Panoramic x-ray of teeth. Orthopantomogram: a panoramic picture of the teeth. Radiography in dentistry

What are the diagnostic methods in dentistry? Well of course it's normal visual inspection. Probing is also widely used - checking with a special tool - a probe. But all this surface techniques. They do not show the “root of the problem” and do not allow you to look inside the tooth. To do this, there is an x-ray that "sees through the teeth."

Often the doctor recommends taking a panoramic picture, which makes it possible to "see the whole breadth of the picture." Scientifically, this method is called "orthopantomogram" (abbreviated: OPTG). This is a key diagnostic method, for many types of treatment it is absolutely necessary.

What an orthopantomogram allows you to see:

  • Detailed view of the top and mandible.
  • Teeth: their shape and features. Necessary for the diagnosis of caries.
  • Roots of teeth. Useful for drawing up a plan for filling canals.
  • Soft fabrics. It makes it possible to timely determine the emerging granuloma or cyst. The state of periodontal pockets is also very clearly visible, and this allows you to “catch” periodontitis at an early stage.
  • Wisdom teeth, as well as their rudiments.
  • Impacted (not erupted) teeth.

Types of OPTG:

    Panoramic shot on film.

    Now considered obsolete. The problem is that X-ray exposure when using a film device is quite high. In addition, the development of the picture also takes some time. Well, the result is short-lived, the film fades and deteriorates over time.

    Digital panoramic photo.

    Now that's modern technology. Transportation of the resulting image is very convenient, it can be stored on any digital media, which greatly simplifies diagnostics - even send it by e-mail!

The dentist may recommend a 3D image obtained with a tomograph. This is a new generation of radiation diagnostic devices that use magnetic resonance radiation to create the clearest possible three-dimensional image.

Indications for panoramic imaging

OPTG is usually recommended as the most initial diagnosis. This allows the dentist to big picture condition of the patient's teeth and outline a treatment plan. Therefore, this technique is used by a variety of dentists: therapists, surgeons, orthodontists, etc. However, a panoramic image also has specific indications:

How much does the service cost

The price of such a useful event as an orthopantomogram is surprisingly small. Only 500-1000 rubles. A digital media with the results of the study can be handed over to the patient.

Some clinics offer a panoramic x-ray for free, provided that you will be treated by them in the future. Panoramic dental X-rays can be done inexpensively at almost any dental clinic. On our site you have the opportunity to choose the most convenient option for you.

In one picture, a joint image of the lower and upper jaw. The circular image shows the state of the dentition from one temporomandibular joint to the second. On the radiograph, one can clearly trace not only the condition of the soft tissues, but also the structure of the upper and lower jaws.

Panoramic radiography - why do they do it

Panoramic x-rays are done to assess the condition oral cavity generally. The examination does not cause discomfort to the patient and pain. The only trouble is the need to open your mouth wide in a standing position.

An x-ray of the dentition can be performed on the elderly, the disabled, people with disabilities, and even children.

Indications for panoramic X-ray:

  • before implantation;
  • for tooth alignment
  • for the treatment of periodontal disease;
  • with inflammation of soft tissues;
  • to assess growth dynamics permanent teeth;
  • before surgery.

Before performing an X-ray examination, it is necessary to remove all metal objects from the neck: earrings, glasses, metal prostheses, decorations. These objects interfere with the passage of x-rays.

When performing this X-ray examination, radiographers provide radiation measures to patients. For these purposes, a lead apron and a collar around the neck are put on a person.

How an orthopantomogram is done - a description of the procedure

To make an orthopantomogram, you need to stand in a special x-ray machine. The patient should bite down on a plastic stick with their teeth. At the same time, his chest is pressed against a special platform. This is the only discomfort during the procedure.

During the examination, the person must stand straight. There are special handrails for this. In some cases, the radiologist asks to change the position of the head: turn, lift or tilt. This is necessary to examine the desired areas of the oral cavity.

During exposure, the patient ensures that the lips are closed and the tongue is pressed close to soft palate.

Do not worry when the emitter moves along the head and makes noise.

About the safety of panoramic x-rays

Panoramic x-rays are safe when radiation protection measures are followed. Of course, any x-ray examination is accompanied by radiation exposure. When taking dental images, it averages about 0.02 mSv.

Approximately this dose is formed during long flights by plane. Therefore, you should not worry about radiation if the doctor has ordered orthopantomography (). When it is performed on digital devices, the level of radiation exposure of the patient is reduced.

It is very important that the picture is correct immediately. So ruled out re-irradiation person.

What x-ray equipment is used to make OPG

circle shot teeth are made on a special apparatus - an orthopantomograph. It comes in film and digital. After digital x-ray, a better image is obtained. It is stored on the hard disk of the personal computer, on a flash drive or on CDs.

Advantages panoramic shots teeth:

  • reduction of time on digital equipment;
  • the ability to see the smallest details when applying software applications;
  • archiving images allows you to track changes in dynamics;
  • the attending physician receives an orthopantomogram almost immediately after the examination.

The above advantages of digital OPG X-ray allow you to take dental X-rays for women in the third trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Why is a circular dental radiograph performed?

A circular dental radiograph is performed to assess the condition of soft tissues, to determine changes in the roots of the teeth and jaw. The study on the roentgenogram of the dentition with the help of OPG is carried out with damage to about 50% of the bone tissue.

Circular dental X-ray reveals accurate diagnosis and choose optimal treatment pathology. Without testing it is impossible to detect the following pathologies:

In conclusion, we note that OPG is a qualitative method of X-ray diagnostics of the dentition and the condition of the jaw. It is characterized by minimal radiation exposure and allows optimal organization of dental treatment.

Many dental diseases cannot be diagnosed without an X-ray examination. Explore in detail skeletal system, see the cavity, check the correct treatment can only be done by taking a picture of the teeth. The price for a panoramic x-ray is much higher than for the other two types of x-rays, and this is not surprising. the most complete and reliable information only he can give.

What types of x-rays are there?

In dentistry, three methods of radiation examination are used: intracanal, cephalometric and panoramic.

The intraoral x-ray got its name due to the fact that it does not take into account the entire jaw, but is concentrated inside the mouth.

Most often it is used after treatment. With its help, the dentist checks the following:

1) Were all fragments of the tooth removed from the hole after a complex extraction.

2) Whether the implant or pin has taken root well.

3) Is there an empty cavity left in soft tissue after cyst treatment.

4) How evenly the bone heals after implantation or complex removal.

5) Whether all tissues damaged by caries have been removed.

6) Are there any voids left after filling.

For treatment, a similar radiation study is also used, but still less frequently. Basically, the dentist sends for an intraoral x-ray before removing the teeth. With the help of a snapshot, he will determine if there are any complications, whether the root system is correctly formed, whether it will be possible to remove the tooth completely or whether it will have to be divided into parts.

The cephalometric image captures not only the teeth, but also part of the jaw, its right or left side. It, in contrast to the intraoral image, is most often used to diagnose the disease.

The most alarming sign of almost any oral disease is pain. In most cases, people only come to a specialist when it becomes unbearable. No one can say exactly which tooth hurts. Even if the patient accurately indicates the source of pain, this does not mean that he is the cause. The only thing that can be said with absolute certainty is which side hurts. The dentist directs the patient to examine this particular half of the jaw.

With the help of a cephalometric image, you can see the causes of pain, determine the diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment. Most often, such an x-ray is diagnosed with a cyst or periostitis.

Sometimes a cephalometric image is used before orthodontic treatment. Before installing braces, it is very important to remove all complicating factors in advance. One of them is wisdom teeth. If you put brackets at the age of 18 to 25 years, i.e. when the third molars are just about to erupt, there is a very great danger that such teeth will spoil the system and all the results of treatment. Therefore, wisdom teeth that have not erupted are removed in advance, and for this it is necessary to determine their exact location and make sure whether they can really cause harm. It is especially important to monitor the wisdom teeth when one of them erupted before the start. orthodontic treatment. It is in these cases that orthodontists take a cephalometric picture of the side of the jaw from which the wisdom tooth has not yet grown.

The last type of X-ray examination used in medicine is the smudged image. We will talk about it separately.

When is it necessary to take a panoramic photo?

Already by the name it is clear that such an x-ray covers a larger area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe jaw. He takes a panorama of her - a full shot, including all parts of the lower part of the face. Most often, such a radiation examination is used for orthodontic purposes and after jaw injuries.

Panoramic photography allows the specialist to study full condition teeth, and determine whether braces can be placed, and if so, what load to use.

This examination is very important at a young age. You can only get braces from the age of 12, but this is a real number. Around this age, a person has already formed the jaw system, its development and change slow down significantly, but each person is an individual. To accurately determine whether it is possible to put braces, only a picture of the teeth will help. The price of a panoramic x-ray in this case most often already relates to the total cost of orthodontic treatment.

Having studied the picture well, the orthodontist will determine whether the dentoalveolar system will change in the future, how well the roots are formed, whether the teeth are firmly held in their hole. If the result is unsatisfactory, it is recommended to wait a little more, and at this time you can wear plates to align your teeth.

At an older age, a panoramic x-ray for orthodontic treatment is taken to determine the degree of development of the third molars. About their danger in the course of treatment, we have already told early. Unlike a cephalometric image, a panoramic one is necessary in order to track the condition of all wisdom teeth at once. This is very convenient, especially if none of them have yet erupted. Again, with the help of a snapshot, the dentist will immediately check the condition of the jaw and teeth.

Panoramic shot is very important after various injuries jaws. Even visible signs there is no damage, this does not mean that the bruise went unnoticed. It can affect the root system, but soft tissue hematomas are especially dangerous. In the future, they may develop into a cyst.

With the help of a panoramic image, the specialist will carefully examine the dentoalveolar system. If he doesn't find warning signs the patient goes home.

How is a panoramic dental X-ray taken?

Before being sent for an X-ray examination of this nature, the question reasonably arises: “But how is it done?”. A panoramic x-ray is very different from other types of x-rays. For it, a more bulky and intimidating unit is used.

The main part of the apparatus moves around the head during the picture. This is the only way to get a more detailed picture of the entire jaw at once.

The procedure itself is as follows:

1) The patient is asked to remove all jewelry from the neck, ears and face.

2) A protective lead apron is put on his chest, it minimizes the harm from radiation.

3) The patient should put his chin on a specially designed support. This makes it easier for him to stay still.

4) Within 10-15 seconds, the X-ray machine will perform circular motions and illuminate the jaw.

5) The picture can be obtained in a few minutes.

Is it dangerous to take a panoramic X-ray?

Only a lazy person does not talk about the dangers of x-rays. It is believed that it can be done no more than once every six months. Problem dental treatment in that for him, x-rays have to be done several times a week. This is where the battles between patients and doctors begin, regarding the competence of the latter. Let's carefully study this issue and finally dispel all doubts.

The correctness of the behavior of various medical procedures, as well as the degree of their harm is controlled government bodies. Accepted and reviewed every year various norms and rules. So, for example, in 2003 SanPiN was adopted " Hygiene requirements to the arrangement and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and X-ray studies". It is in this document that the complete and detailed information about all the rules of X-ray examination. It also has a maximum limit. radiation exposure person per year. It is on this number that all specialists are guided.

In order to prevent diseases, examine and diagnose various diseases and injuries, the maximum allowable amount of radiation per person is 10 mSv (Millisievert) per year. In the treatment of diseases chronic nature the radiation dose can be increased up to 15 mSv.

In order to receive such an amount of radiation, even taking into account the radiation that we receive almost daily from various radio devices and other examination methods, it is necessary to take about 40 (!) panoramic pictures of the teeth, i.e. do them every 10 days. Even with the treatment of the most serious illnesses so many shots are not needed. It is unlikely that you will ever be able to exceed allowable rate irradiation. So the harm of x-rays is greatly exaggerated.

However, such numbers are given only in relation to adult patients with normal state health. There are several groups of people who are given increased attention especially if treatment requires x-rays.

When should X-rays be taken with special care?

I think you yourself understand that in the treatment of teeth in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in small children, all procedures are carried out with extreme caution. Of course, x-rays are no exception.

Usually, when examining these groups of patients, specialists try to use only modern and safest equipment. Even if the clinic does not have one, the person will most likely be referred to another. Thus, even private dentistry is doing so.

No one has conducted practical studies on the dangers of X-rays on fetal development. This is neither humane nor ethical. So during pregnancy, they still try to avoid x-rays once again. If such an examination is still necessary, it is recommended to take a picture on a radiovisiograph. We will talk about it in detail a little later.

Links between quality breast milk and x-ray radiation not found. If necessary, women during lactation undergo the same procedure as in normal cases.

Children are still taking the same panoramic x-ray as always, but only in such cases the dentist tries to increase the gap between several examination procedures.

Is it possible to do without x-rays?

It is even surprising that in the age of high technology, it is impossible to do an examination of the inside of the jaw and other parts of the body without harm to the body. In fact, this has been possible for a long time, but, unfortunately, it is not very developed.

In dentistry, the radiovisiograph apparatus is quite actively used. It gives the same results as an x-ray with absolutely no harm. However, it is not suitable in all cases.

The big difference between such a unit is that it cannot take pictures on its own. teeth jaw system. He displays all the results on the screen, through which the dentist studies everything he needs.

In many cases, the dentist needs a picture. He must examine in detail all the bone tissue, look at each root and hole, and this can take quite a long time. With a radiovisiograph, this will be inconvenient, you still have to take a picture.

So if the doctor prescribed you a panoramic x-ray, most likely, nothing will replace it.

How much does a panoramic dental X-ray cost?

The most expensive procedure for a radiological examination is a panoramic x-ray of the teeth. Its cost starts from 1000 rubles, while for other types of images you will need to pay only a couple of hundred.

    Panoramic x-ray of teeth

    700 ₽ 30% discount

    Shot on film and on disc. No hidden fees! No extra fees!

    Inspection and consultation

    0 ₽ free

    Examination, diagnostics of teeth using an intraoral camera, consultation with a doctor

Panoramic X-ray of teeth is the most informative and reliable diagnostic technique used in modern dentistry.

Panoramic x-ray of teeth or, as it is also called, the orthopantomogram of the jaw is widely used in dentistry. It is indispensable for complex dental procedures - tooth extraction, bite correction and implantation. Do panoramic x-ray of teeth in Moscow offers our dental clinic HelioDent. The resulting three-dimensional image can be used both in treatment and in prosthetics. complex teeth, as well as when correcting the bite and restoring the integrity of the dentition.

Distinctive features of a panoramic x-ray of teeth

Panoramic x-ray of teeth unlike the usual x-ray, is able to give the dentist the opportunity to assess the condition of the upper and lower jaws, the surrounding soft and bone tissue. This will allow him to make a diagnosis and start immediately. adequate therapy. Take a panoramic x-ray of your teeth necessary to prevent the development of acute carious processes under a filling or under a crown, assessing the condition of the roots and the risk of developing an inflammatory process, tumors and cysts in them. The image obtained as a result of an orthopantomogram also allows you to evaluate the results of previous treatment and bite correction. It is best if it is a 3D tomography. It clearly shows:

    Cystic and granulomatous formations;

    impacted teeth;

    Hidden foci of progressive caries;

    Pathologies maxillary sinuses;

    Damage to the dental roots;

    Inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues.

In some cases take a panoramic x-ray of the teeth recommended even for children. It will give clear information about the state of the rudiments of permanent teeth and will allow you to take timely measures to prompt elimination possible defects in their growth.

Indications and contraindications

If you are interested, where to take a panoramic x-ray of teeth quickly and inexpensively, we recommend contacting our dental clinic "HelioDent". This quick, painless and informative diagnostic method must be done in the following situations:

    At the first stage of dental implantation, it will allow assessing the condition of the bone tissue at the site of implantation of the artificial root and choosing the optimal implant.

    When a tooth is removed - a picture will allow you to see the location of the roots and the state of the tissues surrounding them;

    With global prosthetics - this diagnosis allows to evaluate the quality of preliminary endodontic treatment;

    When correcting the bite in adults and children - a picture is necessary to select the optimal orthodontic design;

    In the treatment of periodontal disease and periodontitis - this method provides clear information about the state of periodontal tissues;

    Before any surgical intervention in the maxillary region.

Panoramic x-ray of teeth, price which is quite accessible, is necessary in case of trauma to the dentoalveolar system. It allows you to accurately determine the degree of damage and take timely action, warning Negative influence the injury received general state soft tissues and dental roots. As far as contraindications are concerned, panoramic dental x-ray which our dental clinic offers, pregnant and breastfeeding women are prescribed only in extreme cases. The reason for this lies in negative impact x-ray on the unborn baby and breast milk.

The main advantages of a panoramic x-ray of teeth

Panoramic shot of teeth in Moscow performed in all self-respecting dental centers. Our clinic "HelioDent" was no exception, providing a full range of services to restore the integrity of the dentition and the dazzling beauty of a smile to its patients. The undeniable advantages of this progressive diagnostic method include:

    Fast acquisition of a high-quality 3D image - usually within 5 minutes;

    Minimum dose x-ray exposure- it is much less than when performing a targeted x-ray;

    High quality of the received image;

    The possibility of enlarging a certain part of the jaw for a more detailed examination.

Where to take a panoramic x-ray of teeth, irrelevant. Since the resulting image will be given to you in the form of a photograph, as well as recorded on a disk. Moreover, we can send it to your email inbox or dump it on a USB flash drive. Orthopantomogram is the most modern diagnostic method used in dentistry. To date, he has no equal.

How to take a panoramic dental X-ray

Panoramic dental x-ray inexpensively You can do it in our dentistry "HelioDent". This diagnostic procedure is quick and painless. It is carried out in stages:

    The patient, wearing a protective apron, sits comfortably in a chair in front of the apparatus;

    If the integrity of the dentition is broken, cotton rolls are placed in place of missing teeth;

    In the teeth, the patient tightly clamps the plastic tube;

    The device moves closer to the chest and from that moment the patient is forbidden to move;

    The device begins to rotate around the patient's head - it takes no more than 30 seconds.

Panoramic x-ray of teeth ready. The resulting image is displayed on a computer monitor, dumped to disk and printed on a printer.

Many patients of our clinic are interested in the question of how dangerous it is to perform an orthopantomogram. Indeed, during this diagnostic procedure is involved x-ray, about the dangers of which many of us have heard. In fact, in order to receive the dose of radiation that can theoretically harm our health, it will take at least 40 panoramic shots within six months. Such a number of them will not be required even in the treatment of complex dental pathology. In this way, panoramic x-ray of teeth, price which is quite affordable - this is the most progressive diagnostic method in dentistry, which will allow you to identify all existing problems in the oral cavity and take timely measures to eliminate them.

Development modern technologies does not stand still. And this makes it possible to improve the quality of life of each person. So, the medical industry also receives its advantages from this. In this article will be discussed about such a procedure as an orthopantomogram: what it is, when it is applied and how it is performed.


To make it clearer, you first need to understand the main terms. So, orthopantomogram - what is it and what does this word mean? In short, this is just panoramic, that is, completely covering two dentitions. This study makes it possible to consider:

  • The structure of the teeth of the upper jaw.
  • The structure of the teeth
  • Also maxillary joint.
  • Sinuses (adnexal), etc.

That is, the picture shows full information about the patient's dentition. The dentist himself from the picture can draw any conclusions that he needs and consider the desired object of attention.

How are these images obtained? Everything is simple here, with X-ray diagnostics, various tissues human body absorb radiation at different intensities. Pictures can be obtained in two ways: on film, as with all familiar photography, or on a special sensor that is connected to a computer.

A few words about equipment

If you need a dental panoramic, you will have to go to a dental clinic. After all, this procedure requires a special apparatus. It's called an orthopantomograph and it doesn't look intimidating at all. So, a person sits on a chair, puts his chin on a special stand and just waits for everything to be done. During the procedure itself, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. It's completely painless.

So, a person is assigned an orthopantomogram. How is the picture taken? The principle of operation of the device is as follows: the emitter will move in a circle of the area that is being studied. In this case, the receiver will receive a photograph of the footage. The receiver can be both a conventional film and a digital medium (today it is used most often because of convenience and economy).

Analog orthopantomograph - today it is already an outdated model of the apparatus for panoramic photography. Over time, they will be completely replaced by their digital relatives. And all because digital photography better quality and can be stored for a long time. The picture from the analog device quickly fades and loses its clarity. Also, this is also the additional cost of film, developing, printing photos.

Most commonly used today . The picture received from such a device is stored electronically in a computer, if desired, can be printed. In addition, modern researchers say that it is digital orthopantomographs that are less harmful, since they emit harmful rays in a smaller amount.

The picture itself is taken for a couple of seconds, and the procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. So that the patient does not have time to get harmful to the body. In addition, for protection, a special apron is put on a person, which helps to minimize exposure to the body.

Digital or analog photo? What to choose?

What you need to know if an orthopantomogram is prescribed? What is it - figured out. It is also clear that in modern clinics there are two types of equipment. So which one is the best to go for? From the foregoing, we can draw a simple conclusion that it is still necessary to choose digital orthopantomographs. Their advantages are as follows:

  • A digital camera takes much less time to take a picture. As a result, patient exposure is reduced by 90%!
  • High image acquisition speed. So, there is no need to develop a film, print a photo. After the procedure itself, the image appears on the screen in a matter of seconds. special equipment. In addition, a huge plus is that there is no need to take a second panoramic shot if problems arise during the development of the film. Again, this is a huge health benefit.
  • The digital image can be viewed in more detail. If necessary, it can be increased in order to analyze some nuances even more carefully.
  • All digital photographs are stored on a computer. That is, if necessary, they can be obtained as quickly as possible without going to the archive and without rummaging through the patient's papers.
  • Another great convenience is that the dental snapshot itself instantly gets to the attending doctor. This can be done via electronic data transmission.

A little about harm

Having dealt with the term “orthopantomogram”: what it is and how the procedure itself is carried out, I would like to say a few words about how harmful it is to health. After all, irradiation still occurs, which, according to many people, is clearly not good.

As mentioned above, the procedure is carried out for a rather short time. In addition, the human body, with the necessary protection and compliance with safety measures, is subjected to minimal radiation exposure.

Information in numbers: if an orthopantomogram of the teeth is prescribed, the radiation dose for this procedure is 0.02 mSv. For comparison, it should be noted that for the year of environment a person is about 3.0 mSv. It is also important to emphasize that there are certain medical standards. For 12 months, each person should not receive by artificial means more than 1.0 mSv. At the same time, it is very important that all x-rays that a person undergoes in a year should be entered in his medical card. This is necessary in order to keep records and monitor the level of artificial exposure of the patient.

As a small conclusion, it must be said here that the use of a panoramic image has more weight for health than that small dose radiation that can be received by the body in this type of study.

Indications for the procedure

It is worth noting that today it is not at all difficult to make an orthopantomogram. To do this, you just need to go to dental clinic where appropriate equipment is available. However, to undergo this procedure, there must be evidence.

Initially, it should be noted that you need to take a panoramic shot in without fail in the case when we are talking about implantation. In this case this study allows:

  • To study the bone tissue of the teeth: density, volume.
  • To study the condition of the roots of the teeth: their placement, condition.
  • Consider the condition of the maxillary sinuses, see their location.
  • Panoramic X-ray makes it possible to choose an implant suitable for the patient.
  • It is very important that this picture helps the doctor to navigate much better during surgery.
  • And, of course, an orthopantomogram makes it possible to draw up a correct and competent treatment plan for the patient.

By the way, you will have to do an orthopantomogram also during the implantation itself. This is necessary, because the doctor must see the result of implantation of implants. And since this procedure using digital devices practically harmless, it is used throughout the entire process surgical intervention.

Other indications

In what cases may you still need a panoramic x-ray of the teeth?

  • In the treatment of various diseases that relate to the gums and teeth. It can be either a regular flux, or cysts, granulomas, periodontitis, excessive tooth mobility, etc.
  • This picture is important in the process of preparing for prosthetics.
  • An orthopantomogram is often prescribed for various kinds injuries of the patient's jaw system.
  • The picture is important in preparation for the tooth extraction procedure.

Step by step procedure

Separately, I also want to give a description of the orthopantomogram. That is, describe the order of actions that the patient must perform during this procedure:

  1. First of all, the patient will need to protect his body from the influence of rays with a special apron.
  2. The device itself is higher than the patient. However, the procedure can be carried out both standing and sitting. It all depends on the height of the person undergoing the procedure. So, the device is adjusted to its size.
  3. The jaw is necessarily fixed, fixed. It is very important. After all, to obtain the most accurate picture, the patient must be immobilized.
  4. Further, the scanner will move around the patient's head. Its purpose is to read the data and transfer it to a special device that will help the doctor to consider all that is necessary.

The diagnostic time takes no more than 15 minutes. This is quite enough to get the necessary information for its further processing.

Orthopantomogram during surgery

As mentioned above, a picture of the teeth (orthopantomogram) can be taken throughout the entire process of implant placement. This is necessary, because the whole procedure is to some extent a jewelry work that requires accuracy, correctness, and accuracy from the surgeon. Even the smallest mistake in this case can lead to undesirable consequences. It is worth noting that this procedure is able to give the doctor answers to all the questions that may arise during the surgical intervention.

Stage one: preparation. It is worth noting that in given period orthopantomogram is very important. After all, the doctor needs to accurately assess the condition of the jaw, teeth, bone tissue. To understand whether there is enough space for implantation and whether everything is ready for the operation. So, based on the picture, the surgeon draws conclusions about whether to carry out bone augmentation, which type and size of implant to choose.

It is also worth noting that certain risks may arise during implantation:

  1. If we are talking about the upper jaw, you can damage the maxillary sinuses.
  2. If we are talking about the lower jaw, there is a huge risk of damage to the trigeminal nerve.

And only this procedure - orthopantomogram of teeth - reduces these risks to a minimum.

If it was built up for the patient, this procedure makes it possible to qualitatively monitor the engraftment process.

Implantation: contraindications for carrying out

It is also worth noting that there are some contraindications to the operation for implantation of implants. So, this, for example, periodontitis or various kinds inflammatory processes in the holding area surgical intervention. Orthopantomogram of the jaws makes it possible to see these problems in the pictures, to consider the foci of inflammation, various problem areas (carious cavities, formations on the roots, etc.). And as a result avoid serious problems during surgery.

Procedure after surgery

Be sure to take a panoramic picture after the operation. Orthopantomogram in this case makes it possible to consider the quality of actions performed during the operation, the process of engraftment of implants. Also, this procedure makes it possible to recognize various kinds of complications that may occur after any surgical intervention. Even after implantation.

As a small conclusion, I would like to note that the orthopantomogram allows the doctor not only to perform his work qualitatively, but also to minimize the risk of developing postoperative undesirable consequences.

Drawing up a treatment plan

This procedure is very important, because after receiving the images, the attending doctor can draw up a competent treatment plan that will lead to the maximum speedy recovery. In this case, all actions with approximate time their implementation. This list mainly consists of the following key points:

  • Treatment of gums, teeth: is it necessary.
  • Does the patient need bone augmentation (bone tissue). This procedure is prescribed according to indications, when its natural volume is insufficient.
  • Choice of type, model of the implanted implant. Also, this procedure helps to determine the use of other equipment that may be needed during the surgical intervention.
  • Choice of material, type and model of dental crowns, abutment, prosthesis.

It is also important to note that each of these points must necessarily be agreed with the patient. The doctor himself can give recommendations. All this is necessary, because depending on the quality and choice of the model of implanted parts, the price may vary.


In what cases is it best to refuse a procedure such as an orthopantomogram? First of all, it is undesirable during pregnancy. However, if the risk of developing a disease or problem is quite high, it can still be carried out.

Separately, parents are interested in whether this procedure is prescribed for children. Of course yes. For babies, it is not contraindicated at all, since an extremely small dose of radiation occurs. Orthopantomogram of a child - the same important point during treatment, as in the case of adults. Its performance can give essential information doctor about the condition of the baby's teeth and gums.

Snapshot reading technique

Where is an orthopantomogram done? Dentistry, i.e. a dental clinic, is the place where this procedure can be performed. However, just taking a picture is not enough. You also need to be able to read it. The reading methodology consists of three main points.

An assessment of the quality of the image itself. So, the doctor looks at whether the image clarity, sharpness, and contrast are sufficient. Is it possible to fully consider the field of study. The doctor also evaluates various distortions of the teeth and the condition of the patient's jaws.

The next step is to assess the condition of the patient's bone tissue. In this case, the doctor pays attention to the following points:

  • In what condition are the interdental septa, their shape, height, condition, mineralization.
  • Is there such a problem as the restructuring of the bone structure of the tooth.
  • The condition of the jaw joints (fossae, articular heads: whether there are pathological changes in them).
  • Separately, it is necessary to assess the condition of the mandibular sinuses and canal (localization, ratio of teeth, the presence of pathologies).

The third stage - the doctor is determined with the very object of research. That is, he chooses for himself the subsequent area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity.

And the last, fourth stage: this is the analysis of the shadow of the teeth. In this case, the doctor must examine the condition of the patient's crown, the cavity of the tooth itself, the condition of its roots, characterize the root canals and evaluate the periodontal gap.

And only after all these steps, after completing these points, the doctor can prescribe adequate treatment that the patient needs to undergo.

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