After surgery to remove the adenoids. Recovery after adenotomy in children. The child has a nasal voice after removal of the adenoids

The key task of postoperative therapy is to create optimal conditions for the speedy regeneration of the mucous epithelium at the site of the operated tissues. To speed up recovery after removal of adenoids in children, it is necessary to strictly follow all medical prescriptions of the postoperative period.

Otherwise, the development of complications, entailing a deterioration in the child's well-being, is not ruled out. After adenotomy, the focus is on medical treatment, hardening procedures, breathing exercises, and nutrition. Already 2-3 hours after the excision of the hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, the child is discharged home. But in order to prevent postoperative bleeding and septic inflammation of the nasopharynx, parents should monitor compliance with a sparing regimen over the next two to three weeks.

The first hours after adenotomy

Adenotomy is a surgical intervention during which an ENT doctor removes hyperplastic lymphoid tissues in the nasopharynx. Despite the fact that the operation takes a little time, after excision of adenoid vegetations, the risk of septic inflammation of the mucous membranes and postoperative bleeding increases many times over. Immediately after adenotomy, patients are transferred to the general ward, where a specialist monitors their health for 2-3 hours.

To prevent blood aspiration, the following should be done after surgery:

  • put the patient on the bed and turn him on his side;
  • put a towel under the head, in which the patient will expectorate mucus with blood;
  • apply gauze soaked in cold water to your face.

3 hours after the operation, the otolaryngologist should conduct a pharyngoscope examination to assess the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In the absence of bleeding and severe tissue edema on the posterior wall of the laryngopharynx, the patient is discharged from the hospital.

Important! Over the next 2 weeks, the operated child must be brought for examination to the ENT doctor.

Note to parents

In the postoperative period, you need to carefully monitor the child's condition and listen to his complaints about the state of health. Timely access to a specialist can prevent the development of serious postoperative complications. During the crescent, parents should monitor not only the nutrition of the patient, but also the observance of a sparing regimen:

  • exclude from the diet foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the ENT organs;
  • limit physical activity, as this can lead to bleeding;
  • strictly observe drug therapy and use vasoconstrictor drugs recommended by a specialist;
  • refuse the use of antipyretics, which include acetylsalicylic acid;
  • regularly ventilate the room and use humidifiers.

Important! After the operation, you should not give the child "Aspirin" to reduce the temperature, as it dilutes the blood and can cause bleeding.

During the day after adenotomy, an increase in temperature to subfebrile levels is not excluded. It is undesirable to use antipyretics to eliminate hyperthermia, since this is a completely normal reaction of the body to surgery. But if low-grade fever persists for the next 3-4 days, seek medical attention. This may indicate the development of inflammation in the operated tissues.


A sparing diet is one of the key components of the postoperative rehabilitation period. Removal of adenoids leads to tissue edema, which increases the risk of injury to the mucosa. To prevent damage to the ciliated epithelium in the laryngopharynx, you should stop eating spicy and hard foods for at least 2 weeks.

In the first days after adenotomy, the consumption of spicy and hot foods should be limited, as they can provoke irritation of the oropharyngeal mucosa.

The following foods should be included in the diet:

  • fruit and vegetable purees;
  • meat broths and herbal decoctions;
  • oatmeal and semolina porridge;
  • steamed soups and meatballs.

After each meal, it is recommended to rinse the oropharynx with decoctions based on medicinal chamomile, oak bark or sage. They contain phytoncides that inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria, which prevents the development of septic inflammation in the operated tissues.

Prohibited Products

Poor nutrition can not only cause inflammation, but also provoke the development of an abscess in the paratonsillar and pharyngeal regions. Even if the child will require the usual diet, you should not indulge his whims, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. It is recommended to exclude spicy spices, hot dishes, carbonated drinks and unnatural juices from the menu.

Food dyes cause allergic reactions in the operated tissues, which leads to a decrease in local immunity and swelling of the mucous membranes.

Within 10 days after adenotomy, it is undesirable to use the following products:

  • canned and pickled vegetables;
  • confectionery (sweets, pastries, cakes);
  • canned fish and stew;
  • sour fruits and vegetables.

The greatest danger to the health of the child is confectionery. They contain a large amount of sugars, which are a suitable substrate for the development of pyogenic bacteria.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are one of the most effective ways to restore normal nasal breathing after adenotomy. Classes should be held daily for 1-2 weeks after surgery. During gymnastics, you need to consider several important recommendations:

  • at the moment of increasing the load on the respiratory system (tilts, squats), the child should take a deep breath;
  • when relaxing the muscles and spreading the arms to the sides, you need to take a breath;
  • exhalations and inhalations should not be sharp.

Breathing exercises begin to be done 5-6 days after adenotomy. Over time, the load is increased to speed up the restoration of the functional activity of the nasopharynx. What exercises can be performed in the period after the removal of the adenoids?

  • for abdominal breathing: stand up straight with your arms along the body; exhale slowly so that the upper part of the abdominal wall is pulled into the stomach;
  • for chest breathing: take a deep breath through the nose so that the chest rises up and the stomach retracts; holding your breath for 2-3 seconds, exhale slowly through your nose;
  • for a full breath: take a slow breath through the nose, sticking the stomach forward; as you exhale, draw in your stomach, “squeezing” your chest as much as possible.

It is impossible to carry out breathing exercises with the development of respiratory diseases, as this will only worsen the child's well-being.

Each exercise should be performed at least 10-15 times in a row in three sets. If the child complains of dizziness, postpone classes for 2-3 days.

Possible consequences of adenotomy

Having decided on surgery, parents should be aware of the possible consequences of adenotomy. Failure to comply with the rules of rehabilitation therapy leads to the development of local complications. Common postoperative complications include:

During surgery, the surgeon is not always able to completely remove hyperplastic adenoid tissues. For this reason, relapses of ENT diseases and re-growth of the pharyngeal tonsil often occur. In this case, repeated surgical treatment is required.

Preventive measures include a complete rejection of physical activity within a month after surgery. During the entire postoperative period, it is not recommended to bathe children in hot water, as this can lead to dilation of blood vessels and nosebleeds. In addition, it is necessary to minimize the patient's exposure to the sun.

To reduce the likelihood of developing respiratory diseases, in the first 10 days after adenotomy, it is recommended to limit the child's contact with others.

It is possible to accelerate the healing process of wounds in the nasal cavity with the help of nasal drops, which have antiphlogistic and regenerating effects. In the presence of allergic reactions to the components of medications, you need to contact your doctor and replace the vasoconstrictor drops with more gentle ones that do not irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Enlarged adenoids are a serious and common problem in children. If it is present, the child may experience difficulty breathing, hearing loss, decreased immunity, and other adverse features. Therefore, high-quality and complete treatment is very important. One of the ways to combat the disease is to remove the adenoids surgically.

It should be said that the recovery of the child is affected not only by the operation, but also by the recovery after it. How the postoperative period will pass after the removal of adenoids in children depends on their state of health.

It is very important that the parents of a recovering baby monitor his well-being, follow the appointments of a specialist and observe preventive measures.

The well-being of the child and the duration of the recovery period

After the operation, children do not have serious health problems. Depending on what type of anesthesia was used (local or general), he will be transferred to the intensive care unit or ward, where the hospital staff will monitor his condition.

For some time, the child may experience weakness, dizziness, nausea, and there is also a chance of minor bleeding. The respiratory function will gradually return to normal, but edema may persist for several days, which has formed due to a violation of the integrity of the nasal cavity.

Sometimes after surgery, hyperthermia can be observed. It is the body's response to surgery. After a few days it should disappear as the patient returns to normal.

If the adenotomy was performed using a laser, then the child's stay in the hospital is not required. The consequences of such an intervention are usually less, there is practically no likelihood of bleeding, although mucosal edema and a feeling of general weakness can be observed. However, the child will have to stay in the clinic for several hours, so that the doctors make sure that there are no complications.

Rehabilitation after surgery may vary in duration depending on the individual characteristics of the child, although on average it takes 7-10 days.

This does not mean that after this time, you can stop the implementation of preventive measures and precautionary rules. Certain restrictions are desirable all the time if you want to avoid relapses.

This applies to hypothermia, exposure to infections, contact with allergens. With respect to all other prohibitions, there are deadlines that must be observed. But if necessary, the doctor may require a longer duration of compliance with individual measures.

However, in most cases the following rules apply:

Sometimes these restrictions can last longer if the recovery process is slow. The type of operation performed also affects the duration. One rule applies here: the fewer injuries that occur during surgical intervention, the shorter will be the recovery of adenoids in the postoperative period. The least traumatic is laser removal of adenoids. Most of the difficulties are experienced by patients after a traditional type of surgery.

Rules for the speedy recovery of the child

How children spend the postoperative phase also has an impact on the recovery process. It is very important to organize a sparing regimen for a recovering child. It is not necessary that he spend all his time in bed, but excessive physical activity is undesirable for him.

Therefore, participation in outdoor games, classes in sports sections should be postponed. It is necessary to provide the baby with the opportunity to relax and even sleep during the day. It is very important that there are no quarrels in the house that can negatively affect the condition of the child.

Exposure to cold, contact with irritants, infectious and colds are undesirable. If you happen to get sick at this moment, you need to seek help from a doctor, and not try to cure the disease yourself. Such actions can lead to the resumption of pathological processes.

Also, the child should not overheat, as this creates a risk of bleeding. Therefore, the first week you do not need to visit the sauna and bath, as well as take a too hot bath. It is necessary that the room where the convalescent is located is clean. Wet cleaning and ventilation are mandatory.

Diet Features

Diet for adenoids plays a very important role. With its help, you can not only restore the child's strength, but also avoid complications, as well as strengthen the body. Therefore, it is very important to know what a child can eat after removal of adenoids.

In the first days after the intervention, the child may be bothered by sore throats, because of which the consumption of very hot, hard, spicy and salty foods is contraindicated. It can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, which will negatively affect the rehabilitation process.

A dietary type of food will help to avoid these difficulties. It is best to feed the child with soft pureed cereals. It is allowed to drink kefir, eat cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, non-concentrated juices. You should refrain from eating meat dishes.

A week after adenotomy, soups, steamed meat, and fish can be added to the diet. Other dishes can be included in the menu only after the end of the recovery period. But even in this case, it is necessary that the child's nutrition is rational, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Taking medicines

This measure is mandatory. Even in the absence of complications, the doctor may recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen the body.

In addition to them, vasoconstrictor (Vibrocil), anti-inflammatory (Erispal), antihistamine (Cetrin) agents can be used. The scheme of their use and dosage, as well as the duration of such treatment, should be determined by a specialist.

The need for drug therapy is due to the need to consolidate the results obtained during the operation. In addition, drugs will accelerate the healing of injured areas, reduce the size of edema, and prevent the development of infections.

The benefits of breathing exercises have long been proven. With the help of special exercises according to Strelnikova or Buteyko, you can not only cope with a certain problem, but also improve your well-being in general. Performing such exercises during the recovery period will allow you to quickly normalize respiratory function, benefit the heart and blood vessels, and reduce mucosal edema.

However, such gymnastics will be useful only if there are no contraindications and the tasks are performed correctly. Therefore, a doctor should prescribe breathing exercises after making sure that there are no contraindications.

There are several methods of breathing exercises suitable for adenoids. But it is desirable that a specialist familiarizes with the technique of their implementation - this will help to avoid mistakes and adverse consequences due to them.

Adenoids are a serious disease, so the postoperative period after their removal requires special attention from specialists and parents of the child. If it is successful, this will minimize the risk of re-development of pathology. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the well-being of the baby and notify the attending physician of any changes found.

The problem with inflamed adenoids exists in many babies. Removal of hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsils in some cases is a more effective way to solve the problem. Adenotomy is a simple operation, but it should be treated as a serious surgical intervention that requires careful preparation for removal and compliance with the postoperative period. The main task of postoperative therapy is the control of well-being, the precise implementation of prescriptions, and the prevention of diseases.

We remove the consequences of the operation

The main attention is paid to the regimen, proper diet, hardening procedures. The postoperative period in patients is different, depending on the nature of the surgical procedure. A feature of the operation on the adenoids is the absence of bed rest.

Parents should ensure constant monitoring and care of the child. Try to avoid breaking the rules.

Having removed the adenoids in the clinic, the child goes to his home 2 hours after the operation. The main task of parents is to provide a gentle home regimen. During the first days, strict adherence to bed rest is necessary. Be sure to include in the daytime sleep mode, at least 2 hours.

To restore the child's body, rest and a calm atmosphere are needed.

The subsequent period is characterized by the absence of physical overstrain. Outdoor games, physical education, visiting circles should be limited. A calm regimen will ensure a uniform wound healing process, without the addition of an additional infection. During the period of postoperative treatment, overheating of the baby is contraindicated, exclude taking a bath, going to the bathhouse. The child's room must be ventilated, do wet cleaning.


Saturate your diet with natural vitamins.

Dad, mom are preparing for the fact that at first the baby who underwent surgery will have a sore throat, so you should stick to a certain diet. After removal, you can not feed the child with solid and hot food. In the following days, you can not eat fried, spicy dishes, it is worth limiting meat. We list the foods that the child eats without fear of damaging the operated sites:

  1. The first week - in the morning it is allowed to drink half a glass of carrot juice. It is useful to take kefir, in the morning and in the evening. Feed your baby buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina. Cottage cheese, vegetables, eggs diversify the diet of the child.
  2. A week later, introduce soups into the diet, feed with steamed meat, boiled liver, and fish.
  3. Eating fruit is allowed in unlimited quantities.

After the first day, the temperature rises in children. Does not rise above 38 degrees - the use of antipyretic drugs is not necessary. It is important to know that the use of antipyretic drugs containing aspirin is limited. Aspirin-containing medicines can cause bleeding.

After the operation, it is difficult to breathe through the nose, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs. The treatment is as follows: we instill vasoconstrictor drops that help remove swelling, then we use drugs that dry the mucous membrane.

Bleeding can join the complex postoperative condition, depending on the accumulation of pieces of tissue remaining in the nasopharynx. Finding bleeding - immediately consult a doctor. Separately, it is worth highlighting several situations, if you find them, contact your doctor:

  • the appearance of nasality;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing for two weeks or more.

Many children continue to breathe through their mouths after surgery despite clear nasal passages and no difficulty breathing. Special gymnastics, which strengthens the muscles of breathing, recommended by doctors, will correct the situation.

Special breathing exercises

Children's yoga is a kind of breathing exercise.

Simple, effective exercises are performed in the morning and evening. 20-25 minutes, in a ventilated room. The number of exercises done is gradually increased. First, the child begins to perform 3-4 exercises. Week of gymnastics - the number of repetitions gradually increases, becomes 10 -15.

Exercises are performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist, then at home, after receiving a detailed consultation. There are general rules that must be observed when performing exercises. Leaning forward, to the side, crouching, exhale. Raising your hands - inhale. Raising your hands up, lowering down, exhale. The complex of special exercises is divided into several stages. Control the exercise, see how the baby feels.

Preparatory stage

  • The head is thrown back. Legs are spread. The lower jaw works, inhaling through the mouth - the jaw goes down, exhaling through the nose - the jaw up.
  • The child rises on his toes. Raises hands up - inhale, lowers down - exhale.

If conservative treatment of adenoiditis does not bring results, they resort to removal of adenoids surgically.

The operation to remove adenoid growths (adenoids) in children is called adenotomy.

In order for recovery after surgery to be successful, you should know how it proceeds. postoperative period.

After leaving the operating room, the child should immediately be laid on the side of the bed. He is given a towel into which he can spit saliva. It is necessary to ensure that there are no blood impurities in the saliva.

An hour or two after the operation, the doctor performs a pharyngoscopy to exclude blood from running down the back of the throat. Pieces of adenoid tissue visible in the nasopharynx are removed with forceps. Scalped strips of mucous membrane are carefully cut off with scissors.

On the day of surgery, any solid food should be excluded from the child's diet.

Parents should be aware that the child's throat will hurt in the early days. If the temperature has not risen above 38 C, no antipyretics should be given.

Since there is swelling of the mucous membranes after the operation, nasal breathing may be difficult for several days. If necessary, vasoconstrictor drops or sprays are used, saline is instilled into the nose 3-4 times a day.

The postoperative period after adenotomy may be complicated by bleeding, since parts of the adenoid tissue usually remain in the nasopharynx. If this is observed, the doctor repeats the curettage of the nasopharynx.

Since with overgrown adenoids (adenoiditis) the child often breathes through the mouth, this habit may remain after the operation.

Academician Sergey Bezshapochny (Ukraine) and co-authors proposed a specific set of exercises to restore nasal breathing after adenotomy.

Exercises should be performed in the morning and evening in a well-ventilated room, before breakfast and after dinner, respectively, for 20-25 minutes.

Initially, the exercise is repeated 3-4 times, every 4-6 days the load increases to 10-15 times for each in the end.

There are several general rules for this complex. If the child leans forward, to the side, crouches, exhale. When he raises his hands up in front of him, spreading them to the sides - inhale. If he raises his hands up, in front of him, lowers them - exhale.

I. Preparatory exercises

  1. Legs shoulder width apart. The child's head is slightly thrown back, hands are placed on the belt. A slow breath is taken through the mouth - the lower jaw drops, exhalation through the nose - the lower jaw rises. Inhale - for 4 counts, exhale - for 2. Repeat 5-6 times.
  2. Put your feet together, rise on your toes, hands up - inhale, lower your hands - exhale. Repeat 10-15 times.

II. Exercises for the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle

  1. Starting position: head and torso should be kept straight, shoulders should be slightly pulled back and lowered, legs shoulder-width apart. Hands at the seams, head tilted to the chest. Hands to the sides - the head leans back. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Moving the head from the left shoulder to the right and vice versa. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Repeated 10-15 times.
  3. Hands in the lock behind the back, the head slowly leans back, the gradual opening of the mouth - inhale, exhale - through the nose. Repeat 10-15 times.
  4. Circular movement of the head. Repeated 10-15 times.

III. Proper breathing training

Starting position: the same.

1. Full breath. A long breath is taken through the nose. While inhaling, stick out the stomach, then expand the chest. When exhaling (through the nose), the opposite is true: first, the volume of the chest decreases, then the stomach is drawn in. Repeated 10-15 times.

2. Chest breathing. Exhale, then take a long breath through the nose. At this time, the chest expands and the stomach retracts. When exhaling (through the nose) - vice versa. Repeated 10-15 times.

3. Abdominal breathing. Exhale, then take a long breath through the nose. At this point, stick out your stomach. When exhaling through the nose, the anterior abdominal wall retracts. Repeat 10-15 times.

IV. Nasal breathing training

  1. The child is standing, legs apart, arms along the body. Straight arms slowly raise up with palms inward (inhale), lower your arms through the sides down (exhale). Breathe only through the nose. In this case, it is necessary to bend well in the lumbar and thoracic spine. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Legs together, arms along the body, perform deep squats at a fast pace. While squatting, stretch straight arms forward, palms down (exhale), while straightening - inhale. Repeat 5-6 times.
  3. Spread legs apart. Slowly alternately inhale and exhale air through the nostril, press the other with your finger. The mouth is tightly closed. Repeated 5-6 times.
  4. Standing, bring your legs together. Pinch your nose with your fingers. Count slowly and loudly to 10, then inhale deeply and exhale completely through the nose, while tightly closing the mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.
  5. Run on your toes in place, while raising your knees high. Breathing is arbitrary. Perform within 2-3 minutes.

V. Exercises for training the mimic muscles of the perioral region.

  1. Close the lips, stretch the corners of the mouth and inhale through the mouth, teeth closed, exhale through the nose. Repeated 5-6 times.
  2. Close the lips, stretch the corners of the mouth and inhale through the mouth, exhale through the lips folded into a tube. Repeat 7-10 times.
  3. Close the lips, stretch the corners of the mouth and inhale through the mouth, exhale alternately through the right and left corners of the mouth. Repeat 7-10 times.
  4. Place the bent little fingers in the corners of the mouth and, slightly stretching them, squeeze the lips, making sure that the lips do not turn out.
  5. Close your lips and puff out your cheeks, then press your fists to your cheeks, slowly squeeze out the air through pursed lips. Repeated 7-10 times.
  6. Inflate the air under the upper lip. Repeat 5-6 times.

To develop the circular muscle of the mouth in a child, teach him to whistle with his lips, which are folded into a tube. It is also useful to blow on a special children's turntable or make one yourself.

If you regularly, within 1.5 - 2 months, carry out this set of exercises, then nasal breathing will improve, and the circular muscle of the mouth will begin to work better.

Babies often suffer from various infectious diseases, as the immune system is not fully formed. In this regard, the child has health complications. For example, adenoids are the most common disease in children aged 3 to 7 years. If the disease is not cured in time, then deterioration with other organs may occur. However, babies need help even during the recovery period, when the adenoids were removed by surgery.

The first thing to remember in the postoperative period is to create comfortable conditions for a quick recovery. After all, the operated tissues can become inflamed if you do not follow the instructions from the doctor. It is possible that after the removal of the adenoids to the child, the doctor may prescribe a special rehabilitation course, depending on the situation. Most often, the specialist requires parents to continue medical treatment of the child, as well as perform gymnastics and hardening. If the operation was successful, the child is discharged home and continues treatment at home. Therefore, parents should monitor the optimal mode of the child in order to prevent bleeding and septic inflammation of the nasopharynx after surgery.

Immediately after surgery

In medicine, there is such a thing as adenotomy, which means surgical intervention. This procedure is performed by an experienced specialist who, using medical instruments, cuts off excess lymphoid tissue. It is worth noting that the operation is very fast, but the inflammatory process can still be present after the doctor's manipulations. The main thing is to avoid inflammation of the mucous membranes and postoperative bleeding. The operation itself lasts only 30 minutes, after which the patient is transferred to the general ward, where he must lie for a certain time under the supervision of doctors.

To avoid postoperative problems, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. The child should lie on the bed, turned on its side.
  2. It is better to put a towel under the head so that it is more convenient for the baby to expectorate mucus and blood.
  3. Put wet gauze on the forehead and face.

After a pharyngoscopic examination, the baby returns home, where he continues the treatment of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In the first days after surgery, the child may have a sore throat. At this very moment, you need to quickly eliminate the inflammation of the larynx. There may also be swelling of the mucous membrane, in which case the doctor prescribes vasoconstrictors. According to doctors, the recovery of health in all babies proceeds differently.

Every parent should understand that adults are responsible for the recovery of the child, so the process must be constantly monitored. Adenoiditis after removal in children disappears if parents regulate physical activity, nutrition, taking medications and maintaining temperature conditions in the house.

Home rehabilitation

After a child has had surgery, parents should be closely monitored for signs, symptoms, and complaints. If any complications are identified, then you should definitely contact a specialist for help. For 30 days, it is necessary to observe the daily regimen and nutrition. In other words, pay attention to the following recommendations at home:

  1. Exclude from the diet food that can cause irritation of the nasopharynx. We are talking about sweets, canned food, salty dishes. It is also worth eating warm food.
  2. It is necessary to temporarily protect the child from physical exertion so as not to provoke bleeding.
  3. It is necessary to act only on the advice of a doctor - medicines, physiotherapy, special preparations for vasoconstriction.
  4. The room where the baby is located must be regularly ventilated so that fresh air enters.
  5. It is forbidden to take medicines with acetylsalicylic acid after the operation.

Also, do not give your child aspirin, as this drug thins the blood and affects heavy bleeding.

It is possible that after excision of the adenoids, the baby may experience a fever. In this regard, you can take antipyretics. However, if the temperature persists for more than 2 days, it is better to inform the doctor about it.


In the postoperative period, it is also important to follow a sparing diet, which is made by the doctor. The fact is that in this period of time, the risk of swelling of the mucous throat and injury to the body increases. In this regard, the doctor draws up a detailed diet plan where there is no solid food.

For clarity, the following food products can be cited as examples:

  1. Fruit and vegetable puree.
  2. Light chicken and meat broths.
  3. Decoctions of herbs and vegetables.
  4. Kasha with milk.
  5. Soups.
  6. steamed meatballs.

To increase the effect of conservative treatment after surgery to remove adenoids, you need to regularly gargle with decoctions from plants. It is best to do this after a meal. The fact is that herbs contain phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on the child's recovery process.

You can eat six hours after surgery. Usually, first the baby is given chicken broth, and then after a few hours fruits are added to the diet. Salt is not recommended.

Parents should be aware that an unbalanced diet can worsen the child's condition and lead to an abscess at the back of the throat. It often happens that the baby refuses to eat healthy and proper food, but parents should not succumb to the child's tantrums. First of all, you need to exclude all carbonated and sweet drinks, spicy and canned food, low-quality juices. According to doctors, any flavors or dyes are detrimental to the immune system, moreover. They cause irritation of the mucous membrane and swelling of the larynx.

  1. Fish and meat preserves.
  2. Sweets, including confectionery.
  3. Canned vegetables.
  4. Sour fruits and vegetables.

You should not pamper your baby with sweets, cakes and cakes during treatment, as these products contain a large amount of sugar, which creates conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. As a substitute for sweet, apple or banana puree is suitable.

After an adenotomy, the doctor not only prescribes medications, but also recommends following certain rules so that the child can recover faster. Within a month, it is better for the baby to give up physical activity, hot water and a long pastime in the scorching sun. All of these factors can lead to dilated blood vessels and nosebleeds.

To protect the baby from infectious diseases, it is recommended to limit contact with sick people. Also, experts advise to bury the nose with nasal drops, as they have an antiphlogistic and regenerating effect. If a child has allergic reactions, then you should contact your doctor so that he can prescribe more gentle drugs.

Breathing exercises

Any doctor will confirm the fact that breathing exercises, developed by doctors of medical sciences, help with adenoids. As a rule, it is done within two weeks after removal of the lymphoid tissue. However, it is still worth remembering the following things:

  1. During squats or bends, the baby should take a deep breath.
  2. Inhalation is also done when spreading the arms to the sides.
  3. At the same time, movements, inhalations / exhalations are done smoothly, slowly.

It is best to do therapeutic exercises a week after the operation. Over time, the load can be increased so that the body feels pressure. Parents are often interested in the question about exercise, we will try to answer it:

  1. Abdominal breathing - along the body you need to lower your arms and stand straight, then exhale, intentionally drawing in your stomach.
  2. Thoracic breathing - in order for the chest to rise up, it is necessary to inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach. Breathing should be held for a few seconds and exhaled slowly through the nose.
  3. Full breath - Inhale through the nose with the protrusion of the abdomen. Exhalation is done with the abdomen drawn in and with the chest pressed.

If a baby has respiratory diseases, then you should not do breathing exercises, otherwise you can worsen your well-being. Doctors advise doing the exercise 10 times in 2-3 sets. Classes can be postponed for two days if the child suddenly becomes ill.

Possible consequences of adenotomy

parents should understand that after surgery there may be certain consequences. Some of them can lead to serious complications, so it is better to know the consequences:

  1. Nosebleeds. To avoid these problems, it is better to use vasoconstrictor drugs regularly.
  2. Edema of the Nasopharynx. Some medications can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Inflammatory process. Sometimes there is a development of purulent inflammation in the nasopharynx.
  4. Injury to the palate during surgery.

Note that even a highly qualified doctor is not always able to completely remove lymphoid tissues. In this regard, the child may have a relapse and re-disease of the adenoids. In this case, a second examination by a doctor is required.


Practice shows that after the removal of adenoids, the child's body quickly recovers. The main thing is to do everything according to the doctor's prescription. However, parents should remember that walking with such a disease is not worth it, otherwise it can lead to disastrous consequences.

Many doctors believe that it is very useful for children to engage in athletics, hockey and swimming. But sport is available only when the body has fully recovered. After all, each child has his own health parameters and stages of recovery. Following a diet and a pastel regimen, the baby will again feel comfortable breathing through the nose.

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