Pros and cons of gmo in English. Pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Nutritional enhancement

GMO - these are genetically modified organisms, which are divided into animals, ra-ti-tel-nye and micro-ro-or-ha-niz-we. Some scientists consider this term not quite correct, since genetic changes are carried out not only with the help of genetic engineering, but also with conventional selection, radiation and other methods. The difference is only in the fact that genetic engineering allows you to make a point change, re-zul-ta-you someone-ro-go before-op-re-de-le-na, in while selection or natural test mutations are not pre-suggestive and may involve a large number of prizes at once. And this is the unconditional advantage of GMOs, which really allows you to de-yat-xia to solve such a problem as world hunger. For example, thanks to genetic engineering, you managed to weight golden rice, which is enriched with vitamin A, which saved the eyesight and lives of millions of us people in Third World countries.

But everything is not so clear! Yes, most of the negative information around GMOs is based on wild barbaric ignorance, conspiracy theories and other ir-ra-tsio-nal pre-races-sud-kah, but there are also scientific works, , and etc., which provide data on the negative impact of GMOs on health. True, most of these works were ras-kri-ti-ko-va-ny, and some of them were recalled, while there is a whole base consisting of more -ra of thousands of studies confirming the safety of the use of GMOs. Ho-cha, of course, does not mean that any genetically mod-di-fi-ci-ro-van-ny products are auto-ma-ti-ches-ki harmless! In general, it is incorrect to talk about GM products in general, since they all may have a different genome. And some specific gene-not-ti-ches-ki mo-di-fi-qi-ro-van product may well turn out to be ten-qi-al-but dangerous, like any other product bred by selection.

And it is precisely to control the impact of GMOs on human health, on the environment, and even eco-no-mi-ches-some development from certain regions, there are international organizations, for example, Codex Ali-men- ta-ri-us at WHO and FAO, the commission of which issues various principles and guidelines for assessing the safety of GM products. At the same time, ge-no-ti-ches-ki mo-di-fi-qi-ro-van-ny products may well turn out to be an eco-no-mi tool-ru-men-tom -wh-and-whether-th-th struggle, as warned by the members of the Society of Scientific Workers in the "Open Letter in Support of the Development of Genetic Engineering" -rii in Russian Fe-de-ra-tion". The essence of the letter is that the absence of national ins-ti-tu-tov, for-no-may-ing-gen-no-ti-ches-coy modification of products, leads to non-com-to-rent -no-spo-pos-nos-ti on-tsio-nal-no-go agriculture and replacing it with im-port-that pro-ti-vo-re-chit prin-qi-pu pro-do-volst -vein security.

In general, the topic of GMOs is vast and controversial, and it’s not clear what a poor Jew should do, but that’s why we decided to collect the most complete information about the impact of GMOs on health and ecology. For greater objectivity and the opportunity to make any you-vo-dy, we decide to pre-do-do-do-do, both about the benefits and the dangers of GMOs, about the real you and in terms of ten-qi-al harm, but we completely omitted the topic of the subjective interests of corporations, states, officials and other an-ga-zhi -ro-van-th persons. This theme is interesting, but completely useless from a practical point of view and perfect-but-not-relevant for the site site. Although, if you in-te-re-su-et understand how objective historical processes collide and in-te-re-sy is-to-ri-ches-ky subjects, start You can from the lectures and books of the candidate of is-to-ri-chess sciences Andrey Ilyich Fursov, but we will continue to understand the real problems of health.

Advantages and disadvantages of GMOs

Advantages: they are very diverse and not only potential, but also real. GMOs have already made it possible to solve a lot of problems, starting with providing the population of the countries of the Third World with golden rice and ending with leveling the need to use in-sec-ti-qi -dy. Ge-ne-ti-ches-ki mo-di-fi-qi-ro-van products help ni-ve-li-ro-vat the aftermath of natural disasters, kli-ma-ti -che-special-ben-nos-tey regions, not allowing you to grow this or that crop, or seriously reducing its yield. In general, even the most ardent opponents of GMOs, such as, for example, I.V. Er-ma-ko-va you-need-de-us to admit that genetic engineering is future. This, in fact, is the only known method of combating world hunger and a way to improve the lo-zh-tion of millions of people without prejudice to eco-logia.

Flaws: I have them! One of the main serious disadvantages of GMOs, which really worries scientists, is the risk of disrupting the ecosystem and reducing the diversity of micro-ro-or-ga-bottom -mov. Although today this risk has not been justified, nevertheless, there are no reasons for unconditional optimism. Another real-al-nym non-dos-tat-com ge-ne-ti-ches-ki mo-di-fi-ci-ro-van products is their ability to become Xia aller-genome during the transfer of the genome of allergen products. For example, if a person is allergic to oranges, the genome of which was mo-di-fi-qi-ro-van car-to-fel, then someone may become allergic and for this potato. It’s also not worth it half-nose-tew to exclude in-ten-qi-al-the possibility of GMOs to negatively affect health, sti-mu-li-ro-vat times-vi -there are no diseases, and even infertility, since, although this is not a reason for frenzied panic, but exclude that - which variant of the outcome of events is impossible, and careful research and control of GMOs should be carried out.

Scientific research on GMOs

Positive: there are just a lot of such studies and it’s not possible to consider them all in this note, but you can read this meta-analysis, as well as look at the base to make sure that there are more than one and a half thousand such studies. And if we summarize the scientific data that someone recognizes before-for-tel-science today, then we can say that persuasive pre-vo-dov and there is no reason to worry about the health effects of GMOs. It’s not worth excluding the possibility, and there are studies that de-monster-ri-ru-ut the negative consequences of using GMOs, but, fortunately, they have all been removed so far. moose op-rovverg-nut. And, so that this statement is not unfounded, let's look at these studies and their op-ver-ver-same.

Negative: there are also not so few of them, but the main ones are the studies of Yer-ma-ko-voi, in some cases, disappointing results of the influence of GM soybean on re-pro-ductive functions were obtained. -tion we-shat; research-after-before-va-ing Malatesta, cited above, in some way there was a negative effect of GMOs on the liver and pancreas of mice; research-following-to-va-niya Push-tai, in some cases he came to the conclusion that GMOs oppress the im-mun-nu system-te-mu, leading to pa-to-lo- gi-ches-kim changes in the liver and can become the cause of o-ra-zo-va-niya tumors-ho-lei and he-ko-lo-gi-ches-ki diseases; as well as sadly from the well-known researches-after-before-va-niya Se-ral-li-ni, some-ry eyes-were so incom-pe-tent-us that yes, they were called from the public-li-ka-tion.

Criticism: Ermakova's research was criticized by Bruce Chassey, Vivian Moses, Alan McHa-gen and L. Val Gidding in the same Nature, you can read a funny you-hold in Russian language on Wikipedia. The works of Dr. Ma-la-tes-you would also be ras-kri-ti-ko-va-ny, while the mechanism of the negative impact of GMOs in ra-bo-tah was never established . At the same time, it should be noted that the works of Dr. Ma-la-tes-you deserve attention and correspond to the scientific method, therefore, they require further research to-va-ny, but at the moment they still remain not-persuade-di-tel-us-mi. Unfortunately, this cannot be said about Serallini's works, which would have been ras-cri-ti-ko-va-ny and they had to be called away. True, Serallini published updated data in 2014, but we could not find one-valued information about them. What about ka-sa-et-sya ra-bo-you Push-taya, then she also did not pass the test of time and was-la ras-kri-ti-ko-va-na,

Defenders genetically modified organisms (GMOs) claim that GMOs are humanity's only salvation from hunger. According to scientists' forecasts, by the beginning of the 22nd century the population of the Earth can reach 12 billion people, naturally there is a need to double or even triple the world agricultural production.

For this purpose, genetically modified plant varieties are excellent - they are resistant to diseases and weather, ripen faster and last longer, and are able to independently produce insecticides against pests. GMO plants are able to grow and produce a good harvest where old varieties simply could not survive due to certain weather conditions.

The harmful effect of transgenic products on the human body has not yet been identified. Doctors are seriously considering genetically modified (GM) foods as the basis of special diets. Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Scientists assure that genetically modified foods will enable people with diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diseases of the liver and intestines to expand their diet.

Opponents of genetically modified organisms argue that they pose three main threats:

Threat to human health - allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, the appearance of intestinal microflora resistant to antibiotics, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. When eating GMOs, it is possible to weaken the immune system, the occurrence of allergic reactions as a result of direct exposure to transgenic proteins. The impact of the new proteins that the inserted genes produce is unknown. Possible health problems associated with accumulation in the body herbicides, since GM plants have the property of their accumulate. There is a possibility of remote mutagenic and carcinogenic effects (development of hereditary and oncological diseases).

Threat to the environment - the emergence of pesticide-resistant weeds, chemical contamination of the soil.

Threat to biodiversity- the use of genetically modified plants has a negative impact on varietal and species diversity. For genetic modifications, one or two varieties are taken, with which they work. There is a danger of extinction of many plant species.

Some radical ecologists warn that the impact of biotechnology may exceed the consequences of a nuclear explosion: the use of genetically modified products leads to a loosening of the gene pool, resulting in the emergence of mutant genes and their mutant carriers.

Doctors believe that the impact of genetically modified foods on humans will become apparent only after half a century, when at least one generation of people fed on transgenic food will be replaced. However, genetically speaking, we are all mutants. In any highly organized organisms, a certain percentage of genes is mutated. Moreover, most mutations are completely safe and do not affect the vital functions of their carriers. As for dangerous mutations that cause genetically determined diseases, they are relatively well studied. These diseases have nothing to do with genetically modified products, and most of them have been accompanying humanity since the first years of its appearance.

Today, there are several hundred genetically modified foods. For several years they have been used by millions of people in most countries of the world. There is evidence that such technologies are used to obtain products sold through the McDonalds network. Many large concerns, such as Unilever, Nestle, Danon and others, use genetic engineering products for the production of their goods and export them to many countries of the world. But in many countries, such products must contain the inscription "Made from a genetically modified product" on the packaging.

Some believe that by making changes to the gene code of a plant or animal, scientists are doing the same thing as nature itself. Absolutely all living organisms from bacteria to humans are the result of mutations and natural selection.

Example. Any plant threw out several thousand seeds, and they germinated. Among the thousands of sprouts that appear, some will necessarily differ from the parent, that is, in fact, they will turn out to be mutants. If the changes are harmful to the plant, then it will die or be oppressed, and if it is beneficial, then it will give more adapted and perfect offspring, and in this way a new kind of plant can be formed. But if nature takes many centuries or millennia to form new species, then scientists carry out this process in a few years. There is no fundamental difference.

The most common GM plants in the world are soybeans, corn, oilseed rape and cotton. In some countries, transgenic tomatoes, rice, zucchini are approved for cultivation. Experiments are being carried out on sunflowers, sugar beets, tobacco, grapes, trees, etc. Field trials are being carried out in those countries where there is no permission to grow transgenes yet.

The bulk of transgenes are cultivated in the USA, Canada, Argentina, China, less - in other countries. Europe is very concerned. Under pressure from the public and consumer organizations who want to know what they are eating, a moratorium on the import of such products has been introduced in some countries (Austria, France, Greece, Great Britain, Luxembourg). Others have adopted strict labeling requirements for GM foods.

Austria and Luxembourg banned the production of gene mutants, and Greek farmers under black banners and posters in their hands broke into the fields in Boeotia, in Central Greece, and destroyed plantations where the British firm Zeneka was experimenting with tomatoes. 1,300 English schools have removed food containing transgenic plants from their menus, and France is very reluctant and slow to approve the sale of any new products with foreign genes. In the EU, only three types of genetically modified plants are allowed, or to be more precise, three varieties of corn.

In Russia, only 14 types of GMOs (8 varieties of corn, 4 varieties of potatoes, 1 variety of rice and 1 variety of sugar beet) are allowed to be used for sale and food production. So far, only in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and the Belgorod region there is a law that prohibits the sale and production of baby food using GM products. Industrial production of GMOs is not permitted, and in order to obtain a permit, each variety must pass an environmental review and receive a certificate of state registration.

The potential danger of long-term consequences of the use of such food for human health remains. Despite the fact that the dangers of GMO products have not been proven, and they are approved for use by the World Health Organization and in Russia, some believe that they should be treated with caution until full-scale studies of the effects of GMOs on the body are completed. With special care it is necessary to approach the use of GMOs in baby food, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Moscow's concerns about GMOs are shared by several cities and countries. Suffice it to say that more than 30 countries and 100 regions in the world have declared their territories GMO-free zones. If the product contains more than 0.9% GMOs, this must be indicated on the packaging. Corresponding amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" were made on December 12, 2007. However, the direct label "Contains GMOs" does not exist. The presence of GMO and its percentage should be indicated only in the list of ingredients of the product.

In the EU countries, it has been calculated that if the content of GMO components in products is 0.9% or less, then this can be considered a technical impurity and not labeled products with the words “Contains GMOs”, in which case the manufacturing company can put a badge on its product "Does not contain GMOs." This marking is voluntary. It can be found so far only in Moscow.

Although there are few permitted varieties, they are added to many products. According to experts, GMOs are most often found in poultry products (5.6%), dairy products (5.1%), and meat products (3.8%). Many of them are in baby food.

Mandatory marking more than 50 countries have introduced genetically modified products at the legislative level, including the countries of the European Union, Japan and China. Italy has passed a law banning the use of transgenic ingredients in baby food. Serbia introduced criminal liability for violation of the rules for labeling genetically modified products.

Territories occupied by transgenic crops

If in 1996 in the world under transgenic crops 1.8 million hectares were occupied, then in 1999 almost 40 million. This is not counting China, which does not give official information, but it is estimated that about a million Chinese farmers grew transgenic cotton on about 35 million hectares. The sown area under GM crops is constantly growing. In 2008, under GM crops in the world, 125 million hectares were occupied, in 2009 - more than 134 million hectares, and in 2010 - already 148 million hectares. In 2011, GM crops were grown commercially in 29 countries already on 160 million hectares, including 17 of them (“ biotech megacountries ”), transgenic plants are grown on an area of ​​more than 50 thousand hectares. Only in the last few years (2006-2010) 7 states have joined the club of biotechnologically developed countries growing GM crops on an industrial scale. Unconditional leaders among the biotech mega-countries are the USA, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada and China. It is expected that in the next 10-20 years, about 80% of 29 major crops will be sown with GM seeds.

Let's analyze the market presence of GMOs. What is going on? Perhaps then for those who advocate its profitability and practicality, the picture will appear in a completely different light.

As you know, this creation of genetic engineering managed to fill with its presence various areas of human activity: medicine, food and agricultural industries, it was also noted in crop production.

For any farm, two things are important: good planting material, that is, seeds, and high-quality feed. The fact that land has been acquired, birds and animals have been selected is only half the battle. You need to grow a good harvest on the earth, and feed animals and birds, in order to get healthy offspring, high-quality meat and other food products.

The modern world market is trying to offer seeds containing GMOs. This is very beneficial for the manufacturer himself, and he "squeezes out" his direct "pure" competitors by all means. The excellent qualities of GM plants are advertised with might and main: their resistance to lodging, an increase in yield up to 30%, the impossibility of being spoiled by pests and affected by various pathogens, indifference to temperature changes, and so on, deliberately silent about the dangers of GMOs.

That is, by purchasing GM seeds, pesticides will become practically unnecessary. Yes, and it is easier to store the crop - it does not fade for a long time and does not lose its presentation. Savings and benefits are evident. Are seeds really that good?

Minus number 1- the manufacturer sells one-year-old seeds, which will have to be purchased every year. Costs for the farmer - profit for the producer!

Previously, the economic collective farmer, the prototype of the modern farmer, never sold the entire crop. He carefully left a part for sowing. When purchasing planting material for GM crops, you can forget about it. For example, potato seeds participating in the Canadian Terminator program are not suitable for secondary planting - they are not able to produce a crop - they simply do not germinate.

And all the savings evaporate somewhere, drawing quite a lot of annual expenses. And there will be costs, because the manufacturer has a monopoly and there is no other option. And none of the farmers wants to go bankrupt.

Minus number 2- the process of cross-pollination is not regulated and is able to regenerate all neighboring "natural" fields.

Further more interesting. You see, what's the matter, if you ever sowed a GM field with seeds, then they, with the participation of Bt-toxin, can pollinate neighboring fields. No fence from the wind will cover, right? And it is not possible to control this process on open ground.

In England, there are state regulations for the preservation of the "purity" of crops, which oblige planting GM seeds at a distance of 200 m from "pure" crops. But at the same time, the British branch of the National Pollen Research Institute found that GM pollen is able to travel distances of more than 400 km - that's "a little" more than 200 m, right? And that's what happens most of the time. And there is always a risk of losing natural pure cultures irretrievably.

The transfer of Bt is also carried out through root shoots and 10% enters the soil at harvest. In Hungary, for the same reason, 10 years ago (in 2005), it was forbidden to grow transgenic corn MON 810.

Minus number 3- a farmer may lose his "clean" crop, but, worse, also may not make up for it in unsuccessful attempts to remove the GM crop from his fields.

Another interesting fact: it may happen that you can get the second and third generation of planted plants. How is this possible? Very simply - uncontrolled pollination of "pure" crops. The resulting mutant plants, developing, behave unpredictably. For example, if from a planted transgenic one-year-old sunflower, pollen fell on “pure” sunflower crops, then a weed sunflower that is resistant to pesticides may appear in your field. Getting rid of it is not so easy. Moreover, the intensive growth of culture begins. Some types of soybeans, alfalfa and rapeseed behave similarly. The latter is still unsuccessfully fought by Canadian farmers.
What can grow from the pollination of plants of another family, genus or species, one can only guess.

And gradually, if the presence of GM crops grows, then we will lose natural varieties, and everything that will grow on the planet will be the property of several enterprises that will constantly increase their income.

Minus number 4- a farmer whose fields were "infected" with a GM crop will be forced to pay a fine and lose his land, with a modified crop grown on it.

The next moment is little known, but very unpleasant. We are talking about the fact that all GMOs available on the market, of course, are patented. When pollen from GM crops gets into your “clean” fields from neighboring crops during cross-pollination, then you will also grow a transgenic organism. But it won't be yours anymore. By law, the harvest of GM crops is the property of the seed producer, whose use is paid.

So, all in the same Canada, Monsanto Corporation won a lawsuit from a farmer, taking away his soybean fields, and continues to earn on numerous fines.

And another small minus number 5- if you buy seeds marked GMO, at least this happens in America, Canada and a number of EU countries, then a mandatory document is signed depriving the agrarian of the right to conduct any research on transgenic seeds. Otherwise, the producer files a lawsuit against the agrarian for a decent amount, depriving him of a choice.

And then what? In the future, more commercially profitable plants will crowd out all the others. We will not have a variety of species and varieties. Even 93 years ago in America there were about 7,000 varieties of apples and 2,600 pears. Now their number has been reduced to 900 and 330, respectively.

In total, the country has lost up to 98% of various vegetable species. India, which vehemently supported the idea of ​​introducing GMOs, had more than 30,000 varieties of rice! At the moment there are only 10 of them. Do we really want the same?

With feed and various veterinary drugs, things are no better. The Germans refused to feed their livestock with transgenic corn MON 863 back in 2005. This decision was made after experiments were carried out on rats. After a GM corn diet, the animals showed changes in blood composition and serious weight loss.

Eating GM products, the studied animals lost their immunity, lost weight, and became infertile. This is evidenced by the results of two-year observations (from 2008 to 2010) of the A.N. Severtsov RAS.

In some cases, they showed signs that are not characteristic of this species. This is confirmed by scientists from the Institute of Developmental Biology named after N.K. Koltsov RAS. Joining forces with the nationwide Association for Genetic Safety, they conducted experiments that show the following: a group of hamsters ate GM soy for 12 months. In the process of research, it was not possible to obtain the 3rd generation of animals - infertility was found in all. Moreover, intensive hair growth began to be noted in the oral cavity.

Defenders genetically modified organisms (GMOs) claim that GMOs are humanity's only salvation from hunger. According to scientists' forecasts, by the beginning of the 22nd century the population of the Earth can reach 12 billion people, naturally there is a need to double or even triple the world agricultural production.

For this purpose, genetically modified plant varieties are excellent - they are resistant to diseases and weather, ripen faster and last longer, and are able to independently produce insecticides against pests. GMO plants are able to grow and produce a good harvest where old varieties simply could not survive due to certain weather conditions.

The harmful effect of transgenic products on the human body has not yet been identified. Doctors are seriously considering genetically modified (GM) foods as the basis of special diets. Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Scientists assure that genetically modified foods will enable people with diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, diseases of the liver and intestines to expand their diet.

Opponents of genetically modified organisms argue that they pose three main threats:

Threat to human health - allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, the appearance of intestinal microflora resistant to antibiotics, carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. When eating GMOs, it is possible to weaken the immune system, the occurrence of allergic reactions as a result of direct exposure to transgenic proteins. The impact of the new proteins that the inserted genes produce is unknown. Possible health problems associated with accumulation in the body herbicides, since GM plants have the property of their accumulate. There is a possibility of remote mutagenic and carcinogenic effects (development of hereditary and oncological diseases).

Threat to the environment - the emergence of pesticide-resistant weeds, chemical contamination of the soil.

Threat to biodiversity - the use of genetically modified plants has a negative impact on varietal and species diversity. For genetic modifications, one or two varieties are taken, with which they work. There is a danger of extinction of many plant species.

Some radical ecologists warn that the impact of biotechnology may exceed the consequences of a nuclear explosion: the use of genetically modified products leads to a loosening of the gene pool, resulting in the emergence of mutant genes and their mutant carriers.

Doctors believe that the impact of genetically modified foods on humans will become apparent only after half a century, when at least one generation of people fed on transgenic food will be replaced. However, genetically speaking, we are all mutants. In any highly organized organisms, a certain percentage of genes is mutated. Moreover, most mutations are completely safe and do not affect the vital functions of their carriers. As for dangerous mutations that cause genetically determined diseases, they are relatively well studied. These diseases have nothing to do with genetically modified products, and most of them have been accompanying humanity since the first years of its appearance.

Today, there are several hundred genetically modified foods. For several years they have been used by millions of people in most countries of the world. There is evidence that such technologies are used to obtain products sold through the McDonalds network. Many large concerns, such as Unilever, Nestle, Danon and others, use genetic engineering products for the production of their goods and export them to many countries of the world. But in many countries, such products must contain the inscription "Made from a genetically modified product" on the packaging.

Some believe that by making changes to the gene code of a plant or animal, scientists are doing the same thing as nature itself. Absolutely all living organisms from bacteria to humans are the result of mutations and natural selection.

Example. Any plant threw out several thousand seeds, and they germinated. Among the thousands of sprouts that appear, some will necessarily differ from the parent, that is, in fact, they will turn out to be mutants. If the changes are harmful to the plant, then it will die or be oppressed, and if it is beneficial, then it will give more adapted and perfect offspring, and in this way a new kind of plant can be formed. But if nature takes many centuries or millennia to form new species, then scientists carry out this process in a few years. There is no fundamental difference.

The most common GM plants in the world are soybeans, corn, oilseed rape and cotton. In some countries, transgenic tomatoes, rice, zucchini are approved for cultivation. Experiments are being carried out on sunflowers, sugar beets, tobacco, grapes, trees, etc. Field trials are being carried out in those countries where there is no permission to grow transgenes yet.

The bulk of transgenes are cultivated in the USA, Canada, Argentina, China, less - in other countries. Europe is very concerned. Under pressure from the public and consumer organizations who want to know what they are eating, a moratorium on the import of such products has been introduced in some countries (Austria, France, Greece, Great Britain, Luxembourg). Others have adopted strict labeling requirements for GM foods.

Austria and Luxembourg banned the production of gene mutants, and Greek farmers under black banners and posters in their hands broke into the fields in Boeotia, in Central Greece, and destroyed plantations where the British firm Zeneka was experimenting with tomatoes. 1,300 English schools have removed food containing transgenic plants from their menus, and France is very reluctant and slow to approve the sale of any new products with foreign genes. In the EU, only three types of genetically modified plants are allowed, or to be more precise, three varieties of corn.

In Russia, only 14 types of GMOs (8 varieties of corn, 4 varieties of potatoes, 1 variety of rice and 1 variety of sugar beet) are allowed to be used for sale and food production. So far, only in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and the Belgorod region there is a law that prohibits the sale and production of baby food using GM products. Industrial production of GMOs is not permitted, and in order to obtain a permit, each variety must pass an environmental review and receive a certificate of state registration.

The potential danger of long-term consequences of the use of such food for human health remains. Despite the fact that the dangers of GMO products have not been proven, and they are approved for use by the World Health Organization and in Russia, some believe that they should be treated with caution until full-scale studies of the effects of GMOs on the body are completed. With special care it is necessary to approach the use of GMOs in baby food, as this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Moscow's concerns about GMOs are shared by several cities and countries. Suffice it to say that more than 30 countries and 100 regions in the world have declared their territories GMO-free zones. If the product contains more than 0.9% GMOs, this must be indicated on the packaging. Corresponding amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" were made on December 12, 2007. However, the direct label "Contains GMOs" does not exist. The presence of GMO and its percentage should be indicated only in the list of ingredients of the product.

In the EU countries, it has been calculated that if the content of GMO components in products is 0.9% or less, then this can be considered a technical impurity and not labeled products with the words “Contains GMOs”, in which case the manufacturing company can put a badge on its product "Does not contain GMOs." This marking is voluntary. It can be found so far only in Moscow.

Although there are few permitted varieties, they are added to many products. According to experts, GMOs are most often found in poultry products (5.6%), dairy products (5.1%), and meat products (3.8%). Many of them are in baby food.

Mandatory marking more than 50 countries have introduced genetically modified products at the legislative level, including the countries of the European Union, Japan and China. Italy has passed a law banning the use of transgenic ingredients in baby food. Serbia introduced criminal liability for violation of the rules for labeling genetically modified products.

Territories occupied by transgenic crops

If in 1996 in the world under transgenic crops 1.8 million hectares were occupied, then in 1999 almost 40 million. This is not counting China, which does not give official information, but it is estimated that about a million Chinese farmers grew transgenic cotton on about 35 million hectares. The sown area under GM crops is constantly growing. In 2008, under GM crops in the world, 125 million hectares were occupied, in 2009 - more than 134 million hectares, and in 2010 - already 148 million hectares. In 2011, GM crops were grown commercially in 29 countries already on 160 million hectares, including 17 of them (“ biotech megacountries ”), transgenic plants are grown on an area of ​​more than 50 thousand hectares. Only in the last few years (2006-2010) 7 states have joined the club of biotechnologically developed countries growing GM crops on an industrial scale. Unconditional leaders among the biotech mega-countries are the USA, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada and China. It is expected that in the next 10-20 years, about 80% of 29 major crops will be sown with GM seeds.

The debate about GMOs has been going on for decades, fading, then flaring up with renewed vigor. Humanity has long and firmly divided into two camps - fierce defenders and equally fierce opponents.

- GMO products will save humanity from hunger

“GMO foods are a biological time bomb, a covert means to artificially curb population growth.

So, what kind of animal is this, which caused a real panic, fueled by the media and the Internet? And is it really that dangerous?

A genetically modified organism is an organism in whose genotype artificially (mainly by genetic engineering methods) were introduced allomorphic genes of another living organism. In other words, the genetic material is artificially altered either by crossing or by recombination. Thus, we can talk about transgenic or cisgenic organisms. Both are genetically modified. But transgenes necessarily contain the genes of another organism, and when creating cisgenes, DNA of the same species is used, and this type of GMO is considered to be less dangerous. The concept of GMO is used in relation to microorganisms, plants and animals.

The creation of GMOs is not a matter of today. Experiments have been carried out for a long time and quite successfully. 1982 - the recognition of GMO medicine, when with the help of genetically modified bacteria, a medicine was registered that saved thousands of lives - human insulin. From the milk of transgenic goats, a cure for thrombophlebitis was obtained and successfully passed clinical trials.

In the late 90s of the last century, as a branch of medicine, gene therapy arose, where the genome of human somatic cells is used as a modified object. In the United States, an attempt was made to successfully treat severe combined immunodeficiency in a three-year-old child who was born without immunity by gene therapy. From the girl named Ashanti refused all (!) Doctors and the child was doomed to death. Saved a child in a Maryland hospital with the help of gene therapy.

The Greens are the most outraged about GMOs. But they also protest against deforestation and environmental pollution. Currently, new tree species are being tested, bred with the help of GGMO and characterized by accelerated growth and a high content of cellulose. As for the eternal pain of "Green Pease" - violations of the ozone layer and so on, GMO bacteria are being tested, which produces environmentally friendly and cheap, moreover, fuel.

New, unusual colors of roses and peonies, non-allergic cats, aquarium fish that glow in the dark, were born with the help of GMOs.

All of the above are areas of successful application of genetically modified organisms. This is neither good nor bad, just a given of our time. Like everything else in the world, GMOs have their pros and cons.

Pros of GMOs

  • The selection of plants and animals is going much faster. There are species that are resistant to the negative effects of the environment, possessing the qualities necessary for a person at the moment.
  • Cheaper production. An advantage, no doubt. For decades, the Colorado potato beetle has been destroying potato crops. Tons of pesticides were scattered, to which the pest eventually acquired immunity. The emergence of genetically modified varieties of potatoes, which the Colorado potato beetle does not eat, has made it possible not to spend millions on pesticides.
  • Growing plants enriched with vitamins. "Golden rice" with a high content of vitamin A, a stumbling block for environmentalists. Banned and not allowed for 12 years. As a result, the ban was nevertheless canceled, during the time of prohibitions-not permits, 8 million children in China died from a lack of vitamin A.
  • GMO - plants are not afraid of transportation, are better stored and allow you to get several crops per year
  • In pharmacology - the creation of fundamentally new drugs, again reducing the cost of production.
  • In medicine, fundamentally new methods of treatment. French and German doctors using gene therapy began to successfully treat adrenoleukodystrophy.

Cons of GMOs

We've dealt with the pros. With cons, everything is somewhat more complicated. GMOs, despite the media hype, cannot be called unambiguously harmful. Now they are considered potentially dangerous. To fully elucidate the harm of GMOs, long and expensive experiments are needed. Research data by Arpad Pusztai, Gilles-Eric Séralini and Irina Ermakova on the relationship between the occurrence of cancerous tumors in rats fed GMO products as laboratory food were published. But upon careful study of them, it becomes clear that during their conduct the scientific purity of the experiment was not observed. But, studies by French scientists on the toxicity of genetically modified corn have been confirmed.

One of the most common misconceptions is “an environmentally friendly product grown on the best breeding sites”. Modern breeding (in particular, the Tiling method) involves the use of toxic substances, exposure to x-rays and radiation. This, in turn, causes a change in the genetic code, and no one is able to track what consequences or what mutations this can cause.

And yet there are supposed negative consequences of consuming GMOs.

  • Allergic reactions, either to the GMO product itself or to the source material.
  • It is quite possible the appearance of the microflora of the mucous membrane, which is immune to the actions of antibiotics, or reacts to them in an unpredictable way.
  • The use of genetically modified products can probably provoke the development of oncological diseases, the emergence of new viruses or the activation of already known ones.
  • Probability of extinction of many plant species; on contact with some GMO plants, pests die, but no one will drive away bees and ladybugs from the fields. And there are two options for the development of events: either an ordinary bee will soon become a “resident” of the Red Book, or it will learn to adapt, to take honey bribes from GMS plants. And what kind of honey it will be, it is still impossible to give an answer.
  • There is a high probability that GM organisms can mutate. A well-known example is bright green genetically modified salmon. In addition to the colors, the "monster among the fish" was distinguished by its gigantic size and weight of more than 250 kg.


Be that as it may, on the one hand, the area under crops of transgenic plants is constantly increasing, on the other hand, in Japan, China, and the EU countries, mandatory labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms has been introduced. Italy has introduced a ban on baby food containing GMOs, and Serbia has criminal liability for non-compliance with the labeling rules for such products. The best option, according to many scientists, is the "peaceful coexistence" of transgenic and conventional plants and animals, and the consumer himself must choose which type of product to use. It should be remembered that absolutely safe products do not exist.

The most fragrant and delicious bitter almond contains the most dangerous of poisons - cyanide. So the point is, after all, in what quantities there are certain products. On some hamburgers, even if they are made from the most environmentally friendly products, you will not go far.

GM organisms can bring both great evil and great good. The discovery of the reaction of thermonuclear fusion of light nuclei opened up unlimited possibilities for physicists, and ... led to the creation of a hydrogen bomb, quantum mechanics gave rise to an atomic bomb and tomographs that save millions of people. There are no discoveries good or bad, there are people in whose hands are the keys to human destinies.

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