What is more effective infusion or decoction. Proper preparation of a decoction, infusion or tincture. Which of the forms of use of medicinal raw materials is better for people with various diseases

Both decoction and infusion are a good way to use the beneficial properties of plants. If you want to relax after work, a small cup of flower tea in front of the TV is a good idea. But it is desirable to know the difference between infusion and decoction.

What is plant decoction

A decoction is used to extract the dense parts of plants such as roots, bark, berries and twigs. "Material" is brought to a boil at the rate of 1 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of vegetation, boiled over low low heat for 10-30 minutes, then left to infuse and filtered through a sieve in a slightly warm form
Decoctions are suitable for dense material where maximum extraction of ingredients (such as tannins) that are resistant to heat is required.

Like infusions, decoctions can be consumed either hot or cold, but in any case, as a rule, decoctions are cooled to the intended therapeutic temperature. It should be kept in mind that agents suitable for the decoction process are generally more therapeutically potent than those used in infusions, so the dose may be more important - overdose of decoctions is a common problem among amateur naturopaths. A decoction may often include four or more herbs in thoughtful proportions.

What is plant infusion

For infusion, as a rule, flowers and leaves and soft stems of plants are used. Boiled water is added at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water, the resulting broth is left to infuse under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

The simplest and most affordable herbal infusions are herbal tea bags sold in supermarkets. They are elementary in preparation and, in principle, are useful as part of a healthy lifestyle. However, store-bought herbal teas rarely contain "top-of-the-line" herbal material, and you can't expect much of a therapeutic effect from them.

About infusions, some people say that they are "weaker" than decoctions and the like. This is not true. A standard 5 ml dose of tincture is usually prepared from 1 - 3 g of the herb, compared to 5 - 8 g as a decoction.

There are a number of circumstances that may render an infusion a choice between an infusion and a decoction. The hot infusion is the ideal environment for the production of therapeutic sweat. This is often important in combination with another important advantage - the rapid delivery of volatile components to tissues, especially the respiratory mucosa. Arguments in favor of infusions - they have a better diuretic effect, however, most likely this is due to a greater fluid intake than with a decoction.

Infusion versus decoction

The differences between infusion and decoction are clear even with a cursory glance at both processes. You can make herbal tea using absolutely any herb, and you can choose the right preparation method by looking at the physical properties of the plant. There is a big difference whether you decide to use a root or a leaf, but if you choose correctly between an infusion and a decoction, then every time you get a truly healing drug without any chemistry.

Each person can create their own herbal teas and solve health issues right at home. Whether you're concerned about disease prevention, looking to prevent future illnesses, or intending to cure a current ailment, herbal tea can often be the answer. The habit of drinking herbal tea every day is an excellent ritual for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Herbal teas can be very calming and relaxing and are a good way to de-stress at the end of the day.

The interaction of infusions and decoctions of plants with drugs

Despite the seeming harmlessness, plants can have a negative impact on your health - for example, increase or decrease blood pressure when you drink drugs for hypertension, thin the blood - when you absolutely do not need it, strengthen or stimulate stools - which is not always necessary to do. with hemorrhoids and other problems of the rectum. The ideal option is when you drink a decoction and infusion of plants only after consulting your doctor.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article about infusions and decoctions is for the information of the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

Eleutherococcus prickly, or Siberian ginseng, as it is sometimes called, is an amazing plant with many beneficial properties for the body.

So Eleutherococcus can:

  • tone, maintain physical and mental performance;
  • improve concentration;
  • calm down;
  • relieve chronic fatigue;
  • strengthen immunity and assist in the fight against colds and bronchitis;
  • cleanse the liver;
  • perform cancer prevention;
  • prevent infection with viral infections;
  • normalize high blood pressure;
  • eliminate insomnia.

Powerful adaptogen. Not a stimulant!

Due to its ability to fill the body with energy, this plant is prescribed as a stimulant drug for people in a state of chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion. They call it a stimulant. Which is completely wrong.

Eleutherococcus is one of the most powerful adaptogens, not stimulants. The fundamental difference between adeptogens and stimulants is that they help the body to respond more correctly to environmental changes, and not just "turn on" it.

So a stimulant taken at night can lead to insomnia, generate anxiety and restlessness. Adaptogens, in particular Eleutherococcus, act differently.

If you drink them in the morning, they will excite and set you up for work. If taken at night, it may help you sleep.

Such a seemingly mutually exclusive effect is due to the fact that adaptogens help the nervous system to respond correctly to changes in the situation: get excited in the morning, calm down in the evening.

If we describe the effect of Eleutherococcus on the body in biochemical terms, then we must say that it contains active chemical elements - eleutherosides. They suppress an excessive response to the impact of a stressful situation, reducing the activity of the adrenal cortex.

Eleutherococcus helps to achieve optimal levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and adrenaline. These substances are responsible for the psycho-emotional state of a person, which should not be “good” or “bad”, but adequate to the situation.

Medicinal properties

Improving physical condition and performance

A study of the effect produced by Siberian ginseng on the general condition of a person gave the following results: the plant increases resistance to a wide range of stress factors, including heat, noise and increased physical activity.

With regular intake of liquid extract of the root, working capacity, endurance, cognitive abilities and the quality of sports achievements increase.

The body copes better with a lack of oxygen, for example, in the heat in a metropolis.

Treatment for insomnia

Since eleutherococcus is an adaptogen, not a stimulant, it also helps in the fight against insomnia. Clinical studies have shown that the liquid extract taken in the evening reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, and also makes sleep more sound and longer.

This happens due to the ability of the plant to reduce the amount of stress hormones in the blood. That is why Eleutherococcus extract is the main component of some sleeping pills popular in traditional Chinese medicine.

Improved attention

By increasing blood circulation, eleutherococcus helps to improve memory, concentration and

clarity of thought, which can be impaired due to poor blood flow to the brain.

Treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome

Siberian ginseng helps to cope with, which are often associated with depletion of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system (HPA).

Strengthen immunity and help with colds

By stimulating the immune system, Siberian ginseng effectively prevents the occurrence of infectious diseases, and also assists in their treatment.

The composition of the drug contains compounds that have an immunomodulatory effect. Moreover, they can enhance both innate immunity - they activate phagocytosis - the capture of pathogenic microorganisms by the cells of the immune system, and acquired - help the activation and maturation of B and T-lymphocytes.

Another positive effect of Eleutherococcus root extract on immunity is associated with increased interferon synthesis, which is especially important for protection against viral infections.


Experts in the field of Chinese traditional medicine have their own view on how Eleutherococcus helps to boost immunity and drive away a variety of colds.

They believe that the extract of the plant brings the energy of Qi into a state of balance and resumes its unhindered flow through the energy channels. This makes it possible not only to increase immunity, but also to reduce the recovery time after an illness.

In addition, eleutherococcus has been shown to help the body fight toxins of bacterial and viral origin.

Recent results suggest that eleutherococcus root may also be useful in the long-term treatment of immune system dysfunctions, including HIV infections, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune diseases.

Help the liver

Studies conducted by Russian scientists have shown that the use of Eleutherococcus root extract eliminates the side effects of chemotherapy, as it helps to remove toxins from the liver.

It was also found that in addition to protecting against toxins produced by bacteria, viruses and fungi, eleutherococcus protects against toxic substances of chemical origin. For this reason, the plant extract is recommended for residents of large cities.

In addition, it is often used to get rid of the state of oppression of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow that occurs after chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Elimination of erectile dysfunction

In men, eleutherococcus promotes testosterone production, although not as intense as with the use of pine pollen. However, eleutherococcus root extract is an excellent choice for increasing sexual performance and combating impotence.

Release forms

Today in pharmacies you can buy:

  • eleutherococcus tablets;
  • capsules and dragees;
  • syrup;
  • alcohol tincture.

Which is better: tablets or tincture?

The most effective option is alcohol tincture.

In fact, in traditional Chinese medicine, from where Eleutherococcus came to us, alcohol tinctures are practically not used, since alcohol reduces the beneficial properties of medicinal plants.

However, of those preparations of Eleutherococcus, which are presented in our pharmacies, it is the alcohol tincture that is the most effective.

Indications for use of liquid extract and tablets

Eleutherococcus root tincture is indicated for:

  • constant overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthenia;
  • with functional disorders of the nervous system (any neurosis, the presence of somatic manifestations of anxiety, which in our country is still vegetative-vascular dystonia);
  • eating disorders (anorexia);
  • hypotension;
  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses and courses of radio- and chemotherapy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • with erectile dysfunction and reduced libido;
  • , diabetes mellitus, obesity, hypercholesterolemia.

The drug helps to cope with high physical and mental stress, and therefore can be prescribed to students and schoolchildren before passing exams.

The extract is useful for people engaged in hard physical labor - factory workers, professional athletes, miners, military, deep-sea divers and workers in other professions that require the use of significant physical strength and concentration.

Instructions for use

The classic, still Soviet times, instruction for the use of Eleutherococcus liquid extract says that the drug should be taken 15-20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

In fact, such an accurate measurement of the number of drops is not required. Eleutherococcus tincture is not such a strong drug that it had to be scrupulously measured in drops.

Usually, those who regularly use the tincture drink 1 teaspoon, without counting how many drops it is.

The tincture is best taken 10-15 minutes before meals. Preferably before breakfast and lunch.

It is very good to mix Eleutherococcus tincture with alcohol tinctures of other adaptogens, for example, aralia, radiols. And measure out a teaspoon of the mixture, and not a separate drug.

As for taking it in the evening, again, the classic recommendation says that this should absolutely not be done.

But this advice comes from their postulate that Eleutherococcus is a stimulant. What is wrong. It is an adaptogen that helps many people fight insomnia.

Therefore, the most reasonable recommendation is to focus on your well-being. If you feel that the drug excites you, do not drink it at night and even in the evening. If, on the contrary, you feel peace, then you can safely take it before bedtime.

The duration of treatment is usually one month. Then you need to take a break for 10-15 days and resume taking.

You can conduct two courses a year for a month and a half each - in autumn and spring. That is, when the body most strongly needs support.

Side effects

Eleutherococcus liquid or tablet extract is generally well tolerated when the correct dosage is taken.

A few side effects include:

  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • headache;
  • nervousness;
  • hypoglycemia.


Pregnant and lactating women should use the drug with great caution. Preferably after consulting a doctor.

In the acute initial period of an infectious disease, the drug should be discarded, resuming the intake after the state of health becomes a little better and the high temperature subsides.

Another strong contraindication for self-administration of Eleutherococcus tincture is children under 12 years of age. Only after consultation with a doctor.

Eleutherococcus useful properties and contraindications. conclusions

Eleutherococcus senticosus is one of the strongest adaptogens. It does not excite, as many people think, but helps the body respond more correctly to a changing external environment. Activate when needed and relax when it's time to rest.

In addition, the drug performs a comprehensive protection of the body. Increases resistance to infectious diseases and toxins, makes it easier to overcome stressful situations.

Eleutherococcus is easily tolerated by most people. Its use is usually not accompanied by side effects.


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Hello dear friends!

Treatment with folk remedies and medicinal herbs, first of all, is decoctions, infusions and tinctures.

Sometimes they ask the question “Which is better: a decoction or an infusion?” And nothing is better than one another. Here you just need to know in which cases a decoction is prepared, in which infusion, and in which tincture, and how the technology of their manufacture differs.

Here, let's take a look at this. I will tell you the general rules and technology for the manufacture of infusions, decoctions and tinctures, the preparation of raw materials for them, the norms and features of manufacture.

First, let's find out how infusions differ from decoctions and what tinctures are.

What is the difference between infusions and decoctions

Infusions and decoctions are the so-called aqueous extracts from medicinal plants. And they differ in that when preparing infusions, raw materials are poured with hot boiled water, insisted for a certain time, then filtered and drunk.

In the manufacture of decoctions, the raw materials are poured with hot or cold water and boiled over a fire or a water bath for 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the type of plant.

Infusions are usually prepared from the soft parts of plants: leaves, flowers, stems, fruits, which easily give up their active principles.

Parts of plants that have a rough structure: roots, bark, tubers, thick leaves, do not give the active ingredient well and they require a longer heat treatment, so making a decoction is preferable.

Vodka tinctures are also prepared from all parts of medicinal plants.

It is believed that tinctures are more effective for treatment, and they are stored for years, unlike infusions and decoctions that need to be prepared fresh every day. But in some cases, when tinctures are contraindicated and for other reasons, infusions and decoctions are prepared.

General rules

General rules state that before making infusions, decoctions or tinctures, medicinal raw materials must be crushed so that the active substances are extracted from them faster.

Usually, pharmacies sell already prepared crushed raw materials, but not always.

Do-it-yourself plants must first be washed and dried on a towel or napkin. Often we harvest and dry herbs, which we store already in crushed form, in which case they do not need to be washed.

We cut grass, stems, leaves, flowers with scissors into small pieces no larger than 5 mm in size.

Coarse roots, the bark can be cut with a knife, the size of the pieces is no more than 3 mm.

Seeds and fruits are either crushed in a mortar or left whole.

Most often, for the preparation of decoctions and infusions, one heaping tablespoon (20 grams) of prepared chopped raw materials and a glass of water (200 ml) are taken. But this is an average norm, age, disease, and characteristics of the medicinal plant should also be taken into account. So you should always read carefully the instructions for preparing a decoction and infusion from a particular type of plant and listen to the advice of a doctor.

For the manufacture of decoctions and infusions, it is permissible to use only enameled, or glass, or porcelain and ceramic dishes. Aluminum utensils should not be taken to avoid reaction with metal.

The pot should always be covered tightly with a lid.

The prepared infusion or decoction is filtered and squeezed through several layers of gauze.

It often happens that it loses its original volume, therefore, after filtering, boiled water is added to it.

Manufacturing technology

Now let's dwell on how to prepare infusions, decoctions and tinctures.


To prepare an infusion, place a tablespoon or teaspoon (see the recommendation for a specific plant) of chopped herbs or fruits in a container (I pour it into a glass or glass), pour a glass of hot water that has just boiled with a white spring. Cover with a lid and let stand for 20 minutes.

Then, as I already wrote, the infusion must be filtered and topped up with water to the original volume.

Infusions are usually taken in tablespoons or half a glass in a warm form 15-20 minutes before meals.

For a richer infusion, it is convenient to cook it in a thermos.

Pour two tablespoons of raw materials in the evening in a thermos with two glasses of boiling water, and in the morning you can drink the finished infusion.


Raw materials for decoction are poured into a saucepan, poured with cold or hot water, mixed and put to boil on fire, simmer for 15 minutes or more. Often a decoction is made in a water bath: when a small saucepan with raw materials filled with water is placed in a larger saucepan filled with water. Water in a large pot will boil, and raw materials in a small one will only languish.

The prepared broth must be cooled slightly, for this 10-15 minutes are enough, strain, squeeze, add water.

Decoctions from the leaves of bearberry, oak bark and other plants containing tannins are filtered immediately, not allowing to cool.

Infusions and decoctions can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, but be sure to warm up before use. Every day you have to prepare a fresh decoction or infusion.

It is more convenient in this regard to use tinctures.


To prepare tinctures, they take 40-degree alcohol, in other words, vodka is suitable at home. If you have 70% alcohol, it must be diluted with water so as not to burn the beneficial properties of the medicinal plant.

Sometimes they make tinctures on wine, but this is already an exception to the rule. Nonetheless. We have an amazing recipe.

It is convenient to make tinctures in glassware, in a jar, for example.

It is usually advised to use dark glass, but this can be circumvented: wrap the jar with a cloth and put it in a dark place - in a closet.

Prepared crushed raw materials (50 grams) are poured with a liter of vodka, the jar is closed with a lid and sent to the cupboard to infuse. It takes from 7 days to a month. Periodically, the raw materials in the bank need to be shaken.

Then the alcohol tincture is filtered, the remnants of the plant are squeezed well.

They drink tinctures in drops, 10-30 drops each, in some cases they are added to a small (50 ml) amount of water and drunk.

I have already adapted and I know that 30 drops is almost a teaspoon, almost filled to the brim.

Tinctures are stored in the refrigerator, and when used, you can leave them on the table at room temperature for several days.

With the technology and general rules for the manufacture of infusions, decoctions and tinctures, we figured out what to cook from them, you decide in each case.

For example, I prefer to prepare tinctures, I always make white cinquefoil tincture, I have to drink it in monthly courses. I also make tincture from it. It is better to make a decoction from oak bark. But, which can be taken no more than 7 days in a row, it is more convenient to prepare in the form of an infusion.

Motherwort tincture is a penny remedy, known for a hundred years and quite effective.

The price is about 2.5-3 hryvnias or $0.10

Sold in dark glass bottles, 25 ml.

It's 70% alcohol. This must be taken into account when using motherwort tincture.

It seems to me that I don’t even remember the time when I didn’t know about the motherwort tincture) The good old motherwort was always in the house, I remember it from childhood.

Motherwort tincture for nervousness: helps or not.How to drink

I deliberately used the word "nervousness". Because the intense stresses I personally have tend to require heavier artillery to heal. Well, plus, do not forget that constantly taking the same drug, even if natural, is not that harmful, but not worth it, because. he just stops helping. Therefore, motherwort tincture is a worthy remedy, but not a panacea forever.

The motherwort helps me. And it helps quite quickly, from about the third day of admission.

IMPORTANT! Motherwort tincture should be drunk in a course. A single application is a 90% placebo effect and only 10% the effect of this mild sedative drug.

Motherwort tincture is a mild sedative. It helps me when I feel general nervousness, irritability, mild anxiety. No more.

How to drink, dosage

I consider the standard 30 drops 3-4 times a day to be a fairly high dosage. This is too general a recommendation in my opinion. After all, we all have different weights. And it is not very correct if a person weighing 50 kg drinks the same dose as a person who weighs 120 kg.

Empirically, I have identified for myself the optimal dosage: 20 drops 3 times a day.

!!! The tincture is diluted with water. At least a tablespoon, preferably 2-3 tablespoons. I usually pour a little water on the eye at the bottom of the cup and pour drops there.

Which is better: motherwort tincture or tablets, motherwort or valerian?

There is no single answer here. Each case is individual. For example, motherwort tincture helps me faster and more efficiently than tablets of the same motherwort, or even than valerian in any form. In general, this is normal, the tincture form is absorbed faster than tablets.

If I have to choose between motherwort tincture and valerian tincture, I will choose motherwort , because:

  • it works faster on me;
  • not such a vigorous smell;
  • I have a cat at home that reacts even to dry valerian herb in a closed pack, to say nothing of a tincture $
  • motherwort tincture does not give lethargy.

If you choose between motherwort tincture and motherwort tablets, there are options, the choice depends on various factors..

Pluses of tincture;

  • acts quickly;
  • cheap.

Cons of motherwort tincture;

  • at work, it is inconvenient to measure drops, and the stink of alcohol is also not comme il faut;
  • it is impossible for pregnant and lactating women, again because of the alcohol in the composition;
  • it is impossible for drivers in other cases when maximum concentration of attention is necessary;

My choice is this: if I'm at home, in the sense of not working, then definitely tincture. If a person who works, and even in a team, or even more so with people, needs to calm down, then definitely pills.

Motherwort tincture performs its tasks by 5 points. Calms nervousness, normalizes sleep, helps to perceive reality more calmly.

My reviews on other sedatives.

Echinacea purpurea- perennial low plant. It is found in the North Caucasus, in Russia, Ukraine. The raw materials for the production of medicines are roots, flowers, stems, leaves. For medicinal purposes, a plant is used that is at least 2 years old.

Herbal immune system stimulant. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bacteriostatic, fungicidal, tonic action. Accelerates the regeneration of wounds when applied topically.

Echinacea: tablets or tincture?

The most widely used forms of the drug are tablets and tincture. In addition, there is an herb, from which a decoction is prepared by brewing the plant in boiling water, and capsules containing a dried powder.

Echinacea tincture is a form of medicine obtained by soaking echinacea in an alcoholic solution. The drug concentration is quite high. Among the raw materials, in addition to leaves, roots and inflorescences, juice from plant stems can be used.

Echinacea tablets

Echinacea lozenges are easy to use and are considered the most effective. However, it also has a number of disadvantages: the large size of the tablets makes it difficult to prescribe them in childhood (prescribed from the age of 12), higher cost compared to other forms.


  • initial symptoms of colds and flu,
  • SARS prevention,
  • recurrent infections of the respiratory and urinary tract.

The minimum intake is a week, the maximum is 8 weeks.

Alcohol tincture of echinacea

This form is ready for use, you just need to pre-dissolve it in water. Echinacea tincture for alcohol is sold in a pharmacy. It can also be prepared at home using raw materials.

Alcohol tincture of echinacea

Echinacea on alcohol is indicated for inflammation in the gynecological area, kidneys, bladder, prostate, and ulcers, constipation. Improves metabolism, hematopoiesis, well-being. Assign after suffering strokes in the rehabilitation period.

Echinacea tincture is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers, up to 2 years old, with toxic liver conditions (especially those associated with alcohol consumption), autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis, allergic reactions, connective tissue diseases, leukemia, tuberculosis.

Strengthening the immune system of echinacea tincture increases resistance to infections, which allows it to be prescribed for diseases of viral and bacterial etiology. It has an effect even with a sufficient level of its own immunity, thereby having a preventive focus. Helps to produce antitumor factor. Relevant in winter - therapy, prevention of respiratory diseases. Assign in the treatment complex, because it enhances the effect of antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

Do not combine with others (for example, Ingavirin, Amiksin). Some sources note the danger of long-term use due to the “addiction” of the immune system and depression of the nervous system.

How to take echinacea tincture to strengthen the immune system?

For children under 2 years of age, any Echinacea preparations are contraindicated.

From the age of 2, only infusion and decoction are allowed, from the age of 12 twice a day up to 10 drops.

For 1 dose up to 30 drops (dilute in boiled water) three times before meals for 30 minutes. Duration of admission is determined by the disease. With good tolerance until a stable therapeutic effect is achieved. The average course is a month (8 weeks is the maximum duration), followed by a one-month break. The course is repeated up to 3 times a year.

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