Why does the wisdom tooth grow horizontally. Wisdom tooth extraction. After the removal of a lying wisdom tooth

In this review, I will share my experience in removing a horizontal wisdom tooth.

Attention! There will be terrible photos - before and after the operation, if you have weak nerves - do not read!

Don’t worry too much, since this review is printed, it means the author is alive, according to at least it seems to me

Once upon a time I lived, and everything was fine ... But one dark, dark night, my cheek ached. I looked in the mirror, opened my mouth and wondered: “Why hurt then? All OK". After a while the pain went away. “It seemed” - I thought. Then, six months later, I decided to take care of my teeth, take a picture, put braces, otherwise the lower teeth are crooked. As I took a picture, I fell on the spot. My especially "wise" teeth decided to protest and grow under the gum in a horizontal direction towards other teeth, squeezing the lower teeth like in a vise. Of course, I was aware that I had problems with my lower teeth, but such a thing could not even occur to me.

In complete horror, I ran for a consultation with a private dentist, and she told me: “Of course, I can remove these teeth (8000 rubles - 1 pc.), But do you need it? They will never come out anyway. Will they hurt? Nonsense! There is and there is, spare wheel so to speak! ) But you need to remove the stone (5000r.) ... And what is this filling? This is bullshit, not a seal! I'll make you a normal one (4000 rubles). Braces? What for? Do you work on TV? I’ll just build up this tooth for you, and your teeth will seem straighter ..». And it rushed ... For about 10 minutes she rubbed and told what I needed to do ... I thanked her, did not do anything and went home. Honestly, with her joke about the spare tire, she reassured me. But not for long ... (By the way, these 8s pretty much spoiled my 7s and 6s).

After some time, one bastard still stirred. I just then worked at the reception, with a swollen cheek and a sick mine - beauty! The "face" of the company! Home in again I opened my mouth, I looked ... and there ... he! Looked out from under the gums infection! After reading the reviews about the doctors, I again ran to the dentist, only to the city dentistry. The surgeon said, "He's ready! Gotta take it alive! Delete". Frightened even more, I replied, “I’m not ready yet,” and ran away.

If you have the same problem and decide to have a tooth removed:

  1. Be sure to mentally prepare. you must understand that after the operation you will not be able to:
  • eat solid food(you can of course, but it is very painful);
  • there is hot food within 3 days (the doctor said it is impossible);
  • open your mouth after surgery to a width of more than 1 cm;
  • talk and smile normally (people around you will think that you are grinning);
  • to think normally (because the jaw, head will hurt, you will want to eat);
  • sleep well (painkiller did not help much, maybe you will be prescribed a better drug).
  1. Once again, you must understand that pain is inevitable, but it is temporary. Be prepared for it, and then it will be much easier. I reassured myself that in a good scenario, I would forget about this problem once and for all.
  2. Do you want to lose weight? You can combine business with pleasure, because your diet will change. Arm yourself with a blender, fruit, various puree soup recipes and a straw (I'll tell you why later, if you haven't guessed yet).
  3. Take a vacation or ask for sick leave (I actually quit).

It is easier to set yourself up for this “tin” if you allow yourself absolutely any forbidden sweets a week before the operation (you will lose a couple of kg later anyway). After another "session" of pain from a tooth, I decided to remove ...

P.s. The day before the operation, I decided to watch several videos on YouTube in which this operation. I do not advise you to do this. In addition, modern devices flashing in the videos were not used in my case.

How it was…

When I entered the office and sat down on a chair, my throat suddenly went dry. Take some water and tissues with you.) The surgeon sprinkled frost on the gum, then made 2 injections. It hurts, but bearable. Then he let me go out for a drink. When the anesthesia worked, the surgeon began to "conjure". I didn’t feel pain at all, but I perfectly understood what he was doing there (I watched the video, smart damn it). He cut the gum, opened access to the tooth and asked to spit. Here you will need handkerchiefs, take a pack, you will not regret it (spitting is not so easy with broken lips)

Then the surgeon began to strongly press on the tooth with forceps, probably trying to hook it. Perhaps that was the only painful moment. From the strong pressure, I was afraid that now my jaw would break. Unable to stand it, I began to make plaintive sounds, to which the surgeon understood me and asked the nurse to hold my jaw from below. And now my tooth was born The surgeon really turned out to be a doctor from God. Reviews did not disappoint. Such an operation usually takes from 15 minutes to 1 hour, but he did everything in 5 minutes. Medicine and a tampon were placed in the “hole” of the tooth, the gum was sewn up. After the doctor offered to go to the mirror and wash, because. his face was covered in blood (it was necessary to go out into the corridor to scare the patients :)). Then I sat in the hallway for 15 minutes with cold (ice) on my cheek.

After about 3 hours, the effect of anesthesia ends, then pain appears. Nimesil was prescribed as an anesthetic (2 times a day, 1 powder), as an antibiotic Tsiprolet (1 tablet 2 times a day). It was also recommended to apply ice to the cheek for 15 minutes (I applied a frozen chicken in a towel). A day later, I went to the doctor, and another rinse with Chlorhexidinone was recommended.

On the fourth day, something white appeared at the site of the tooth extraction. As it turned out later, the hole began to heal, and squeeze a tampon to the surface. Later, he got out completely, the incision site healed, and everyone is happy again. Now I'm waiting for the second one to be born.


P.S. Personally, it was very painful for me to open my mouth after the operation, and even more so to chew. Spoon in your mouth? - No thanks! For such a case, I bought tubes for myself and ate exclusively liquid food (various puree soups: pumpkin, broccoli and zucchini, carrot and liquid cereals).

Quite often, patients taking x-rays of the jaw learn from the doctor that the wisdom tooth has an abnormal position and grows towards the neighboring one. For many clients dental clinics this is not an incentive to take any action: if the tooth grows and does not hurt, then why touch it, treat it or remove it. However, such an attitude to one's health is unacceptable, because the abnormal position of one of the teeth will negatively affect the entire row. Therefore, if a wisdom tooth grows into a tooth, then it must be removed.

Nature is so conceived that the teeth grow up and stand evenly next to each other. For many patients, the word wisdom is associated with dental problems, if the last - eight - brought a surprise and took an abnormal position in the jaw. Dental dystopia is a pathology, and recently it has begun to happen more and more often.

The term "dystopia" means the wrong position of the root and its crown in the process of growth or its going beyond the boundaries. alveolar process. There may be several options for the abnormal position of the wisdom tooth.

  • vestibular anomaly is characterized by the inclination of the root and crown towards the cheek;
  • an oral anomaly suggests that the tooth leans inward in the jaw, toward the tongue, or toward the palate;
  • medial anomaly differs in inclination to the side neighboring tooth;
  • a distal anomaly is when the "eight" deviates from the "seven".

  • supraposition: the "eight" cuts through much higher than the occlusal plane, i.e. the jaws will not close, but will run into the tooth as if it were an obstacle;
  • infralocation: the crown will be recessed in relation to other representatives of the row;
  • cake position: the crown is slightly rotated around its axis;
  • transposition: the embryos change places and the eight is in the seventh position.

Usually a wisdom tooth grows in its eighth hole and occupies a certain place. He appears already in quite adulthood usually after the age of eighteen. Some people are lucky not to meet a wisdom tooth at all - it remains in their infancy and is not found in the dentition. This is due to the fact that the lower jaw may not protrude enough and it simply has nowhere to grow.

In the absence of space, the tooth can grow horizontally and rest against a neighbor.. Most likely, it will not appear on the surface, but it can become an impacted tooth: only the edge will come out of the gum, and even then not always in the correct position. For some people, the figure eight grows so that it becomes sideways and only its edge sticks out. With a completely horizontal arrangement, the tooth is considered dystopic, that is, absolutely abnormal.

Scientists note that the crown and jaw grow depending on heredity. Of course, there is no gene that causes a wisdom tooth to grow into an adjacent one, but the process of lower jaw growth is precisely hereditary. A “program” for its development is laid, and at a certain stage the jaw stops growing, and the tooth simply has nowhere to go further. It is in this that doctors see a hereditary growth factor.

Dentists say that there are a number of factors that cause problems with the orientation of the wisdom tooth and it grows into the adjacent tooth.

Factors wrong growth:

  • the wisdom tooth grows at the wrong time and does not have guide crowns located nearby;
  • the presence of extra elements is a rare deviation, during which the tooth germs in the jaw grow more than necessary and the wisdom tooth has nowhere to be located, except to bend and rest against a neighbor, and sometimes due to the density of the row, it remains in the hole without appearing at the top;
  • jaw defects in which occlusion (closure) is impaired;
  • violations in the process of formation of rudiments;
  • early change of milk teeth, after which dentists notice the randomness of the process of growth of molars, and the “eight” can grow either too early or too late.

Defect symptoms

Symptoms of an abnormal wisdom tooth growing into an adjacent crown, the patient may for a long time not notice. Usually the jaw is already formed by this moment, the gums are quite strong, a good chewing load is maintained, and nothing portends problems with the growth of a new crown. Therefore, in some cases, the anomaly does not bother the patient and is detected by chance, for example, on an x-ray taken on a completely different problem.

However, it also happens that the lower wisdom tooth, which grows into the adjacent crown, makes itself felt with unpleasant sensations. It could be:

  • discomfort while chewing food;
  • pain when opening the mouth wide;
  • the appearance of pain when touching the cheek;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the cheek in the area last tooth on the lower jaw;
  • pain during swallowing;
  • violations in conversation;

  • the appearance of extraneous sounds;
  • aching pain felt in the seven;
  • problems when closing, feeling that something is in the way;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • signs of intoxication constant pain, fatigue, drowsiness, impaired appetite and sleep, fever.

The appearance of symptoms is quite individual and depends on the position of the problematic wisdom tooth, which began to climb into the seven, as well as on the structure of the jaw, the proximity of the neurovascular bundle.

Why is the symptomatology of the growth of the figure eight so painful for the patient? There are several reasons for this:

  • lack of a pre-prepared hole, like other indigenous ones that appear after milk loss. The growth of the remaining teeth is rapid and in most cases unproblematic, while the eighth makes its own way in the soft tissues;
  • extreme position in a row, lack or insufficiency of space on the gum for the growth of the crown and root. For this reason, the root is most often curved, and the crown may lie at an angle;
  • lack of an adjacent guide crown on one side, which helps the edge element to grow. In view of this freedom of action, the figure eight often cuts through at an angle;
  • anomalous location, for example, a wisdom tooth grows horizontally and presses on its neighbor, causing inflammation. In this case, there is a sharp pain, swelling of the gums, increased salivation and others. unpleasant symptoms pathology in the oral cavity;
  • eruption duration. In view of the fact that there is no ready-made move for such a crown, it independently fights against all obstacles, which provokes prolonged soreness in the jaw.


Refusal of qualified assistance with an abnormally growing wisdom tooth can lead to serious complications. Among the common consequences of a dystopic figure eight, doctors note a mucosal injury that occurs in a position of simultaneous horizontal and vestibular position. Such injuries can become chronic when the mucosa begins to tighten, restores its integrity, and then becomes damaged again.

Outwardly, patients may notice wounds on the lower jaw, swelling of the gums and swelling of the cheeks., pain when closing the jaw and chewing food, when the mucosa is mechanically injured. If this process is not stopped, then the damaged gum can get pathogenic microflora and suppuration will develop, which will further aggravate the picture.

With further pathological growth of the eighth tooth, an abscess (limited accumulation of pus) may begin, as well as phlegmon - suppuration of tissues in their entire thickness. With inaction, the situation can be complicated even by neuralgia trigeminal nerve.

the risk of developing cancer. A horizontal wisdom tooth during growth and pressure on a neighbor provokes a seal in the gum, which, when exposed to a row pathological factors may acquire signs of malignancy.

Diagnosing the wrong growth of the figure eight is quite simple if you turn to the dentist in time. Usually doctors suspect that she has taken the wrong position, having already listened to the patient's complaints. Typical signs incorrectly growing eights are unambiguous, and the doctor can confirm his assumptions when examining the jaw.

Usually the doctor pays attention to the patient's face and notes the presence of asymmetry in the area of ​​the last crown. If the crown grows abnormally and is in contact with the cheek or there are signs of inflammation, then the cheek will be swollen, significantly different from the healthy side. When pressing on the lymph nodes, they will be painful and enlarged. The patient due to pain.

When examining soft tissues, doctors note that the gums are hyperemic and edematous. If the crown of the wisdom tooth does not grow correctly, you can see a clear elevation in the region of the edge of the lower jaw. When tapping on the elevation, patients feel pain that radiates not only to the figure eight itself, but also to the adjacent tooth. When pressing on the gum, pain is felt.

You can notice the so-called hood, when the inflamed and enlarged gum literally floats on the seven and covers it from above, and food remains accumulate under it, which aggravates the course of the pathology. The mucous membrane of the gums is inflamed, may have white coating or purple shiny surface and bleed.

To finally establish the diagnosis and understand how the figure eight grows, doctors take an x-ray. On it you can clearly see a recumbent wisdom tooth resting on its neighbor. In this case, the doctor will assess the degree of curvature, examine the position of the roots and crown, and decide how to further correct the dystopia.


A horizontally grown eight is most often removed. This is done with adult patients with already formed bone tissue in the lower jaw. In adolescent patients, there is hope to correct the situation and save the tooth, so orthodontic treatment so that the eight grows correctly. But this is only possible if the location of the wisdom tooth is not too complicated.

The removal procedure is carried out under local or general anesthesia depending on the complexity of the situation. The bottom eight is the hardest to work with because of the denser bone tissue and the four roots that make it difficult for the doctor to quickly extract the tooth.

The doctor makes an incision on the mucous membrane of the gums above the crown, after which a hole is made in the periosteum, and the crown with the root is removed with special surgical instruments. The hole is treated with an antiseptic solution, sutures are applied, and in the presence of suppuration, drainage is placed. A second consultation with the doctor is scheduled seven days after the operation.

Usually, the removal of a wisdom tooth goes without complications. The doctor observes the patient during the rehabilitation period, therefore he can prevent the development of negative consequences. Patients are not recommended:

  • eat on the affected side for at least a day;
  • go to the sauna or bath for several days due to the risk of increased pressure and bleeding;
  • rinse your mouth so as not to affect the blood clot - otherwise inflammation of the alveolar process will develop;
  • smoke at least 5-6 hours after the operation;
  • do not apply ice for pain long time so as not to provoke hypothermia of the nerve.

If there are problems with how the eighth tooth grows, patients should not self-medicate. As a result of the diagnosis, it is possible to see an abnormal wisdom tooth and decide on tactics further action. With the horizontal arrangement of the eight, you will have to say goodbye to it until it brings more serious problems with healthy teeth.

A common problem, when a wisdom tooth grows horizontally, can bring a lot of inconvenience, and even complications. The non-physiological location of the third molar delays its eruption, causing discomfort and aching pain. Delay and misplacement can lead to misalignment of other teeth, malocclusion, inflammation, and backfire. Let's figure out what to do with the horizontally lying "eight".

Wisdom teeth are last, both in the jawbone and in line for eruption. For the location at the end of the dentition, they were nicknamed "eights", that is, the eighth in a row. According to the structure of the dental system, they are the third molars. Their rudiments begin to form later than other teeth, at 4-5 years of age. And get out in the interval between 10 and 25 years.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that a wisdom tooth is formed and climbs only where there is free space at the end of the dental arch. But it is precisely "freedom" that in most cases is not enough for them. As a result, the third molars begin to occupy an atypical location, grow at random.

This phenomenon is called dystopia. Depending on the placement of the "eight" in the gum, there are several dystopian variations. For example, the vestibular variant, when the third molar climbs into the buccal side. We described this situation in the article "If wisdom teeth grow on the cheek."

Today we will consider the option when the "eight" lies horizontally in the mesial variation of dystopia, that is, resting on the adjacent tooth. Other cases of this anomaly can be found in the article "Retention and dystopia of wisdom teeth".

Causes of the anomaly

All teeth, including third molars, should grow vertically in relation to the dental arch and parallel to each other. The horizontal wisdom tooth is an anomaly - a deviation from the norm. The incorrect arrangement of the "eights" can be influenced by a genetic predisposition. Often similar pathologies passed down from next of kin.

There are other reasons when the "eights" take a horizontal position in the jaw. For example, the third molar grew without a reference point - the neighboring tooth. This happens when it is formed and climbs before the "seven" or initially has a defect in the formation of the germ.

If the wisdom tooth lies in a horizontal position, it is possible that by the time it was formed, there were not enough teeth in the dental kit. Or vice versa - they have grown beyond the norm.

Failures in growth, eruption and loss of temporary (milk) teeth are not excluded, as a result of which the root teeth began to grow in a chaotic manner. This could also affect the placement of third molars, as well as malocclusion, impaired functionality dental system or fracture at the end of the jaw.

From discomfort to speech impairment

Horizontally lying wisdom teeth are always a problem. Especially when they run into "neighbors". Often, located in this way, the "eight" cannot get out, because it does not cut through upwards, but to the side. Its existence will be indicated by pressure, which responds with slightly noticeable discomfort and mild, aching pain.

The stronger the third molar presses on the second, the more noticeable the pain. Unpleasant sensations intensify while chewing food. The constant pressure of the "eight" on the tooth causes a displacement of the dentition. What do throbbing pains in the jaw, head, neck say.

Pain during the forced displacement of the dentition is not the only thing that threatens the horizontal arrangement of the third molars. Anomalies may appear: crowding or curvature of the teeth, resulting in an irreversible change in bite, chewing problems, speech impairment.

Nerve compression and pulpitis

If a horizontally growing wisdom tooth rests against the roots of the “neighbor”, over time it runs the risk of pinching the nerve endings responsible for sensitivity.

This is fraught with the development of neuropathy - non-inflammatory damage to the nerves. The disease is accompanied by sharp pains radiating to different areas of the head, numbness of soft tissues on the side of the problematic molar, mainly the chin, lips, and gums. It is not excluded the appearance of trismus - a spasm of the masticatory muscles, leading to a restriction of jaw movements.

The constant pressure of the "eight" on the "seven" causes damage to hard dental tissues. As a result, caries develops at the place of their contact. If pathogenic microbes or bacteria penetrate into the formed carious areas, they will accelerate the destruction of teeth and cause pulpitis - inflammation of the soft tissue (pulp).

This disease is accompanied by sharp, throbbing or aching pains, sometimes shooting in different parts of the head. Soreness is aggravated by drinking too hot or cold drinks, foods with pronounced tastes. It does not disappear even after the disappearance of the stimulus.

Inflammation and neoplasm

Often, the horizontal placement of the third molar with an inclination towards the “neighbor” causes inflammation of the gums, root membranes, alveolar processes and other periodontal tissues surrounding these teeth.

The inflammatory process is accompanied by acute pain, swelling, hyperemia (redness) and bleeding of gum tissues, bad smell and taste, pus arising from the gap between the teeth. In most cases, the temperature rises, sometimes up to 39-40 degrees, the lymph nodes painfully enlarge, the state of health worsens, signs of intoxication appear: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or vice versa - constipation.

Inflammation of the tissues around the "eights" and "sevens" can lead to the formation of:

  • cysts - hollow tumors filled with fluid;
  • fistulas - holes in different directions through which pus flows;
  • abscesses - purulent abscesses;
  • pericoronitis (flux) - inflammation of the periosteum;
  • phlegmon - a purulent-inflammatory lesion of the connective tissue;
  • osteomyelitis - purulent-necrotic damage to the bone tissue of the jaw;
  • malignant neoplasms, in other words - cancerous tumors.

There's only one way out

When wisdom teeth grow into teeth, there is only one way out - removal. Only this will help to avoid acute pain and further complications. Therefore, if the above symptoms occur or if there is any suspicion of incorrect eruption of the third molar, you need to contact dentistry.

Pulling out problematic "eights" should be handled by a qualified and experienced dental surgeon. Before the operation, he conducts diagnostics. It includes a standard survey: when problems arose, what symptoms were accompanied, whether the next of kin had similar experiences.

At this stage of diagnosis, it is imperative to notify the doctor about existing diseases and allergic manifestations. This will help to avoid side effects from the use of dental solutions, anesthesia and prescribed drugs.

Other diagnostic steps

Without fail, the dentist-surgeon examines the patient's oral cavity, examines the problem area with a probe (special dental instrument). These studies allow him to assess the condition of the gums around the third and second molar.

If pulpitis or inflammation of the periodontal tissues is suspected, the doctor conducts an electroodontodiagnostics (EOD) - a test of nerve receptors for an electric current.

Before removing the horizontal "eight", the dental surgeon must take an x-ray. This examination will help him not only to verify the atypical location of the third molar, but also to choose the method of the operation.

For example, pulling out a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw can be technically difficult. After all, the lower "eights" often have strong and twisted roots. An x-ray will show such deviations, which will help reduce the removal time.

Before surgery, the patient must give informed voluntary consent for surgical intervention, namely, the removal of a wisdom tooth. Only after that the dentist-surgeon can carry out any manipulations. And he begins with the use of anesthesia. Its types, as well as the names of anesthetics, we described in the article "Does it hurt to remove wisdom teeth."

After the anesthesia has taken effect, the doctor makes an incision in the gum above the third molar and drills (prepares) a hole in the periosteum. In case of inflammation, it cleanses the tissues of pus, cuts off dead areas. Then slightly loosens the wisdom tooth to make it easier to remove. But, as a rule, a horizontal arrangement complicates the process. Therefore, in most cases, the tooth has to be “cut” into pieces. And only then, one by one, take out the dental fragments using a dental elevator or special forceps.

Final operational steps: wound debridement antiseptic solutions. After education blood clot- suturing the gums and applying a sterile cotton or gauze swab. Detailed description operation is indicated in the article "On the removal of wisdom teeth."

What to expect after surgery

After pulling out the "eight", it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, described in detail in the article "What to do after the removal of wisdom teeth." Otherwise, you can cause the same consequences that we mentioned above.

Despite the exact observance of medical recommendations, weakness, drowsiness, and loss of strength may be felt after the operation. There may be swelling of the gums in the damaged area, pain after the termination of anesthesia, an increase in temperature to 37.5, in the evening - up to 38-39 degrees. Don't be afraid - it's ordinary phenomena accompanying tissue healing. All symptoms should pass in 2-4 days.

If the symptoms increase, pus has flowed from the wound, the temperature is held longer than the prescribed period, you should immediately consult a doctor. At feeling unwell- call an ambulance.

If everything goes according to plan, after the number of days prescribed by the doctor, you still need to visit the dentist. The dentist will assess the level of wound healing, if necessary, make a dressing.

If the patient or doctor did something wrong and complications began, you will have to carry out additional treatment: antiseptic and anti-inflammatory treatments, antibiotic therapy, laser, electric or magnetic physiotherapy procedures.

Have you ever had to deal with the horizontal placement of wisdom teeth? Please tell us in the comments what you felt and how you did.

Please like and repost the article - help people avoid health complications.

In many cases, the eruption of wisdom teeth is problematic and takes a long time. This event is planned by nature for adulthood (17-25 years old), when a person's jaws are already fully formed. The process is accompanied by pain, inflammation of the gums, headache, swollen lymph nodes, fever.

Such a combination of unpleasant symptoms forces the patient to seek help from a dentist in order to find out what is preventing the normal exit of the eight and how to resolve the situation. The presence of these signs indicates an atypical location of the wisdom tooth. For figure eights, horizontal growth to the root of an adjacent tooth, tight fit to the seven, pressure on this tooth, or direction at an angle towards the cheek is a common phenomenon.

In addition to these features, third molars differ from other teeth in additional specific characteristics. Unfortunately, these differences are not better side, since they are unequivocal indications for tooth extraction.

Incorrect wisdom tooth growth

Incorrect position of the wisdom tooth is one of the most popular complications, which is diagnosed in almost 70% of patients.

Even a wisdom tooth that has not erupted can cause damage to an adjacent tooth. Under the pressure curves of the third molars are the second molars, which can lead to resorption of a healthy tooth. Dentists recommend immediately getting rid of such a figure eight that climbs into an adjacent tooth, since in the future it will be necessary to remove a non-functional wisdom tooth, and with it the destroyed seven that was damaged by it. Such an uncut eight often causes facial, jaw pain. Symptoms spread to the ear, neck, head.

A similar picture is observed with a wisdom tooth, which erupted partially or completely. The third molars were originally laid down in an oblique position and exited towards the dentition. Violation could be caused by a banal lack of sufficient space for a new tooth, this is especially true for people with a full set of teeth.

A recumbent wisdom tooth, directed towards the seventh tooth, creates pressure on the root system, which provokes soreness. Ignoring this moment and an acute desire to keep, even if crooked, but your own tooth, will end with a natural phenomenon - the root of a healthy seven will collapse over time. Against this background, there may be additional complications of a purulent-inflammatory nature, flux.

If the wisdom tooth fits snugly against the side walls of the second molar, then this arrangement also cannot be called normal, since the enamel of a healthy adjacent tooth is destroyed, and a carious cavity is formed. If the wisdom tooth grows horizontally, it harms the entire dentition, causing crowding.

Very often, a horizontal wisdom tooth is directed to the cheek area. This situation is also a serious complication, although it does not harm neighboring teeth, as it might seem at first glance. The delicate mucosa is subjected to permanent damage by the sharp edge of the crown. Such a process cannot be tolerated - the soreness does not subside, it develops in the mouth acute inflammation, and the wound becomes an open focus for infection.

Possible positions of the "eight" when it climbs the wrong way.

If a person postpones a visit to the doctor, the body gradually adapts to what is happening and changes the structure of the mucosa at the site of contact - soft tissues compacted, the intensity of pain decreases. This state does not indicate recovery, but indicates the activation of the process of rebirth. Such a formation can be benign or malignant.

To prevent these difficulties, dentists recommend immediately removing teeth with abnormal development. Moreover, it is not necessary to wait until they begin to erupt, the procedure can be carried out before they appear.

To find out how your own wisdom teeth are arranged, and what surprises to expect from them, you can undergo an examination using modern diagnostic equipment. This issue can be addressed even in adolescence. If research identifies an atypical location, it is best to eliminate the source of future problems at this stage. AT young age such manipulations are much easier to transfer.

How is the removal

Availability impacted tooth wisdom (not cut through, lies horizontally), as well as completely cut through, but with an inclination to neighboring molars, is an indication for removal. AT this case the operation will be carried out according to the method of complex removal.

The doctor does not proceed blindly to the operation, therefore, before the manipulation, the patient is given an x-ray. The picture shows all the nuances and features of the growth of the figure eight, which allows the doctor to draw up a preliminary plan of action, prepare tools, and also warn possible complications. If she presses on a tooth nearby and tries to grow in the wrong direction, this will be clearly visible.

According to many dentists, the sooner the eights are removed, the better. With age, the roots grow, as well as the compaction of surrounding tissues, which can cause complications. In addition, in youth, the healing process is much easier and faster compared to older people.

But this factor is not an obstacle, since the operation is carried out under local anesthesia, so the person stays in the surgeon's chair without experiencing discomfort. Temporary soreness usually appears after removal.

The general technological stages of complex removal consist of the following actions:

  • the introduction of an anesthetic into the gum near the tooth, which climbs the wrong way, waiting 5-10 minutes until the remedy works;
  • with an impacted eight, the doctor makes an incision with a scalpel in the gum;
  • depending on the situation, it is sometimes necessary to resort to sawing out the bone tissue on the jaw in order to provide access to the roots. Actions are performed carefully, with maximum accuracy, so as not to damage the seven;
  • the cut is made with a bur, and the tooth is removed with dental forceps or an elevator;
  • the doctor may apply slight pressure to loosen the tooth, this technique will facilitate removal from the jaw;
  • as a rule, if the wisdom tooth lies horizontally, then it is difficult to extract it in its original form, so the surgeon takes out its fragments in parts;
  • after successful removal, the surgeon proceeds to suture the gums and apply a gauze swab to the fresh hole. The wound can be sutured with suture material, which does not require the removal of sutures, as it dissolves completely after the function. If it was the stitches that were applied, then the doctor will set a second appointment date in order to eliminate them.

Upper and lower teeth wisdom can bring many surprises.

At the end of the manipulation, the dentist applies ice to the patient to reduce the likelihood of swelling and gives a number of instructions for doing at home, which should be strictly followed. In addition, the doctor warns of the appearance of natural pain, possible temperature, secondary bleeding from the hole. All these processes are considered normal and, if the recommendations are followed, everything is quickly restored.

What happens after deletion

A complex surgical intervention to remove a horizontal figure eight growing into a tooth is a traumatic process with damage to soft and bone tissues, nerve endings. The patient does not feel anything while the action of anesthesia continues. Upon arrival home, in most cases, a person has unpleasant symptoms.

The following symptoms are considered normal:

  • worsening general condition, weakness;
  • the appearance of edema in the area of ​​​​surgical intervention;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • soreness;
  • secondary haemorrhage that must be spit out frequently.

During natural healing all symptoms gradually disappear on their own. With a rapid increase in soreness, the spread of edema, the appearance of purulent masses in the area of ​​​​the hole, you should consult a doctor, since such signs are already considered a deviation from the norm and indicate the development of an inflammatory process that must be removed immediately.

A list of tips will help you survive the removal procedure as comfortably as possible when the figure eight lies flat:

  • impacted eights are best removed in the morning, preferably in the morning. After removal, the hole can bleed for a long time, if the operation is performed in the morning, then for the remaining period of time, it will have time to drag on until a night's rest;
  • before the planned procedure, you should definitely eat a hearty meal. Such a move significantly reduces the amount of saliva produced, in addition, after the operation, you can not eat for some time;
  • it is advisable to have a source of cold with you, so that immediately after removal, start constantly applying to the diseased area on the way home - it has been tested in practice, this method prevents the occurrence of edema;
  • you will also need plain water to rinse your mouth and clean wipes to wipe the bleeding wound;
  • in the early days it is better not to load the jaws, so it is advisable to eat food with a soft texture;
  • All tablets prescribed by a doctor should be taken exactly as written in the prescription. Often these are painkillers Nimesil in powder, Nise in tablets.

X-ray of an abnormally growing wisdom tooth.

  • periodically appearing blood from the hole is allowed to be lightly pressed with a sterile gauze swab(can be moistened with Chlorhexidine) and hold for 10-15 minutes. This will help stop the bleeding;
  • it is advisable not to eat after the operation for as long as possible - the minimum threshold is 3 hours, but if possible, it is better to abstain;
  • throughout the entire healing period, all food should be soft, not irritating to the mucous membrane, at a comfortable temperature;
  • at home, you need to apply an ice pack on your cheek. Manipulation should be carried out in certain cycles of 5 minutes with breaks, that is, it is impossible to keep ice constantly;
  • all heating of the operated area is strictly prohibited - inflammatory process inevitable;
  • the same rule applies to baths, saunas, solarium, bathing;
  • sports activities, physical exercise needs to be temporarily postponed;
  • it is necessary to control the process of formation of a blood clot, it must necessarily appear in order to protect the well from infection and promote speedy regeneration. Sometimes a person himself becomes the culprit of the disappearance of a clot out of ignorance. For example, you can not intensively rinse your mouth, actively carry out hygiene procedures, or intentionally remove it;
  • Immediately after the removal of the wisdom tooth, you can brush your teeth, but you can do this very carefully, without affecting the operated area. In the following days, follow the same rule, but try to perform the most thorough hygiene, since the development of microorganisms in the mouth is unacceptable;
  • to keep the mouth clean, you can perform antiseptic treatment solutions for rinsing based on Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin. You just need to constantly remember about the blood clot. To preserve it, it is best to make baths - just take the prepared liquid into your mouth, hold for 2-3 minutes, and then spit it out.

If a wisdom tooth grows into a tooth, it does not pose a threat only in its absence. Therefore, such wisdom teeth should be removed without hesitation.


How is the removal of the wisdom tooth, if it grows horizontally and rests against the adjacent tooth

The wisdom tooth is also called the eight or third molar. The growth process begins with a fully formed human jaw, by the age of 15-25. In 70% of people, unfortunately, the tooth grows incorrectly - not upwards, but horizontally, presses either with a crown or roots into the adjacent molar. Why is this happening?

Wisdom tooth grows horizontally

Causes of dystopia

REFERENCE Dystopia is an incorrect position in the dentition or movement beyond the edge of the alveolar process of the jaw.

During prenatal development the child is given data on the model of the jaw. First, the incisors, canines, premolars and other molars appear, and only then do the figure eights erupt, which otherwise do not have enough space. The body directs the growth of the tooth to where there is free space. This is the main reason horizontal position molar, but there are a number of others:

  1. Atavism, in which erupting extra teeth occupy the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums intended for eights.
  2. Malocclusion due to jaw fracture.
  3. teething permanent teeth in a chaotic manner due to the loss of milk teeth ahead of time.
  4. The lack of a guideline for the eruption of the wisdom tooth.

Why is dystopia dangerous?

Untimely access to the dentist can lead to complications such as:

  • A wisdom tooth tightly adjacent to the wall of a healthy neighboring tooth will destroy its enamel, a carious cavity is formed.
  • A horizontally growing figure eight will harm the entire dentition and provoke crowding, malocclusion.
  • The sharp edge of the crown will damage the mucous membrane and cause unrelenting pain. The place will become inflamed and open a wound into which an infection can get.
  • The soft tissues of the face, cheeks and gums gradually fester. There is a high probability of trigeminal neuralgia, periodontitis, cysts and fistulas, and if left untreated, phlegmon can spread.
  • Chewing and opening your mouth will become difficult because of the pain.
  • In some cases, the body temperature rises.
  • A deep-lying figure eight touches nearby vessels. Because of their damage, constant bleeding is formed.
  • Malignant and benign tumors will appear due to the pressure of the molar on the cheek and the degeneration of the affected areas.


The growth of a wisdom tooth does not go unnoticed, especially if it grows horizontally. So, the main signs of the eruption of the third molar, having seen which it is better to consult a doctor:

  • pain in the gums permanent basis;
  • inflammatory disease process;
  • discomfort during jaw movement;
  • bleeding;
  • change in bite;
  • temperature rise;
  • a hood over an erupted tooth, causing inconvenience.

IMPORTANT The sooner a person visits a dentist, the higher the chances of avoiding complications.


REFERENCE Everyone can find out the position of wisdom teeth, even if they have not erupted yet. For this, you should contact diagnostic center.

There are several methods of examination, consisting in:

  • inspection using modern diagnostic equipment;
  • oral questioning of the patient.

The main method of diagnosis is radiovisiographic examination. To determine the condition of the roots, the position of the third molar and full or partial impaction, a panoramic survey is carried out.

In the second case, the doctor interrogates the patient, finds out the causes of discomfort and determines genetic predisposition.

The examination begins with an assessment of the general condition of the patient; examine the maxillofacial region. The presence of asymmetry indicates the contact of the "wrong" tooth with the cheek, the presence of inflammation. Dystopia causes an increase in regional lymph nodes.

picture of wisdom tooth

Removal of a lying wisdom tooth

The operation goes as follows

  1. An X-ray examination is carried out so that the specialist can foresee all possible difficulties during the operation.
  2. In the gum tissue above the patient's tooth, in order to lose sensitivity, an injection is made with the drug - anesthesia.
  3. After the anesthesia has worked, the gum is cut, its soft tissues are separated from the bone. Sometimes it may be necessary to cut the jaw bone with a bur to get to the roots.
  4. The tooth is removed with an elevator or dental forceps. Pressure may be applied to loosen the tooth to facilitate its removal from the jaw.
  5. The doctor treats the hole with antiseptics and waits for the formation of a blood clot.
  6. Sutures are applied with full or incomplete closure. Drainage is placed in the hole if pus appears during the removal process.
  7. Bleeding is stopped with a gauze swab, the likelihood of edema is reduced by applying ice.
  8. At the end, the patient is given recommendations and a second appointment is made.

The operation lasts 10-15 minutes. During it, the person is conscious and does not feel pain.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Postoperative period

Any removal of a wisdom tooth is accompanied by trauma to the tissues surrounding it. During the operation, anesthesia acts on the gums, but everything changes when the person returns home. He has unpleasant symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • swelling at the site of surgery;
  • temperature rise;
  • soreness;
  • secondary bleeding.

They reach their peak on the second or third day after the operation, after which they gradually disappear.

We must not forget about postoperative wound. It must be carefully monitored and prevent the penetration of infection into it. It is important to take precautions:

  1. After the operation, it is advisable to abstain from food for five or more hours. The consistency of food should be soft.
  2. Oral hygiene should not injure the wound
  3. After the operation, it is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol for several hours.
  4. For a few days, you need to reduce physical activity.
  5. In the first days after the operation, you should refrain from rinsing.
  6. Do not overheat the wound, go to saunas, hot baths and baths.

After three days, it is allowed to use oral baths with salt, soda and herbal preparations. It is not prohibited to use analgesics after the effect of the painkiller has worn off. Rinse your mouth after every meal.

If the patient has severe pain, swelling of the gums and adjacent tissues, fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, bleeding that does not stop, you need to urgently consult a doctor to prevent the development of complications.


Misaligned wisdom teeth can lead to serious consequences. Some may even threaten a person's life. Basic medical tactics is the removal of the eight. The sooner this is done, the less inconvenience it will cause. postoperative period and the lower the risk of tumors and inflammation.

After the operation, it is important to follow the rules and recommendations given by the doctor. This will also help to avoid complications and wait for a speedy healing.


Horizontal wisdom tooth - causes of horizontal growth of the figure eight, methods of treatment and removal

The wisdom tooth (eighth molar or eight) is one of the largest varieties of the dentition (molars or molars) - their structure is distinguished by a massive crown. In the process of chewing food, molars act as a kind of "millstone" grinding solid particles. Among them, the eighth molars, being the most recent, have a rather bad reputation. It is explained by the fact that quite often, instead of the normal vertical eruption from the thickness of the gums outward, the wisdom tooth grows horizontally, causing a whole host of unpleasant sensations and consequences. Such a molar can erupt for years, turning into a whole problem, on which the whole life of the patient sometimes depends.

Why does the figure eight "lay on its side"?

The rudiments of wisdom teeth or eighth molars are present in every person and are laid along with the rest of the teeth during the prenatal development of the child. But, despite this, they erupt into the very last moment, giving way first to the incisors, then to the canines, premolars and other molars. As a result, wisdom teeth begin to hatch already in adulthood.

Horizontal wisdom tooth eruption.

And it is precisely this feature of the development of the last molars that underlies the main reason for the horizontal growth of the wisdom tooth. Since, when they erupt, almost all other teeth are already present in the oral cavity, and the jaw itself is fully formed, quite often there may not be enough space for the correct placement of wisdom teeth. Therefore, the body automatically forms an eruption channel in the direction that is not occupied by anything. In some cases, this leads to the fact that the figure eight, instead of moving in the vertical direction, grows horizontally, injuring the gum tissue and even blood vessels along the way.

The dangers of the recumbent eight

The horizontal growth of the wisdom tooth is extremely dangerous for the patient and always requires timely dental intervention.

Important! The process of eruption of the last molars is the longest of all the others and can last from a week to several years. Such a long growth of the tooth and its constant traumatic effect on the gum causes the patient a number of unpleasant sensations.

Among them are:

  • Inflammation of the gums at the site of teething.
  • The appearance of acute, paroxysmal toothache.
  • Temperature increase in some cases.
  • Complaints of the patient about the inability to chew food normally and open his mouth due to severe inflammation and pain sensations.

The growth of the wisdom tooth leads to inflammation of the gums, swelling of the throat.

However, in addition to this, a horizontally erupting eighth molar can lead to the development of the following much more serious complications:

  1. The risk of suppuration and the appearance of purulent lesions of the jaw. Any place of teething is an open wound surface, which, if pathogenic microorganisms enter it, will become inflamed and even suppurate. In the future, the purulent process can be localized, forming an abscess, or spread along the gum, causing the development of peri- and periodontitis, as well as inflammation of the jaw bone tissue - osteomyelitis.

    Important! When advancing, the roots of the eighth molar collide with the roots of adjacent teeth, this can also lead to the development of abscesses, periodontitis, or even the formation of a fistulous tract. With such a collision, the roots of the "eight" are much larger and stronger, as a result of which they can "displace" the roots of their neighbors. In turn, when displaced, the more fragile and thin roots of other teeth can easily break or crumble, which will lead to damage to the surrounding gum tissue and suppuration.

  2. Risk of bleeding. A sufficiently deep-lying wisdom tooth can, if improperly erupted, damage nearby vessels and cause persistent bleeding of them.
  3. Violation of the normal bite. The figure eight, which has displaced neighboring teeth, can forever change a person's bite. As a result, surgical intervention will be required, since non-closing jaws are an extremely unpleasant condition.
  4. Permanent injury to the mucosa. In some cases, the crown of the erupting wisdom tooth still manages to move outward. However, due to improper placement, it can permanently damage the adjacent buccal mucosa with its sharp edges. This leads to the fact that numerous abrasions and ulcerations develop on its surface at the point of contact with the crown of the eighth molar, which then become inflamed and are accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
  5. The appearance of cancerous tumors. This complication manifests itself quite rarely, but its likelihood of occurrence is due to the constant pressing and traumatic effect of the molar on the cheek. Such pressure can lead to a further change in the properties of the affected areas and their malignant transformation.

Treatment Methods

The only treatment that can help with horizontal wisdom tooth eruption is its surgical removal in outpatient or stationary conditions. As a rule, you can notice that the wisdom tooth lies obliquely or horizontally for another early stages his pecking. This makes it possible to carry out its preventive removal even before it has time to grow and lead to the development of dangerous complications.

Sometimes surgical removal is simply necessary, because prolonged tooth growth injures the gums and shifts the dentition.

The volume of surgical intervention for the extraction of an incorrectly located wisdom tooth depends on the stage of its eruption, the condition of the patient himself and the presence / absence of inflammatory or purulent processes. But, despite this, any of these procedures is performed under local anesthesia because of its pain and requires careful preparation. Before the appointment of the removal procedure itself, the patient must undergo the following studies:

  • The initial consultation of the dentist, during which the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the oral cavity and determines the condition of the wisdom tooth, the direction of its growth and its location relative to neighboring teeth. In modern, well-equipped clinics, there is special equipment, which allows you to pre-determine the risk of improper growth of the eighth molars.
  • X-ray of a problematic tooth, which provides information about the depth of its occurrence, the condition and shape of the roots of both the eighth molar and its neighbors. Also, the picture will tell you about the presence of possible formations next to them (abscesses, cysts).
  • CT scan, which is resorted to when the X-ray image is insufficiently informative or, if necessary, to delve into the details of the resulting picture.
  • Careful collection of an anamnesis of the life and illness of the patient himself, necessary to assess the state of his body and the presence / absence of indications and contraindications for the operation, as well as to select the appropriate anesthesia.

Extraction technique

Attention! The removal of a wisdom tooth lying horizontally is almost always quite serious. surgical intervention. Due to the fact that most often the roots of such teeth are curved and directed in different directions, plus because of their massiveness, specialists have to additionally cut the gum and remove the tooth almost “in pieces”.

Because of this, this manipulation is quite traumatic and requires compliance with a special regimen after it to exclude postoperative complications. Before the start of the operation, local conduction anesthesia is administered, which “turns off” the sensitivity of the area where the tooth will be removed. In this case, the patient is conscious, but does not feel any pain. The consciousness of the patient during the operation is important for a quick assessment of the reaction of his body to the manipulations performed.

After the anesthesia begins to act, proceed directly to the extraction of the tooth. Before starting its removal, an incision is made in the gums, its soft tissues are separated from the bone tissues, after which the tooth is removed with special tools and the wound is sutured. Average duration surgery (no treatment) related complications) usually takes about 10-15 minutes. If the dentist has to deal with bleeding, abscesses, or purulent lesion bones, the duration of manipulations increases significantly.

After the removal of the wisdom tooth, the wound is sutured, painkillers and a number of hygiene measures are prescribed.

After the end of the extraction, the patient must be under the supervision of medical personnel for a certain period of time. outpatient settings or in a hospital. After the bleeding from the hole of the removed molar stops, and in the presence of a satisfactory state of health, the patient is discharged home. A follow-up visit to assess the degree of healing of the socket and surrounding tissues is usually scheduled 3-4 days after the operation.

Postoperative period

Almost any extraction of the wisdom tooth is accompanied by trauma to the tissues surrounding it. In this case, a postoperative wound is formed, which must be protected from the penetration of pathogens into it. In this regard, when the patient is discharged home, the doctor determines for him a list of measures to be taken, and at the second appointment he checks how well they are performed. These recommendations include:

  • Thorough dental and oral hygiene. However, in the first days after extraction, intensive brushing of the teeth is replaced by gentle rinsing of the mouth with a disinfectant composition of soda, a few drops of iodine and salt every two hours. This is necessary in order for a blood clot to form in the hole of the extracted tooth.
  • After each meal, it is necessary to rinse with decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort or linden flowers to remove food debris and an additional antiseptic effect.
  • To relieve pain after surgery, use anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs such as Nimesil, Nimesulide or Nise. These products are specially designed for use after various surgical interventions into the oral cavity, they effectively act on the teeth. In addition, Nimesulide preparations can additionally reduce body temperature, which sometimes occurs during the patient's rehabilitation period.

Competent and careful implementation of these recommendations allows you to accelerate the healing of a postoperative wound, significantly reduce pain and avoid the development of purulent and inflammatory complications.


Wisdom teeth can lead to very serious consequences. Some complications (for example, osteomyelitis) can even threaten the patient's life. Therefore, the main treatment tactic is the timely detection of crookedly growing "eights" and their removal.


Wisdom tooth grows into a tooth - causes and treatment

“The wisdom tooth grows into a tooth,” the dentist said after examining the x-ray. You sit in a chair in confusion. There is probably nothing wrong with this, and nothing worries, or the neighbor sips a little. And maybe nothing will happen - let him sit in his bones. However, not all so simple. It is not for nothing that our teeth are all approximately parallel to each other and are further subdivided into groups. The question of the position of the wisdom tooth is relevant, let's look at it.

Reasons for wrong position

Tooth dystopia is a fairly common phenomenon at present, indicated by an incorrect position in the dentition or movement beyond the edge of the alveolar process of the jaw. Dystopia options:

  • Vestibular: tooth tilt to the buccal side;
  • Oral: leaning towards the tongue or palate;
  • Medial: leaning forward towards the adjacent tooth;
  • Distal: tilting back in relation to the tooth;
  • Supraposition: the tooth climbs and erupts above the occlusal plane;
  • Infraposition: eruption is indicated below the plane of closure;
  • Tortoposition: rotation around the axis;
  • Transposition: The teeth are reversed.

The wisdom tooth, also known as a molar or figure eight (the eighth in a row from the center line that runs along the tip of the nose, between the central incisors and the top of the chin) erupts at the age of 18 to 25 years. Some even later or do not appear at all. The change of milk teeth by permanent ones begins at the age of 5-6, while the process goes on continuously, the appearance of one group replaces another. At the same time, the growth and movement of the jaw bones occurs (the lower jaw moves anteriorly and downwards). The eruption of the seventh ends closer to 15 years. Accordingly, the appearance of the figure eight in the oral cavity remains only where there is free space.

If the wisdom tooth grows horizontally, then there is nothing good in it. With such a position, the figure eight may not cut through at all or be indicated in the mouth only by the edge, that is, become retinated. If the tooth lies horizontally, then it is already considered dystopic.

What can cause the appearance of such an anomaly? The main point in the incorrect eruption of the eighth teeth is hereditary pathology. Data on the model of the jaw of the future baby are genetically laid down, while it may happen that not all teeth have enough space for the appearance. And, as a rule, these are wisdom teeth.

However, there are a number of other reasons for the appearance of a lying wisdom tooth:

  • The tooth climbs out of time and does not have a landmark nearby for the appearance;
  • Availability supernumerary teeth: atavism, in which, in the process of ontogenesis, the laying of tooth germs occurred in excess of the norm. When erupting, they can limit the free space for the appearance of the figure eight;
  • Jaw fractures under the influence mechanical force that caused the violation of occlusion;
  • Defects in the processes of formation of tooth germs;
  • Loss of milk teeth before the period of replacement with permanent ones: if the formed defect is not replaced, then the further process of eruption of permanent teeth will occur in a chaotic manner.

Patient's symptoms

Eruption of wisdom teeth usually occurs in adulthood. The jaw bone is already in the completed stage of formation, the gum tissue is strong, adapted to the applied loads. For the time being, a person may not notice anything at all. He can find out that the wisdom tooth lies after a panoramic survey in the X-ray room (the state of both jaws is displayed in expanded form with the capture of the temporomandibular joint). However, this is rare.

The following symptoms are more common:

  • Discomfort when eating;
  • Pain when opening the mouth and touching the area of ​​\u200b\u200beight from the side of the cheek;
  • Swelling of the gums in a radius of eight and cheeks;
  • Pain when swallowing;
  • Articulation disorder;
  • It's a dull pain giving to the adjacent tooth;
  • Violation of the closure of teeth;
  • Soreness and enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  • General signs: headache, fever, malaise, disturbed sleep and appetite.

The manifestation of each symptom is individual. Much depends on the hereditary data of the jaw, structural features of the nervous and immune systems.

The eighth teeth cause the above-mentioned symptoms against the background of the presence of a number of data:

  • The pain is due to the fact that eruption in this part of the jaw occurs for the first time (there is no change milk tooth to permanent);
  • Against the background of the fact that the eights are indicated at the end of the jaw, mainly at the edge, without erupting for a long time, they have root curvature;
  • Since there is no support at the back when emerging, eruption often occurs in different directions;
  • Against the background of a lack of space in the dental arch, they can put pressure on the adjacent tooth, causing inflammation;
  • The tooth climbs for a long time and sometimes does not always appear.

What complications threaten from the wrong position of the eight

At untimely appeal a patient to the dentist, a tooth growing incorrectly can cause a number of complications:

  1. Trauma of the mucosa: with the position of the wisdom tooth both horizontally and vestibular, chronic mucosal injury is possible, which will be manifested by the appearance of wounds, swelling of the mucosa, pain when touching and opening the mouth. In this position, it is possible to quickly attach the microbial flora and develop infectious process aggravating clinical picture;
  2. If the patient does not seek help after the onset of these symptoms, then the condition worsens. The wound that led to the formation of stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane) gradually increases in size. Against the background of continuing traumatization and lack of healing, erosion appears. There is a gradual suppuration of tissues in the gums, cheeks, soft tissues of the face. Therapy will require the intervention of maxillofacial surgeons who excise the affected area and combine the use of antibiotics in the treatment;
  3. Against the background of severe dystopia, there is a change in the closing of the teeth. Over time, this is reflected in the act of chewing, manifested by pain in the head, jaw and neck. There is an incorrect redistribution of pressure on the tooth, which leads to an increase in stress in the areas and their gradual destruction;
  4. Excessive pressure towards the neighbor can cause the formation inflammatory phenomena in the periodontium. This will subsequently lead to the formation of periodontitis, cysts and fistulas. Over time, the process consolidates into an abscess, followed by spread in the form of phlegmon. And also with prolonged contact over time, they can form carious cavities. The occurrence of trigeminal neuralgia is not excluded;
  5. The formation of malignant neoplasms: if the tooth occupies a horizontal landmark with a vestibular direction, then prolonged stress on the buccal mucosa will cause its gradual compaction. When exposed to a number of damaging factors from the outside or outside, this tissue can grow into a malignant tumor.


Diagnosis is performed subject to the basic and additional methods of examination. The main methods include: a survey (complaints, anamnesis of life and disease) and examination using specialized tools. Oral collection of information allows you to determine the genetic predisposition, symptoms of discomfort.

The examination begins with an assessment of the general condition of the patient, moving on to visualization of the maxillofacial region. Usually the face is symmetrical, the proportions are preserved, the skin without pathological changes. The presence of asymmetry is due to the severity of inflammation and the topography of the contact dystopic tooth. This usually happens on contact with the cheek. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation. Opening the mouth is slightly difficult.

Examination of the oral cavity involves an assessment of the condition of the soft tissues and hard dental structure. It is noted that the crown of the wisdom tooth grows into the adjacent tooth. Perhaps the partial appearance of bumps. Sometimes there are carious defects. Probing of cavities is sensitive. With percussion on the leading tubercle, pain is noted, radiating to the adjacent standing tooth. Palpation of the gums is painful. Often there is a mucous hood on the bumps, under which food debris accumulates, exacerbating the inflammatory process. The mucosa at the site of injury is thinned, with plaque-covered defects, painful on palpation, and may bleed.

The main method of diagnosis wrong position eight is a radiovisiographic examination. Determined more often during panoramic shooting. Full or partial retination, the direction of the crown, the condition of the roots are determined.

Medical tactics

Usually, the tactics of a dentist with a dystopia of the eight is removal. However, this is not always done. If this is a teenager of 15-16 years old (the bone tissue has not yet been fully formed) and the pathologies of the hard tissues of the teeth are not very pronounced, then they proceed to the implementation of the orthodontic method of treatment. However, if the age of the patient is much older and the pathology is more variable, then it is definitely necessary to perform an excision.

The doctor performs the initial setting of anesthesia. Before carrying out any manipulation, the patient fills informed consent interventions, including removal. The presence is noted chronic diseases and allergies to previous injections. An application is performed (anesthetizes the injection site), infiltration (anesthetizes tissues within the radius of the tooth to a certain depth), conduction (anesthetizes from several teeth to half of the jaw). Methodology:

  1. After the onset of the numbness necessary for the intervention, the doctor makes an incision in the mucoperiosteal flap (with a scalpel or laser) using intraoral access, and folds it back. It is preferable to use a laser, since there is a more accurate performance of surgical interventions, accompanied by a small loss of blood;
  2. Drills a burr hole in the periosteum with a bur;
  3. Performs removal with the help of tongs and eight elevators, if necessary, sawing it with a bur and removing fragments;
  4. Performs the treatment of the hole with antiseptics, waits for the formation of a blood clot;
  5. Sutures: with complete or incomplete closure (if pus appeared during the removal process, it is necessary after careful drug treatment put a drain in the hole);
  6. Gives advice to the patient.

After 5-7 days, the patient must return to the doctor for examination. The doctor assesses the degree of healing, the presence of complications (alveolitis - inflammation of the hole of the removed figure eight), bandages if necessary.

Often the extraction process in correlation with indications is combined with pharmacological therapy: antihistamines(Diazolin, Claritin), analgesics, with the addition of an infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics (Tsiprolet).

Postoperative period

For a number of reasons, the extraction of the figure eight is more difficult against the background of anatomical tissue distortions. Therefore, it is important to conduct adequate wound care. After the removal has been performed, it is necessary to create conditions to prevent the attachment of microbial flora, to accelerate the healing process:

  • Oral hygiene should be carried out carefully, it is necessary to avoid injury to the treatment site;
  • In order to avoid washing out the blood clot, which plays a significant role in the healing process, it is recommended to exclude the use of rinses for 2-3 days;
  • After 3 days, you can use oral baths with salt, soda, herbal preparations. You can add a few drops alcohol solution iodine in solution (has bactericidal properties);
  • Food is recommended to use the consistency of cream and sour cream, the act of chewing should be performed on opposite side;
  • Within a few hours after the operation, you can not eat or smoke anything;
  • In the presence of pain after the subsidence of anesthesia, it is allowed to use analgesics (Ketorol, Nise);
  • For 2 days it is necessary to reduce physical and psycho-emotional stress.

If the patient notes severe pain even after taking analgesics, swelling of the gums, cheeks, fever over 37.5 degrees Celsius, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the development of complications.

Live healthy! Wisdom teeth. (04/11/2016) Teething. Wisdom tooth eruption What to do if a wisdom tooth hurts. Treatment of inflammation of the wisdom tooth. Surgical dentistry. Why Do You Need Wisdom Teeth? When is a Wisdom Tooth Removed? Says EXPERT Wisdom tooth grows into a tooth - causes and treatment Link to main publication

The wisdom tooth is also called the eight or third molar. The growth process begins with a fully formed human jaw, by the age of 15-25. In 70% of people, unfortunately, the tooth grows incorrectly - not upwards, but horizontally, presses either with a crown or roots into the adjacent molar. Why is this happening? Wisdom tooth grows horizontally

Causes of dystopia

REFERENCE Dystopia is an incorrect position in the dentition or movement beyond the edge of the alveolar process of the jaw.

During the intrauterine development of the child, data on the model of the jaw are laid. First, the incisors, canines, premolars and other molars appear, and only then do the figure eights erupt, which otherwise do not have enough space. The body directs the growth of the tooth to where there is free space. it the main reason horizontal position of the molar, but there is a number of others:

  1. Atavism, in which erupting extra teeth occupy the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums intended for eights.
  2. Malocclusion due to jaw fracture.
  3. Eruption of permanent teeth in a chaotic manner due to premature loss of milk teeth.
  4. The lack of a guideline for the eruption of the wisdom tooth.

Why is dystopia dangerous?

Untimely access to the dentist can lead to complications such as:

  • A wisdom tooth tightly adjacent to the wall of a healthy neighboring tooth will destroy its enamel, a carious cavity is formed.
  • A horizontally growing figure eight will harm the entire dentition and provoke crowding, malocclusion.
  • The sharp edge of the crown will damage the mucous membrane and cause unrelenting pain. The place will become inflamed and open a wound into which an infection can get.
  • The soft tissues of the face, cheeks and gums gradually fester. There is a high probability of trigeminal neuralgia, periodontitis, cysts and fistulas, and if left untreated, phlegmon can spread.
  • Chewing and opening your mouth will become difficult because of the pain.
  • In some cases, the body temperature rises.
  • A deep-lying figure eight touches nearby vessels. Because of their damage, constant bleeding is formed.
  • Malignant and benign tumors will appear due to the pressure of the molar on the cheek and the degeneration of the affected areas.


The growth of a wisdom tooth does not go unnoticed, especially if it grows horizontally. So, main signs of eruption of the third molar when you see which it is better to consult a doctor:

  • pain in the gums on an ongoing basis;
  • inflammatory disease process;
  • discomfort during jaw movement;
  • bleeding;
  • change in bite;
  • temperature rise;
  • a hood over an erupted tooth, causing inconvenience.

IMPORTANT The sooner a person visits a dentist, the higher the chances of avoiding complications.


REFERENCE Everyone can find out the position of wisdom teeth, even if they have not erupted yet. To do this, you should contact the diagnostic center.

There are several survey methods consisting in:

  • inspection using modern diagnostic equipment;
  • oral questioning of the patient.

The main method of diagnosis is radiovisiographic examination. To determine the condition of the roots, the position of the third molar and full or partial impaction, a panoramic survey is carried out.

In the second case, the doctor interviews the patient, finds out the causes of discomfort and determines the genetic predisposition.

The examination begins with an assessment of the general condition of the patient; examine the maxillofacial region. The presence of asymmetry indicates the contact of the "wrong" tooth with the cheek, the presence of inflammation. Dystopia causes an increase in regional lymph nodes.

picture of wisdom tooth

Removal of a lying wisdom tooth

The operation goes as follows

  1. An X-ray examination is carried out so that the specialist can foresee all possible difficulties during the operation.
  2. In the gum tissue above the patient's tooth, in order to lose sensitivity, an injection is made with the drug - anesthesia.
  3. After the anesthesia has worked, the gum is cut, its soft tissues are separated from the bone. Sometimes it may be necessary to cut the jaw bone with a bur to get to the roots.
  4. The tooth is removed with an elevator or dental forceps. Pressure may be applied to loosen the tooth to facilitate its removal from the jaw.
  5. The doctor treats the hole with antiseptics and waits for the formation of a blood clot.
  6. Sutures are applied with full or incomplete closure. Drainage is placed in the hole if pus appears during the removal process.
  7. Bleeding is stopped with a gauze swab, the likelihood of edema is reduced by applying ice.
  8. At the end, the patient is given recommendations and a second appointment is made.

The operation lasts 10-15 minutes. During it, the person is conscious and does not feel pain.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Postoperative period

Any removal of a wisdom tooth is accompanied by trauma to the tissues surrounding it. During the operation, anesthesia acts on the gums, but everything changes when the person returns home. He appears unpleasant symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • swelling at the site of surgery;
  • temperature rise;
  • soreness;
  • secondary bleeding.

They reach their peak on the second or third day after the operation, after which they gradually disappear.

We must not forget about the postoperative wound. It must be carefully monitored and prevent the penetration of infection into it. It is important to observe precautionary measures:

  1. After the operation, it is advisable to abstain from food for five or more hours. The consistency of food should be soft.
  2. Oral hygiene should not injure the wound
  3. After the operation, it is forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol for several hours.
  4. For a few days, you need to reduce physical activity.
  5. In the first days after the operation, you should refrain from rinsing.
  6. Do not overheat the wound, go to saunas, hot baths and baths.

After three days, it is allowed to use oral baths with salt, soda and herbal preparations. It is not prohibited to use analgesics after the effect of the painkiller has worn off. Rinse your mouth after every meal.

If the patient has severe pain, swelling of the gums and adjacent tissues, an increase in temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius, bleeding that does not stop, urgent need to see a doctor to prevent the development of complications.


Improperly growing wisdom teeth can lead to serious consequences. Some may even threaten a person's life. The main treatment tactic is to remove the figure eight. The sooner this is done, the less inconvenience the postoperative period will cause and the less the risk of tumors and inflammation.

After the operation, it is important to follow the rules and recommendations given by the doctor. This will also help to avoid complications and wait for a speedy healing.

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