Vitamin mixture of dried fruits, honey and lemon - what is useful, how to cook and take. Need a recipe for a mixture of lemon, dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts. What are the proportions? Thanks

Sweet foods cause significant harm to the body. With the exception of a healthy recipe for immunity from walnuts, dried apricots, prunes, lemon and honey. This fruit and nut mixture contains an impressive supply of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The content of the paste can be supplemented and changed at will. If there is an individual intolerance to components, such as honey, then replace it with syrup. You need to use the recipe according to a special scheme. It is not recommended to abuse sweetness, this does not lead to the desired result.

This recipe for strengthening immunity with the help of honey was used by doctors in the time of Hippocrates. Used after operations, prolonged illness and during epidemics. With the help of it, they treated, prevented diseases and raised adults and children to their feet. Due to the rich content of vitamins, minerals, acids indispensable for the body, the intake of a fruit mixture significantly improves the immune system and the general condition of the patient.

A recipe for immunity with honey is an excellent prophylactic against viral diseases. Few people in our time prefer traditional medicine. But with the help of it, people of different eras recovered. The main advantage of the recipe is the absence of chemically produced components and availability to everyone. To tell you more about the benefits, I will analyze for you the properties of the components of the honey fruit mixture for immunity.

Properties of each ingredient

Jam components for immunity are environmentally friendly and healthy. They are eaten in combination with cereals, desserts and in their pure form. Component properties?

Dried apricots

A favorite dried fruit among Europeans with a bright sunny color and sweet and sour taste. Made from ripe juicy apricots. Rich in such useful elements: vitamins of groups A, B, E; minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium; fiber, pectins. Dried apricots have a beneficial effect on the immune system, cardiovascular organs, the digestive tract, with iron deficiency, and the removal of toxic substances from the body.

Attention! Caution should be used by people suffering from low blood pressure.


For the immune system, this bee product is a storehouse of useful elements. The composition includes vitamins of groups B, A, C, R. It is rich in minerals such as copper, magnesium, sulfur, iron. There are many varieties of honey, each of which is unique to the human body. According to taste and benefits, varieties are common: acacia, buckwheat, May, flower, meadow. Honey is used to improve immunity, preventive measures for viral epidemics and for treatment. The use of a bee product for immunity has a positive effect on all organs and systems, adds strength and tones the body. Honey is a natural preservative, therefore it retains the properties of dried fruits and nuts for a month.


One of the most useful types of nuts in terms of composition and properties on the human body. They contain a huge number of vitamins, mineral components and organic acids. They are indispensable for the functioning of the brain, immune system, bone apparatus, cardiovascular and circulatory systems. The use of walnuts prevents jumps in cholesterol in the blood, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and destructive changes in bone tissues. Doctors recommend eating for adults, children and pregnant women. Nuts strengthen the immune system and improve the condition with a deficiency of vitamins and iron.


Dried fruit is made from a special variety of plums. It has excellent taste, plum smell and dark color. Prunes are vitamins of groups E, PP, C, B. It contains mineral elements, among which pectins, iodine, and organic acids deserve attention. It is used as a natural laxative. Dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, general condition of the body, urinary organs, acid-base balance, immune and nervous systems. Prunes are useful for vitamin and iron deficiencies.


This citrus fruit is widely used for colds, as it contains an excess of ascorbic acid. It also boosts immune function and helps the body fight the symptoms of colds. In addition to vitamin C, lemon contains A, P, D, manganese, sulfur and iron. Among the useful qualities of lemon, they note: increased immunity, improved functioning of the circulatory system, regulation of blood pressure, functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon is not used for gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the mucous membrane and disorders of the pancreas.


The fruit and nut mixture is complemented by no less healthy dried fruit, such as raisins. It contains vitamins A, E, B, mineral microelements. Use improves the production of hemoglobin in the body. Among the useful properties are: strengthening the immune system, toning the body, relieving fatigue, preventing colds, removing toxins.

Another component that complements the vitamin recipe with honey. It has collected useful minerals that slow down aging, protect the body from toxic substances and free radicals. The composition includes potassium, magnesium, calcium, mineral salts, polyphenols, rutin, organic acids and other elements. Figs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, improving the water-salt balance, strengthening bone tissue, enzymatic reactions.

Cooking method

There are several ways to prepare the Immune System Fruit Nut Mix, with different proportions. For cooking, you will need 300 g of all dried fruits and walnuts. You need 200-300 g of honey. Scald nuts and dried fruits with boiling water and dry. Next, the components are carefully ground using kitchen equipment. At the end, season everything with honey. If lemon is included in the paste, then with such proportions one fruit is enough. Rinse the lemon with hot water and grind in a blender. Place the resulting mixture for immunity in a glass container with an airtight lid and put in a cold place for infusion.

Candies made from dried fruits, honey and nuts video

Dried fruit sweets look more appetizing than pasta made from these products. It's easy to prepare them. To do this, take the components in proportions:

  1. Dried apricots - 1 glass;
  2. Prunes - 1 cup;
  3. Walnuts - 1 cup;
  4. Honey - 2 tablespoons.

Dried fruits and nuts should be thoroughly washed and dried. Once dry, puree in a blender or food processor. Season the resulting dough with honey to taste and roll into medium-sized balls. For aesthetics, you can make powder for them. Suitable poppy, coconut, sesame and other powders. The result is delicious, satisfying sweets, and besides, very healthy.

How to use paste for immunity?

Paste of dried apricots and prunes for immunity, take with caution. Indeed, some of the components in large quantities cause an allergic reaction or lead to a malfunction of the digestive tract. Pasta is taken once or twice a day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. For adults, the recommended dose is one tablespoon. The course of treatment has no restrictions.

For children, fruit mixture for immunity should be given a small spoonful once a day. It is not recommended to take treats at night, as it contains high-calorie components.

Application restrictions

Nut-honey paste to strengthen the immune system has a number of limitations for use:

  • Intolerance to components, allergic reactions, for example, to honey;
  • severe heart disease;
  • Stones in the bile ducts and bladder;
  • Inflammation of the intestines, stomach and pancreas;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, hyperglycemia.

A paste of dried fruits, citrus fruits, walnuts and honey is a folk and time-tested method for improving the functioning of the immune system. Formulated with your favorite treats and free from synthetic additives. It will be loved by adults and children, and in the process will increase the immunity of your

Hello dear readers. Everyone loves such a delicacy as dried fruits. And if you add nuts and honey to them, then it also becomes healing. Such a product can be safely assigned the status of a "vitamin bomb". The mixture is an excellent tool for maintaining immunity and the whole organism as a whole, including such an important organ as the heart. This product is approved for use not only by adult family members, but also by babies. People have been eating dried fruits for centuries. Indians today cannot imagine their diet without them. They provide the body with essential proteins and fats. To this day, a mixture of dried fruits with the addition of honey is the main natural remedy for supporting health.

Honey, nuts, dried fruits - useful properties

Benefits of eating dried fruit mix:

1. Successfully fight cancer cells

Special substances contained in dried apricots help fight malignant cells.

2. Healthy skin

Everyone wants healthy and glowing skin. Studies show that dried fruits included in the daily diet provide healthy looking skin.

Fruits like mangoes contain omega-3s and other fatty acids that are essential for maintaining healthy skin and boosting the immune system.

Raisins or dried grapes also contain resveratrol, which slows down skin aging. This is a super fruit for healthy skin.

3. Potassium is a vital trace element

Potassium has long been known to help regulate heart rate and normalize blood pressure.

Dried fruits such as apricots and prunes contain more potassium than fresh fruits.

This is due to the water level in plums and apricots. In dried fruits, it is practically absent. A mixture of them will help reduce the risk of hypertension and normalize blood pressure.

4. Rich in fiber

Fiber is a great helper in bowel function. Cherries and figs are champions in fiber content.

The berry is rich in beta-carotene, folic acid and natural fibers. And dates are rich in iron and potassium.

5. Iron is the most expensive trace element

The human body simply needs iron, especially if he is a vegetarian who does not get iron from red meat.

Prunes and apricots contain a significant amount of this trace element. This fruit is effective in preventing anemia.

Raisins are also rich in iron and potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are great helpers for the circulatory system.

Dried fruit mix is ​​also an excellent source of vitamins for pregnant women as they are advised to include extra iron in their diet.

Useful properties of each of the components of the vitamin mixture

Preparing honey, lemon, dried fruits, nuts is very easy, before cooking, let's take a closer look at the health benefits of each of the components. Plus, consider additional ingredients that can diversify the mixture.


Small but mighty berries are a source of fiber and contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, including large amounts of potassium and iron.

Raisins contain only natural sugars. It is a natural source of energy. It is an excellent assistant in the normalization of digestion and has a good antiviral effect. It also supports eye health and helps strengthen tooth enamel.


The consumption of prunes is most effective in treating constipation. All this is due to the fact that dried fruits are rich in fiber, which normalizes digestion.

Prunes are also rich in antioxidants. They act on the focus of inflammation. Provide good protection of cells from harmful compounds.

Normalize blood sugar. Despite the high concentration of carbohydrates, prunes do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar after consumption.

Dried fruits also provide bone health and support the work of the heart muscle.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are rich in carotenoids and xanthophyll. These two nutrients protect vision from premature aging.

Dried fruits perfectly stimulate digestion, which leads to a solution to the problem with the stool.


Since figs are very high in fiber, they are an excellent weight loss food. Also, it is good for lowering blood pressure.

Potassium, which is an indispensable component of the product, helps to maintain normal blood pressure.

Figs contain minerals such as zinc, manganese, magnesium and iron and therefore contribute to improved reproductive health in women.


They improve overall health. Dry fruits are considered a gold mine of vitamins.

These vitamins are vital for the human body and good health. Dates are also a source of essential minerals such as iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper. Without them, the cells of the body cannot carry out their regular activities.


This component of the mixture is considered important and indispensable. Honey soothes coughs, improves memory, heals wounds, provides the body with nutrients.

It successfully fights colds in the winter season, has an antibacterial effect, gives a person energy, and maintains the beauty of hair.


Nuts are sometimes added to a healthy and tasty medicine. They contain Omega-3 and Omega-9, as well as proteins necessary for the human body. So are the nutrients.

Included in their composition, provide the human body with additional energy. Nuts also strengthen weakened immunity, fill the human body with the missing useful substances.

To make the medicine the most effective, you can put nuts in it, of various types, for example:

  • Brazilian nut
  • almond
  • pine nuts
  • pistachio nuts
  • walnut and many more

Several varieties of nuts at once will give the mixture a very peculiar taste. It already depends on the financial side.


Very often, lemon is added to a mixture of dried fruits. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which has strong antioxidant properties.

In addition, the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance to infections and cleanse the blood of free radicals.

Due to their rich composition, citrus fruits have many benefits for human health.

The various types of dietary fiber found in lemons reduce the risk of developing cancer cells and many chronic diseases such as arthritis, obesity, and coronary heart disease.

Who is contraindicated in a medicinal mixture of dried fruits, honey and nuts

  1. If you are allergic to bee products, then you can not use this medicine.
  2. Intolerance to nuts and dried fruits.
  3. People with diabetes should be wary of this product.
  4. If there are extra pounds, then the mixture can be consumed in very small quantities. Dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruits. This is because after the moisture is removed, they become more concentrated.

If an allergic reaction occurs during the use of a mixture of dried fruits, then it is worth finding out which component caused it. And in the future, replace it or simply remove it from the mixture.

Indications for the use of a vitamin product

Such a healthy and tasty mixture is allowed to be eaten by everyone. Starting from a very young age and ending with a more mature one. Pregnant women are also no exception to the rule.

The mixture must be given to people who suffer from various diseases. It could be:

  • Lack of vitamins, in winter and spring.
  • Low hemoglobin level.
  • Diseases caused by heart failure.
  • Prevention of colds.
  • Strengthening and raising immunity.
  • Recovery after serious illnesses and operations.

It is very good to include the mixture in your diet for people who are engaged in physical activity and hard work.

In the season of colds, the mixture will help fill the lack of nutrients, have a good protective reaction for the body from viruses and bacteria, and give the overall tone to the human body.

Rules for the use of the nutrient mixture

Of course, such a therapeutic mixture is not just a medicine. Many regard it as a sweet product. When using any sweetness, you need to know the measure.

By adding honey and nuts to the mixture, the output is a very high-calorie product. For someone who is desperately watching those extra pounds, this is a weighty argument.

For the prevention of colds or other types of diseases, the dosage of a tasty medicine is a tablespoon.

It should be consumed early in the morning, immediately after waking up. You can't drink. So the body with the fastest reaction will receive all the useful vitamins and minerals.

If the time of use of this medicine fell on the season of colds, then it is desirable to increase the dosage. It will make three tablespoons. The intake of the mixture should be divided into three meals.

How and from what age to give a vitamin mixture to children

Babies can be given formula from 3 years. It is worth starting with a half teaspoon. And carefully watch the reaction of the baby.

In the absence of allergic reactions, the dosage is increased to 1 small spoon. And in autumn and winter it is worth giving 1 tablespoon.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is worth analyzing the composition of the mixture and excluding the product that provoked the reaction of the body.

Nuts, raisins, dried apricots, honey, lemon - a variety of recipes

Recipe for preparing a mixture of dried fruits to maintain immunity.

Preparing this mixture is not difficult. Cooking time is minimal, and the necessary products can be found in any store or market.

1. Classic recipe with honey and nuts

For such a recipe, you need to take the following dried fruits in equal quantities: dried apricot, dried grapes, prunes and dates (optional). One serving is 200 grams.

Dates need half a serving, that is, 100 grams. We also need 1 cup of walnuts and half a cup of honey.

Dried fruits should be washed well and dried with a paper towel. Grind them. You can use a meat grinder or blender.

If possible, in addition to the main dried fruits, you can put dried apples or pears. Cut the mixture of nuts with a knife, to a small size.

Put the resulting mixture into a container with a non-oxidizing surface. Then add honey and mix well. If you want more sweetness, you can add more honey. And if, on the contrary, you prefer an unsweetened product, then the amount of honey should be reduced.

The resulting vitamin mixture must be folded into a sterilized jar and closed with a lid. The place of storage of such a medicine is a refrigerator.

2. Recipe for a vitamin mixture with lemon

This mixture is no less effective and very easy to prepare. Lemon will give the product a slight sourness and remove the sugary-sweet taste.

It is necessary to take an equal amount of all dried fruits. Honey, walnuts, raisins, dried apricots need to take half a glass of each. Make a crushed mixture of nuts and dried fruits.

Wash a medium-sized lemon well and, without peeling the peel, chop in a meat grinder. It is the peel that is a good source of the beneficial properties of lemon.

Pour honey into the resulting mass and stir everything well. Remove into a glass container. The medicine is also stored in the refrigerator.

3. Vitamin mixture with the addition of seeds

If the healthy and tasty mixture is a little boring, then you can add various seeds. Fortunately, their diversity rolls over. You can choose any, according to taste and color.

Grind one glass of your favorite dried fruits in a blender. You can also take apricot, prunes, raisins, dates. Pass nuts and seeds through a meat grinder.

Provided that the seeds are large. Small ones don't need to be touched. Mix all the ingredients well and season with half a glass of honey. Put the finished mixture in a jar.

Storage conditions - the temperature is not higher than 3 degrees.

Such a vitamin mixture (honey, nuts, dried fruits) is a huge source of vitamins and natural energy, which helps the human body in difficult situations, whether it be illness or depression. Also, it is an excellent prevention of various diseases.

In summer, vitamins literally grow under your feet, but, unfortunately, the body cannot stock them up for the future. And the cold season begins in late autumn and winter. It is at this time that the immune system needs support.

Now there is an opportunity to buy vitamin and mineral complexes for every taste in a pharmacy. But why spend money on "chemistry" when nature gives us pure vitamins. Perfectly cope with the difficult task of strengthening the immune system will help the mixture, which includes: prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey and lemon.

The benefits of individual components of the mixture

Dried apricots

Dried apricot is a product necessary for the body, due to its rich mineral composition. These are potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and others. As well as vitamins: A, C, B, PP. The sunny dried fruit contains pectin, fiber, organic acids.
The use of dried apricots in food has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the nervous system, and raises hemoglobin. Plus, it has a mild laxative effect.


Prunes are rich in minerals, vitamins, pectin and fiber. It improves digestion and intestinal peristalsis. Dried plums have a good effect on blood formation processes.


Walnuts contain antioxidants that can prevent certain types of cancer. They also contain vitamins E, A, K, C and P and trace elements that benefit the entire body. This product is recommended for men to avoid problems with potency. Vitamin K in nuts prevents the destruction of bone tissue, and omega fatty acids help remove bad cholesterol from blood vessels.


Lemon contains vitamins A, B, P, C pectin, organic acids, minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron.
The beneficial properties of lemon are due to the high amount of vitamin C. It is able to stimulate the immune system.
Lemon also has a tonic and antibacterial effect.
Raisins are rich in organic acids. It contains vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5 and B6, C) and minerals (iron, boron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus).
Raisins are of great benefit to people with problems of the cardiovascular and nervous system.


The product of the vital activity of bees is a real treasure trove of useful substances.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral agent.
Bee honey improves blood composition, has a tonic effect, and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle.

Simple and healthy recipe

The highly nutritious mixture consists of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts and honey, the recipe for its preparation is extremely simple.


  • pitted prunes - 200 gr.;
  • dried apricots - 200 gr.;
  • raisins - 200 gr.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • liquid bee honey - 5-7 tbsp. l.

Preparing a mixture of walnuts, lemon, dried apricots, prunes, raisins and honey will take very little time and effort:

  1. Dried fruits must be washed and held in warm water to soften. Pour boiling water over to destroy all contaminants and microbes on their surface.
  2. Wash the lemon thoroughly and divide into 4 parts (so that the pieces fit into the meat grinder hole).
  3. Dry walnuts a little in the oven or in a hot pan, also in order to destroy microbes.
  4. Twist dried fruits, nuts and lemon in a meat grinder or in a blender.
  5. Add liquid honey and stir.
  6. Transfer the mixture of honey, walnuts, raisins, dried apricots, lemon and prunes to a glass or porcelain jar and close the lid tightly.

Keep the mixture in a cool and dark place. Take 1-2 teaspoons, first in the morning before meals, and then during the day 3-4 times between meals.

This vitamin cocktail can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months. You can prepare it in advance in large quantities. The duration of taking this vitamin cocktail is unlimited. After all, our body needs vitamins every day.

This is a classic way to prepare a mixture of raisins, dried apricots, prunes, walnuts and honey, the recipe can be changed based on preference, adding or removing certain ingredients.

Who needs and can take the mixture

A simple mixture of dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, prunes and honey can bring tremendous benefits to the body. The taste of the mixture will please the sweet tooth. You can replace it with harmful sweets for tea. This recipe may be helpful for people on a diet or wanting to lose weight. The sugary taste will not make it possible to eat a lot of this sweetness, and there will be more benefits than sweets. But you still should not abuse the mixture. All products are useful in moderation.

Prunes, raisins, honey with dried apricots and walnuts are the most valuable products for people suffering from anemia. After all, they, having united, are able to significantly increase the level of hemoglobin.

This vitamin composition must be prepared during the cold season, as well as during periods of beriberi. After all, it contains such important products for maintaining immunity as: walnut, honey, lemon, dried apricots.

People suffering from diseases of the heart or nervous system are advised to take this mixture regularly for prevention. Due to the high content of potassium in it, the benefits for the heart are invaluable: dried apricots, walnuts, raisins will help him improve his health.

The product is perfect for people who lead an active lifestyle and go in for sports. Those who use it will feel the maximum charge of energy and vivacity, and physical activity will be given much easier.

A vitamin mix of dried apricots, prunes, walnuts, honey, raisins and lemon is a natural and safe product. But like any remedy, it has contraindications and limitations.

Contraindications to the use of the nutrient mixture are: individual intolerance to the components and diabetes mellitus. With caution, you should give the mix to children, because it contains such allergens as: honey, lemon and nuts - no more than 1 tsp. in a day.

A mixture of honey, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, lemon and prunes can be an indispensable tool for the body. Already after the first month of its use, you can feel positive changes in the body.

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Need a recipe for a mixture of lemon, dried apricots, raisins, honey, walnuts. What are the proportions? Thanks!!!

  1. Nutrient mixture for the heart - prunes, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey, lemon
    To get rid of many diseases and ailments, as well as prevent their occurrence, it is not necessary to eat handfuls of pills. Sometimes health problems can be solved by some products that, individually or in combination, have beneficial properties and have a healing effect. A prime example of such a product are nutrient mixtures.

    The nutrient mixture is a combination of honey, walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, prunes and lemon. This combination is not chosen by chance, each of these products has a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins. It is not for nothing that this mixture is also called nutritious, so together these products are just an alloy of energy, pleasant taste and goodness.

    Dried apricots, raisins, walnuts contain a lot of potassium ions, which is necessary for the rhythmic work of the heart, that is, it prevents the appearance of arrhythmia. Also, this mixture is especially effective in the fight against atherosclerosis. Prunes have tonic properties, help increase efficiency, improve the general condition of the body, and it is also recommended to fight cancer. Prunes also have an excellent cosmetic effect, so they can improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Dried apricots improve vision, prevent blockage of blood vessels, contain magnesium and vitamin A, it is very useful for patients with diabetes, thyroid disease and hypovitaminosis. Lemon is famous for its high content of vitamin C, and walnut - vitamins C, B1, B2 PP. Honey is generally a magical remedy for thousands of diseases, it normalizes the functioning of internal organs, improves blood composition, improves immunity, is a powerful source of energy and even protects the body from premature aging, and honey also has antibacterial, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties.

    Thus, a magical mixture of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, raisins, honey and lemon is simply necessary for people suffering from heart disease - to strengthen the heart muscles, people who care about immunity, as well as those who are worried about low hemoglobin.

    If you have no doubts about the benefits of such a nutrient mixture, then go ahead, try to cook it yourself! Moreover, the recipe for this mixture is simple.

    Ingredients needed for cooking: 200 g prunes, 200 g raisins, 200 g dried apricots, 200 g walnuts, lemons, honey. It will also be possible to add one hundred grams of hawthorn and wild rose fruits, this will only enhance the beneficial effect. All dried fruits must be steamed and washed thoroughly, then scroll all the ingredients in a meat grinder and add 250 g of honey to the resulting mixture. For a kilogram of the mixture, add gruel of one lemon (with peel, but without seeds), the lemon will also need to be scrolled through a meat grinder.

    Mix everything thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for ten days. To strengthen immunity, you need to use one tablespoon once a day (preferably in the morning, before breakfast). To strengthen the heart muscles, the mixture is taken in a tablespoon three times a day - one hour after meals. This mixture can strengthen the children's body, children will be happy to eat a spoonful of this healthy yummy per day. So do not rush to run to the pharmacy for medicines and vitamins, they can be easily obtained by preparing such a nutritional mixture.

  2. all 100 grams!
  3. This treatment option will allow not only to forget about coughing, but also help to strengthen the cardiovascular system, and will strengthen the immune system. True, you will need a lot of ingredients, but the result is worth it. So, you should take 200 gr. prunes, dried apricots raisins, 2 long leaves of aloe, 2 lemons, 5 tablespoons of honey, 10 walnuts. Raisins, dried apricots, prunes, aloe, nuts are passed through a meat grinder. Add honey to the resulting mass. The resulting mixture should be eaten in a teaspoon three times a day. This treat can be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. I make this jam all the time! I take all 300 grams and one lemon. Wash everything, dry it, so as not to drip, into a meat grinder (lemon directly with a peel, but without seeds) and stir. Store in the refrigerator, eat a teaspoon before meals for 20-30 minutes 3 times a day. You can drink water.
  5. I can’t take one spoonful, I can’t stop eating, I eat the prepared mixture in three days.
  6. I'll try to cook. I strongly believe in the healing effect!
  7. I was told that this mixture is useful for strengthening immunity! Tell me, if anyone knows, you can replace dried apricots? My daughter is allergic to apricot!
  8. do everything 1:1
  9. and my heart began to naughty from such a mixture. rhythm for 100.
  10. can't be

It's no secret that the main value in our life is health, and in order for it to be in great shape, you need to remember it not only when you get sick, but try to constantly strengthen it.

Natural vitamin mixtures will help us with this to increase immunity.

They are a kind of balanced mix of dried fruits and nuts, unique in their properties, and it is customary to add honey, lemon, and ginger to them.

The use of mixtures to increase immunity is especially important during the spread of colds.

I will grind all the mixtures in a meat grinder with a fine grate, but you can also use a blender.

List of ingredients:

A mixture of nuts and dried fruits "Baikonurskaya"

  • 200 gr. walnuts
  • 100 gr. almond
  • 100 gr. pine nuts
  • 100 gr. dried apricots
  • 100 gr. prunes
  • 100 gr. raisins
  • 2 lemons
  • 150 gr. honey

A mixture of dried fruits "Amosova"

  • 200 gr. dried apricots
  • 200 gr. prunes
  • 200 gr. figs
  • 200 gr. raisins
  • 200 gr. walnuts
  • 200 gr. honey
  • 2 lemons
  • 50 ml. cognac (optional)

Ginger Lemon Blend

  • 150 gr. ginger root
  • 200 gr. honey
  • 2 lemons

VITAMIN MIXTURES to strengthen immunity - step by step recipes:

First, let's prepare a mixture of nuts and dried fruits, it is also called "Baikonur"

Lemons I previously doused with boiling water and dried with a napkin.

We cut them into large slices, remove the bones and cut out the core.

For ease of grinding, cut each slice in half.

We turn on the meat grinder and pass all the ingredients in turn into a large bowl.

Dried apricots, raisins and prunes. I pre-washed all the dried fruits and dried them with a paper towel.

Almonds, pine nuts and walnuts, they should be dry, but not fried.

Then chop the lemon. We skip it along with the zest.

Add natural honey to the bowl and mix everything well.

The mixture turned out very tasty and healthy!

We shift the mass into a glass jar, close the lid tightly and store in the refrigerator.

This nut mixture is rich not only in protein, but also in a whole complex of useful vitamins and microelements, it perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps in restoring the physical and mental strength of a person.

We prepare lemons in the same way as in the first recipe, we have them in all three mixtures.

We send all dried fruits to the meat grinder: figs, prunes, dried apricots and raisins.

As I said, they should be washed in warm water and dried with a paper towel.

If you have prunes with a stone, fill it first for 5-10 minutes. boiling water to make it easier to remove.

Dates can be added to this mixture if desired.

Following the dried fruits, we skip the unroasted walnuts and lemon.

Add honey to the bowl and cognac if desired.

Mix everything well and transfer the resulting mixture to a glass jar with a tight lid, store the mass in the refrigerator.

Regardless of which dried fruit you use, it is always a useful concentrate of valuable vitamins and minerals contained in fresh fruits.

And now we will prepare a mixture for immunity with lemon and ginger

Let's start by peeling the ginger.

For ease of peeling, cut the ginger into several pieces.

You can peel it in different ways: scrape off the skin with an ordinary knife or cut it thinly like when peeling potatoes, and the skin of ginger is perfectly removed with an ordinary teaspoon.

Try to peel off the skin in a thin layer, because. most of the nutrients are found just under it.

For ease of grinding, cut the ginger into small pieces and prepare the lemon.

Grind ginger and lemon in a meat grinder.

Add honey (preferably lime) to the bowl, mix everything well and transfer to a jar.

We store the mixture in the refrigerator.

We use a teaspoon in the morning and evening with water.

And also ginger mixture can be added to tea, compote or porridge, everything is up to you.

So, friends, I showed you 3 great recipes for strengthening immunity.

All of them are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

These mixtures are absolutely natural, tasty and extremely healthy, but I want to remind you once again that it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them, and if signs of an allergic reaction appear, stop taking them.

And so that your body says “thank you”, try to lead a healthy lifestyle!

Eat right, walk outdoors, get enough sleep, move more and smile more often.

I wish you all good health!

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VITAMIN MIXTURES to strengthen immunity - video recipe:

VITAMIN MIXTURES to strengthen immunity - photo:

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