This is what the behavior of salt addicts looks like (VIDEO)

You ask: what to do?

First and required condition— in any way to deprive access to drugs.

Your feedback

Smoking among children. Our generation. What will happen next? In our harsh 21st century, the younger generation smokes at every turn. Just take a look! According to psychologists, the reasons for this are as follows:

Young people think it's cool.
- they want to draw attention to themselves.
- want to look older.
- imitation of others.
- interest.

The average age of guys who start smoking is 10-15 years old. In addition to smoking, they drink alcohol. And some of them are ALREADY using drugs! What will happen next?! Our generation is fading. And who will defend the country now? And who will take the grandmother across the road? Children do not distinguish between what is good and what is bad. All this sounds very sad and hopeless.

Speaking of smoking young girls. After looking at some information on the Internet, I read about how they say we smoke to please the boys. And we find elegance and beauty in it. Well, now I will say, as a girl for healthy lifestyle life - trust me, young ladies, any normal guy will not look in the direction of a girl with a cigarette! You'd better throw away your cigarette and go to the gym or run around the stadium! And my advice, forget about smoking, if you want with good boyпознакомиться:)

Now what about getting attention? Isn't it already possible to draw attention to yourself by other methods? For example, do a workout or parkour, trust me, then many people will pay attention to you! This I guarantee you. You will always have many friends and admirers.

Or do you think it's cool to inhale nicotine? Yes, it's really cool to die at 40 with lung cancer. I don't see anything good or really cool. Always remember - smoking is your slow killer.

Oh, how could I forget about imitating others? Herd instinct? What everyone does, I will do? Silly, isn't it? Be a sheep and follow the herd? This is how you will go through life. You will be a sheep in life if you imitate others! Well, draw your own conclusions!
Do you want to look older??? Don't be stupid, but have your head on your shoulders! Then you will definitely be three heads taller than your peers!

Do you still disagree with me? Well, then the last - interest? And the desire to try something new? I don't think there are other new and interesting things. Have you ever skydived? Me not. This is my dream. I don't think everyone reading this has made at least 2 skydive jumps in their lives. Or do you base jump every day? For those who don't know, it's jumping off cliffs with so-called wings. Maybe just take a look around? And notice a lot of new and unfamiliar activities for you.

In large countries, as in England, France, the authorities are already trying to deal with the problems of youth. There are police in the city who follow the youth. If they see a minor citizen with a cigarette or alcohol, they will demand their documents. And if they are not 18, then of course they will take them to the department and call their parents. However, this is not the case in countries such as Russia and Ukraine.

However, the government could fix it! They could start doing just like in the big countries. Then the problems would be much less. But I think that the state can not rely on. And we can get rid of it ourselves. Our countries have democracy, don't they? Then why don't we all hold protests and rallies against bad habits among young people? Also, everyone can prove that smoking is not cool at all, as some of the children claim. I believe that youth bad habits are the outcasts of our society. We must ignore them and avoid contact with them. Perhaps then they will realize that no one needs them?

As I think, our future is only in OUR hands, and no one else. So let's fight youth problems together?

My name is Maria, I am 13 years old. And I am for a healthy lifestyle. I try to avoid those who are around the corner with a cigarette in hand. I look at my peers who go to clubs, smoke hookah, cigarettes, only with contempt. When I see smoking girl, and I want to tell her - what are you doing? After all, you still have children to give birth .. And most of all, mothers with strollers and cigarettes kill me. What are they doing.. They are slowly killing themselves and their children.
All my friends agree with me. My friends have the same opinion as me. I have no friends who smoke, because in my company they are despised, humiliated and lowered. They deserve that kind of treatment.

I hope there are many guys with the same opinion as me. So why don't we all come together? Let's create a movement of healthy youth around the world? Let's build a healthy future, not a future of murderers and drug addicts?

I hope I at least convinced you a little that smoking is not good? And the last - I want to show you some photos related to smoking. Happy viewing!

Well, how? Pretty? Lungs on the left, it's yours if you smoke! I think you won't last long with such lungs :)

To all those who agree with me, I propose to take up the organization of an action against smoking and smoking youth! What do you think?

L.N. Tolstoy said: Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered, inhumane for his pleasure to disturb the peace and comfort, and even more so the health of other people, but out of a thousand smokers, not one will hesitate to blow unhealthy smoke where there are non-smoking women, children , sick and old people.

Thank you for taking the time to my article, I think after reading you have drawn the right conclusions. And try to get rid of your bad habit. If you kids have cravings for smoking, look at the effects! And decide for yourself

No. 1 (Liteiny pr., 56)

studentIII course Piskareva Evgenia

scientific supervisor, teacher of biology, med. genetics

Topic: Smoking hookah and youth.

Relevance research is due to the fact that in recent years, hookah smoking has become widespread in our country, especially among young people, which is quite understandable. But the saddest thing is that many consider it quite "safe entertainment". The reality is quite different. Based on scientific studies published over the past five years, the following evidence is available for hookah smoking. Regular hookah smoking means inhaling significantly more smoke compared to smoking cigarettes. If during the latter, 8–12 puffs are usually taken within 5–7 minutes and 0.5–0.6 liters of smoke are inhaled, then during a typical hookah smoking session, 50–100 puffs are taken, each of which contains 0.15–1, 0 liter of smoke. Thus, a hookah smoker can inhale smoke in a volume equal to the smoke of several dozen cigarettes in one smoking session.

Target: to reveal the attitude to hookah smoking among young people "MK No. 1".

Hypothesis: Smoking hookah is more harmful than smoking cigarettes.


4 conduct a literature review;

4 to determine the level of awareness of the negative impact of hookah smoking on the health of a teenager (questionnaire);

4 conduct research and analyze data;

(HOOKAH - e that oriental word is immediately associated with an oriental tale. Here the air is filled with incense, soft pillows are scattered everywhere, and in the middle of the large hall, next to the fountain, the sultan sits. Concubines dance for him, he looks at them and at the same time smokes a hookah).

True, it all starts well. But here's how it all could end - now we'll find out.
The first hookahs appeared in India, they were made from coconut shells. They became popular in Iran and then in all Arab countries. But it was in Turkey that they got their usual present form.
A hookah is a vessel for smoking that allows you to cool and moisten the inhaled smoke. Hookah is filled with water, wine or other liquid to filter the smoke and get the taste. A tube is immersed in a vessel with water, through which the smoke enters under the water and exits through another tube above the water level, and then enters the smoker's lungs.

In Europe, with the advent of fashion for oriental exotics, hookah has become popular among smokers.

About 100 million people smoke hookah every day in the world. Scientists are concerned that teenagers, for whom hookah is a fashionable hobby, have become addicted to hookah smoking. As a result of this proliferation, Myths about hookah smoking:

1. There is no paper in hookah tobacco, which emits a bunch of harmful substances when burned.

2. The tobacco itself does not come into contact with an open fire and, therefore, does not burn, but simply smolders or even dries out. As a result, hookah smoke does not contain harmful carcinogens.

3. The inhaled smoke is not hot, but cold, therefore it does not burn the upper respiratory tract, which also speaks in favor of the hookah.

4. Tobacco passes through the water filter, therefore, all poisonous impurities contained in it and most of the nicotine remain in the water.

But is it really so? Let's find out!

Studies of hookah tobacco have shown that, on average, it contains much more nicotine, carbon monoxide, heavy metals and harmful tars than cigarette tobacco. For example, the concentration of carbon monoxide in hookah smoke is 2-3 times higher than in cigarette smoke. As a result, humidified smoke with hazardous substances and toxins enters the lungs much deeper, causing harm to health.

The researchers found that the concentration of nicotine, arsenic, lead, carboxyhemoglobin in the body of hookah smokers is higher than that of ordinary cigarette smokers.

Based on the research results, one more disappointing conclusion can be drawn: the level of carbon monoxide in the body of hookah smokers is increased. Namely, this gas contributes to an increase in heart rate and gives the effect of slight intoxication when smoking a hookah. Moreover, when smoking a hookah, foil is usually used, which, when heated from coal, produces carcinogenic aluminum fumes, which are very harmful.

The harm from hookah can be increased many times over (or precautions for those who decide to continue smoking hookah):

1. If you smoke a hookah for a long time in an unventilated room, then carbon monoxide poisoning is not excluded - dizziness, nausea, weakness, shortness of breath occur.

2. It is risky to combine hookah smoking and coffee drinking. They help increase blood pressure. And this can cause a hypertensive crisis.

3. An undesirable companion of a hookah is alcohol, which gives an additional load on the heart. It is no coincidence that in the East, during gatherings with a hookah, they drank green tea and dates. These products are rich in antioxidants, which to some extent reduce the harmful effects of tobacco and tar on the body.

4. It is dangerous to smoke a hookah on an empty stomach, while the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract is damaged. This increases the risk of stomach ulcers or gastritis.

5. Smoking and aromatic mixtures are dangerous because narcotic herbs can be mixed in them. For example, Mexican sage and Hawaiian rose, which are both hallucinogenic.


Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Students of MK#1 are poorly aware of the negative impact of hookah smoking on human health - 80% believe that hookah smoking is harmless.

2.50% of students are surprised that through a pipe from a hookah you can get a cold, hepatitis and tuberculosis.

3.60% of students are dissatisfied with the ban on smoking hookah in public places.

And finally:

Arabic wisdom says: the cigarette burns for three minutes and almost does not distract from business. The handset has a conversation for half an hour. You can spend your whole life behind a hookah, contemplating how tobacco slowly burns out, leaving behind a handful of ashes of your problems, worries and worries...

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