Artificial teeth are plastic dentures. Plastic dental prostheses

A beautiful smile and a healthy appearance are integral elements of a comfortable human existence. Healthy, beautiful teeth play an important role in this. And if they are missing, dentures can perfectly replace them. Modern dentistry offers many options for restoring the dentition to people of any age group.

A plastic prosthesis is a design that is used by patients of different ages.

In pediatric dentistry, it is used as a preventive measure to avoid malocclusion if the child has lost teeth early.

But dental products made of plastic can be replaced by other advanced, technologically advanced designs that are lighter and less toxic to materials. In the presence of certain disadvantages, they have many advantages and are actively used in modern dental prosthetics.

Full plastic denture

According to the structure, the prosthesis is represented by a base resting on the alveolar process and the body of the jaw. In case of loss of all teeth, the basis is made complete, and for the restoration of several units - partial, equipped with clasps, locks, and other fastening mechanisms. According to the method of manufacture, they are:

  • pressed;
  • casting.

The production of pressed is carried out by compression, but they are of low quality. Cast dentures are in great demand. After completion, they need to be precisely adjusted to the texture of the patient's oral cavity.

The cost of plastic dentures is made up of a number of factors, in particular the manufacturing method, the quality of the material used.

They have high aesthetic properties and differ little from natural teeth. They are made in two versions, as removable, non-removable, and are used for temporary or permanent operation.

The main pros and cons of plastic prostheses

Among a number of positive advantages of using plastic prostheses, the main ones can be called according to the following characteristics:

  • affordable cost that a patient with a small budget for the installation of structures can afford;
  • aesthetic properties, similarity with natural teeth;
  • the design is invisible during a conversation, smiles;
  • use for temporary prosthetics to protect turned teeth from cold or hot food;
  • they are made quickly, unlike metal-ceramic prostheses, thanks to simple technology;
  • ease of addiction in a matter of days;
  • the possibility of distributing the load on the gums with a slight pressure on the abutment teeth;
  • installation is carried out at a time;
  • the properties of the material allow the manufacture of prostheses of any shape, shade, size;
  • the duration of preservation of the enamel of healthy teeth.

In addition to these advantages, plastic prostheses have certain disadvantages, which include:

Allergy to plastic prosthesis

  • fragility, average service life does not exceed 5 years;
  • inconvenience;
  • structure porosity;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • frequent injury to soft tissues due to the wide area of ​​​​contact with the gums;
  • the presence of clasps and other fasteners provoke the development of caries;
  • partial loss of taste sensations;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • the development of various inflammations in the oral cavity;
  • with an increased gag reflex, installation is not recommended;
  • inability to chew solid food;
  • violation in the first time of diction;
  • regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations.

The porosity of the structure of the material can affect the discoloration and the appearance of bad breath if the dentures are not cared for properly. Plaque and accumulation of microbes can form on them, which lead to inflammation. Acrylic can cause allergies in some people. At first, you will have to get used to the structures in order to eat and talk normally. After 2-3 years of wearing, the plastic may noticeably darken, so you should choose a better material.

Before making a decision to install prostheses, it is recommended to first consult with specialists, read reviews written by patients about plastic dentures.

If everything suits and some moments do not bother, then you can safely go for the procedure. But there are a number of contraindications, from which it will also not be superfluous to know in advance.


Plastic structures do not pose a great danger to most people, which is why they are so popular. But you should take into account the presence of contraindications, such as:

  • age restrictions up to 18 years (with the exception of some cases);
  • individual intolerance to plastic products;
  • severe malocclusion;
  • bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth);
  • inflammation at the installation sites, pre-treatment is carried out;
  • the presence of stone, caries (should be cleaned);
  • mental disorders and diseases.


Depending on the plastic used for dentures, structures are classified into such types as:

Bridge fixed dentures

  • partially removable. They are used in case of partial loss of teeth, if it is impossible to install an implant or other material. For temporary use, the installation is carried out on the gum and fixed with suction components;
  • metal-plastic construction combining metal and plastic. Represented by a plastic bridge or artificial crown. The bridge prosthesis is made in one piece, covered with composite plastic. They are installed for aesthetic functions and closing the defect in the dentition;
  • Removable prosthesis , made of acrylic based on the gum mucosa. It is fixed by suction of the valve to the gum, due to which the design is called a “prosthesis on suction cups”.


Before installation, the dentist examines the patient's oral cavity, prescribes an x-ray and, based on the results, decides whether the procedure is possible.

Then treatment is carried out with a special antiseptic agent in the oral cavity and an impression is made. According to it, a rough, working design is made in the laboratory, with further fitting and correction for the individual structure of the jaw. After completion, re-fitting is carried out. If the shapes and sizes match, the final prosthesis is performed in the laboratory.

The design is installed in one visit and, as a rule, without difficulty.

Basic rules of care

To keep a beautiful appearance of the prosthesis, you must follow a few basic rules for caring for it. It is important to avoid accumulation of unfavorable plaque on the surface of the structure, which can affect the development of dental diseases. For high-quality, long service life of prostheses, experts recommend performing simple, effective procedures:

To clean the denture, special pastes, tablets should be used.

  • clean in the morning and evening with a special paste and brush, the procedure should be performed daily;
  • remove the prosthesis after eating for rinsing under running water, thereby freeing it from food debris;
  • for quick addiction, you can not take it off at night;
  • if it is impossible to remove the structure, it is enough to rinse your mouth with clean water;
  • you can not use products with hardness, viscosity, stickiness;
  • store in a dry place when removed from the oral cavity;
  • for cleaning use special pastes, tablets;
  • for a removable prosthesis, it is recommended to carry out a disinfectant cleaning with a solution once a day.

According to experts, the service life is calculated up to three years, but with proper care it increases significantly and can reach five more years. In case of minor damage to the material on the prosthesis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

They can also be repaired when the clasps do not cope with their functions, have lost their elastic properties. Artificial prostheses are repaired in case of shrinkage, loss of their original shape, change in color by the material. The price of products is formed strictly individually, taking into account the size, number of units, the volume of work of the dentist.

Prosthetic technology is a constantly evolving field of dentistry. New materials, methods appear, equipment is improved. Visitors to the clinics are offered a fairly large selection of prosthetics methods and materials: acrylic plastic, metal-ceramic, metal-plastic, ceramics, aluminum and zirconium oxide crowns.

In this series, plastic dentures are considered less durable and not the best option in terms of quality. But statistics show that today plastic prostheses occupy a significant place among the dental services provided. Despite their shortcomings, they have a number of advantages that make them in demand.

The main material for the manufacture is acrylic plastic. With the development of polymeric materials, it has also undergone a number of qualitative changes. The compositions of the polymer have changed, equipment has appeared, with the help of which it became possible to more accurately display the anatomical features of the palate and jaw of a person in the prosthesis.

Materials used

Classically known dentures are made from dental plastic. It is lightweight, durable and quite hard. It is for this reason that the gum is sometimes rubbed and injured.

Now more modern materials are used, nylon and polyurethane. Such prostheses are somewhat more expensive, but they are softer and fit better to the gums.

Varieties of plastic prosthetics

In general, plastic prostheses are divided into two types: removable and non-removable.

Plastic bridges are installed when several teeth are missing, but some of their teeth are preserved. The bridge is attached to the teeth with

special fixtures. A fastener that wraps around a healthy itch with a wire is called a clasp. Another, not so noticeable mount, attachment.

When one or two teeth are missing, a mount is possible, which is called a "butterfly".

One-piece dentures or removable systems are made from acrylic-based plastics. They consist of two main parts - the base, which imitates the structure of the palate and gums in color and shape, and the artificial plastic teeth themselves.

Removable structures are attached to the gums due to the effect of vacuum suction. Special creams can act as an additional fixation.

Plastic crowns

By appointment, plastic crowns are divided into temporary and permanent.

A non-removable plastic crown is not the best solution for installation on the teeth on a permanent basis, since such products quickly

wear out. This is especially true of chewing teeth.

After a certain period of time, the plastic changes its shade and will differ from the color of a natural tooth. When the crown begins to deform, food remains remain in the subgingival part, and a negative bacterial flora is formed.

But due to the affordable price and fast manufacturing method, many people, hoping to later replace them with more durable ones, put temporary plastic crowns.

Temporary prosthetics

Plastic prostheses are indispensable for temporary prosthetics.

In what cases are they used:

  1. Most often, plastic teeth are used as an option for temporary prosthetics with further installation of ceramics, cermets and other types of prostheses. According to the technology, it takes a certain time to make these types of crowns. In order for a person not to feel discomfort and not to walk with turned teeth and black holes, temporary plastic bridges and crowns are placed.
  2. During installation and implantation implants. While the pin takes root, it is covered with a plastic crown.
  3. If at the time of prosthetics Impossible for medical reasons to install a permanent crown(periodontal disease, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, loosening of teeth, etc.).

Manufacturing methods

Plastic teeth are made in two main ways: pressing and casting. In terms of quality, cast prostheses are considered the best, due to the fact that this method more accurately copies the shape of the jaws and gums. Consequently, addiction occurs faster and the soft tissues of the gums are less injured.

Most often, plastic prostheses are installed by older people suffering from adentia (loss of teeth). Or clients of clinics who, for some reason, have lost part or all of their teeth.

Prosthetics takes place in a close relationship between the prosthetist and the technician who makes the prosthesis.

Stages of manufacture and installation

Preparatory stage:

  • first, the doctor examines the oral cavity to identify contraindications, then an x-ray is taken;
  • if there are teeth that cannot be restored, they are removed;
  • if there are tubercles and tumor formations on the gums, an alveolectomy is performed (removal operation);
  • the doctor determines the anatomical features of the structure of the face and oral cavity, selects the shape and shade of the color of the teeth, determines how the structure will look;
  • an impression of the teeth is taken.

Manufacturing stage:

  • the technician models an individual jaw model with the help of an impression and a series of successive actions;
  • a wax prosthesis with teeth is made, at this stage the first fitting takes place;
  • based on the fitting, adjustments are made to the wax version of the model;
  • then, in a special cuvette, the wax is replaced with acrylic, the mass is polymerized;
  • the finished workpiece is ground and polished;
  • the second fitting takes place, if the prosthesis fits and no defects are found, it is installed.

In this way, plastic prostheses are made by cold casting.

With compressor pressing, a slightly different technique is used, but the sequence of actions is preserved. The first and second methods are based on three-dimensional modeling of the oral cavity, the shape of the gums, and the bite.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of using plastic for removable prosthetics:

  • there is a wide range of shades of color that correspond to natural ones;
  • they get used to them quickly enough if they are well fitted;
  • new materials less injure the gums.


  • fragility, from 3 to 5 years;
  • change color over time
  • can rub the gums and irritate the mucous membrane;
  • food particles get under the prosthesis, so it is necessary to regularly care for the oral cavity.

For older people who have lost their teeth, plastic dentures are the best option in terms of both financial and feasibility.

Comparison with other types of prosthetics

Winning in price, plastic prostheses are inferior to metal ceramics, ceramics and other materials. First of all, strength and durability. Prosthetics based on metal frame structures and ceramics are significantly superior to plastic prostheses in terms of quality and durability.

On average, they give a guarantee of 10 to 15 years. But in fact, the service life may be longer. In addition, they do not change color, they look like natural teeth. This is manifested not only in the color of the teeth, but also in the brilliance and ability to reflect light.

In the manufacture of crowns, the technician, together with the prosthetist, performs almost jewelry work. After all, the shape of the jaw, the size and shape of the teeth for each person is strictly individual, so the main goal is not only to restore and protect the teeth, but also to give prosthetics the maximum aesthetic effect. The main task is to make the smile beautiful and the teeth to shine, but at the same time look natural.

Repair and care

Removable plastic dentures require quality care. They need to be removed and cleaned. You can use mildly abrasive toothpastes. Disinfect using special tablets.

Removable structures made of acrylic plastic are quite fragile, even hitting the bottom of the sink can crack and break. They are worn out, cracks are possible. Do not despair, dentures are repaired and restored.

Plastic removable systems, even after all the adjustment steps, still do not fit perfectly to the gums. Therefore, to avoid chafing gums and better fix the removable system, use fixing glue. For example, Korega and Lacalut. At the same time, remember that their fixing capabilities lie within 12 hours.

If the denture has changed color or there is plaque that you cannot handle on your own, contact your dentist. Your prosthesis will be restored and cleaned.

At night, you can not remove the removable system, especially during the period of addiction and adaptation. In the future, artificial teeth can be removed at night and stored dry. Washing is recommended after each meal.

There is an opinion

Regarding plastic removable dentures and temporary crowns made of plastic, you can find a lot of reviews of a different nature.

A resident from Lyubertsy writes that as a result of an injury at a ski resort in the top five, she developed a cyst. Over time, the tooth had to be removed.

A pensioner writes from Novgorod.

Issue price

The price for a prosthesis of 6 teeth starts from 3,000-4,000 rubles, on average, one plastic bridge will cost up to 10,000 rubles. But each case must be considered individually and in a complex. Before deciding on the choice of a clinic, it is advisable to visit it and familiarize yourself with the price list, the materials used, and customer reviews.

Although plastic prostheses are not the latest development in the field of prosthetics, they remain in demand. Despite the fact that acrylic plastic is inferior to other materials for prosthetics in terms of its performance, it is popular due to its availability, simple installation procedure and good aesthetic effect.

Features and application of a plastic prosthesis

A plastic prosthesis is a design that is used by patients of different ages. But dental products made of plastic can be replaced by other advanced, technologically advanced designs that are lighter and less toxic to materials. In the presence of certain disadvantages, they have many advantages and are actively used in modern dental prosthetics.

According to the structure, the prosthesis is represented by a base resting on the alveolar process and the body of the jaw. In case of loss of all teeth, the basis is made complete, and for the restoration of several units - partial, equipped with clasps, locks, and other fastening mechanisms. According to the method of manufacture, they are:

  • pressed;
  • casting.

The production of pressed is carried out by compression, but they are of low quality. Cast dentures are in great demand. After completion, they need to be precisely adjusted to the texture of the patient's oral cavity. They have high aesthetic properties and differ little from natural teeth. They are made in two versions, as removable, non-removable, and are used for temporary or permanent operation.

The main pros and cons of plastic prostheses

Among a number of positive advantages of using plastic prostheses, the main ones can be called according to the following characteristics:

  • affordable cost that a patient with a small budget for the installation of structures can afford;
  • aesthetic properties, similarity with natural teeth;
  • the design is invisible during a conversation, smiles;
  • use for temporary prosthetics to protect turned teeth from cold or hot food;

  • they are made quickly, unlike metal-ceramic prostheses, thanks to simple technology;
  • ease of addiction in a matter of days;
  • the possibility of distributing the load on the gums with a slight pressure on the abutment teeth;
  • installation is carried out at a time;
  • the properties of the material allow the manufacture of prostheses of any shape, shade, size;
  • the duration of preservation of the enamel of healthy teeth.

In addition to these advantages, plastic prostheses have certain disadvantages, which include:

  • fragility, average service life does not exceed 5 years;
  • inconvenience;
  • structure porosity;
  • the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • frequent injury to soft tissues due to the wide area of ​​​​contact with the gums;
  • the presence of clasps and other fasteners provoke the development of caries;
  • partial loss of taste sensations;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • the development of various inflammations in the oral cavity;
  • with an increased gag reflex, installation is not recommended;
  • inability to chew solid food;
  • violation in the first time of diction;
  • regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations.

The porosity of the structure of the material can affect the discoloration and the appearance of bad breath if the dentures are not cared for properly. Plaque and accumulation of microbes can form on them, which lead to inflammation. Acrylic can cause allergies in some people. At first, you will have to get used to the structures in order to eat and talk normally. After 2-3 years of wearing, the plastic may noticeably darken, so you should choose a better material.

If everything suits and some moments do not bother, then you can safely go for the procedure. But there are a number of contraindications, from which it will also not be superfluous to know in advance.


Plastic structures do not pose a great danger to most people, which is why they are so popular. But you should take into account the presence of contraindications, such as:

  • age restrictions up to 18 years (with the exception of some cases);
  • individual intolerance to plastic products;
  • severe malocclusion;
  • bruxism (involuntary grinding of teeth);
  • inflammation at the installation sites, pre-treatment is carried out;
  • the presence of stone, caries (should be cleaned);
  • mental disorders and diseases.


Depending on the plastic used for dentures, structures are classified into such types as:

  • partially removable. They are used in case of partial loss of teeth, if it is impossible to install an implant or other material. For temporary use, the installation is carried out on the gum and fixed with suction components;
  • metal-plastic construction combining metal and plastic. Represented by a plastic bridge or artificial crown. The bridge prosthesis is made in one piece, covered with composite plastic. They are installed for aesthetic functions and closing the defect in the dentition;
  • Removable prosthesis , made of acrylic based on the gum mucosa. It is fixed by suction of the valve to the gum, due to which the design is called a “prosthesis on suction cups”.


Before installation, the dentist examines the patient's oral cavity, prescribes an x-ray and, based on the results, decides whether the procedure is possible.

Then treatment is carried out with a special antiseptic agent in the oral cavity and an impression is made. According to it, a rough, working design is made in the laboratory, with further fitting and correction for the individual structure of the jaw. After completion, re-fitting is carried out. If the shapes and sizes match, the final prosthesis is performed in the laboratory.

Basic rules of care

To keep a beautiful appearance of the prosthesis, you must follow a few basic rules for caring for it. It is important to avoid accumulation of unfavorable plaque on the surface of the structure, which can affect the development of dental diseases. For high-quality, long service life of prostheses, experts recommend performing simple, effective procedures:

  • clean in the morning and evening with a special paste and brush, the procedure should be performed daily;
  • remove the prosthesis after eating for rinsing under running water, thereby freeing it from food debris;
  • for quick addiction, you can not take it off at night;
  • if it is impossible to remove the structure, it is enough to rinse your mouth with clean water;
  • you can not use products with hardness, viscosity, stickiness;
  • store in a dry place when removed from the oral cavity;
  • for cleaning use special pastes, tablets;
  • for a removable prosthesis, it is recommended to carry out a disinfectant cleaning with a solution once a day.

They can also be repaired when the clasps do not cope with their functions, have lost their elastic properties. Artificial prostheses are repaired in case of shrinkage, loss of their original shape, change in color by the material. The price of products is formed strictly individually, taking into account the size, number of units, the volume of work of the dentist.

Types of plastic prostheses

Plastic prostheses (see photo) can be:

  • Cast and pressed.
  • Removable and non-removable.
  • Permanent and temporary.

Molded and molded plastic structures

  • It is easier to make a pressed prosthesis, but, in terms of quality, this design is inferior to a cast prosthesis.
  • Molded plastic prostheses are fitted to the jaws with very high precision. This technique of manufacturing a structure allows you to imitate the structure of the oral mucosa so that the denture is almost impossible to distinguish from real teeth.

Removable and non-removable plastic dentures

Most often, removable dentures for teeth are made of plastic. Removable plastic dentures can be used in both partial and complete absence.

If the teeth are completely missing, then the prosthesis rests only on the gum and its fixation is carried out due to the suction effect. Plastic prostheses, used in the partial absence of teeth, have wire clasps that come from the base of the structure and cover the abutment teeth.

Partial plastic dentures can be attached using inconspicuous fixtures - attachments. In the absence of one or two teeth, a butterfly prosthesis can be used.

Fixed structures are very rarely made of plastic, because they require very strong turning of the teeth.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of plastic dentures:

  • As temporary prostheses (crowns, plastic bridges)
  • Tooth defects.
  • Deformation of the anterior teeth.
  • Missing one or more teeth.
  • In periodontal diseases - as a splinting structure.

Contraindications to the installation of plastic prostheses:

  • Allergic to acrylic.
  • Short crown of a prosthetic tooth.
  • Increased tooth wear.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Loosening of teeth.

Pros and cons of plastic dentures

Plastic dentures have the following advantages:

  • Can be used as temporary plastic prostheses.
  • Affordability.
  • Good aesthetic qualities: lack of shine, resemblance to the shade of natural teeth.

Disadvantages of plastic dentures:

  • Rapid wear - a year after installation, the appearance of the prosthesis deteriorates.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane of the gums.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Some time after the installation, food particles may accumulate under the dental crown.
  • When wearing plastic prostheses, pain in the mandibular joint, a feeling of discomfort, and a headache can be observed.

But, despite the fact that plastic prostheses have both pros and cons, their popularity is high. This is because it is better to have a lower quality prosthesis than a toothless mouth.

Care and storage

  • Caring for a plastic prosthesis is the same as for teeth.
  • Removable dentures must be removed at least twice a day in order to carry out hygienic cleaning with a toothbrush and paste.
  • After each meal, the structure is removed, rinsed well with water.
  • When using a removable denture, it is not recommended to eat viscous and sticky foods.
  • In order to quickly get used to the prosthesis, the first time after installation, it is better not to remove the structure before going to bed.
  • Keep plastic dentures dry.
  • For the care of removable dentures, it is necessary to use special tools. which are available in the form of powders and tablets. When the tablet is dissolved in water, a liquid is obtained that is suitable for disinfection, as well as the removal of food debris and pigmented plaque from the denture.

Video: Artificial teeth. How it works.

Life time

The service life of plastic prostheses is about two years.

  • Dentists are trying to increase the service life of such structures by combining plastic with metal. These dentures can last 5 years or more.
  • Plastic lining that has fallen off the metal can be reapplied directly in the mouth. To do this, you do not need to remove the metal base.

With proper hygienic care of the oral cavity, the life of the structure is extended.


Repair of a plastic denture may be required due to the fact that:

  • The wire clasp loses its elasticity after one or two months and just hangs on the abutment teeth.
  • Chewing tubercles are erased very quickly, and then the body of an artificial tooth.
  • Crowns made of acrylic resin for prostheses change in color, quickly wear out in contact areas and break.

Prices for plastic dentures

Photos before and after

Frequently asked Questions

  • Question: How to properly store a removable denture?

Answer: Plastic dentures: clasp, acrylic should be stored in a dry, closed container

  • Question: What materials are used to make the basis of a removable prosthesis?

Answer: The material for the manufacture of the base can be acrylic plastic, nylon metal and such modern materials as valplast and flexite.

  • Question: How to whiten plastic dentures?

Answer: With the help of special products that can be bought at a pharmacy.

  • Question: How to clean plastic dentures?

Answer: It is necessary to clean the structure with a soft toothbrush and paste.

  • Question: What are the cheapest dentures?

Answer: The cheapest are plastic dentures, the price of which is from 2500 rubles.

Types of plastic dentures

According to the manufacturing method, there are different plastic prostheses: pressed and cast. Cast ones are stronger, but pressed ones are easier to make, so they are cheaper.

It is important that cast prostheses fit more accurately to the jaw, and their color is fully consistent with natural teeth and gums.

Structurally, plastic prostheses can be:

  • removable;
  • fixed.

Particularly widespread are removable plastic dentures. They are used to restore the dentition with partial and complete absence of teeth.

In orthopedics, acrylic full dentures are often used. The basis of such structures consists of plates that reproduce the parameters of the gums, so this type of prosthesis is called lamellar.

The low price of acrylic lamellar dentures makes them affordable for any patient suffering from total edentulousness. The manufacturing technology of plastic dentures is familiar to any dental technician.

Nylon removable dentures are a more modern option. The frame of such structures is made of nylon, so they are more elastic and better held on the jaw than acrylic ones.

The manufacture of a nylon prosthesis is carried out on sophisticated equipment and requires highly qualified personnel.

Adaptation to a nylon prosthesis is faster, since its edges are much smaller than those of a plastic one.

However, many opt for rigid acrylic designs instead of stretchy nylon ones due to the fact that they do a better job of biting hard foods.

Not only complete dentures are made of plastic, but also partial ones on a plastic or metal frame.

Such designs are designed to fill sections of the dentition in the absence of several teeth in a row.

The partial plastic prosthesis can be removed from the mouth by the patient for cleaning and maintenance, and then put back in place.

Some designs are fixed on the crowns with complex locks. Only a dentist can remove such a prosthesis, therefore they are called conditionally removable.

Plastic partial dentures are used as a temporary measure. They cannot optimally distribute the load on the gums when chewing.

Fixed plastic dentures are rarely used in dentistry. Dentists avoid the installation of such structures, as they require a very strong turning of the teeth.

Pros and cons

Considering removable plastic devices, it is worth starting with their pluses. They are perfect as a temporary option.

Temporary metal-ceramic devices are not cheap, so they are not suitable for everyone. As for plastic, even a patient with a low income will be able to pay for such a device.

The low price does not affect the quality of plastic devices - they perfectly imitate natural teeth.

Unfortunately, after a year, the plastic begins to lose its beauty, but usually by this time a person has already managed to order and pay for a permanent dental construction made of a material that is more durable than acrylic.

Constantly acrylic structures are worn only by patients who are allergic to metals. However, it is better for such patients to order not an acrylic, but a nylon prosthesis.

Devices made of nylon are comparable in strength to metal ones, but at the same time they win in terms of aesthetics and comfort.

Another disadvantage of plastic products is that it is difficult to get used to them. In order for the design to be securely held on the mucosa, its edges are made wide, and this makes adaptation difficult.

In patients with a strong gag reflex, addiction to a plastic prosthesis may not occur at all.

The disadvantage of plastic structures is the instability of quality. Their durability is highly dependent on the type of plastic.

Imported products are usually made of high quality materials and have higher strength.

Cheaper dental acrylic, affordable for most patients (many of whom are retirees), has disadvantages:

  1. fragile;
  2. It takes a long time to get used to the product.

Since the main advantage of plastic jaws is their low price, their manufacture from high-quality material is not always justified.

As a result, after some time after installation, the plastic darkens, bends along the contour of the gums, and food fibers begin to get stuck under the crowns.

Despite significant shortcomings, plastic construction remains very popular.

When faced with a choice between a bad denture and a completely edentulous mouth, people choose the first option. Moreover, the plastic prosthesis can be easily removed from the mouth, rinsed and cleaned.

Caring for a plastic prosthesis

There are different ways to care for plastic teeth. It is correct to use not just one, but all together.

Flushing is the simplest method of cleaning artificial teeth. After eating, if food remains are stuck in them, the plastic jaws are removed from the mouth and rinsed in running water.

If it is not possible to remove the "teeth", then rinse the mouth with water. Ideally, boiled water, rather than raw tap water, is used for rinsing, which helps to avoid bacterial contamination.

To care for a removable dental appliance, only washing will not be enough - cleaning will also be required.

To do this, the device is removed from the mouth and cleaned with a toothbrush coated with a special toothpaste.

After cleaning and washing the orthopedic device, it is placed in a disinfectant solution.

Disinfection must be carried out daily. It is best to do this at night. The device is completely immersed in a disinfectant solution.

An antiseptic is bought at a pharmacy ready-made or they are made at home on their own, dissolving disinfectant tablets in water.

Denture solution cleans the surface of bacteria, helps to better remove fixative glue and food plaque that could resist the toothbrush.

Once every 6 months, the dental structure is handed over to the orthopedic office for special cleaning.

The specialist will remove plaque that is resistant to a toothbrush and a disinfectant solution, which has turned into solid deposits, from the plastic. If necessary, you can undergo a professional cleaning of the entire tooth cavity.

Among the means for the care of orthopedic devices, dentists include glue and fixation cream.

These substances not only help fix structures in the oral cavity and prevent them from falling out, which is fraught with loss or breakage: glue and cream do not allow food residues to accumulate under the prosthesis and form a layer that prevents rubbing of the gum mucosa.

The listed methods of care are suitable not only for removable, but also for partially removable and permanent orthopedic devices, including clasp ones.

Prosthetics help to establish the chewing process even in the complete absence of teeth.

A plastic denture may be the only available way out of a difficult situation, so such a device, despite its outdatedness, is still popular in dentistry.

Types and methods of installing plastic prostheses

The specialist, after a thorough external examination and carrying out the necessary procedures (treatment of damaged teeth, removal of roots, sanitation of the mouth), decides on the advisability of using plastic prostheses. According to the purpose, the designs are distinguished:

  • removable;
  • fixed.

The quality of the product can be:

  • plastic (acrylic is used);
  • metal-plastic (acrylic coating is attached to the metal base).

According to the method of manufacture, prostheses are divided into:

  • pressed (made by compression pressing);
  • cast (the material is poured into molds, which require casts to obtain).

According to the number of crowns used, designs are distinguished:

  • full;
  • partial.

If a person is missing only part of the teeth, prostheses are made on attachments (wire locking mechanisms) or clasps (metal hooks), which are attached to healthy teeth and provide a solid fit for the structure. It would be ridiculous for a patient whose prosthesis would move to the sides or fall out of the mouth when smiling.

If the product completely replaces a row of missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw, then special fixing compounds are used. They provide a strong adhesion of the polymer base to the jaw and fill the free space into which food particles can get.

Types, the procedure for installing artificial teeth directly depend on the anatomical features of the jaw arches, the number of missing teeth, and the sensitivity of the mucosa. If full dentures are attached by suction, then clasp dentures can be made for the jaw on which healthy teeth remain. A material imitating the gum is attached to the metal base, on which acrylic crowns are located. This provides the structure with high strength and stability.

Advantages and disadvantages

Acrylic products have their pros and cons. The peculiarity of the design of prostheses is that the plastic itself is a short-lived material that is suitable for temporary use or needs to be replaced every few years.

pros Minuses
Fast production time Frequent product change
Affordable price (from 2500 rubles) Low quality (break, grind, crack)
No discomfort when using Dentures need regular cleaning with special products, the material can cause an allergic reaction
Artificial teeth are resistant to temperature changes (drinking cold, warm drinks and dishes) Solid foods (nuts, meat cartilage, fruits) contribute to the erasure of dental tubercles and the formation of microcracks.
Easily restores the previous color when using special tablets, tooth powders, soda When cleaning with abrasive products, minor damage appears, in which plaque accumulates.
  • for temporary replacement of missing teeth for the period of manufacture of long-term structures;
  • as a masking of an external defect with a lack of funds for expensive implants.

At the same time, doctors assure patients that with proper use of products, their service life can be significantly increased. If you do not brush your teeth, click seeds or gnaw meat cartilage with enviable constancy and regularity, drink Coca-Cola with your food, then even your own healthy teeth will begin to crack and collapse.

Indications and contraindications

Who can install and who can not acrylic dentures? The products are recommended for people who:

  • the shape of natural teeth is broken;
  • the wrong bite is formed;
  • external acquired defects (chips, cracks, spots) were found;
  • diagnosed with caries, "eating" dental tissue;
  • part of the teeth or the entire dentition is missing;
  • "loose" bone tissue contributes to the rapid erasure of enamel and dental tubercles.

You can not install prostheses:

  • with an inflammatory process of the gums (for example, periodontitis, in which the periodontal tissue swells and may bleed);
  • with an allergic reaction to plastic;
  • during puberty, when the bone tissue undergoes changes, a dental bite is formed;
  • when systemic connective tissue diseases, tuberculosis, pemphigus, lupus erythematosus, bruxism are diagnosed.

In diseases of the central nervous system and mental disorders, problems of a different kind may arise: the patient perceives the prosthesis as a hindrance, a foreign body, which causes a number of accompanying negative emotions and manifestations at the physical level. These are breathing difficulties, fear, fever or cold sweat, an unconscious desire to get rid of a foreign object.

How long are dentures used?

Products solve the problem of damaged or missing teeth for many years, or their re-installation is required after a few days. How long do dentures last?

The lifespan of dentures depends on:

  • quality of products included in the diet;
  • compliance with personal hygiene standards (timely cleaning of products);
  • the presence or absence of bad habits (alcohol and smoking shorten the life of artificial teeth);
  • compliance with the rules of care.

Interestingly, people who are shown a sparing diet need to replace prostheses much less often than those who absorb heavy and junk food in large quantities. Like natural enamel, acidic and caustic solutions, tobacco, solids, spicy dishes, brushing your teeth with metal objects (needles, pins, paper clips, etc.) adversely affect the acrylic coating. With proper use of products, their service life can reach 5-6 years or more.

Denture care

For people who have problems with their teeth, a reasonable question arises: how to take care of them properly? Even regular cleaning and removal of food particles from products removed from the crowns during the hygienic procedure guarantee a significant increase in the period of use. What else can be done so that the structures retain their original appearance?

  1. The first months after the installation of prostheses, they should not be pulled out of the oral cavity at night. The jaws during sleep are at rest (the products do not move), but the oral mucosa gradually adapts to the foreign body.
  2. During the day, the structures should be thoroughly cleaned 1-2 times with a toothbrush and paste.
  3. Several times a month, special acrylic material care products are used, which are sold in pharmacies.
  4. When the products are not in use, they should be stored in a dry, closed container. But in the first days after their installation, the air contributes to the release of substances that give the crowns a "marble" color. Therefore, at this time it is better to pull them out only for the duration of hygiene measures.
  5. When clasps or attachments “dangle” and do not provide a strong adhesion of the product to the gum, the prosthesis should be sent for repair.
  6. Dark spots on artificial crowns are a sign that they need urgent cleaning. But independent efforts may not lead to the desired result. In dental clinics, the service of whitening artificial teeth is provided. The procedure is ordered repeatedly several times a year, if necessary.

For prostheses that are fixed on the gums by suction, special creams are used. The following have proven themselves on the positive side: Korega, Rox, Lakalut, Prottefix, Fittident. A good cream has moderate density indicators, has high water resistance, and does not cause difficulties in removing its residues from the structure. At the same time, it does not allow food particles to pass under the surface of the material imitating the gum.

People who are just starting to use removable dentures should be alerted by the pronounced pleasant smell of the cream. The composition may include aromatic additives. The use of such a cream is accompanied by pleasant sensations, but the body may respond to the presence of flavors with an allergic reaction.

Before using the fixing composition, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of its components and carefully read the instructions for use. The presence of zinc in the cream, an expired expiration date, too viscous consistency indicate that the product cannot be used.

You should not squeeze a lot of cream on the prosthesis - it is enough to apply a small amount of it on the adhesion points. The composition will be distributed evenly over the gums and it will be easy to remove it later. It is better to discuss all controversial points in advance with an orthodontist. Silicone removable dentures Which dentures are better for teeth How long does it take to get used to dental bridges

Plastic dentures are made from acrylic. This option of prosthetics is especially in demand in dentistry, due to the fact that it is suitable for patients of different ages. Designs are used in the presence of partial absence of teeth and adentia.


Plastic dental prostheses are represented in dentistry by several types of designs:

  • pressed, cast;
  • temporary, permanent;
  • removable, non-removable.

Pressed products are easier to manufacture, but inferior in quality to products made using casting technology. Cast prostheses fit exactly to the jaw and mimic the structure of the mucosa well, thanks to which the product is invisible in the oral cavity and provides good aesthetic prosthetic results.

Removable or non-removable

More often, plastic is used for the manufacture of removable prostheses, which can be used in the complete absence of teeth or partial defects in the dentition:

  • complete absence of teeth - prostheses rest on the gum, are held due to the suction effect. With the correct manufacture of the product, when it is put on, a vacuum space is created that holds the structure on the gum;
  • partial absence of teeth - plastic dentures are supplied with clasps made of hard material - a metal wire that covers the abutment tooth and holds the partial denture in the oral cavity;
  • absence of one or two teeth - when a patient does not have only one or two teeth in the dentition, and he does not want to grind healthy teeth for the installation of crowns or undergo implant treatment, the dentist may recommend a butterfly prosthesis. This product is especially in demand in dentistry when it is necessary to replace chewing teeth. It can be worn without removing it, and due to its high aesthetics, the design remains invisible in the mouth.

Indications for use

Plastic dentures are used in dentistry for:

  • temporary prosthetics;
  • replacement of arc defects of different lengths;
  • in the presence of deformation of the teeth;
  • splinting of teeth in periodontium.

Plastic prostheses are not installed in case of allergic reactions to acrylic, malocclusion, increased tooth wear, short crown part of the prosthetic tooth.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plastic dentures are affordable and therefore suitable for most patients. They have high aesthetic properties, so they look like real teeth. An important advantage is that acrylic plastic is resistant to dyes, therefore, with proper care, they do not lose their original shade for a long time, they are not stained with wine, juices, berries, coffee, tea, nicotine.

Also, plastic does not absorb odors, so the product does not cause bad breath, and the patient can forget about the presence of a “foreign” body in the mouth. Addiction occurs quite quickly, which is further facilitated by the complete restoration of chewing function.

Despite the positive reviews, plastic prostheses also have disadvantages. Among them are rapid wear and tear, allergies. Also, in some situations, there may be pain when wearing products, irritation of the mucous membrane.


Plastic prostheses, like other dental products used in prosthetics, require special care:

  • daily two-time cleansing of plaque using a brush and paste;
  • after eating, the product must be removed from the oral cavity to rinse with clean water;
  • for quick addiction, the first time you should not remove the prosthesis at night;
  • do not use sticky, viscous products when wearing the product;
  • plastic dentures are stored in a dry state;
  • for care, it is recommended to use specialized products - tablets, powders, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. When the drug is dissolved in water, a disinfectant liquid is formed that destroys bacteria and prevents pigmentation of the prosthesis.


Plastic prostheses on average are designed for two years. It is possible to increase the operational resource of products by strictly following the recommendations of the dentist. If the prosthesis is damaged, you should immediately contact the dentist. The product may need to be repaired if:

  • clasps have lost their elasticity, hang on the abutment teeth, do not hold the prosthesis in place well;
  • there was a crushing of the masticatory tubercles, the body of an artificial tooth;
  • crowns have changed in color.

If you have any problems with plastic prostheses, you need to contact professionals. Only in dentistry can they determine the real damage and carry out the restoration of the structure or its replacement.

Acrylic plastic (acrylic) dentures are the cheapest type of orthopedic structures. They are used in the complete or partial absence of teeth.

They are able to retain color, shape and strength throughout the entire period of operation. But, as you know, where there are pluses, there are also minuses nearby.

How is a plastic prosthesis

The design consists of an acrylic base that imitates the gingival margin, and a number of artificial teeth attached to it (also made of acrylic, in rare cases, made of ceramic).

  • The prosthesis on the upper jaw is adjacent to the surface of the palate and is fixed by the suction effect.
  • For the lower jaw, the alveolar process, that is, the part of the jaw that bears the teeth, serves as a support.

Installing an acrylic prosthesis

Complete removable denture

It is used for congenital adentia (absence of tooth germs), as well as in case of complete loss of teeth, which is most often observed in elderly patients. It can rest on the gum or be fixed on previously implanted implants (at least 4).

Partially removable acrylic prosthesis

It is used when several teeth are missing. It is fixed with clasps (hooks): these are additional devices that wrap around the abutment teeth, holding the structure. This group also includes immediate dentures - temporary acrylic devices to replace the 1st tooth.


It is produced by injection molding, that is, the material is injected into a closed mold through an injection channel. This is a reliable technique that eliminates the deformation of the basis, the formation of gaps and other problems. Acrylic is lightweight yet durable.

Before manufacturing, you can choose an individual color, shape and size of the basis. In total, you will need 2 visits to the orthopedic dentist:

  1. At the first appointment, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and take impressions of the teeth, which will then be sent to the dental laboratory.
  2. In a few days, a maximum of a week, you will receive a finished model. The dentist will show you how to properly put on acrylic dentures and carry out hygienic care. If necessary, you will make a correction ("fit").


  • suitable for patients of all ages;
  • almost invisible during conversation due to the pink shade of the frame;
  • they are easy to put on and take off;
  • with partial prosthetics, the chewing load is distributed along the gum line, and not on the remaining supporting teeth;
  • in the event of a breakdown, they can be easily repaired;
  • are inexpensive.


However, there are some drawbacks. First of all, this is a long period of adaptation (more than a week).

  • the lamellar prosthesis completely covers the palate, which impairs taste sensations;
  • the hard edges of the base can rub the gums and cause pain when chewing food;
  • acrylic contains methyl ester of methacrylic acid, which in large doses has a toxic effect on the body, and in small doses - a local reaction (for example, irritation of the mucous membrane).


Regular hygienic care of acrylic products is necessary. Why? The fact is that acrylic has a porous structure, and this is an ideal condition for the accumulation and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Dentists have the concept of "acrylic stomatitis" - an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane, provoked by such a microflora.

To avoid it, follow the rules of care:

  • thoroughly clean the surface of the prosthesis 2 times a day in the morning and evening;
  • rinse it with water after each meal;
  • before going to bed, it is necessary to remove the product and place it in a container with a disinfectant solution;
  • try not to eat too hard and viscous food;
  • Get a professional dental cleaning every six months.

What to clean?

You can use a regular toothbrush (soft or medium hardness), as well as your usual toothpaste without abrasive and whitening particles.

Too hard brush is not suitable - it can scratch the surface. As an antiseptic, it is recommended to use a ready-made solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin, which is sold in a pharmacy. Also suitable are special disinfectant tablets ("Dentipur", "Lacalut den" t, etc.).

Repair of acrylic prostheses

You will have to resort to repairs in the following cases:

  • removal of one of the remaining teeth - an acrylic substitute is built up on the basis;
  • damage or loss of an artificial tooth from the base - it needs to be replaced;
  • breakage of the fixing element (clasp);
  • weak fit of the base to the gum - relining is needed;
  • the formation of a chip on the frame - adjustment will help.

Repair will take no more than one day. During the warranty period, you will not have to pay for the repair, otherwise the service will cost 300-1000 rubles.

Which dentures are better: nylon or acrylic

The main competitors of acrylic are nylon prostheses. The latter are considered more advanced, and here's why:

  • they have an elastic, soft frame that fits better to the sky;
  • due to plasticity, the risk of breakage and deformation is reduced;
  • do not absorb odors;
  • non-toxic, hypoallergenic.

However, there is one significant drawback: a nylon prosthesis costs 2 times more. If you want to save on prosthetics, order a plastic prosthesis. If comfort and quality are more important, then nylon is better.

Nylon prosthesis

Frequently asked questions about acrylic dentures

Is fixation secure?

Fixation of the product is quite reliable. If the model is correctly made, a rarefied space is created between the body of the prosthesis and the mucous membrane, which provides a suction effect. But for reinsurance, you can apply a special fixing cream, for example, Corega.

What is the service life?

Plastic prostheses serve no more than 5 years.

But, as a rule, they need to be replaced after 3 years, and all because of the gradual atrophy of the jaw bone tissue.

Is it possible to be allergic to acrylic?

Yes, an allergic reaction is possible. Acrylic contains up to 8% free monomer, which is constantly released from the prosthesis during its operation. Getting into saliva, the monomer can cause allergies.


The cost depends on the type of construction:

  • full plastic prosthesis - from 20,000 rubles;
  • partial (1-3 teeth) - from 6,000 rubles.

As you can see, this option will be most relevant with a limited budget.

Everyone will tell you that dental treatment, especially when it comes to prosthetics and surgical restoration of the functions and aesthetics of the dentition, is a rather expensive procedure. Therefore, we are all the more pleased to offer you an effective, but at the same time inexpensive technique - plastic crowns.

Their price is significantly lower than the cost of metal-ceramic and metal systems. At the same time, they provide good quality, wear, long service life and comfort.

Plastic dental crowns are a good compromise between efficiency and price in cases where there is a need for savings.

Plastic dental crowns: pros and cons

The fact that plastic as a material is much more vulnerable than metal, zirconium and ceramic alloys is an obvious and long-known fact. But this does not mean that crowns made from it cannot be relied upon. The term of their impeccable service is at least 3-5 years. At the same time, in the first years, in terms of their aesthetic qualities, they will not be inferior to much more expensive counterparts. In addition, unlike metal and ceramic crowns, it takes much less time to make plastic crowns. Taking an impression, making a mold and fitting - all this is quite possible to perform in one visit to our clinic.

Interestingly, with all the limited characteristics of plastic crowns, they have their own unique scope. What in some circumstances is usually regarded as a disadvantage, in others turns into a virtue. With multi-stage prosthetics, it is plastic crowns that are installed for the initial stage. They literally take minutes to make, install quickly, last as long as they should, and provide good features and good looks.

Temporary plastic crowns are an indispensable weapon for dentists in treatment that requires a long period of manufacturing bridges or prostheses, as well as in cases of delayed implantation.

Temporary crowns on the teeth allow you to lead a normal life, practically without limiting yourself in anything, while the aesthetics and functions of the teeth will be completely preserved when using this technique.

Plastic dentures: before and after photos

The price of plastic crowns

The low cost of the material itself, the simplicity and speed of manufacture, versatility - these are the clear advantages of plastic crowns. Their low price allows you to save on full-fledged orthodontic treatment, and get the result literally in one doctor's appointment. If you have any questions or would like to know more about what is included in the cost of plastic crowns, please call any of our branches and sign up for a free initial consultation.

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