Proven ways to increase lips with the help of cosmetics and folk remedies. How to quickly increase lips at home

You will need:

Through exercise

You can get additional volume with the help of a set of simple exercises that pump the muscles of the lips. If you perform these exercises every day as often as possible, the result will not have to wait long.

Whistle to health

Whistle for five minutes, warming up the muscles. You can do this whenever you want - the artistic whistle technique is a good workout in itself, increasing the volume of the lips.

Sponge straw

Squeeze your lips with a tube and stretch them as far as possible. Try to pull them up to your nose. Relax your muscles. Repeat - 20-30 times.

One more exercise: purse your lips and smile broadly. Alternate 20 times.


Draw a visual figure eight with protruding and closed lips. Then move your lips first to the left, then to the right, draw a circle. Repeat as much.

Pull in your lips

Remember how you spread lipstick by pulling your lips in a little? Take this position and move your lips in different directions for half a minute. Now for 15 sec. Pull them firmly into your mouth and relax. Repeat at least 20 times.

We blow candles

Imagine a cake in front of you with many candles that need to be blown out at once. Get plenty of air and with force "extinguish" the candles. Repeat 10 times with breaks so as not to get dizzy.

Repeating the alphabet

  • Squeeze your lips into a tube and try to open them through resistance, saying "oh-oh-oh." After 10-15 repetitions, take a short break and repeat again.
  • For 5 minutes, pronounce the vowels, working your lips as much as possible.

Mouth to lock

Fill your lungs, puff out your cheeks and, closing your lips tightly, exhale in jerks. Take a rest after 5 exercises and repeat again.

Another way: for two minutes, lightly bite your lips with your teeth, causing a rush of blood to them.

Show your tongue

Pull your tongue out to its full length for 5-7 seconds. Close your mouth and relax your facial muscles. Do this 10 times.

To obtain a long-term result, the exercises should be performed 2-3 sets daily for 1-2 months, and then 2-3 times a week.

The advantage of these methods is that you can use them not only at home, but also at work or even hiding in the ladies' room in a restaurant.

By increasing the blood circulation of the muscles, we strengthen them, lift the corners of the lips, remove the nasolabial folds, make the facial contour expressive, eliminate wrinkles and, as a bonus, we get plump expressive lips.

"Writing" with lips

If you are too lazy to do the above gymnastics, replace it with a simpler but effective way to increase your lips with a pencil.

Put it between closed lips, sit up straight, raising your head. And now try to move it in different directions without the help of hands: from left to right, from top to bottom, diagonally, describing circles and eights.

Instead of drawing air lines, you can write all the letters of the alphabet with a pencil.

Exercise for at least 5 minutes at the earliest opportunity. Such activities should become a daily habit.


Using a toothbrush

You will need the simplest toothbrush with soft bristles.

  1. Slightly damp lips should be rubbed slowly and gently with a brush until a burning sensation and slight redness appear.
  2. Then apply a balm and, preferably, gloss (not lipstick!).

Such a massage causes a rush of blood to the lips and visually they become more magnificent and brighter. The procedure allows you to quickly increase the lips for several hours.

It is not forbidden to use a small amount of toothpaste, especially one containing peppermint extract.

After brushing your teeth, rinse the brush and apply the paste on it. With gentle movements, walk on the lips for half a minute. Rinse off the paste and apply moisturizer.

Vacuum Massager

You can immediately purchase a ready-made device - a suction cup with a piston, a cap or a pump, specially designed to give extra volume to the lips. But the same principle applies to improvised means. Use a wide cap from a plastic bottle, a cap from a container of hairspray, a glass, a small glass or a jar.

Place the lid firmly on your lips and draw all the air out of it so that it sticks tightly to the skin. Stay in this position for several minutes.

Remove the lid - the lips have become larger and more magnificent.

Vacuum methods are not entirely harmless: the skin around the mouth is stretched, which causes wrinkles, bruising and bruising is possible. The effect does not last very long - no more than an hour, but this is quite enough for a photo session.

Folk remedies

First of all, we present the most radical method when a quick effect is required. The rest have a softer and more gradual effect, have a great effect on the skin, nourish and moisturize the lips. Such recipes are also suitable for a guy or a man with very thin lips.

Red pepper

You will need:

  • Red pepper mol. or shredded. pod 1/5 teaspoon
  • Lip balm 1/4 teaspoon

This method is suitable for brave girls. Mix the balm and pepper. Apply to lips. Keep no longer than 3 minutes. We wipe with a napkin and apply shine. Lips will instantly swell from this procedure. The only downside is that it can sting.

The visual result is already noticeable in 1 minute, but do not overdo it: the use of pepper can cause a burn!

Ginger exercise

Chew a small piece of fresh ginger root and cover your lips with this gruel. Pull them in a little and start squeezing them with force in different directions, as if massaging. Rinse off the ginger and apply a nourishing cleanser.

By the way, ginger not only causes a steady rush of blood, allowing you to “pump up” your lips in a natural way, but also perfectly refreshes your breath.

Lip scrubs with honey

For the first option you will need:

  • Honey 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fine salt 1/2 teaspoon
  • Olive oil 5 drops

Mix the ingredients until you get a thick, scrub-like mass. Apply to lips with massaging movements with a toothbrush.

Duration - 2-3 minutes. Frequency - 2 times a week.

On the basis of honey, such a fragrant scrub is also prepared. Mix some candied mod with olive oil and cinnamon. The tool should be thick enough.

Gather the resulting mass with a toothbrush and massage your lips for 5-10 minutes. Rinse and apply balm.

Result: very soft and plump lips.

sugar scrub

You will need:

  • Sugar 1 tsp
  • Water 5 cap.

Mix sugar with water. The consistency should not be very liquid. Apply the product on the lips and rub with massaging movements for 30 seconds. Then rinse with warm water and moisturize your lips with olive oil.

lemon scrub

Spread the grated lemon peel on the lips and rub into the skin until you feel a slight tingling or numbness. Rinse with water and moisturize lips with lip balm or cream.

Vaseline peeling

For this you will need:

  • Honey 1 part
  • Lemon juice 1 part
  • Sugar 1 part
  • cosmetic vaseline 1 part

Connect all components in the same proportions. Apply to the lips and massage the product into the skin with massaging movements of the fingers. Do this procedure for 8 minutes. Then rinse with water.

"Ice and fire"

For this procedure, you need to take cotton pads, soak some of them in ice water, the rest in hot. Alternately apply to lips, starting with cold ones. The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a week.

By the way, there are lipstick and gloss on sale that contain microparticles with a reflection effect or components that increase blood circulation, which for a while adds splendor to the lips. The use of such cosmetics does not require any effort and knowledge of the application technique - quickly, easily and beautifully!

  • Draw the outline slightly above the natural limits.
  • First, use a white or beige pencil, blend it, and then draw a line with a pencil to match the lipstick.
  • To lift and enlarge the upper lip, draw two semicircles from the center over the natural contour, connecting them with the corners of the mouth. Blend the entire surface with lipstick and moisturize with gloss.
  • In the same way, create volume for the lower lip. In addition, you can add relief to it by drawing a few dark vertical stripes.
  • Before you start coloring, apply a little concealer, foundation or powder first - this will even out the surface and hide minor irregularities.
  • Lighten the middle part of the lips with a light pencil or shadows, and darken the corners on the contrary.
  • Use only light tones of lipstick with mother-of-pearl and glitter. Matte and velvet consistency, on the contrary, visually reduces the volume.
  • It is recommended to apply a transparent gloss over the lipstick, while it should not cover the contour. A good effect will give just a drop of gloss, if you apply it only in the center and distribute it by closing your lips several times.

Special funds

Add some useful tools to your cosmetic bag to create extra volume in a short time.


Instead of the usual, buy a new generation lipstick, which includes plumers, collagen, hyaluronic acid and other substances of instant and gradual effect.

Plumper for lip augmentation is part of innovative lipsticks, glosses, balms, creams. In fact, these are various irritants: extracts of pepper, ginger, mint, cinnamon, vitamins, pigments, essential oils that cause a rush of blood to the lips, making their color more saturated and sexual swelling for a couple of hours.


Used instead of lipstick. Glossy, with the presence of mother-of-pearl particles, it will allow the lips to look fuller.

Double-sided samples are very convenient: on one side there is a colored filler, and on the other - a transparent one.

Lip lacquer

It is a blend of lipstick and gloss that gives lips an intense shade and a glossy finish. The effect of "Angelina Jolie" is guaranteed to you.

Volume cream

There are two types, depending on the active component:

  1. Based on flames.
  2. Substances containing gradual and long-term effects:
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • collagen;
  • silicone;
  • peptides;
  • lanolin.

Creams of the second group are highly effective and have a good effect on the condition of the lips, making them full and elastic in just 1 week of regular use.

If home methods don't work

Folk remedies or exercises to increase lips forever, unfortunately, will not succeed. In addition, the effect of them does not occur immediately and quickly disappears after the cessation of classes and procedures. It is much easier to use the services of salons. Their methods are more expensive, but the result will please you for several months and even years.


If you still decide to resort to this method, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Today, cosmetic clinics offer a large selection of injections for lip augmentation, but not all of them are safe for health.

Before you go under the needle, do all the necessary tests and studies that will show whether this drug is right for you or not!

  1. Botox - removes wrinkles around the mouth, asymmetry of the lips, has a good effect on the skin, but you will not get the desired volume.
  2. Fillers - as mentioned above, hyaluronic acid injections increase the lips both visually and physically, and the procedure itself is quite harmless, although painful.
  3. Lipofilling is the introduction of the patient's adipose tissue into the lips. It guarantees the longest possible result, however, an unprofessional procedure leads to consequences that are very difficult to correct.
  4. Biogels are created on the basis of hyaluron, but differ in the duration of the final result. So, an increase with a biopolymer is an expensive pleasure, but it keeps its shape for up to 5 years. And biodegradable gels are somewhat cheaper, but the volume disappears after 10 months, a maximum of a year.


Often, patients are implanted with silicone implants that actually increase the lips. With skillful operation, the effect is preserved for life. If you come across an insufficiently qualified surgeon, the implant may be displaced, in which case a correction will be required.

We are talking exclusively about a visual increase in volume, and the procedure itself is no different from applying a regular tattoo. The following technologies are known today:

  • contour;
  • contour with shading;
  • permanent lipstick with color matching.

How to increase lips at home without using radical measures or surgery? If you are afraid of injections, and at the word “scalpel” you are seized with panic horror, you can achieve the desired result with the help of gymnastics, massage and aromatherapy. In this article, you will learn how to increase lips at home, recipes for masks and balms, as well as simple exercises.

Everyone knows about the unique properties and positive effects of massage. This method is also effective for lips. Massage to increase the volume of the lips should be carried out with an ordinary toothbrush with soft bristles. Such a simple technique improves blood circulation, and also helps to get rid of dead skin particles. Regular massage of the lips will have a positive effect on their volume, and honey will help enhance the effect. After such a procedure, the skin will become soft and smooth as silk.

It is important to remember that massage should not be done if:

  • the skin is damaged;
  • it has inflammation or herpetic eruptions;
  • an allergic reaction occurs.

The massage procedure can be combined with the use of natural scrubs and masks, homemade. The simplest lip augmentation mask can be prepared as follows:

  1. mix until a mass of a homogeneous consistency a few drops of water, sugar and moisturizing oil;
  2. apply the mixture on the skin and massage, then rinse;
  3. The result is smooth, childishly swollen lips.

Cosmetic brands offer a variety of synthetic lip augmentation products. However, there is a caveat: a similar balm, mask or lip cream that increases volume has an impressive cost, and can also cause allergic reactions.. The duration of exposure to such funds is limited to only 2-3 hours. Self-made balms and masks made from natural ingredients are absolutely harmless. You can put a jar of balm in your purse and apply it throughout the day.


Lip augmentation at home with the help of essential oils is absolutely real. The most effective in this case are the following oils.

  • Cinnamon oil. The effectiveness of cinnamon lies in its ability to stimulate capillary circulation. Increasing blood flow, cinnamon makes the lips seductively puffy. Cinnamon oil for lip augmentation is the most sought after. It is found in most lipsticks, glosses and plumes.
  • Peppermint Oil. The principle of the effect of this oil is practically no different from cinnamon. By stimulating the effect, it improves blood circulation, giving the lips extra volume.
  • Cayenne pepper oil. If we talk about lip augmentation with folk remedies, then we should not forget about this miraculous remedy! 1-2 drops of pepper oil added to a homemade balm works wonders! Warming and stimulating cayenne pepper smoothes the skin of the lips, making them look bigger.

Lips can also be enlarged with nicotinic acid. A mask based on it will help create the desired volume, which will last throughout the day. Mix eight crushed acid tablets (available at pharmacies) with 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 1/2 teaspoon petroleum jelly. Apply the product on lips previously lubricated with rosemary or olive oil for no more than a minute (!), And then gently rinse and apply makeup boldly.

Miraculous gymnastics

Many women do not know how to increase lips through exercises. It turns out that there is nothing complicated in this. It's no secret that there are muscles in the lips too. And you can pump them up, just like any other. Special gymnastics will strengthen those facial muscles that do not actively participate in mimic movements, but contribute to the creation of a beautiful smile. To achieve the desired result, the exercises must be performed regularly for 1-1.5 months, then three times a week.

Below we offer you a complex for independent lip augmentation. The exercises are simple and do not require much effort. Gymnastics will not take you much time, and the result will be a pleasant surprise!

  1. Show tongue. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as much as possible, freeze in this position for 15 seconds. Repeat ten times.
  2. Whistling. Whistle your favorite tune for five minutes. This simple but incredibly effective exercise will strengthen the muscles and increase the volume of the lips.
  3. kiss and smile. Pull out your lips as if you want to kiss someone. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds. Now close your lips and smile as wide as you can without opening your mouth. Freeze for five seconds, and again purse your lips for a kiss. Repeat at least 20 times.
  4. Circles and lines. Tightly compressed lips take alternately to the right and left, and then describe a circle clockwise or counterclockwise, lingering in each position for 5 seconds. We repeat 15 times.

Use our tips to increase lips at home folk remedies. A little patience and effort, and you will become the owner of beautiful voluminous lips!


Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 10 minutes


Far from always "Jolie's lips" were the canon of beauty. But in our time, the fashion for plump lips has reached its peak: girls increase them in all possible ways, without worrying about the consequences.

Whether or not the game is worth the candle is a personal matter for every woman, and we will talk about ways to increase female lips without resorting to a plastic surgeon.

Makeup options for a visual increase in lips - how to draw plump lips for yourself?

The main wizards who know this secret for sure are, of course, makeup artists. To correct all the "superfluous", to hide the flaws, to emphasize the existing advantages - this is a task they can handle.

And some miracles are quite within the reach of an ordinary woman.

So, we increase the lips with the help of a personal arsenal of cosmetics:

The choice of cosmetics for lip augmentation - what does the beauty industry offer today?

To add splendor to the lips, it is absolutely not necessary to do plastic surgery. Fortunately, today there are many ways to increase without it.

For example…

  • Lip tattoo. A very popular way to visually enlarge the lips and correct their shape. The meaning of the procedure is to draw a contour according to the “tattoo” principle. It will last for about 3 years. The price of the issue is from 3000 rubles.
  • Electroporation. Injections and "plastics" are not required. The method is considered physiotherapeutic, painless and safe. Cons: Requires about 10 sessions; the effect is short lived. The essence of the method: after peeling the lips, a “mix” of vitamins and hyaluronic acid is applied to them, after which a special device acts on the lips for half an hour so that the mixture penetrates under the skin. The issue price is about 2000 rubles.
  • Vantus for lips. You can laugh, but there is such a method. True, it is very doubtful and has side effects. This miracle pump is used for "super-volume", stretching the lips with a "duck". The consequences are bruises, cracks and even more serious injuries.

Use of professional cosmetics:

  • Lip gel (for example, LIP FILL) with the effect of deep moisturizing and a slight increase in the lips due to certain components in the composition. The price of the issue is about 600 rubles.
  • Lip care/volumizer (for example, Lip Booster) with capsicum and hyaluronic acid in the composition. The issue price is about 2000 rubles.
  • Lip cream (for example, Love Lips). With constant use, there is no reason to look for products that increase lips. Provides a neat swelling of the lips and their well-groomed. The price of the issue is about 1000 rubles.
  • Special moisturizing lip balm (for example, CREATIVE NATUR COSMETIC) with peptides in the composition. They stimulate the synthesis of collagen and naturally increase the lips, providing a natural luminosity. Issue price: about 1300 rubles.
  • Lip Enlargement Gel with Cinnamon and Amino Acid (e.g. Perfect Pout). Its principle of action is the expansion of capillaries. The price of the issue is from 1300 rubles.

On a note:

All gels, balms and creams that help increase lip volume are based on skin-irritating ingredients. They give only a short-term effect, but the consequences can be very “long-term”. For example, irritation that turns into inflammation and then into edema.

Therefore, before using the funds, think - do you need it?

Or use folk remedies - so at least you will be sure of their composition.

12 best home remedies to plump lips

In fact, there are a lot of folk methods for lip augmentation.

We list the most popular:

And, of course, kisses! They quickly, effectively and safely provide that very sexy lip swelling without any means!

We will be very pleased if you share your experience or the results of your favorite beauty recipes!

What representative of the fair sex does not dream of having sexy plump lips and attracting male attention with them. It is for this reason that plastic surgery to increase this part of the body has become so popular in our time. Many cosmetologists say that it is not necessary to go to a plastic surgeon. At the same time, they offer simple and effective methods of how to increase lips at home.

Today, not all women can boast of plump lips. However, only a small part of them decide to seek help from plastic surgeons. Surgical methods can afford only wealthy people. And also not every person is ready to endure the pain and discomfort associated with the operation. Moreover, there is an alternative - simple and affordable recipes that can be easily used at home.

Lip exercises. To make the mouth more beautiful will help a few special exercises. If you perform them regularly, you can pump up sponges:

The advantage of these simple exercises is that they do not take much time to complete. You can do them in any convenient place.

With regular repetition, small wrinkles are removed, the contour of the face is tightened, blood circulation improves and the lips become more beautiful.

Volumizing massage

To make lips plumper and fuller, it is useful to massage with a soft toothbrush. To do this, the lips should be slightly damp. You need to gently rub the lips with a brush, and then apply the balm and cover them with shine.

You can inflate your lips at home by buying a special vacuum massager. But also it yourself, using a small jar, lid or glass for this. It is necessary to attach a jar to your mouth and draw air out of it. After it sticks to the skin, you need to hold it for 2 minutes, then remove it. However, it is not recommended to resort to such a procedure too often, as this leads to stretching of the skin around the lips.

The use of folk remedies

Folk remedies are widely used in modern cosmetology. All owners of thin lips can use these methods, and not only girls, but also guys. At home, it is easy to prepare all kinds of balms and scrubs. There are several ways to increase lips with folk remedies:

  • Balm with the use of ground red pepper. It will take 1/5 tsp. lip balm and ¼ tsp. pepper. You need to mix the ingredients, apply on the lips, hold for no more than 3 minutes. Then remove the residue with a napkin and cover with glitter. The effect will be noticeable immediately. However, this method must be used with caution, as you can get burned.
  • Another method that will help you quickly achieve the desired result is very simple. It is necessary to apply crushed peppermint leaves to the sponges for 5 minutes. Then moisten with Vaseline or olive oil.
  • With fresh ginger. You need to take a piece of the root and grind it. Then apply on the lips, then squeeze them well for several minutes, massaging thoroughly. Rinse with warm water and lubricate with balm.
  • A good way to add volume is a scrub. To prepare it, you need to take half a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of fine salt. After mixing the ingredients well, add a few drops of olive oil. Apply with a toothbrush, massage for 3 minutes. The procedure can be repeated 2 times a week.
  • Another version of the scrub. You need to take candied honey, add cinnamon and olive oil to it. Apply the mixture to the lips with a brush, massage and rinse.
  • Scrub with sugar and water. The mass should be thick enough. It is necessary to apply it on the lips and massage, then rinse with water and grease with olive oil.
  • Scrub with lemon. Finely grate the peel and apply on the lips. Rub until numbness appears. Then rinse with water and lubricate with balm.
  • With vaseline. To do this, you need to mix sugar, squeezed lemon juice, honey and petroleum jelly in equal parts. Distribute on lips, massage.

Since the skin of the lips is very delicate, cosmetologists recommend using scrubs 2-3 times a week. As a result of such procedures, the sponges become soft and increase in volume.

Another effective method that is widely used to increase the volume of the lips, is to use ice cubes. Within a few minutes you need to drive ice on the lips. This method helps to increase blood circulation and increase lips. The same effect can be achieved if you alternately apply cotton pads soaked in cold and hot water to your mouth. It is enough to perform this procedure within 5 minutes.

A good remedy are masks for lip augmentation at home, made from honey, burdock oil or petroleum jelly. You need to apply any of them on the lips and leave overnight. They will look amazing in the morning.

A good way to quickly and permanently increase sponges at home is to use nicotinic acid. First you need to apply olive oil to the sponges, then cover with a mixture of 8 tablets of nicotinic acid, 1/3 tsp. ground red pepper and ½ tsp. vaseline. Keep the mixture for 1 minute, then rinse with water and apply a moisturizer. Nicotinic acid has the ability to increase blood circulation. As a result, the desired effect is achieved.

The use of balms and creams with hyaluronic acid will smooth out small wrinkles, moisturize the lips and give them the necessary volume.

The easiest and most painless way to visually enlarge the lips is makeup. applied according to certain rules:

To date, in stores you can find lip care products, which already include particles that increase blood circulation and give the lips extra volume. The use of such cosmetics is not difficult, and the result is achieved easily and quickly.

With the help of simple and easily accessible methods, you can increase the lips yourself, without resorting to the help of surgeons and injections. There is no unequivocal opinion which method is better to use. Each woman chooses the one that she likes best. At the same time, you should not get too carried away with this process, so as not to harm your health.

Attention, only TODAY!

The plump lips of young girls have always attracted the admiring glances of men, because they look very sexy. But what to do if nature has not endowed with such beauty? It is not necessary to run to a plastic surgeon or inject yourself with Botox and other chemicals. It is quite possible to increase lips on your own, there are many different effective ways to do it at home.


Lip augmentation massage

Sometimes, girls with good natural data think about lip augmentation. In this case, you definitely should not inject Botox or hyaluronic acid. It will be enough to get by with more gentle methods, which will certainly correct the shape and give additional volume to the lips.

One of the easiest methods to perform is massage. With its help, it is quite easy to enlarge the lips, as well as make them softer, juicier, and eliminate dead cells.

To do this, apply a little moisturizer to your lips (you can also use petroleum jelly), and then massage them with a soft toothbrush for 5 minutes. During the procedure, you should feel warmth and pulsation, and sometimes a slight numbness. It is advisable to do a massage before taking a bath or shower. Results can be achieved within a few days. Lips become soft and tender, due to which they increase, seem more plump.

Gymnastics for lips

At home, it is possible to increase lips with the help of gymnastics. By repeating a few simple exercises, you can achieve good results. At the same time, you can do them at any time, even when performing any household chores:

  1. Whistling. This exercise is the simplest, but gives good results. It can be performed both as a main one and as a warm-up before the next ones. It is enough to whistle your favorite melodies several times a day for 5-10 minutes.
  2. "Shark". For 2 minutes, you need to lightly bite your lips. This should be done carefully so as not to injure delicate tissues. Next, stretch your lips forward and hold in this position for about 20-30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  3. "Fish". You need to fold your lips like a fish, and try to smile in this position. Do at least 15 repetitions.
  4. Fold your lips with a tube and try to draw a circle: first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Repeat at least 10-12 times.
  5. Take in as much air as possible into your mouth, and then release it with maximum force. At the same time, a slight vibration should be felt on the lips. Do at least 10 reps.
  6. Alternately pronounce the sounds "O" and "U". In this case, you need to try to keep your lips in maximum tension.
  7. First, it’s good to squeeze your lips together, then try to smile only with the left side of your mouth, then duplicate for the right. Repeat several times.

To achieve the first noticeable results, it is necessary to do this complex for 3-4 weeks, repeating daily. It is important to remember: you can not stretch the skin around the mouth, as this can lead to the formation of mimic wrinkles, and they certainly will not give an attractive appearance. Therefore, you need to perform all exercises carefully.

Folk recipes for lip augmentation

At a time when cosmetics were not available to everyone, but everyone wanted to look attractive, various folk recipes were used that suggested how to enlarge lips at home.

Capsicum for lip augmentation

This recipe is the most unpleasant, since it is hot pepper that is used, so it is recommended to use it for ladies who are ready to endure trouble for the sake of beauty.

Recipe #1

Grind 1 pod of red pepper in a meat grinder or blender, mix with a small amount of petroleum jelly and apply the resulting mass on the lips with a thin layer. Hold until the burning sensation is tolerated, but no more than 3 minutes, so as not to burn the skin.

Recipe #2

Crushed peppers can also be used in other ways. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over it and let it brew for a while. Soak a small napkin or cotton pad in warm liquid and place on lips. You can keep such a compress for 30-60 seconds, during which time the lips will noticeably increase.

After applying these funds, the effect passes quickly enough. To avoid skin irritation, after removing the mask or compress, apply a nourishing balm to the lips.

Lip Cinnamon

Cinnamon-based scrub is very widely used by women at home, as it not only helps to increase the lips, but also makes them softer, eliminates dead cells.

Cinnamon - 1 tsp
Honey (preferably candied) - 0.5 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 0.5 tsp.

Mix all the ingredients to make a thick mass. Spread on the lips and massage with a toothbrush for several minutes, and then rinse.

Lemon for lips

It is very easy to use lemon at home. To enlarge the lips, you need to take its zest and massage the skin with it for 5 minutes. After a correctly performed procedure, a slight tingling or numbness will be felt.

Ginger for lips

Grate fresh ginger root and apply the resulting gruel on the lips. Then you should squeeze and unclench them for several minutes. After the procedure, the ginger is removed and a nourishing balm is applied to the skin.

To simultaneously enlarge the lips and freshen the breath, you can not rub the ginger root, but chew it.

Contrasting lip compresses

To give your lips instant volume, you can use an ice cube. They should massage the skin, and then quickly apply a napkin dipped in hot water. Repeat this until you feel a tingle. The last thing you need to apply ice, then lightly bite your lips.


Apply crushed mint leaves to lips and hold for 5 minutes. Next, the slurry should be removed with a swab dipped in Vaseline.

Video: Another way to increase lips

To increase your own sponges, you can use various methods. Which one is appropriate depends on personal preference. The main thing is to always remain beautiful and attract the attention of others.

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