Propolis canvas for treatment reviews. Polozhok propolis medicinal. Skin diseases, non-healing wounds and ulcers

Polozhok is a piece of canvas fabric that beekeepers put under the cover of the beehive for insulation and protection from drafts. Over time, bees impregnate this fabric with wax, flower pollen, propolis and other waste products of bees settle on it. This fabric is called propolis canvas, which is widely used in traditional medicine.

How does the propolis canvas work?

It is used from the beehive as an external remedy. Its medicinal properties help to quickly cope with skin itching, inflammation and pain. It has antiseptic and warming properties. It is enough just to attach a canvas to a sore spot, and it will begin to act.

Heated from the body, the propolis canvas activates the release of healing components that will anesthetize and accelerate the treatment and recovery of the body. Under the influence of bee venom, which is one of the first to enter the body, blood vessels and capillaries expand. This increases the effectiveness of other healing components of the propolis canvas. The pain will quickly be replaced by relief and a feeling of warmth.

Beekeepers have long noticed the truly miraculous qualities of the bed, so it is used as an excellent folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds and joint diseases.

Propolis canvas is used in the treatment of:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis
  • radiculitis;
  • sprains;
  • neuritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • bruises;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • sinusitis;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchitis and colds;
  • for the prevention of influenza.

And this is not surprising, because the canvas is impregnated not only with propolis, which is recognized as an excellent anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, but also with pollen, as well as various enzymes from the glands of bees. In general, this is such a unique tool.

How to use propolis canvas

For aromatization and air disinfection, the canvases should be hung in living quarters, or laid out on warm radiators. Also, a positive effect can be achieved by hanging canvases in a sauna or bath.

In addition to a pleasant aroma, propolis vapors have a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract. This method is great for the prevention of colds during epidemics, in addition, headaches stop, the overall tone of the body increases.

If you put a canvas under the pillow at night, sleep normalizes, insomnia disappears.

Inhalations with propolis canvas

They are used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Put a colander on the pan and pour water so that it does not reach the colander a little and boil. After you need to remove from heat and put a canvas in a colander, propolis side up. Steam should be inhaled carefully so as not to burn the throat. You can make a paper funnel and inhale the steam through it. Inhalation time is not more than 10 minutes.

Propolis treatment of the joints and spine

A canvas is applied to the diseased joint for up to 3 hours. You can preheat over a steam bath. It is applied until the pain disappears every day.

Skin diseases, non-healing wounds and ulcers

Canvas through gauze is applied to the inflamed area for up to 3 hours.
sunburn treatment
The reddened areas of the skin should be lubricated with melted butter and a propolis canvas should be applied. This method prevents blistering and peeling of the skin.

Bronchitis, viral infections

Small pieces of preheated canvas are applied to the back and chest for 30-40 minutes. Important! The first such procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

  1. Propolis should be chosen according to the principle "the dirtier, the better." It really is. The longer he was in the hive, the darker it is and the more useful substances it contains.
  2. It is strongly not recommended to wet, and even more so to wash the canvas. This will lead to a complete loss of healing properties. Heat only on a steam bath or on a warm battery.
  3. It is recommended to use the pad repeatedly, until the propolis layer and the specific smell disappear on it.
  4. After each use, the propolis pad must be dried and folded strictly with a layer of propolis inside.
  5. Store the folded canvas in a dark and dry, cool place, wrapped in cellophane or parchment paper.
  6. With proper storage, the life of the propolis lap is 2-3 years.

It's been 5 years since my first visit to a neurosurgeon....

The operation never came to fruition!

Once a year, I look like an MRI and make sure that the hernia does not grow, the protrusions do not turn into hernias. And the merit in this is not only the canvas. I approached the problem in a complex way:

I take precautions in everyday life - I don’t carry sofas alone anymore)))), I lift weights from the floor only by crouching to the floor, and not bending over / bending in the lower back;

At the first signs of the onset of inflammation, I use a canvas and Kuznetsov's applicator.

This is how I beat the hernia.


My husband traveled through the villages, looking for a remedy in the hope of raising me to my feet. Found, ordered (it turned out to be only 250 rubles). The first result: woke up in the morning without pain, lay, listened to herself, but really there was no pain for the first time in many days.

And this is only after the first application before going to bed for an hour. Of course, I was skeptical and studied articles on the Internet before the first use.

Kuznetsov's applicator also gives a positive result, but not as long as the canvas. I assign the role of the applicator as a distraction and analgesic for acute pain, and I use propolis canvas as a treatment.

Propolis- undoubtedly a miracle cure, but the result depends on the form and method of application. The use of propolis in the composition of the canvas is exactly the remedy that has the most pronounced effect in diseases of the joints, because it is applied precisely to the sore spot.

Application for hernias, protrusions

The size of my canvas is 50\50 cm. When using, I cut off about a sixth part, the rest I store in a dark place in a plastic bag without tying it. I heat the cut off part on a radiator or on a hot kettle and apply it to the lower back, then wrap it with a woolen scarf. At the beginning, the application time did not exceed an hour, now I walk around the house for 4 hours before going to bed, so that in the morning I can get up without pain.

The sensations are pleasant, the canvas warms, and the aroma emanating from it when heated soothes.

Range of use propolis canvas is very large, it is skin diseases, and the treatment of fungus, colds, use for inhalation, etc. But I will not write about what I have not tried. I have ordered only one so far, so I use the canvas sparingly only for the treatment of my main disease. But this application is also very interesting: "... They are recommended to be worn by pregnant women to enrich the body of a woman and her fetus with the living energy of Nature, accumulated by a bee and a plant."

Canvas pleasantly smells of herbs, honey and spices. In fact, this is just a square piece of canvas that beekeepers put in the hive to protect bees from drafts, moisture and cold. Bees propolis them, that is, such a concentrate of useful substances produced by bees is obtained in a form convenient for applications. (Canvas is not recommended to be soaked in water!)

When buying, you need to consider that the "dirtier" the canvas - the more medicinal substances on it. On the Internet, the price of a canvas is from 300 to 700 rubles, but apparently the fact that the husband bought directly from a person who deals with bees played a role in such a small price.

The canvas helped me a lot, relieved the pain, now I can sit, and not just lie down. By the way, the canvas will serve me for a long time - just until next year, when it will be possible to order a fresh one.

Propolis canvas, polozhok is a fabric made of dense cotton material, which is completely covered with propolis. It serves as an application for skin diseases, relieves inflammation and irritation. Perfectly disinfects both the wound and the room.

Propolis canvas is one of the secrets of the bee hive, which is just beginning to reveal its secrets to man. It would seem that we already know everything about bees, but in fact, they are still full of mysteries and the same amazing and useful things that become a great help for our health.

Why do you need propolis lap?

  • If you are prone to frequent colds, flu and various viral diseases, then it is good to disinfect the air in the room with the help of propolis canvas. To do this, it must be placed near a heat source, such as a battery. Pathogenic microbes will be killed by propolis phytoncides.
  • If you got burned or overdone when sunbathing, then the propolis canvas will come to the rescue. It can be cut into small pieces and applied to the lesions. The pain and burning will quickly pass. And at the site of the burn, tender young skin will appear, because propolis has wonderful regenerating properties, while not forming scars.
  • If the sun has painted your skin with freckles, and you don’t like it, then applying pieces of propolis canvas to your face, after a while you will see how the freckles turn pale and disappear.
  • Propolis canvas will find application if your joints hurt, your arms or legs are twisted, or sciatica has “knocked”, there is no way to either unbend or bend. With neuralgia, sciatica, myositis, osteochondrosis, propolis canvas will anesthetize, improve your general condition. To do this, the propolis canvas should be heated in a water bath and applied to sore spots. Propolis under the influence of heat penetrates to the source of pain and shows its healing effect.
  • Propolis canvas treatment provides with sinusitis. And if you have difficulty breathing through your nose, and severe pain gives off in your head and even teeth, and you dream of easy breathing, then by inhaling propolis vapor from a heated propolis bed, all unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Why should you buy propolis canvas from us?

1. You can only buy propolis canvas from beekeepers. You can’t buy such a propolis pouch either in stores or in pharmacies.

2. In our apiary you can buy a propolis sheet, which the bees have propolised for several years, i.e. it is more saturated with propolis.

3. We guarantee the biological activity and effectiveness of our propolis canvas!

How to store?

Propolis host should be stored folded inside with a propolis layer. After use, the propolis canvas should be dried well.

You can use the propolis canvas repeatedly, until the aroma of propolis is felt when heated.

Each beekeeper takes care of his bees, and puts a fabric over the frames that follows the contours of the hive. An insulating pillow is already placed on this fabric, because bee offspring grows in the hive and it needs warmth and protection. Bees have an instinct to seal all holes and crevices with propolis so that cold, wind, moisture do not penetrate into the hive, and diseases do not occur.

After all, it is known that propolis is a natural antibiotic, and it has bactericidal properties. On this tissue, bees lay propolis, propolis it. Since the propolis canvas has been used for more than one year, the bees repeat this procedure more than once. And a decent layer of propolis is formed on the propolis canvas. Now it is difficult to say who was the first to decide to use the propolis canvas for treatment, but people began to use it more often for various diseases.

Order a propolis canvas right now and see for yourself how useful it is!

Bees really do not like when drafts walk in the hive, so attentive and caring beekeepers try to make the life of their pets as comfortable as possible. To do this, they use propolis sheets in bee houses, which are later removed from the hives and used for medical purposes.

Did you know? Propolis is a powerful analgesic, the effect of which is many times higher than the effect of anesthesia with novocaine. And as a bactericidal and antiviral agent, this bee product is even stronger than some antibiotic drugs.

What is propolis canvas

Propolis canvases, or pads, are canvas flaps that are placed under the covers of the hives to prevent drafts in bee dwellings. As you can see, air jets still pass through such a canvas, so the inhabitants of the hive try to immediately close up this patch, soaking it with wax, propolis, pollen, their enzymes and various useful substances.
Sometimes they manage to fill it up so much that on hot days in the houses of the bees the air exchange can be disturbed, so every year (in May, before swarming) it is necessary to collect these canvases from the hives and replace them with new ones. Thanks to the valuable products deposited on the waste floor, it can be used in folk healing in various ways.

How do propolis pads work?

Those who first decided to use propolis canvases for health improvement may be wondering how to use them. It is not recommended to separate the treatment layer from the tissue, since in this way the agent can only be applied once. The canvases described are for outdoor use only. In contact with the skin, the tissue quickly warms up, releasing the necessary components, including bee venom.

Important! During treatment with propolis canvases, it is recommended to wear underwear that you don’t mind spoiling, since heated propolis leaves traces on clothes and practically does not wash off.

It is among the first to enter the body, warming and anesthetizing, due to which the expansion of blood vessels and capillaries occurs. This process helps to increase the healing properties of the rest of the healing components of the shred. Knowing about the healing qualities of this bee remedy, folk healers use it for healing and preventing various diseases.

Useful properties of canvas

  • The bee products that settle on these pieces of fabric are great for the following cases:
  • for the rapid elimination of pain of various etiologies;
  • relieve the consequences of injury and stretch marks;
  • eliminate itching on the skin;
  • with various inflammations;
  • as a warming agent;
  • as an antiseptic;
  • improve blood composition;
  • stop heavy bleeding;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • heal wounds and restore the skin;
  • improve metabolism;
  • relieve insomnia;
  • alleviate the condition with ARVI and influenza, avoiding complications;
  • effectively treat disorders of the central nervous system and restless sleep;
  • disinfect the atmosphere in the room.

How to properly apply propolis canvas

For the best therapeutic effect in various diseases, it is necessary to know what is the correct use of propolis pads.

Video: what is a propolis canvas

Diseases of the joints and spine

To cope with various joint diseases, as well as diseases of the bones and spine, procedures are needed with propolis bands in the form of compresses from them:

  1. The canvas is applied to the affected area for a period of one to three hours. The procedure is repeated daily until the complete cessation of pain. In order for the result to be faster, the position must be steamed using a water bath.
  2. If you are worried about sciatica or other back pain, the remedy should be applied to the lumbar region, covered with polyethylene on top, and then with cotton wool and woolen cloth and left overnight. According to numerous reviews, sometimes two or three procedures are enough for the pain to disappear completely.

Colds and respiratory diseases

Inhalations with the use of a pillow are very effective for colds and diseases of the respiratory system. For these purposes, you can apply the following methods of using a propolis flap:

  1. Pour water into the container, and place a colander on top so that it does not reach the surface of the water, after which the liquid must be boiled. Then the container is removed from the fire, and a spoon is placed in a colander so that the propolis-soaked side is outside. It is necessary to carefully inhale the released steam so as not to burn the throat. The inhalation procedure should not last more than 10 minutes.
  2. Segments of a preheated pad are applied to the area of ​​the back and sternum. The first such procedure is carried out no more than 15 minutes. Then the time can be gradually increased to half an hour. Apply until complete cure of cough and other symptoms of a cold.
  3. Inhalations are carried out with propolis vapors, lying on the back and covering the face with a gauze cloth, and laying the soaked side to the face on top. If you breathe in this way, air saturated with vapors of propolis, heated by breathing, will enter the body.

Important! Shreds soaked in bee products can cause allergies, so before using them on the skin of the face, a preliminary test for the susceptibility of the dermis should be carried out.

Wounds, ulcers, other skin lesions

Treatment for skin lesions with the considered bee product is quite effective - inflammation is removed on wound surfaces, with ulcers and eczema. The use of canvas for skin diseases:

  1. Eczema. The position is applied to a gauze flap and applied to the inflamed area, leaving for a couple of hours.
  2. Burns (including sunburns). Burnt skin is smeared with melted butter, and propolis sheets are applied on top. This contributes to the fact that post-burn blisters do not appear, and the dermis does not peel off.
  3. Acne treatment. Canvas for 30 min. apply on areas with acne (after cleansing the skin of the face). This mask relieves severe inflammation at the site of rashes, dries and cleanses the pores.
  4. Freckles and hyperpigmentation. Patches impregnated with bee products are applied to the pigmented areas for 20 minutes. Applications must be continued for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Fungal infection of the feet. From medical shreds, you can sew insoles into shoes or socks that need to be worn on clean skin (after water procedures). Such insoles and socks are used several times, and then they are changed as the aroma and volatile properties are lost.


Good reviews have received therapy with the help of a bed for mild forms of insomnia. For sleep disorders, the remedy is used in the following forms:

  1. In the form of inhalations. Place the canvas on a grate over a pot of hot water and breathe in its medicinal fumes, having previously covered your head with a towel.
  2. Position near the pillow. The pleasant aroma of the pillow will calm the nervous system and relax the body as a whole.

Did you know? In ancient Egypt, propolis was added to the composition of the means for mummifying the bodies of dead people and animals. Thanks to its preservative properties, bodies have been preserved almost unchanged for thousands of years.

Aromatization and air disinfection

Another plus from the use of a bee product is that the vapors from the canvas help to disinfect the room air. The phytoncidal properties of the propolis product are recommended to be used for the purposes of aromatherapy, to disinfect the air in a living room, sauna or bath with their help. To do this, the canvases are placed next to heat sources.

Contraindications and possible harm

There are not many contraindications for the use of propolis: procedures and applications using folk remedies are contraindicated at high temperatures, as well as for people with a history of heart disease.

How to choose a quality product

Propolis pads are chosen according to the principle - “the darker, the fresher”: the more time they were in the hives, the darker they are, which means that they contain more benefits left by bees.

Methods and conditions for storage

In order for the use of the described bee remedy to bring long-term benefits, you need to know some of the subtleties of handling and storing it:

  1. It is strongly not recommended to moisten or wash propolis shreds. Such actions will lead to the loss of their medicinal properties. Warm up the shelves only on a couple or a warm battery.
  2. It is acceptable to reuse the shelves up to the loss of the propolis layer and its inherent aroma.
  3. After application, the canvas impregnated with bee products is dried and folded with a propolis layer inside.
  4. Store folded canvases in a cool, dark and dry place, wrapped in a plastic bag, parchment paper or folded into a glass dish with a lid.
  5. If the product is properly stored, its useful life can last 2-3 years.

As you can see, propolis canvases are the best environmental cleaners, and various diseases are also cured with their help. Although their medicinal properties are undeniable, before using for preventive purposes and therapy, you still need to consult with your doctor in order to prevent serious complications in well-being.

It just so happened that each bee family in the hive is covered on top with a canvas from a rare-woven cut. For this, both canvas and any other natural fabric are suitable. I prefer to use linen. Bees do not like extra cracks and drafts, so they try to immediately close up the canvas with propolis with wax, other useful substances and their enzymes. Yes, sometimes they still get so stuck that in the heat in the hive you can’t breathe.

Therefore, once a year, usually on the eve of the swarming period, in May, I change the canvases in the hives for new ones. The bees seal them so tightly with propolis that air circulation is disturbed, it becomes stuffy in the hive and a premature swarm may begin. Many beekeepers throw away their used canvases, but, as practice shows, it is completely in vain.

After all, this most ordinary piece of fabric, propolised by bees, or the so-called polozhok, has long been widely used in folk medicine. Possessing a pronounced aroma and strong phytoncidal properties, propolis canvas from the beehive copes with diseases such as:

Viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, runny nose, cough, bronchitis of various etiologies;
neuralgia, osteochondrosis, arthritis, polyarthritis, joint pain;
sciatica, pain in the kidneys and lower back;
long non-healing wounds, burns;

age spots, warts, freckles;

To use the pad for medicinal purposes, it is cut into several parts of the required size and applied to the sore spot with the propolised side. Top cover with plastic wrap or paper for compresses. It is also recommended to additionally insulate with cotton wool or wrap the sore spot with a woolen cloth. Heating up under the influence of body temperature, propolis begins to be actively absorbed into the affected area and has a healing effect. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to slightly warm the canvas for a couple before use. The duration of the session is from 30 to 40 minutes.

Linen propolis canvas from the apiary "Honey Summer".

Propolis canvas helps very well with back pain, radiculitis. To do this, the bed is applied at night to the lumbar region with the propolised side to the back, covering the top with plastic wrap and a warm cloth. The scent in bed is indescribable. Already after the first night, back pain recedes, and after a few sessions you will completely forget about it.

Useful advice: A shirt over a canvas attached to the back should be worn worse, since propolis will surely close it up.

Some areas of application of propolis canvas:

The hive bed can be used for air disinfection and aromatization in living quarters, baths. To do this, the canvas should be placed near a heat source.

The position is also successfully used for treatment of respiratory diseases. So, propolis canvas with bronchitis applied to the chest in combination with inhalations over a steamed canvas. It is especially good for children with bronchitis.

For sunburn treatment applied to the affected areas of the skin casserole lubricated with melted butter. This avoids the appearance of blisters and peeling of the skin.

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