Extraction of the 8th tooth from above. Removal of the figure eight (wisdom tooth). Simple wisdom tooth removal: video

A beautiful, undamaged dentition is an indicator of the health of the body and has a positive effect on its appearance.

Unlike other bones, they are formed in the course of a lifetime, which causes a lot of anxiety to a person.

Wisdom teeth or the so-called "eights" are especially successful in this.

About why wisdom teeth are removed and what will happen if this is not done, and will be discussed in the material.

What is the problem with the eights?

For our ancestors, third molars had great importance, because they added opportunities and strengthened the structure of the chewing apparatus.

A modern person no longer needs this and, due to extra wisdom teeth, faces a number of problems:

  • remote location makes preventive cleaning difficult, including with a toothbrush;
  • often appear when cut pain and inflammatory processes, headache or Ear ache, general weakness organism;
  • "eights" can provoke the displacement of the remaining teeth;
  • neighboring "sevens" can become infected with caries;
  • can be difficult for dentists to detect problem areas and, consequently, to provide the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

Indications for conservation

Modern man does not experience functional necessity in the third molars, but given the difficulties and troubles that they can cause, a logical question arises: “Why not get rid of the unnecessary “eight”?”.

Unfortunately, not everything is as simple and harmless as it seems. Do not scatter the gifts of nature.

The reasons why wisdom teeth should not be removed may be as follows:

  • they can serve as an excellent support if suddenly there is a need to install a bridge;
  • in the absence of units that perform chewing functions, the "eight" can become the basis for the tire and partially take over this role;
  • molars serve as a kind of barrier and prevent loosening of the dentition.

The need for removal

Why pull out a wisdom tooth? Get rid of it if the harm outweighs the benefit. So, for example, pain, numbness, inflammation, itching signal violations in the chewing apparatus, so it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Only a specialist can correctly determine how much the root of the tooth is curved, how much its position deviates from the norm, what is the threat to neighboring teeth and the whole organism. As a rule, for such a diagnosis, a referral to an x-ray is issued ( panoramic shot jaws).

It is the “eights” that, because of their inconvenient location, are more prone to caries, the formation of a cyst. To prevent contamination of adjacent teeth, it is important to carry out regular and thorough brushing. oral cavity. However, brushing your teeth 10 times a day is not possible due to the busyness of the person, and the enamel can also suffer from excessive friction.

Significant reasons why you need to remove wisdom teeth are the following problems observed in the patient:

  • the tooth has an incorrectly inclined position;
  • gums often become inflamed or bleed;
  • purulent abscesses of the gums are observed;
  • the tooth injures the tongue or cheek.

If the situation is running and the incisors and canines have already shifted, then one removal is no longer enough, you will additionally have to resort to the help of an orthodontist and correct the bite. In this case, difficulties with therapeutic treatment may arise. All specialists must coordinate their actions with each other.

The only thing worth considering is that it is better to remove the “eight” before the age of 20, while the bone is still not hard enough. Then the healing will proceed without serious complications after the removal of the "eight", and the recovery will be faster.

Wrong position

Usually, in a person, all teeth, except for the “wise”, are cut in vertical position.

That is why, in most cases, they begin to form incorrectly even in the gum in such a way that during germination they deviate from the given vertical.

Three positions are usually distinguished: buccal-angular, horizontal, and lingual-angular.

With proper vertical germination, the tooth does not cause any inconvenience, since it does not affect either the gums or the tongue.

When done incorrectly, a number of problems arise. The most unpleasant is the horizontal cutting: the tooth cannot germinate in any way, but increases in size, grows into the roots of its “neighbor”, while delivering not only pain, but also destroying a healthy one. neighboring tooth.

Displacement of the dentition

Everyone wants to have beautiful smile, however, if the incorrect eruption of the third molar is not noticed in time, then the formed main row is simply deformed.

The teeth will push against each other, this is especially dangerous with a narrow jaw.

Due to tightness and lack of space, the "eight" will look for free space for germination. The consequences are pain, an incorrect growth process and a spoiled smile.

Destruction of an adjacent tooth

Third molars are dangerous neighbors. Quite often, it is because of them that the patient has to say goodbye to the healthy.

As already mentioned, there are two main reasons: incorrect position and caries.

With a horizontal deviation, the "eight" simply changes the trajectory of its growth and injures the root of its neighbor, completely destroying it.

With caries, the "seven" is also at risk, because due to close proximity it involuntarily becomes infected, and in advanced cases is destroyed.


Another nuisance is pericoronitis - inflammation of the gum tissue, when the third molar did not erupt or did not germinate to the end. This happens due to the fact that the remnants of food fall into a kind of "hood" on the gum.

It is difficult to clean them out of there, so the food begins to rot, causes swelling, pain, bad smell from mouth, discomfort during the meal. Sometimes the patient has a fever.

In advanced cases, the jaw bone is injured, inflammation of the periosteum occurs. Pericoronitis damages not only the molar, but also the gum, where pus begins to accumulate. If during the examination a similar purulent capsule is found, then the "eight" is recommended to be removed.

When the third molar is not fully erupted, a void forms between the crown and the gum, and this is where bacterial plaque accumulates. The consequences are the same: an unpleasant odor, pain and swelling of the gums.

Carious process

Those who abuse simple carbohydrates quickly get acquainted with caries.

The causes of the disease of the "eights" are exactly the same as for everyone else - insufficient hygiene oral cavity and the accumulation of plaque.

Sometimes bad heredity also affects, and if in the first case everything depends on the patient himself, then it is already difficult to prevent anything here, you just have to correct it. Fortunately, medicine, including dentistry, has stepped far ahead.

So, with incomplete cutting of the “eight”, a “hood” is formed.

The process of caries itself can proceed without special symptoms especially in the early stages.

You can notice it only by an unexpected reaction to cold, hot, or sweet.

However discomfort pass as quickly as they arise.

There is a violation of the integrity, dentin ( hard tissue) becomes light brown. The reaction to the stimulus will be felt precisely at the boundaries of destruction.

Related videos

And finally, a wonderful video about why it is necessary to remove a wisdom tooth:

Want to remove a wisdom tooth (eight): learn about the consequences

The wisdom tooth (popularly "eight") erupts later than the others. Usually the eighth pair appears by the age of 17-22, but sometimes it erupts only by the age of 40.

Eights are green

The anatomical structure of the eighth pair is such that its treatment is complex and rarely gives positive result. Curved roots often prevent the dentist from working with root canals, and the location of the “eights” in the oral cavity in many patients causes vomiting reflex during treatment.

If therapy is not possible or has not brought the desired results, there is only one solution left - the extraction of the eighth tooth. This procedure is complex surgical operation causing fear in patients. But basically this fear is caused by ignorance about the method of the procedure and rumors that indicate its pain.

Consider the following questions: what is the removal of a wisdom tooth, in what cases is it performed, are there any contraindications to its implementation, and what complications can the patient expect after the operation.

When should it be removed?

Indications for the removal of a wisdom tooth are:

  1. Wrong position in the dentition. If the "eight" has an inclination deep into the oral cavity, then it does not take part in chewing food, and it cannot be used for prosthetics in the future. If problems arise, such a "eight" is not saved. The same is done if the 8th pair has a slope towards the cheek. In this case, it constantly injures the mucous membrane of soft tissues, which is fraught with chronic inflammation and may have severe consequences for human health.
  2. In the dentition at the time of cutting through the 8th pair, there is often no free space left. In this case, during the growth process, the “eight” will cause crowding and displacement of the row, which in turn will cause chewing dysfunction and other dental problems.
  3. Also, the "eight" is subject to removal if it creates a danger of destruction of the 7th pair standing in front. because of anatomical features the structures of the jaws of the "eight" often grow at an angle and create pressure on the enamel of the adjacent tooth, which contributes to its rapid destruction.
  4. Above the "eight" the mucous membrane of the oral cavity creates a "hood", in which food remains accumulate and, with favorable conditions, develop pathogenic microorganisms This disease is called pericoronitis. There are 2 ways to solve this problem: cutting off the “hood” or removing the 8th tooth.
  5. If a root canals The "eights" are curved, which does not leave the possibility for their full-fledged endodontic treatment, therefore, in the event of the destruction of the crown part 8, the pair is not preserved. The same decision is made if the patient has a gag reflex during treatment.

Wisdom tooth with crooked roots

Reasons to keep wisdom teeth

Dentists often recommend the removal of "eights", as their treatment is expensive and not always effective. But in some cases, you need to try to keep the eighth pair. Often the teeth of the "eight" serve as a support for the installation of the bridge. Therefore, if the condition of the 6th or 7th pair does not allow them to be used for prosthetics, it is better to keep the G8s.

Also, tooth extraction is not recommended if its antagonist remains on the other jaw. When only one of the pair is removed, the second one ceases to participate in chewing food and extends into the oral cavity, so over time it also needs to be removed.

Removal technique

Removing 8 pairs has its own characteristics. Before it is carried out, an x-ray examination is mandatory. Curved roots and their bent tips, which can easily break off - the doctor is able to prevent all these problems if there is a quality X-ray.

The complexity of the operation often depends on where exactly the eighth tooth is located. The upper jaw is less dense, it contains numerous channels for the entry of nerve endings, and "eights" often have fewer roots. For these reasons, the removal of a wisdom tooth on upper jaw takes less time, it is also easier to carry out preoperative anesthesia. Removal lower tooth wisdom is often painful, and moreover, its more curved roots create an obstacle to extraction.

The extraction operation from the well can be simple or complex. Difficult removal is carried out if the body of the "eight" is hidden behind the bone tissue, which must be cut out.

The operation consists of several stages:

  1. At the first stage, the dentist necessary research and makes a diagnosis.
  2. The second stage is anesthesia. Depending on the characteristics of the patient and the complexity of the operation, local or general anesthesia is used. General anesthesia carried out only in specially equipped clinics.
  3. The third stage is the extraction of the tooth from the hole.
  4. At the fourth stage, the wound is cleaned of possible debris, sutured and disinfected.

Duration simple option extraction - up to 40 minutes, while complex takes several hours.

Possible Complications

Surgery is an injury that is often accompanied by inflammatory process, pain, swelling and fever.

The consequences of removing the eighth tooth from above and below are different, since there are differences in the anatomical structure of the upper and lower jaws.

The main complication after surgery is pain syndrome(especially if the removal was carried out lower teeth wisdom). Pain occurs immediately after surgery, but sometimes their appearance is delayed for several days. Often, immediately after the procedure, not only the gum hurts, the pain spreads to the ear, throat, or the entire half of the face. The duration of postoperative pain is individual for each person and can range from several days to weeks.

The removal of the 8th tooth from above and below often accompanies alveolitis - inflammation in the hole. The reasons for its appearance: the individual characteristics of the body, weak immunity, a fragment that the doctor did not notice, infectious diseases oral cavity, etc. Alveolitis poses a serious threat to health, so consult a doctor immediately if you notice its symptoms:

  • bad taste and bad breath;
  • the gum hurts and swells;
  • the formation of a rough clot in the wound.

Another consequence is numbness after the removal of a wisdom tooth or paresthesia. Its symptoms resemble the effect of anesthesia: the damaged area of ​​​​the oral cavity, gums or chin lose sensitivity for a while. This condition is due to the fact that during extraction, damaged nerve endings. Paresthesia resolves with time, but sometimes special therapy is needed to restore sensation.

Extraction of the eighth tooth from below

Article checked by Dr.

The rudiments of most human teeth are laid in the prenatal period, and the last four, third molars, are formed most often after 20-25 years, but can erupt at 17 and 40. According to medical statistics, 80% of wisdom teeth are born with complications.

It is curious that 10% of people do not have such teeth at all: women do not form the lower eights, men do not have the upper ones. Sometimes (in about 0.1% of cases) another anomaly occurs: 6 third molars - 2 below and 4 - on the upper jaw.

This rudiment man inherited from his ancestors. The size of the jaw with a refined diet is smaller today, so the emerging eights often do not have enough space. You can prevent the sad consequences of incorrectly erupting "wise" teeth if you turn to the dentist in time.

Extraction of the eighth tooth from below

Difficulties in Removing the Bottom Eight

Structure mandible has its own characteristics, it creates many obstacles when removing third molars. If in the upper jaw they can always be loosened and removed with forceps, then in the lower dentition in 90% of cases this method does not work.

The bones of the lower jaw are so massive and dense that it is unrealistic to grab and swing a wisdom tooth normally. Moreover, if only part of it is above the surface of the gum - a standard situation with difficult eruption.

Even if the coronal part is developed and well preserved, loosen the tooth in the array powerful bone problematic, because it, as a rule, has a branched root system with its unpredictable location in the jaw.

Curved 2-3 roots prevent the extraction of even a loose tooth. Therefore, the diagnosis is made by a dental surgeon on the basis of an x-ray.

Crooked tooth roots

Realizing the degree of complexity of the operation, he will plan it as accurately as possible in order to prevent everyone possible complications after the intervention. In addition to the usual tongs, the doctor has dozens of special tools at his disposal: he can cut the figure eight with a drill to remove it in parts or gouge out the roots with a chisel, extracting them with an elevator.

Indications and contraindications for extraction of lower third molars

On the lower jaw, figure eights require removal for the following reasons:

  • caries complicated by periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis;
  • malocclusion with displacement of adjacent dental units (torsion is formed);
  • the figure eight interferes with the seventh tooth;
  • difficulties with teething (pericoronitis);
  • neoplasms at the roots (cysts, phlegmon, tumors);
  • changes in the structure and functionality of the lower jaw;
  • injury to the mucosa due to the figure eight, which has grown at an angle, provoking the appearance of ulcers and oncological problems.

When is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Necessary?

Extraction of the third molar will help to avoid the destruction of the dentition and jaw, and prevent inflammation. With acute toothache, the figure eight is unambiguously removed.

In some cases, teeth can be treated and extractions can be avoided.

The operation is postponed for the following reasons:

  • progressive periodontitis;
  • inflammation of the oral cavity of an infectious nature;
  • cardiac pathologies;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • first and last trimester of pregnancy;
  • mental disorders.

If the inflammatory processes are eliminated, the eights can be removed. Sometimes the surgeon will recommend treatment if there is no adjacent seventh tooth and the third molar needs to be the support for the bridge. If the tooth grows correctly, the patient intends to close it with a crown, and there is no point in removing it either.

Bottom Eight Extraction

Analyzing the picture, the surgeon determines the number of roots of the molar, their location and linearity. He will also analyze the state of the neighboring seven. If a decision is made to perform surgery, the doctor selects anesthesia based on the patient's response. Some medications can interfere with the recovery process, so the doctor should be warned about all medications taken.

Operation on lower molars differs in complexity from the removal of their antagonists. First, the area around the tooth is treated with an antiseptic. Anesthesia is most often used locally. If the patient does not abuse alcohol or drugs, such pain relief is sufficient. For very complex operations, general anesthesia is also used.

If the figure eight is with straight roots, they will try to remove it with tongs.

An impacted tooth covered by soft and bony tissue requires a different approach.

  1. To gain access to the tooth, a gum flap is cut off.
  2. The soft tissue is separated from the bone.
  3. Part of the bone covering problem tooth, cut out.
  4. Now you can grab the "wise" tooth with forceps and remove it.
  5. The flap is returned to its place and sutures are applied.

A recumbent or partially impacted molar is removed in the same way.

Any patient may be faced with the fact that he will have to remove a wisdom tooth. The reasons for this are incorrect eruption, insufficient space for its growth, or complications in the jaw. A properly performed removal procedure by a qualified dentist should not have serious consequences for an unpleasant plan.

Does it hurt to remove a wisdom tooth from above

Experienced Dentists argue that the removal of the upper eights does not bring pain to the patient, unless it is associated with the development of a purulent process. The removal operation is always complicated, so local anesthesia is used. If its action is not enough to complete the process, then the patient is given a pill to eliminate severe pain. During the process, pain may be felt, but it depends on the characteristics of the client himself: if he took painkillers for a long time, then anesthesia may not work.

How to remove eights

It is always easier to carry out a competent extraction of the 8th tooth from above than in the bottom row, because upper roots less strong and sinuous. The lower jaw has a denser bone structure, which makes the work of a specialist difficult. For the competent conduct of the process, the doctor takes an x-ray, especially if an unerupted tooth has to be removed, which may not be positioned correctly.

After the picture, the doctor examines the patient, determines whether he has allergic reactions, contraindications and accompanying illnesses. This is done to select anesthesia, which begins to act after 4 minutes. The tooth is removed from the hole with special tools, there is no gum incision and tissue drilling in a simple operation. Extraction time is 10 minutes. If there is inflammation, the doctor rinses the wound with an antiseptic, treats it with an anti-inflammatory agent, and sutures the wound. The price of removal is 2-3 thousand rubles.

Local anesthesia

The extraction of the upper eighth teeth always takes place with local anesthesia injected into the gum directly next to the site of the problem. Dentists use Ultracaine, Ubistezin, Septanest - they are modern, act faster and longer than their counterparts based on Novocain. With purulent inflammation, these anesthetics are indispensable, because they contain vasoconstrictor components that prevent infection from entering the blood during tooth extraction.


To extract the upper eighth teeth, special tools help - forceps and elevators. First, forceps are used, applied to the tooth above bone tissue alveolar process. The forceps have handles, by squeezing which, the doctor will loosen the molar, taking it out with destruction ligamentous apparatus with which it is attached to the bone. It is difficult to get close to the wisdom tooth, therefore, bayonet-shaped forceps with a significant bend are used. To remove impacted molars and roots, straight, angled or bayonet type elevators are used to help pull them out without problems.

Difficult removal of eights

To carry out a difficult extraction of the eighth tooth, lasting several hours, complicated strong roots, a destroyed crown or the presence of a hood, the following steps must be observed:

  • inspection, picture;
  • injection with anesthesia;
  • gum incision at the site of the problem - you need to dissect the tissue with a scalpel;
  • drilling of bone tissue;
  • dislocation with an elevator or separation into parts with a bur, a cutter;
  • inspection for the presence of fragments;
  • medication bookmark;
  • suturing.

What to do after wisdom tooth removal

  • change the bandage in accordance with the recommendations, but do not keep it longer than 15 minutes;
  • reception prohibited hot bath, drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • you can not touch the wound, yawn, open your mouth wide - so that the seams do not part;
  • on the first day, it is forbidden to rinse the mucous membrane with water, decoctions of herbs or soda, unless the doctor has prescribed the opposite;
  • ice can be applied to reduce pain and swelling;
  • it is forbidden to heat the area of ​​the operation in order to avoid the development purulent abscess;
  • take painkillers and prescribed antibiotics.

What can you eat

You can not eat the next 2-3 hours. At this time, it is allowed to drink warm drinks, but not hot. When the stitches are removed after a week, you can carefully eat any food, but bypass the site of the operation. It is possible to preserve the integrity of the wound by refusing to use solid, spicy food, with small grains, the one that gets stuck in the tooth gaps.

When can you brush your teeth

In case of difficult removal, it is impossible to clean the enamel for the first day, it is also forbidden to use a floss for cleaning, rinse aid and toothpaste. All of these agents can lead to healing complications. If you injure the area of ​​​​operation, then a blood clot may fall out, the sutures will open, and the wound will heal for a very long time. For 3 days, it is better not to touch the place of removal at all, but to brush the rest of the teeth gently with a soft paste, without spitting it out, but replacing it with rinsing with saline solution.


With improper hygiene, non-compliance with doctor's recommendations or difficult circumstances, there may be serious complications. In 20% of cases, after removal, alveolar osteomyelitis develops, less complicated cases are gum swelling, pain, and temperature. Incomplete extraction of root residues may develop a fistula, flux or cyst with the formation of pus, and if the wrong tools were used, neuralgia may form. facial nerve.

How long does gum heal

Patients may be interested in how long the gum heals after removing the figure eight. The healing time is individual, but if the molar is large with crooked roots, healing will be long. While waiting for the wound to heal, swelling, redness, bleeding may appear, but if they do not subside for more than 5 days, it is worth visiting a doctor for elimination.

Healing can be stretched out due to the fact that there was an incorrectly selected anesthesia, the gum was damaged during the operation, or the execution technique was imperfect. The period of wound healing is affected by the individual characteristics of the person and the success of the process. Average term healing - from a week to a month, the stitches are removed on the 7-8th day. Overgrowth of the bone at the site of removal occurs after 4-5 months.

How much gum hurts

After the termination of the anesthesia after 3 hours, pain in the gums appears, it can be constant or intermittent, gradually subsiding on the 4th day. Pain medications will help ease the treatment. If the figure eight was difficult to remove, then the tissues around it are restored longer, which increases the duration of pain sensation up to 10 days.


To the unpleasant consequences of removal top eight refers to alveolitis. The reasons for its occurrence are:

  • chronic tissue inflammation;
  • periodontitis;
  • dry socket due to poor hygiene;
  • remnants of shrapnel in the wound.

The hole becomes infected, inflamed, becomes painful. Indicators of the course of the disease include a special smell from the mouth, the appearance grayish coating, very severe pain, leading to the inability to eat. If this disease is detected, you should not try to cure it yourself - this threatens with inflammation of the periosteum, abscess, phlegmon.

Video: removal of 8 teeth from above

A wisdom tooth often causes trouble: it does not erupt completely, grows sideways inside the gums, or does not appear above the surface at all. In many people, third molars have a weak structure, often crumble, rot.

Patients often ask the doctor to remove a capricious unit: at a certain point, pain, swelling appear in the G8 area, inflammation of the gums develops. Extraction of third molars often proceeds with complications. What to do after wisdom tooth removal? Doctors' recommendations will help you understand how to avoid mistakes and complications.

When a wisdom tooth is removed

Leave the capricious unit or get rid of the "eight" as soon as possible - it's up to the specialist to decide. The dentist-surgeon will prescribe an x-ray, look at the location of the tooth, examine the quality of the dental tissue during visual inspection. Only on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the problematic unit, the doctor will decide whether to remove or save the third molar.

There are cases when the extraction of the "eight" is vital:

  • semi-impacted wisdom tooth. A severe defect is an indication for the removal of a partially erupted unit. The "figure eight" is located horizontally or vertically, the crown is often half hidden under the "hood" of gum tissue. Particles of food are stuffed into the folds, an inflammatory process often develops;
  • displacement of the “eight” away from the dental arch, tilt towards the tongue or towards the cheek. There are injuries of the mucous membrane, tongue, inner surface cheeks. Sometimes a malignant tumor develops on the affected areas;
  • oblique position of the third molar compared to other teeth. Incorrect position provokes forward displacement standing units, caries of adjacent molars. Often there is pain in the jaw, excessive pressure is experienced by the dental nerve, a headache appears;
  • the third molar is severely destroyed, filling is difficult/ineffective. Low efficiency therapeutic treatment, after which, you still have to remove the dilapidated unit.

What to do after complex removal wisdom tooth? Any mini-surgery on the third molars is associated with a risk of complications. Even after a relatively simple extraction " wise tooth» meticulous care of the wound is required, compliance with hygiene measures. Competent actions, the exact implementation of the recommendations will prevent complications.

Note! Less often, after the extraction of the "eight", a cyst is formed (a bubble filled with liquid), the bottom ruptures maxillary sinus. When the oral cavity is infected, stomatitis is sometimes diagnosed. In severe cases, purulent masses form, an abscess develops. With the spread of exudate in the tissues, penetration into the deep layers, a phlegmon is formed that threatens life.

How to proceed:

  • upon occurrence dangerous symptoms contact the dentist who removed the tooth. The doctor will clean the wound, put an antiseptic preparation, tell you how to relieve pain, remove swelling, redness;
  • for antiseptic baths, Chlorhexidine 0.05%, furacilin solution, Miramistin are recommended; (Instructions for the use of Chlohexidine; Miramistin -; Furacilin solution - page);
  • at severe inflammation the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic after the removal of the wisdom tooth, which suppresses the activity of bacteria in the oral cavity. The drug is selected by the dentist on an individual basis after a special test;
  • with swelling, redness of the gums, to relieve inflammation, use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, soda solution;
  • decoction oak bark with active astringent action accelerate wound healing;
  • if the cause of swelling is an allergic reaction, take antihistamine. Effective action showed proven means: Tsetrin, Erius, Suprastin, Tavegil. Choose 3rd generation drugs causing drowsiness with a minimum of side effects, long-term action;
  • for severe pain, take anesthetics: Ketorol, Ketanov, Nise, Paracetamol. Some medicines have side effects: do not exceed the dosage;
  • for improvement general condition in inflammatory processes, take restorative drugs, multivitamins. healthy body more likely to cope with the infection;
  • with paresthesia (nerve damage), painkillers, physiotherapy will help. Manipulations will be prescribed by the dentist, taking into account contraindications, the patient's condition.

Take note:

  • never self-medicate. If the pain increases, swelling, redness increase, urgently visit a dentist-surgeon;
  • throbbing pain radiating to the ear, swelling lymph nodes, soreness salivary glands indicates an extensive inflammatory process. With the severity of the case, resection of the gums or mucous membranes, drainage of purulent masses are required;
  • before visiting the dentist, take baths with a decoction of chamomile, take anesthetics;
  • in no case do not touch the wound in the gum with your hands, spoon or cotton swab;
  • it is forbidden to get a festering clot: manipulations will be carried out by a doctor in compliance with sterility.

Each person should know how to proceed after the removal of a wisdom tooth and other less problematic units. Wrong actions, for example, warming up instead of cold compresses, attempts to clean the hole at home often turn around serious problems. Remember: osteomyelitis, flux, cyst, swelling of the facial tissues often develop when trying to self-medicate.

The process of removing a wisdom tooth in the following video:

8 tooth or wisdom tooth erupts at the age of 18-25 years. It got its name from folk beliefs. It was believed that closer to the age of 30 a person became wiser. In total, 4 wisdom teeth appear: 2 on top and 2 on the bottom. In 8% of people they do not grow. Ancestors believed this was due to the fact that a person has not accumulated enough life experience: wisdom never came to him. Modern dentists talk about evolution. The food people eat has changed. She became softer, processed. The size of the jaw has decreased, and the wisdom teeth simply do not have enough space. This is a vestige that was inherited from the ancestors.

Features of the "eight"

Wisdom tooth or 3rd molar completes the line of the dentition. Its root is complex and can have up to 4 processes. This is one of the features of 3 molars.

Possible pathologies during eruption

The extreme molars do not always erupt correctly and begin to grow. upright. Dentists often encounter oblique tooth growth:

Pathology will be considered not only the wrong inclination of the last molars, but also their insufficient appearance. Dentists determine full or partial retention wisdom teeth. With full retention, the molars do not erupt. They stay inside the jaw.

For a person, this may be imperceptible. If he does not experience pain, there are no changes on the gums and other teeth, then the “eight” is not touched. Dentists recommend doing an orthopantomogram, a panoramic X-ray of the jaw, once a year. A complication of complete retention of 3 molars may be the formation follicular cyst that forms around the bones.

More dangerous is the partial retention of the wisdom tooth, when it has not erupted completely. Wherein the following complications may develop:

  • inflammatory process in the gums and bones - pericoronitis: swelling of the gums, severe pain, fever, difficulty chewing and swallowing food; an abscess may develop purulent inflammation intercellular space of the face and neck, phlegmon;
  • difficult hygiene procedures near the "seven": caries begins at the base, which is difficult to notice; it affects the root, despite the fact that the crown may look white; 7 tooth has to be removed;
  • resorption of the hard tissue of the neighboring molar, resorption: leads to the loss of the "seven";
  • formation of a periodontal pocket: inflammation of the jaw bone occurs;
  • injury to the mucous membrane of the gums or cheeks: the injury turns into chronic form and leads to the formation of a tumor;
  • protrusion of a paired tooth: it lengthens and disrupts the process of chewing food; blocking occurs mandibular joint: the patient feels a crunch, clicks and pain in the joint;

In some cases, a wisdom tooth is removed, but dentists do not always make such a decision. There are indications for the treatment of the "eight" and contraindications for extraction.

Indications for removal

Despite all the prejudices associated with the wisdom tooth, it is recommended to remove it in the following cases:

The removal of a wisdom tooth will prevent the development of unwanted inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, destruction of adjacent teeth and jawbone. If a patient visits a dentist with acute pain, then the removal of the molar is inevitable.

Contraindications for surgery

Sometimes the doctor postpones the operation to remove the "eight". In some cases, tooth extraction is contraindicated. The cause may be diseases:

  • periodontitis, if inflammation of the gums progresses; prescribe antibiotics, painkillers, reduce the inflammatory process; wisdom teeth removed after gum treatment; gingivitis is not a contraindication;
  • heart disease;
  • an inflammatory process in the oral cavity caused by a fungus or infection;
  • ARI, influenza, SARS;
  • 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy: a tooth is removed only in extreme cases;
  • refusal of the patient from the operation;
  • psychological imbalance or mental illness;

The dentist can decide whether to start wisdom tooth treatment, if that is the case. certain grounds:

  • the absence of the “seven”: the “eight” can eventually move the dentition and move to a free space; the linearity of the teeth will be preserved;
  • the patient wants to do bridge prosthesis in the absence of the "seven": 3 molar can serve as a support for the "bridge";
  • the correct location of the wisdom tooth on the gum, the simple structure of the roots;
  • caries develops on the upper surface of the crown, which is easy to reach with tools;
  • the tooth grows without pathologies, the patient wants to install a crown on it;

Treatment or removal of a wisdom tooth without diagnosis is impossible. The dentist will definitely prescribe an x-ray or an orthopantomogram: the picture is digital and more accurate, the process does not affect the human body. Diagnostics allows you to determine the number of roots of the "eight", their linearity, location. From the picture, the doctor will see if there are violations in the adjacent tooth. After analyzing the picture of the orthopantomogram or x-ray, the dentist decides to remove the 3rd molar or start its treatment.

Extraction of 8 tooth

The operation to remove the molar is performed by a dental surgeon. He studies the patient's condition, x-rays, selects an anesthetic to avoid development allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock. Upper molars are most often removed simply. The surgeon grabs the tooth with special forceps, loosens it and pulls it out of the gums.

Extraction procedure 8 tooth

The lower jaw is more massive than the upper one, the bone is denser, the roots of the teeth are stronger, which complicates the operation.

  1. The area of ​​​​the oral cavity, where it is planned to remove the "eight", is treated with an antiseptic solution.
  2. The patient is injected with an anesthetic with a syringe: they wait 5-7 minutes for the painkiller to work: the cheek and tongue go numb, the patient does not feel anything. The anesthetic will work badly if a person uses drugs, alcohol, constantly uses painkillers in large doses. In some cases, the tooth is removed under general anesthesia.
  3. If the tooth grows straight, the roots are not curved, then the surgeon grabs it with forceps, loosens it, and removes it from the oral cavity.

An impacted tooth requires some manipulation: it hidden under a layer of bone and soft tissues of the gums. After treating the patient's oral cavity and administering anesthesia to him, the surgeon must open access to the tooth. To do this, he needs:

Removal lying tooth wisdom or partially impacted perform in a similar way. To capture it with forceps or an elevator, it is necessary to open access for tools. The operation takes place with incisions in the gums and drilling of the bone.

The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes. During the removal of the "eight" the patient will not feel pain. In place of the molar is formed big blood hole. The surgeon will close it with a gauze pad, which is saturated with a hemostatic and antiseptics. The doctor will definitely warn about the consequences of the operation and give certain recommendations. The dentist can prescribe to the patient sick leave for 3-4 days for rehabilitation.

Consequences after the removal of the "eight"

The body will definitely respond to a violation of the integrity of the tissue in the oral cavity. After the removal of the wisdom tooth in the lower jaw consequences are inevitable.

3 days after tooth extraction, the patient visits the dentist for examination and probing of the wound. If the gum tissue is restored without pathologies, then the sutures are removed on the 5th day.

To reduce complications

  • you can eat 4 hours after the procedure: food should be fresh, soft, semi-liquid consistency; drink plain water you can immediately: it should be at room temperature;
  • drinking alcohol and smoking is allowed the next day;
  • the patient will have to refrain from taking a hot bath;
  • physical activity should be avoided;
  • for the first 4 hours, ice should be applied to the cheek to reduce swelling and avoid bruising: ice is kept for 5 minutes, 10 minutes break;
  • do not rinse your mouth and brush your teeth for a day;
  • You can take painkillers and other medicines only on the recommendation of a dentist;

The removal of a wisdom tooth will pass without consequences if all the doctor's recommendations are followed during the procedure and after it. The cost of a simple operation - from 1500 rub. A complex procedure for removing the lower 3rd molar - from 3000 rubles.

Expert opinion

The removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw is one of the most complex operations in surgical dentistry. European dentists have developed a technique that allows you to avoid complications when removing a wisdom tooth and make the healing period more comfortable. This method is called the removal of a wisdom tooth by ultrasound using the PIEZOSURGERY system. Using this technique, the dentist surgeon carefully separates the wisdom tooth without causing thermal injury bone tissue, which accelerates healing by 2 times, and reduces pain in postoperative period by 70%! Our specialists completed an internship in Germany in 2015, and since that time, more than 2,000 removals of the lower wisdom tooth using ultrasound have been performed at the Bionic Dentis clinic. This modern method is not yet common in Russia, but received world recognition as sparing and preventing complications.

Ozerov Petr Vladimirovich, chief physician Clinic "Bionic Dentis" Moscow, an expert in the field of removal of wisdom teeth.

Read on our site, an expert in the removal of wisdom teeth, in which you will learn about modern ways tooth extraction.

In the lower jaw, wisdom teeth usually begin to form at the age of 20-25, although occasionally they erupt at the age of 15 and after 40. Moreover, according to numerous studies, in almost 80% of cases their eruption is associated with certain complications. We note the most common problems due to the appearance of wisdom teeth in the lower jaw, which most often provoke their removal:

  • complications of caries (periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, etc.);
  • malocclusion and displacement of adjacent teeth (crowding formation);
  • difficult teething (pericoronitis);
  • formation of cysts, tumors and various neoplasms near the roots
  • violation of the structure and function of the temporomandibular joint;
  • chronic injury of the buccal mucosa due to improper tilt of the wisdom tooth, which can cause the development of a long-term non-healing ulcer, which, in turn, can even turn into a malignant tumor.

It is interesting

In 8-10% of people, the eighth teeth do not form at all, and women most often do not have lower wisdom teeth, and men do not have upper ones. Approximately 0.1% of all cases develop large quantity wise teeth (mostly six) - usually two wisdom teeth appear on the upper jaw at once on both sides.

In order to prevent serious consequences associated, for example, with difficult eruption of the 8th tooth, its incorrect position in the jaw or severe carious destruction, it is important to contact a dental surgeon in time for timely help. Especially often, severe consequences are observed when a person ignores obvious problems associated with the lower wisdom teeth.

However, even directly during the removal of the 8th tooth from below, certain problems can also arise, leading to the development of complications immediately after its removal or some time after the procedure. We will talk about all these important and interesting nuances further ...

Difficulties that often arise when removing the lower wisdom tooth

The structure of the lower jaw has a number of features that in the region of the lower eighth teeth create a lot of obstacles to their easy removal. For example, if the upper eighth teeth can almost always be successfully and quickly removed from the beginning to the end with forceps, then this is simply not possible with the lower teeth in 80-90% of cases.

Due to the massiveness and density of the lower jaw bone, it is not possible to carry out a normal grip and rocking of the tooth (especially in case of difficulty in its eruption, when only 20-30% of the crown part can be on the surface). Even in the presence of a well-defined and not destroyed by caries crown, shake the lower wisdom tooth, which is located in the thickness massive bone, is very, very problematic, especially when the roots have the most unpredictable number and location in the jaw.

Indeed, the twists and turns of the roots can be the most incredible. Often, the dentist has to deal with two or more roots bent at different angles, which make it difficult to extract even a tooth that is well loosened by the surgeon.

That is why, before carrying out the removal procedure, it may be necessary to take a diagnostic x-ray, allowing the dental surgeon to understand what he will have to deal with. This helps to avoid errors on the part of the doctor, and also reduces the risk of possible postoperative complications.

On a note

When removing the lower wisdom tooth, the dentist-surgeon is often forced to resort to various tricks, and can use a variety of tools. Forceps alone are often not enough here, so don’t be surprised and don’t be scared if suddenly the doctor starts literally sawing your tooth with a drill into pieces, or takes up a chisel and starts knocking on it ...

Possible consequences of removing the 8th tooth from below

Unfortunately, even after the lower wisdom tooth has already been removed, the consequences of the experience surgical intervention can still make themselves felt in the future - after all, a large area often remains in the oral cavity wound surface with torn tissues around it. Typical problems that can be encountered are heavy bleeding from the hole, gradually increasing pain, swelling of the cheeks and gums, inflammation and suppuration of the walls of the hole (alveolitis), and others.

Many people know from their own experience how long the lower wisdom tooth is sometimes removed and what palette of sensations after such an intervention awaits in the very near future. On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews that paint a rather terrible picture of the removal procedure itself and no less terrible after it.

“I have a sad story. My wisdom tooth on the bottom left pushed all the others, because of which they began to grow incorrectly. In the end, I decided to remove it immediately. And that was the worst thing I've ever experienced in hospitals. I came to the clinic, they anesthetized there, cut the gum, and then they began to twist the tooth out of the jaw! But it failed. Therefore, they began to crush it and gradually extract it into fragments. Terrible.

They tortured me for about 30 minutes, then they began to sew me up. Then she looked in the mirror in the corridor - it was necessary to see. Absolutely distorted face, everything is swollen on one side, a bruise all over his cheek. And when the frost began to pass, everything began to hurt, the constant taste of blood in the mouth.

I woke up at night and was horrified - my cheek became 3 times larger, all purple. In the morning I ran to the same doctor, who also gasped. And only after 2 weeks she began to look like a person ... "

Evgenia, St. Petersburg

All of this is, to some extent, true. dental clinics. In addition, not a single person is immune from the doctor’s mistakes and the consequences associated with this (sometimes during the procedure, the doctor, due to excessive effort, breaks the patient’s lower jaw, tears the corners of the mouth, can dislocate the adjacent tooth (7), cut the cheek or gum with a tool that has come off etc. )

However, if there are obvious problems caused by the 8th tooth from below, simply postponing its removal indefinitely and waiting for everything to somehow go away by itself is stupidity, which can sometimes even cause death. Lower chewing teeth in general, they have a specific position in the jaw: they are surrounded by well-perfused tissues, around their roots and under them there are spaces that directly border on muscles, large vessels and nerves. The consequences associated with the departure of the infection deep into these spaces can be very serious and dangerous, and can create risks for human life.

If the tooth should be removed for orthodontic reasons, then delay with this often causes permanent malocclusion, as well as problems in the functioning of the lower jaw joint (all this in the future can lead to a serious deterioration in the quality of life, and someone can even ruin their career).

To regret a wisdom tooth that creates a chronic injury to the cheek means to bring development closer malignant tumor on the spot non-healing ulcer(and this is confirmed by the corresponding statistics of the appearance of cancer in the maxillofacial region).

Therefore, no matter how frightened you are by friends, relatives or even doctors - if there is a problem associated with wisdom teeth, then it must be solved quickly, without postponing “for later”.

“Recently I signed up for the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, because because of it my cheek was very swollen. I came to the municipality, they sent me for an x-ray, well, as usual. She brought an x-ray to the doctor: he looked at it meaningfully for a long time, then examined the tooth in his mouth. And imagine, he said that it was urgent to cut out the tooth along with the gum, and then sew the whole thing in and go to the reception 5 or 6 times until it healed. And he immediately said that most likely everything would be bad and painful, scared me to death. So I rushed away from this almshouse ...

In general, they did not help me there and did not reassure me at all. So I went back to normal. private clinic, albeit not with such low prices, but there I was normally pulled out a wisdom tooth and given detailed advice what to do after removal so that the blood does not go and does not hurt much. So now I don’t give a damn about these clinics, otherwise they’ll cut off something extra along with the gum.”

Marianna, Samara

Severe bleeding from the hole of the extracted wisdom tooth

Bleeding after the removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw occurs more often than when the lower 5, 6 or 7 teeth are removed, since there are richly vascularized gum tissues around the “eight”, and the complexity of the removal procedure itself plays an important role here, when the surrounding tissues are severely injured . The blood may not stop for a very long time: in such cases, the gauze swab that the dentist-surgeon leaves on the hole is abundantly saturated with blood.

Such bleeding can last from several hours to days.

On a note

The hole may not begin to bleed immediately, but several hours after the tooth is removed (the so-called secondary bleeding). Let's explain this point in more detail.

Removing a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw requires good anesthesia. Which anesthetic should be used in this clinical case the doctor decides, and in order to achieve the longest possible anesthesia, adrenaline is usually added to the drug, which greatly narrows blood vessels. That is why immediately after the extraction of a tooth, there may be almost no blood in the hole: the so-called “dry hole” effect occurs.

After 1-2 hours, the arterioles expand, and early secondary bleeding occurs. Late secondary bleeding (after a few days) may develop if the blood clot, for example, due to the inflammatory process.

Bleeding after tooth extraction can also occur for common reasons:

  • in diseases associated with impaired blood clotting;
  • when using anticoagulants not direct action, as well as with an overdose of direct-acting anticoagulants, for example, heparin;
  • with hypertension.

Prolonged bleeding after the removal of a wisdom tooth (and any other) sometimes leads to serious consequences: deterioration general well-being, weakness, dizziness, decreased pressure, up to loss of consciousness. That is why it is so important to consult a doctor in time for advice if the blood from the hole after tooth extraction does not stop for a long time.

Home ways to stop bleeding from the hole do not always work.

Severe pain after the extraction of the eighth tooth

Postoperative pain during the first day is normal phenomenon, especially if you remember how difficult it is sometimes to remove wisdom teeth in the lower jaw. In practice, it looks like this: within a couple of hours after passing the “freeze” from anesthesia, almost every person experiences quite severe pain.

Most often for prevention severe pain after tooth extraction, it is recommended to drink the first tablet 30 minutes after the procedure. For example, your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • Ketorol;
  • Nimesil;
  • Ketanov;
  • Nise;
  • Nurofen

If the socket continues to hurt badly in the days following the removal of the wisdom tooth and this pain is accompanied by other alarming symptoms (for example, fever, impaired mouth opening, putrid smell from the mouth), you should immediately contact your dentist for help.

Paresthesia or consequences of a nerve injury in the jaw

One of the rare but very unpleasant consequences removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw, paresthesia of a part of the face, chin, lips, cheeks, tongue can become partial or total loss their sensitivity. This complication is associated with damage to the mandibular nerve, which passes near the roots of the lower wisdom teeth: if during the operation the surgeon accidentally touches the nerve, then the person may then get the impression that the anesthesia does not go away.

In other words, all those signs of anesthesia that the patient feels before the procedure for removing the lower wisdom tooth remain after, and sometimes last for several weeks or months, depending on the severity of the nerve damage. With a minor injury to the mandibular nerve, paresthesia goes away on its own in 1-2 weeks, and physiotherapy and the use of special drugs accelerate this process.

In more rare cases paresthesia after tooth extraction can persist for months and even be permanent.


Simply put, alveolitis is the suppuration of the hole, which fully reflects the essence of the ongoing process. The occurrence of alveolitis after tooth extraction is mainly the result of the actions of the dentist, which are associated not only with the high trauma of the operation, the reflux of infectious contents carious tooth deep into the socket and leaving a "dry socket" without a normally formed blood clot, but also with insufficient information to the patient about postoperative care behind the hole If the rules of care and hygiene are violated, alveolitis can occur even with a normally performed removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw.

Inflammation of the hole, as a rule, is accompanied by pain, fever, difficulty chewing on the side of removal, putrid breath, and slight swelling of the face. If the disease remains untreated or the treatment is carried out incorrectly, then at the site of the removed lower wisdom tooth, limited osteomyelitis, which causes a violation of the opening of the mouth and increased swelling of the gums and cheeks.

Complications of alveolitis can also be life-threatening abscess, phlegmon and lymphadenitis. When anxiety symptoms you should seek help from a doctor, as home treatments are almost always ineffective.

Summing up, it should be said that despite the certain complexity of removing a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw and the risks associated with it, it would be wrong to refuse surgical intervention if there are indications. The help of a doctor in such situations is really necessary.

If you had a chance to experience all the “charms” of removing the lower wisdom tooth from your own experience, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page!

An interesting video about wisdom teeth and the problems they can lead to...

And this is how, in fact, the removal of a wisdom tooth occurs, partially hidden under the gum

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