Doctors: cold drops are deadly for children. Naphthyzine poisoning in children How hypotonic shock manifests itself in children

Colds are the most common ailments that accompany people during the cold season. Often they are accompanied by a strong cough, malaise, fever, as well as nasal congestion and runny nose, which, if not treated in time, is fraught with serious complications, in the form of sinusitis, otitis media, sinusitis, etc. To get rid of a runny nose in time and prevent the development of negative manifestations, they resort to using vasoconstrictor drugs. One of these is the well-known medical drug Naphthyzin.
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The main characteristics of the drug

The medication is a special solution based on naphthyzinum of different concentrations. Due to this composition, the drug has a decongestant and vasoconstrictor effect, which is achieved by the action of the agent on the receptors of the nasal mucosa and a decrease in blood flow. This effect affects the elimination of puffiness, easier breathing, and a decrease in the production of secreted mucus. The medicine is prescribed for both children and adult patients, is dispensed without a prescription and has an affordable cost.

However, over-the-counter access and an acceptable price does not mean that the drug can be used uncontrollably and for a long period, since Naphthyzin has a lot of side reactions, especially with long-term treatment. It is also necessary to take into account that prolonged use causes not only serious symptoms, but also develops addiction, which affects the almost complete absence of the desired effect.

The main manifestations of an overdose of the drug

An overdose of Naphthyzinum can be caused by exceeding the indicated norms in the instructions, prolonged use, and side effects may also occur when using an expired medication. You need to know that for children from 1 year to 6 years old, Naphthyzinum is instilled 1 drop 2 times a day, older than six years old and adults are prescribed 1-3 drops 3 times a day, the treatment course is not more than 5 days. Exceeding this dosage and duration of treatment, as well as accidental ingestion, which is strictly prohibited, can lead to very serious consequences. The main ones are:

  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting
  • Constriction of the pupils of the eyes
  • Rapid rise in temperature
  • Blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes
  • The development of tachycardia, failure in the rhythm of the heart
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Various kinds of mental disorders.

In the case of a severe form, at high doses of the drug, there is a significant depression of the nervous system, the respiratory function and vasomotor centers are disturbed. For the most part, this is affected by such signs:

  • Increased drowsiness and lethargy
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Decrease in body temperature
  • Respiratory failure
  • Decreased heart rate
  • The development of coma and pulmonary edema.

This condition is extremely dangerous and seriously threatens the patient's life and can even be fatal due to heart and respiratory failure. Therefore, in such a situation, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Naphthyzinum overdose in children

In particular, it is dangerous to exceed the norm in children (children under 1 year of age are strictly prohibited from taking medicine). It happens that even a single non-observance of the dosage can cause very serious consequences, and a dose of 10 ml for babies of the first years is considered fatal. The main factors that can lead to the development of negative symptoms are: non-compliance with the attached instructions, incorrect dosage when using a plastic bottle, use of a 0.1% solution instead of 0.0.5%. Large doses of Naphthyzine easily penetrate into the child's body, stimulate the brain centers, lower the work of the heart, disrupt heart contractions and affect severe disorders.

Naphthyzinum poisoning in children causes the following manifestations:

  • Easy degree. In this situation, children complain of malaise, lethargy, constant drowsiness. The child may experience pallor of the skin, loss of appetite, capriciousness, a slight decrease in heart rate. BP remains normal.
  • The degree of moderate severity. At this stage, there is a pronounced weakness, a tendency to sleep, a complete refusal to eat, bradycardia, a decrease in temperature and blood pressure. Pupils react.
  • Severe form. With this degree, a coma develops in children, the heartbeat and blood pressure decrease significantly, the child is in critical condition, requiring immediate help from doctors.

In any case, having discovered manifestations of drug poisoning in a child, you should immediately call an ambulance and get the help of professionals.

Treatment and first aid

At the first symptom of Naphthyzinum poisoning in children and adults, it is imperative to stop taking the medicine and call a doctor. The doctor needs to be informed in what doses the medication was taken, and how long the therapy lasted. Before the arrival of the ambulance, the following manipulations must be carried out:

  • Put the victim to bed and wrap him in a blanket to keep him warm
  • Carry out a gastric lavage, that is, the patient needs to drink several glasses of warm water and induce vomiting.
  • You can also take several tablets of activated charcoal, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  • Regularly check pulse and breathing
  • Monitor heart rate.

It should be noted that gastric lavage is not carried out in a state when a person is unconscious and in infants.

In stationary conditions, the treatment process is aimed at eliminating cardiovascular disorders and pathologies from the respiratory system. In many cases, the initial therapy consists in administering Naphthyzinum's antidote, atropine, to the patient, taking into account the weight and age of the patient. Children also use special doses of prednisolone. In case of serious breathing problems, artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out, edema is treated, and certain intramuscular and intravenous injections are also used to increase blood pressure. In case of suspension of breathing and heart work, all necessary resuscitation measures are carried out.


With mild Naphthyzinum poisoning, accompanying symptoms almost always disappear after 1-2 days. In the case of a severe form, serious inflammation of the lungs, sharp jumps in blood pressure can occur, and in older people the risk of developing a stroke or heart attack increases. Moreover, unfortunately, too high doses of the drug, especially in children, can even lead to death.

In order to avoid all the negative manifestations of Naphthyzinum, in any case, you must strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage, do not exceed the prescribed treatment period, use the remedy only as prescribed by the doctor.

Some vasoconstrictor nasal drops (naphthyzinum, nafazolin, sanorin), often called in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and uncontrollably used by parents as a harmless, in their opinion, remedy, if used improperly, can cause a number of complications and even

Some vasoconstrictor nasal drops (naphthyzinum, nafazolin, sanorin), often called in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and uncontrollably used by parents as a harmless, in their opinion, remedy, if used improperly, can cause a number of complications and even poisoning, as it happens that children drink medicine . The peak of accidents falls on the age of one to three years. How to help a child with poisoning. First you need to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of help, the child must be laid down, warmed, given a warm drink. The first signs of poisoning appear 30-40 minutes after contact with the drug. Appear lethargy, drowsiness, loss of appetite, pale skin, cold sweat. The heart rate also decreases. The body temperature decreases. With a severe degree of poisoning, in addition to the above, consciousness is disturbed, up to coma, blood pressure decreases to critical numbers.

To avoid such terrible consequences, use only those drugs that your doctor has prescribed for you. Do not drip more and more often than prescribed by the doctor or written in the instructions, but in general - no more than 3-5 days. Buy the drug by age, and do not try to treat the child with available "adults". Keep nasal drops, like any medicine, out of the reach of children.

Be as careful and attentive as possible, because your child's health is at stake!

Is it possible to harm such a simple over-the-counter drug?

Canadian pediatricians presented an analysis of such a case of an overdose of vasoconstrictor drops: a 4-month-old baby was admitted to the intensive care unit after using vasoconstrictor drops in the nose with congestion for 2 days. The baby received 8 drops of xylometazoline in the nose (conc. 0.1%) 12 hours before the child was admitted to the intensive care unit.
This dosage is for adults, in children it is used only from 6 to 12 years. The child was admitted to the intensive care unit in a coma. The situation ended happily.
The Medline Library has a review of 13 cases of xylometazoline overdose in children under 5 years of age, 11 of which occurred in children under 2 years of age.
Doesn't seem like much, does it? What if it was YOUR child?
In addition, these phenomena can have varying degrees of severity, go unnoticed or simply not documented.
Unfortunately, no minimum non-toxic dose of xylometazoline has been established for these young children. When instilling xylometazoline, pharmacological reference books recommend maintaining an 8-10 hour interval between doses and, in children under 6 years old, use strictly 1 drop of the drug in a children's dosage in each nasal passage. And such a dosage does not pose a danger to children's health.
This is just an example of the misuse of one substance, but this is possible with any vasoconstrictor nasal drops. And, unfortunately, even full compliance with the instructions does not guarantee the absence of an overdose. Since there are data on cases of overdose of oxymetazoline \ xylometazoline in premature babies or babies in the first months of life when taking the drug according to the instructions in children with symptoms of nasal congestion in ARVI.

Overdose symptoms:
respiratory failure or respiratory arrest;

lethargy, up to coma;

blurred vision;
blue lips and nails;
change in pupil size;
violation of blood pressure - first an increase, then a decrease;
decrease in body temperature;
nausea and vomiting;
trembling of the limbs.

If you suspect a child has poisoning with a vasoconstrictor drug, then you should immediately seek help.
Tell your doctor:
the patient's condition;
the weight;
the name of the drug;
terms of use and dosage.

How to avoid such reactions to the drug:
keep medicines out of the reach of children;
do not use vasoconstrictor drops as a self-medication for more than 3 days;
vasoconstrictors do not have a regular intake regimen - this is a means of symptomatic relief, if we are talking about a common cold - there is congestion - we drip. The nose breathes - skip.
With otitis media, the doctor may prescribe a different regimen.
The time interval between doses is of great importance, so for Xylometazoline it is 8-10 hours; Oxymetazoline -12 hours; Phenylephrine - 4-6 hours.
In newborns, without a doctor's prescription, such drugs cannot be used!
It is strictly forbidden to fill in drops for the nose, for example. naphthyzinum, into a nebulizer or other devices and do inhalation!
The release form of vasoconstrictors for children - drops - is much more preferable, so you can definitely see what has got into the nose. Vasoconstrictor drops in the treatment of the common cold are not the most important medicine! Even swelling can be safely removed with hypertonic saline.
Be careful and be healthy!

Most people are accustomed to using vasoconstrictor nasal drops at the slightest sign of a runny nose in a child or adult. At the same time, there are ardent opponents of these drugs, refusing to treat them with a runny nose. Who is right? Indeed, uncontrolled spraying of vasoconstrictor sprays into the nose can lead to serious consequences in adults and children. In this article, we looked at the reasons why an overdose of vasoconstrictor drops can develop, the symptoms and treatments for this condition.

When are vasoconstrictor nasal drops used?

Vasoconstrictive drops or sprays are prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases of the nose and ears. Just like that, with any cold, you should not use them neither in children nor in adults.

They are available in the form of drops or spray. You need to bury them in both nostrils. Dosage, frequency and duration of treatment with them is negotiated with the attending doctor.

Remember that a therapist or an otorhinolaryngologist should prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. It is very dangerous to use them on your own, they can cause the development of chronic rhinitis, atrophy of the nasal mucosa or drug poisoning.

Indications for the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops:

  • otitis media - inflammation of the middle parts of the ear. Drops accelerate the removal of inflammation and swelling from the internal structures of the ear;
  • Eustachitis is an inflammation of the Eustachian tube, in which the flow of air into the structures of the middle ear is disturbed. This disease is almost always accompanied by severe hearing loss. Vasoconstrictor drugs relieve swelling, remove stuffy ears.
  • difficult nasal breathing in inflammatory bacterial or viral diseases accompanied by a runny nose.

Causes of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops

Intoxication with these drugs most often develops as a result of their incorrect and independent use. Exceeding the dosage of vasoconstrictor drops is very dangerous. and can lead to disruption of the entire body.

The reasons for the development of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops are listed below:

  • Frequent nasal instillation to improve nasal breathing. Sometimes, in acute viral processes, it is not possible to completely decompose the nose, free breathing does not return after instillation of a dose of the drug. But this does not mean the need for re-injection of the drug.
  • Incorrect dosing selection. For example, an adult dose of a vasoconstrictor is toxic to a child and can cause acute poisoning.
  • Parallel use of several different vasoconstrictor drugs. At the same time, only one nasal spray from the drug group can be used during treatment. The combination of several different drops with a similar effect or with the same active substance leads to the development of an overdose.
  • Accidental ingestion of nasal drops can occur in a baby who has found the drug. All medicines should be kept out of the reach of children.

With prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops in a normal dosage, chronic rhinitis develops. People become dependent on a bottle of vasoconstrictor drops, they constantly carry it with them.

Examples of drugs

In pharmacies, you can find a large number of various vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. They all have the same effect may differ from each other in dosing rules and active substance. Examples of drugs:

  • "Rinazolin";
  • "Naphthyzin";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Nazol";
  • "Nesopin";
  • "Lazolvan Reno".

Overdose symptoms

The severity of intoxication directly depends on the amount of the drug injected into the nose. The larger it is, the worse the patient's condition. Signs of intoxication appear during the first hour after the drug enters the body..

Vasoconstrictor drops in high dosage have a direct effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Symptoms of an overdose of these drugs are listed below:

  • Narrowing of the eye pupils, they become like a small dot. At the same time, the pupils practically do not react to changes in light.
  • Great dryness in the nose. Nosebleeds may develop.
  • Violation of the heart rhythm. With mild intoxication, tachycardia is observed - a rapid heartbeat. Severe poisoning is accompanied by the development of bradycardia - a slowing of the pulse.
  • Change in blood pressure. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, it may decrease or increase.
  • Paleness and blueness of the skin develops due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply.
  • Nausea and vomiting without relief. These symptoms develop due to hypoxia and damage to the central nervous system.
  • Drowsiness and lethargy. A person feels dizzy, severe weakness. Headache may develop.
  • Slow breathing.
  • Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature below 36 degrees.
  • Violation of consciousness, up to the development of a deep coma.

First aid and treatment for overdose

What to do in case of acute poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops? First of all, you should call an ambulance. By phone, briefly inform the dispatcher about what happened, give the exact address.

If a person drank drops in the nose, you should immediately rinse the stomach. To do this, the patient needs to drink several glasses of water in one gulp and provoke vomiting. Then you should drink some kind of sorbent, for example, activated charcoal.

If an overdose has developed due to excessive instillation of the drug into the nose, it is pointless to wash the stomach or drink sorbents. Before the arrival of the doctors, try to calm the patient, you can give him plain water or sweet, weak black tea to drink.

First aid will be provided to the patient by the doctors who came to the call. They will conduct a quick examination of the patient and administer the necessary drugs to stabilize the cardiovascular system and breathing.

In case of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops, they are hospitalized in a toxicological or intensive care unit. There is no specific antidote. All treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms, removing the drug from the body and regulating the work of the heart.

Vasoconstrictive nasal drops help treat acute inflammatory diseases of the nose and ears. They help to restore breathing with nasal congestion. Before using these drugs, you should consult with your doctor. In high doses, they can cause severe poisoning, accompanied by a violation of the heart and breathing. At the first signs of an overdose, you need to call an ambulance. Treatment of this condition is carried out in a hospital.

Naphthyzine is a very effective drug that constricts blood vessels in a short period of time. If the drug is used incorrectly, an overdose of naphthyzinum may occur.

Naphthyzine is an effective vasoconstrictor drug

Young parents often ask the question: is it possible to use the drug for babies? Pediatricians are allowed to use naphthyzinum, but if the concentration of drops and dosage are correctly selected. Naphthyzine is produced in the form of drops of 0.05%. A solution of 0.1% is an adult dosage that is strictly forbidden for children to take, as it can cause severe poisoning.

The danger of the drug

Can a child get poisoned by this drug? Of course. Nose drops seem to be harmless, but they are quite capable of harming your baby. Naphthyzine drop poisoning in children is not uncommon. Poisoning with naphthyzinum occurs when inexperienced parents on their own, without the appointment of a pediatrician, treat the child with a runny nose with vasoconstrictor drugs. Young mothers very often turn to medical institutions for help with naphthyzine poisoning.

Reasons why poisoning may occur

Naphthyzinum, like any other drug, can harm the body. Symptoms may appear not only with long-term use, but also with a single use of drops. So, let's see why the most ordinary drops can cause serious poisoning.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops called Naphthyzinum are available in plastic bottles. It is not always possible, when pressing on the vial, to drop the required number of drops to the child, the dose in this case may increase several times.
  • Parents very often confuse the adult dosage of 0.1% with the children's 0.05%.
  • Very often there is a non-compliance with the rules for the use of a medicinal product. The instructions indicate that the drops are forbidden to be used by children under one year old, and young mothers use the drug on their own, which risks causing serious harm to the health of the crumbs.
  • Naphthyzine is an effective inexpensive drug that is very popular. For kids, its use can threaten sad consequences.

Naphthyzine drop poisoning in children is not uncommon

First symptoms

Naphthyzine poisoning in children is quite common. In order to determine whether the child is actually poisoned, it is necessary to observe his condition. The first symptoms that you might be concerned about are:

  • pronounced weakness and lethargy in the crumbs;
  • mood swings, tearfulness;
  • spasmodic pain in the head and slight dizziness;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypotension (lowering blood pressure);
  • complete refusal of food;
  • drowsiness;
  • pallor of the skin (skin becomes wet and cold);
  • slight constriction of the pupils.

When the first such symptoms are detected, it is urgent to call a qualified medical specialist who will provide the necessary assistance and eliminate the symptoms of an overdose. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment at home!

First aid

While you are waiting for the doctor, do not panic so that it is not transmitted to the child. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby, calm him down and ensure a comfortable position.

  • Monitor the general condition of the child.
  • Plentiful drink. It can be ordinary boiled water.
  • Monitor your baby's pulse and breathing.
  • Wrap in a blanket to keep baby warm.

The medicine must be prescribed by a pediatrician in compliance with dosages

Treatment for poisoning

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of naphthyzinum poisoning. Upon the arrival of the ambulance doctor, it is necessary to tell how the drug was taken and in what dosage. If a mild form of poisoning occurs, the baby will be given first aid on the spot and will write out further recommendations for treatment. In severe cases, they are transported to the hospital and treated in a hospital.

Very often it happens that babies use medical preparations on their own. To prevent this from happening, parents should be careful about the storage of all medicines, that is, keep them out of the reach of children.

Note to new parents

  • Do not use the drug for infants.
  • Drops should be prescribed by a pediatrician in compliance with dosages according to the age of the child.
  • Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but increases the risk of developing severe poisoning.
  • The recommended dose for a child should not exceed 1-2 drops of a 0.05% solution of Naphthyzinum.
  • Proper use of the drug will free the child's airways and make it easier for him to breathe through his nose.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is addictive, drops can be used no more than once with an interval of 6-7 hours.
  • Efficiently apply the pipette to accurately measure the drop. So you can see the amount of the collected drug.
  • In order not to cause addiction in a child, it is necessary to alternate naphthyzine with other drops intended for the treatment of colds in babies.

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Can a child be poisoned by Naphthyzinum? Yes maybe. Even the most simple and safe-looking nasal drops can lead to serious consequences and harm the health of the child. Drug poisoning in children is not uncommon. Especially often there is poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs, due to the selection and use of drugs by parents on their own without a doctor's prescription, also due to an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug and incorrect storage.

During colds, with a runny nose, allergies, teething, there is a need to drip drops for children. Parents use Naphthyzin because the drug has a quick effect, removes swelling of the nasal mucosa, and frees the respiratory passages.

In recent years, the number of Naphthyzinum poisonings has increased. Mothers are increasingly turning to the hospital with similar poisoning in children.

Reasons for the increase in poisoning

Naphthyzinum, like other drugs, has side effects not only with long-term use, but also with short-term use. Sometimes there are symptoms of poisoning even with a single use.

The main reasons why there is an increase in drug poisoning:

  • Naphthyzine is produced in plastic vials up to 20 ml. Due to such packaging, it is possible to make a mistake and make the wrong dosage, because during one pressure on the vial, the dose can increase up to ten times;
  • Parents often make a mistake and buy a 0.1% solution of the drug, but you need to use a 0.05% solution;
  • Failure to follow the instructions for use of the drug. Suppose the instructions indicate that naphthyzine can be used for children older than a year, but in practice it turns out that parents have been using it since the birth of the baby.
  • The price of the drug. The cost of the drug is very insignificant, compared to other drops, the price is very meager about 10 rubles, so the medicine is popular, but the price may increase in the future, then you have to fight for the health and life of the child.


Poisoning with drugs from the common cold is quite common in children. However, in order to accurately determine whether it is poisoning or not, you should observe the well-being of the baby. The main symptoms of poisoning:

  • General weakness of the body;
  • Bad mood;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • Decreased body temperature;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Pressure drop;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Slight constriction of the pupils;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • The skin is wet and cold.

If symptoms of poisoning are detected in a child, an ambulance should be called urgently., which will provide professional assistance and eliminate the symptoms of an overdose. Carrying out treatment at home is unsafe for the health of the child.


Treatment of poisoning consists in the elimination of symptoms. If symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning are found in children, the first thing to do is stop taking the medicine and call a doctor. The doctor should tell how the drug was taken and at what dosage.

It happens that the baby himself took the medicine, such cases occur if the medicines are in full view of children's eyes. Therefore, it is advisable to put all medications out of the reach of children.

First aid

While you are waiting for an ambulance, the main thing is not to panic and not to transfer your panic state to the child. First of all, you should monitor the condition of the child, provide him with a comfortable position, move him to the bed and calm him down.


  • Make sure the child remains conscious;
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids. For this, cooled boiled water is suitable, up to a liter or more;
  • In case of poisoning, it is forbidden to give milk to children, as this contributes to the rapid absorption of the drug into the blood;
  • Check breathing and monitor the heart rate;
  • Wrap the baby in a blanket or blanket to keep him warm;
  • Follow the pulse.

Increasingly, naphthyzine poisoning occurs, the main reasons are the wrong intake or use of drugs that have expired. It is necessary to monitor the expiration date and throw away all drugs that are already spoiled and buy new ones. Otherwise, much larger amounts will be required for treatment than for new drops.

Degrees of overdose

The presence of various symptoms depends on the dosage at which the drug was taken. An overdose of naphthyzinum has three degrees of severity.

  1. With the first degree of overdose, it is not necessary to hospitalize the patient and call an ambulance. Symptoms disappear after stopping the medication. This degree is called easy.
  2. With an average degree, it is also not necessary to hospitalize the child. Parents can independently help the baby, stop taking the medicine and monitor the patient's condition. If the symptoms go away, then the doctor does not need to be called.
  3. The most dangerous degree is severe. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and give the child into the hands of specialists. Hospitalization in this case is mandatory.

Treatment of poisoning should first of all begin with the elimination of symptoms and stopping the drug.

Can Naphthyzin be given to children?

Naphthyzine is an effective drug that constricts blood vessels in a short time, belongs to the group of selective adrenomimetics.

Parents often ask if children are allowed to use the drug? It is allowed, provided that the correct concentration of the solution is selected and the dosage is observed. The drug for children is produced in the form of a solution of 0.05%, a solution of 0.1% is contraindicated in children, such a dose in children causes poisoning.


The drug should not be used in children under one year old. After a year, naphthyzinum is prescribed by a doctor, subject to strict adherence to the dosage. The dose of the drug for children is 1-2 drops of 0.05 Naphthyzine solution in each nasal passage, this dosage helps to free the airways and makes breathing easier.

Naphthyzine causes the body to become addicted to the drug and the medicine ceases to act. Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but, on the contrary, increases the risk of naphthyzine poisoning (in children, this process occurs much faster than in adults, since the body is still quite weak and cannot fight poisoning).

Due to the rapid addiction, children can use the medicine no more than once every 7 hours. The action of the drug begins in thirty minutes.

Since the plastic vial causes inaccuracies in the dosage of the drug and leads to an excess of the dose and, consequently, to poisoning, it is considered effective to use a pipette to maintain the exact dose. This way you can see how much you have taken.

In order not to cause addiction in the child, the use of naphthyzine should be alternated with other similar drugs, such as pinosol, aquamaris.

Nazivin is a liquid solution belonging to the clinical and pharmacological group of decongestants, vasoconstrictors for ...

Nazivin is a liquid solution belonging to the clinical and pharmacological group of decongestants, vasoconstrictors for topical (nasal) use. The active substance (oxymetazoline) helps to eliminate nasal congestion, making breathing easier. The advantage of the drug is the absence of absorption into the bloodstream, systemic exposure.

Therapeutic effect

Oxymetazoline - the main active ingredient - is a derivative of imidazoline, refers to stimulants of alpha-adrenergic receptors located in the vascular layer of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

Local use of the drug contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, thereby eliminating the swelling of the mucosa. As a result, breathing is facilitated in rhinitis, sinusitis and other diseases due to the opening, expansion of the excretory channels of the paranasal sinuses, nasal cavities, and Eustachian tubes. A similar mechanism stimulates the drainage function, which significantly reduces the likelihood of developing complications of a bacterial nature.

Oxymetazoline has an antiviral effect. The active substance inhibits the activity of pathogenic viruses that are the causative agents of colds and the common cold.

Forms of release and chemical composition

The drug is presented in the form of nasal drops or spray of various dosages - for adults and children. The clear solution is either completely colorless or has a slight yellowish tinge.

As auxiliary components are used:

  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • glycerol;
  • purified water.

Drops are supplied in a glass or plastic bottle with a cast or separate pipette. Spray - in a plastic container with a mechanical spray.

The drug is available without a prescription in the form of nasal drops of 5, 10 ml, as well as a spray in a 10 ml bottle.

Indications for use

The use of Nazivin is advisable for the following pathologies:

  • ARI, SARS, accompanied by a runny nose;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • sinusitis.

The drug is also prescribed for the preparation of the nasal mucosa (elimination of edema) before diagnostic studies.

Restrictions and contraindications for use

The main contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • children's age up to 1 year (for Nazivin at a dosage of 0.025%);
  • up to 6 years (for a dose of 0.05%);
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • atrophic rhinitis.

Admission restrictions apply to patients with diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • glaucoma;
  • coronary arteries;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • pheochromocytoma.

Nazivin is prescribed with caution to pregnant and lactating women. When using the drug, the attending physician must evaluate and compare the benefits for the mother's body with the potential risks for the child.

Common Adverse Reactions

Nazivin is well tolerated, with the exception of rare cases when patients noted burning, drying of the nasal mucosa, which was mainly associated with an overdose.

Among the side effects can be noted:

  • reactive hyperemia;
  • itching in the nasal cavity;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • feeling of constriction in the nose.

Rarely observed:

  • headache in the frontal part;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • prostration;
  • sleep disturbance.

If such symptoms appear, the use of the remedy should be suspended until the true causes of the deterioration in well-being are established.

Interaction with other medicines

  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs);
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

A vasoconstrictor pharmaceutical reduces the rate of absorption of local anesthetics (Lidocaine).

The combination with drugs with similar pharmacological properties increases the likelihood of an overdose of Nazivin and the development of pronounced adverse reactions.

Therapeutic doses

There is a special dosage for children depending on age:

  • younger than 1 year, starting from 5 weeks, - 0.01% solution, a few drops 2-3 times a day;
  • from 1 to 6 years - 0.025% for 1 - 2 drops 2 - 3 r. per day;
  • older than 6 - 0.05% in a similar way.

Adults are prescribed the same dosage (0.05% solution) or 1-2 intranasal injections several times a day.

The duration of the treatment course is determined by the therapist, based on the severity of the condition, the characteristics of the disease, on an individual basis. Treatment, as a rule, lasts no more than 7 days, since then the intensity of the therapeutic effect decreases.

Clinical picture of overdose

Exceeding the recommended doses of Nazivin occurs, as a rule, by chance. Either when collecting an excess amount of funds into the pipette, or as a result of intense pressure on the sprayer. Atypical use also occurs - orally, by mouth, or, erroneously, as eye drops.

Overdose has characteristic signs:

  • nausea;
  • rarely vomiting;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • cyanosis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • violations of the heart rhythm and frequency of contractions;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • collapse;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

Most victims of an overdose of Nazivin observed:

  • depression of the central nervous system, manifested by general malaise, apathy, pathological drowsiness, a decrease in body temperature;
  • from the side of the cardiovascular system - bradycardia, arterial hypertension;
  • mental disorders, hallucinations;
  • coma.

If you do not seek medical help in time, pathological phenomena can progress rapidly, leading to sudden respiratory arrest.

First aid at home

The first thing to do to help the victim of an overdose of Nazivin is to provide access to fresh air and a horizontal position. To facilitate breathing, the neck should be freed from squeezing elements. You also need to call the medical team as soon as possible and wait for their arrival.

In case of an overdose of Nazivin as a result of ingestion, the following is carried out:

  • gastric lavage with clean water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (the total volume of liquid is at least 1 liter);
  • taking enterosorbents (activated carbon - 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight, Polysorb and other absorbent drugs - according to the instructions);
  • taking a saline laxative (such as magnesium sulfate).

Drinking plenty of water will help you cope with poisoning faster. Arriving qualified specialists should be informed about the alleged excess of the dose, the method of using the drug.

Qualified medical care

There are three degrees of severity of an overdose of Nazivin, depending on the intensity of pathological manifestations.

  • The first degree (mild) in most cases does not require hospitalization. The condition stabilizes after the cessation of the use of vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Moderate, or second, degree is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. As a rule, emergency procedures, such as gastric lavage, drinking plenty of water, can eliminate the manifestations of poisoning. Improvement occurs over a longer period of time. Physician supervision is recommended. Hospitalization in a satisfactory condition is not required.
  • In case of severe poisoning with Nazivin, the victim is taken to the hospital, where intensive therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating the symptoms. Treatment is selected individually in each specific clinical case.


An overdose of Nazivin is a common occurrence, especially among children. Self-administration by a child, erroneous use as eye drops, or accidental excess of the amount of the administered drug can cause significant, sometimes irreparable harm to health. In the absence of emergency care, serious complications may develop, including falling into a coma and even death.

Naphthyzine is a very effective drug that constricts blood vessels in a short period of time. If the drug is used incorrectly, an overdose of naphthyzinum may occur.

Naphthyzine is an effective vasoconstrictor drug

Young parents often ask the question: is it possible to use the drug for babies? Pediatricians are allowed to use naphthyzinum, but if the concentration of drops and dosage are correctly selected. Naphthyzine is produced in the form of drops of 0.05%. A solution of 0.1% is an adult dosage that is strictly forbidden for children to take, as it can cause severe poisoning.

The danger of the drug

Can a child get poisoned by this drug? Of course. Nose drops seem to be harmless, but they are quite capable of harming your baby. Naphthyzine drop poisoning in children is not uncommon. Poisoning with naphthyzinum occurs when inexperienced parents on their own, without the appointment of a pediatrician, treat the child with a runny nose with vasoconstrictor drugs. Young mothers very often turn to medical institutions for help with naphthyzine poisoning.

Reasons why poisoning may occur

Naphthyzinum, like any other drug, can harm the body. Symptoms may appear not only with long-term use, but also with a single use of drops. So, let's see why the most ordinary drops can cause serious poisoning.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops called Naphthyzinum are available in plastic bottles. It is not always possible, when pressing on the vial, to drop the required number of drops to the child, the dose in this case may increase several times.
  • Parents very often confuse the adult dosage of 0.1% with the children's 0.05%.
  • Very often there is a non-compliance with the rules for the use of a medicinal product. The instructions indicate that the drops are forbidden to be used by children under one year old, and young mothers use the drug on their own, which risks causing serious harm to the health of the crumbs.
  • Naphthyzine is an effective inexpensive drug that is very popular. For kids, its use can threaten sad consequences.

Naphthyzine drop poisoning in children is not uncommon

First symptoms

Naphthyzine poisoning in children is quite common. In order to determine whether the child is actually poisoned, it is necessary to observe his condition. The first symptoms that you might be concerned about are:

  • pronounced weakness and lethargy in the crumbs;
  • mood swings, tearfulness;
  • spasmodic pain in the head and slight dizziness;
  • nausea turning into vomiting;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypotension (lowering blood pressure);
  • complete refusal of food;
  • drowsiness;
  • pallor of the skin (skin becomes wet and cold);
  • slight constriction of the pupils.

When the first such symptoms are detected, it is urgent to call a qualified medical specialist who will provide the necessary assistance and eliminate the symptoms of an overdose. It is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment at home!

First aid

While you are waiting for the doctor, do not panic so that it is not transmitted to the child. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the baby, calm him down and ensure a comfortable position.

  • Monitor the general condition of the child.
  • Plentiful drink. It can be ordinary boiled water.
  • Monitor your baby's pulse and breathing.
  • Wrap in a blanket to keep baby warm.

The medicine must be prescribed by a pediatrician in compliance with dosages

Treatment for poisoning

First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the symptoms of naphthyzinum poisoning. Upon the arrival of the ambulance doctor, it is necessary to tell how the drug was taken and in what dosage. If a mild form of poisoning occurs, the baby will be given first aid on the spot and will write out further recommendations for treatment. In severe cases, they are transported to the hospital and treated in a hospital.

Very often it happens that babies use medical preparations on their own. To prevent this from happening, parents should be careful about the storage of all medicines, that is, keep them out of the reach of children.

Note to new parents

  • Do not use the drug for infants.
  • Drops should be prescribed by a pediatrician in compliance with dosages according to the age of the child.
  • Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but increases the risk of developing severe poisoning.
  • The recommended dose for a child should not exceed 1-2 drops of a 0.05% solution of Naphthyzinum.
  • Proper use of the drug will free the child's airways and make it easier for him to breathe through his nose.
  • Due to the fact that the drug is addictive, drops can be used no more than once with an interval of 6-7 hours.
  • Efficiently apply the pipette to accurately measure the drop. So you can see the amount of the collected drug.
  • In order not to cause addiction in a child, it is necessary to alternate naphthyzine with other drops intended for the treatment of colds in babies.

Can a child be poisoned by Naphthyzinum? Yes maybe. Even the most simple and safe-looking nasal drops can lead to serious consequences and harm the health of the child. Drug poisoning in children is not uncommon. Especially often there is poisoning with vasoconstrictor drugs, due to the selection and use of drugs by parents on their own without a doctor's prescription, also due to an incorrectly calculated dose of the drug and incorrect storage.

During colds, with a runny nose, allergies, teething, there is a need to drip drops for children. Parents use Naphthyzin because the drug has a quick effect, removes swelling of the nasal mucosa, and frees the respiratory passages.

In recent years, the number of Naphthyzinum poisonings has increased. Mothers are increasingly turning to the hospital with similar poisoning in children.

Naphthyzinum, like other drugs, has side effects not only with long-term use, but also with short-term use. Sometimes there are symptoms of poisoning even with a single use.

The main reasons why there is an increase in drug poisoning:

  • Naphthyzine is produced in plastic vials up to 20 ml. Due to such packaging, it is possible to make a mistake and make the wrong dosage, because during one pressure on the vial, the dose can increase up to ten times;
  • Parents often make a mistake and buy a 0.1% solution of the drug, but you need to use a 0.05% solution;
  • Failure to follow the instructions for use of the drug. Suppose the instructions indicate that naphthyzine can be used for children older than a year, but in practice it turns out that parents have been using it since the birth of the baby.
  • The price of the drug. The cost of the drug is very insignificant, compared to other drops, the price is very meager about 10 rubles, so the medicine is popular, but the price may increase in the future, then you have to fight for the health and life of the child.


Poisoning with drugs from the common cold is quite common in children. However, in order to accurately determine whether it is poisoning or not, you should observe the well-being of the baby. The main symptoms of poisoning:

  • General weakness of the body;
  • Bad mood;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Nausea, possibly vomiting;
  • Decreased body temperature;
  • Slow heart rate;
  • Pressure drop;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Slight constriction of the pupils;
  • blanching of the skin;
  • The skin is wet and cold.

If symptoms of poisoning are detected in a child, an ambulance should be called urgently., which will provide professional assistance and eliminate the symptoms of an overdose. Carrying out treatment at home is unsafe for the health of the child.


Treatment of poisoning consists in the elimination of symptoms. If symptoms of naphthyzine poisoning are found in children, the first thing to do is stop taking the medicine and call a doctor. The doctor should tell how the drug was taken and at what dosage.

It happens that the baby himself took the medicine, such cases occur if the medicines are in full view of children's eyes. Therefore, it is advisable to put all medications out of the reach of children.

First aid

While you are waiting for an ambulance, the main thing is not to panic and not to transfer your panic state to the child. First of all, you should monitor the condition of the child, provide him with a comfortable position, move him to the bed and calm him down.


  • Make sure the child remains conscious;
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids. For this, cooled boiled water is suitable, up to a liter or more;
  • In case of poisoning, it is forbidden to give milk to children, as this contributes to the rapid absorption of the drug into the blood;
  • Check breathing and monitor the heart rate;
  • Wrap the baby in a blanket or blanket to keep him warm;
  • Follow the pulse.

Increasingly, naphthyzine poisoning occurs, the main reasons are the wrong intake or use of drugs that have expired. It is necessary to monitor the expiration date and throw away all drugs that are already spoiled and buy new ones. Otherwise, much larger amounts will be required for treatment than for new drops.

Degrees of overdose

The presence of various symptoms depends on the dosage at which the drug was taken. An overdose of naphthyzinum has three degrees of severity.

  1. With the first degree of overdose, it is not necessary to hospitalize the patient and call an ambulance. Symptoms disappear after stopping the medication. This degree is called easy.
  2. With an average degree, it is also not necessary to hospitalize the child. Parents can independently help the baby, stop taking the medicine and monitor the patient's condition. If the symptoms go away, then the doctor does not need to be called.
  3. The most dangerous degree is severe. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance and give the child into the hands of specialists. Hospitalization in this case is mandatory.

Treatment of poisoning should first of all begin with the elimination of symptoms and stopping the drug.

Can Naphthyzin be given to children?

Naphthyzine is an effective drug that constricts blood vessels in a short time, belongs to the group of selective adrenomimetics.

Parents often ask if children are allowed to use the drug? It is allowed, provided that the correct concentration of the solution is selected and the dosage is observed. The drug for children is produced in the form of a solution of 0.05%, a solution of 0.1% is contraindicated in children, such a dose in children causes poisoning.


The drug should not be used in children under one year old. After a year, naphthyzinum is prescribed by a doctor, subject to strict adherence to the dosage. The dose of the drug for children is 1-2 drops of 0.05 Naphthyzine solution in each nasal passage, this dosage helps to free the airways and makes breathing easier.

Naphthyzine causes the body to become addicted to the drug and the medicine ceases to act. Increasing the dose does not increase the effect of the drug, but, on the contrary, increases the risk of naphthyzine poisoning (in children, this process occurs much faster than in adults, since the body is still quite weak and cannot fight poisoning).

Due to the rapid addiction, children can use the medicine no more than once every 7 hours. The action of the drug begins in thirty minutes.

Since the plastic vial causes inaccuracies in the dosage of the drug and leads to an excess of the dose and, consequently, to poisoning, it is considered effective to use a pipette to maintain the exact dose. This way you can see how much you have taken.

In order not to cause addiction in the child, the use of naphthyzine should be alternated with other similar drugs, for example,.

How often do we resort to self-treatment without hesitation, especially if we have to treat a common cold. What would seem simpler: in any pharmacy there is a wide variety of vasoconstrictor drops, which, after instillation into the nose, cause vasoconstriction and, as a result, the removal of edema and a decrease in mucus formation. And here it is, the longed-for freedom of nasal breathing for several hours.

Few people think at the same time that vasoconstrictor drops do not have a therapeutic effect, but only remove symptoms for a short time. After the end of the drug, the edema reappears, so it does not make sense to treat a runny nose of any origin with only vasoconstrictor drops. This is only an adjunctive therapy that helps to ease nasal breathing during the treatment period.

What is naphthyzine and why is it dangerous?

Naphthyzin- these are short-acting vasoconstrictor drops that easily penetrate both into the wall of the vessels of the nasal cavity and into the general bloodstream, exerting a vasoconstrictive effect on all vessels in general, and therefore it is contraindicated in severe hypertension.

Now on the pharmaceutical market there are many vasoconstrictor drops that differ in composition: there are both short-acting and long-acting drugs, but unfortunately all of them can cause symptoms in case of an overdose naphthyzinum poisoning.

Even less do we think about the fact that drops can be life-threatening, especially when used in children. An overdose of drops, exceeding the dose of the drug by 3-4 times can cause such a serious complication as naphthyzinum poisoning. As a rule, this occurs when the age concentration of the solution is not observed, or when the visual number of drops that have entered the nose is difficult, as well as simply when they are used uncontrollably, when the child does it himself or the drops are within his reach.

Signs of a mild or initial stage of naphthyzine poisoning:

  • increased arousal
  • cardiopalmus
  • dizziness
  • abdominal pain

If the drug continues to accumulate in the body or the overdose was more significant, then the symptoms worsen: the heart rate slows down significantly, blood pressure drops, severe lethargy, weakness, and drowsiness appear. At the same time, the child is sleeping, but this sleep is unnaturally deep, the tone in the arms and legs drops (if they are raised, they fall like “lashes”), confusion, a decrease in body temperature, the skin becomes pale, cold and wet, shallow breathing.

What to do if these symptoms appear against the background of the use of vasoconstrictor drops?

First of all, call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctor: stop taking the drug, cover the patient with a blanket, give him a warm drink, measure the temperature, blood pressure and try to remain conscious, do not let him fall asleep. Considering the seriousness of the consequences, do not use vasoconstrictor drops, especially if the child is sick, be sure to consult an otorhinolaryngologist for treatment and follow-up. Remember that most vasoconstrictor drops can be dripped from 2-3 to 5-7 days, this is a short period that must be used to treat the inflammation process.

In the ENT clinic number 1, in order to minimize the number of prescriptions for drug therapy, you will be helped to relieve swelling and inflammation with unique highly effective physiotherapeutic methods, such as: USOL-nasopharyngeal therapy, photochromotherapy of the nose, laser therapy of the nose, which will allow you to quickly not only relieve swelling, but and the cause of the inflammation.

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