Dental laboratory. Laboratory

The pride of the Fedorov Dental Clinic is its own dental laboratory.

Experienced technicians are true masters of their craft, who, with the precision of jewelers, create perfect smile, relying on many years of experience and applying the latest technologies, modern equipment and materials.

We can meet the needs of the patient in any kind of work. Veneers, mouthguards, zirconium dioxide crowns, metal-ceramics, bio-alloy-based metal-ceramics, clasp prostheses, solid-cast, plastic, metal-plastic crowns - are made using modern equipment, and in their properties and aesthetic characteristics do not differ from the patient's own teeth.

Advantages of own dental laboratory:

  • comfort and convenience - in our clinic, the patient can not only have an appointment with the dentist. Here, if necessary, veneers, prostheses or other products for a healthy and beautiful smile will be made for him.
  • time saving - in modern world it is time that often dictates how we plan our day. Own laboratory saves the patient's time, because all his data and finished products do not need to be transported from the clinic to the laboratory and vice versa.
  • full range of work - the patient does not have to go to different clinics for different services. Everything is provided in the Fedorovs clinic dental services, and the presence of our own laboratory allows us to independently produce veneers, prostheses, crowns, etc.
  • high quality products - understanding the value integrated approach, our doctors have the opportunity to consult with technicians. Laboratory specialists will suggest which prostheses or crowns are best placed in a particular case, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The technician can also easily clarify some data with the doctor.

The laboratory uses various dental materials and alloys with appropriate certificates. This is the key to the strength and durability of all our products.

The Fedorovs Dental Clinic will not only make new prostheses, veneers, crowns or implants, but will also give detailed advice on how to care for them at home, advise on hygiene products and items, taking into account individual features patient. After all proper hygiene oral hygiene is one way to keep your smile beautiful and healthy for as long as possible.

Laboratory specialists constantly monitor new trends, using the best modern materials and equipment, which allows them to perform even the most complex work with high quality.

Many patients want to know what their implants or dentures will look like. To ensure that you get the expected result, we are engaged in casting models and advance planning our work. All wishes of the patient must be taken into account.

Sometimes removable dentures break due to not very high quality or due to wrong conditions operation. In the dental laboratory, we also repair dentures.

The capabilities of our laboratory allow us to accept orders from other clinics for the manufacture of crowns on zirconium dioxide, implants and other works. Turning to us, you will receive high-quality products, made just in time.

Work performed in the laboratory:

  • crown on zirconium dioxide;
  • metal-ceramic crown on the implant;
  • ceramic-metal crown on bioalloy;
  • veneer or crown using Empress technology;
  • temporary crown or veneer;
  • composite veneer;
  • crown temporary plastic, metal-plastic, including the implant;
  • Composite stump inlay, one-piece cast stump (collapsible, non-separable), one-piece cast bioalloy stump inlay (collapsible, non-separable), including those with ceramic coating;
  • casting, casting of a clasp prosthesis;
  • relining of a removable prosthesis, including with the installation of additional teeth;
  • crown and abutment milling;
  • replacement matrices "Bredent";
  • beam supported by implants, counter part of the beam;
  • partial or complete removable dentures made of nylon, flex or polyflex;
  • occlusal splint.

This is far from full list work performed in our laboratory.

Turning to the Fedorovs Dental Clinic, you can be sure that your smile will shine, delighting you and those around you.

Learn more full information, you can call the dental laboratory: +7 495 62-777-62

Address: Moscow, st. Novy Arbat, 7, building 1

Activities of specialists dental clinics consists not only in painstaking and high-precision independent "work with hands" when placing fillings, when performing high-precision surgery, but also in teamwork with dental laboratory, conducting invisible, invisible to the patient, but extremely milestones dental treatment.

Today, when the digitalization of production has reached the previously impossible, it is impossible to imagine modern dentistry without 3D technology. Standardization of digital manufacturing, despite the painful cost of customizing and manufacturing metal-free products, is now available for a range of implants and high-precision zirconia crowns.

Technology has evolved and become acceptable for the elimination of manual labor in the manufacture of any dental products.
Application of high-quality scanning of hard and soft tissues oral cavity of the patient, a variety of high-strength materials and their high-quality and precise processing allow the production of all kinds of metal-free constructions, such as veneers, inlays and crowns of any kind, meeting all the needs of the patient. Without the use of these technologies, it is impossible to carry out a modern full-fledged restoration of the dentition and the return of a beautiful smile.

Advantages of own dental laboratory

Surely, everyone was faced with repairs in the apartment or with the order of any turnkey products. Remember how much time and stages such an activity took, at first it was necessary to agree on the time for taking measurements, then you had to spend the whole day with the masters to explain your wishes, and only after a week, if not more, you could expect the final execution of your order. At the same time, the final result required not only an investment of effort, time and money, but also could not always please the first time, it required close control.

A similar situation is observed in all dental clinics, devoid of equipment and specialists for own production and manufacturing of dental products. Sometimes, due to logistical problems, the patient has to walk for a long time with temporary prostheses, fillings, protective mouthguards, which not only impair daily life, but can also collapse at the most inopportune moment.
Own dental laboratory allows you to as soon as possible(sometimes, even on the day of visiting the clinic), with minimal financial costs and taking into account all the characteristics of the patient, to make any necessary emergency orthopedic procedures. Also, due to the direct transfer of information from the attending physician to the technician, the risk of data distortion and inaccuracies is reduced to zero, which helps to avoid many errors and errors. Moreover, the technician can assess the situation while in the dentist's office, just as the attending physician is able to correct the production of veneers, making certain corrections in the "hot mode".

You can find out about the availability of your own specialized 3D equipment, scanners and milling production, as well as specialized specialists for the manufacture of digital dental work, during a conversation with your doctor and drawing up a treatment plan.

This should alert and raise questions!

Retro-equipment in the clinic and the presence of metal-ceramic crowns in the price list.

There are cases when the services of dentistry with its own dental laboratory, after all, should be abandoned. This happens if you doubt the modernity of the proposed treatment and the competence of the staff of the dental clinic or notice non-compliance with the rules of work. It is also worth thinking about finding a new clinic if the equipment used is significantly outdated. All these factors can lead to the manufacture of low-quality veneers, crowns and prostheses, starting from the stage of obtaining information about the state of the dentition. Now it is easy to find information about the most modern dental digital treatment protocols on the Internet.

Important: Calmly and without fuss, study modern technologies, have several consultations in different clinics and you will choose best type digital production without outdated, previously popular solutions. The cost of a zirconium dioxide crown cannot be about 10,000 rubles - this is only possible using the "powder dioxide plus water plus technician" technology. Digital milling production is many times more expensive. Yes, the price is pleasant, but you should not count on a guarantee of more than two years.

What is possible to make?

manufacture in dental practice Possibly a range of products. These include:

  • Permanent and temporary prostheses, crowns for bite correction;
  • Finished works for All-on-4 or 6-8 technology.
  • Lithium disilicate and zirconia crowns;
  • Veneers and ultra-thin veneers from any modern materials;
  • Metal-free frames for reinforcing dental work;
  • Temporary removable dentures and beams for their fixation.

All these products can be produced in any modern laboratory in the shortest possible time, preferably from lithium disilicate or zirconia.

In what cases is this digital production necessary?

The creation of individualized products according to a digital protocol is necessary in all cases of destruction of one's own teeth due to any pathological process. The best and most noticeable results can be obtained when making veneers and when replacing old fillings with metal-free inlays.
Try, if possible, to discuss with your doctor the preventive replacement of fillings with whole fillings. ceramic inlays. If the area of ​​the filling is more than 40% of the area chewing surface tooth, all over the world they don’t put fillings, but immediately reinforce weak walls tooth inlay made of zirconium dioxide.
During the manufacture of an inlay or veneer, it is extremely important to observe all possible factors, such as features anatomical structure of the skull and soft tissues of the face, so that the new veneers not only match the wishes of the patient, but also fit perfectly into the anatomical landmarks of the skull, without disturbing the position of the articular and muscular apparatus of the skull.

Important: Without a digital protocol for prototyping the final result of Anann Girrbach's treatment, such procedures are carried out “by eye” and are not always ideal. This primarily concerns patients with complex occlusion and elderly patients with age-related deformities of the nasolabial triangle. Such a wide variety of requirements, as well as work with expensive and high-strength material, requires the use of the most modern, most accurate 3D production technologies by dental technicians, so as not to torment patients with bite selection for six months.

What manufacturing techniques are the most relevant?

Given the capabilities of modern equipment, work with casts, plaster models, which were previously widely used in the dental industry, is becoming less and less relevant.
The most relevant today are the methods of computer 3D modeling, the control of the accuracy of products is controlled thanks to highly sensitive equipment. It is important that the fully or almost fully automated production of many types of structures exclude the influence human factor and minimized the number of possible errors and inaccuracies.

by the most modern views 3D milling and scanning to date are Procera and ZirkonZahn.

Manufacturing process

In a modern clinic, the manufacture of any product is carried out in several stages and, regardless of the high cost and manufacturability of the equipment used, requires certain time costs, especially these time losses are noticeable when assessing the time lost on Moscow traffic jams.
I like that due to the presence of our own dental laboratory, this time is significantly reduced, primarily due to closer communication between doctors and the laboratory, the absence of logistical inconveniences, accurate modeling and manufacturing of future crowns and veneers. It also speeds up the transfer of valuable diagnostic information from the attending dentist to the dental technician and back, which can sometimes take several days.
Any product, crown or veneer is created in the following sequence:

In every individual case production, these schematic stages are combined and modified in their own way, but the basic principle is this. In the manufacture of, for example, single veneers or single crowns in a young patient, such a large amount of preparation is not needed and the entire production process is much faster.
If you have your own dental laboratory, the above steps, even in the manufacture of the most complex models, often take 5-7 days, requiring the presence of the patient only when taking impressions, trying on and assessing the conformity of the crown base, and directly at the final fixation of the implant. The production of simpler products can take up to 3 days. To meet such a short deadline allows the presence of our own 3D milling production and our own dental laboratory at the clinic.

These periods are indicated for patients who do not have chronic inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, which lengthen the treatment time. It is also important to have enough healthy dentin of the tooth, and this is no less important than having a good volume bone tissue for the installation of implants. If the patient has chronic pathological processes, preventing the installation of permanent crowns or veneers, for example, untreated tooth canals, then the terms for completing treatment and handing over work can imperceptibly stretch for weeks.

Production time without own laboratory

If dentistry is not equipped with its own dental laboratory, then the production time for permanent prostheses, as a rule, is extended by 14 days or more. longest duration are the steps that require endless cycles of transporting the provisional or final prosthesis from the lab to the clinic, as well as the transfer of corrective data and the required color corrections and corrections to the shape of the veneer or crown.
Moreover, due to the possible inaccuracy of the transmitted data, it may be necessary to re-adjust the prosthesis, which will take a few more days. Thus, the duration of treatment, even without the presence of complications and contraindications to the production of a particular design, can stretch for 3-4 weeks.

Progress of modern technologies

Usage the latest technologies in the field of scanning impressions and digital layouts, computer processing of the received scans and the possibility of making any changes creates the conditions for the fastest and most accurate manufacturing of structures of any complexity, from veneers to full bridges and reconstructions of the entire jaw.


The modern scanners of PROCERA Nobel Biocare and ZIRKONZAHN used in our clinic have a number of unconditional advantages over other models:

  • These models can be used for the flawless design of abutments, crowns, veneers, copings and any other products in digital quality;
  • The technology of PROCERA and ZIRKONZAHN scanners in our own dental laboratory allows us to manufacture and manufacture high-precision products, work with materials such as zirconium dioxide, titanium, lithium disilicate, all kinds of high-strength plastics;
  • Scanning is performed not in one, but in three planes at different angles. This allows you to accurately recreate the computer model of the tooth or jaw as a whole;
  • The scanning technology is fully automated and uses the most advanced CAD/CAM methods to create digital 3D models;
  • One scan step is less than 0.01 mm, which eliminates any errors;
  • The created computer 3D model can be repeatedly corrected at any stage of production, taking into account all the structural features of the tissues of the oral cavity and the patient's dentition, his wishes and data. face bow;
  • The duration of one scan allows you to conduct up to 100 scans per day. similar procedures, which significantly reduces the duration of the production of veneers and allows you to achieve the required results in the shortest possible time and please the most demanding patients.

The combination of all these aspects allows you to achieve the most cosmetically and anatomically correct shape of any orthopedic product, reducing the risk of invisible errors, avoiding endless corrections of inconvenience and gum irritation after reinstalling a crown or veneer.

Important: In our clinic, we can make a prototype of the final version of the prosthesis before the start of treatment and demonstrate what the result will look like in the future. By trying on a digital prototype before starting treatment, we reduce treatment time and improve mutual understanding.
It is very important that the patient and the attending physician can see and agree in advance on the color, design, size and shape of veneers and metal-free crowns on implants before the start of the preparatory phase.

Milling cutters

ZIRKONZAHN milling cutters allow you to recreate the received data as accurately as possible, thanks to the transfer of data from a modern scanner and the reconstruction of a digital 3D model. Machines can process many kinds of materials, including zirconium, titanium, all kinds of plastics. They are used for the manufacture of both relatively small products, such as veneers or crowns, and when creating prostheses for several teeth or even the entire jaw. Multipoint routers are the ideal technology for total implant work.
Modern milling cutters work in 5 axes at the same time. This allows you to quickly and extremely accurately create structures of any size and degree of complexity that other machines are not able to handle. The speed of manufacturing prostheses is not inferior to the speed of scanning, which avoids possible delays during manufacture. Milling error is less than 5 µm. For comparison, the diameter of erythrocytes is 7-8 microns, which already exceeds the size of possible deviations.

Important: If there are changes in the bite, if functional diagnostics and there is asymmetry of the face associated with a long absence of chewing teeth, and there is also pathological abrasion teeth – without digital prototyping and treatment planning, you can easily miss important things, make mistakes in restoring the normal horizon and line of teeth closure.
If a single crown is made, all this is not necessary, the doctor can get by with the study of standard plaster models, digital safety net is not needed.

If you are working on more than three units of teeth or you plan to work with chewing group it's better not to risk it. Main Risk in the anatomy and geometry of the nasolabial triangle, which is very easy to spoil or permanently fix asymmetrical wrinkles from the wing of the nose to the corner of the mouth.
Many patients believe that this is the profile of the work of a cosmetologist, but this is not so, this nuance is easily corrected by an orthopedic dentist.

Milling cutters Sirona Cerec (Cerek) are very interesting in terms of price, but they have not been used in our clinic for several years due to the non-ideal and non-precision manufacturing process.

Sincerely, Levin D.V., Chief Physician

It takes a lot of knowledge, time and application to create a quality prosthetic restoration. modern technologies. We are well aware that only close cooperation technique with a doctor will create quality product. Therefore, in their work, the doctors of the Clinic involve a dental technician at the very beginning medical process, since any work, and even more complex, requires careful planning.

Wax modeling of future work will allow you to see the proposed restoration, demonstrate it to the patient, and hear all the wishes from the patient. The orthopedic doctor will also be able to correct the wax model by making desired changes which will be necessarily taken into account in the manufacture of a permanent work.

The laboratory uses digital images: a photo of the patient's face (in the anterior and lateral projection), a photo of the patient's smile, as well as the teeth themselves. It is important for us to see the type of the patient, the work of mimic muscles and features of a smile.

In the manufacture of single restorations, it is mandatory to use a photograph with a color scale, where we should see the color neighboring teeth, teeth of antagonists and symmetrical teeth on the opposite side.

It is important for technicians to get information (description, photo) from the doctor about the color of the stump part of the tooth (during discoloration, especially in resorcinated teeth or teeth restored with a metal post-stump insert). The color of the stump part must be taken into account when choosing a material for prosthetics and correct selection restoration colors.

In case of high complexity of coloring, directly in the dental chair, the doctor and technician will select the necessary orthopedic construction, color or finishing painting and glazing of the restoration.

We are very sensitive to the impressions we receive from clinics. We use impressions from A-silicones and polyesters. The registration of the occlusion must be made of high hardness A-silicone or occlusal wax. The use of a face bow when big works is mandatory. All prints in without fail processed in disinfectant solutions.

All types of orthopedic restorations, both removable and non-removable, are made in the laboratory.

We widely use metal-free technologies in our work. Both based on zirconium oxide and whole ceramic restorations. Of course, we work with metal-ceramic and solid-cast restorations (with different types alloys), including crowns and pin-stump inlays.

We can fabricate zirconia-based ceramic restorations for you using CAD\ CAM technologies. It is possible to produce zirconium from various manufacturers at your choice: LAVA, ORGANICAL, PROCERA.

If you have other preferences for the selection of zirconium oxide, we are ready to consider them.

You can order ceramic inlays, overlays from us, which will be made using the E-MAX (i-max) pressing method with further coloring. At your request, after pressing E-MAX (i-max), we can carry out the application of ceramic layers, which will give the restoration a more natural look.

In the anterior segment, where hyperesthetics is required, we offer the production of veneers and dental laminates. Aesthetic all-ceramic ceramic veneers will be made according to the pre-approved and agreed upon by the doctor-patient-technician. (method of pressing, pressing plus application, and layer-by-layer application on the refractory mass).

The lion's share of the work that the laboratory does is prosthetics on dental implants. Particular attention is paid to the manufacture of individual abutments, we can offer highly aesthetic zirconia individual abutments, all-titanium individual abutments and, of course, standard ones.

We offer various designs for temporary prosthetics, including temporary restorations on dental implants.

The laboratory manufactures individual impression trays, occlusal templates on a rigid base, mouth guards for disengaging occlusion, mouthguards for patients with bruxism, night and whitening mouthguards.

Works are plastered in the SAM (SAM) articulation system. Gypsum is used in the laboratory various types and classes, including low-shrink. Laboratory technicians will do their best to meet the requirements of each patient.

Many innovations in dentistry relate to prosthetics and the activities of dental laboratories. In Moscow, the manufacture of prostheses is given a big role in the work of dentistry - it is on them that the restoration of an elegant and attractive smile largely depends. Experienced Specialists and equipped dental laboratories can work wonders.

What to look for when choosing a dental clinic for prosthetics in Moscow?

In the creation of high-quality and reliable prostheses, an important place is given to the dental laboratory in which they are produced. For casting in dentistry, special rooms are prepared, designed to work with wax, metals, high-quality plastics and ceramics.

A gypsum room is also necessary, in which specialists create preliminary models. It will require equipment for plastic polymerization, a plaster table, a vibrating table, polishing equipment and many other required devices. Not all laboratories can afford to have a foundry that accurately and accurately produces prostheses. It houses casting and sandblasting machines, muffle furnaces, a vacuum mixer and other equipment.

Innovations in dentistry are an important step in the development of prosthetics

In search of a professional dental laboratory in Moscow, many future patients pay attention to our portal. We have collected the most actual prices on services, addresses of dental clinics and reviews of many patients who have already tried the procedures.

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