Pollen consumption. Bee pollen - useful properties, how to take. Rules for taking bee pollen


Dear readers, I congratulate you on the first spring days. It's so nice that we can enjoy the colors again, sunny days and lift your spirits. But it is in the spring that we lack vitamins so much. Everyone is faced with this, and everyone is well aware of this.

What are we doing? AT best case we prepare for ourselves something from folk recipes, and often we just go to the pharmacy and buy vitamin complexes. Who can afford anything - from the most inexpensive to Vitrum, Centrum and many other popular brands. But is there something alive in these vitamins? is always a question for me. Someone supports himself with dietary supplements. Also very good.

Today I want to draw your attention to the simplest, probably, and very effective remedy for our health. It will be about pollen. Often we forget about the unique products donated to us by workers - bees. All honey products are good for our health (assuming you are not allergic to them, of course). But flower pollen occupies here too special place. This is food that has no price. Probably everyone heard about it, let's talk about everything in detail.

What does she represent? These are such small grains covered with a shell. Pollen differs in color, shape and size in different plants. Pollen is often referred to as pollen. And all because the bees collect it in baskets, which are located on the rearmost "legs" of the bee.
What is the benefit of flower pollen?

Pollen. Beneficial features

  • It contains about 500 microcomponents necessary for us. For comparison - in the best vitamin complexes there are 15-20 of them, no more. By content nutrients flower pollen is superior to honey.
  • Flower pollen contains at least 28 trace elements of the periodic table: sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, chromium, phosphorus and many others.
  • It contains almost all the amino acids that are so necessary for our health.
  • Contains vitamins C, PP, K, E, D.
  • Strengthens the walls of our blood vessels. Has anti-sclerotic action.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Restores all metabolic processes in the body.
  • Increases hemoglobin.
  • Perfectly restores strength, especially in case of physical exhaustion, after stress and illness.
  • Very useful for weather sensitive people.
  • Perfectly fights depression, improves mood.
  • Useful for both hypertensive and hypotensive patients.
  • Strengthens the work of the heart.
  • Indispensable for men - strengthens the work of the prostate gland.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Beneficial effect on the liver.
  • It is very good to use it in diets. Fat deposits are noticeably reduced.
  • Normalizes activity endocrine system.
  • In flower pollen, an antibiotic was found that delays the development of tumors.
  • Useful for children, adults and the elderly.

Pollen. Contraindications

Individual intolerance. Severe forms of diabetes. Use with caution in people prone to bleeding.

Pollen. Storage

You need to store it in a dark place. The shelf life of ordinary pollen is up to 2 years, pollen with honey is up to 5 years. But we must understand that its useful properties decrease during long-term storage. So when buying, pay attention to the date. Storage temperature is not higher than 20 degrees C, humidity is not higher than 75%.

How to take flower pollen?

The recommended daily dose is 2 teaspoons of flower pollen for 2-3 doses, dissolving the grains in the mouth. Dissolve slowly, like a lollipop. This moment is very important, because. swallowing it simply or drinking it with water means not getting all the useful pollen.

The flower pollen itself is sometimes bitter, so it can be taken with the same amount of honey, also dissolving in the mouth. Take half an hour before meals without drinking anything. After taking pollen, you can not eat or drink for about half an hour. The bitterness of flower pollen is explained by the fact that bees collect everything from bird cherry. No matter how much I bought, I did not feel any bitterness.

Please note that the last dose of it should not be 2 hours before bedtime, because. pollen has a tonic effect.

Many allergy sufferers are afraid to take pollen. But pollen pollen cannot cause allergies, because. processed by the secretion of the glands of bees. In this case, the allergen compounds are destroyed. But if you are allergic to honey products, be very careful.

Pollen. Application

Pollen helps a lot with strokes, heart attacks, heart diseases, with vegetative-vascular dystonia, with meteosensitivity, it perfectly raises hemoglobin and improves blood composition, reduces ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), is useful for neuroses, insomnia, depression, diseases of the endocrine system, with gastrointestinal diseases, for women in the period hormonal adjustment, with phenomena early aging and senile dementia, for people who have undergone major operations, for everyone who is engaged in intense mental and physical labor, for men - treats "the second heart of a man" - prostate and solves many other health problems.

Take flower pollen in courses and be healthy and beautiful! Research has shown that it is much more effective than infusions and decoctions of herbs.

flower pollen for children

Pollen is very useful for our children. Just need to take into account a few points:

  • Start with very small doses. Children are recommended to start with 1/10 of the adult dosage.
  • The further dosage is as follows: for children from 1 to 3 years old - 1/4 of the adult dosage, from 3 to 7 years old - 1/2, from 7 to 14 years old - 2/3.

Pollen. Treatment

With anemia. 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. After a monthly course of treatment, a break for 2-3 weeks and a repetition of the course.

With colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, constipation - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

With liver diseases.

Mix 1 tsp of pollen with the same amount of honey. Take after lunch. The course of treatment is 1 month. It is also good to drink decoctions of herbs (chamomile, corn silk, thyme and some others) or brew ready-made choleretic preparations.

With kidney disease.

Take pollen with honey in a ratio of 1: 1, slowly dissolving in the mouth. Take three times a day for a teaspoon. The course of treatment is 1 month. It is very good to drink decoctions of herbs and kidney fees at the same time.

Elderly people to strengthen the forces, with dementia.

1 tsp flower pollen three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Then a break of 2-3 weeks.

With diabetes . Take flower pollen 0.5 tsp. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

With hypertension.

Mix pollen with honey in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

For other diseases, use the universal recipe, which is described above, how to take flower pollen.

You can also prepare therapeutic mixtures with flower pollen.

Honey with pollen.

300 grams of liquid honey (melt a little in a water bath) mixed with 60 grams of pollen. Mix everything, store room temperature in a dark bowl. After a week, you can start using, be sure to mix before taking. Take this mixture 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Honey, aloe juice and pollen.

Mix 500 grams of honey with 20 grams of pollen, add 75 grams of aloe juice. Mix everything again. Store this mixture in a dark, cool place. If you do not know how to make aloe juice, then you can read everything. There you will find other recipes with this juice. Take this mixture 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals. It is very good to take such a mixture for anyone who has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

And I want to offer a very simple recipe pollen face masks .

Wash your face warm water. A few grains of pollen mixed with a small amount warm water and add some honey. Apply this mask on your face for 15 minutes. Can be done very light massage. Then rinse off with warm water. The mask perfectly heals and tones the skin.

Another simple and wonderful wrinkle mask with flower pollen.

1 tsp pollen mixed with 1 tbsp. l. white cosmetic clay, add 1 tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil(preferably olive). To mix everything. Apply to face for 15 minutes. Rinse also with warm water. Do this procedure once a week. Quite enough to preserve the beauty.

Where to buy flower pollen. Price

You can buy everything from your friends who deal with bees. I do so. You can buy in the market or at fairs that take place in your area. There are also specialized shops with honey products. I also really like Tentorium. All products are of very high quality. I often shop there myself. The dragee is called Tentorium Plus. It is flower pollen together with propolis. There are 2 packages of 180 and 300 grams. Prices may vary slightly. Apply it in a teaspoon once a day.

If you shop at Tentorium, pay attention to A.P.V. drops. The most wonderful drops for our eyes. I wrote about them in my article. The eyes are simply reborn. You can't say otherwise.

We sell flower pollen on the market, and its price is 100 rubles per 50 grams. Sold in sealed bags.

You can also order pollen through online stores.

My heartfelt gift for today LIBERTANGO (Astor Piazzolla) — Veronika Kozhukharova, Aidar Gainullin Bayan and saxophone. Lovely...I enjoyed it for a long time. Hope you all like it too.

I wish everyone a pleasant spring mood, joy, such a positive note. I hope that by using flower pollen, you will see everything in different colors, improve your health and just look younger.

I can’t ignore fluffy and green in the season itself, our favorite dill. What cottage does not have it? And he is very unpretentious, and ...

We find out how bee bread differs from pollen, and compare the value of these two products. Storage issues are considered, as well as five useful recipes.

Everyone knows that bee pollen lowers arterial pressure. Therefore, if it is taken before meals, then a person who did not have health problems will have to be soldered with hot tea. If we are treating liver diseases, it is necessary to take bee pollen in the afternoon, and in case of hypertension, the indications for use will be different. Pollen collected by bees has medicinal properties that have been known for many centuries in a row. Well, we will try to study these properties, not forgetting about contraindications.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Flower pollen can be collected from certain plant species. These plants are called "pollens". They do not include, for example, coniferous shrubs and trees - spruce, pine, etc.

And usually one plant is the pollen bearer. In spring it will be birch or willow, then sunflower, wormwood, white clover or acacia. The transfer of pollen to long distances is difficult, and when collecting, the bees roll it into balls, forming a “flap”. In the photo you can see what the willow trim looks like.

In the hive, the pollen is sent to cells treated with propolis. It is compacted and preserved with honey. So flower pollen turns into perga, which a person can use for medicinal purposes.

Product in the form of granules

Storage of bee bread in combs is permissible at a temperature of 2-8 C. But you can also buy a healing product in the form of granules, which are stored in a cool, dry place. The refrigerator will not work - you need low humidity.

Perga and pollen are characterized by different indicators nutritional value. The comparison is shown in the table.

As you can see, bee bread consists of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, combined in the proportion of "37 to 4 to 59". And, in general, even with diabetes, the use of bee pollen is not contraindicated:

  • According to many recipes, pollen should only be taken with honey;
  • If the person taking the medicine suffers from diabetes, one rule must be followed: the amount of honey should not exceed 40-50 grams per day.

Allergy will be the main and only contraindication.

Pollen is not prescribed and treatment is not carried out in two cases: when we are talking about allergies or about children under four years of age.

The child is not afraid of bees

For kids different ages determine the maximum dosage:

  • 4-7 years - no more than 1 gram per day;
  • 7-9 - 1.5 grams;
  • 9-12 – 2,5.

And you also need to know that children can use bee pollen in short courses: one week with a break of 5-7 days. For the age of 9-12 years, the period is doubled.

Video: Honeycomb Machining

Application features

Bee pollen or bee pollen is suitable for consumption without any processing. The granules simply dissolve without washing them down with anything. You can eat pollen in another way - the ground product is mixed with water or honey.

Honey in a water bath

It is clear that the honey solution will not be drinkable, so it is also mixed with water. But this is not always acceptable:

  1. Bee pollen (perga) is mixed with an equal amount of honey;
  2. The finished medicinal product will need to be absorbed without drinking. Reception time - 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after (a teaspoon).

This recipe helps with chronic kidney disease.

After "bee processing" the consistency of pollen resembles glass. Small particles of this product should not get stuck in the esophagus - mixing must be done carefully! However, bee pollen is now sold in the form of capsules. Their contents are 100% suitable for our purposes.

Yet, how to take flower pollen correctly? There are two options:

  1. If the preparation of mixtures is provided, it will be enough to buy capsules;
  2. In general, the benefits of bee pollen will not be maximum if it has to be mixed with something. How to use bee bread in granules, we have already said.

Various bee products - pollen, honey and wax - all of them can be used in pure form.

Perga in honeycombs

For example, by sucking bee bread before meals twice a day, prostate adenoma can be cured.

In the latter case, the daily dosage is 15-20 grams. You can use the same recipe to strengthen immunity. But then the dosage is halved. The duration of the course is one month.

A few words about the benefits

Only honey has beneficial properties. So we thought before, and now we will consider the table.

Pollen of cultivated plants - pears, food chestnuts, poppies and all cereals - is of particular benefit. This also includes willow, plantain and heather.

Vitamin B5 can heal acne. That is, pantothenic acid more than useful both in pollen and on its own.

That's how eels are made

What is a beauty vitamin? It is, of course, biotin. But flower pollen benefits are not only in the treatment of skin.

VitaminPPregulates cholesterol levels. It is found in yeast, milk, liver ... This means that the nature of this vitamin is far from flowery, and pollen has no contraindications for diabetes. On the contrary, it is suitable for the prevention of diseases associated with metabolism.

Essential amino acids

In general, flower pollen will have many useful properties. And some of them are due to the presence of amino acids (see graph).

Now let's study the mineral composition. If you regularly eat flower pollen, the balance of the following substances is restored:

  • Macroelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine;
  • Trace elements - vanadium, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, chromium, zinc.

The total number of macro- and microelements will be 28. In total, exactly 77 of them have been discovered. Bee pollen is not so useful, the reader will say. And he will be right: there is no panacea, and the product in question has a strong narrowly focused effect.

Common Mistakes

In flower pollen, the application can be external and internal. In the first case, so-called masks are prepared. Wrong, erroneously selected composition will not allow you to get the effect. And increasing the concentration of some components will only exacerbate the problem.

Rejuvenating mask ingredients

Masks with propolis are useful for skin health. But they must be used carefully:

  • You can apply the composition on the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes;
  • Frequency of application - 1-2 times a week.

Bee pollen loses its beneficial properties and becomes dangerous if the mixture is heated to 50 C or more.

About the number and time of appointments

How to take bee bread on an empty stomach, if we are not talking about hypertension? First, the weight healing product should not exceed 4-5 grams. Perga is dissolved in boiled water, then insist for three hours. All this is done in advance, before you eat the medicine.

Healing infusion with water

This recipe is suitable for the treatment of enteritis and colitis: the mixture is taken three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

At hypertension pressure is increased. And then the amount of perga is increased to 6-8 grams.

Bee pollen with honey

Hypotension is treated with the same medicine, but mixed with honey. The proportion is “1 to 1”, and take “ honey mixture» should be 40 minutes after eating. This means that the same person can benefit and harm from pollen, depending on the choice of recipe.

If you manage to buy not bee bread, but pollen, take it a teaspoon a day - this will be useful for immunity. To speed up the treatment of tuberculosis, the number of doses is increased to three per day.

What Not to Do

In bee pollen, the use will be different depending on the form of its supply. Without grinding, you can only insist in water. If the basis of the mixture is honey, it should not be candied. True, candied honey can be made liquid, for which it is heated to 40-45 C.

Six products of beekeeping

The pollen granules should not be swallowed. The same applies to perga.

Now we list to whom pollen is contraindicated. Let's say a perga was bought, or maybe a bee pollen, but pollen will have the same contraindications that do not depend on the "form of delivery":

  • Age up to 4 years;
  • Allergy;
  • High or low blood pressure, depending on the recipe chosen.

Details on pressure are discussed in the previous chapter. Be careful!

Briefly - about poisonous pollen

Poisonous bee pollen kills, but it is harmless to humans, if we are not talking about kilograms of the product. The bees simply will not collect a bee in such an amount. And in general, if we talk about the transfer of "poisons", the individual dies 3 days after the start of the collection.

Results of poisoning

Bee pollen in honeycombs may contain harmful pollen, but only in a minimal amount. Let's see why.

"Poisonous" flower pollen will be produced in 1-2 weeks. Suppose the collection was stopped, then it resumes, but by that time there will be no trace of the "poisons". The point is that bee bread should be bought in its pure form. If the granules are different or they break in half, this will be a sign of the death of bees.

We repeat once again: "harmful" bee pollen can kill, but not a person. In order for any symptoms to appear, you need to swallow great amount"harmful" bumps...

Obnozhka and perga of different varieties

Quality rating

Bee pollen or bee pollen varies by variety. Each variety has its own quality level.

In bee bread, different granules are compressed. And that means they mix.

The question of how to store flower pollen or pollen has not been considered. But there are no standard guidelines.

Cover for sale

The fact is that the product contains a huge amount of moisture. Long term storage will not be possible.

Let's sum it up - let's compare the pollen and bee bread. It seems that their useful properties and contraindications will be the same. But then everything would look too simple.

During storage, moisture evaporates and the product will harden. And pollen, that is, bee pollen, will lose its beneficial properties.

Know that only contraindications can be the same.

Video with a story about bee products

There is an opinion that pollen is the second most popular bee product after honey. It's probably fair. Bee pollen or preparations based on it can be bought in ordinary or specialized pharmacies, in specialty stores and at fairs, just from familiar beekeepers. To understand why a person should use this product and what are its beneficial properties, you must first understand a little what it is.

From flower to bee house

Even people who have never been to an apiary are familiar with the picture: a bee with yellow balls on its hind legs hurriedly climbs into the entrance of the hive. Such a sweet, life-affirming spectacle is replicated in films, photographs, even in advertising.

Bees collect pollen by flying from flower to flower and knocking it down to their hind legs, on which nature prudently “built” tiny handbags. To prevent the product from spilling out, insects change its properties, pre-wetting it with their saliva, enriched with specific enzymes. It turns out a tight, moist ball - an obnozhka. It keeps tightly in the purse during the flight.

Thus, the properties of pollen differ from ordinary flower pollen only in the presence of bee saliva in it. Such a product is stored by insects in a hive in order to later turn into bee bread - "bread", with which insects feed their offspring.

But how does bee pollen end up in the beekeeper's stocks? Very simple! On the days when the pollen flows into the hive literally in a stream, they install near the notch special device- dust collector. The method of its operation is simple, but effective for collecting obnozhka. Bees are forced to pass through special small holes. Insects squeeze inside the hive, but the beehive still remains in the design of the trap, pouring into small pallets.

In the future, the product is dried in special ovens or simply in dry, hot, but dark rooms. Bee pollen must lose most of its moisture in order to retain its beneficial properties for a long time.

Why is bee pollen valued?

Plant pollen is an amazing product in its composition, it is not for nothing that bees use it to feed children, and folk healers have long used it in their practice. Scientists have identified the following properties and components in the product:

  • proteins;
  • various sugars;
  • carbohydrates;
  • natural antibiotics;
  • complex and rare species fats;
  • several dozen minerals that make up many complex mineral salts;
  • vitamins, especially group B.

But after all, bee pollen, as already mentioned, is not just a product of plants, it also includes insect saliva. This means that various enzymes and amino acids, as well as biological hormones, can be safely added to the listed useful substances. It is very rich in routine, which is why it is so useful for treating and strengthening the work of the heart.

In a small article, it is difficult to list all the properties that have brought people's recognition of this nutritional supplement. Here are just a few of its benefits:

  • bee pollen is a powerful immunostimulant;
  • it is able to saturate the human body with rare substances that are not produced by the body itself;
  • bee pollen has a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • it has properties to quickly and effectively improve blood quality;
  • due to the abundance of vitamins and enzymes stimulates sexual attraction in men;
  • in combination with honey, it is useful to use it in the treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections, and other viral diseases;
  • at therapeutic fasting the use of pollen perfectly compensates for the lack of proteins and complex fats in the body.

There are also contraindications in the use of bee pollen, they will be discussed a little later.

Methods of use

Most often, the product is consumed either in dried form or mixed with honey. Bee pollen can keep its properties at room temperature for at least a year, in the refrigerator - up to two years or more. Contraindications for its storage - high humidity, heat, exposure to sunlight.

Often obnozhka is mixed with honey in a ratio of approximately 1:1, in this form it can be stored much longer.

It is best to use one or two teaspoons of pollen on an empty stomach in the morning for treatment or prophylaxis. It is advisable not to swallow it immediately, but slowly dissolve until it practically disappears in the mouth. Human gastric juice sharply reduces its useful properties. Drinking pollen is also not recommended, but if it is too unpleasant, you can take a few sips of clean warm water.

It is better for children to give more sweet product for which it is mixed with honey. In this form, the product is also recommended for people who are too unpleasant for its bitter natural taste.

It should be remembered that bee pollen acts like homeopathic remedy, so it is only useful for small quantities. With regular intake, periodic breaks should be taken: for example, continue treatment for a month, then refrain from using it for a month or even two.

There are contraindications. It is best not to give the product to children under 5 years of age at all. Toddlers are recommended an amount 3-4 times less than adults.

Indications and contraindications

Pollen treatment has long been valued folk healers, recognize it and modern doctors. Of course, during an illness, it should be used only after consulting a specialist. In addition, it should be borne in mind that pollen is not a medicine, but a useful one. food supplement used in combination with other medicines.

Here are just some of the diseases in the treatment of which the product is indicated:

  • influenza, acute respiratory infections, colds: pollen acts as a powerful immunomodulator;
  • treatment of problems with the nervous system, especially depression, loss of strength, various asthenic neuroses;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, gastritis, constipation;
  • a whole range of cardiovascular problems, especially the treatment of atherosclerosis, anemia and hypertension;
  • treatment of problems associated with the weakening of male potency;
  • cosmetic problems: it is recommended to use in combination with honey and drone homogenate.

As already mentioned, bee pollen has its contraindications. First of all, it should not be used by people who are allergic to flowers. Also, it should not be given to young children. For pregnant women, on the contrary, there are no contraindications, pollen is very useful for them.

It is also very careful to take the product in the presence of diabetes. Contraindications for use also exist when a person has regular bleeding, because the product thins the blood, reduces its clotting.

Thus, despite the rare contraindications, bee pollen is a proven, easily accessible product, the properties of which have a beneficial effect on the human body, enriching it with rare elements. It can be used both for preventive purposes and in the treatment complex. At the same time, pollen is easy to store, and overdoses, especially single doses, are not hazardous to health. Stock up on this gift of nature, and you will never regret it!

Bee pollen, the beneficial properties of which are not known to many people, can save you from various ailments.

Bee pollen is a product unique in nature, which carries human body great benefit. Perhaps you still do not know everything about what pollen is and why it is so valuable. Many people are unaware of this amazing product purchased in pharmacies synthetic vitamins, seeking with their help to strengthen and saturate the body with the necessary substances.

Often we turn to pharmacology instead of listening to nature and enjoying its benefits. But artificial preparations will never be able to give as much benefit to the body as natural ones, but on the contrary, sometimes they only bring harm. And in order not to tempt fate and not expose your health to a breakdown, you should resort to natural products for treatment and prevention. After all, it is for this that they are created by nature itself. From this article, you will learn how bee pollen is useful, and how it should be taken.

What is bee pollen

Pollen is a miniature grain that is covered with a shell. It differs in size, color and shape depending on the type of plant.

Bee pollen is the fruit of the labor of a bee. Flowers are pollinated by many insects, including bees. They carry pollen grains on their hairy body. The collected bee powder is treated with the secret of the jaw glands, moistened with nectar and formed into baskets, which are sticky lumps located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs.

By the way, the name "obnozhka" comes from the location of pollen around the legs of the insect. Next, the bee goes to the hive to leave its prey. She puts the collected pollen into cells, making her way through the pollen-selecting grate, and losing her prey in that place. Then the bee flies again in search of pollen. Thus, the pollen enters the tray through the grate.

Surprisingly, the bee is so industrious that in one day she makes 50 sorties. At the same time, it visits 600 flowers, collecting pollen from them. To collect 1 kg of pollen, one bee needs to fly 50 thousand times.

Bee pollen: chemical composition

You can talk about the composition of this product for a long time. So pollen is useful and important for human health. She has many essential substances which help the body to strengthen and recover.

Bee pollen: vitamins

The composition of bee pollen includes vitamins: A, E, C, D, P, PP, K and a large number of B group vitamins.

How useful are these vitamins for the human body?

Vitamin A (retinol) - essential for vision, development bone tissue, placenta. When the body lacks this vitamin, a person feels peeling of the skin, dry mouth and skin. There is also tarnishing and dryness of the hair, dry cough, diseases gastro- intestinal tract. Vitamin A deficiency leads to poor vision, especially at dusk.

It is also worth noting that the lack of protein and animal fats in the body prevents the normal absorption of vitamin A. How to use pollen. Daily dose vitamin A (1 mg) is found in 10 grams of pollen.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - plays important role in a variety of processes that are associated with the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, lipids and proteins. Thiamine is essential for normal operation cardiovascular system, for the gastrointestinal tract, balances acidity gastric juice, participates in the digestive process, regulates appetite. This vitamin is also important for the functioning of the endocrine system. Affects the central nervous system.

Lack of vitamin B1 leads to constipation, loss of appetite, insomnia, memory impairment, depression and irritability.

Pollen application. The daily dose of vitamin B1 is 120-140 grams of pollen.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - has a positive effect on cell growth and renewal. Takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It balances the nervous system, maintains the skin and mucous membranes in the proper form.

Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry lips, headaches, hair loss, itching and pain in the eyes.

The daily dose of vitamin B2 (2 mg) can be obtained from 100-120 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) - affects the overall metabolism. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Renders beneficial effect on the nervous system, growth, skin condition.

The lack of this vitamin in the human body leads to anxiety, insomnia, disorders nervous system, chronic fatigue and memory problems.

To get the daily intake of vitamin B3 (20 mg), you need to use the properties of pollen and consume it in an amount of 100 grams.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - has a beneficial effect on overall metabolism. Activates brain activity, strengthens immune system, normalizes the function of the nervous system. Affects the quality of the hair.

Vitamin B5 deficiency leads to apathy, headaches, decreased immunity, fatigue.

Pollen bee application. Daily rate This vitamin is found in 100 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - affects protein biosynthesis, hematopoiesis, and this vitamin also helps hair growth. The beneficial properties of pollen are due to the presence of vitamin B9 in this bee product.

Folic acid deficiency leads to fatigue, depression, deterioration digestive process, the appearance of early gray hair.

The daily norm of this vitamin can be obtained from 60-80 grams of pollen.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - is involved in protein biosynthesis, in the formation of red blood cells.

Vitamin E deficiency leads to irritability, muscle weakness, pigmentation, dry skin, infertility, headaches, nervous disorders. Such disorders are removed by pollen treatment.

The norm per day of vitamin E is 15 mg, which is equivalent to 20 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin H (biotin) - takes an active part in the breakdown and synthesis of steroid compounds, fatty acids and some amino acids. Also involved in the synthesis of glucose.

Biotin deficiency in the body provokes the appearance of dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, hair loss, dryness and cracks in the lips and corners of the mouth. Also appears muscle pain and decreased appetite.

To replenish the daily norm of vitamin H (50 mcg), you need 50 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin P (flavonoids) - increases strength vascular walls normalizes capillary permeability.

With a lack of vitamin P in the body, capillaries can burst and bleeding can form. In a visible way, this is reflected on the skin in the form of bruises, bruises, or, in the worst case, diseases of the heart, lungs.

The benefits of pollen are determined by the presence of vitamin P in the composition. It is especially abundant in buckwheat pollen. The daily norm of vitamin P is 25-50 mg. Buckwheat pollen in one hundred grams contains up to 17 mg.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - removes cholesterol from the body, helps to absorb iron and calcium. Strengthens immunity. Takes part in the synthesis of collagen. Has a strengthening effect on the walls blood vessels. This vitamin is important for healthy gums and teeth, as well as bones. An antioxidant that protects the body from the action of free radicals.

Lack of vitamin C leads to disruption of the nervous system, to fatigue, bleeding gums, weakening of capillaries. With a deficit ascorbic acid the human body does not cope well with attacks various infections. In addition, tachycardia and arterial hypotension appear.

To avoid a lack of vitamin C, it is necessary to consume 73 mg per day for a healthy adult, up to 100 mg for women during pregnancy. During lactation, the dose is 50 mg. And children need vitamin C per day - 1.2 mg per kilogram of weight.

The daily requirement of vitamin C is contained in 30 grams of bee pollen.

bee pollen: minerals

The benefits of pollen are due to the presence of iodine, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium in the composition. It is also rich in copper, cobalt, iron, potassium. The content of amino acids in pollen is up to 13%. This means that the most amino acid-rich foods can not be compared with pollen. It is a kind of concentrate of amino acids.

Calcium, which is part of the bee pollen, along with phosphorus, is the basis of bone tissue. It has an effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Potassium regulates the acid-base balance. Protects against the effects of excess sodium in the body.

Sodium is the most important intracellular and intercellular element that regulates blood pressure. Activates digestive enzymes. Regulates muscle and nerve tissue.

Magnesium is an element that is involved in the formation of bone tissue. Regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Phosphorus is an element that is part of proteins, nucleic acids and phospholipids. Phosphorus is involved in energy metabolism.

Also worth noting the richest content proteins in pollen. There are up to 30% of them in this product. Many cereals do not compare with pollen in terms of protein content.

Pollen pollen is rich in protein, which is superior in quality to the protein contained in milk (casein). Pollen from plants such as peach, plum, eucalyptus, rose, oak, black mustard, creeping clover, St. John's wort and others is especially rich in protein.

Useful properties of pollen

This natural product provides incredible benefits to our body. Due to the rich composition of vitamins and minerals, pollen strengthens the immune system. It has a preventive effect and fights a number of diseases.

bee pollen for the heart

What is useful pollen. It has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Its use is effective in strokes, heart attacks, coronary disease heart, as well as hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia and vegetative dystonia. Bee pollen is a wonderful support for the heart.

Potassium helps to normalize blood pressure. Flavonoids, as well as phenolic compounds, strengthen the heart muscle, tone it, in addition, they have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. In fact, bee pollen is unbelievable effective tool for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Bee pollen for the nervous system

Since bee pollen contains B vitamins in enough, it is a wonderful tool that strengthens the nervous system. With the help of pollen, many people struggle with insomnia, nervous breakdowns, depressive states. The B vitamins included in this product are aimed at improving the functioning of the nervous system. They improve sleep, relieve neurosis, calm and normalize brain function.

At the same time, if pollen is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, it helps the body to become vigorous, and the person cheerful. Also, bee pollen helps with failures of the endocrine system. It is recommended for use in adenoma thyroid gland, with diabetes mellitus, with acromegaly, endemic goiter, as well as with hyperinsulism. These are the amazing properties of pollen.

bee pollen for brain activity

The benefits of pollen are aimed at stimulating brain activity. This product helps in strengthening the physical and mental activity. Pollen is effective at senile dementia or premature aging.

For those who work hard mentally or physically, experts recommend Special attention on bee pollen, because it strengthens and supports the body during such depletion. And all because pollen contains a variety of carbohydrates, combined with large quantity minerals and trace elements.

These natural carbohydrates give us energy. By the way, those who usually find an energy boost in sugar should take care of their health and replace it with pollen. After all, it is known that sugar is a product that is harmful to health and figure.

Bee pollen to restore physical strength

In addition, with the help of this bee product, you can improve your health after suffering serious illnesses, surgical operations after intoxication. The use of pollen gives positive results in the treatment of stomach ulcers or duodenum. Pollen also improves appetite. It is recommended for those who want to gain weight.

bee pollen for immunity

Pollen is used to strengthen the immune system. Her rich vitamin composition replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. It also makes it resistant to colds. It is especially important to consume pollen during the cold season, when there are a lot of viruses and bacteria around. The properties of pollen also help the body to get stronger after suffering colds. Pollen saturates the body important vitamins energizing it.

Bee pollen for treatment and prevention

As for the benefits of pollen for prevention oncological diseases, then this product works very well. Flavonoids, along with other biologically active substances, help to identify and neutralize carcinogenic cells. Vitamins, in turn, strengthen the body's immune system.

In order to prevent viral infections it is worth consuming pollen daily for a month or two. There can be about four courses of pollen intake in one year.

bee pollen for men and women

Pollen gives excellent results in treatment male diseases. It helps to stimulate the production of spermatozoa and increase potency. Pollen is often prescribed in combination with honey.

In addition, this bee product useful for women, especially during pregnancy. At this time, the use of pollen improves health, as future mother, and the fetus. They get everything they need natural vitamins. What helps fight many infections, fatigue, beriberi, iron deficiency in the body. Pollen contributes proper development and growth of the child.

Bee pollen for the liver and digestive tract

The use of pollen gives positive results in the treatment of liver diseases, as well as malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of pollen, constipation and other intestinal problems can be avoided. The properties of pollen contribute to the delay in the development of microorganisms in the intestines. Due to its wound healing and antibacterial properties, pollen helps in the treatment of colitis, gastritis, and ulcers.

bee pollen for blood

The use of pollen helps with a decrease in hemoglobin. It quickly raises its level in the blood. And all this is due to the presence in the pollen of iron, biologically active substances and B vitamins, which in turn are assistants in the rapid absorption of iron.

Pollen also helps to increase the number of red blood cells and white blood cells. In a word, pollen can improve the composition of the blood. The benefits of pollen contribute to the restoration of all metabolic processes in the human body.

bee pollen for bones and teeth

Calcium and phosphorus, which are part of bee pollen, help in strengthening tooth enamel. They are the building blocks for bone formation. Therefore, pollen is recommended especially for those who are prone to breaking bones, in particular the elderly. It is also important to support the child's body in the process of growth and formation of bone tissue.

Bee pollen for weather sensitive people

Bee pollen recommended for use weather sensitive people. It should be applied especially in bad days. This product helps to endure such unstable weather. Headache, aching joints and other symptoms may not befall you if you regularly consume bee pollen.

Bee pollen for youth and beauty

bee pollen - natural remedy to prolong youth and beauty. This product gives unimaginable results in maintaining natural beauty. And all because biologically active substances, vitamins, antioxidants have actions aimed at protecting body cells from damage. They stimulate the formation of new cells.

Since pollen contains proteins with an ideal content of amino acids, it is able to replenish the protein supply in the body. With the help of pollen, they enter the body quality proteins, which are responsible for maintaining the skin, nails, hair. Even if you cannot regularly consume protein products, then pollen can replace them.

bee pollen for vision

The beneficial properties of pollen are aimed at improving and maintaining vision. It contains a large amount of carotenoids that turn into vitamin A.

bee pollen application

During the year, it is worth taking care to take a course of one month of bee pollen for prevention. Courses per year can be 3-4. It is very useful for both adults and children. With regular use of pollen, resistance to various diseases especially SARS.

Just be careful, do not increase the recommended dose, so as not to cause allergies, and not disrupt the vitamin balance in the body. Often, pollen treatment gives excellent results, in contrast to chemicals. Of course, it takes time to saturate the body with all important components pollen. But with a serious approach to your health, you will get the expected effect - health.

To find out how to take pollen, it is necessary to clarify that there is also flower pollen collected not by bees, but artificially. She's helpful too. However, it is often packaged in capsules that prevent proper assimilation all important substances.

Experts in this field argue that pollen must be absorbed in order for it to be absorbed through the mucous membrane of the mouth. Capsules are usually meant to be taken with water. Thus, we understand that absorption will occur directly through the stomach. And this means that pollen will become only high-calorie food for the body.

To fully benefit from this unique product advantage, it is necessary to use pollen in granules without shells in the form of capsules. You need to dissolve them under the tongue as long as possible. Then all useful material penetrate the body and give their amazing results.

How to take bee pollen - with or without water? As we have already understood, pollen must be absorbed for a long time. It does its job by being absorbed by the oral mucosa. It is advisable to drink water 20 minutes after eating pollen. Then all the properties of pollen will give their result.

If the pollen tastes bitter, it can be mixed with half a teaspoon of honey. Or even easier, just eat honey.

If you still purchased pollen in capsules without additives, you can open it and dissolve the granules without drinking water. So you enhance the effect of this drug.

Pollen Application and Dosage

Pollen can be used both in pure form and in combination with honey. The dosage depends on its type.

Pollen granules are best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast for 15-20 minutes.

The dosage is:

For an adult - up to 20 grams per day. If necessary loading dose with serious health problems, such as exhaustion, overwork, weakness, reduced nutrition or the beginning of the disease, then daily dosage can be up to 30 grams. However, this is just an exception.

The optimal dose for an adult is 1 teaspoon of pollen on an empty stomach. You can use it at one time, or you can divide this amount into two doses.

How to take pollen for children

If you ask if you can give pollen to children, the answer is yes, of course. After all, children most of all need vitamin support. However, it is important to remember that you should start giving pollen to babies with caution.

It is necessary to gradually introduce the child to this new wholesome food. Thus, we start from 1/10 of the adult dose. That is, quite a bit.

Children 1 to 3 years old - ¼ teaspoon;

Children from 3 to 7 years old - ½ teaspoon;

Children from 7 to 14 years old - 2/3 teaspoon.

Children, like adults, can dilute pollen with honey. But it is important to remember about possible allergic reactions.

Pollen in combination with honey is recommended for children in need of enhanced nutrition. Also, this nutritional supplement has a beneficial effect on the health of the child as a whole. Pollen helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the child's blood, to activate brain activity.

This is especially important during the period of study, when children are forced to work hard mentally. Also, pollen with honey helps children develop properly, both physically and mentally. With the regular use of pollen in children, appetite, weight, and cheerfulness increase. Pollen properties work great in children's body bringing only benefits.

For many mothers, pollen has become just a godsend to strengthen the immunity of children. This tool helps to resist the body during epidemics of influenza and SARS. Daily give to babies in the morning on an empty stomach required amount pollen and safely send them to Kindergarten or school.

With a monthly course, children become stronger and are already much better able to cope with virus attacks. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the gifts of nature and using it perfectly. inexpensive remedy from many ailments. Compared to pharmacy vitamin complexes, pollen is an unusually valuable and cheap product.

How to select and store pollen

You already know how useful pollen is for children and adults. It remains only to choose quality product which will only benefit.

We select pollen by looking at it appearance. If possible, take it in your hands and crush the granule with your fingers. If it warms up, it means that the pollen is damp or it was not dried well. Such a product is already considered to be of poor quality and, moreover, unhealthy.

Hard granules that do not knead in the hands are suitable for consumption. You can safely buy them.

The color of the granules is different: from bright yellow to dark blue. If you purchased multi-colored pollen (polyfloral), it means that it was collected from different plants and contains more valuable substances. There's still pollen yellow color. It is collected, as a rule, from sunflower.

Store pollen in a tightly sealed container. Because if moisture gets into it, it will quickly deteriorate and possibly even harm your health.

Bee pollen: mixture recipes

Mixture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

20 grams of pollen are added to 500 grams of honey, then everything is thoroughly mixed. Then the mixture is combined with 75 ml of aloe juice (freshly squeezed). Store in a cool dark place. Use daily 2-3 times a day, 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals.

Mixture for the treatment of the liver

A tablespoon of honey is mixed with one teaspoon of pollen. Consume after dinner. The course of treatment with pollen is 1 or 1.5 months.

Treatment mix chronic diseases kidney

Mix pollen with honey in equal amounts. Take 20 minutes before meals, one dessert or teaspoon 3 times a day.

As many years of experience show, pollen treatment gives excellent results. Sometimes it even outperforms medical treatment.

Pollen contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties of pollen, it still has some contraindications. For example, if you are suffering diabetes, you should know that you need to use pollen only in its pure form. Since honey is not recommended for such patients. Except in minimal doses.

Also contraindications apply to allergy sufferers. Those who are allergic to pollen-pollen (do not confuse it with a flower, not collected by bees). Pollen-pollen is less allergen, unlike flower pollen, collected without the participation of a bee.

If you are directly allergic to honey, do not mix pollen with this bee product.

Knowing all the details this product, you can successfully use the properties of pollen for treatment and prevention.

flower pollen application. Useful properties of flower pollen.


Pollen is another bee product with excellent properties. medicinal properties and used as a concentrated food product. Pollen is sometimes called "pollen", because the bees, collecting it, put it in baskets that they have on their hind legs. At the moment when the bees form pollen into balls, they add a little saliva to the pollen, which destroys the allergens in it. Therefore, pollen collected by bees is less likely to cause allergies than pollen from directly flowering plants.

Outwardly, high-quality pollen should have the form of a crumbly granular mass - lumps, similar to millet grain, of a solid consistency, flattening when pressed. The smell of pollen is specific, honey-floral, the taste is spicy, sweetish. Color can vary from yellow to purple.

Benefits of flower pollen

The content of minerals and vitamins, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, hormones and enzymes in pollen is very high, therefore nutritional properties pollen is higher than that of any food product. Flower pollen can be used as a concentrated food in the human diet and is especially useful for vegetarians. When taken, there is a significant improvement in the general condition of the body.

It is beneficial to eat pollen during observance therapeutic diet. Especially high is the efficiency of using pollen in recovery period after physical exhaustion, with depression, as well as in situations requiring high neuro-emotional stress.

The use of pollen contributes to the long-term preservation of efficiency, the removal of poisons and harmful substances from the body, helps with diseases of the intestinal tract, acts as a natural antibiotic.

Pollen improves appetite, maintains the state of the body at the proper level during weight loss.

Pollen is not a very stable product, and if stored improperly, its quality deteriorates. Pollen should be stored in a tightly closed container that excludes the ingress of air and moisture, preferably in the refrigerator. After a year of storage, it loses 75% of its properties.

Reception of flower pollen. pollen treatment

The daily dose is best taken 10-15 minutes before meals in the morning or before the second breakfast (especially for children, sick or weak people). May also be taken with meals, but should never be taken at night or late in the evening.

A contraindication to the use of pollen for treatment is persistent intolerance or high sensitivity to food products containing pollen, manifested in the form of sneezing, rash, runny nose, asthma attacks.

The people often use pollen prophylactically, especially in the off-season. Take pollen 1 teaspoon a day, preferably on an empty stomach, mixing it with honey and drinking warm or cool water, within a month several times a year. It is desirable that the pollen was fresh.

When using pollen, it should be borne in mind that pollen, like honey, has on the human body different action depending on where the bees "live and work".

For example, acacia pollen has a calming effect, rosehip pollen is recommended as a diuretic, which also has a slight laxative effect. Apple pollen improves general state and strengthens the heart muscle, blackberry pollen increases the overall tone of the body and is effective for intestinal dysfunction.

Buckwheat pollen is very popular, as it strengthens the walls of capillaries, prevents hemorrhage, normalizes heartbeat; it is recommended for arrhythmia, palpitations, bleeding. Sage pollen is used as a diuretic and diaphoretic, normalizes menstruation. Pollen of thyme and thyme gives a tonic and antiseptic effect, has a positive effect on sexual function, improves blood circulation, helps with coughing.

Willow and linden pollen has a calming, tonic effect, has a diaphoretic property, restrains sexual arousal. Dandelion pollen has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, bladder, liver. Hawthorn pollen is used as an antipyretic. Basil pollen stimulates the digestive system, blue cornflower pollen is used as a diuretic, helps with rheumatism and gout, heather pollen is recommended for cystitis and prostatitis.

Pollen horse chestnut has a regulatory effect on venous circulation, recommended for thrombophlebitis and congestion in the liver, cherry pollen is used as a diuretic, rapeseed pollen has valuable dietary and nutritional properties.

Knowing these features of pollen from various plants, you can choose desired mixture pollen for more effective treatment of a disease.

For treatment hypertension pollen is mixed with honey in equal proportions and consumed 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

At anemia, emaciation it is necessary to use pollen 50 g per day or a mixture of pollen with honey.

For treatment diseases of the gastrointestinal tract it is recommended to use additional pollen. It normalizes acidity at chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, colitis and enterocolitis, bowel function after Botkin's disease and with chronic constipation. For the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, pollen is added to the diet of an adult, 1 tablespoon, and for a child, a teaspoon is taken per day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. You can repeat if you wish. In addition, this reception of pollen restores the work gallbladder and bile ducts.

Pollen helps with healing inflammation of the prostate in men. In this case, you need to take pollen 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Pollen is recommended hemorrhoids. For treatment at one time, 10-15 g of dry pollen should be put in the mouth, 2-3 minutes after the pollen is wetted with saliva, swallow it. The course of treatment is from 1 to 6 months.

For treatment diseases of the nervous system you need to take 10 g of pollen, 50 g of honey, 1/2 cup of fresh milk. Place everything in a bowl and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If the honey has crystallized, it should be melted in a water bath (but not boiled). Take 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

pollen masks

AT folk cosmetics pollen masks with various additives are popular. They nourish the skin well and are especially recommended for dry, aging skin.

Pollen mask with added egg yolk . To prepare the mask, you need to take 1/2 teaspoon of pollen and 1 yolk, beat thoroughly, add a teaspoon of fat sour cream. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water.

Pollen mask with brewer's yeast. To prepare the mask, take half a teaspoon of pollen and 2 tablespoons of diluted brewer's yeast. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water.

Pollen mask with honey. To prepare the mask, take half a teaspoon of pollen and 1 teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly with 1 teaspoon of fatty sour cream. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water.

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