Rehabilitation is required. Carrying out rehabilitation of the oral cavity. Planned sanitation is required for

Oral sanitation should be performed by patients who are to surgical intervention, as well as people going on geological expeditions, on long business trips, etc. Children are sanitized with a mouth before planned hospitalization. Treatment can begin with the teeth, and with the elimination of inflammation of the gingival margin, depending on the prevalence of dental disease. The set of measures for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity includes training in hygiene skills with recommendations for choosing the type of toothpaste (medical, hygienic, preventive, etc.), toothbrush, the use of elixirs and floss (dental floss).

Sanitation of the oral cavity can be planned or carried out at the initiative of the patient.

Extraction of teeth, as well as in the oral cavity, is performed after the end of the periodontium. Patients with a too excitable nervous system are recommended to take the complex 3-5 days before sanitation. sedatives.

How is planned rehabilitation carried out?

Planned rehabilitation is carried out in polyclinics or medical units. First of all, it must be passed by persons working in hazardous production or in production with working conditions conducive to the development of a dental disease. Planned is also necessary for people suffering from chronic somatic diseases in order to avoid the appearance of odontogenic foci. It is carried out in groups: children's before school institutions, schools, sanatoriums, boarding schools. In kindergartens, sanitation begins to be carried out from junior group(children who are 3 years old), since this age category there are initial uncomplicated forms of diseases, which are quite effective.

The organizational form of the planned sanitation of the oral cavity is determined by the working conditions of the dentist.

Sanitation, which is carried out in the dental offices of preschools, schools, and other institutions, is considered effective. The local dentist carries out a set of measures for a number of years, while he monitors the development of teeth. jaw system running a prevention program. Centralized planned rehabilitation is carried out in polyclinics. It is carried out by doctors using stationary equipment. The effectiveness of a set of measures is assessed by the percentage of sanitized patients who need a procedure, a decrease in the number of people who need sanitation, and compliance with the terms of repeated examinations is taken into account.

Sanitation of the oral cavity I Sanitation of the oral cavity

a set of measures for the improvement of the oral cavity. Includes caries and elimination of defects in tooth tissues of a non-carious nature by filling, removal of tartar, treatment of periodontal diseases, removal of decayed teeth and roots that are not subject to conservative treatment, orthodontic and orthopedic treatment.

Sanitation of the oral cavity is necessarily carried out by persons who have a planned one, as well as those going on long business trips, on geological expeditions, etc. Children of S. p. carried out before planned hospitalization. Depending on the predominance of one or another dental disease, treatment can begin both with filling the teeth and with the elimination of inflammation of the gingival margin. and operations in the oral cavity, as a rule, are performed after the completion of dental and periodontal treatment. Patients with an overly excitable nervous system are recommended to be specially prepared for sanitation of the oral cavity, prescribing a complex of sedatives in 3-5 days, or to carry out sanitation under general anesthesia. Oral sanitation activities necessarily include teaching oral hygiene skills with recommendations on choosing a toothbrush, type of toothpaste (hygienic, therapeutic, preventive, etc.), using floss (dental floss) and elixirs.

Allocate S. p. by negotiability, i.e. the initiative of the patient, and planned. Planned S. p. carried out at the place of work in medical units or in clinics. First of all, they sanitize people working for hazardous industries or in industries with such working conditions that contribute to the intensive development of a specific dental disease, such as dental caries in workers in confectionery and flour mills; acid necrosis of enamel in persons in contact with acid vapors; gingivitis in greenhouse workers, etc. Planned sanitation also shown to persons suffering from various chronic somatic diseases, in order to avoid the formation of foci of odontogenic infection. Planned S. p. conducted to all children in organized groups kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, sanatoriums, pioneer camps, as well as in pediatric hospitals.

Organizational forms of planned sanitation of the oral cavity are determined by the working conditions of the dentist conducting it. The most effective is the rehabilitation carried out in the dental offices of schools, preschool institutions, boarding schools, vocational schools. This form is called decentralized and is based on the precinct principle. carries out rehabilitation for a number of years, monitors the development dental system implements a prevention program. The decentralized form also includes planned sanitation carried out in mobile dental offices by the team method, however, the quality of treatment under these conditions is significantly reduced. With a centralized form, planned sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out in a clinic where children and adults are invited. It is carried out by doctors at their workplaces, using stationary equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

The maximum coverage of the planned C. p. The attached population is achieved gradually and, with a high incidence, takes (at the rate of 4 doctors per 10,000 adults and 4.5 doctors per 10,000 children) 3-5 years. The work is planned taking into account the need to inspect and provide assistance to persons previously sanitized, but already in need of repeated scheduled inspections.

Coverage of the planned C. p. schoolchildren is carried out according to a certain scheme: every first year of work, children of grades 1, 5, 9 and 11 are first sanitized. This is due to the fact that the first graders erupted the first 6-8 permanent teeth for which it is important to take therapeutic and preventive measures; in the vast majority of fifth-graders, all constants erupt; and 9th and 11th grades are graduation. Each subsequent year, initially sanitizing children of these classes, they re-sanitize children of grades 2, 6, and 10. In the third year of work, the dentist completes the primary sanitation of schoolchildren and continues to monitor the children taken for care in previous years. In preschool institutions S. p. they start with the younger group (children aged 3 years), because in this age category of children, predominantly initial uncomplicated forms of dental diseases are observed, the treatment of which is quite effective.

Efficiency of planned C. p. (with the maximum coverage of the attached contingent) is evaluated according to several indicators: the number (percentage) of those sanitized from those in need of sanitation, compliance with the terms of repeated examinations, and C. p. attached contingent, as well as a decrease in the number of people in need of sanitation, identified during repeated examinations, a decrease in the number of fallen fillings, relapses of caries and its complications, extracted teeth per 1000 attached for sanitation.

Bibliography: Vinogradova T.F. children at the dentist, M., 1988; Ovrutsky G.D. and Leontiev V.K. , M., 1986; Ovrutsky G.D., Vodolatskaya M.P. and Vodolatskaya A.M., Prediction and prenosological dental caries, Stavropol, 1990.

II Sanitation of the oral cavity (lat. sanatio recovery)

a set of recreational activities aimed at identifying pathological changes and functional disorders organs of the oral cavity, their elimination and prevention.

1. Small medical encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First health care. - M.: Bolshaya Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. encyclopedic Dictionary medical terms. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

See what "Rehabilitation of the oral cavity" is in other dictionaries:

    SANITATION OF THE ORAL CAVITY- SANITATION OF THE MOUTH CAVITY, systematic treatment of cash and early suppression of newly emerging stalemate. processes in the oral cavity, as well as regular medical supervision above it for the entire period of formation of permanent teeth, i.e. from 6 to 15 ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    Complex medical preventive measures for the improvement of the oral cavity and the prevention of dental diseases. It is the main component of dental prophylaxis (See Prophylaxis) and should be carried out for ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (lat. sanatio recovery) a complex of recreational activities aimed at identifying pathological changes and functional disorders of the oral cavity, their elimination and prevention ... Big Medical Dictionary

    - (from the Latin sanatio treatment, recovery), 1) a system of measures (subsidies, preferential loans and taxation, full or partial nationalization, etc.) carried out by the state to improve the economy. 2) In medicine, targeted medical ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin sanatio treatment, recovery), 1) a system of measures (subsidies, preferential loans, preferential taxation, full or partial nationalization, etc.) carried out by banks (often with the participation of the state) to prevent bankruptcy or ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    AND; and. [from lat. sanatio treatment, recovery] 1. Honey. Prevention medical measures for the health of the body. C. oral cavity. Get rehab. 2. Economy A system of measures taken to prevent bankruptcy or increase competitiveness ... encyclopedic Dictionary

When examined in a dental clinic, doctors often recommend complete reorganization mouth. What does it mean?

This concept refers to actions aimed at improving and preventing diseases of the teeth and periodontium.

When is a certificate from a dentist required?

Throughout life, situations arise when such a certificate may be required - the conclusion of a dentist. For its provision, there are certain circumstances highlighted by legal or regulatory acts.

These include:

The oral cavity also needs sanitation before operations - in order to exclude the possibility of infectious complications.

The document on the sanitation is issued by the dentist who performed the examination. After the procedures, the certificate must contain a record that the oral cavity is sanitized.

If there was no need for rehabilitation, then indicate that rehabilitation is not required.

What are the procedures?

All activities carried out during the rehabilitation are aimed at eliminating:

  • foci of dental caries;
  • crown defects;
  • pathologies of periodontal tissue;
  • soft and hard deposits;
  • non-functional teeth with volumetric destruction of the crown or root;
  • orthopedic and orthodontic problems.

Since reorganization provides a solution immediately a large number problems, then treatment plan will depend on the patient's oral health.

Taking into account the listed problems, the sanitation of the mouth is carried out in a certain way:

  1. Detailed examination of the oral cavity using modern methods examinations.
  2. Removal of deposits: plaque and stone. At the same stage, the procedure for restoring the natural shade of the crowns can be performed.
  3. Elimination of foci carious lesion. At the same stage, pulpitis is treated with canal filling and restoration of the affected tooth.
  4. Work on the restoration of crowns in case of their defect or developmental pathologies (chips, cracks, hypoplasia, etc.).
  5. Therapy of the anti-inflammatory nature of periodontal tissue diseases (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.).
  6. Extraction of teeth in case of impossibility of their restoration or incorrect location.
  7. Restoration of the dentition and correction of abnormal bite development with the help of prosthetics and orthodontic systems.

AT advanced cases sanitation is carried out in several visits with the participation of dentists of various qualifications. After the procedures, the doctor gives recommendations on maintaining oral hygiene. at a high level.

Sanitation can be carried out not only at the request of the employer or during pregnancy, but also as a preventive measure. For this purpose, it is necessary to visit the dentist every 6 months.

Carrying out during pregnancy

Sanitation during planning or during pregnancy is a guarantee of the healthy functioning of all systems of the mother's body and the normal development of the fetus. If sanitation was not carried out before pregnancy, then the best time for its implementation is the second trimester.

In any case, a consultation with a dentist the patient must accurately indicate the timing of pregnancy. This will help the doctor choose the most appropriate methods and means of treatment that will help to safely restore the affected tooth.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy has some features:

  1. For examination, a radiovisograph is used, which affects the area of ​​​​irradiation locally.. In addition, protective aprons are applied to the abdomen during this procedure.

    Despite all the safety of modern x-ray examination, they try to exclude it in the first and third trimester.

  2. As anesthesia, drugs approved for pregnant women are used.. They do not have a negative effect on either the mother or the fetus, since they do not penetrate the hemoplacental barrier.

    These drugs include "Ultracain" with the absence of adrenaline. Maximum dose, which can be administered to a pregnant woman in one visit, should not exceed 6 cartridges.

  3. Even ordinary tartar can provoke caries or periodontal disease during pregnancy. Therefore, sanitation should be carried out not only in the presence of caries, but also with small amounts of deposits on the crowns.
  4. Tooth extraction is preferably done during the second trimester.. In the remaining trimesters, they are removed only in last resort when an emergency occurs: sharp pain permanent nature or the presence of purulent inflammation.

Features of the conduct in children

The oral cavity in a child is more prone to dental diseases than in an adult. That's why children's sanitation is characterized by a greater frequency of visits to the dentist.

Successful management of oral problems childhood possible only if the complete orthodontic treatment because it is very long.

On average, installation of structures of this type is carried out for 1.5–2 years. During this time, the child may need sanitation from 1 to 8 times.

For the timely elimination of dental pathologies, it was determined planned rehabilitation. It is regularly carried out in institutions of preschool and school education.

In addition, regular examinations by a dentist are provided in institutions that organize recreation and treatment of children (camps, sanatoriums, etc.). Based on the examinations carried out, the child can be assigned an additional set of procedures and their regularity is determined.

When the dentition is affected by caries, next dates carrying out sanitizing procedures that allow minimizing the risks of complications:

  • the first degree of caries - 1 year;
  • second degree - 6 months;
  • the third - 3 months.

Before the procedures, it is desirable to premedicate the child. To do this, a few days before sanitation, drugs are prescribed stabilizing and sedative effect. At increased arousal nervous system general anesthesia may be used to treat a child's dentition.

Sanitation of the child's oral cavity is considered completely finished in case of complete elimination of caries lesions or defects with their filling, as well as cupping inflammatory manifestations periodontal tissues.

Compliance with the terms of rehabilitation increases the chances of normal development strong healthy teeth and the whole organism as a whole.

Is it possible at home?

For elimination dental problems full sanitation of the oral cavity is required, which involves the use of special equipment and techniques that cannot be provided at home.

But without going to the dentist, you can carry out procedures that will help prevent the development of diseases of the teeth and periodontium.

These include the following preventive measures:

  • good oral hygiene, which consists in regular cleaning of the teeth with the right toothpaste and brush;
  • usage special means and devices. So, to eliminate plaque in the interdental space and thoroughly clean the gum pockets effective tool irrigator, brushes and dental floss are considered.

    To reduce the spread pathogenic microbes and relieve inflammation of the gums, use special rinses. To strengthen the enamel, products with fluoride are recommended;

  • mode plays an important role diet. Must be present solid food like a carrot or an apple. Its use not only replenishes the supply of vitamins, but also qualitatively removes plaque from the crowns.

    The diet should include meals with low content sugar and large quantity micro and macro elements;

  • regular independent external examination of the state of the mucous membrane of the gum tissue and teeth.

Compliance with preventive measures and careful attitude to your own health - this is the maximum that will allow you to exclude serious intervention by the dentist during sanitation.

In the following video, we will be told about the importance of visiting the dentist's office:

What is the price?

The rehabilitation procedure scheduled inspection usually free of charge. In other cases, self-treatment may require some costs.

The cost of rehabilitation depends on the complex of procedures included in the treatment plan after a detailed examination.

Depending on the condition of the teeth and periodontal tissue, the degree of activity of development and the extent of the spread of pathologies, a variety of procedures can be used, average cost which is:

In addition to the above services, orthodontist and prosthetist services may be required. In this case, the price will include the structure used and the installation service.

The volume of dental intervention during sanitation and its cost completely depend on the condition of the oral cavity. Adhering to all the rules of hygiene and following the doctor's recommendations, you reduce these two indicators to a minimum.

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1. Terminology of dental medicine

A doctor in any dental clinic must conduct an examination of the oral cavity to identify the process of inflammation or establish its onset. Let's understand the terminology of dental medicine: sanitation of the oral cavity, what is it.

At the time of examination of hard tissues chewing surfaces, destruction or demineralization is established, if any. After that, procedures are carried out to eliminate them, in a comprehensive manner.

Professionals think:
oral sanitation that these are important activities aimed at improving the health of all structures oral cavity.


  • removal of the infection;
  • and the elimination of everything that interferes with the restoration of the full functioning of the dental and jaw system.
One of the types of therapeutic procedures for eliminating problems in the mouth, removing dental deposits

Types of planned medical and preventive work:

  • examination with the help of mucosal and chewing instruments;
  • removal of stones;
  • elimination of carious cavities;
  • extracting bad roots.

2. Who is indicated for the prevention of dental diseases

When we ourselves go to a consultation appointment for prevention, sanitation of the oral cavity is another examination of the teeth and the structures that hold them. But sometimes, passing, for example, an ENT doctor, we are also assigned a visit to the dentist. This can be explained by the close relationship between the nasal cavity and the jaw system. Is it shown to everyone?

To answer the question of sanitation of the oral cavity, what it is and to whom it is shown, one can unequivocally: everyone! Why? Because it is possible to prevent or stop the destruction of hard tissues or inflammation of soft structures if they are regularly examined for their condition. And, therefore, the sanitation of the oral cavity is an important measure for maintaining the health of the dento-jaw system.

Sanitation of the oral cavity, what are these activities:

  • Measures to identify problems and pathologies in the oral cavity: instrumental study and examination of internal tissues using additional methods (radiography in different versions).
  • Elimination of established pathological changes: caries, inflammation.

Study by the doctor of the bite and location of the dentition at the first appointment with the dentist

3. What does it mean to need oral hygiene

Often in a comprehensive physical examination after visiting a dentist, they write to us: the oral cavity is sanitized, what does this mean? Is it just an examination or some kind of procedure? We often hear this. Sometimes doctors mean a routine examination, and in other cases, the need for therapeutic or even surgical treatment is implied.

The oral cavity needs sanitation what is it

It is possible to improve the condition of mineral formations and mucous membranes with the help of therapeutic procedures. To start them, the patient is examined, and according to indications, wellness treatment is prescribed. It is necessary to restore the functionality of the dental system.

The recommended oral hygiene is preventive examination without symptomatic complaints, carried out twice a year. And if we talk about the term sanitation of the oral cavity, what is this photo of the patient during the procedure, below, then we are talking about a combination of measures to eliminate any problems in the mouth.

The procedure for removing impacted eights

4. The oral cavity is sanitized what does it mean

Advice on occurrence possible pathologies are the most effective in the overall process of monitoring health in the oral cavity. They can be both periodic and regular visits. More often than in the usual state, oral hygiene is performed during pregnancy, especially in case of problems. But, what does the oral cavity sanitized mean in each of the cases?

If, after a single visit or a visit to the dentist for several times, the result is such that there are no dental diseases, which means sanitization is complete.

The action plan may include:

  • processing of the surface layers of the tooth from a small amount of destruction by caries;
  • may be whole complex to terminate inflammatory processes inside soft and hard structures, including with electrophoresis or gum incision, etc.

At the end of the treatment process, the oral cavity is considered healthy and sanitized if there are no diseases or pathological phenomena.

When the oral cavity is sanitized during pregnancy, this means the completion of procedures aimed at stopping the appearance of destructive or inflammatory processes.

But this is not a guarantee of dental health in a special position of a woman. The usual timing of recommended prophylaxis is not appropriate. Caries or soft structure reaction starts faster than normal and any discomfort should be studied.

Dental care - what is it? Sanitation is a series of procedures aimed at preventing and treating various diseases that can occur in the human oral cavity. In Latin, the term "sanatio" means "treatment" or "recovery". During the examination, the specialist identifies and seals teeth that have defects, examines the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In case of detection of diseases, preventive measures are taken to eliminate the detected diseases.

Measures during rehabilitation

When sanitizing the oral cavity, the dentist performs the following activities:

  1. general examination of the mouth;
  2. elimination of identified (caries, pulpitis or periodontitis);
  3. treatment of gum disease, stomatitis, tongue diseases;
  4. removal of teeth that are located incorrectly and interfere with the rest;
  5. extraction of teeth, the treatment of which is not possible;
  6. removal of roots;
  7. prosthetics;
  8. antibacterial mouth treatment.

The procedures are carried out not only with a conventional dental drill, but also with a laser, ultrasound and other modern materials and tools.

The condition of the gums, teeth, tongue and oral mucosa are an indicator of the health of the whole organism. Any dentist will be able to identify some common diseases poi examination of teeth, gums and mucous membranes. For example, the appearance of fungal diseases, dry mouth and caries may indicate diabetes. Tooth loss signals osteoporosis, while gum inflammation and tooth decay can indicate cardiovascular problems.

Dental disease can lead to the development of many pathologies. Caries causes the following unpleasant consequences:

  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • flux, pulpitis, periodontitis;
  • gastritis, digestive problems (diarrhea, heartburn);
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • various allergic reactions on the infectious diseases teeth.

There are the following forms of rehabilitation of the oral cavity:

  1. Individual. In this case, the person own will comes to the dental clinic for an examination.
  2. Periodic. It is produced in certain populations to detect and eliminate dental diseases.
  3. Planned. It is carried out in groups of people who are registered with the dispensary. For example, all conscripts undergo such an examination. In preschool and school institutions, a periodic examination by a dentist is mandatory.

Treatment can be carried out in specialized dental clinics, and in remote dental offices (for example, dental offices in schools, large enterprises). Dental teams travel to remote areas and treat workers of enterprises or the general population.

This procedure is required:

  • to everyone who is going on vacation abroad;
  • patients who are going to have surgery and pregnant women (caries and other diseases can cause Negative influence for an unborn child).

Major dental diseases

Caries treatment should be without fail. Previously, it was often necessary to resort to the removal of the affected tooth, however modern technologies and preparations are able to restore a tooth almost completely destroyed by caries.

There are the following stages of caries:

  1. White spot. Their presence indicates an insufficient amount of calcium. Such spots are risk areas where caries can develop in the future.
  2. superficial caries. The tooth is filled without the use of anesthesia.
  3. Medium caries. Pathology affects not only tooth enamel but also the underlying layers. It is cured by removing the affected tissues and replacing them polymeric materials. The intervention is carried out local anesthesia.
  4. deep caries. It affects the deep layers. Treatment consists of removing the affected tissue and nerve, most often under local anesthesia. At simultaneous treatment several teeth, general anesthesia may be used.

Treatment of this disease gives a good prognosis, but it should be remembered that any disease is best treated on early stages. It is necessary to visit the dentist at the first suspicion of caries - this will help protect yourself from further problems with your teeth.

No special preparation is needed before treatment. Delete soft plaque from the enamel of the teeth before visiting the doctor and do not drink alcohol the day before the appointment.

Tartar removal

Tartar is hard deposits on the tooth enamel that appear due to insufficient hygiene oral cavity. They are made up of bacteria, food debris and mineral salts. Tartar can be yellow, greenish or brownish in color, even a black tint is possible for cigarette lovers.

Tartar not only affects the beauty of teeth, but is also a source of pathogenic microorganisms which negatively affects the entire body.

AT clinical setting during sanitation, tartar is removed using a laser, ultrasonic equipment, by chemical means or mechanically. Modern ways Tartar removal products can not only remove hard plaque, but also whiten teeth by several tones.

Upon detection hard plaque that cannot be removed with a toothbrush, it is recommended to contact your dental office for the rehabilitation of the oral cavity.

Removal (extraction)

This type of intervention is surgical operation. The reasons why a doctor decides to remove a tooth can be different. These may include:

  1. improperly growing teeth;
  2. tooth, the treatment of which is not possible due to various complications;
  3. destruction of the tooth to such a state when treatment is no longer possible, and it is necessary to remove the root with subsequent prosthetics;
  4. bite anomalies and other reasons.

Extraction takes place in several stages:

  • the surrounding tissues are anesthetized;
  • the gum peels off the tooth walls;
  • using forceps, the dentist shakes the tooth;
  • direct extraction;
  • imposition of hemostatic materials on the hole.

Some time after removal, discomfort and pain in the operation area is possible, this should be taken calmly. If the pain continues for more than a week and the body temperature rises, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

A person who knows what oral cavity sanitation is and visits the dentist regularly will have not only beautiful smile but also avoid many health problems.

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