The new chief physician of 62 hospitals. Increase in compulsory medical insurance tariffs for the treatment of oncological diseases. Immunotherapy in cancer treatment - new opportunities

My purely personal view of the situation around the Moscow 62nd hospital
Recently, the "progressive community" has been actively discussing the situation with 62 cancer hospitals. In short, the essence is as follows: having received the status of "autonomous" a year ago, in November the hospital was again returned to the system of state budgetary institutions. (Let me remind you that in Moscow it was the only autonomous hospital). Her Chief Physician, who did not really agree with this, began to defend the former status, in particular, motivating this by the fact that he makes independent purchases of drugs at an order of magnitude cheaper than the Moscow Health Department does. A certain tension arose between the head physician and the DZ, as a result of which a new contract was not signed with him. Moreover, as far as I know, proposals were made, but no consensus was reached. Shortly thereafter, a movement began on social networks: "Let's save 62 hospital!" And finally thunder struck: Dr. Mahson (former chief physician) turned to the FSB (KGB) with a statement about the need to check the activities of the Moscow DZ. For me personally, this was a signal to express my opinion about what was happening: I grew up and was brought up in an environment where such statements to the “authorities” AFTER FACTUM were called denunciations, which I actually wrote about recently on FB.

Meanwhile, the social media situation is heating up. A lot of articles, petitions ... a proud, honest and independent chief physician, is fighting a thoroughly rotten, corrupt DZ and stealing bureaucrats! "We will protect", "we will not allow", "how long?!"
I repeat after the hero of Bulgakov from the "White Guard":
"who are you going to protect, answer me?"
62 hospital? What exactly is wrong with her? One of the best oncology hospitals, continues to work and develop, no one is going to close it, or reduce, or fire doctors like a "witch hunt".

Is there a check from the side of the DZ? Well, did you seriously think that after such events there would be no verification?! My hospital just had 2 major checks for much lesser reasons!
And, then we defend its status as autonomous? Do you understand a lot of these statuses? (About the price difference in purchases a little later, first about the principles). The difference in status today is minimal. Today, both an autonomous hospital and one like mine, a budget one, buy medications INDEPENDENTLY, for the proceeds from compulsory medical insurance, without the participation of the DZ. Only we are guided by 44 Federal Laws (from my point of view, they are useless and do not protect against any corruption), and the autonomous hospital is 223 Federal Laws, initially more liberal, but in meaning not much different from the 44th. Today, thanks to the efforts of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in Moscow, all these hints at simplification of purchases have been brought to naught. Therefore, there are practically no advantages of autonomous status, but there are risks. Which? When there is a shortage of funds, an autonomous enterprise, taking a loan, answers with its fixed assets. And in a very costly oncology, today immersed in the compulsory medical insurance system with its meager rates, it is very difficult to even reach self-sufficiency. An illustration of this is the fact that this year Autonomous Hospital No. 62 received 200 million from the DZ "for equalizing salaries." (I saw this in the table at the weekly meetings of the chief physicians). Compare, a large oncological hospital did not have enough 200 million (and we are all equal now, we all receive money ONLY FOR WHAT WE EARN IN THE OMS SYSTEM), and my Budget Hospital for the same time -2016, not only did not take a penny from the DZ , but it also comes with a plus of 250 million. Despite the fact that our average salary is higher, it is generally the highest in Moscow. And if the 62nd hospital would not have received these 200 million? Therefore, the Budget is more reliable and calmer: there are fewer risks, and there is almost no difference today, as I tried to illustrate. I repeat, a budget hospital today purchases drugs on its own, without remote control, just like an autonomous hospital, with a slight legal difference in design.

So then the most important thing remains: to bring to clean water thieves-officials, swindlers, stir up "Ulyukaevshchina" and so on. The question is, why shout and write petitions? The authorities are informed, checks are underway, let's just wait for the result. Oh, well, let's not let it be hushed up. Okay, more about purchases. I will not talk now about drugs with a limited shelf life, although there were such drugs and no one denies this. The drugs were purchased by the DZ not at the expense of the hospital from compulsory medical insurance. These were purchases with BUDGET money for all oncology hospitals to help them with drug provision BEYOND what they buy themselves with MHI funds. “What’s the difference ?!”, you say, and you’ll be right - there is a difference for the hospital and its head physician (they don’t take it, but rather give it from above, but what and how is the tenth thing ...), but for all citizens, budget money - this is what they give to the State in the form of taxes. And they have the right to protest when they are stolen or spent irrationally.

Among more than 100 items of drugs purchased by the HC for Oncology hospitals, 5 items were indeed purchased much more expensive than the head physician of 62 hospitals managed to do. I emphasize - cheaper than in Russia as a whole, but much more expensive than theirs. I don't really understand why 62 could buy them so cheap? Let me explain: I am a drug manufacturer and I consider it possible to sell it at such a reasonable price. Found a buyer in the form of 62 hospitals. So they bought everything in the bud? If not, then why did not go to the auction DZ??!. I would go out, there are no restrictions, everyone is welcome! At these prices, I have no competitors and I would sell everything I wanted, guaranteed and without hassle! (By the way, I wrote earlier that if I were Makhson, I would immediately go to the DZ and say: look how cheap I can be, let's do it too). Something here in my head does not converge ...... I am far from the "conspiracy theory" and assumptions about the start of someone's war for the redistribution of the pharmaceutical market, but either the recent series about Sherlock took too much to heart, or something else, but "vague doubts torment me ..."

But what is, that is: out of the total billions of purchases of drugs, DZ spent 6 million on the purchase of drugs at a price more expensive than other, albeit individual buyers. And this is now sorted out by all kinds of checks from very competent authorities. And if so, remember the presumption of innocence. Stop calling people thieves! Wait a bit, maybe you will be ashamed!!! Prove it, then yes, it will not seem enough! But I am sure that there is no theft and does not smell. I personally know these people and believe them, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to you all! And then we are all on pathos, and someone seals up the car numbers with papers, someone walks "to the left", someone carries something from work .... I'm talking about who has the right to throw a stone first. Yes, the scale is not the same, but the principle is the same. Wait for the results, not long left, chill ....

The last thing remains: to protect Dr. Mahson personally. Get him back in charge! Many owe him personally and are ready to defend him to the end. I agree - a very competent and authoritative doctor, a professional. Does he want to go back to his job? After all? Appeals to the KGB, heating up a public scandal? I'm not sure. Personally, if I were the director of the DZ, after such a denunciation (excuse the term!) I would not have taken him back. But I am an overly emotional person, but not in power. I fully admit that those in power are more pragmatic and would compromise. But I don’t believe that the former chief physician needs this, I don’t understand at all what kind of game is going on here. I see something else: YOU ARE ALL INTENTIONALLY INVOLVED IN IT!

Remember Mowgli: in order to destroy the village, he, with the help of his wolf brothers, raised a herd of buffaloes and drove him forward, destroying everything! Stop rocking the boat. Our health care may not be able to withstand this this time! I will quote from the same episode of the "White Guard": "Moreover, you will pay for this farce own blood absolutely pointless - all of you. "You are not protecting the hospital and its head physician, you are destroying our health care that is just starting to raise its head with chaotic movements and" careless handling of fire "and it will be worse for absolutely everyone. Be patient, wait for the results of the investigation, it already going.

Until recently, Anatoly Makhson was not a very media figure. Well, except that he appeared a couple of times in the yellow press, when he argued that Zhanna Friske in Russia would have been cured better than in the West, and complained that it is difficult to convince healthy young women that, following the example of Angelina Jolie, they need to remove both their breasts . But serious publications remembered one of the best oncologists in the country only when it was necessary to take an on-duty interview by February 4, international day fight cancer.

Anatoly Makhson. Photo: Artem Geodakyan/TASS

Nevertheless, the authorities, especially those in Moscow, despite the now popular assertions that Makhson had an uncomfortable character, always loved him. When, in 1990, the forty-year-old Makhson, who had been head of the department at the 62nd Cancer Hospital for only a year, with the support of the staff, headed the collapsing medical facility, Yuri Luzhkov came to his aid. Then the main building was completely renovated, the construction of an extension to the radiological building was completed, by 2002 a new surgical building was commissioned, equipped with last word technology.

The new government loved Makhson even more than before. Equipment, money, preferences. Makhson was made Moscow's chief oncologist, and with the full support of the Moscow government, he began a drastic reorganization of the capital's oncology service. The optimization of Moscow oncology according to Makhson ended with the fact that he cut off one of the city dispensaries to his hospital and achieved special management rules for himself. And before retiring, the respected oncologist again decided to thank the city government in his own style.

Moscow officials still cannot understand what made the respected doctor become the hero of a high-profile scandal and attack the mayor's office last fall with loud revelations. Some say that the matter is in the inspection, which, back in the spring of last year, discovered minor violations in the 62nd hospital at that time. Others claim that Makhson wanted to interfere with the optimization and almost the closure of the hospital, which no one was going to close.

Makhson himself, in the midst of a scandal, suddenly surprised everyone with a statement that he had started a hype only because the city authorities allegedly refused to appoint his creature, Dmitry Kanner, head of the department of the same hospital, to the head physician's vacant post. It is hard to believe this: Kanner is now the head of the hospital. It is hard to believe that Anatoly Makhson suddenly decided to join the anti-corruption fighters.

During the scandal he started due to non-competitive purchases of drugs for cancer patients by the Moscow government, it turned out that the 62nd hospital under the leadership of Makhson, saving on some drugs, noticeably overpaid on others, and often specially created for certain suppliers unique conditions participation in tenders, cutting off their competitors.

"Anatoly Makhson inherited diligence, tolerance and compassion for the sick from his parents," one of the doctor's complementary biographies says. They forgot to add: "and the 62nd hospital." In the same biography, it is noted that Anatoly Makhson spent his childhood on the territory of the hospital; leadership position and the family lived here in a separate cottage. Now Anatoly Makhson himself lives in it with his wife and daughter.

It is no coincidence that some people point out that long years the hereditary doctor Makhson began to treat the hospital as a hereditary allotment, especially since it was located in a noble estate of the 17th century. And like a good estate, the hospital brings a good income to the clan of doctors.

A vivid example is a certain "Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Oncology", where the doctor is the president, is actively cutting down the forest next to the hospital for cottage development. And the builder of the cottage settlements growing around the hospital is OOO NP Stepanovskoye. By coincidence, NP Stepanovskoye LLC is a co-founder of NIL PME CJSC, another co-founder is a certain Valentina Iosifovna Makhson - the full namesake of the head computed tomography 62nd hospital and the wife of its head physician. The general director of the construction company is a certain Nikolai Petrovich Kozin, while CJSC NIL PME - the Research Laboratory of Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems - is headed by his namesake - Elena Nikolaevna Kozina.

There was a time when Anatoly Makhson created and headed the consumer garage-operating cooperative "Doctor". He worked and agriculture, by creating LLC "Agrariy" in the capital, and financial services,

However, Makhson did not forget the main specialty. And therefore, in addition to the still existing established and headed by them public organizations and charitable foundations, worked at one time as the founder of Onco-Test LLC, which provides services in the same area as the hospital subordinate to Makhson. and.

But it seems that the main business of the former head physician of the 62nd hospital still lay in a different area. Former business partner of Makhson in the company "ONKO-test" Maria Glebova now CEO and co-owner of the company "Promedica". In 2016, this company signed six contracts with Makhson to supply hospital No. 62 medical equipment, tools and Supplies. Makhson's partner in LLC "Agrariy" - Valery Glavatsky - is concurrently one of the owners of LLC "ChOP" Truvr ", guarding the territory of the hospital. And if in 2012 security services cost the hospital 20.5 million rubles, then a year later they rose in price four times - up to 98.4 million rubles In 2016, a contract for 40.7 million rubles was signed immediately after the announcement of the impending resignation of Makhson. guess, is engaged in the supply of medical equipment.

It is worth mentioning another scandalous story with Makhson's purchases for the 62nd hospital, which turned out to be the only one in the capital that purchased the scandalous drug "Beyodyme" from the Swiss company Roche. The monopoly seller of the drug in Russia is R-Pharm. The peculiarity of "Beyodyme" is that it consists of two combinations, of which, as the test carried out in the hospital found out, only one was used in the treatment of patients - trastuzumab. The second - "pertuzumab was often not used and disappeared without a trace." The first question is why having a cheaper market domestic drug, which was acquired by all metropolitan hospitals, Makhson chose an expensive Swiss one, the investigators will probably answer.

It is noteworthy that, despite all the scandals and tantrums, the now ex-head of the 62nd hospital, the city authorities, recognizing Makhson's experience and respecting him as a doctor, offered him to remain president here. At first, he even began to set conditions that, they say, if the team asks, then I will stay and help the new head physician. He probably remembered the 1990s, when the team presented him with a hospital on a silver platter, electing him as the head physician. But the team did not ask. After that, the offended Makhson declared that he was not going to return to the hospital in any capacity and immediately went to court to demand reinstatement as head physician. He lost the trial, so he will not return to the 62nd hospital. But as far as we know, Anatoly Makhson is not going to take a well-deserved rest either. They say that now he will work for the Medsi company from the AFK Sistema holding company, where millionaire Vladimir Yevtushenkov gathers retired academicians and other medical stars.

Probably, the businessman hopes that the luminaries of medicine will finally pull out his medical business, which is plunging into the abyss of losses: if in 2014 the company's revenue was estimated at 8.3 billion rubles, and the loss was 400 million rubles, then in 2015 these figures amounted to 6.8 billion and 1.2 billion rubles, respectively. But what Makhson will cut here, one can only guess.


Us for a long time the fact that we are an autonomous healthcare institution helped to survive. Like budget institutions, we belong to the government of Moscow. But unlike them, we had quite a lot of autonomy in economic activity. Those. we are given a government order that we cannot refuse, even if we do not have enough funds. But everything that we have earned ourselves, we can dispose of ourselves.

Problems arose due to a shortage of medicines that were purchased centrally with the help of the Department of Health (the number of unfulfilled prescriptions with a delay of up to 1.5 months exceeded three thousand in the polyclinic of MGOB No. 62 - ed.).

223 federal law allows us to purchase medicines on a competitive basis. Of the 400 million rubles we earned, a quarter went to salaries, we spent the rest on the maintenance of the hospital. We had to buy chemotherapeutic drugs for 80 million rubles in order to treat patients under compulsory health insurance. I raised this issue many times, but the result was only trouble.

Price difference

When we bought drugs, it turned out that we buy them two-three-four times cheaper than they are purchased centrally. We had a non-resident patient who was undergoing surgery by OMS. And he wanted to undergo a cycle of chemotherapy, which is not carried out under compulsory medical insurance. But when he found out the cost, he suddenly refused and left. I was very surprised, because the hospital bought the medicine he needed at 7.5 thousand per bottle (that is, only 30 thousand). BUTwhen we started looking into it, it turned out thatat that time in the treatment room there was a medicine that we received centrally, the cost of which was 25 thousand per bottle (only 90 thousand). Those. what we buy ourselves cost the patient 30 thousand, and what is bought centrally, 90 thousand. That's why he refused.

Why such difference? Because we buy drugs ourselves, according to the 223rd law. Moreover, we purchase them on the same site, but at separate auctions.

But instead of putting things in order with purchases, it was decided to transfer the hospital to the budget. Now everything will be the same, everything will be “normal” and there will be no problems for people who are interested in this ...

"Service Improvement"

The transfer of an institution is a violation of the law and the charter. The autonomous institution is managed by supervisory board, which is formed by a third of the employees of the City Health Department, by a third - from social activists, by a third - from hospital employees not from the administration, plus one person - a representative of the Moscow Property Department.

It is the Supervisory Board that considers the plan of financial and economic activities of the institution, the results of its work, makes all decisions on transactions and, if necessary, changes the type of institution. Suppose, if we are inefficient as an autonomous institution, the supervisory board decides to return to the budget.

However, this year the Supervisory Board did not meet at all. The Moscow government itself decided to transfer 62 hospitals from an autonomous institution to a budget one with the wording “to improve medical care". At the same time, they did not hear any reports, did not discuss with anyone, there was no voting. I'm not talking about the fact that these are colossal costs: you need to change all forms, seals, etc.

Don't interfere

In recent years, the efficiency of the hospital has increased by 2.5 times, and if we count day hospitals - by 3.5 times. We have the highest surgical activity in the city, and many operations in Moscow are performed only by us. Mortality at one time was 4.5%, now - 0.7%.

Our hospital is the only one that treats complex cases at the world level. When I became the chief physician, we didn't even have an ultrasound, there were only 2 X-ray machines. How we worked then, I can't imagine now, but we worked. Now we are equipped no worse than any European clinic: we have five computed tomographs, two magnetic resonance tomographs, etc. And all this was acquired not only through modernization - sponsors gave us equipment worth 10 million dollars. In addition, we have a unique laboratory that does contract research for oncology centers.

The problems started when we were transferred to CHI, because the CHI does not pay the real cost of treatment. But with our margin of safety, we lived for almost two years. If we were not disturbed, we would continue to live normally.

Now they ask me: “What does the hospital need?” I answer: “One thing is needed - do not interfere, follow the law. Centralized purchases are not allowed - give us the money and don’t interfere.” But this is unrealistic for officials ...

What will happen?

The people who work for us will not die, they will be snatched up with hands and feet. But where will the thousands of patients who have no money go? I have been working in a hospital for 42 years, as a head physician for 27 years. And I already wanted to leave this position, because it became impossible to work. For the first time we come to the conclusion that we have nothing to buy drugs. The only thing I asked was that a person from the hospital be put in my place, who would not ruin it, and that centralized purchases should be abandoned. But they didn’t hear me, on the contrary, they found a person from the outside who was completely unsuitable. Since I'm on sick leave right now, they can't terminate the contract. My contract ends on December 2, they, apparently, were just going to not renew it.

But they left me no choice. I'll leave anyway, but I'll try to save the hospital. I understand that people at the top don't care - they will find where to be treated. And what about ordinary Muscovites who are unable to pay, what will they do? Now we are supported by our patients - simple people whom we have treated. They call, write, offer help. We must try to do something, it is impossible to destroy everything and say that everything is wonderful with us.

Recorded by Roman Kizyma

The other day, MedNovosti turned to the press service of the Moscow City Health Department for clarification and received the following answer: “There are no plans, let alone administrative documents, to close the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 in the Moscow City Health Department. On the contrary, the Department of Health plans to further strengthen and develop this clinic. Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 62 is one of the leading clinics in the capital in terms of oncology. It is equipped with the most modern laboratory, x-ray, endoscopic, ultrasound, surgical equipment. The hospital has the only molecular biological laboratory in the city health care system, which allows to identify genetic disorders and prescribe modern targeted drugs to patients. Over the years, the hospital has traditionally developed organ-preserving surgery for tumors of the bones, lungs, breast, and kidneys.”

In the meantime, Muscovites, concerned about the fate of the hospital, are collecting signatures for a petition demanding “Ban the “optimization” of 62 oncology hospitals in Moscow.” The appeal has already been signed by more than 10 thousand people.

62nd cancer hospital in Moscow, which many patients rightly consider the best specialized institution in the country, are being optimized, and the head physician Anatoly Makhson is leaving his post.

News from LiveJournal

At the end of November, the popular culinary blogger Stalik Khankishiev appeared on LiveJournal, in which he talked about what his family had to face when Karina, Stalik's daughter, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The family received advice on treatment in one of the German clinics, as well as in the Moscow city oncological hospital No. 62 - the recommendations received by the doctors turned out to be similar. The doctors managed to cure Karina: they coped with an aggressive form of breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. The woman is now healthy, and the boy who was born to her is absolutely healthy.

In his publication, Stalik Khankishiyev said that he had heard from his daughter that the hospital might be closed. For clarification, Stalik turned to the chief physician of the 62nd hospital, Anatoly Makhson. It became clear that the hospital was not being closed, but was being optimized. However, the word "optimization" in Russian healthcare has not been associated with anything good for some time now.

The publication of Khankishiev caused a resonance, collecting hundreds of comments and reposts. Users shared their opinions about the hospital, staff, treatment - in short time many have been written positive feedback about the medical facility.

From autonomous to budget

The capital's Department of Health denied information about the optimization of the 62nd hospital, however, the hospital will turn from an autonomous institution into a budget one. This is the order of the Moscow government of November 8, 2016.

What does it mean? This means that the hospital will not be able to purchase medicines for patients, acting in accordance with federal law No. 223-FZ, independently negotiating with drug suppliers. After the status change for the 62nd hospital, only centralized purchases will become available - through the Department of Health of the City of Moscow (this is regulated by Law No. 44-FZ).

Anatoly Makhson said that the prices for medicines purchased in the course of such centralized purchases are several times higher than for purchases organized under No. 223-FZ. Here are just a couple of examples: in 2016, hospital No. 62 purchased zoledronic acid for 1,019 rubles per vial, while the health department spent from 4,135 to 17,125 rubles on the packaging of the same medicine. A pack of Paclitaxel cost the hospital 1,337 rubles and the department 2,636 rubles.

The cost of drugs purchased by the Department of Health has increased every year - in 2014, a bottle of irinotecan cost 518 rubles, and in 2015 - 5844 rubles. The hospital purchased the medicine in 2016 at a price of 1,213 rubles per vial.

Saving Lessons

Moscow Vice Mayor for Social Affairs Leonid Pechatnikov explained that Anatoly Makhson received permission to purchase medicines with an expiring expiration date for the hospital - 2-3 months before it ends. It was profitable for suppliers to sell these drugs at a lower price, but this did not affect the effectiveness of the drug in any way - the manufacturer guarantees that the drug will retain its properties until the expiration date. Only the 62nd hospital had the opportunity to buy such medicines, no other oncological medical institution in the capital had such a right.

Pechatnikov noted that from January 1, 2017, Federal Law No. 223 will cease to operate in Moscow, which is being done to combat various abuses by other autonomous institutions. He explained that the rise in prices for medicines is connected with the directive letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation regarding the setting of the initial cost of the auction - it was recommended to indicate not the minimum price on the market, but the maximum one. Now, “the letter has been disavowed” and tenders will be carried out according to the same scheme that was used before it was received - that is, a scheme that allows saving.

Anatoly Makhson called Pechatnikov's statement "strange". He said that he was able to purchase medicines at a low cost, not only with a shortened, but also with a normal expiration date. He called the letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation advisory and optional.

No contract

Now it became known that the capital's health department does not plan to renew cooperation with Anatoly Makhson, who headed the hospital for 27 years. Makhson himself does not exclude the possibility that he will remain in the hospital as president of the hospital, "if the staff asks for it." The head of one of the surgical departments will most likely be appointed to the position of Makhson.

The hospital staff objects to the doctor's resignation from his position. Employees wrote open letter, under which about 700 signatures have already been put. They ask to refuse the reorganization of the hospital and extend the employment contract with Makhson.

Since mid-December, another check has begun at the hospital, conducted by the Moscow Health Department. Anatoly Makhson noted that this was the 16th inspection in 2016, and in two recent years 34 of them were carried out. No violations were found in their course.

There will be no reorganization

The change in the status of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 was commented on by the Moscow Health Department. “There are no plans, let alone administrative documents for the closure of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62 in the Department of Health of the City of Moscow . On the contrary, the Department of Health plans to further strengthen and develop this clinic. Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 62 is one of the leading clinics in the capital in terms of oncology. It is equipped with the most modern laboratory, x-ray, endoscopic, ultrasound, surgical equipment. The hospital has the only molecular biological laboratory in the city healthcare system, which allows detecting genetic disorders and prescribing modern targeted drugs to patients. Over the years, the hospital has traditionally developed organ-preserving surgery for tumors of the bones, lungs, breast, and kidneys.

Changing the type of medical organization (from autonomous to budgetary) MGOB No. 62 DZM is aimed at providing medical care as part of the mandatory health insurance. The transition to a budgetary type of medical organization will allow organizing the activities of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “MGB No. 62 DZM” at the expense of funds received from insurance organizations for the provision of medical care and funds from the city budget. In addition, changing the type from standalone to budget will streamline the structure medical organizations the state health care system of the city of Moscow. The efficiency, quality and accessibility of medical care to residents of the city of Moscow, while maintaining the guaranteed volume of medical care, will remain unchanged.

“Changing the type of state or municipal institution is not a reorganization. When changing the type of state or municipal institution, appropriate changes are made to its constituent documents. Article 17.1. (Introduced federal law dated 08.05.2010 N 83-FZ). The Department also noted that "an audit is being carried out in connection with citizens' appeals for the quality of medical care in the 62nd Cancer Hospital, which is the basis for organizing and conducting unscheduled control activities."

The Moscow Department of Health denied information about the optimization of the Moscow City Oncological Hospital No. 62. At the request of MedNovosti about whether the messages that appeared on social networks in this regard correspond to reality, the press service of the department gave a negative answer.

At the end of last week, Stalika Khankishiyeva caused a strong response in the network, which the popular blogger posted on his LiveJournal. He spoke about what his family had to face when Stalik's daughter, Karina, was diagnosed with cancer. For confirmation of the diagnosis and selection of treatment, Stalik turned to the Moscow city oncological hospital No. 62, and to the German clinic - to get a second opinion. The recommendations of German oncologists turned out to be identical to those of specialists from the 62nd. The story with Karina ended happily - the doctors managed to cope with a severe form of breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. Now both the young woman and her son, who was born to her, are doing well.

“There are many cancer hospitals. There are those where doctors are a little less indifferent, there are those where they are a little less than completely indifferent. Many have resigned themselves to the fact that their patients do not receive medicines, are operated on antediluvian equipment, and do not have the opportunity to do CT scans. The 62nd hospital is wonderful,” writes Stalik Khankishiyev.

Hearing from his daughter that the hospital might be closed, Stalik turned to the chief doctor of the 62nd hospital, Anatoly Makhson. “It’s not that they are closing, they are optimizing. Probably, about the same as they “optimized” the mammologist, because of the absence of which we missed the very beginning of my daughter’s illness, why I then had to do two operations, such complex chemotherapy, radiotherapy.”

Stalik's post garnered several hundred comments. Russians associate healthcare optimization in the 2010s exclusively with the liquidation of medical facilities. Therefore, the news related to one of the few hospitals in Russia that cancer patients recommend to each other was called tragic and even criminal by many.

Users shared their opinions about the hospital itself and its staff: “This hospital is actually the best, and most importantly, the most accessible for ordinary people”, “this hospital cannot be touched, it cannot be optimized, it can only be helped”, “doctors should be sent here to study, but they are closing”, “The 62nd hospital must be saved from “optimization”, where others are saved from cancer” - these are just a fraction of what has been said on social media over the past few days.

“What the doctors of the 62nd hospital are doing today is like a miracle. Especially in our difficult times. But they do it. 62nd is the pride of Russia. This clinic, its traditions, its specialists and its leader must be preserved and protected as a national treasure,” Olga Demicheva, an endocrinologist at the WikiMed clinic, wrote on FB, commenting in “ Russian newspaper» about unique cases of saving sick pregnant women and their children.

“Honestly, you have to be very crazy to think of optimizing one of the best oncology hospitals in the country... I hope that someone mixed up something... They say that the Ministry of Health now has a very adequate and thinking Minister of Health . If the 62 hospital is not effective enough for Moscow, then in his place I would do everything possible to take it for myself, and in its entirety, and as quickly as possible and together with all the specialists, until they fled, ”the medical director responded to the news clinic "Family" Pavel Brand.

Irina Reznik

Comments (5)

    17.12.2016 13:22


    Dear officials, do not touch the 62nd hospital!!! You are great at destroying everything that benefits people, and in the case of this hospital, this is not just a benefit - the doctors of this hospital save people's lives !!!

    17.12.2016 17:00


    Don't bother saving people! leave alone this ray of our hope!

    20.12.2016 16:54


    My mother is a patient of the 62nd hospital. Only those who have encountered cancer and local oncology centers can evaluate this oncology hospital, its team and the Chief Physician.
    Mr. Pechatnikov and Moscow officials, show mercy to sick people and respect for great people - doctors of the 62nd hospital! Don't touch this hospital! This is an island of hope for us. And an example for you fellow doctors- HOW to work.
    Learn from Anatoly Makhson how to organize work in the institution entrusted to you. He has the whole team - from the cloakroom attendant to professors - one team that works for people and saves people!
    Anatoly Nakhimovich,
    the army of patients and their relatives is infinitely grateful to you and your team!
    Low bow and good health for many years!!!

    25.12.2016 21:15

    Mother Teresa

    And in my opinion, everything is done correctly. Mr. Makhson has already privatized this hospital, but the contract was not renewed. Doctors have already grown roots in their clinics, they put children and relatives in positions - such as, for example, Mr. Davydov. This is fine!? Does it help progress? Personnel turnover is a normal practice throughout the civilized world. And by the way, a sign of any quality organization is the absence of any influence on its operations as a result of a change in leadership. Why is everyone so nervous? Because verification, because since 2014 and even earlier, the clinic negotiated directly with suppliers on purchases. There are rumors that someone just runs out of money in their pocket and just clings to the post. You should be ashamed at such a venerable age and in such a respected rank. And how many healed and overpaid patients out of 62 seek salvation in other clinics, no one wants to tell?

    28.12.2016 23:14


    I am writing in response to a comment from Mother Teresa (see below).
    Everyone knows that oncology is exactly the area where everyone wants to see the availability of money from the patient. So why is it precisely 62 hospitals that are being checked, and Kashirka is not getting under way - that’s where the huge money is and there is just that same succession in the transfer of posts from father to son. Probably, because there the heads of the doctor hide behind academic regalia.

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