What does a dental surgeon do. Features of pediatric surgical dentistry

In addition to the usual doctor who treats dental diseases, sometimes you have to seek help from a dental surgeon. Who it is, what it does and what it treats, we will describe in more detail in this article in order to have an idea of ​​when its intervention is really necessary.

Seeing such a doctor is always stressful for any patient. If you had to resort to surgery, even a small one, then the situation is really serious. It's important to get to good specialist, a professional in his field who has extensive experience in the ongoing manipulations and will be able to complete the whole process so that recovery period passed as quickly as possible.

List of required specialist knowledge

To cope with the task, the dental surgeon must have extensive and accurate knowledge. For staging correct diagnosis, as well as successful treatment and any corrective work requiring his intervention, such a doctor should understand:

  • structure of all soft and hard tissues oral cavity;
  • features of the jaw apparatus, its functioning;
  • diagnostic results carried out to identify dental problems and defects;
  • related sciences such as implantology, therapy, orthodontics and even psychology.

The more he tries to learn about innovations in his activities, about achievements in modern medicine, about the emerging methods of work, topics the best specialist he becomes.

In addition to direct dental knowledge and surgical nuances, such a doctor must be able to establish contact with patients. After all, a visit to the dentist always causes fear in a person, and an appeal to a surgeon can even lead to panic. Therefore, he must be able to win over the patient and create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and comfort.

What tasks does it perform?

The main tasks of the dental surgeon in his job description distinguish the following:

  • correct accurate diagnosis based on the received data;
  • unit rescue, if possible;
  • carrying out manipulations with minimal negative consequences;
  • removal of a tooth, root or parts thereof;
  • correct selection of anesthetic and aseptic substances;
  • correction of orthodontic defects;
  • preparation of the jaw for implantation and other types of prosthetics;
  • elimination of natural anomalies in the structure of bones;
  • treatment of inflammation and high-quality cleaning of periodontal pockets;
  • cosmetic surgery on healthy tissues.

Such a profession remains always relevant, since many of the problems listed can be corrected only with the help of surgical intervention.

What does a dental surgeon do?

dove general characteristics tasks of the doctor, we will now try to describe in more detail his actions in each of the required cases:

  • With the loss of one, several or all units, the patient has to think about high-quality prosthetics. The best of them is implantation. It should be carried out by an implantologist, but in the absence of such a specialist, this is done by the surgeon. To do this, you need to implant a titanium root into the jawbone to fix it. artificial tooth. Also, the duties of the doctor during this procedure include, if it is not enough, and control over the period of wound healing.
  • Extracting a tooth seems like the easiest thing to do. But very often for this manipulation you have to go to the dentist, and sometimes to the surgeon. Unit extraction can occur in simple version(usually when removing premolars or anterior teeth), or in a difficult one, when intervention is required in the masticatory areas. For this, boron and an extractor are used. Sometimes, in addition to this, it is also necessary to carry out suturing of the gums.
  • But this is not all that a dentist-surgeon does. He must correctly extract the roots, in whole or in part, depending on the situation. Usually, such a procedure is performed if available, and it is called a cystectomy. In this case, the doctor tries to remove only the affected part of the root, while preserving the rest of the system. It does not affect healthy tooth, and with the help of tools, it acts gently and locally only on the cyst and an insignificant surface of the root. Such an operation is considered more subtle and complex.
  • In addition to dental problems, the surgeon also performs gum plastic surgery. This is required in the most different occasions, but most often with defects in its location (overestimated, underestimated or uneven). Such problems can lead to extensive or some natural anomalies. The doctor chooses how he will correct her position, since in each individual case you need to make a smart decision. This procedure is done in order to normalize the position of the gums and prevent the consequences in the form of a number of diseases.
  • Also, one of the functions of the operation may be to restore the proportions of the jaw. Usually the orthodontist deals with these issues, but if conservative methods do not give effect and the situation becomes too neglected, then they resort to the help of a surgeon. It produces an elongation or shortening of the jaw arch, which helps to restore its correct proportions. Sometimes without such intervention it is impossible to influence the location of the dentition. This procedure is quite complicated and the doctor must follow the process of correction and recovery for another two to three months.
  • Flap surgery is performed in several situations. This is both treatment and correction of the gums when it is thinning, and cases of destruction of the jawbone. Such an intervention involves the excision and application of small patches of mucous to the right places. Ten days is enough for the fabric to take root in a new area. Before applying flaps, the surgeon removes all inflamed epithelium, sources of infection, and even polishes the tooth surface.
  • One of the most popular procedures for periodontitis or periodontitis is curettage. This is a special kind of intervention when they try not to excise the affected area, but with the help of a special tool called a curette, clean periodontal pockets, remove them, and also deliver them to this hard-to-reach area the right drugs. Such drugs can be antiseptics for neutralizing pockets from bacteria, and anti-inflammatory drugs, and even special soothing and regenerating substances that help tissues recover faster.
  • As already mentioned during implantation, the surgeon performs replanting or extension bone tissue. But such actions can be caused not only by the need to install implants, but also in other cases, as an independent medical procedure. This is usually done using a human, animal or synthetic fabric, which helps to increase the required amount of bone in the patient.

Such complex manipulations are carried out in a clean operating room, with sterile instruments and under anesthesia. Anesthesia can be both local and general, depending on the degree of intervention and the characteristics of the patient. Most often, in addition to the surgeon, a nurse also takes part in such a procedure.

Cosmetic surgery

Sometimes get help complex intervention necessary for relatively healthy tissues of the oral cavity. These may be cases of uneven distribution of gums or other defects that only create aesthetic problems. These correction methods include:

  • Gingivoplasty is very similar to flap surgery, but differs in some nuances. Most often, it is resorted to because of the abnormal location of the gums.
  • - to expand the vestibule of the oral cavity. If by nature it is too small, then sometimes you need to move the facial muscles a little deeper. Thus, the problem of speech defects is solved and some diseases of periodontal tissue are prevented.
  • Frenuloplasty - popularly known as cutting the frenulum around the lip or tongue. This anomaly is found in childhood and the sooner it is removed, the large quantity problems can be prevented in the future. So, an incorrect bridle can lead to speech therapy difficulties, speech impairment, the formation of gaps between units, etc.
  • Surgical elimination of gingival recession (too little of it), especially in cases of exposure of the tooth roots and the need for an additional patchwork operation to restore it. Thus, the doctor takes tissue from one part of the oral cavity and places it on the desired area. Ten days is enough for recovery and correction.

Work with children

Operations in children are considered especially difficult in surgical treatment. After all, they are afraid of any doctor, and dental instruments and a chair scare them terribly. If it comes to the surgeon, then panic can even make the child refuse any contact with the dentist.

In addition, the difficulty of working with them lies also in correct selection medicines especially anesthesia. It can only be carried out on short period, with minimal dosages and preferably not in the form of injections, but in the form of applications.

Because of this, the surgeon must very accurately and quickly carry out manipulations while a small dose of anesthesia is working. All this time you need to talk with the child, calming him and distracting him from terrible thoughts.

To perform an operation on special requirements in pediatric dentistry, the surgeon must undergo additional training. Also the difficulty similar procedures also affects the length of working time, which is thus reduced according to labor standards.

How to learn?

Having learned about what the profession of a dental surgeon is, some may want to become such sought-after specialists. In addition to understanding who it is and what it treats, you also need to understand the features of training and achieving sufficient qualifications.

To receive such an education, one should enroll in one of the higher educational institutions who train specialists of this kind. These are usually medical referrals, but it is important to revise the list to include a dentist.

Further, there is already a more accurate distribution, usually in the last years of study, to therapists, orthodontists, implantologists, surgeons, etc. And although you need to get a lot of knowledge, as well as go through a considerable number of hours of practice, these efforts will justify themselves in the future salary.

You will have to study for at least five years, while obtaining such an education implies only a full-time form. Requirements every year and in all subjects will be quite high, tests and exams are often held, after which you can get to the expulsion. In addition to theory, a lot of attention is paid to practical exercises.

Hoping for a big salary, you should not choose such a specialization only on this basis. After all, with a dislike for the profession, you can commit common mistakes without paying enough attention to patients and their problems. And this is fraught with serious consequences. Only the desire to constantly improve, help people and carry out all the manipulations as best as possible should count on the fact that you will become a good and sought-after doctor.

Video: a dentist-surgeon talks about implantation.

Additional questions

Dentist-therapist and dentist-surgeon: what's the difference?

The main difference between these specialists is in the extent of their impact on tissues. If the former performs conservative treatment with the help of medicines and simple dental instruments, then the latter conducts more cardinal cleaning methods, significant correction of bones, soft tissues, etc. And what has not succumbed to the usual therapeutic effect can sometimes be corrected only surgically. But these two doctors should always work closely together in order to help the patient as competently and efficiently as possible.

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In case of dental diseases, when conservative treatment does not bring positive results or its implementation is impossible, they resort to removal. This procedure can only be performed by a dental surgeon.

His specialization includes not only the extraction of teeth, but also any surgical interventions on the maxillofacial apparatus.

What should this specialist know?

A highly qualified dental surgeon must be able to correctly diagnose, focusing not only on external signs, but the data diagnostic examination. He must be able to quickly make important decisions to remove or save a tooth, as this often depends general state patient's health.

For the surgeon, knowledge from other areas of dentistry is also important: therapy, orthodontics, implantology, since his work is often closely related to them.

A modern doctor should understand all the nuances and subtleties of modern surgical methods. Knowledge of psychology and the ability to find a common language with people are of primary importance, since surgical intervention is psychologically difficult for patients to perceive. This is especially important when working with children.

In addition, the dental surgeon must have therapeutic knowledge in order to stop or prevent the development of postoperative complications in a timely manner.


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Main task surgical treatment, is a safe complete or partial removal tooth using properly selected anesthesia and aseptic preparations.

In addition, the specialization of the surgeon involves solving problems with abnormal development of the jaw, defects in the frenulum of the tongue or lip, and implantation.

What manipulations does it perform?

The specialization of the surgeon involves a variety of manipulations, ranging from easy removal teeth and ending with plastic surgery of the maxillofacial apparatus. Each procedure has its own characteristics and requires a specialist heightened attention and full control actions.


One of the most common methods of restoring the entire tooth. Implantation is carried out by implanting a titanium root into the jawbone, in situ extracted tooth . In the absence of a doctor with a specialization in implantology in the clinic, the surgeon is engaged in implantation.

In addition to the procedure for installing the implant, the surgeon may require additional manipulations aimed at restoring bone tissue in the area of ​​implantation. Most often, it is required to preliminarily carry out a sinus lift - bone building on upper jaw in the region of the maxillary sinuses.

Also, a dental surgeon can work to remove an old implant or put an artificial crown on it.

Some of the nuances of this procedure are described in the following video:

Extraction of teeth

Extraction is the most requested procedure performed by surgeons in dental clinics. To remove teeth, the doctor can use two methods:

  1. simple. It is mainly used when removing anterior units or premolars. The procedure involves extraction by tearing the periodontal ligaments and extracting the tooth.
  2. complex. Demanded on the last molars with their incomplete or abnormal eruption. Removal is carried out after an incision in the gum tissue, to gain access to the roots. After that, the coronal part is cut off, and the roots are separated using a dental burr and an extractor.

    Then, each root is extracted in turn. With extensive periodontal lesions, with difficult removal, carry out gum suturing.

Regardless of the method, extraction is performed with preliminary local or general anesthesia.


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This procedure is partial removal of the tooth root on multi-rooted teeth, and is used when a cyst is detected. Cystectomy allows you to remove a small cyst while preserving the main root of the tooth.

The procedure begins with anesthesia, after which the doctor forms access to the tooth through the tissues of the gums and periodontium. In the opened bed, the dentist peels the cyst and removes it along with the tip of the affected root.

The root canal is cleaned and sealed with a special material that promotes the restoration of bone tissue. Despite the fact that cystectomy is a radical technique, it allows you to save the tooth and the neurovascular bundle that feeds it.

Gum plastic surgery

One of the common dental defects is the incorrect location of the gum contour. It can be congenital or acquired due to periodontal inflammation. Such a defect leads to gingival recession, gum disease, and the development of caries.

You can help fix this problem with gum plastics. The surgeon, with simple manipulations, will increase the contour of the gums, lower or evenly distribute them throughout the periodontal part of the visible area.

Particularly active this technique It is used for severe periodontal disease, when periodontal tissues are not able to recover on their own.

Gingival plastic surgery can be carried out in the process patchwork operation or as an independent procedure, with delayed surgery. With excessive formation of periodontal tissue, it is excised.

Insufficient volume or high position is compensated by stratifying the gums of the problem area or transplanting a mucosal flap from another part of the oral cavity.

Restoring the proportions of the jaw

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An abnormal change in the proportions of the jaw is primarily corrected by the orthodontist, but if ineffective conservative treatment resort to the help of a surgeon.

To restore the correct proportions of the maxillofacial apparatus, different kinds osteoplastic operations in horizontal and vertical direction:

  • by elongation of the jaw arch. During the operation, the doctor cuts soft tissues to access the problem area of ​​the jaw bone. Then, this area is perforated, expansion plates are installed and a bone-replenishing substance is injected, which will fill the resulting gap;
  • by shortening the jaw arch. To do this, a small area is excised in the bone of the alveolar ridge, and a tightening structure is fixed. In the process of treatment, it requires regular activation.

The correction procedure can last from 1 to 3 months, during which the surgeon performs constant control treatment.

Flap operations

Patchwork operations are one of the the most effective methods restoration of the gums with periodontitis, thinning of the gums, destruction of the jaw bone. The procedure allows eliminate enlarged gum pockets and overgrown periodontal tissues.

The operation involves the removal of tissue to expose the bone of the alveolar ridge. After that, the pathological epithelium, granulation are removed and the roots of the teeth are polished. If necessary, material is planted to restore the bone.

The gum is formed from the remaining flap and fixed with sutures. A periodontal bandage is applied to the operated area. Despite the invasiveness of the operation, healing occurs after 7-10 days.


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Inflammation of the gums often provokes plaque that settles in periodontal pockets. To eliminate it, they resort to the help of a surgeon who removes subgingival deposits using special instruments - curettes.

They are able to penetrate under the gum to a depth of 5 mm and remove plaque, granulation tissue, as well as deliver preparations with a calming, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect to the bottom of the pocket. With extensive exposure, at the end of the procedure, a periodontal bandage is applied.

schematically this procedure featured in the following video:

bone grafting

Insufficiency of bone tissue in the area of ​​implantation often requires the intervention of a dental surgeon, who restores the required volume with the help of special materials.

They can be a synthetic bone-forming substance, a material obtained from the bone of an animal, or a small fragment of the patient's own bone. The grafting procedure is a detachment of the mucosa and perforation of the bone, into which a restorative substance or fragment is injected.

Features of working with children

Working with children requires not only high professionalism from the surgeon, but also psychological preparation, as well as endurance. A rare child comes to the dentist without fear.

Regardless of the upcoming manipulations, all children experience increased anxiety at the sight of dental equipment and many of them react violently with unwillingness to listen to the doctor. To avoid this, the surgeon must be able to find an approach to each child of any age.

The process of setting anesthesia is considered in a special way. Significantly facilitates the situation, used before setting the main anesthetic injection.

Children's age limits the volume of the drug administered and the time for the doctor's manipulations, so his actions must be quick and clear.

Cosmetic surgery

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In addition to operations carried out in medicinal purposes, the surgeon performs an intervention for cosmetic restoration maxillofacial apparatus.


This technique is aimed at eliminating defects in periodontal tissue associated with its uneven position. Gingivoplasty is necessary when the gum line is high, uneven or low.

For correction, periodontium is used from the problem area, stratifying it into flaps, or a flap is transferred from the sky. The periodontium is given the necessary shape with the help of surgical sutures, which are removed after 10 days.


It is a methodology for expansion of the vestibule of the oral cavity, by moving the facial muscles into its depth. The procedure is carried out by incising the mucous tissue that regulates the tension of the gums.

After weakening the muscles of the vestibule, the likelihood of developing periodontal diseases decreases, and speech therapy problems are eliminated.

The vestibuloplasty procedure is presented in the following video:


The main indication for frenuloplasty is shortening of the frenulum of the tongue or lips, with exposure of the neck of the teeth, or the formation of a speech therapy defect. The incision is carried out under, with a scalpel, excising the frenulum in the transverse direction.

Elimination of gum recession

With a decrease in the volume of the gums (recession), accompanied by exposure of the roots of the teeth, they resort to patchwork surgery. A piece of mucous taken from the palate or another area of ​​the oral cavity is inserted into the gum, after which the tissues are fixed with sutures.

A week later, the mucosa takes root and the stitches are removed.

Interaction with other specialties

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The specialty of a dental surgeon involves close interaction with doctors from all areas of dentistry. Extraction of teeth, the surgeon can carry out, only after the therapist approves the impossibility of preserving them.

Extraction cannot be carried out without the testimony of an orthodontist who monitors proper development bite and dentition. The work of an orthopedist also cannot do without the participation of a surgeon, since in order to install prostheses, it is necessary to remove all roots and bad teeth.

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Dentistry is one of the largest sections clinical medicine, whose interests include not only diseases of the teeth, but also other organs of the oral cavity, as well as the maxillofacial zone. This direction is developing at an incredible pace, thanks to which many of us have already forgotten the frightening roar of the drill and painful treatment, and going to the dental clinic no longer instills fear in us. Modern dentistry they have professional equipment and amazing opportunities to make diagnostics and all procedures as comfortable as possible, without causing emotional trauma to either children or adults.

Dentistry, in turn, is also divided into several areas, among which are therapeutic, surgical, orthopedic, aesthetic and children's. Today's article will focus on surgical dentistry, and actually what the dentist-surgeon does.

Who is a dental surgeon?

A dental surgeon is a specialist who works in dental clinic, whose main functions are:

  • Surgical treatment of diseases affecting the oral cavity;
  • Extraction of teeth;
  • Operations on the jaw facial joints and nerve fibers
  • Elimination of the consequences of injuries in maxillofacial region, and defects of any nature of origin;
  • Operable treatment of tumors and cysts in the oral cavity, in particular on the gums;
  • Relief of inflammatory and infectious processes dental profile;
  • The use of surgical procedures in diseases salivary glands.

Also this doctor works closely with his colleagues in the orthopedic field. His help is needed in the event of the upcoming implantation of teeth, to prepare the jaw for manipulation, or if it is necessary to remove the implant.

Due to the rapid development of dental medicine, they try to resort to traditional surgery as little as possible. Doctors are doing everything possible to save even the most hopeless incisor. For such cases, there is a special tooth-preserving operation, during which only the affected area is removed, usually it is part of the root or one of the roots.

The surgical profile is a serious and extensive branch in general dentistry. The first thing most commonly associated with a dental surgeon is tooth extraction. As mentioned earlier, doctors always try to do their best to save the entire molar or at least part of it. But if everything is too critical, then the specialist has no choice but to resort to surgery.

Pulling out a molar is not so easy, so this work can be compared with any other operation on the body. First, you need to choose the right anesthetic or anesthesia, then find an approach to the affected tooth. Sometimes it can be hard to reach, or grow in the wrong direction. During the procedure, all measures must be taken to prevent infection of the patient, or the development of inflammation.

People are referred to the dentist-surgeon:

  • with jaw injuries, for example, after injuries;
  • with congenital or acquired cosmetic anomalies;
  • With inflammatory disease periodontium, salivary glands, trigeminal nerve, infectious lesion soft and bone tissues of the jaw, as well as abscesses;
  • to correct the irregular structure of the jaw;
  • if necessary, implantation, for the preparation of the oral cavity and the installation of the implant;
  • to remove a cyst or tumor from the periodontium;
  • to trim the frenulum of the tongue or lip, due to which speech is distorted, a diastema or an inflammatory process develops;
  • for gingival plasty.

All have been listed above traditional operations what a dentist-surgeon does. However, there are also innovations and innovations in this direction. AT recent times, due to the fact that people are trying to be perfect, cosmetic manipulations are becoming more and more in demand and often used. These include:

  • Gingivoplasty is plastic surgical procedure applied to periodontal tissues. It improves appearance gums, that is, they raise, lower or even out defects on its surface so that the dentition looks aesthetically pleasing.
  • Vestibuloplasty is a surgical intervention in the tissues of the oral cavity, namely in the space between the gums, lips and cheeks, in order to move soft tissues. It may be indicated for speech disorders, to improve the fastening of prostheses, or in the case of some specific disease;
  • Frenuloplasty is a dental operation, the essence of which is the excision of the frenulum of the tongue in case of problems in its structure.

Usually, for an appointment with a dental surgeon, the patient comes in a referral from another specialist. He, in turn, also conducts diagnostics, during which he visually determines the problem, and, if necessary, uses radiography, CT and MRI of the teeth. Then the serious task is assigned to him - to accept important decision about the necessity or uselessness of the operation.

With a positive conclusion, a person needs to donate blood for general analysis and an HIV test. Also performed bacteriological culture, and people prone to allergies should definitely undergo a study on the reaction to drugs, in particular to anesthetics.

If you experience any pain associated with the teeth, gums and oral cavity, you should definitely contact dental office to check if you are developing any disease.

Who is a dental surgeon?

A dental surgeon is a specialist in the field of dentistry who receives specific training for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. surgical methods pathologies and injuries of all organs of the oral cavity, as well as the maxillofacial region.

What do dental surgeons do?

Dental surgeons treat teeth and gums. Operational interventions allow the doctor to perform tooth extractions, as well as make incisions when inflammatory processes and any operations in the maxillofacial region. In addition, the scope of activities of a dental surgeon includes:

  • treatment of congenital and acquired pathologies;
  • elimination of defects of the face, oral cavity, jaw;
  • removal of benign and malignant tumors.

The doctor deals with diseases such as:

  • abscess of the maxillary;
  • temporomandibular arthritis;
  • dislocations of joints and teeth;
  • gingivitis;
  • tooth hyperesthesia and enamel hypoplasia;
  • defects in the dentition;
  • infectious diseases of the teeth, gums, the entire oral cavity;
  • caries;
  • cysts;
  • leukoplakia;
  • periodontitis and periodontal disease;
  • osteomyelitis of the jaws;
  • fractures of teeth, jaws;
  • pulpitis, stomatitis;
  • fluxes and so on.

What symptoms are referred to the dentist-surgeon?

In Moscow, doctors of other medical specializations are sent to dentists-surgeons when they identify indications for surgical interventions especially for tooth extraction. This occurs in the following situations:

  • impossibility therapeutic treatment exacerbation of chronic periodontitis;
  • the lack of opportunities to restore the destroyed crown part of the tooth;
  • the need to remove one tooth for the growth of other teeth;
  • indications for the removal of wisdom teeth;
  • the transition of periodontitis to III degree tooth mobility;
  • finding a tooth on the line of a jaw fracture and in other situations.

To make a diagnosis in Moscow, dental radiologists use only X-ray machines.

Where in Moscow can one get this specialty?

The departments of surgical dentistry, which train professional dental surgeons, are represented in such large universities in Moscow as:

  • MGMSU;
  • MMA them. Sechenov;
  • RNIMU them. Pirogov;
  • RUDN and others.

Famous specialists of Moscow

Operations to remove teeth, immobilize the jaws in case of damage, open up inflammation in the oral cavity were performed in the most ancient times. Even in the writings of Hippocrates, Galen, Celsus, tongs made of lead are mentioned, which were used to carry out such operations. Maxillofacial facial surgery flourished in ancient india and Egypt, as evidenced by found handwritten evidence.

In Russia, too, great attention was paid to such surgical operations. Only in Moscow in the 15th century there were 18 monasteries where monks removed teeth and treated wounds and facial injuries. Under Ivan III Kalita appeared professional doctors who can safely be called dental surgeons. Ivan the Terrible created a special Pharmaceutical order for the treatment of dental diseases and facial wounds. The development of dentistry in Russia was actively developed under Peter I, who ordered the construction of a plant for the production of surgical instruments for dental surgeons. The legendary master Potapov designed a set of tools with which healers could easily remove teeth.

In 1808, Professor Bush performed the first operation on cleft lip. His student Paul in 1820 developed methods for conducting different operations including resection mandible, and Buyalsky in 1843 simplified the process by performing a resection of the lower jaw.

founder of many surgical techniques was Pirogov. real school maxillofacial surgery became the surgical clinic of the medical faculty of Moscow State University. Znamensky worked at the Department of Hospital Surgery at Moscow State University. Since 1920, the department of odontology and maxillofacial surgery developed at Moscow State University, where Govseev worked. A huge role in the development of surgical dentistry belongs to Limberg, Evdokimov, Rauer, Vasiliev, Mukhin, Lukomsky, Michelson, Weisblat and many others.

It just so happened that our compatriots are afraid of dentists and try to visit them as rarely as possible, contrary to the recommended two visits a year. Especially frightening for many is the need to meet with a dentist surgeon. Although in last years In connection with the growth of the range of surgical dentistry services, this profession has become very popular. Let's find out what a dentist surgeon does and in what situations you need to contact him.

What is a dental surgeon?

One of the directions in dentistry is dental surgery.

Dentistry has many branches, and when a patient receives a referral to a dental surgeon, he may be slightly confused: who is a dentist surgeon? We have already talked about such specializations as periodontist and. To understand what problems a dental surgeon has to deal with, it is worth talking a little about these narrow specialists.

Each of us, while still a child, could meet with a pediatric dental surgeon. This could happen if, when changing milk teeth to permanent ones, some of them did not want to leave their homes by “pulling the string”. Or if the milk tooth was sitting very tightly, and the root “change” was already on the way and “threatened” to find a comfortable place for itself outside the dentition, pediatric surgeon dentist removed temporary tooth. In addition to this specialist, in childhood you can meet with a pediatric dentist-therapist who treats milk teeth from caries, and an orthodontist who corrects the bite.

In adulthood, if it is necessary to treat dental diseases, a person goes to a dentist-therapist. To keep his mouth healthy, remove tartar, and restore natural whiteness to his teeth, he turns to a dental hygienist. If in childhood it was not possible to solve problems with bite, it is never too late to align the teeth with an orthodontist. If you have problems with your gums, you have to visit, by the way, most often this happens due to poor oral hygiene. Well, if hygiene is “lame on both legs”, sooner or later a person has to become a patient of an orthopedist and surgeon. The first specialist is engaged in prosthetics, and the dentist surgeon is the one who can remove all the destroyed teeth so that dentures can appear in their place. But - far from the only thing that this specialist can do. Let's take a closer look.

Responsibilities of a Dental Surgeon

The main task of dental surgery, as well as all dentistry in general, is, first of all, the preservation of the patient's teeth. Removal is resorted to only in the most extreme cases trying to keep the "life" of the tooth as long as possible. Surgeons can perform the following manipulations:

  • cystectomy - removal of a cyst at the top of the tooth root;
  • (cutting off) the top of the tooth root;
  • removal of "eights", called wisdom teeth, wrong growth which can lead to displacement of the entire dentition;
  • - scraping the contents of periodontal pockets;
  • removal of part of the tooth;
  • bone grafting.

Surgical dentistry, in turn, is divided into maxillofacial and implant surgery. The implant surgeon is engaged in implanting an implant instead of a missing tooth, which allows you to install a prosthesis in the future.

Fractures and deformities of the jaw and bones of the face, congenital anomalies and inflammations that reached purulent stage, is engaged in maxillofacial surgery and specialists - maxillofacial surgeons. These physicians may work with scheduled patients, and with emergency. Emergency patients include those patients who come to the Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery as a result of accidents, car accidents, terrorist attacks.

Such patients may need help at any time of the day, so maxillofacial surgeons work around the clock, including pediatric maxillofacial surgery. As you can see, this profession, although it is in direct “kinship” with dentistry, the duties of maxillofacial dental surgeons go far beyond its limits. The dentist-surgeon must understand not only the intricacies of dentistry, but also aesthetic surgery, orthodontics and implantology.

Emergency assistance from a maxillofacial surgeon may be required for advanced inflammation.

If the qualifications of a specialist allow this, a dental surgeon can treat diseases that are not related to teeth, for example:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • problems of the temporomandibular joint;
  • disorders of the salivary glands.

Cosmetic operations in dental surgery

Recently, there has been wide popularity cosmetic surgery performed in the oral cavity by dental surgeons. Among them:

  • gingivoplasty - correction of the contour of the gingival margin;
  • vestibuloplasty - expansion of the vestibule of the oral cavity;
  • frenuloplasty - located under upper lip and tongue, in order to avoid the appearance of gaps between the teeth and speech defects;
  • elimination - a disease in which there is a decrease in its height.

Features of pediatric surgical dentistry

Many children are afraid of dentists, and a pediatric dentist is no exception. Therefore, to work with young patients, the specialist needs to undergo additional training so that he can find an approach to young children. In addition, dental treatment in children has its own characteristics.

After being trained as a pediatric dentist-surgeon, the doctor can treat young patients. Sometimes a dental surgeon may need the help of specialists such as an orthodontist and pediatric dentist-therapist. For example, if a child’s tooth is so badly damaged that removal is indispensable, it may be necessary to manufacture and install a prosthesis, this is done by an orthodontist. Without such joint work of several specialists at the same time, the child may face problems due to a missing tooth in the future.

If until recently, surgical dentistry was associated mainly with the extraction of teeth, then the possibilities modern specialists become much wider. The activity of dental surgeons is aimed more not at the removal, but at the preservation of the patient's own teeth. Now you know what a dental surgeon does and how significant surgery is in dentistry.

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