Misaligned fractures of the jaws. What to do with a jaw fracture - the main signs and principles of treatment

The main reason for improper fusion of jaw fractures is a violation of the principles of treatment, in particular, incorrect comparison of fragments or their unsatisfactory fixation, which results in secondary displacement of fragments and their fusion in the wrong position.

The morphological picture of the healing of incorrectly aligned and poorly fixed fragments has its own characteristics. In this condition of the fracture, cellular activity is much higher, the connection is achieved due to the large influx of fibroblasts that appear in the tissues surrounding the fracture. The emerging fibrous tissue then slowly ossifies, and fibroblasts transform into osteoblasts. In connection with the displacement of fragments, the relative position of the cortical layer is disturbed. Restoring it as a single layer slows down, since a significant part of the tissues is absorbed and most of reshaped from bone.

With improperly fused fractures, it is legitimate to expect a deeper and longer restructuring in dental system, as there is a change in the direction of the load on the jaw bones, pressure and thrust are distributed differently. Spongy bone undergoes restructuring first. There is atrophy of underloaded and hypertrophy of newly loaded bone crossbars. As a result of this restructuring bone acquires a new architectonics adapted to new functional conditions. Restructuring occurs in the area of ​​periodontal tissues. Quite often, the functional load changing in direction and magnitude can lead to destructive processes in the periodontium.

In case of improperly fused fractures of the jaws, there is a danger of developing the pathology of the TMJ due to the functional overload of its elements.

Incorrectly fused fractures are clinically manifested by deformation of the jaws and a violation of the occlusal relationship of the dentition.

With improperly fused fractures with vertical displacement of fragments, signs of anterior or lateral open bite. Fragments, displaced in the horizontal plane in the transversal direction, cause the closure of the dentition according to the type crossbite or a picture of the palatal (lingual) displacement of a group of teeth.

Relatively small occlusal disorders can be corrected by prosthetics. Vertical discrepancies can be aligned with both fixed and removable dentures: metal crowns, mouthguards, removable prosthesis with a cast occlusal lining. With transversal violations of occlusion and a small number of remaining teeth,

Rice. 263. Removable prosthesis with duplicated dentition.

change removable prosthesis with duplicated dentition (Fig. 263). The closure of the teeth is provided artificial teeth, and natural ones serve only as a support for the prosthesis.

jaw fracture

Good afternoon! Seven months ago, a dentist, when removing a tooth of the figure eight, broke my jaw, damaged a nerve and now the bite needs to be restored. To put braces, I was told that I need to remove 4 extra teeth. Is it possible to do this, will the jaw withstand after that fracture? I'm very afraid that I won't be able to stand the second fracture psychologically.

Good evening, Larisa Anatolyevna! Before going for the extraction of 4 teeth, you need to consult an orthodontist and a maxillofacial surgeon. If you are in Moscow or the Moscow region, call the InfoDoctor portal and they will help you find a specialist.

And yes, you don't have to wear braces. There are equally effective and less expensive funds. For example, Angle's arc or plates. And personally, I would have thought a hundred times about the extraction of teeth. Teeth after a fracture are removed only when they have shifted incorrectly or they are also broken.

Stanislav Iosifovich, good afternoon! teeth in without fail the orthodontist told me to remove, two of them are on upper jaw, but they are inside, they did not erupt and two teeth of the five on the lower jaw, they are between the teeth. I no longer understand what to do, I walk constantly with my mouth half open, I can close my jaws, but this is very uncomfortable.

In this case, the orthodontist is right. As far as tooth extraction is concerned, the risk is higher when extracting an octopus than when extracting other teeth due to their specific position. Although a jaw fracture during tooth extraction is considered medical error. However, there are anatomical features structure of the jaws and in this case the doctor may not be to blame for the fracture. You just need to extract teeth in a trusted medical facility. Previously, these were the maxillofacial hospital, dental complexes on Vutechiv and Dolgorukovskaya and TsNIIS. If you have doubts about dental surgeons, then you can contact the forum administration and they will select a good dental surgeon for you and, accordingly good clinic or medical facility. You still need to fix your jaw. And if necessary, you will select good doctors.

At one time, I myself faced such a situation. A man came to delete moving tooth- the bottom five. The tooth came out easily without any problems. I begin to squeeze the edges of the hole, and under my hands my jaw is shaking, that is, the whole bone, as if it were broken. Have made a picture - the fracture is reflected on a roentgen. We started talking to the manager. Then it was found out that the patient had stage 4 cancer of the lower jaw. Swelling and led to a fracture of the jaw and mobility extracted tooth.

It I to that the situation can be different and the doctor is not always guilty.

Stanislav Iosifovich, the doctor who removed the tooth, did not take a picture before removal, although I asked him about it after 20 minutes of torture, the tooth did not loosen, he wiped sweat from his forehead, was at a loss and fright, I asked to be sent to the hospital, he didn’t react either, he said, since we started, we need to finish the removal, ended with a fracture. I’m 37 years old, my bones are healthy, even the splints were removed after 3 weeks, everything healed so quickly, I heard that people wear them for 30 or more days.

Once again, I repeat that situations are different. As for the picture, it is taken both before and after deletion. Here you are absolutely right. And when this happens, as you have, the patient has a fear of the next removal. But this is the task of the doctor - to help the patient overcome his fear. And once in a while it doesn't have to. You still need to correct your bite. Therefore, you will have to go to the doctor and trust too. Without trust, there is no cure.
I can only repeat that as soon as you contact our administration, they will make every effort to find you a worthy doctor who will provide real help and help overcome fear.

Fear of the dentist is one of the strongest and there are reasons for that. But this is not a reason to refuse treatment.

If in case of damage maxillofacial region provided in a timely manner specialized care, primary processing wounds and immobilization of fragments of the jaw were carried out correctly, physiotherapy, then the healing process proceeds favorably. Simultaneously with the anatomical integrity of the jaw, the correct articulation of the dentition is restored, the movements of the lower jaw become normal. Along with this, chewing is restored. If specialized assistance was provided untimely or incorrectly, then the bone fragments grow together in a vicious position, and the soft tissue wound heals with the formation of rough immovable massive scars that limit the movements of the lower jaw, lips, cheeks, and tongue.

Often there is a narrowing of the oral fissure and contracture of the mandible. All this leads to deformation of the jaw and occlusal surface, resulting in persistent dysfunction of the masticatory apparatus. In such cases, we have to talk about the treatment of chronic or improperly fused fractures of the jaws and the elimination functional disorders as a consequence of injury. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating jaw deformities, dental occlusion, limiting the movements of the lower jaw and restoring the mobility of the soft tissues of the oral region.

Treatment methods can be surgical, orthopedic and combined. First and main task medical measures is to eliminate jaw deformities and dental occlusion. This can be achieved by repositioning the jaw fragments and fixing them in the correct position. It should be noted that fragments can be mobile, stiff and immobile, depending on the period elapsed after the injury, the size of the resulting bone defect and the course of the wound process.

In the presence of displaced stiff fragments of the lower jaw, tensile devices are used for their reposition: a screw, springy levers, a springy brace, devices with elastic traction, some of which are described in the previous section. In some cases, in case of fractures of the lower jaw with a bone defect and in the presence of teeth on both fragments, the use of a kappa apparatus with shoulder processes and a screw is indicated for their reposition. To do this, impressions are taken from the teeth of each fragment. Mouthguards are made according to the received models, and for single teeth crowns .

Then they are fitted in the mouth and re-impressions are taken along with mouthguards and crowns. On models, metal plates are soldered to mouthguards ( shoulder processes) from stainless steel with a thickness of 1.2-1.5 mm and 42, for example, in case of fractures in the region of the angle or branch of the jaw. In such cases, the operation begins with an external skin incision, retreating 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the lower jaw. Quite often at the same time make a myotomy or amotio of the damaged muscles. Bone fragments after their reduction are fixed intraosseously with a pin. With bone defects, bloody reposition of jaw fragments can be combined with bone grafting and subsequent fixation of bone fragments with extraoral devices. In case of improperly fused fractures of the upper or lower jaw, deformation of the dental arches and the absence of occlusal contacts between them, the chewing function is impaired.

You can restore the normal articulation of the dentition with orthodontic or prosthetic techniques. In the first case, adjusting devices are made in order to move the teeth to the desired position, in the second case, prostheses are made to align the dental occlusion. Prostheses can be fixed in the form of crowns or caps or removable with a duplicated row of teeth from the side of the vestibule oral cavity. Kappa apparatus manufacturing technique. Impressions are taken from both jaws. A heated wax insert is placed between the teeth and the patient is asked to close his teeth. Models are cast and, with the help of a wax insert, they are installed in the occluder. After that, the teeth that are out of occlusion are modeled with wax in such a way that contact with the teeth of the opposite jaw is created. In the future, the prosthesis is made in the form of individual crowns or mouthguards made of plastic.

Prosthetics with a removable prosthesis with a duplicated artificial dentition. With an improperly healed fracture of the jaw and a small number of remaining teeth that are out of occlusion, a removable prosthesis is made with a duplicated dentition. The remaining teeth are used to fix the prosthesis with support-retaining clasps. The technique for making such a prosthesis is simple. An impression is taken from the damaged jaw and, according to the resulting model, crowns are made for teeth that are displaced to the palatal or lingual side. For better fixation of clasps to outer surface crowns are soldered with a wire 0.8 mm thick, running in the medio-distal direction. Then new impressions are taken from both jaws along with crowns. The resulting models are installed in the occluder. On teeth covered with crowns, support-retaining clasps or telescopic crowns are applied. A duplicating row is installed to the buccal surface of the crowns of displaced teeth. artificial teeth so that they are in articulation with the teeth of the opposite jaw.

Then the design of the prosthesis is checked and its manufacture is completed according to the usual rules. When the dental arch of the lower jaw is deformed due to the inclination of one or more teeth to the lingual side, it is difficult to prosthetic the defect of the dentition with a removable plate or arc prosthesis, since the displaced teeth interfere with its application. In these cases, it is advisable to change the design of the prosthesis so that in the area of ​​displaced teeth, part of the base or arch is located on the vestibular rather than on the lingual side. When taking an impression, preference should be given to algnate impression materials. Support-retaining clasps or occlusion pads are applied to the displaced teeth. This allows you to transfer chewing pressure from the prosthesis to the abutment teeth and prevent their further displacement to the lingual side.

Apparatus for fixing fragments of the lower jaw when bone grafting One of important points The successful completion of the osteoplasty operation is the strong fixation of the jaw fragments. On a gentle, stable, immovable fixation of jaw fragments contributes to the creation of a graft normal conditions rest and immobility, which in turn accelerates the process of regeneration, and consequently, engraftment. The devices used to treat fractures of the jaw (wire splints with intermaxillary fixation) are of little use for this purpose. They do not provide sufficient stability and immobility of bone fragments and graft. top scores achieved by the use of rigid fixing devices.

With a jaw defect in the chin area up to 2 cm and the presence of 3-4 teeth on each fragment (class I), the fixing apparatus can be fixed prosthesis with the imposition of crowns on 6 or 8 teeth. For intermaxillary fixation in the first 2-3 weeks after the operation, hook hooks bent downwards should be soldered to the crowns. A wire aluminum tire with hook loops is placed on the upper jaw. With a jaw defect in the chin area of ​​more than 2 cm and the presence of 2 teeth on jaw fragments (class II), it is advisable to use the AI ​​Betelman apparatus with rigid intermaxillary fixation of jaw fragments. It consists of two adjacent crowns placed on the teeth of the lower jaw fragment and on their antagonists, i.e., on the teeth of the upper jaw. Crowns can be replaced with rings or mouthguards. Oval sleeves are soldered to the buccal surface of the crowns. In the sleeves of the apparatus, when the jaw is closed, they are pushed in the anterior-posterior direction. The bracket is made of stainless steel.

The bracket must be massive; it is better to do it from a standard byugel. This apparatus has some disadvantages; it fixes the jaw fragments well in the vertical plane, but does not eliminate some shifts in the horizontal plane, which can "lead to displacement) of the graft. To eliminate the shifts of the jaw fragment in the transversal direction, it is advisable lower part supplement with a plastic bite plate with an imprint chewing surfaces upper teeth. On the chewing surfaces of the lower part of the apparatus, a heated plate of ordinary modeling wax is applied in two layers and allowed to bite in the central clusion position. Thus, at the level of closure of the teeth, "prints of the chewing surfaces of the teeth and antagonists are obtained.

The device can be modified: a vertical shariir is additionally soldered in the upper and lower parts of the device. Vertical" hinge instead of with a transverse bracket eliminates shifts in the vertical and transversal plane.

In the presence of a jaw with edentulous fragments (Class III), the following fixing devices can be used: a) in the presence of one edentulous fragment of the horizontal part of the lower jaw, the described apparatus is used with a pedot on a edentulous fragment, with one edentulous fragment of the ascending branch, the fragment with teeth is strengthened by the described apparatus, a fragment of the ascending branch is fixed with skeletal traction; in case of a defect in the horizontal part of the body of the edentulous lower jaw, edentulous fragments can be fixed with a plate apparatus on the upper jaw with two pads directed to the edentulous fragments of the lower jaw. The pads are best made removable, with valves in the anterior-posterior direction so that the device can be easily inserted and removed from the oral cavity. With a bilateral defect of the lower jaw (class IV), the presence of teeth, and the middle fragment and edentulous lateral ones, the middle fragment is fixed on the crowns to the teeth of the upper jaw using the above-described apparatus with a posterior bracket.

In addition, a vertical plastic plane is welded to the lower crowns, directed upwards and covering the labial surface of the upper incisors. vertical plane It has importance to eliminate shifts of the middle fragment in the sagittal direction posteriorly. The lateral fragments are strengthened with the help of pelogs. The pads can be fixed on the lower part of the apparatus by means of rods, then they should have a height in accordance with the height of the bite and on the upper surface have imprints of the chewing surfaces of the teeth of the upper jaw, or they can be fixed to the guards from the teeth of the upper jaw. If there are teeth on one of the lateral fragments, the latter is strengthened by the described apparatus with a U-shaped bracket. If one of the lateral fragments is an ascending branch, then it is strengthened by skeletal traction.

Patients should wear fixation devices before surgery for 1-2 weeks before completely addictive to them and to check if they cause bedsores on the oral mucosa. After the operation, the fixing devices remain in the mouth for 2 months until the complete fusion of the jaw fragments with the graft. The latter is checked radiographically. For food, use a drinking bowl with closed jaws. After removing the device, it is replaced for 2-3 months with a single-jaw unloading splint, and then it is already produced dental prosthetics to replace defects in the dentition. In all cases, when jaw fragments are displaced, they should be placed in the correct position earlier with the help of orthopedic devices or by bloody reposition, and only after that fixing devices for bone grafting should be prepared.

A jaw fracture is an extremely unpleasant and, unfortunately, a fairly common type of fracture. The trouble consists both in the expression pain, and in the likelihood of developing serious complications affecting the work of a number of systems and sensory organs.

Fractures of the upper and lower jaw are always considered separately, because These types of fractures are treated differently. Besides, side effects and complications of maxillary and mandibular fractures are significantly different.

In addition to fractures, it is worth pointing out the dislocation of the lower jaw, since some fractures occur with simultaneous dislocation or subluxation, which somewhat complicates an already unpleasant clinical situation.

Fracture of the lower jaw

Most often, it occurs during a fall, household or sports injury, or as a result of assault. Somewhat less often, a mandibular fracture is associated with (atypical fracture site) or osteomyelitis.

There are several options for a fracture of the lower jaw:

    Complete fracture of the mandibular bone with displacement of fragments. Depending on the specific case (lines of bone destruction), single, double, multiple are distinguished. If the jaw is smashed to smithereens, it is called comminuted fracture lower jaw;

    incomplete fracture is more favorable prognostically. Fragments are not displaced, it is possible to save the bone without radical intervention;

    Closed fracture– without damage to the external soft tissues of the facial part of the skull;

    Open fracture of the mandible- with rupture of facial tissues and protruding fragments. In addition to the maxillofacial surgeon, a cosmetologist surgeon can participate in the treatment and rehabilitation process.

Mandibular fracture symptoms

    Intense pain at the fracture site. The pain is aggravated by talking, moving, touching the jaw;

    It is impossible to chew, speak, swallow - it is very painful;

    AT varying degrees, but almost always there is a loss of sensitivity of the skin of the lower part of the face;

    The tongue drops.

Somewhat later, in the absence of timely adequate treatment the following symptoms appear:

    The dentition is displaced, i.e. the lower jaw "leaves" contact with the upper or bottom-up, or front-to-back;

    An abnormal bite is formed;

    Fragments (with complete break) continue to spread, under the influence of the muscles attached to them;

    Large cavities are formed between the teeth.

All the time after a jaw fracture, weakness is noted, headache, irritability.

The described signs are enough for a dentist, maxillofacial surgeon or general traumatologist to be able to diagnose the patient even if he does not remember what exactly happened to him.

An x-ray confirms the presence of a fracture, allowing it to be distinguished from a bruise or a fracture in the bone.

Photo examples of malocclusion after a fracture

Emergency care for a fracture of the lower jaw

Advice about fixing the tongue with a safety pin is difficult to implement, because. normal person will not be able to pierce another tongue with a pin and pin it to the cheek (there may not be a collar).

    It is advisable to apply ice or a cold compress to the affected area.

By this time, the ambulance should have arrived. In such cases, they are taken to maxillofacial surgery.

Surgeons combine bone fragments, then rigid fixation of fragments is carried out in one way or another. The patient is shown antibiotics to prevent soft tissue infection, as well as rest to ensure normal recovery organism.

Types of surgical manipulations for a jaw fracture

The main goal of surgeons is to achieve a normal bite, i.e. restore chewing function, plus prevent the development of complications. In most cases, the entire process takes 3 to 4 weeks.

After that, a special "chewing gymnastics" and other rehabilitation measures are prescribed.

Fracture of the upper jaw

It has significantly more potential complications, is usually accompanied by a traumatic brain injury (concussion, at least), breathing is often disturbed.

Symptoms of a fracture of the upper jaw

First aid consists in treating the visible site of injury, stopping bleeding and.

Paramedics all over the world know how to perform a tracheostomy, i.e. artificial exit with difficulty in normal breathing. If you have not taken special courses, you should not experiment, you can significantly harm the patient.

Organization of nutrition in patients with a fracture of the jaw

After the pain and stupor of the patient have passed, he immediately faces the main problem characteristic of a fracture of the jaws - it becomes very difficult to eat.

The victim simply cannot eat normal food - there is no chewing process. This worsens not only the mood of the patient, but also the processes of tissue repair. A deficiency of various macro- and microelements develops quite quickly, disorders occur digestive system: escalate inflammatory diseases, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation may begin.

There are several methods of feeding such patients:

    Cup with Teflon (rubber) tube. In this case, the tube is inserted through the defect of the dental formula (in most cases it takes place) directly into the stomach. If all the teeth are in place, the tube is advanced into the gap behind the wisdom tooth. Food should be warm (38-450C), served in small doses until you feel full. It is necessary that the doctor teach the patient to use this method independently, because. after discharge from the hospital, this type of food will be relevant for some time;

    The use of a gastric tube is carried out only in the hospital. Use in the first 2 weeks after injury. Convenient for staff, because does not require the participation of the patient. The procedure may cause discomfort to the patient;

    Parenteral nutrition (through a dropper) is performed only in cases where the patient is unconscious. Nutritional formulations are quite expensive, and the effectiveness this method not the highest

    If the patient does not have adequate veins, there are nutritional enemas. It's the least effective method, because in this way, only a part of the necessary substances is absorbed.

Special jaw diets have already been formed, which differ in composition.

The first jaw diet (table) resembles cream in consistency. It is prescribed for violation of swallowing and chewing. The second jaw table is indicated for those patients who can already open their mouths.

When discharged from the hospital, the following menu requirements must be considered:

    Food should be high-calorie, complete;

    At first, everything needs to be diluted in one of three media: milk, vegetable broth, meat broth;

    The meat is served boiled and pureed;

    There should be a lot of vegetable oil in dishes.

Food must be taken at least 5 times a day. absolutely contraindicated. This is due to the fact that due to the nature of nutrition, alcohol is absorbed extremely quickly, and often causes vomiting. In some cases, this leads to the death of patients, because. they are unable to open their mouths and choke.

Even with the most careful care, patients with jaw fractures (any) will definitely lose weight. It's up to you how much healthy people will be your loved ones after the restoration of the function of the jaw apparatus.

Timely treatment and constant care will help to survive this unpleasant episode without significant losses.

Splinting of teeth is a method using removable or non-removable splints, which is aimed at reducing their mobility. After this procedure, unstable incisors are strengthened in order to prevent their further loss, which is why reviews about splinting teeth are in most cases positive. Also, the event can save from loosening and further implantation, protect against the progression of periodontitis and inflammatory and infectious processes of periodontal tissues.

Splinting of teeth is a procedure by which you will stay with your teeth

It is no secret that such a disease leads to atrophy of the jaw bones, while the necks of the incisors begin to become exposed. As a result, pus begins to seep from the gums, the front teeth are displaced, and the row is bent and deformed. Splinting saves the patient's incisors from falling out. The method involves fastening the tire with inside teeth in grooves using local anesthesia, and fixed on top filling material. As a result, the incisors are combined into a block, and their mobility becomes limited. In this case, the load during chewing is distributed evenly throughout the jaw.

In some cases, splinting of the jaw may be necessary. Typically, such a need arises in the event of a dislocation or fracture of the jaw, when it is very important to immobilize the bones to ensure their fusion. AT this case the question of whether it is worth it does not arise, since the health and life of the patient depends on the procedure.

Important! Patients with splints on their jaws are strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. It is also worth considering the fact that when vomiting occurs, the mouth cannot be opened wide. And you need to be very careful when brushing your teeth with a fracture of the jaw.

Splinting cases

The method is widely used for:

  • marginal periodontitis ( inflammatory process bone tissues of the incisors);
  • chronic periodontal disease;
  • mechanical injury;
  • the appearance of pockets in the gums and a strong exposure of the roots;
  • displacement of the bite or its deformation;
  • increased mobility of the incisors;
  • diseases of the tissues in the oral cavity and the appearance of bleeding gums;
  • incorrect location of one of the incisors, as a result of which the load during chewing is unevenly distributed;
  • the presence of stones and deposits;
  • after correcting the bite with braces.

Let's look at how the problem is solved for the most common cases, in more detail.

Splinting of moving teeth

treats moving incisors. Methods are constantly being improved, and in addition to the strength of the structure, doctors also achieve aesthetics in the materials used. During the procedure, the oral cavity is treated as delicately as possible. The dentist also gives great attention compatibility of splint materials with tissues and oral hygiene.

Splinting for a fracture of the lower jaw

Splinting lower teeth after a fracture of the jaw is carried out immediately. After an injury, a change in the position of the bones or their fragments can be observed. That is why the primary task in this case is the comparison of the tissues of the incisors and their fixation with each other. This is followed by the stage of fusion of fragments with each other, for this purpose splinting is carried out.

Splinting for a fracture of the jaw includes several stages. Activities are carried out in the sequence:

  1. Retainer attachment (special copper wire for splinting teeth).
  2. Connection with damaged tissue.
  3. Tigerstedt tire overlay from loops and rods.

Of course, the vertical fracture of the tooth in all patients occurs in different ways, and during splinting, the dentist considers each specific case separately, because the bite of each person is unique. The tires themselves are attached to the teeth using wire ligatures. Splinting of teeth in case of a fracture of the lower jaw is carried out using a local anesthetic injection. For rapid accretion it is worth following all the recommendations of the attending physician, and also do not remove the tires for at least a month and a half.

Important! In the case when the fracture is complex, and the patient in critical condition, before the event, injections with antibiotics are injected. This will avoid infection of soft and bone tissues.

Splinting after wearing braces

Carrying out a splinting event after removing the braces will fix the result orthodontic treatment and prevent the recurrence of malocclusion. Since modern tires do not violate aesthetic appearance smiles, last step bite correction should not be neglected, because it largely depends on it good result. Before starting the preparatory work, the doctor must necessarily sanitize the oral cavity (heal caries and depulp the incisors that need it).

The tires themselves, after removing the braces, are fixed on both jaws. That is, mandatory splinting of the upper teeth and splinting of the teeth of the lower jaw is carried out. The fixing tape is intended, as a rule, for the frontal incisors, because they are visible when talking and smiling. Splinting in order to fix the result after correcting the bite with braces is temporary. After a new bone tissue is formed, they are removed, and only in cases increased mobility incisors design will have to be worn for life.

Splinting methods

As soon as you discover the first signs of periodontitis, you should immediately contact your dental clinic. This will help prevent further tooth loss. Exist different kinds splinting of teeth. Which method of fixing the movable incisors and strengthening the gums to use in each case will be determined by the doctor, depending on the state of the jaw system.

Tire types:

  1. Removable tires. Installed in cases where one of the incisors is missing.
  2. Removable tires. Used in all other cases, including for the treatment of periodontal overload.

Among modern materials for splinting allocate:

  • prostheses;
  • crowns;
  • fiberglass;
  • aramid thread.

Also, splinting can be permanent and temporary. Temporary splinting involves the placement of a fixing material on short term(from several weeks to several months).

Splinting teeth with prosthetics

Periodontitis is also widespread. However, in preparation for fixing splints using clasp prostheses or crowns, the dentist must depulp the teeth. Then grinding is performed or all-ceramic crowns interconnected. Compared to the rest this method reliable, but quite expensive.

It is a thin arc that wraps around each tooth separately. Due to the installation of this design, the load is removed from the teeth and moved to the iron plate, which greatly reduces their further mobility.

Splinting of teeth with fiberglass

Splinting of teeth with fiberglass tape is perhaps the most common and reliable way at an acceptable price. made of fiberglass is similar to the shade of the teeth and is almost invisible. before taking the patient. Before the procedure, a local anesthetic is administered. Further, on the inside of each incisor, the doctor makes small indentations and lays strong thread. After the one-piece splint is in the recesses, adhesive splinting of the teeth follows, i.e. filling the grooves with composite material.

It is worth noting that the thread should capture not only unstable incisors, but also supporting canines. It is on them that the dentist plans to distribute a significant part of the chewing load. Upon completion of the procedure, the incisors are firmly connected to each other and become motionless. At the same time, splinting of teeth with fiberglass distributes the load on the entire structure connected by the thread, even if only one of the incisors is involved in biting.

Cable-stayed splinting

This type of splinting involves the use of aramid fiber and is used in severe cases periodontitis, where it is urgent to eliminate the mobility of the dentition. Aramid is a synthetic material with increased wear resistance, has the properties of strength and durability, does not wear off and does not injure the enamel. Also, aramid fiber does not oxidize in the mouth and can be indicated for patients with hypersensitivity to foreign elements.

The tape is horizontally attached to the recesses of unstable incisors, and the grooves are filled with a reflective filling that matches the color of the patient's teeth. This method is able to ensure the reliable preservation of mobile teeth even in chronic periodontitis. Due to the fact that the load is distributed evenly, the aramid tape prevents the rapid destruction of bone tissue.

However, there are a number negative points, because when attaching an aramid splint, the dentist will have to depulp and grind loose incisors. As a result, the tissues of the teeth atrophy, so before splinting it is very important that the doctor weighs the risks from the consequences of the event.

oral care

After the splinting procedure, the patient must carefully monitor the hygiene of the teeth, gums and oral cavity. Due to the fact that cleaning hard-to-reach places regular brush becomes impossible, it is necessary to stock up on brushes and an irrigator that can cope with cleaning the interdental spaces. It is also worth eliminating from the diet foods that increase the reproduction of bacteria in the mouth. These include carbonated drinks, fatty and sweet. It is forbidden to gnaw hard foods (nuts, apples and others) and engage in extreme sports. After each meal, it is recommended to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, and periodically with dental rinses. Also make it a habit daily use dental floss.

The positive aspects of splinting

Finally, it is worth noting that splinting of mobile teeth has a number of advantages. Among them:

  • distribution of the load on the teeth;
  • successful treatment of periodontal disease;
  • protection against tooth loss.

Strong teeth are provided to you after the procedure

Before the appointment, many patients are interested in the question of whether it hurts to splint their teeth, and it can be noted that the procedure is painless. Therapeutic preparation of teeth for splinting is minimal, it is only necessary to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity. average price for splinting of teeth in case of periodontal diseases is equal to one and a half thousand rubles per tooth and is available to any patient. You can also be sure that the presence of splints on the teeth does not prevent other dental procedures. After splinting is not broken chewing process, a appearance the patient from an aesthetic point of view will remain the same.

Modern types of splints that are used in dentistry do not affect the performance of oral hygiene procedures and do not injure tissues. And sanitation of the oral cavity and a detailed study of the state of the patient's roots before carrying out this operation can keep the teeth healthy for a long period.

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