The price of splinting teeth in dentistry. What is tooth splinting: technology and materials Immobilization of the anterior lower teeth

When do you need to resort to splinting of teeth and what is this procedure in general? Photos before and after the event, as well as real reviews about it.

For example, untreated periodontitis only increases its symptoms over time, namely, strong tooth mobility. At this point, splinting is used to save them.

Splinting teeth - what is it?

This is a fairly well-known procedure in dentistry, which is intended for the most part to strengthen the chewing teeth, which have become shaky and have lost their resistance as a result of various injuries or diseases. Splinting will help improve chewing function and restore health.

The procedure has a couple of steps. First, the doctor makes a special groove (apron) along the teeth that require restoration. Such manipulations are painful, therefore it is better to carry out anesthesia. Later, a special material is inserted there: a special thread, silk or fiberglass. Then there is filling and polishing.

Indications for the procedure

Most often, people turn to splinting during or after various injuries. But often the procedure can be due to other reasons:

  1. Defects in the row of teeth or their shifts (moving teeth).
  2. Incorrect position of the teeth.
  3. Periodontitis - gum pockets and periodontium are often inflamed, the roots are exposed.
  4. The tissues in the mouth are affected and the gums often bleed.
  5. A person has a frequent and strong plaque that cannot be removed independently.
  6. Recovery after braces.

In such situations, the doctor may advise the person to have a splint. Also, the procedure can be carried out after the removal of systems with braces, since it is possible that teeth restored to the correct position will not return to the wrong one. But the tire will perfectly fix the row of teeth.

Photos before and after


Depending on the stage of the disease of the periodontium itself and on the mobility of some teeth, there are a couple of different variations in the setting of splints. In this case, you can use a variety of technologies and materials. Here are the main ones:

  • splinting from special fiberglass - the method appeared relatively not so long ago and immediately became popular. Its main advantage is that the load is distributed over the entire row. It is thanks to this fact that the negative effect on the damaged areas is reduced. Fiberglass is completely invisible in the mouth during communication and in the photo;
  • cable-stayed - similar to the previous type. The main difference is the use of a special aramid thread to fix the teeth. Aramid fiber has special properties that are essential for the successful completion of the procedure. In addition, a professional doctor can perform splinting with aramid thread in just one visit to him. A similar method is in demand among modern people;
  • clasp - is a kind of construction in the form of an arc with a metal frame, which is held in the oral cavity with the help of special hooks called clasps. The main advantages of this method include high strength and long service life, which are provided due to the metal base; the opportunity not only to fasten loose teeth together, however, and to restore those that are missing. In addition, this method is very aesthetic in appearance and comfortable to wear. The byugel is necessarily made on an individual basis on the basis of a careful cast of the client's teeth. All this provides a tight fit of the tire to the gums;
  • prosthetics - structures that are removed are able to incredibly firmly hold the entire row of teeth and make up for the missing components. For each person, tires in the form of prostheses are made according to a certain (personal) option. But in many situations, prolonged use of such structures can cause a significant feeling of discomfort. In addition, prostheses are always visible visually and during communication;
  • installation of crowns - with this method, the fixation of teeth that move during periodontal disease is carried out using special structures. And right before the installation process, detailed grinding of the teeth is carried out. Splinting of teeth with crowns is rightfully called the highest quality procedure. Crowns are made from metal alloys or durable ceramics.

Glassspun is often used for the splinting process - this is a special flexible ceramic bond for splinting teeth on the sides and front, which can be combined with almost all types of materials in dentistry.

Each of the above types of procedure has a different price and involves the use of different materials and tools. Therefore, before starting the process, the dentist must tell his client all the pros and cons of the splinting process during periodontitis.

How is splinting done? You can consider the stages of the procedure for installing tires, based on the example of using fiberglass:

  1. In many situations, local anesthesia is used, as the procedure is painful.
  2. A thin groove is made on one side of the tooth. When placing the tire on the top row, it will be located in front. If the tire is placed on the bottom row, then the furrow is made inside. There are cases when it is simply necessary to strengthen the teeth for chewing, then the groove is made at the top.
  3. A special fiberglass tape is carefully applied to the furrow.
  4. After the installation process, the furrow is sealed with a special helio composite.

At least a few healthy units of teeth should be in the desired lines for the groove, which will take the brunt.

Most often, with periodontal disease, as well as during other significant diseases and severe fractures, splinting is used along with special prostheses that are removed. At the same time, a unique and special design is created for each person, which can easily fill in the gaps from lost teeth, and also securely fixes other units. Doctors use removable splinting depending on how many teeth the patient is missing. Usually their number is 1-2.

What is the price?

The specific price can be announced only by the dentist at the first meeting. Based on a detailed examination, he will be able to determine how many teeth with periodontal disease require treatment and prescribe the correct splinting. Also, the final price of the course will be affected by the price category of the respective dental hospital. Average cost:

→ splinting of teeth in front with fiberglass thread will cost approximately 7000 rubles, if the same procedure is carried out on the teeth behind, then the cost will vary from 3000 to 3500 rubles;

→ splinting using a crown is a more expensive option, because the installation of a metal overlay alone will cost about 4,000 rubles, and a ceramic crown that matches the shade of enamel has a price of around 12,000 thousand.

On average, fiberglass splinting has prices from 1800 rubles per tooth. As a result, it turns out:

  • six teeth in front - up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • three teeth on the sides - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • splinting with crowns (which does not include the price for the correct preparation of teeth): metal ceramics - will cost from 6 thousand rubles per crown, high-quality ceramics - without metal can even be up to 20 thousand per crown;
  • clasp prosthesis - from 25 thousand rubles.

Video: about the splinting procedure in dentistry.

As a result of trauma, periodontal disease, periodontitis, teeth acquire mobility, become loose, and the likelihood of their loss increases. The splinting procedure helps to cope with this problem. It is used to strengthen the visible part of the dentition, including when eliminating the consequences of jaw injuries. In addition, it is part of complex therapy in the treatment of periodontal disease.


Indications for carrying out

The decision on the need for splinting is made by the dentist after a thorough examination of the oral cavity. Often a more detailed study is required to determine the extent of the lesion. Most often, splinting is performed for jaw injuries and in the treatment of periodontal disease.

In addition, the following dental problems are indications for the procedure:

  • severe destruction, accompanied by displacement;
  • root exposure more than half;
  • unnatural position;
  • rapid accumulation of plaque around the root;
  • gum disease, accompanied by bleeding.

Splinting is performed by installing a permanent or temporary bus. Its task is to fix the teeth in a certain position, to narrow the range of their mobility. The larger the coverage, the more effective the action of the structure. With periodontal disease, splinting allows you to redistribute the load from damaged areas to healthy ones. Due to this, the pressure on the moving parts is reduced, they are able to restore their position.

With the help of a splint, the dentist manages to solve several problems:

  • eliminate mobility in any direction;
  • ensure high-quality hygiene procedures;
  • prevent injury to soft tissues, neighboring teeth and gums.

A high-quality tire is absolutely invisible to others. It is not visible when smiling, does not interfere with chewing food, does not affect diction.

Tire material

To ensure the high quality of the procedure, the material must have certain properties:

  • securely attached to the base;
  • prevent further loosening;
  • Do not create discomfort when talking or eating.

In addition, the material must have a certain elasticity so as not to injure the gums, not cause irritation or allergies. These characteristics are fully consistent with silk, polyethylene, fiberglass. The designs of them are very similar in color and texture to enamel. As a result, they are almost invisible. Another modern material is aramid thread. Its advantage is the ability to manufacture a splinting structure immediately on the day of visiting the dentist.

Splinting methods, their features

Splinting is carried out in two ways: removable and non-removable. Which of them should be preferred? The decision is made by the doctor, taking into account several factors:

  • general condition of teeth and enamel;
  • the stage of the disease;
  • the presence of bleeding gums, hard and soft deposits;
  • the degree of looseness and distortion of the dentition;
  • size of periodontal pockets.

Fixed splinting is carried out using fiberglass, aramid thread, crowns, clasp prostheses. Each method has its own characteristics and advantages.

With cable-stayed splinting, aramid thread is used. It is reliable, durable, but short-lived. Under the influence of food and saliva, the thread gradually loses its properties. However, these disadvantages are more than offset by the following advantages:

  • the appearance improves;
  • gaps in the dentition are closed;

The thread is suitable even in cases where the teeth are severely loosened. It does not interfere with cleaning, with proper care it will last a long time. If it is impossible to use threads, for example, a large number of loose teeth, crowns are installed. This option is reliable and durable. Its disadvantages include the need to grind the tooth.

Installing a clasp prosthesis allows you to securely fix the tooth in one position. The clasp is a special arc covering each tooth. Due to this, part of the load is transferred to the structure. This option is considered the most reliable, but it will cost the most.

The procedure for non-removable splinting

Due to its aesthetic appearance, fiberglass splinting is very popular. Before the procedure, the day before, a hygienic cleaning of the teeth is carried out, which relieves the surface of soft and hard deposits. Stages of non-removable splinting:

  • the doctor administers a local anesthetic;
  • a groove 0.5 mm deep is made on the surface of the teeth;
  • lay the fiberglass tape;
  • covered with heliocomposite.

A prerequisite for splinting with a thread is the presence of your own teeth that are not loosened. A thread is fixed for them, they become the basis of the structure.

Splinting with aramid thread (otherwise called cable-stayed splinting) is performed in the same order. The only difference is that instead of fiberglass, the dentist puts an aramid thread into the grooves. As a result, a kind of ring is created that firmly connects loose teeth with healthy ones. Due to this, the pressure is distributed more evenly.

The location of the groove depends on which jaw is being splinted. If the problem arose on the upper jaw, then the groove is laid along the outer side of the teeth. The selected material is placed in it, then it is sealed. If it is necessary to prevent loosening in the lower jaw, then a groove is made on the inner surface. Further, the procedure is carried out in a similar way. To strengthen the lateral teeth, drilling is performed along the chewing surface. Thanks to this, the entire series becomes monolithic.

Splinting with a crown is performed in the following sequence:

  • root canal filling;
    preparation of teeth (grinding);
  • installation of crowns.

The clasp design is made in the form of a metal arc, which is adjacent to the surface of the teeth from the inside. The clasp splinting process includes several stages:

  1. Preparatory. The doctor studies the features of the patient's jaw, measures the chewing load, determines the bite, selects the supporting teeth, and makes a plaster cast.
  2. Manufacturing. Based on the cast, a model of the prosthesis is made, its trial fitting is carried out, and if necessary, adjustments are made.

Due to clasps and special processes, reliable fixation is ensured. Crowns are placed on the supporting teeth, which help to distribute the load more evenly.

Removable immobilization features

In case of a fracture of the jaw, the absence of one or more teeth, removable splinting is used. The material for it is plastic and metal. The dentist makes an individual design, taking into account the characteristics of the patient. The advantage of removable structures is that there is no need for pre-treatment of the tooth surface (for example, grinding). In addition, they absolutely do not interfere with high-quality oral hygiene. Types of removable structures:

  • Tire Elbrecht. It is an elastic, but strong framework that protects the teeth from mobility. It is used in the initial stages of periodontal treatment. The disadvantage of the design is that it does not protect against vertical loads. To improve the performance of the Elbrecht tire, the addition of clasps allows. However, with this option, the risk of periodontal injury is high.
  • Cast kappa. Its advantage is the redistribution of chewing load.
  • The tire is circular. It is used with unexpressed tooth mobility, otherwise the design is difficult to put on and take off. With a strong deviation of the teeth from their position, it is recommended to use collapsible models.

When choosing the option of removable splinting, the doctor takes into account the degree of damage, the desired therapeutic effect. In each case, the dentist has to proceed from the characteristics of a particular patient.

Installing a removable tire is performed in the following sequence:

  • detailed examination of the oral cavity;
  • preparing and obtaining a cast of the jaw;
  • study of the cast, choice of design;
  • creation of a wax model of the tire;
  • mold making;
  • checking the possibility of installing the structure in the patient's mouth;
  • final tire fitting.

The process of manufacturing a tire is a painstaking work of a dentist, requiring several visits. The result is the restoration of the anatomy of the dentition, the ability to save your own teeth.

What do patients say about splinting?

Thinking about the need for splinting, many patients postpone the procedure, considering it uncomfortable. However, after treatment, their opinion usually changes.

  • Tatiana, Saratov. I am a pensioner, I have been worried about problems with my teeth for more than one year. I recently noticed that my front teeth are very loose, one even fell out. Terrified, she ran to the dentist. He advised splinting, and replacing the missing tooth with an artificial one. Everything went painlessly. Now I forgot to think about the teeth, even I myself don’t always remember which one is real and which one is artificial.
  • Victor, Kursk. It took me a long time to see a doctor. The very word “splinting” scared me, it seemed that I would look like an ancient old man. When the doctor said that it was impossible to pull further, he decided. Now I regret not doing it sooner. The procedure is comfortable and the result is excellent. Outwardly, nothing is visible at all.
  • Olga, Perm. Although I am still a very young woman, after the birth of my child, I started having problems with my teeth. The doctor said that I have periodontal disease, I need to do splinting. I thought for a long time, believing that as a result I would get an “iron” mouth. Thanks to the dentist who convinced me not to refuse treatment. He put me fiberglass, it is not visible from the outside at all. I am satisfied with the result, I recommend listening to the advice of experts.

Estimated cost of the procedure

One of the first questions a dentist has to answer is the cost of splinting. It depends on the selected material, the features of the procedure. Also, the final price of treatment is affected by the severity of the disease, the number of teeth that need to be fixed. Approximately, you can name the following prices: splinting of chewing teeth with fiberglass will cost from 3,000 rubles, front teeth - from 6,000 rubles. Installing a crown will be more expensive - from 3500 rubles. for one metal crown. The most expensive is clasp splinting - from 25,000 rubles for a prosthesis.

Timely splinting allows you to return the teeth to their original position, slow down the atrophy of bone tissue. The procedure has a positive effect on the general condition of the teeth and gums. For several years, problems with loosening can be forgotten. Which way to choose? The patient is looking for the answer to this question together with the dentist, based on the condition of the teeth and taking into account their financial capabilities.

Photos before and after splinting

Among modern methods of strengthening teeth, reducing their mobility and subsequent loss, as well as restoring periodontal tissues, the splinting method is highly effective. It is the combination of a number of teeth subject to mobility into a block structure by means of a specialized orthopedic apparatus, namely a splint.

Indications for the procedure

Most often, the procedure is performed to correct the consequences of mechanical damage and periodontal disease. However, there are other indications, including:

The appointment of the procedure is carried out exclusively by the dentist on the basis of the obtained X-ray data and visual examination of the oral cavity.

Types and materials used

Superimposed splints are divided into two categories - removable and non-removable, each of which has a number of advantages and indications for use. Removable structures are special plates and mouthguards that allow you to connect several teeth, even if some of them are missing, while replenishing the row.

Also, the use of removable splints makes it possible to carry out repeated therapeutic measures.

With non-removable splinting, durable materials are used that provide more reliable fixation of the dentition compared to the removable method. That is why non-removable structures are used primarily in case of significant damage to the gums and increased tooth mobility to prevent periodontal overload and prevent its damage.

The disadvantage of the procedure is the discomfort experienced by the patient from the presence of splints for approximately 2 weeks after their installation.

The most commonly used materials for the manufacture of fixed structures are fiberglass, polyethylene thread or aramid fiber(cable-stayed splinting).

The choice of a specific material is the responsibility of a specialist after he has examined and taken into account certain features of the patient's oral cavity (age, degree of tooth mobility and gum disease, malocclusion, the presence and extent of hard deposits, previous treatment, etc.).

When choosing, the requirement must be met biocompatibility of the material with living tissues.

Glass fiber tape technique

The method of splinting using fiberglass thread has been used in periodontology relatively recently, but has already established itself as an effective method of combating tooth mobility due to the reliability and aesthetics of the appearance of the final result.

The installation procedure may differ for the upper and lower jaw. For the latter, it consists of the following steps:

  1. preliminary anesthesia;
  2. drawing a horizontal groove from the inside of the teeth with a depth of 2 mm and a width of 1.5-2 mm;
  3. installation of fiberglass tape in the groove;
  4. filling with composite material;
  5. illumination to strengthen the material.

The combined group must necessarily include not only mobile teeth, but also stable ones, most often they are canines (with front splinting).

This is a short video:

For the upper jaw, the procedure can be carried out not only with severe loosening of the teeth, but also with their fan-shaped divergence. The differences in the procedures are that the groove is not drilled on the inner surface, but on the front.

If it is necessary to install a splint on the lateral teeth, a groove is made on the chewing surface.

Thanks to fiberglass splinting, it is possible to achieve not only reliable fixation of a loose dentition, but also the effect of reducing or even eliminating gaps in it.

If the need for the presence of fiberglass disappears, then the thread can be easily removed, and the remaining groove is easily hidden by filling and does not impair the aesthetics of the appearance.

Other advantages of the method are:

  • the ability to save teeth with a neglected form of mobility;
  • elimination of the risk of premature bone tissue atrophy;
  • no need to grind teeth and depulp them (as with other types of splinting);
  • minimal injury to the gums when installing the tire;
  • uniform distribution of the load on the combined group of teeth by reducing the gaps between them;
  • free access to hygiene procedures in the oral cavity.

Cable-stayed technique

Photo: teeth after cable-stayed splinting

The procedure is another fairly common way to install a tire, however, it is used as its material of manufacture. braided thread made from aramid fiber. The advantage of the material is its high strength (exceeding some grades of steel in terms of specific index), as well as the best compatibility with natural tooth enamel.

In addition, aramid fiber has the properties not to enter into a chemical reaction with food or human saliva. Thanks to the latter, the cable-stayed method has earned popularity as the most physiologically compatible and effective.

The installation method also requires drilling a groove, inserting an aramid thread into it and covering it with a filling material.

The advantages of the cable-stayed method are:

  • cessation of a further increase in mobility (taking into account the preservation of natural mobility);
  • high aesthetic effect and invisibility to others;
  • no need to grind teeth and the ability to save them without removing the pulp;
  • redistribution of the load evenly between all teeth and removal of unnatural spaces between them;
  • prevention of further atrophy of the jaw bone;
  • since the end of the procedure is the filling of the groove with a composite material, the risk of developing caries in it is minimal;
  • the possibility of carrying out full-fledged hygienic procedures in the oral cavity;
  • the possibility of contacting dentistry for additional preventive or therapeutic procedures;
  • use as an alternative to prosthetics and restoration of lost teeth;
  • preservation of not only the functionality of the jaw, but also the attractiveness of the appearance;
  • long-term positive effect (many years).

Technology used in jaw fractures

Photo: splinting for a fractured jaw

The consequence of a jaw fracture and other significant injuries and injuries is a significant increase in tooth mobility and a high risk of losing them. In addition, there is a need to fix the jaw bones for their fusion.

To prevent the consequences of a fracture, a removable splinting method is used, which consists in installing a temporary structure until the jaw grows together and the mobility of the teeth decreases. Structures can be made of metal or fast-hardening plastic.

There are the following types of temporary structures:

  • Single jaw splint. It is used only in case of a linear fracture of the lower jaw bone without displacement of fragments with the possibility of their return to their original position, and in the presence of 2-3 healthy, not loosened teeth.
  • Double jaw. Used for double or compound fractures.
  • Smooth. Can only be used for a simple fracture of the jawbone.
  • Hook-and-loop design. Suitable for installation on the jaw with a fracture with a displacement that cannot be simply returned to its place, as well as for multiple fractures.
  • Bar with spacer bend. Used to fix the jaw, with several missing teeth at the fracture site.

The doctor independently decides on the choice of a specific design, depending on the severity of the fracture, the number of remaining teeth and other factors. In some cases, it is possible to use combined structures, for example, in case of a fracture of the upper jaw with displacement, a two-jaw splint with hooks is used.

Prices for the procedure in dentistry

Prices for splinting can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the chosen technique, the materials used, as well as the extent and specifics of the problem (the number of healthy teeth remaining, the complexity of the fracture, etc.).

It is also necessary to take into account the cost of radiography, as a mandatory procedure for examining the quality and condition of the oral cavity.

In addition, some techniques require preliminary measures, which consist in making a cast of teeth, prostheses (when splinting with crowns or clasp prostheses), and so on. The average pricing policy for the procedure can be represented as follows:

  1. Splinting of the front 6 teeth using fiberglass - about 6000 rubles.
  2. A similar procedure for 3 lateral teeth - from 4000 rubles.
  3. Splinting with crowns costs from 3,500 rubles per crown (excluding preliminary measures).
  4. Byugelny prosthetics costs within 25,000 rubles.

From this article you will learn:

  • Why is splinting of moving teeth performed?
  • methodology, reviews,
  • splinting of teeth - price 2019 in Moscow.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Splinting is one of the methods of treatment of periodontitis, the purpose of which is to strengthen mobile teeth. This goal can be achieved in two ways −

  • firstly, by tying a group of teeth with fiberglass,
  • secondly - with the help of dentures.

We'll take a closer look at each of these methods below.

Why is it necessary to splint mobile teeth?

With moderate to severe periodontitis, tooth mobility becomes one of the main symptoms of the disease. As a rule, tooth mobility begins with atrophy of bone tissue more than 1/4 of the length of the tooth root. Those. there is a direct relationship between the amount of bone atrophy and the degree of tooth mobility.

Exposing the necks of the front teeth is one of the visual signs of bone tissue atrophy (Fig. 1). On the x-ray in this case, we can see the bone loss. Normally, the bone tissue should reach almost to the neck of the tooth. Compare the radiograph (Fig. 2), where there is bone atrophy for 1/2 of the root length, with the radiograph (Fig. 3), where atrophy is completely absent.

At the moment when tooth mobility occurs during periodontitis, the rate of destruction (atrophy) of bone tissue accelerates many times over. In turn, the destruction of the bone tissue around the tooth leads to even greater mobility of the teeth. In fact (in the absence of treatment), the process becomes uncontrollable with a constant progression of symptoms of inflammation, including tooth mobility.

Over time, under the influence of chewing load, the mobile teeth begin to gradually change their position, tilt in different directions, and also fan out (Fig. 4-6). To prevent all this, splinting of teeth is necessary.

1. Splinting of mobile teeth with fiberglass -

Splinting of anterior lower teeth
if the front lower teeth are splinted, then in this case, on the inner surface, for example, 4, 5 or 6 lower front teeth, a horizontal groove is first made 1.5-2 mm high and 2 mm deep. Then a solid fiberglass tape is laid in this groove ( fig. 7). After that, the furrow (together with the fiberglass tape in it) is filled with a light composite.

In Fig.8-9 you can see what the inner surface of the lower teeth looks like "before and after" splinting.

The number of teeth that is taken into the splint will depend on the condition of the entire group of anterior teeth. In addition to the most mobile teeth, fixed teeth (usually fangs) must be taken into the splint. This will unload the moving cutters, because. thanks to a rigid tire, the fangs will take on most of the chewing pressure.

Splinting of anterior upper teeth
splinting of the anterior upper teeth is used in case of tooth mobility, in case of a threat or already in the presence of a fan-shaped divergence of teeth (Fig. 10). In this case, a groove 1.5-2 mm high and 2 mm deep is also drilled in the teeth. However, most often the groove is drilled on the front surface of the upper teeth (Fig. 11), after which a fiberglass tape is placed in it and closed with a light filling material (Fig. 12-13).

Please note that with the help of filling material it is possible to make it so that wide interdental spaces will be eliminated (Fig. 13). The number of teeth that will be taken into the splint will depend on the clinical picture.

Splinting of posterior teeth
if the lateral group of teeth is splinted, then the groove for the fiberglass tape is drilled not on the inner, but on the chewing surface of several teeth. A fiberglass tape is laid in the furrow in the same way and filled with a light composite.

As a result, the effect of splinting is achieved

When illuminated, the fiberglass tape turns into a very hard beam, securely attached to the teeth. Teeth (with the help of such a beam) are obtained, as it were, linked together and, as a rule, completely motionless.

A fiberglass beam on the teeth (tire) also allows you to redistribute the chewing load between the teeth. Even biting on one tooth, the load will be evenly distributed over all the teeth included in the tire. This is very important, because with periodontitis, the teeth are not only mobile, but also slightly diverging - they lose contact with each other.

The result of loss of contact between the teeth is that each tooth bears the maximum load and is not able to distribute the load between adjacent teeth through such contacts. Under these conditions, bone tissue atrophies much faster. Splinting teeth in such conditions will significantly increase the life of such teeth and stop (or slow down) bone atrophy.

2. Splinting of mobile teeth with crowns -

In this case, the teeth are first depulped (the root canals are filled) and then they are turned under the crowns. After that, crowns “soldered” to each other are already put on them, for example, from (Fig. 14). This splinting option has a significantly longer service life and reliability than fiberglass splinting. However, its cost is higher, and significantly.

When splinting 6 front lower teeth with crowns, the cost of a construction of 6 units of metal-ceramic will be from 30 thousand rubles (not including the cost of depulpation of teeth). Splinting (Fig. 15) is 2-2.5 times more expensive. However, when splinting distant chewing teeth, where aesthetics is not so important, it is possible to make crowns not from metal ceramics, but from ordinary metal ones.

3. Splinting of teeth with clasp prostheses -

If you carefully look at Fig. 16-17, you will see that in the area of ​​the inner surface of the lower teeth, the prosthesis has an additional thin arc that tightly covers each tooth. This allows the teeth to stand firmly in their place, and transfer the chewing load from themselves to such a metal arc, without experiencing overload.

Splinting teeth: price 2019

How much does tooth splinting cost - the price in Moscow for 2019 in economy class clinics will depend on the number of splinted teeth, as well as the technique ...

  • Fiberglass splinting of 6 front teeth (Ribbond system) - about 6,500 rubles.
  • Splinting of 3 teeth with fiberglass - from 3500 rubles.
  • The cost of splinting teeth with crowns (excluding the cost of preparing teeth):
    → cermet - from 6000 rubles for 1 crown,
    → metal-free ceramics - from 19,000 rubles for 1 crown.
  • The cost of a splinting clasp prosthesis is from 25,000 rubles.

Splinting teeth: reviews

Dear patients, when choosing one or another splinting method, you need to understand the following ...

Fiberglass splinting is a temporary procedure. If the splinting itself is done in accordance with all the rules, the patient observes hygiene, etc., then the service life of such a fiberglass splint can reach 3 years. You only need to show up once a year to polish it. But if the front teeth are splinted, and the patient has no “posterior” chewing teeth, then there is a very high risk of the splint breaking in the very near future due to overload. Those. before splinting with fiberglass, it is very important to replace missing teeth in order to normalize the bite.

One of the modern methods of treatment of periodontal diseases is the splinting of mobile teeth. What it is, to whom it is shown and why it is carried out - we will analyze in this article.

Splinting of mobile teeth - what is it

Some Important Points

Gum disease is one of the main causes of loosening and loss of teeth in adults. Without treatment, periodontal disease (the gums, bone, and all the tissues surrounding the teeth) destroy the structures that hold the teeth in the bone. The problem is that these pathological processes often go unnoticed, and are discovered only when almost nothing can be changed. That's why you need to visit the dentist regularly, even if you are sure that everything is in order with your teeth.

Unstable teeth cause a lot of inconvenience, especially when eating and chewing. It is extremely unpleasant and even scary to feel how the tooth moves freely relative to the gum, trying to fall out of the hole. Healthy teeth normally sit tightly in the bone, attached to it by many thin, but extremely strong and elastic strands - periodontal tissue. They are able to withstand chewing pressure and biting movements are not able to unbalance them.

A fairly common question that patients ask is is it possible to somehow strengthen the teeth in their place and stop loosening? Yes, unstable teeth can be saved from spontaneous removal and kept in place using a special technique -.

Why do teeth become loose?

Loose teeth are the end result of periodontal and gum disease. The process begins with seemingly harmless bleeding gums, or gingivitis. It, in turn, is often caused by poor personal oral hygiene. If the patient does not visit the dentist, does not perform professional oral hygiene every six months and does not begin to closely monitor the quality and regularity of brushing teeth, microbes from plaque accumulated on the teeth begin to destroy not only the gums, but also the bone. In addition, the periodontium is affected - the tissue that connects the root of the tooth with the jaw. When there is a loss of more than 40% of the height of the jaw bone, one speaks of a severe periodontal lesion, requiring splinting in most cases.

This is the result of an occlusal (or masticatory) injury that destroys the remaining periodontal ligament of the tooth. There are three types of chewing injury:

  • primary chewing injury- Excessive pressure exerted on healthy teeth and healthy periodontium, which happens when you grind your teeth at night (bruxism) or the habit of clenching your teeth;
  • secondary chewing injury- normal force pressure exerted on a tooth that has lost a significant amount of bone support or periodontal ligament;
  • a combination of both types of injury when excessive pressure is applied to loose teeth.

Loosening of the teeth most often appears due to the second cause, that is, when plaque and bacteria destroy the bone structures and the ligament that holds the tooth.

What is tooth splinting?

Splinting of teeth is a method of linking two or more mobile teeth into a single segment using removable and non-removable fixing elements.

There are two approaches to the treatment of tooth mobility - biological and mechanical. Biological is to ensure the best healing and regeneration of periodontal tissues and prevent their further destruction. For this, a comprehensive treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis is carried out with the help of professional hygiene, personal hygiene, the use of drugs and physiotherapy. The purpose of this therapy is to eliminate the microbial factor, ensure cleanliness in the oral cavity and create conditions in which periodontal tissue can be restored.

The mechanical approach involves the application of external forces that redistribute pressure on the connecting ligaments of mobile teeth. This can be achieved by several methods.

What are the types of tooth splinting?

The essence of splinting mobile teeth is that chewing pressure is not transmitted to a single tooth, but to a group of teeth connected together in one block. There are several types of splinting teeth.

Table. Features of temporary and permanent splinting of teeth.

Temporary (up to 6 months)Permanent (more than 6 months)
Extracoronary splinting, in which a splinting element is applied and fixed with cement to the tooth enamel.Extracoronary with the use of crowns, veneers and other splinting elements combined into one prosthesis.
Intracoronary splinting, in which a groove is drilled on the surface of the tooth, into which the splinting element is placed and fixed.Intracoronary with the manufacture of combined inlays and metal arches.
Occlusal splinting is used for times of stress and strain in people with a habit of clenching their teeth, as well as for patients after orthodontic treatment on a bracket system. In this case, the splinting element has the form of an overlay on the chewing surfaces of the teeth or a mouth guard (orthodontic retainer).Splinting with removable structures, such as partial dentures.

With tooth splinting, constructions such as a metal arc, fiberglass tapes, and aramid threads are glued to the tooth surface with the help of special adhesives. The material for fixation can also be a composite material from which seals are made. In the area of ​​​​the front teeth, combined in one block can be used, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bchewing teeth - overlays. However, the use of prosthetic structures is much more expensive than the fixation of teeth with wires and threads, and in some cases requires the preparation of teeth. A plus may be the fact that, in addition to binding the teeth, it is possible to achieve an improvement in their appearance.

Intradental splinting involves the preparation of teeth to install a fixing structure. The advantage is the greater strength and stability of the splinting element, the absence of discomfort when wearing the structure, as well as its invisibility. Of the materials, metal, fiberglass and aramid arcs and tapes are also used, as well as filling material. Separately, it is worth highlighting the manufacture of combined tabs, crowns and other prostheses. They are more expensive, but at the same time they make up for lost tooth tissues or completely missing teeth with partial loss (for example, bridges).

To whom can splinting of teeth be indicated?

  1. Splinting of mobile teeth is used to stabilize teeth whose mobility has not decreased after periodontal therapy and changes in the shape of the chewing surface of the teeth (selective grinding).
  2. Stabilization of teeth in secondary chewing trauma.
  3. Stabilization of teeth with increased mobility with normal chewing function.
  4. Fixation of teeth during surgical and periodontal interventions as a preventive measure.
  5. Prevent tilt and change in position of the teeth.
  6. Prevention of opposing teeth protrusion.
  7. Fixation of teeth after acute dental trauma.
  8. Fixation of mobile teeth after orthodontic treatment.

In what cases it is impossible to splint teeth?

  1. Mobility of teeth in the presence of severe inflammation in periodontal tissues or primary trauma.
  2. Insufficient number of stable teeth to fix mobile ones to them.
  3. No attempts have been made to correct the shape of the chewing surfaces of the teeth by partial grinding.
  4. Failure to comply with high-quality personal oral hygiene.

Benefits of splinting mobile teeth

Reduced tooth mobility greatly facilitates chewing and biting food. Chewing again becomes effective and does not cause discomfort.

Linking a group of teeth into one-piece functional blocks helps distribute the chewing force evenly. In the absence of fixation, pressure is exerted on each tooth individually, contributing to further destruction of the weakened periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. For comparison, you can imagine a fence - each board individually is easier to tilt to the ground than all the boards connected together by a crossbar.

Stabilization with splints prevents further loosening of the teeth, as well as loss of bone tissue in the area of ​​adjacent teeth. In the best case, you can completely avoid the removal of moving teeth in the future.

United teeth are less likely to change their position and tilt forward, resulting in a decrease in alveolar height. With a decrease in the height of the lower third of the face, pronounced wrinkles appear, the face looks tired, gloomy, problems with the jaw joint appear, and the function of the masticatory muscles changes. Such changes can lead to serious consequences requiring long-term rehabilitation treatment.

Disadvantages of the method of splinting mobile teeth

The presence of splinting structures in the oral cavity contributes to an additional accumulation of plaque, which means that it can lead to exacerbation of periodontal diseases and caries if the structures are not properly cared for. Personal hygiene must necessarily include a thorough cleaning of the interdental spaces with dental floss or brushes, as well as cleaning the structures themselves with single-bundle brushes. The main rule for maintaining cleanliness in the oral cavity is regularity. If food gets stuck between the teeth and the installed splinting elements, you should not wait until evening to brush your teeth, it is better to rinse your mouth with water and use a toothpick or floss.

Some splinting structures, especially metal and aramid threads, do not look aesthetically pleasing in the oral cavity, as they differ from teeth in color. Therefore, this type of material is preferred for posterior teeth where they will not be visible. If appearance is extremely important to you, it is worth choosing a different type of construction and splinting material.

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare the teeth to fix the splint, but often this is not a problem for patients, since an alternative to splinting is tooth extraction.

Sometimes the presence of a foreign body on the surface of the teeth can irritate the gums and injure the tongue or cause discomfort. Usually within 1-2 weeks you get used to the design and the discomfort disappears. In case of severe irritation, it is worth contacting a dentist to correct the splinting element or replace the material in the presence of an allergy.

The most annoying drawback is the frequent cases of peeling or chipping of the splinting structures. In order for this to happen less often, you need to correct excessive chewing pressure with the help of medications (sedatives for bruxism) or change the shape of the crowns.

Video - Splinting of teeth by direct or indirect method

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