Fluid leaks from the nose. Water flows from the nose: how to stop the snot flowing in a stream. Folk remedies for the treatment of snot

A prolonged runny nose, accompanied by the formation of clear mucus, appears when a viral infection invades the body. In this case, snot is often accompanied by cough, headache and fever. The duration of the pathological process depends on the state of human immunity and the measures taken.


The inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, provoked by a cold, lasts 7-8 days and responds well to treatment. However, if the patient's immunity is weakened, the disease may not recede for a longer time. But with a competent approach to therapy, recovery still occurs.


Transparent snot in an adult is also a sign of an allergy. This condition is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • feeling of nasal congestion;
  • itching and burning;
  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane.

An allergic reaction is an inappropriate immune response to stimuli that puts the body under stress. In this case, the protracted nature of the common cold is due to constant contact with the alleged allergen. Its particles penetrate the mucous membrane, causing swelling and increased production of nasal secretions.

Treatment of a protracted runny nose is irrational without first identifying the cause that provoked the appearance of transparent snot. Therefore, if such a symptom occurs, visit a doctor.

When to sound the alarm

A runny nose that lasts 7-8 days is considered normal and not dangerous. During this period, it is important to fully comply with the recommendations of the doctor, as well as a serious approach to the treatment of the disease. If clear mucus is secreted for two weeks or more, this condition cannot be ignored. Seek immediate medical attention. A long-lasting inflammatory process can lead to the development of sinusitis.

It is possible that the causes are the chronicity of the disease or the illiterate and the use of vasoconstrictors that caused a backlash. Only a doctor will correctly determine the pathogenesis of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Therapeutic measures

When transparent snot appears, it is not recommended to prescribe medications for yourself. Illiterate use of drugs can only aggravate the situation.

The task of treatment is to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring organs and tissues. Treatment activities include:

  • Regular washing of the nasal passages with water-salt solutions to eliminate accumulated mucus.
  • The use of vasoconstrictors that will help relieve swelling and facilitate nasal breathing. Use drugs of this group for no longer than a week, without exceeding the dosages recommended by your doctor.
  • With the allergic nature of the common cold, treatment is based on the elimination of the allergen. In the absence of this possibility, the use of antihistamines is recommended.

Treatment is supplemented by the use of traditional medicine, but such methods can only be resorted to in consultation with the doctor. Homemade recipes will help ease nasal breathing and speed up recovery.

Folk remedies

They cope with the task of eliminating nasal instillation snot with a mixture of freshly squeezed onion juice and boiled water. The components are mixed in the same ratio. The resulting mixture is dripped into the nose, 2-3 drops in each nasal passage three times a day. Also warm up your nose with an egg. After cooking, cool a little and apply to the wings of the nose. Such procedures are contraindicated in the presence of sinusitis and elevated body temperature.

The therapeutic effect is given by mustard plasters placed on the heels. Put warm woolen socks over your feet. The duration of the procedure is 4-6 hours.

A protracted pathological process is fraught with the development of unwanted complications, and a runny nose is no exception. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help in time, as this will help to avoid the appearance of additional problems.

Oh yes, in such weather it is easiest to catch a runny nose. In this case, morenazal spray with chamomile helps me out. It just effectively copes with an infectious rhinitis. Relieves inflammation and pierces a stuffy nose.

Our domestic spray morenazal always helps me. It contains calcined sea salt, which has a good effect on the body. Perfectly cleans the nose, and most importantly is not addictive. And the price is absolutely ridiculous.

Clear watery discharge from the nose: causes and treatment?

Why does water flow from the nose, what is it connected with? Such questions are often of interest to people who are faced with this problem. But, unfortunately, few people realize that watery nasal discharge can be a sign of a very serious illness, and not just a natural reaction of the body that is not associated with an incipient disease.

There are many reasons why nose runs. In order to quickly get rid of watery secretions, first of all, it is necessary to identify the source of their occurrence.

Why does water flow from the nose?

The reason for the formation of water in the nose can be determined by the shade of the liquid, since the color and consistency of the secretions fully reflect the processes taking place in the nasal cavity. Water from the nose is a kind of indicator of a certain disease. In particular, fluid may appear due to the following diseases:

rhinitis; sinusitis; sinusitis; allergy.

Why is a clear liquid flowing from the nose

If the water from the nose flows transparent in appearance.

Most diseases of the respiratory tract of infectious or non-infectious etiology are manifested by a violation of nasal breathing and a feeling that it constantly flows from the nose. Persons faced with such a problem ask themselves: what to do and what is it connected with? It should be remembered that watery discharge from the nose is not always a protective reaction of the body to external stimuli. In some cases, they become a sign of a serious pathology that requires an urgent appeal to a highly qualified doctor who will prescribe an effective treatment.

To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, you need to find out the source of the discharge. Do not wait for the clear liquid to stop flowing out of the nose on its own. If this sign is ignored, severe complications will develop - chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, meningitis. The condition of the nose affects most bodily functions and vital activity.

The nasal mucosa in its healthy natural state produces a small amount of nasal mucus. This mucus is liquid and transparent.

But if this is a natural process, should transparent snot be treated? Let's figure it out together.

The mucus produced by our nose is necessary for our body, as it performs a number of extremely important functions.

First, nasal mucus carries immune functions. That is, transparent snot provides local immunity to the nasal cavity. It serves as the first protective barrier against dust and pathogens inhaled through the air. First, she delays them, and then brings them out of the nasal cavity through transparent snot.

Secondly, nasal mucus is responsible for moisturizing the air we breathe. It is an important factor in our well-being and good health.

So, no treatment is required?

It all depends on the amount of nasal discharge. When they become.

Most people periodically experience a runny nose, when profuse discharge from the nose is similar in consistency to water. Such snot causes a lot of inconvenience, as they irritate the skin around the nose and on the upper lip, which leads to inflammation, pain and burning.

Runny nose - snot like water

Abundant discharge from the nose, as a rule, is observed in the first days of a cold. A runny nose, when the snot is like water, gives the patient more inconvenience and trouble than thick mucus. The onset of such a runny nose is often accompanied by the appearance of other symptoms of the disease: headaches, weakness, malaise, loss of appetite and sleep. This condition of the patient is caused by infection of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, which leads to its inflammation and swelling. With the further development of the disease, the infection affects the throat, and cough, sore throat and redness are added to the symptoms.

Causes of runny nose

The human nose can be called a kind of "distributor": it is here that there are entrances to various cavities hidden both deep in the cavity of the skull and located under the facial bones. In their work, these structures can release various liquids; also, various exudates can occur during their inflammation or the development of a tumor process.

Such products of normal or pathological activity of the nose itself or the sinuses that open there are discharge from the nose. Their character will help to understand what is wrong with the body. And additional symptoms can orient a little in localization.

A bit about anatomy

The nasal cavity is located between the eye sockets and the oral cavity. It opens outward through the nostrils, while the nose communicates with the pharynx lying behind through two openings - the choan.

The posterior-upper wall of the nasal cavity is formed by bones, on which, on the other hand, the brain lies directly. Directly above the nose, separating.

The problem of nasal discharge is very common among people of any age. This symptom can accompany a variety of diseases and conditions. Nasal discharge can be a sign of both banal dry air and a completely dangerous disease. If the discharge from the nose bothers you often and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult an ENT doctor.

Water flows from the nose: causes

There are both physiological and pathological factors in which water "flows" from the nose.

What is popularly called “running from the nose”, of course, is not actually ordinary water, it is a thin, clear, watery discharge from the nose, which can appear for a variety of reasons.

Nasal secretions differ in color, consistency, volume and frequency of occurrence. Clear nasal discharge is generally considered harmless, but just because your nose is running water doesn't mean it is.

Liquid snot gives the patient much more problems than the secretion of thick mucus from the nasal passages. This process is caused by the penetration of infection into the nasal mucosa, resulting in its swelling and inflammation. In this case, abundant nasal discharge becomes inevitable.

Abundant fluid from the nose also causes a person to feel unwell, manifested by headache, general weakness, and dizziness. It is not uncommon for the infection to spread to the throat as well, so it is often reddened on examination. With the rapid development of the disease, the patient soon begins to experience pain in the throat, and coughing attacks may also bother.

In which diseases does a clear liquid appear in the nose?

The cause of the formation of fluid in the nose, as a rule, is determined by its color. After all, it is the shade and consistency of the mucus secreted from the sinuses that testifies to the character.

When does water flow from the nose? Causes of Watery Fluid Possible Treatments Home Treatments General Recommendations

Usually a runny nose does not cause much concern, but when water flows from the nose, it perplexes the patient. Runny nose, many have learned to treat. In every home first aid kit there is a remedy for a cold. But what to do when a discharge of a watery consistency constantly flows from the nose? Is it dangerous for health? How to treat such a somatic condition? What are its reasons?

When does water flow from the nose?

Cold viral diseases are often accompanied by inflammatory processes of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. But instead of the usual runny nose, water from the nose or bloody discharge may appear. Meanwhile, this condition indicates a disease, and not just a reaction to a viral infection. Few people are in a hurry to treat such a condition, hoping that everything will pass. Some use folk.

When a yellow liquid flows out of the nose when the head is tilted - almost water, most likely the cause lies in a bacterial or viral infection.

However, this may be an acute reaction of the body to some allergen.

Of course, this state of affairs cannot be called normal. But in order to make a diagnosis, you need to correctly determine the color of the discharge and their consistency.

Why is yellow fluid flowing from the nose?

Most often, clear water flows out of the nose with acute respiratory infections or allergies. If the cause is an allergy, then it flows not only from the nasal passages, but also from the eyes.

If this condition persists for a long time, you need to see a doctor to identify the allergen. Then the patient will have the opportunity to eliminate the cause of the disease (if possible) and start taking antihistamines.

In acute respiratory disease, in addition to the release of clear mucus, there is also a burning sensation in the nose. As a rule, after a few days, liquid mucus turns into.

The appearance of discharge from the nose rarely scares people, because a cold or a virus is a common thing, whether you like it or not, but you will have to get sick for a week, and if ARVI is easy, then you can take a break from work.

Of course, the snot in these cases is transparent, plentiful, sometimes flow like a river, especially in the early days, and the patient is calmly waiting for recovery. This nature of snot is also found in allergies, and people prone to all kinds of allergic reactions have to run to the pharmacy for antihistamines and nasal drops. Again, the diagnosis is clear to the patient and nothing supernatural comes out of the nose.

The nature of the discharge already makes it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis, and, as a rule, the district doctor who came to the call should pay attention to this. A more accurate conclusion about the nature of the common cold will be given by the otolaryngologist after the examination.

It is much worse when the snot acquires color tones: from light yellow shades to rich green.

ENT diseases - the cause of the pathology Received head injuries Allergic reaction Other causes Treatment of the disease

In connection with what water flows from the nose, what should I do if the pathology does not go away? Many people who are faced with this problem are asking such questions. Many simply do not pay attention to watery discharge from the nose and do not even think that this may be the beginning of some serious illness.

ENT diseases - the cause of pathology

The causes of watery discharge from the nose are directly dependent on the color of the fluid released. Fluid from the nose may appear in connection with such diseases: rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

If a clear liquid constantly flows from the nose, while burning and itching are felt inside, then the reason for all this is the initial stage of an acute respiratory disease.

There are many reasons why water flows from the nose. In some situations, secretion is a natural physiological reaction, in others it is associated with a viral infection, an allergy, or a more serious disease of the nasal passages. You can completely get rid of an unpleasant symptom only after identifying the exact causes that cause the violation.

The reasons

The main reasons for the formation of a secret in the nasal passages are as follows:

rhinitis; sinusitis (mainly sinusitis); reaction to cold allergic reactions; injury.


Most often, the cause of a strong discharge of fluid from the nose is the flu and a viral infection. And if with the flu the patient is more concerned about headaches, high fever, aching muscles and joints, then the main manifestation of viral rhinitis is precisely the abundant secretion from the nasal passages.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that develops against the background of rhinitis that has not been completely cured when attached.

There are two main causes of clear snot. The first is the development of some infectious disease, in which pathogens enter through the nasal cavity with inhaled air. Settling on the mucous membrane, pathogens begin to multiply, causing swelling and provoking increased mucus formation. The second reason for the appearance of a transparent secret from the nose is an allergic reaction that occurs in response to a certain irritant entering the body.

If this kind of nasal discharge bothers you for quite a long period of time, this is a clear cause for concern and consultation with a specialist. Since such a condition can signal the transition of the disease into a chronic form or the development of more serious pathological processes, for example, catarrhal or allergic sinusitis.

Etiological factor

Most often, a prolonged runny nose, accompanied by the formation of clear mucus.

In infants, colorless snot can be a common physiological phenomenon - evidence that the child's body is being formed. Also, in infants, transparent snot can be evidence of teething and simply banal overheating (or hypothermia). Another thing is when children from a year and older get sick. In this case, the treatment of a runny nose should begin immediately: after all, sticky, colorless snot is a sign of a cold, virus or infection that has settled in the body.

Risk group

It happens that colorless discharge runs in a stream and it becomes difficult not only to breathe, but even to eat and sleep. If the child has transparent snot, take care of the treatment faster and do not wait for the form to become neglected.

Who is at risk?

Children whose parents dress too tightly on the street; Children attending kindergarten; Pupils.

Most often, the body is more susceptible to infections and viruses during the off-season.

Transparent snot as a symptom of ARVI indicates that the immune system has started to work. The more mucus produced, the more likely the virus will die in the nose and not spread to the upper and lower respiratory tract. During this period, it is important to prevent the mucosa from drying out and the formation of thick mucus.

What is transparent snot associated with

There are several factors that can trigger the appearance of clear snot in a child.

Viral infections. Transparent snot is the most common respiratory symptom at the initial stage of SARS. First, there is dryness, perspiration in the nose and nasopharynx, the child sneezes, a little later congestion appears, and only on the second day of ARVI liquid transparent snot flows. The same symptom can occur with whooping cough, infectious mononucleosis, viral volatile infections - measles, rubella, chickenpox. In this situation, the risk of complications (especially after measles, infectious mononucleosis) is higher. Teething. Process.

Sometimes a child simply has a clear-colored liquid from the nose. Many parents believe that such a phenomenon is considered harmless, and do not pay attention to such a pathology. As experience shows, such indifference is completely in vain, because liquid mucus from the nose can indicate a variety of diseases. To begin treatment, you must first understand the cause of this phenomenon, because only in this way will it be possible to overcome all the unpleasant symptoms.

For what reason cough and snot occur during teething, you can find out from this article.

Reasons for the formation

Why do snot flow like water? When a child has a runny nose, like water, the doctor must first understand the cause of this phenomenon. There are several factors that can affect the formation of clear mucus:

Cold. Very often, at the initial stage of the development of acute respiratory infections, rhinitis takes on a liquid consistency, as a result of which the nose flows all the time. When the cause of such a runny nose is a cold, then.

Allergic manifestations

The background for the occurrence of discharge from the nose often becomes an allergic reaction. In this case, a small patient may cough. Allergies can be caused by the inhalation of certain irritants into the respiratory tract:

plant pollen; pet hair; dust and chemicals; fumes from washing powder; waste products of mites and insects.

Sometimes a child sneezes after taking certain medicines and foods. It is impossible to ignore such reactions of the body as perspiration, tearing, transparent snot in a child or a cough. Harmless, at first glance, the symptoms can develop over time into bronchial asthma. In each case, you need to contact a pediatrician or an allergist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and identify the cause of the discharge. Further, it is necessary to protect the child from the detected allergen and treat the medication prescribed by the doctor.

Often people are faced with an unpleasant phenomenon when snot pours out of the nose like tap water. Liquid snot causes a lot of inconvenience, as they pour constantly. In addition, constant wiping of fluid flowing from the nose leads to redness around the nose, which is accompanied by itching and burning.

Causes of runny nose like water

If you have a runny nose, like water, you first need to understand the cause of its occurrence. There are several causes of this disease:

Colds. Often at the initial stage of acute respiratory infections, a runny nose has a very liquid consistency, and therefore constantly flows from the nose. If the cause of a runny nose, like water, is a cold, then after a few days the snot will become thicker and acquire a yellowish color. A runny nose may indicate the onset of a cold, that is, its appearance may not be accompanied by other symptoms. But headache, fatigue, general malaise may also appear. Sinusitis and sinusitis.

Discharge from the nose: what they say, connection with diseases, what to do

Discharge from the nose is a symptom of a number of pathologies: from a banal cold or allergy to chronic purulent sinusitis or swelling of the nose. In healthy people, there is no discharge from the nose. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity produces a certain amount of secretion, which has a bactericidal and moisturizing effect, destroys microbes and brings them out.

Nasal discharge contains immune factors that protect the body from pathogenic biological agents and their toxins.

Discharge from the nose is a response of the body to external influences - hypothermia, infection or penetration of an allergen.

Types of secretions

Excess fluid content - exudate or transudate is formed in the nose with the development of pathology. Exudate is a fluid formed during inflammatory diseases. Transudate is formed due to swelling.

The color of the discharge and their shade is different - yellow, green, white, brown and even black. By the color of the liquid discharge, you can establish the causative factor of the pathology.

By nature, the discharge is:

  • Serous - a watery fluid of viral or allergic origin.
  • Purulent - greenish-yellow discharge, which is a symptom of a bacterial infection.
  • Bloody - discharge with streaks of blood, indicating a trauma to the nose or head, an increase in blood pressure, or mucosal degeneration against a background of a viral infection.

The reasons

Discharge from the nose of an inflammatory nature is formed with rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, adenoids.

  1. Acute respiratory viral infections are characterized by the appearance of copious, liquid, clear discharge. With secondary bacterial infection, they become purulent, thick, cloudy, gray or yellowish-greenish in color.
  2. Infectious rhinitis is manifested by the outflow of discharge from the nasal cavity through the nostrils, sneezing, itching, bad breath and painful sensations in the nose.
  3. Sinusitis is characterized by the exit of the contents through the pharynx, which leads to its infection and the development of pharyngitis. Patients develop hoarseness, pain and sore throat.
  4. Small objects entering the nose cause reactive inflammation. In this case, the discharge from the nose first has a mucous character, and then becomes serous-purulent with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Mucus constantly flowing from the nose is a possible sign of a tumor.
  6. If a runny nose is accompanied by nasal congestion and loss of smell, nasal polyps may be suspected.
  7. Cerebrospinal rhinorrhea is the flow of cerebrospinal fluid from the nose. At the same time, the discharge is abundant, watery, with impurities.
  8. White discharge from the nose indicates developed candidiasis.
  9. Injury to the nose often results in bloody discharge, swelling, and pain in the nose and surrounding tissues. With fractures, deformation of the nose or the entire face is noticeable.

Symptoms associated with nasal discharge


  • Acute rhinitis is manifested by sneezing, dryness, itching and burning in the nose, soreness in the throat. The condition of the patients remains satisfactory. The next day there is a profuse, mucous discharge from the nose, which eventually becomes purulent and mild. Acute rhinitis is often accompanied by the release of not only mucus from the nose, but also blood, often with clots. Inflamed small vessels of the mucous membrane are easily damaged, which leads to the development of nosebleeds. Recovery occurs in ten days. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, sinusitis or frontal sinusitis may develop.
  • Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are: sneezing, nasal congestion, copious nasal discharge. Patients often cannot breathe on their own without the use of vasoconstrictor drops. Discharge from the nose is liquid, watery. The reasons for the development of vasomotor rhinitis are sudden changes in pressure, hypothermia, stress. Prolonged runny nose is manifested by brown discharge, which contains dried pus and crusts.
  • Allergic rhinitis is characterized by the appearance of watery discharge from both halves of the nose, constant, often paroxysmal sneezing, watery eyes, sniffling, burning and severe itching in the nose, as well as itching of the pharynx and palate. Specialists pay attention to other signs of allergy - itching of the skin and rash, lack of temperature.

In a child, nasal discharge causes a lot of problems and trouble for adults. Children become restless, capricious, sleep poorly, refuse to eat.


Yellow, purulent discharge from the nose is a sign of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, most often sinusitis. The disease is a complication of SARS and occurs as a result of the addition of a bacterial infection. Sinusitis is manifested by abundant purulent, yellow-green discharge from the nose and intense pain in the projection of the sinuses, aggravated by tilting the head down. Among the nonspecific symptoms of pathology, cough, nasal congestion, headache, and fever are distinguished. Patients complain of signs of intoxication: aching headache, fatigue, malaise, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance. The cheek and eye on the side of the lesion swell.


Ozena - offensive coryza. This is a chronic pathology in which the structures of the nose atrophy. The etiology of ozena is not fully understood. There are several theories of the origin of the disease - genetic, anatomical, physiological, infectious, neurogenic, endocrine. Clinical signs of ozena are: viscous discharge from the nose with a putrid odor, a large number of crusts in the nose, impaired sense of smell. Patients with ozena have a characteristic appearance: they have an underdeveloped facial skull, thickened lips, dilated nostrils and nasal passages. The disease prevents a person from living a normal life, communicating with others. Patients withdraw into themselves and limit their contacts. Often it comes down to depression.

"Dry" nasal discharge

Dryness in the nose is a problem that is no less troublesome than nasal discharge. This is a sign of a rare autoimmune disease that affects the glands that produce nasal mucus. Dry nasal mucus is a crust that is quite difficult to get rid of. The mucous membrane of the nose synthesizes a viscous substance that blocks and removes dirt.


To alleviate the condition of patients, ENT doctors recommend using nose drops. Before using them, you should clean the nasal cavity and rinse it with saline - Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin. Only after cleansing procedures can the medicine be used.

Vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays, getting on the mucous membrane, affect the blood vessels, constrict them and eliminate swelling. Breathing through the nose becomes free. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs gives only a temporary effect. Their constant use can be harmful to health. The vascular wall ceases to maintain optimal tone on its own. Cancellation of the drug causes a constant runny nose.

The pharmacy chain sells a large number of products from this group - Otrivin, Xylometazoline, Tizin.

In order to permanently get rid of the common cold, it is necessary to find out its cause and deal with it.

For the treatment of clear discharge from the nose, patients are prescribed antiviral or antihistamine drugs topically in the form of drops and orally in the form of suspensions and tablets. Antiallergic sprays in the nose - "Kromoglin", Kromoheksal", "Flixonase", antiviral drops - "Grippferon".

Treatment of purulent, green-yellow discharge is carried out with the help of antibiotics - antibacterial nasal sprays "Isofra", "Polydex".

With sinusitis, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of pus from the inflamed sinus, normalize ventilation and suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Patients undergo a puncture of the maxillary sinus, prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics, local antiseptic solutions for washing the nose and vasoconstrictor drops that facilitate nasal breathing.

"Euphorbium compositum" is a homeopathic spray intended for the treatment of the common cold in children. The components of the drug restore the nasal mucosa and eliminate signs of inflammation.

You should definitely visit an ENT doctor if the discharge:

  1. They have an unpleasant odor and any color other than white and yellow,
  2. Accompanied by fever
  3. Are the result of traumatic brain injury
  4. Last over 3 weeks.

Physiotherapy is widely used to treat rhinitis and its manifestations. Patients are prescribed laser and ultrasound treatment, inhalation, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure, acupuncture. You can supplement and speed up the treatment by regularly performing breathing exercises.


Traditional therapy for nasal discharge is supplemented with folk remedies.

  • Drops are prepared from eucalyptus oil, which have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect, reduce secretion and facilitate nasal breathing.
  • Warming up the nose relieve swelling and reduce other signs of inflammation. A bag of salt is heated and applied to the bridge of the nose. For the same purpose, use a boiled egg.
  • In order for the effect of drug treatment to come as early as possible, patients are advised to soar their legs, take hot, salt baths, and sleep in warm socks with mustard.
  • To stimulate the immune system, it is useful to drink drinks containing vitamin C - orange juice, tea with lemon, cranberry juice, currant compote.
  • It is useful for children to rinse their nose with salt water, chamomile infusion. A drop of thuja or sea buckthorn oil dropped into the nose will help get rid of yellow secretions.
  • Natural antibiotics are found in the fresh juice of some vegetables and fruits - beets, carrots, potatoes. The juice is squeezed out, diluted with water and instilled into the nose of a sick child.
  • Aloe juice diluted 1 to 1 with water causes sneezing and clears the nose.

The flow of liquid snot from the nose is called rhinorrhea. If transparent mucus constantly flows from the nose, this indicates that the body has turned on a protective reaction and is actively fighting harmful bacteria and viruses. Thus, when snot flows, it should be regarded as a signal of violations of the natural processes occurring in the nasal cavity. Such problems have an adverse effect on the organs of the respiratory system: the trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Even if it seems to you that liquid transparent snot is a completely harmless symptom, it cannot be ignored. Treatment should begin immediately. After all, such a runny nose can provoke the appearance of many very serious diseases. First of all, we will determine the reasons that caused the nasal waterfall.

Why do snot flow

Liquid snot, like water, causes more discomfort than a runny nose. They appear due to the fact that an infection gets on the mucous membrane in the nose, provoking its swelling and the development of the inflammatory process.

"Why does snot flow like a stream?" - such a question probably occurred to everyone who experienced all the delights of colds. First of all, you need to take into account the color of the discharge, since it is a reflection of the processes occurring in the body and can additionally inform you about the stage of the disease. Transparent liquid snot in an adult occurs when:

  • infectious and inflammatory process;
  • rhinitis and its varieties;
  • sinusitis in its various forms;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergies.

Let's take a closer look at a few options.

What are the symptoms of liquid discharge

In addition to the fact that a sick person is annoyed by a runny nose, snot, like water, he can also suffer from a general deterioration in well-being, headache, nasal congestion, and difficulty breathing. In some cases, the temperature rises, sneezing becomes more frequent, and tears are involuntarily released.

If snot is constantly flowing in an adult, of course, there can be no talk of a normal sense of smell. Burning and scratching sensations cause significant discomfort. The nasal mucosa swells significantly. These edema interfere with natural drainage - secretions begin to accumulate inside the nasal cavity, creating ideal conditions for the development of harmful microorganisms.

What to do if a runny nose is like water

If you have a cold, you have a profuse runny nose, a runny nose, you can deal with the secretions if you do not wait until they dry up on their own, but help them flow out faster. To do this, you will need to eliminate the infection from which the nasal cavity has suffered. For this purpose, it is recommended to do elementary procedures with a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • steam inhalation;
  • washing the nasal passages;
  • an increase in the amount of warm liquid drunk per day;
  • taking extra vitamin C.

If snot, like water, in adults or children appeared due to exposure to an allergen, then it is necessary to get rid of them. First of all, we eliminate all kinds of particles that provoke allergies. In other words, we use exclusively hypoallergenic bed linen, do daily wet cleaning in the house, avoid those places where plants that cause an allergic reaction bloom, and so on.

When contact with the allergen is interrupted, the abundant liquid nasal discharge will stop.

If it is not possible to protect yourself from all allergens, the doctor prescribes special preparations:

  • antihistamines (for example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Tavegil);
  • vasoconstrictor (for example, Rinazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin).

post hoc

You should always remember that an ignored runny nose can cause a serious blow to health. You don't have to worry too much if:

  • runny nose after you have been physically loaded;
  • nasal discharge is just allergic rhinitis.

Any other case when you don’t know why snot is constantly flowing in an adult requires an immediate consultation and examination with an experienced specialist who will establish the correct diagnosis, prescribe adequate and, most importantly, timely treatment.

Of course, the method of treatment directly depends on the diagnosis made by the doctor. After all, snot is only a symptom of a developing disease, so one instillation of the nose with special drops will not work. It is impossible to cure the disease by acting only on the common cold. Therefore, therapy must be comprehensive.

The flow of liquid snot from the nose is called rhinorrhea. If transparent mucus constantly flows from the nose, this indicates that the body has turned on a protective reaction and is actively fighting harmful bacteria and viruses. Thus, when snot flows, it should be regarded as a signal of violations of the natural processes occurring in the nasal cavity. Such problems have an adverse effect on the organs of the respiratory system: the trachea, bronchi and lungs.

Even if it seems to you that liquid transparent snot is a completely harmless symptom, it cannot be ignored. Treatment should begin immediately. After all, such a runny nose can provoke the appearance of many very serious diseases. First of all, we will determine the reasons that caused the nasal waterfall.

Why do snot flow

Liquid snot, like water, causes more discomfort than. They appear due to the fact that an infection gets on the mucous membrane in the nose, provoking its swelling and the development of the inflammatory process.

"Why does snot flow like a stream?" - such a question probably occurred to everyone who experienced all the delights of colds. First of all, you need to take into account the color of the discharge, since it is a reflection of the processes occurring in the body and can additionally inform you about the stage of the disease. Transparent liquid snot in an adult occurs when:

  • infectious and inflammatory process;
  • rhinitis and its varieties;
  • sinusitis in its various forms;
  • sinusitis;
  • allergies.

Let's take a closer look at a few options.

What are the symptoms of liquid discharge

In addition to the fact that a sick person is annoyed by a runny nose, snot, like water, he can also suffer from a general deterioration in well-being, headache, nasal congestion, and difficulty breathing. In some cases, the temperature rises, sneezing becomes more frequent, and tears are involuntarily released.

If snot is constantly flowing in an adult, of course, there can be no talk of a normal sense of smell. Burning and scratching sensations cause significant discomfort. The nasal mucosa swells significantly. These edema interfere with natural drainage - secretions begin to accumulate inside the nasal cavity, creating ideal conditions for the development of harmful microorganisms.

What to do if a runny nose is like water

If you have a cold, you have a profuse runny nose, the discharge can be dealt with if you do not wait until they dry up on their own, but help them flow out faster. To do this, you will need to eliminate the infection from which the nasal cavity has suffered. For this purpose, it is recommended to do elementary procedures with a pronounced therapeutic effect:

  • steam inhalation;
  • washing the nasal passages;
  • an increase in the amount of warm liquid drunk per day;
  • taking extra vitamin C.

If snot, like water, in adults or children appeared due to exposure to an allergen, then it is necessary to get rid of them. First of all, we eliminate all kinds of particles that provoke allergies. In other words, we use exclusively hypoallergenic bed linen, do daily wet cleaning in the house, avoid those places where plants that cause an allergic reaction bloom, and so on.

When contact with the allergen is interrupted, the abundant liquid nasal discharge will stop.

If it is not possible to protect yourself from all allergens, the doctor prescribes special preparations:

  • antihistamines (for example, Suprastin, Zyrtec, Tavegil);
  • vasoconstrictor (for example, Rinazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin).

post hoc

You should always remember that an ignored runny nose can cause a serious blow to health. You don't have to worry too much if:

  • runny nose after you have been physically loaded;
  • nasal discharge is just allergic rhinitis.

Any other case when you don’t know why snot is constantly flowing in an adult requires an immediate consultation and examination with an experienced specialist who will establish the correct diagnosis, prescribe adequate and, most importantly, timely treatment.

Of course, the method of treatment directly depends on the diagnosis made by the doctor. After all, snot is only a symptom of a developing disease, so one instillation of the nose with special drops will not work. It is impossible to cure the disease by acting only on the common cold. Therefore, therapy must be comprehensive.

The flow of fluid from the nose in medicine is called rhinorrhea. This condition indicates that a protective reaction has started in the body, which allows you to cope with viruses and bacterial microorganisms.

It is impossible to ignore this symptom, because it can lead to negative health consequences. So, how to treat this condition in an adult?

Causes of runny nose

To cope with pathology, it is very important to determine the causes of its development. To do this, you need to analyze the color, smell and consistency of the secret. The shade of mucus helps to determine the nature of the inflammation and the stage of its development.

A liquid secret is observed with such anomalies as sinusitis, various forms of rhinitis, inflammatory lesions of the paranasal sinuses, and allergies.

To establish the correct diagnosis, you should study the nature of the secret:

  1. SARS. In the initial stages of viral infections, a runny nose, like water, can appear quite unexpectedly. After a certain time, the secret acquires a thicker consistency and causes a slight burning sensation and itching in the nose. Then there is a feeling of congestion. This symptom may persist for several weeks. To cope with it, you have to use the appropriate medications.
  2. Allergy. With allergic rhinitis, snot of a liquid consistency constantly flows. This usually happens at specific times. To cope with the disease, it is important to avoid contact with allergens or use antihistamines. Allergy can be characterized by swelling, tearing, hyperemia.
  3. Cold. In this case, liquid and transparent snot is allocated all the time. In addition, hyperemia and pain in the throat may occur, the temperature increases, chills appear. To prevent the progression of the disease, it is necessary to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. With good immunity, there is no need to treat this type of rhinitis - it will quickly pass by itself.
  4. Sinusitis. If the discharge becomes yellowish, this indicates an inflammatory process in the body. Most often, sinusitis or sinusitis leads to such violations. This condition poses a serious danger, therefore, its treatment should not be postponed. With the appearance of a brown secret, complex forms of sinusitis can be suspected. The shade of mucous secretions is due to the mixing of pus and blood from broken capillaries.
  5. Deformities of the nasal septum. Discharge from one nostril, which has a dark tint, may indicate a curvature of the bridge of the nose. It may be the result of damage to the septum or is the result of unsuccessful operations.

Associated symptoms

In addition to copious nasal discharge, there is a risk of additional symptoms. These include a general deterioration in the human condition. With the appearance of nasal congestion, there is a decrease in the sense of smell and a violation of the respiratory function. Often there is sneezing, fever, lacrimation. Sometimes there is a very strong rhinitis.

In the nasal cavity there is a sensation of itching and burning, which causes severe discomfort to the patient. There may also be swelling of the mucous membrane. This condition disrupts the full outflow of fluid from the sinuses, which creates a threat of sinusitis.

How to treat snot flowing in a stream

If a person has water pouring from his nose, you need to contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible and undergo the necessary examinations. Diagnosis includes the study of the clinical picture, analysis of the history of pathology, examination and rhinoscopy. In some situations, additional studies are prescribed to help determine the causes of the disease.

According to the results of the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes therapy. Most often, experts recommend following these rules:

  • in the first day to adhere to bed rest;
  • drink plenty of fluids - it is advisable to use alkaline drinks;
  • use warming treatments.

If the cause of rhinitis is not established, inhalation will help to temporarily improve the patient's condition. This procedure can be carried out only on the appointment of a specialist until the results of the tests are obtained. It is important to consider that when the temperature rises, inhalation is prohibited.

For the procedure, you can use a decoction of St. John's wort or chamomile. You can also put a little mint in the water or add a few drops of eucalyptus tincture. Vapors of the decoction should be inhaled for 10 minutes.

What medicines to treat current snot

After receiving the results of the studies, the doctor selects medications. Most often, snot, like water, requires the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, antiviral drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs. In more serious cases, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with.

So, drug therapy for this condition may include the following components:

In addition to the use of medications, it is very important to control the patient's condition. He should drink plenty of fluids and eat right. Equally important is the regular ventilation of the room and wet cleaning.

Means of physiotherapy

With severe rhinitis, it is important to learn how to blow your nose correctly and systematically clean your nose. Washing should be done at least 5 times a day. Thanks to the cleansing of the mucous membranes, it will be possible to cope with congestion and normalize the patient's condition.

To wash the nose, you can use special solutions or decoctions of medicinal plants. It is necessary to blow out the mucus as carefully as possible, without making sudden movements.

If the cause of a runny nose is an infection or allergic rhinitis, the doctor may recommend complex therapy, which includes UHF, massage, warming up and other procedures.

Folk recipes

In addition to medicines, it is quite possible to use folk remedies:

Preventive actions

To prevent the appearance of liquid discharge from the nose, inflammation of the respiratory system should be treated in a timely manner. Strengthening the immune system is important.

In the midst of epidemics, crowded places should be avoided. In addition, it is worth limiting communication with cold people. It is not recommended to drink too cold drinks, as this can cause local hypothermia.

  1. To normalize the condition of the nasal mucosa, it is necessary to perform systematic washings. The body should be tempered gradually, starting with light physical exercises.
  2. Of great importance is the normalization of the diet - it must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, food should have a balanced composition in terms of the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Abundant discharge of clear fluid from the nose (rhinorrhea) is a companion of most respiratory diseases. If water flows from the nose when tilted, the reason for this was the hyperactivity of the glands (goblet cells) in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. Pathological processes can be provoked by neurovegetative disorders, infectious or allergic agents.

Goblet cell activity in the nasopharynx is controlled by receptors. The impact of chemical and physical factors on the nerve endings leads to an increase or decrease in the secretory function of unicellular glands. The article will consider the main reasons for the evacuation of mucus from the nose when the head is tilted, as well as the most effective methods of treating pathology.

The reasons

Nasal mucus (muconasal secretion) is a clear watery liquid that is produced by the glands of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, i.e. goblet cells. It consists of mucoproteins, neutrophils, salt, water and epithelial cells. Mucus performs a protective function in the body - it removes foreign objects (dust, allergens) from the respiratory tract and prevents the development of pathogenic flora in the nasal cavity.

Rhinorrhea (hypersecretion of muconasal secretion) is a clear sign of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Cause unwanted reactions in tissues can:


Allergy is a non-infectious disease, the cause of which is failures in the mechanisms of implementation of immune responses to the action of allergens. In other words, an allergy is an inadequate response of the immune system to the effects of irritating agents: dust, drugs, food, animal hair, etc. If, when the head is tilted, a clear liquid begins to drip from the nasal passages, most likely, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever) became the reason for this.

In addition to rhinorrhea, hay fever is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes;
  • periodic lacrimation;
  • difficult nasal breathing;
  • constant sneezing.

Late treatment of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is fraught with the development of sinusitis and purulent inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Few people know that mucus contains polysaccharides, which are literally food for pathogenic microbes and fungi. If hypersecretion and congestion of mucus in the nose is not eliminated in time, this can later provoke the reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms in the nasal cavity.

Viral diseases

If water begins to drip from the nose, the reason for this may be catarrhal (non-purulent) inflammation in the respiratory tract. Reproducing in mucous membranes, viruses provoke irritation of nerve endings in soft tissues. As a consequence, this leads to an increase in the secretory function of goblet cells and the formation of an excess amount of clear fluid in the nose.

Hypersecretion of nasal secretion is most often associated with the development of the following respiratory diseases:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) paranasal sinuses, which is often preceded by colds;
  • frontal sinusitis - unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinuses, accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the eyebrows;
  • ARVI is a group of respiratory diseases characterized by viral inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx.

In 7 out of 10 cases, the release of nasal fluid when the torso is tilted indicates the development of sinusitis.

Increased production of clear mucus often occurs at the initial stage of the development of viral infections. An increase in the amount of liquid exudate in the nasopharynx contributes to the leaching of pathogens from the respiratory tract. As the infection progresses, the consistency and color of the nasal secretion may change. The presence of an unpleasant putrefactive odor and yellow discharge can signal the formation of purulent foci of inflammation in the nasal cavity.

Autonomic disorders

Vasomotor rhinitis is a non-infectious disease characterized by thickening of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity. Swelling of tissues is associated with a violation of the tone of blood vessels and their excessive blood supply. Provoke vegetative disorders can:

  • endocrine diseases;
  • benign tumors (nasal polyps);
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • allergic reactions;
  • abuse of vasoconstrictors;
  • vegetative dystonia.

Stressful situations, polluted air, hypotension and abuse of oral contraceptives increase the likelihood of developing vasomotor rhinitis by 3 times.

Water from the nose appears due to pathological changes in the structure of the tissues of the nasopharynx. Thickening of the mucous membranes leads to an increase in the number of goblet cells in the nasal cavity, which begin to produce even more mucosal secretions.

Principles of therapy

Treatment methods for rhinorrhea are determined by the causes of increased secretory activity of unicellular glands in the nasopharynx. Viral diseases can be eliminated by taking antiviral and vasoconstrictor drugs, allergic rhinitis with antihistamines, and autonomic disorders with sympathomimetic drugs that constrict the vessels in the nasal cavity.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

Allergic diseases are treated with antihistamines and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs. The composition of antiallergic medicines includes substances that prevent the production of inflammatory mediators, which include serotonin and histamine. As a rule, the treatment regimen for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis includes:

  • topical glucocorticosteroids - "Akortin", "Beklat", "Prednisolone";
  • antiallergic nasal agents - Nasonex, Allergodil, Fenistil;
  • antihistamine capsules and tablets - "Zirtek", "Rivtagil", "Diprazin".

During periods of flowering of wind-pollinated plants, people suffering from hay fever are advised to bury Nazaval in their noses.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis in most cases responds only to symptomatic treatment. In the absence of the effect of the use of medications, patients are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures - phonophoresis with corticosteroids, laser therapy and electrophoresis with drugs based on calcium chloride.

Of the drugs to relieve the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis, use:

  • sympathomimetic drugs - "Nazol", "Ephedrine", "Sanorin";
  • alpha-blockers - Xymelin, Naphthyzin, Nazivin;
  • antihistamines - "Supramin", "Bravegil", "Clemastin";

With strong hypertrophy (thickening) of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, destruction of vascular structures in soft tissues occurs, thereby reducing swelling in the nasal canals.

Treatment of respiratory infections

It happens that when the head is tilted, the liquid spills out of the nose only for 3-4 days, after which the symptomatic picture is supplemented by myalgia (muscle pain), weakness, fever, etc. As a rule, this indicates the development of a viral infection in the respiratory system. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms and pathogenic flora in the foci of inflammation, use:

  • antiviral tablets and capsules - "Tamiflu", "Amizon", "Remantadin";
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops - Otrivin, Knoxprey, Galazolin;
  • local antiviral ointments - "Viferon", "Pinosol", "Oxolinic ointment";
  • solutions for washing the nose - "Chlorhexidine", "Sodium Chloride", "Miramistin".

Important! Antiviral agents do not help in the treatment of bacterial and purulent inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Antiviral drugs contribute to the destruction of only viral pathogens - adenoviruses, coronaviruses, picornaviruses, etc. If the nasal secret has a yellow color and an unpleasant pungent odor, in 93% of cases this indicates the development of bacterial or fungal flora in the respiratory system.

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