Restoration of adjacent teeth damage. Restoration of broken teeth. Which clinic can I contact for dental restoration

Untimely treatment of patients to a doctor for the treatment of caries, unfortunately, is still an acute problem. One of the extremely unpleasant complications of caries is considered to be a dental disease in which an infection from a carious tooth completely destroys the pulp (a nerve in the tooth) and goes beyond the boundaries of the root into the surrounding tissues (periodontium) and bone. A distinctive symptom of periodontitis is often the appearance of a rounded swollen formation on the gum. Not all patients understand that if a cyst has formed in the gum of the tooth, the consequences can be much more serious than they could have imagined.

Why does a cyst appear in the gum?

In fact, the formation, popularly referred to as a gingival cyst, is nothing more than a fistula, or a fistula. With the development of untreated caries, the infection penetrates through the hard tissues of the tooth into the pulp, destroying and killing it, and then into the tissues surrounding the tooth root. The immune system of the body, reacting to the attack of pathogenic microorganisms, mobilizes protective blood cells to the site of chronic infection (causative tooth). Thus, pus forms in the root of the tooth and around it, which is a kind of battlefield between bacteria and the body's defenses.

Cyst in the mouth - photo

Subsequently, the accumulation of pus spreads further, destroying the bone and forming a kind of cavity, which the dentist sees on the x-ray of the affected tooth. The resulting pus constantly strives to come out through the path of least resistance. If untreated, the infection, gradually dissolving the bone, will form a course from the root of the tooth into the oral cavity, passing through the bone and gum. On the gum, a convex formation will become noticeable, often filled with a reddish or white-yellow liquid. Then the gum wall will burst and the pus will pour out.

At this time, most often the pain decreases. However, this is far from being a reason to calm down and postpone treatment until later, since the pathogenic bacteria are still in the infected tooth and continue to infect the surrounding tissues more and more. Subsequently, a new portion of pus is formed, which will again bleed from the previously formed fistula.

What are fistulas (cysts) in the gums?

Table. Cyst in the gum of the tooth - the main varieties.

Type of fistula on the gumReason for educationHow does it manifest
The beginning of the formation of pus occurs inside the root of the tooth, passes to the tissues connecting the root to the bone, and then to the bone. As a result, pus penetrates through the bone into the gum and is emptied into the oral cavity.The cause may be a carious tooth or a tooth that has already been treated (a filling was placed or a nerve was removed). It causes pain when chewing food, pressing and tapping. After the formation of a fistula, the pain usually subsides for a while.
Initially, a pocket is formed in the gum, in which plaque and bacteria accumulate, then pus forms in the depth of the pocket, which can form a passage, reaching the surface of the gum in the form of a fistula.The bulk of the symptoms will affect the gums - inflammation, bleeding, gum separation from the tooth, loosening of the teeth. Then, in the area of ​​​​one or more teeth, a fistula forms on the gum.
The rarest of fistulas. It is formed with improper eruption of the wisdom tooth and infection of the mucous membrane above it.Pain, redness and swelling in the far parts of the jaw behind the chewing teeth, accompanied by a fistula on the gums in the same area.

Risk factors for the formation of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

  1. Delayed treatment of caries and its complications. The launch of diseases that destroy the tooth leads to their progression and the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.

  2. Poor personal oral hygiene. Promotes the accumulation of plaque, in which pathogenic microorganisms multiply. The gum becomes inflamed, periodontal pockets form, in which, among other things, food can get stuck, which will immediately cause the release of pus.

  3. Bad habits. Smoking significantly accelerates the formation of microbial plaque and impairs blood circulation in the tissues of the oral cavity, preventing them from fully fighting the infection.

  4. Weak immunity. It can manifest itself as seasonal colds or serious illnesses caused by external or internal factors (genital infections, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases, beriberi, exposure to severe conditions). In any case, the reactivity of the body and the ability to destroy pathogenic bacteria are sharply reduced.

  5. Strong stress. In this case, the body focuses all its forces on fighting stress, not infection, and exacerbations of chronic diseases, including those associated with teeth, easily occur.

Signs of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

Signs and external manifestations will mostly depend on the cause of the fistula formation. Here are some of the symptoms:

  • pain in the tooth when biting, chewing and tapping;
  • the formation of a rounded element on the gum containing a yellowish or red liquid;
  • swelling of the face on one side;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • pain in the gums or in the area where the fistula has formed;
  • bad breath;

Bad breath is the cause of many problems

  • gum irritation;
  • tooth sensitivity to cold or hot;
  • nausea;
  • swelling of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of painful rounded formations under the jaw (swollen lymph nodes);
  • ear pain;
  • bad feeling.

Diagnosis of a cyst in the gum

To make an accurate diagnosis, the dentist will clarify the order in which symptoms appear, conduct a careful examination of the oral cavity, determine the presence of caries, fillings, plaque on the teeth. Assuming a causative tooth, the doctor will conduct an x-ray examination, in which, to check the direction of the fistula, he can insert a thin and elastic gutta-percha pin into it (the same one that seals the roots of the teeth). Thus, it will become immediately clear which of the adjacent teeth caused the appearance of pus.

A more advanced diagnostic method is computed tomography. It will allow not only to determine the direction of the fistula, but also to assess the integrity of the bone, the size and shape of the initial periradicular purulent focus, its proximity to the important structures of the jaws.

How is a fistula (cyst) in the gums treated?

Treatment will never be effective until the original cause of the disease is removed. That is why the most important step in the event of a cyst in the gum is to contact a professional. No types of home treatment and expectant tactics will clear the causative tooth from infection, will not remove plaque accumulated above and below the gum, infected tissues. If pus appears in any part of the body, and in the oral cavity in particular, postponing treatment can lead to irreparable consequences.

So, what are the treatment options when visiting a dentist?

If the disease has appeared in a neglected carious tooth, the doctor will drill out the destroyed enamel and dentin, remove the dead pulp, thoroughly and for a long time wash the infection with effective antiseptics and seal the canal to close its lumen for bacteria.

When a tooth suppurates with an already removed nerve and a sealed root canal, the dentist removes the existing filling, re-processes the canal with instruments and antiseptics and seals. There are many reasons for inflammation around the roots of such teeth - from the initially poor-quality processing of the canal to the features of the anatomy of the tooth (hidden, highly branched canals) and the abilities of the body's defense systems.

So, for example, if a tooth has too thin and crooked root canals, its treatment may not be possible, and attempts to fill will only lead to an aggravation. In this case, you should resort to surgical treatment of the fistula in the gums.

If the tooth is severely damaged, and the anatomy does not allow it to be cured, or there is a fracture in the root wall due to trauma, surgical methods of treatment are used, with or without tooth preservation.

Methods for preserving the tooth may include removal of one of the roots, cutting off one of the root tips, separation and removal of the causative root along with part of the crown. These operations are quite expensive, have their own risks and complications, and are not applicable in all teeth. Their effectiveness is not always sufficient.

With severe inflammation and suppuration, frequent exacerbations and unsuccessful attempts at filling, the entire tooth is most often removed. Unfortunately, in some cases, this is the only way to rid the patient of a focus of chronic infection that affects not only the jawbone, but the entire body as a whole.

In the event that pus has arisen due to gum disease, the doctor will perform professional oral hygiene, remove plaque above and below the gum, and clean out infected tissues in periodontal pockets.

With any of the listed types of treatment, revision or excision of the fistula will be a mandatory step. At the same time, the newly formed tissues lining the passage through which the outflow of pus was made are removed, which prevents the appearance of re-inflammation and the development of complications.

Consequences and complications of a fistula (cyst) in the gum

It is extremely important to understand that any purulent inflammatory diseases must be treated without delay. What can happen if you don't see a doctor?

  1. The most “harmless” outcome is the loss of a tooth. It will occur due to the progressive destruction of the bone by pus and bacteria. It will lose its stabilizing support in the form of surrounding bone tissue and begin to loosen until it completely falls out of the socket.

  2. Penetration of infection into the maxillary sinuses. Thus, maxillary sinusitis (or, in other words, sinusitis) will develop. This disease is very difficult and long-term treatment, continuing to overcome the patient for years.

  3. Formation of cysts in the jaw. A jaw cyst is a large cavity-like formation that requires major surgery. In this case, a lot of bone tissue is lost and it is necessary to replace the loss with various materials.

  4. brain abscess. It can occur when bacteria spread through the bloodstream from a long-existing focus of infection.

  5. Bacterial endocarditis. Serious heart disease, often fatal. The connection between the teeth and the heart, again, lies in the blood flow, carrying the infection, constantly accumulating in one place (tooth root, inflamed gums).

  6. Abscesses and phlegmon in the face and neck. In this case, the purulent infection moves to nearby tissues - in the cheek area, under the jaw, in the area in front and behind the auricles. These processes threaten the patient's life, significantly worsening the general condition. At the same time, pus melts everything in its path - the vessels going to the brain, nerves, muscles, bones, eyeballs. The cause in most cases is decayed teeth.

  7. Blood poisoning or sepsis. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms enter from the purulent focus around the root of the tooth directly into the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body and often leading to the death of the patient.

Video - Treatment of a tooth cyst

Did you know that you can restore a tooth even if it is more than half destroyed? For the restoration of frontal and lateral teeth, building-up with composites, installation of ceramic veneers and inlays, and prosthetics on a pin are used. And if the tooth is destroyed along with the roots, implantation is suitable.

Choice of aesthetic restoration method

The first specialist you need to contact is a dentist-therapist. After evaluating the degree of destruction of the crown part, the condition of the periodontium, bone and periapical tissues, the doctor will recommend one of the restoration methods:

  1. Microprosthetics;
  2. Building;
  3. Pin installation;
  4. Enamel restoration.

Price for restoration work and materials

The cost of the procedure depends on the condition of the crown part of the tooth, the quantity and quality of the materials used, as well as the restoration method that you prefer.

  • Restoration of a tooth on a pin will cost 5,000 rubles,
  • Partial "repair" of the chip - in 1000 - 3000 rubles.
  • Building up the coronal part with high-quality photocomposites costs about 4-6 thousand rubles.
  • The price of an implant varies from 15,000 rubles. (Implantium, South Korea and Alpha Bio, Israel) up to 35-40 thousand rubles. (Swedish Nobel Biocare and Astra Tech).



Microprosthetics is used in the presence of a preserved crown part. If the extent of damage is significant, the tooth is cleaned with a diamond burr and the empty cavity is strengthened with a special inlay.


For aesthetic restoration of the front teeth, veneers are used - ceramic or composite overlays on the front surface.

Procedure steps:

  1. Removal of the top layer of enamel.
  2. Selection of veneers according to the color of the patient's "native" tissues.
  3. Making an impression of the jaw and sending materials to the laboratory.
  4. Installation of ceramic veneers.

During the manufacture of permanent veneers, temporary (plastic) ones are placed, so that after the first visit you will leave the dentist with restored, intact teeth.

Please note: veneers can only be placed on a saved crown! In case of traumatic injuries, chips and the absence of the crown part, it is restored by extension or other methods.

Restoration of teeth by extension

Extension is one of the fastest and least traumatic methods of tooth restoration. Dentists recommend building up with light-curing materials for:

  • wedge-shaped defects;
  • chips;
  • carious lesions.

If the patient is missing more than ½ of a tooth, an indirect extension method is used using a crown. The dentist prepares by preparation, then puts an artificial crown on the stump. This protects the remaining hard tissue of the tooth and its root from complete destruction.

The ideal solution for the restoration of chewing teeth that experience the maximum degree of stress is porcelain-fused-to-metal or zirconia crowns, as they are stronger than other materials. To restore the front teeth, pins are most often used.

Dentists recommend installing a pin when the tooth is destroyed to the level of the gingival margin, and the walls of its crown part have thinned to 1 mm. This is a relatively inexpensive technology that allows you to strengthen the root and make a restoration in one visit to the doctor.

Pins are made of high-strength, durable materials:

  • titanium;
  • ceramics;
  • carbon fiber.

Fiberglass structures are used to restore anterior teeth, since it has physical properties and color similar to dentin.

Before installing the anchor pin, the doctor performs instrumental preparation of the root canal, then fixes the structure and restores the coronal part with a composite. When the root is significantly curved along the axis, the canals are affected by the carious process, and the crown is completely destroyed - the diseased tooth is removed and implanted.


The first stage of restoration by implantation can be carried out immediately after removal: the doctor implants the implant into the jaw bone tissue. After osseointegration (fusion) of the implant with the periosteum, an abutment (support) and an artificial ceramic crown are installed on it.

Implantation allows you to recreate the anatomical shape, from root to crown, without injuring adjacent teeth, as happens when installing bridge structures. The only disadvantage of the method is its price: the installation of one implant made of titanium alloy, zirconium dioxide or Roxolid biocompatible material will be equal in cost to restoration with composites of 3-4 teeth.

Composite restoration

Using light-curing materials, the dentist can restore the destroyed crown in the presence of one root and "build up" a new tooth on the existing hard tissues.

Restoration with composites is carried out in layers:

  • first, materials are applied that are similar in properties and color to natural dentin;
  • then the design is covered with transparent enamel balls.

The most common restoration method is with composites on an anchor pin. The shelf life of such a design, subject to the use of imported photopolymers, is from 10 to 15 years.

Materials for restoration of teeth

To recreate the anatomical shape and functions of the dentition, modern dentistry uses Filtek (USA) and Enamel Plus (Italy) photocomposites. These materials are distinguished by the smallest structure and the presence of a large selection of shades, which allows you to create the most natural effect during the restoration. Light-curing composites from Venus (Germany) have ultra-high strength and give the smile a “mirror shine”.

To restore the enamel, fluorine-containing gels and varnishes Voco, Clinpro, Ftorlak and others are used.

Tooth enamel restoration

The composition of the enamel, which is a powerful shield against caries, contains 95% of inorganic substances, therefore, if it is damaged and the sensitivity of the teeth increases, dentists recommend resorting to the remineralization procedure.

To restore enamel, use:

  • One-time capping with fluoride gel.
  • reusable caps at home.
  • coating with fluoride varnish.

Silicone caps that repeat the anatomical shape of the teeth are made individually for each patient. For minor damage to the enamel, the doctor will recommend a coating with a fluorine-containing agent and a healing paste.

Restoration of teeth in children

Trauma and untimely loss of milk teeth are the main reasons for the development of bite defects in a child, which will require expensive orthodontic treatment in the future. An extensive carious process has no less destructive power: having stopped the root canal, it damages the rudiments of permanent teeth. In these cases, even patients of preschool age need to restore hard tissues.

A pediatric dentist chooses a treatment method based on the type of damage, location and number of missing teeth. It could be:

  • Preparation (drilling) with restoration with photocomposites;
  • installation of removable plate, sliding, cantilever or bridge prostheses.

Dentists remind: with subsequent prosthetics in 30-40 years, each saved tooth will be "worth its weight in gold." Therefore, they say “no” to the removal and recommend that you undergo an examination at the nearest clinic providing aesthetic medicine services.

Extensive carious cavities, inflammation of the gums or mechanical trauma can severely destroy the tooth, from which only the root can remain. But this does not mean at all that the remains of the tooth must be removed. Modern dentistry has a lot of tools to restore the function and aesthetics of a damaged tooth. However, any procedure for restoring teeth requires certain rules to be followed.

What is meant by tooth augmentation?

If only the root remains of the destroyed tooth, an extension method is used, which involves the layer-by-layer application of a composite material of different transparency from the base of the damaged dental unit, followed by grinding and polishing (more details in the article:). This method of restoration allows you to give the crown a shape and maximum naturalness of the tooth.

Along with this, a heliocomposite is used for the artistic restoration of a destroyed tooth. This method is used when the tooth has broken off at the very root (see also:). In this case, a pin is installed in the canal, around which a special material is applied and the necessary shape of the lost part of the tooth is formed.

Conditions necessary to restore a decayed tooth from the root

Mostly teeth with a removed nerve are destroyed (see also:). Without the necessary nutrition, the enamel walls become thinner and break off at the slightest mechanical impact. It is impossible to restore a tooth in such a situation by filling, therefore, extension and prosthetics are used. The choice depends on the degree of tooth decay.

If a tooth has fallen apart, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible, as a delay can make it impossible to restore it.

If the patient does not have the material resources to grow a tooth, the doctor will temporarily place a filling to prevent further destruction and, thus, give a kind of delay until the moment of restoration.

You can restore a damaged tooth in the presence of a root in the following cases:

In addition, in order to restore a broken or worn-out tooth, you need to have wide financial resources (for more details, see the article:). Building and prosthetics are expensive procedures.

How are broken teeth repaired?

Destroyed teeth with a preserved root are restored using pin elements or a stump tab. The choice of method depends on the degree of destruction of the dental unit, the individual characteristics of the body and the financial capabilities of the patient. In any case, only the doctor decides which method should be used. The listed technologies have similar restoration principles, but can differ significantly in cost, which depends on the materials used and the required preliminary procedures.

With pins

A pin is an orthodontic structure in the form of a rod, which is made of a material that is hypoallergenic and biocompatible with the human body (fiberglass, ceramics, titanium or other metal alloys). The most reliable is considered to be a pin element made of carbon fiber material, which includes microscopic glass particles.

Pins are used to restore a tooth after extraction or damage. They are designed to strengthen the destroyed unit, increasing its height above the gum level, and perform a supporting function for fixing further structures and materials. Pin elements are used to restore teeth only in cases where there is at least one wall. With the complete destruction of the crown part, this type of prosthetics is contraindicated.

There are 2 types of pin elements:

  1. Active. They are screwed into the root thanks to the thread. Installation does not require prior expansion of the root canals. This type of pins is used in cases where the tooth is completely destroyed.
  2. Passive. They are fixed with a special cementing agent and are used for minor violations of the integrity of the tooth.

It is possible to restore a broken dental unit with a pin in one, maximum two, appointments with a doctor. Before installing the pin element, an x-ray is performed to determine the degree of tooth decay and exclude the presence of granulomas and cysts at the top of the tooth root. The pin structure is installed as follows:

  1. If necessary, carious lesions are eliminated, inflammatory processes are treated, plaque and tartar are removed.
  2. The oral cavity is cleaned of affected tissues, after which it is treated with antiseptic agents.
  3. The pin shaft is screwed into the root. In this case, the part of the structure, which is located in the root cavity, must exceed the height of the pin element above the gum surface.
  4. Restoration of the supragingival region. The tooth is restored using composite materials.
  5. Grinding. Excess filling material is removed, rough areas are polished.

This type of build-up of a destroyed tooth (due to mechanical trauma or removal) has a significant drawback - a short service life of the structure, in most cases not exceeding 4-5 years. In addition, there is a high probability of root destruction and the development of caries due to insufficient tightness. It is impossible to remove the pin without damaging the root due to the very strong fixation. The photo shows a tooth restored with a pin.

Using a stump tab

If the tooth has broken off to the base, it can be restored using a stump tab, which is a design of 1 or 2 elements. It is made of plastic, ceramics, zirconium dioxide or alloys of various metals.

The best types of structures are zirconium and ceramic inlays. They have durability, high aesthetic properties and do not destroy tissues. However, ceramics are not used for molars because this material is not able to withstand heavy chewing loads. One-piece structures are used to restore single-root units, collapsible - multi-root.

Stump inlays are made according to individual parameters, in accordance with the shape of the damaged tooth. Their dimensions should be smaller than the dimensions of the restored dental unit, since a composite material is applied on top in layers or a crown is put on.

This method, in contrast to the first, is more labor intensive, but at the same time provides high strength of the installed structure. In addition, stump tabs have a long service life - about 10 years.

The restoration of a broken tooth with the subsequent installation of a crown takes an average of 3-4 weeks. The procedure includes the following steps:

Before placing a stump tab, the condition of the root canals is checked. If the orthopedic dentist has comments, the patient is referred for treatment to the endodontist.


The cost of restoring teeth depends on the method of restoration, the material of the orthodontic structure, the presence of dental diseases and treatment, the pricing policy of the clinic and the region in which the service is provided. Installing a metal pin costs an average of 1.5 thousand rubles, and a fiberglass 2 thousand rubles. The cost of manufacturing a stump insert from cobalt-chromium is about 4.5 thousand rubles, from ceramics - 10 thousand rubles, from zirconium dioxide - 8 thousand rubles. The use of a metal-ceramic crown will cost 9 thousand rubles, and an all-ceramic crown will cost 14 thousand rubles.

In the modern world, people pay great attention to their appearance. Plastic surgery, rejuvenation and other services are very popular today. No less popular is the restoration of teeth. After all, a smile is a person's calling card. Much depends on her at the first meeting. Therefore, people are so reverent about dental organs and when they are chipped, deformed or destroyed, they immediately look for ways to correct the situation.

When is it necessary to restore a tooth?

The front and chewing teeth can be destroyed for various reasons.

One of these reasons is caries. It occurs due to the acids produced by carbohydrates during their fermentation. For this reason, sweet teeth are most susceptible to such an ailment, since sugar is the main carbohydrate.

Outwardly, caries can be determined in the presence of dark spots and further tooth decay. The disease can develop into pulpitis and periodontitis. But its most terrible consequence is the harm done to hard tissues. The disease can lead to the destruction of most of the tooth, for the treatment of which it will be necessary to remove absolutely all damaged areas.

It is also necessary to restore the tooth due to jaw injuries. The anterior teeth are especially susceptible to this effect. Treatment aims to restore not only the functionality of the tooth, but also the aesthetics of the smile. Here it is important to carry out the restoration as soon as possible, because the imperfection of a smile is perceived by each patient quite painfully.

It is also necessary to restore teeth:

  • on enamel that has chips, cracks, unbleached spots, or the surface has completely worn off;
  • between which there are gaps that look unaesthetic;
  • with malocclusion.

Restoration of tooth functionality

Patients often turn to dentistry with a request to restore the functionality of the tooth. The need for this procedure is usually caused by problems resulting from the inflammatory process, mechanical damage or caries. Restoring such a dental organ, the specialist recreates its anatomical shape. And this work is very painstaking.

It is important to take into account the position of the dental organ during its functional restoration. The difficulty extends to both working with molars and incisors. It is very difficult to create an aesthetic appearance of the teeth in the smile area, because they should not differ from the real ones.

What method the restoration will take place, what materials and technology will be used, the doctor decides individually for each patient.

Correction Methods

There are cases when it is important to restore not only the functionality of the tooth, but primarily its aesthetic appearance. Then, for restoration, the use of lumineers, veneers, inlays, crowns and other structures is practiced.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, restoration methods can be as follows:

  1. Minor chips and other imperfections of the front and other teeth can be easily masked with veneers. They also perfectly protect the dental organs from destruction. The disadvantage of such devices is that their attachment requires preliminary grinding of healthy teeth. But the result is excellent. The patient receives a highly aesthetic dentition.
  2. In the case when the tooth can no longer be sealed, but it is still possible to save it, linings are used.
  3. Crowns are the most popular restoration method. Their types are diverse, which makes it possible for each patient to choose the most suitable one.
  4. Restoration with composite materials is also quite common, especially when it comes to treating caries and restoring enamel. New techniques for their creation contribute to obtaining very durable and aesthetic fillings. Due to the large number of shades, they can be matched as closely as possible to the color of natural tooth enamel, which will make the seal, even in the smile zone, completely invisible to others. In addition to high aesthetics and the preservation of more healthy tooth tissues, the advantage of this method is the speed of treatment.
  5. To avoid prosthetics, when the tooth is slightly damaged, it is possible through artistic restoration. The result depends on the ability of the dentist to make this kind of restoration, the specialist must have artistic skills.
  6. If the tooth organ is broken, it is either restored using a crown, or, if the damage is minor, a composite material is used.
  7. Even if the tooth is more than 50% destroyed, it can be restored using a pin. For this, it is important what condition the root of the dental organ is in, and high-quality preparation for the procedure is also required. To prolong the service life of the oral cavity restored in this way, a crown is placed on the pin.
  8. With a strong destruction of the crown part of the dental organ due to various diseases, stump tabs are used. Designs are reliable and high-precision. With the help of an individually made structure inserted into the tooth root, the dental crown is fixed. The crown can be ceramic, platinum, gold, etc.
  9. In addition to the composite material, enamel can also be restored with ceramic microprostheses. Their price is not low, but the result is excellent. For minor lesions, remineralizing compounds are used, which are quite affordable.
  10. Implantation is used to restore the bone tissue of the teeth. After the tooth is removed, an implant is placed in place of its root, on which a new tooth is built up. So he gets a second life.
  11. If the molar is completely lost, prosthetics are used. This procedure has almost no contraindications, and it gives a fairly high-quality result.

On a note! You can restore teeth even if they are completely missing. And for this, it is not at all necessary to put an implant under each lost tooth - an analogue of a living root, and the prosthesis will be fixed for 1-3 days. From 3 to 10-12 implants are enough for one jaw (depending on the condition of the jaw bone). But the most common method is the treatment protocol, of course, quite high. But if the doctor performed the treatment responsibly and professionally, the new teeth will serve you for the rest of your life.


Restoration of dental organs using fiberglass is a new way. Thanks to him, the destroyed organ is restored and made more durable. Fiberglass has become used in dentistry due to its strength and perfect safety for the human body.

Comparing it with other materials used to restore teeth, it should be noted that fiberglass is not inferior in almost all respects, and in some cases even wins. Great strength allows it to be used for prostheses and implants. Teeth after restoration with fiberglass look natural, thanks to the quality and aesthetics of the material.

Glassspan technology

The use of Glassspan technology to restore a tooth is also one of the modern methods. The technology itself is a flexible ceramic bond used to restore anterior and posterior teeth. This technology makes it possible to use any kind of dental material.

Glassspan technology is used when it is necessary to replace or restore a dental organ. She has proven herself excellently in the manufacture of bridges, both temporary and intermediate, and adhesive. Using this method, the position of the affected dental organs is also stabilized.

The technology does not cause complications, and the rehabilitation time when using it is less than when the tooth is restored with a pin or crown.

Cosmetic restoration

To restore a tooth cosmetically means to restore its color or whiteness. This also includes microprosthetics of cracks formed on the enamel. A dentist-cosmetologist performs procedures, using composite and filling materials.

Having restored the teeth cosmetically, the specialist gives the patient recommendations on how to shorten the duration of the rehabilitation period and maintain the attractiveness of the dentition for as long as possible.

The price of such a procedure depends on the complexity of the work being done. It is advisable to carry out the cosmetic restoration procedure in a specialized clinic.

Restoration with photopolymers

Restoration of teeth using polymers allows not only to get rid of cracks and stains on tooth enamel, but to restore the tooth, restoring its desired color, shape and functionality.

At the beginning of the procedure, the tooth is processed to give it the desired shape. Then the missing areas are built up with photopolymers, recreating the desired size and shape. The result obtained is fixed by the action of a special lamp.

The cured material is polished so that it does not change its shade when exposed to coloring products. After that, in order to preserve the color, the surface of the tooth is covered with a special compound.

Photopolymers do not help in cases of:

  1. With a very weakened root.
  2. In the presence of inflammation in the root system.
  3. Pathological mobility of the fourth stage.
  4. When restoring two adjacent teeth.

Features of building on a pin

The pin is a special design that plays the role of a base that provides the tooth with reliability during chewing. They are made from alloys of gold, palladium, titanium, stainless steel, as well as ceramics, carbon fiber and fiberglass. The pins are different in shape, composition and size.

The main types of pins:

  1. Standard conical or cylindrical design. They are used when tooth decay is insignificant.
  2. Individual designs. They are made taking into account the relief of the root system. These pins are very reliable and hold firmly in the root canals.
  3. Metal rods are used for significant tooth decay, when most of it is missing. With its help, the tooth can withstand heavy loads during chewing.
  4. Anchor pins are made from titanium alloys.
  5. Fiberglass structures are very flexible. Fiberglass does not react with saliva and oral tissues.
  6. Carbon fiber pins are the most modern material. They are very durable and distribute the load on the dental organ evenly.

Today, fiberglass pins are most commonly used. With their help, you can completely fill the root canals. Also, fiberglass interacts well with composite materials, which makes it possible to restore a tooth without a crown.

When choosing a pin, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  1. How badly the root is destroyed, what is the thickness of its walls, how deep can the pin be placed.
  2. At what level relative to the gums the tooth collapsed.
  3. What load will the tooth be subjected to. Will it be a support for the bridge or is it freestanding.
  4. When choosing a material, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the patient, the possibility of an allergic reaction to a particular material.

Pin installation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • disruption of the central nervous system;
  • blood disease;
  • periodontal;
  • the thickness of the root walls is less than two millimeters;
  • complete absence of the crown part in the frontal part of the tooth.

Stages of building on a pin

  1. Preparation of tooth canals with special tools. Their cleaning and processing.
  2. Inserting the pin into the channels so that it enters the bone.
  3. Fixation of the product with filling material.
  4. Fixation of the crown, if its fixation is provided.

Enamel restoration

Strong enamel is the foundation of a healthy tooth. When it is weakened and damaged, the tooth can be affected by caries, infections and dental deposits.

Consider the main ways to restore enamel:

  1. The use of filling materials for the restoration of cracks and chips.
  2. One of the most effective ways to restore enamel is fluoridation. A composition saturated with fluorine is applied to the tooth, which restores and strengthens the enamel.
  3. Remineralization is the saturation of the tooth with fluorine and calcium, which are very useful for the dental organs.
  4. The use of veneers.
  5. Application method - the use of overlays filled with a special composition.

Restoration of teeth with minor damage

Cracks in tooth enamel, its thinning, the presence of interdental spaces and chips are minor damage. Composite materials are used to mask them. So the restoration can be done by visiting the clinic once, as the process is quite fast.

Modern materials for restoration take any shape, quickly harden, have a highly aesthetic appearance and are absolutely compatible with the tissues of the oral cavity. Their structure is as close as possible to the structure of tooth enamel, and the oral mucosa is not damaged during chewing.

The advantages of this recovery method:

  1. Pulp preservation.
  2. The speed of the procedure.
  3. Maximum similarity with tooth enamel.
  4. The ability to adjust the shape and size.
  5. The ability to hide minor defects, such as stains.

Stages of the procedure for restoring teeth with extension:

  1. Professional cleaning of plaque and stone, in order to enhance the effect of fixing the filling material.
  2. Selection of the shade of the photocomposite.
  3. Local anesthesia if necessary.
  4. Drilling with a boron machine areas damaged by caries and darkened fillings.
  5. Isolation of the tooth from saliva by means of a latex lining, because moisture can greatly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
  6. Using a pin when more than half of the tooth is destroyed. It is used to normally withstand the load of the crown during chewing.
  7. Application of filling material in layers.
  8. Polishing and grinding.

New technologies

Modern technologies for restoring teeth are changing, improving every day, and new types of them are also appearing. The restoration process with their help is fast, painless, high-quality, while giving an effective and durable result.

On a note: The main feature of the new restoration methods is the use of modern materials. Composite materials used for reconstruction are very durable and safe.

Prostheses made with the help of new technologies are of the highest quality, in addition, they perfectly match the living dental organs in color, repeating their individual features. New technologies make it possible to restore a lost tooth from scratch, when there are no remnants of bone tissue.

Should decayed teeth be saved?

When a small piece is chipped from a tooth or when a crack appears on it, it should of course be restored. But if there is more serious damage, you should think about the need to restore this organ.

Restoring with composites and inlays is safe enough. Enamel during their installation is processed slightly. After removing them, the patient can continue their usual life activities. What can not be said about the use of veneers. Their removal makes the teeth vulnerable, because there is no protection, enamel and ceramic plate are missing. The tooth will become as sensitive as possible to any irritants. Also, his appearance will suffer greatly. In addition, in order to replace veneers, the teeth are grinded again each time, which eventually leads to their thinning, making them unusable and requiring crowns to hide the defect.

And crowns are already a denture, not restoring, but replacing a tooth. Crowns are quite strong and will last much longer than veneers. Also, their use will be more profitable in relation to cost.

Therefore, it is important to think about the use of ceramic plates.

If the tooth is no longer restored, what should I do?

When a tooth can no longer be restored, a crown is used. But this solution may not work in all cases. If the tooth root is also destroyed, even the installation of a pin will not save you. After all, the crown will be very difficult for him, and the tooth will have to be ground off to install it, depriving the pin of the external support.

The best way out in case of loss of a tooth along with the root is to install a prosthesis on an implant. Despite the complexity of implantation, it gives a highly effective result. A metal rod is implanted into the bone, which replaces the root of the tooth and serves as a support for the crown. Most implants come with a warranty of about twenty years, but if properly maintained, they can last much longer.

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