The oral cavity needs The oral cavity is sanitized - what does it mean? Prevention of dental diseases. Dentist's consultation. What does oral hygiene include?

Are the pledge wellness and give you confidence. Sick teeth can deliver discomfort during the consumption of products, can cause insomnia. When they are the source inflammatory processes, the development of pathologies in other organs is possible. And ugly and destroyed teeth reduce their own self-esteem, as they allow them to constantly doubt their own appearance and be ashamed of your smile. What does it mean when the oral cavity is sanitized?

Why is it important to take care of your teeth

When the chewing apparatus is in good condition: there are no caries, holes and people feel that they do not need to visit the dentist. This is only partly true. Since there may be other minor problems that can lead to the need for expensive treatment in the future.

In the presence of tartar, roots that have not been removed, microcracks and thinned enamel, it cannot be said that the oral cavity has been sanitized. It is for this reason that it is necessary to ensure regular complete care for her.

The list of these measures should include a consultation with a dentist, which should take place every six months. During the reception, he will carefully examine the condition of the teeth and gums, remove plaque and formed stone, help to choose the best means for the care of the chewing apparatus in accordance with the characteristics of each patient. It will also be able to eliminate the problems that have arisen on the very early stage development, which will help to avoid drastic measures for removal with subsequent prosthetics.

Help from an orthodontist

In some cases, you may need the help of an orthodontist. A common problem that is addressed to him is malocclusion. In this case, some teeth are subjected to excessive stress, which means they wear out and collapse faster. Usually, the orthodontist, together with the dentist, develops a plan of measures to improve the oral cavity.

List of procedures

A visit to the doctor begins with a conversation and examination of the oral cavity. On this basis, a conclusion is made whether the patient needs any procedures. If problems are identified, then a list of them and corrective measures are compiled. The latter may include:

  • elimination of caries with subsequent tooth filling;
  • with pulpitis, it will be necessary to remove the nerve;
  • ultrasonic cleaning of teeth;
  • dental treatment;
  • extraction of teeth;
  • removal of roots;
  • treatment of diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • bite correction;
  • prosthetics.

And if the dentist says that the oral cavity is sanitized, what does this mean? This is the best conclusion that a doctor can give, meaning that the teeth, gums and mucous membranes are absolutely healthy and there is no need for treatment.

Sanitation of the oral cavity for pregnant and lactating women

The health of the chewing apparatus has great importance for a woman during pregnancy. This is due to the ongoing changes in female body associated with its restructuring under the action of hormones, an increase in the need for vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

A visit to the doctor is necessary for a pregnant woman not only because a certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity is included in the list of mandatory medical documents. Exist additional factors, health threatening teeth. For example, the deterioration of the blood supply to the gums, which makes it doubly difficult to supply them with nutrients. In addition, saliva, which is responsible for cleansing the oral cavity, changes its chemical composition. Therefore, the observation of a doctor should be a conscious choice of every expectant mother, since the threat of losing teeth is very high.

And if the oral cavity is sanitized, then there is no source of infections that can harm the health of the baby and the woman herself.

During breastfeeding all useful material required by the child for normal development, will come from the mother's body with milk. This can lead to their deficiency, which means it will significantly deplete the body. Therefore, the risk of dental problems may increase. To avoid this, it is recommended to increased attention oral care and visit the dentist in preparation for childbirth.

Features of pediatric dentistry

Regular dental consultation is essential for young patients. In addition to evaluation general condition oral cavity, the doctor conducts training proper care behind the teeth, recommends which toothbrush and paste to use.

Since the dental system undergoes significant changes as the child grows, it is necessary to monitor these processes. AT this case more emphasis is placed on disease prevention. With the constant management of the child, the dentist can right time refer him to another specialist, such as an orthodontist. Especially milestone is the period of change of milk teeth to permanent ones.

But it is important to start sanitation of the oral cavity in early childhood, since caries can also develop on milk teeth. Due to the fact that the first teeth of the child are more delicate than the molars, quite often the enamel requires additional strengthening. Therefore, fluoridation is useful procedure, which is quite often recommended by a specialist.

The need for treatment of milk teeth and fillings may have Negative influence for the normal development of molars. Therefore, these procedures are classified as undesirable, which must be avoided. To do this, do not neglect prevention.

Preparation for surgery

Some diseases require surgical interventions that are planned. Especially when it comes to the need for surgery in the head and face, it is important for the doctor to know that the patient's oral cavity is sanitized. Existing infection can cause complications postoperative period and hinder full recovery.

Gastroenterologists often worry about a healthy oral cavity in patients. Since saliva goes directly into gastrointestinal tract, it can be a conductor of infection and cause problems in this part of the body.

When applying for a job

Some areas of work provide for the presence of a medical book and the passage of a regular medical examination. The list of documents includes a certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity, which is issued by the dentist. This category includes professions that involve working with children, in the field of catering, medicine and cosmetology.


Everyone knows that prevention of a disease is always better than its cure. But its complexity lies in the need to spend time, which is always not enough. So that the subsequent elimination of problems does not turn out to be too expensive, it is worth visiting a dentist who will tell you in detail what prevention is dental diseases.

The program of activities, drawn up together with a specialist, will save you from the need for self-selection of hygiene products, this is a guarantee. They are recommended to be cleaned after each meal. Since this is not possible for the majority, one should not neglect chewing gum. In addition to toothbrush and paste, you should start using dental floss.

You should also be careful about your diet. AT daily diet should be foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Minimize consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Bad habits, such as alcohol consumption, coffee and smoking, harm not only the teeth, but the whole body. Therefore, the rejection of them will have a general healing effect.

If you do some simple recommendations and find time to go to the dentist every six months, then there is Great chance hear from him that the oral cavity is sanitized. What does it mean? That there is no need to look for time in your schedule and money in your wallet to fix problems immediately.

Dental care - what is it? Sanitation is a series of procedures aimed at preventing and treating various diseases that can occur in the human oral cavity. In Latin, the term "sanatio" means "treatment" or "recovery". During the examination, the specialist identifies and seals teeth that have defects, examines the mucous membrane oral cavity. If diseases are detected, preventive measures to eliminate detected diseases.

Measures during rehabilitation

When sanitizing the oral cavity, the dentist performs the following activities:

  1. general examination of the mouth;
  2. elimination of identified (caries, pulpitis or periodontitis);
  3. treatment of gum disease, stomatitis, tongue diseases;
  4. removal of teeth that are located incorrectly and interfere with the rest;
  5. extraction of teeth, the treatment of which is not possible;
  6. removal of roots;
  7. prosthetics;
  8. antibacterial mouth treatment.

The procedures are carried out not only with a conventional dental drill, but also with a laser, ultrasound and other modern materials and tools.

The condition of the gums, teeth, tongue and oral mucosa are an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Any dentist will be able to identify some common diseases poi examination of teeth, gums and mucous membranes. For example, the appearance of fungal diseases, dry mouth and caries may indicate diabetes. Tooth loss signals osteoporosis, while gum inflammation and tooth decay can indicate cardiovascular problems.

Dental disease can lead to the development of many pathologies. Caries causes the following unpleasant consequences:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • flux, pulpitis, periodontitis;
  • gastritis, digestive problems (diarrhea, heartburn);
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • various allergic reactions on the infectious diseases teeth.

There are the following forms of rehabilitation of the oral cavity:

  1. Individual. In this case, the person own will comes to the dental clinic for an examination.
  2. Periodic. It is produced in certain populations to detect and eliminate dental diseases.
  3. Planned. It is carried out in groups of people who are registered with the dispensary. For example, all conscripts undergo such an examination. in preschool and school institutions Periodic examination by a dentist is essential.

Treatment can be carried out both in specialized dental clinics and in remote dental offices (for example, dental offices in schools, large enterprises). Dental teams travel to remote areas and treat workers of enterprises or the general population.

This procedure is required:

  • to everyone who is going on vacation abroad;
  • patients undergoing surgery and pregnant women (caries and other diseases can have a negative impact on the unborn child).

Major dental diseases

Caries treatment should be without fail. Previously, it was often necessary to resort to the removal of the affected tooth, however modern technologies and preparations are able to restore a tooth almost completely destroyed by caries.

There are the following stages of caries:

  1. White spot. Their presence indicates an insufficient amount of calcium. Such spots are risk areas where caries can develop in the future.
  2. superficial caries. The tooth is filled without the use of anesthesia.
  3. Medium caries. Pathology affects not only tooth enamel but also the underlying layers. It is cured by removing the affected tissues and replacing them polymeric materials. The intervention is carried out local anesthesia.
  4. deep caries. It affects the deep layers. Treatment consists of removing the affected tissue and nerve, most often under local anesthesia. At simultaneous treatment several teeth, general anesthesia may be used.

Treatment of this disease gives a good prognosis, but it should be remembered that any disease is best treated on early stages. It is necessary to visit the dentist at the first suspicion of caries - this will help protect yourself from further problems with your teeth.

No special preparation is needed before treatment. Remove soft plaque from the enamel of the teeth before visiting the doctor and do not drink alcohol the day before the appointment.

Tartar removal

Tartar is hard deposits on the tooth enamel that appear due to insufficient hygiene oral cavity. They are made up of bacteria, food debris and mineral salts. Tartar can be yellow, greenish or brownish in color, even a black tint is possible for cigarette lovers.

Tartar not only affects the beauty of teeth, but is also a source of pathogenic microorganisms which negatively affects the entire body.

AT clinical setting during sanitation, tartar is removed using a laser, ultrasonic equipment, by chemical means or mechanically. Modern ways Tartar removal products can not only remove hard plaque, but also whiten teeth by several tones.

Upon detection hard plaque, which is not removed with a toothbrush, it is recommended to contact the dental office for the sanitation of the oral cavity.

Removal (extraction)

This type of intervention is surgical operation. The reasons why a doctor decides to remove a tooth can be different. These may include:

  1. improperly growing teeth;
  2. tooth, the treatment of which is not possible due to various complications;
  3. destruction of the tooth to such a state when treatment is no longer possible, and it is necessary to remove the root with subsequent prosthetics;
  4. bite anomalies and other reasons.

Extraction takes place in several stages:

  • the surrounding tissues are anesthetized;
  • the gum peels off the tooth walls;
  • using forceps, the dentist shakes the tooth;
  • direct extraction;
  • imposition of hemostatic materials on the hole.

Some time after removal, discomfort and pain in the operation area is possible, this should be taken calmly. If the pain continues for more than a week and the body temperature rises, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

A person who knows what oral cavity sanitation is and visits the dentist regularly will have not only beautiful smile but also avoid many health problems.

Comprehensive treatment of teeth and gums or sanitation of the oral cavity consists of a number of procedures that are aimed at eliminating existing diseases and preventing common dental pathologies. Such an event can be assigned to a child and an adult, and the approach to it will be individual.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

Dental treatment can be prescribed not only by a dentist. In different life situations, it may be necessary for a dentist to conclude that the oral cavity has been sanitized. In this case, you need to contact the clinic, where the doctor will make an examination, determine the scope of work, and conduct a comprehensive treatment.

After all the measures, the doctor will issue a conclusion, which will indicate that the oral cavity has been sanitized, which means that all existing diseases have been eliminated.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is included in the mandatory list of preoperative examinations before replacing the native joint with an implant, more details on the Artusmed website.

Sanitation of the oral cavity includes the following activities:

  1. Identification of existing diseases and predisposing factors through a survey using modern technology.
  2. Professional oral hygiene- removal of soft plaque and hard dental deposits. May include teeth whitening.
  3. Removal of foci carious lesion . The stage includes the treatment of caries and its consequences in the form of pulpitis.
  4. Anti-inflammatory therapy- elimination of foci of inflammation, treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontitis.
  5. Restoring the integrity of crowns- it is necessary in case mechanical damage, chipped, fractured tooth, pathological enamel wear, poor-quality filling.
  6. Extraction of teethwhen it is impossible to restore them.
  7. Correction of the bite and restoration of the position of the teethwith help orthodontic systems or placement of a prosthesis.

How is oral hygiene performed?

The set of measures is different for each patient, and you can find out the list of upcoming procedures after the examination.

Standard sanitation of the oral cavity consists of the following procedures:

  • inspection: detection carious teeth, foci of inflammation and defects;
  • x-ray: snapshot of the jaw covering the entire functional apparatus;
  • professional cleaning: scaler plaque removal;
  • pigment removal:teeth cleaning system Air Flow»;
  • preparation and filling: removal of necrosis and installation of a seal;
  • enamel remineralization: applying fluorine varnish and calcium to the crowns.

When the survey revealed chronic diseases, the patient is registered, after which he visits the dentist at the specified time until the moment of recovery. In this case, it is considered that the oral cavity is sanitized only after a complete cure.

When and why it is necessary to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity

A certificate from the dentist about the sanitation of the oral cavity will be required in the following circumstances:

  • employment in an official position;
  • preparation for surgery;
  • registration of the child educational establishments and health organizations;
  • military service;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • travel for long periods of time.

After treatment, the dentist issues a form (sample below) stating that the oral cavity has been sanitized.

The certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity is valid for 2 months.

Preparation of teeth for prosthetics

Improvement at the dentist will be required before the operation for implantation and, if necessary, prosthetics. This is necessary for the possibility of installing a prosthesis without consequences. If there are inflammatory diseases or carious cavities, orthopedic construction will not last long, constantly causing pain.

There are therapeutic, surgical, orthodontic and orthopedic preparation for prosthetics.

Therapeutic sanitation of the oral cavity before prosthetics includes:

  • removal of supragingival and subgingival dental deposits;
  • polishing teeth and applying varnishes containing calcium and fluoride;
  • removal of carious foci with subsequent filling;
  • depulpation of teeth (according to indications, depending on the type of prosthetics).

Surgical training includes:

  • extraction of teeth not subject to therapeutic treatment;
  • removal of cysts, osteophytes;
  • implant placement;
  • complex treatment of severe dentoalveolar anomalies;
  • removal of hypertrophied tissues;
  • sinus lift.

Orthodontic preparation includes:

  • restoration of the normal position of the teeth, which will later become supporting, with the help of braces or plates;
  • creating a place in the oral cavity for fixing the prosthesis.

Orthopedic training includes:

  • production of mouth guards and plates for correcting the position of teeth;
  • production of functional mouth guards to relax the masticatory muscles.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Complex dental procedures, such as removal, during pregnancy are performed according to strict indications, when there is a risk of complications. Extraction of a tooth during the period of gestation is possible, and it is better to do this in the second trimester. Now the majority dental procedures safe in pregnancy, and the prognosis is more dependent on psychological mood women and the professionalism of the doctor.

Indications for the extraction of teeth in a pregnant woman will be:

  • acute pain without the possibility of anesthesia;
  • purulent inflammation with the formation of flux;
  • tooth decay with infection of periodontal tissues.

Is anesthesia possible during dental treatment during pregnancy

Used as an anesthetic during pregnancy limited list drugs. The most commonly used drug is "Ultracain". This agent does not contain adrenaline and does not penetrate the hemoplacental barrier. For one visit to the dentist, a pregnant woman can be administered no more than 6 capsules of the drug.

Gingivitis and periodontitis in children

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children is performed more often, and the reason for this will be susceptibility to various dental diseases. Gingivitis and periodontitis are frequent problems children under 3 and after 12 years. In order to prevent these pathologies, planned sanitation was introduced, which is carried out in schools and preschool institutions.

Sanitation may be required during teething in order to:

  • determining bite anomalies and deciding on the method of correction;
  • covering crowns with fluoride varnish in case of insufficient enamel remineralization;
  • elimination of caries of milk teeth.

For severe gingivitis, your dentist may prescribe:

  1. Gingivectomy (partial excision of the gums). Shown in the most difficult cases, performed under general anesthesia. After the operation, cauterization or freezing is mandatory to prevent recurrence.
  2. Chemical cauterization.Sulfuric acid with ether is applied to the overgrown gums with a cotton swab.
  3. Diathermocoagulation(cauterization by electric current). Runs under local anesthesia, gums are affected electric shock power of 4 amps. The procedure not only eliminates tissue growth, but also stops bleeding.
  4. Freezing. A sclerosing agent is injected into the gum ( calcium chloride or dextrose solution).

Teeth brushing to prevent tartar

Professional teeth cleaning is carried out to remove hard plaque. This is a mandatory step in the rehabilitation of the oral cavity, regardless of its condition. The procedure is performed by a dentist using hand tools and special devices.

Removal of dental deposits occurs in 4 stages:

  1. Ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. Cleaning machine "Air Flow".
  3. Enamel polishing.
  4. Fluorination.

At the first stage, due to the oscillatory movements of the skelera, hard plaque is removed. In the second, the pigment is removed using a mixture of water and powder, which are supplied under pressure. The third stage involves polishing the enamel to eliminate roughness after stone removal. For this, brushes and abrasive pastes are used. On the last step teeth are covered with gel to protect against external stimuli and caries prevention.

What is sandblasting teeth

Sandblasting teeth cleaning is carried out by the Air Flow apparatus. Its essence lies in the elimination of plaque and pigment by applying liquid and a special powder under pressure to the surface of the tooth. Bicarbonate is used as a powder mixture. During the procedure, the nozzle does not come into contact with the tooth, which eliminates damage to the enamel and gums.

After sandblasting, the doctor polishes the surface of the enamel. As a result, the teeth lose their plaque and become smooth, which prevents the accumulation of food particles and pathogens on them.

How to brush your teeth properly

After sanitation of the oral cavity, the dentist gives recommendations about the care of teeth and gums at home. A mandatory measure for the prevention of dental diseases will be the correct movement of the toothbrush. As the practice of doctors shows, a huge number of people use a "harmful" technique of brushing their teeth, which provokes problems with the gums and enamel.

Proper brushing and tooth brushing is as follows:

  1. The brush is positioned at a 45 degree angle to the gums.
  2. Sweeping movements are made from the gums to the cutting edge.
  3. The chewing surface is cleaned in the direction of the molars.
  4. At each site, at least 10 movements are made with a brush.
  5. After cleaning, the mouth is rinsed with water

1. Terminology of dental medicine

physician at any dental clinic to identify the process of inflammation or establish its onset, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the oral cavity. Let's understand the terminology of dental medicine: sanitation of the oral cavity, what is it.

At the time of examination of hard tissues chewing surfaces, destruction or demineralization is established, if any. After that, procedures are carried out to eliminate them, in a comprehensive manner.

Professionals think:
sanitation of the mouth that these are important activities aimed at improving the health of all structures of the oral cavity.


  • removal of the infection;
  • and the elimination of everything that interferes with the restoration of the full functioning of the dental jaw system.
One of the types of therapeutic procedures for eliminating problems in the mouth, removing dental deposits

Types of planned medical and preventive work:

  • examination with the help of mucosal and chewing instruments;
  • removal of stones;
  • elimination of carious cavities;
  • extracting bad roots.

2. Who is indicated for the prevention of dental diseases

When we ourselves go to a consultation appointment for prevention, sanitation of the oral cavity is another examination of the teeth and the structures that hold them. But sometimes, passing, for example, an ENT doctor, we are also assigned a visit to the dentist. This can be explained by the close relationship between the nasal cavity and the jaw system. Is it shown to everyone?

To answer the question of sanitation of the oral cavity, what it is and to whom it is shown, one can unequivocally: everyone! Why? Because it is possible to prevent or stop the destruction of hard tissues or inflammation of soft structures if they are regularly examined for their condition. And, therefore, the sanitation of the oral cavity is an important measure for maintaining the health of the dento-jaw system.

Sanitation of the oral cavity, what are these activities:

  • Measures to identify problems and pathologies in the oral cavity: instrumental study and examination of internal tissues using additional methods (radiography in different versions).
  • Elimination of installed pathological changes: caries, inflammation.

Study by the doctor of the bite and location of the dentition at the first appointment with the dentist

3. What does it mean to need oral hygiene

Often in a comprehensive physical examination after visiting a dentist, they write to us: the oral cavity is sanitized, what does this mean? Is it just an examination or some kind of procedure? We often hear this. Sometimes doctors mean a routine examination, and in other cases, the need for therapeutic or even surgical treatment is implied.

The oral cavity needs sanitation what is it

It is possible to improve the condition of mineral formations and mucous membranes with the help of therapeutic procedures. To start them, the patient is examined, and according to indications, wellness treatment is prescribed. It is necessary to restore functionality dental system.

The recommended sanitation of the oral cavity is a preventive examination without symptomatic complaints, carried out twice a year. And if we talk about the term sanitation of the oral cavity, what is this photo of the patient during the procedure, below, then we are talking about a combination of measures to eliminate any problems in the mouth.

The procedure for removing impacted eights

4. The oral cavity is sanitized what does it mean

Advice on occurrence possible pathologies are the most effective in the overall process of monitoring health in the oral cavity. They can be both periodic and regular visits. More often than in the usual state, oral hygiene is performed during pregnancy, especially in case of problems. But, what does the oral cavity sanitized mean in each of the cases?

If after a one-time or several visits to the dentist, the result is such that there are no dental diseases in the oral cavity, this means that the sanitation has been completed.

The action plan may include:

  • processing of the surface layers of the tooth from a small amount of destruction by caries;
  • may be whole complex to stop inflammatory processes inside soft and hard structures, including with electrophoresis or gum incision, etc.

At the end of the treatment process, the oral cavity is considered healthy and sanitized if there are no diseases or pathological phenomena.

When the oral cavity is sanitized during pregnancy, this means the completion of procedures aimed at stopping the appearance of destructive or inflammatory processes.

But this is not a guarantee of dental health in a special position of a woman. The usual timing of recommended prophylaxis is not appropriate. Caries or soft structure reaction starts faster than normal and any discomfort should be studied.

For you - useful information about the types and forms of sanitation in dentistry. Find out more about the features of the procedures in adults, in childhood, during pregnancy.

general information

Sanitation is a therapeutic and preventive measure for complete recovery oral cavity and all the tissues in it. Complex impact aimed at eliminating dental problems, prevention of complications in case of damage to teeth, mucous membranes, gums, tongue.

Complete sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out by doctors of certain specialties:

  • dentist-therapist;
  • hygienist

When identifying serious defects dental / gum tissue, lesions of the mucous membrane, the surface of the tongue, the help of doctors of other specializations is required:

  • orthodontist;
  • surgeon
  • infectiologist;
  • orthopedic dentist;
  • periodontist.

Therapeutic and preventive measures

To improve hard and soft tissues, dentists carry out a set of measures:

  • identification of foci, sites of infection of the gum tissue;
  • therapy dangerous inflammatory diseases: , ;
  • treatment of carious cavities;
  • professional;
  • installation of orthodontic structures; (On the types of structures, read the page);
  • restoration of chewing function, aesthetics: filling of units of the dentition, composite restoration photopolymers; (We have an article about the methods of restoration of teeth);
  • implementation of orthopedic measures: all types of prosthetics - installation of bridge structures, implantation of teeth; (Read about implantation; about new generation prostheses -; about dental crowns - address).
  • removal of units of the dentition that cannot be restored.

Note! Additional measures may be necessary for each patient, depending on the severity of the case. The number and duration of health-improving procedures is determined by the dentist-therapist, "leading" the patient.

Types of sanitation of the oral cavity

How worse condition gums, teeth, mucous membranes, the more activities will include sanitation for a particular person. Dentists distinguish several varieties of an integrated approach to oral health, depending on the need and frequency of the procedure.


Visits to the dentist are initiated by a person who pays attention to his health. Gradually, the number of conscious patients increases, because the neglected state of hard, soft tissues in the mouth requires serious treatment.

In addition to pain, the need for unpleasant procedures, restoring the health of the dentition and gums is expensive. The more severe the case, the a large amount have to spend.


The second name of the variety is one-time sanitation. Dentists examine and treat certain categories in organized groups- at enterprises, schools or among certain groups of the population (pregnant women, the disabled, pre-conscripts).

Dentists identify and eliminate pathological processes, give recommendations for oral care. If necessary, a course of procedures is prescribed in dental office. One-time (periodic sanitation) is carried out at a fixed time, for example, once a year.


Therapeutic and preventive measures are mandatory for a certain circle of people. List of patients who cannot obtain a work permit, a permit to visit children's institution, without sanitation of the oral cavity, is determined by the health authorities.

Planned rehabilitation is carried out among the following categories:

  • children attending school Kindergarten;
  • applicants entering universities;
  • women planning a pregnancy;
  • workers hazardous industries, bakery plants, confectionery factories, other food industries;
  • students of military universities;
  • patients before surgery;
  • greenhouse workers;
  • employees of enterprises with a sanitary book during a scheduled medical examination.

Characteristics of the complex of health measures

You know a brief description of the complex of health measures. To understand whether the procedures were carried out correctly (in full), familiarization with the stages of rehabilitation will help.

Take note:

  • regardless of whether you came to the appointment yourself or a mobile dental laboratory(special bus from necessary equipment), the doctor is obliged to examine the oral cavity, to clarify whether there are complaints;
  • a card is created for each patient, in which marks are made about the treatment;
  • after examination, the doctor explains to the patient whether he has dental diseases or the condition of the mucous membrane, teeth, gums is satisfactory;
  • if there are no complaints, the dentist removes soft coating, cleans the interdental spaces, applies a special gel with disinfecting properties to the teeth. The drug strengthens the enamel, reduces the likelihood of inflammation;
  • when problems are identified, the doctor informs the patient about defects and methods for their elimination. If a cyst in the gum tissue is suspected, incomplete retination or wrong height"wisdom teeth", inflammation of the root canals requires x-rays;
  • a panoramic image displays all parts of the dental system: from the palate to the installed fillings;
  • if the dentist has found carious cavities, filling is carried out using materials agreed with the patient (cost different types filling is different);
  • when identifying pathological processes on the gums, tongue, mucous membranes, additional treatment is required;
  • abnormal bite, the need to remove completely damaged dental units - a reason for referral to dentists of another specialization - an orthodontist, surgeon, periodontist or prosthetist;
  • after treatment and preventive measures, the doctor will explain to the patient what causes provoked dental diseases, suggest preventive measures;
  • in some cases registration is required for control chronic pathologies oral cavity;
  • After sanitation, the doctor can issue a confirmation to the patient that the necessary measures have been taken.

A certificate of sanitation of the oral cavity is required in the following cases:

  • preparation for surgery;
  • management of pregnancy by a gynecologist, preparation for childbirth;
  • admission to kindergarten, school, university;
  • with official employment;
  • belonging of the enterprise to the category of "harmful production".

How many children and when do they drop out? We have an answer!

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Find out about contraindications to the plasmolifting procedure in dentistry at the address.

Features of the procedure in children

Weak teeth are more at risk of caries, often developing with improper conduct hygiene procedures, bad care behind the teeth. Regular sanitation - required condition to maintain oral health.

Depending on the degree of caries, the doctor prescribes a visit to pediatric dentistry at certain intervals: from three months up to a year. Mandatory preventive examinations prevent the transition mild degree carious process into running.

Remember! Baby teeth need the same careful care as permanent teeth.

Another benefit of regular visits to the dentist is timely detection bite defects. Correct the curvature of the teeth, achieve a greater effect of wearing orthodontic designs at 10–11 years old it is easier than after three or four years or at adolescence.

Important! Planned reorganization is carried out in all types of children's institutions. The attention of parents to the health of teeth and gums in a baby, a preschooler, in adolescence positively affects the condition of the oral cavity of the child.

The nuances of sanitation in pregnant women

Many processes upset the balance in the body future mother. Growing baby takes a lot nutrients from the mother's body, actively affects the state of various organs and systems. Often, with each month of pregnancy, the condition of soft tissues, teeth, and the entire oral cavity worsens.

Hormonal imbalance causes gingivitis - initial stage inflammation of the gums. The lack of proper treatment provokes more serious disease- periodontitis. Accumulation of pus in periodontal pockets pain, loosening of teeth, bleeding gums do not add health to a woman. bacterial infection from the oral cavity can penetrate to the fetus.

Take note:

  • help reduce the risk of pathological changes mandatory sanitation oral cavity on early dates pregnancy;
  • at unpleasant symptoms, the appearance of pain in the teeth and gums, sores, suspicious formations on the mucous membrane and tongue, immediately consult a dentist;
  • modern x-ray equipment (radioviziograph with a minimum area of ​​exposure), special anesthesia for pregnant women, approved drugs will make the treatment process safe, painless.

The cost of complex treatment

Price complex treatment depends on the amount of procedures performed by the dentist. The worse the quality of the dental, gum tissue, the higher the price of the beauty and health of the dentition will be. Treatment of inflammatory periodontal processes is also expensive.

Average prices for certain types procedures:

  • caries treatment - from 1500 rubles;
  • x-rays - from 350 rubles;
  • treatment of pulpitis - from 1000 rubles;
  • removal of tartar - from 2000 rubles;
  • periodontitis therapy - from 1400 rubles;
  • laser teeth whitening - from 8000 rubles.

Add, if necessary, the installation of corrective structures for orthodontic treatment, therapy of periodontal disease with omission of the gums, strengthening of loose units of the dentition. The amount will be impressive.

Contact the dentist in time to monitor the condition of the oral cavity, and you will save units of the dentition, maintain the density of the gums, and save more than one thousand rubles. A complex approach to the treatment and prevention of dental diseases is effective for patients different ages. Don't give up planned rehabilitation pay attention to health.

Video about oral hygiene and sanitation:

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