How to tune in to childbirth: positional gymnastics, the psychology of childbirth. Methods of preparation for childbirth. Psychological attitude before childbirth

Women in the period of expectation of a child are worried, because they do not know what is ahead of them. It is important for a mother to tune in to childbirth and not be afraid of the process, for this there are methods and techniques for a stable psychological state.

Reasons for fear and insecurity

Fear is heightened by hormonal adjustment organism future mother. To mentally tune in to childbirth, you need to find out the cause of the experience and get rid of it.

Why is a woman afraid of the upcoming delivery:

  1. pain;
  2. uncertainty;
  3. bad experience;
  4. body deterioration.

Pain sensations. It has been scientifically proven that the birth of a child causes pain that is compared to the breaking of twenty bones. In fact, at this moment, the body produces substances that anesthetize and reduce sensitivity.

The uncertainty of the future. The uncertainty of the process causes anxiety in women. The best solution in this case, read books written by experienced midwives. It is not recommended to visit forums, watch amateur delivery videos.

Negative experience. This kind of fear is associated with previous births. It must be understood that each birth process is different from the next. By analyzing the difficulties, it will be possible to avoid repeating bad experiences.

Changing the body and figure. Expectant mothers are afraid that after the birth of a baby, their body will not return to normal. former form. This fear is due to the fact that the skin is stretched, and the woman is gaining weight. Nature has laid down that the figure will gradually return to its original form.

Each type of fear has a history of occurrence, such as a friend's story, previous births or articles. The expectant mother is recommended to think positively, and if there are feelings, contact a psychologist. The right mindset will help you avoid negative consequences both during and after the birth of the child.

tune in

Psychologically, childbirth causes uncertainty and fear. Experiences due to the pain of the process and changes in the figure accompany the pregnant woman for nine months.

Psychologists have developed options for dealing with fears. Each method is aimed at ensuring that a woman goes to childbirth with positive mood. During pregnancy, it is important to learn to relax, to be distracted from negative situations.

How to psychologically prepare yourself for childbirth:

  • help of relatives;
  • physical activity;
  • literature and preparatory courses;
  • relaxing music;

Accept help from loved ones. Family support is important in psychological preparation. Discuss with your husband an upcoming event, attend courses together.

Physical readiness. Yoga and swimming for expectant mothers will help to tune in correctly for easy and successful childbirth. Exercises aimed at preparing muscles, breathing exercises, contribute to the painless birth of a baby.

Reading literature. Refuse to read negative reviews women on the forums. The solution is to study the literature written for pregnant women by experienced obstetricians.

Positive music. Favorite melodies are able to set a woman up for the upcoming process, to calm nervous system, relax. Music distracts from experiences.

Courses for young families. For expectant parents, there are special courses that teach not only about childbirth, but how to prepare for them. Young mothers will be taught to breathe correctly, to take comfortable postures during contractions.

Positive birth is the key to the birth healthy child. The expectant mother needs to take care of the preparation in advance so that the process does not deliver in a hurry negative emotions.

Causes of pain and ways to reduce it

The psyche is designed in such a way that if future mom pre-configured for pain during childbirth, then the sensitivity doubles. Proper preparation reduces discomfort, facilitates the process of the appearance of the baby.

The main causes of pain during labor activity:

  • contraction and distension of the uterus. During contractions, the pain appears at regular intervals, dull in sensation, passing from the loins to the sacrum;
  • pain during attempts is associated with the passage of the fetus through the birth canal. This pain is more localized, sharp.

Having studied in advance pain that will occur during childbirth, the woman will be able to cope with them. Breathing will help you relax nervous tension, grips with attempts will be easier.

Ways to reduce pain:

  1. natural;
  2. medical.

Natural. Saves during fights correct posture and breath. Walking, light dancing, massage work effectively. You need to breathe slowly, inhaling for 4 counts, and exhaling for 6. While trying, you need to strain your stomach and pull your head to your chest. During all labor activity, thoughts should be about the baby.

Medical. Anesthesia for women in labor is prescribed by an obstetrician. Drugs help reduce pain, relax muscles. Anesthesia helps to easily endure the discomfort that accompanies contractions and attempts.
The only main rule is positive attitude for childbirth without pain. Confidence and calmness will bring only joyful moments to the birth of a baby.

Preparation Methods

For nine months of waiting for a child, a pregnant woman will be able to set herself up for childbirth, even if it is very scary. This is facilitated by courses for future parents, gymnastics, massage and support for loved ones.

How to prepare for natural childbirth:

  • massage;
  • exercises;
  • breath;
  • medicines;
  • psychological preparation.

Massage. From the 20th week, you can begin to massage the perineum using oils for pregnant women. The procedure is carried out daily for 2 minutes. Massage is aimed at improving the elasticity of the walls of the cervix.

Exercises. Everything will be fine during childbirth if a woman prepares for the process during pregnancy. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the vagina, thereby avoiding tears during the birth of the fetus.

Breath. Proper breathing will help to transfer childbirth without fear and constraint. Exercises are recommended to be done daily for no more than 10 minutes using the technique of economical breathing: the duration of the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation.

Medicines. To accelerate the opening of the cervix, special gels are used. Stimulation improves labor activity, reduces the likelihood of prolonged delivery. In this case, the gels do not affect the fetus. To reduce pain, painkillers are used intravenously, by the method of epidural anesthesia and inhalation.

Psychological support. For mothers, there are courses that help prepare during pregnancy for the birth of a child. Most maternity hospitals offer partner births. Not only a husband can support a woman in labor, but also a mother or a close friend.

The right attitude, the help of relatives are important when a baby is born. During pregnancy, you need to move a lot, listen to positive music and read literature for expectant mothers.
Preparing for childbirth takes a woman nine months.

At this wonderful time, you should learn how to breathe correctly, choose a maternity hospital and prepare psychologically for the process. The pain at the birth of a baby is inherent in nature, but physiologically a woman is able to prepare for it.

For nine months, a woman is preparing for one of the main events of her life - the birth of a child. Although childbirth is a relatively short process, it takes a lot of time and effort to complete it. This is very important and difficult stage for a woman, after which her life changes radically. Despite the fact that childbirth is a natural process, it is necessary to prepare for it. The prenatal or prenatal period is considered to be last month pregnancy. At this time, the woman's body is already tuned in to childbirth, and the fetus is already fully formed and almost ready to leave the "house". Already a few weeks before giving birth, a woman changes in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Way of life before childbirth

For a good physical condition of a woman, so that the muscles are in, throughout the pregnancy it is necessary to do, which are included in the gymnastic complexes designed for women "in position". Very beneficial effect on physical condition lessons in the pool.

Of course, we really hope that if you smoked before pregnancy, then, having learned about the baby, you immediately gave up this nasty habit. If (and sometimes this happens!) No, then find strength in yourself. This is for both you and your baby. You must understand that smoking, like smoking, is incompatible with the birth of a healthy child.

Relax, take a walk fresh air, do gymnastics for pregnant women, read good books, - all this will provide you not only good pregnancy but also easy childbirth.

Health status before childbirth

It's no secret that a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her health. Before giving birth, check your health again. It does not hurt to visit a therapist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT doctor, a neuropathologist. Do not forget to go to the dentist, because bad teeth can become and cause complications in postpartum period. If you have a strong expression, go to vascular surgeon. The doctor will determine if the condition has worsened and if surgery is needed caesarean section. A month before the birth, doctors recommend to pass complete reorganization ancestral pathways. This is done to clean them up. pathogenic microflora. This is especially true if a woman has sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.). Such procedures are necessary in order to protect the baby during his passage through birth canal. Sanitation will also help protect the woman in labor from cracks in the vaginal mucosa, the occurrence of which is possible due to inflammation.

As for the gynecologist, starting from the 36th week, a woman in without fail should visit once a week. At the appointment, the doctor measures the size of the uterus, listens to the fetal heartbeat, determines its position.

Nutrition before childbirth

If a pregnant woman needs to monitor the quantity and quality of what she eats for all nine months, then on the eve of childbirth, this issue should generally be given Special attention.

A month before childbirth, nutrition does not change in favor of meat: its amount should be limited, and two to three weeks should be completely eliminated. It is also recommended to remove from the diet and others containing animal protein(fish, eggs, butter, milk). At the same time very helpful. dairy products, plant foods, cereals on the water, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water, herbal teas.

A week before the expected birth, cereals, bread, sour-milk products, salt should be excluded. The diet should be only plant foods. It is very important that at this time the body of a pregnant woman receives vegetable oil. Vitamin E contained in it helps to make both blood vessels and tissues of the birth canal more elastic. Besides, it's lovely.

On the day of childbirth, it is better not to eat anything at all, however, if contractions have begun, then it is unlikely that you will have an appetite. Moreover, during contractions, many experience nausea or vomiting, so an empty stomach, in this case, is very good.

Weight before childbirth

The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is from 9 to 13 kg. This figure includes the weight of the fetus, amniotic fluid, uterus, placenta, breast. Of course, everything is very individual, and an increase of 15 kg is not at all a problem. But you should be wary if the weight has increased by 20 or more kg. In this case, the doctor prescribes a diet for the woman. After all, a large increase in weight can significantly complicate the birth process.

An interesting fact: as a rule, before childbirth, approximately in the last two weeks, women experience a weight loss (on average, by 2 kg). Experts attribute this to the loss a large number liquids.

Sleep before childbirth

The closer the moment of childbirth, the more the pregnant woman tends to sleep. Thus, the body tries to sleep off and gain strength before a difficult physical work. That's why good sleep in the process of preparing for childbirth has a very great importance. At this time, you need to sleep as much as you want, but not less than 8-10 hours. Pregnant women should sleep in a well-ventilated room. It is possible even with an open window. It is important that a woman feels that she has rested and slept, because very soon she will hardly be able to soak up an extra couple of hours in bed.

Fear of childbirth

Fear occurs in a pregnant woman for all nine months. But than closer birth, topics stronger fear In front of them. A woman, especially a primipara, asks a number of questions: How will the birth go? Will it hurt? Will the child get hurt? How to avoid complications? These and many other questions do not allow a woman to sleep peacefully. The situation is significantly aggravated by the stories of "well-wishers" about the difficulties, complex personal experiences, labor pains, negative postpartum consequences, childbirth with lethal outcome. Believe me, this is not at all the information that a pregnant woman should be interested in when preparing to become a mother. If you haven't taken a pregnancy class yet, do so now. Many maternity schools offer prenatal crash courses. In these classes, a woman is explained a lot: the mechanism of childbirth, ways to relieve pain, teach breathing techniques. All this knowledge is very helpful during childbirth. Moreover, it is quite natural that more woman knows, the less afraid. If attending courses is not possible, help will come specialized literature, as well as Internet pages.

The most important thing that you must understand is that the fear of childbirth has a negative effect on the course of childbirth itself, holding down, squeezing the muscles, causing the tissues to lose their elasticity. All this leads to pain, cracks,. It turns out that the more a woman is afraid, the more she feels pain. Pain breeds fear - and so on in a circle. To break out of it, a pregnant woman needs to learn how to relax long before the birth, and when the time comes, calmly apply the acquired knowledge.

Psychological attitude before childbirth

The mood must be fighting. Of course, in best sense this word. We do not mean an aggressive pregnant woman, but one that is firmly convinced of a favorable outcome for both the baby and herself. A woman must understand that childbirth is a step towards her dear little man, who from now on will become for her the greatest treasure of the world. A pregnant woman must be sure that the birth will go well, because she loves her baby very much and is ready to do everything possible to help him be born healthy.

Harbingers of childbirth

As the day of childbirth approaches, certain signs may appear that indicate that childbirth will soon occur. For example, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, pressure is removed from the diaphragm and stomach, as the child sinks down. At the same time, it becomes a little more difficult to sit and walk. Before childbirth, urination also becomes more frequent (pressure on the bladder) and defecation (hormones of childbirth affect the intestines). There are pains in the lower back. The woman has an unexpected change of mood and state: she is either tired and passive, or energetic and “subversive”. Many can no longer wait for "it" to happen. 2-3 weeks before giving birth, the instinct of "nesting" is manifested in pregnant women. It is called so because a woman equips a “nest” - it is now very important for her to make her own home cozy. She is ready to spend hours cleaning, washing, cleaning, tinkering. All this, of course, is good. Only in moderation. Remember that it is contraindicated for you to overexert yourself now.

Naturally, one of the most obvious signs that labor is near is irregular uterine contractions. Thus, while exercising, the body prepares up to the “X” hour. One or two weeks, or even a few days before the birth, the woman leaves the mucous plug, which closes the cervical canal throughout the pregnancy. may be yellowish or slightly pinkish, or may be completely colorless. Sometimes a woman clearly sees that her cork has come off, and in some cases this happens imperceptibly. A woman who is expecting childbirth from day to day should know that her amniotic fluid can leave at any moment. It - clear sign that labor activity has begun. In this case, there is no time to waste. Urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital by car (naturally, as a passenger and not driving at all).

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

Every pregnant woman is looking forward to meeting her long-awaited treasure. Every day, the expectation of this moment becomes more and more unbearable, especially when the due date of childbirth has already approached, and childbirth still does not begin. When the gestational age has exceeded 40 weeks, many women begin to think about how to speed up childbirth.

First of all, it is worth asking the question whether there is a need to rush the birth or still wait for their natural onset.

A pregnancy lasting more than 40 weeks is considered post-term. The placenta at this time becomes overripe and unable to fully provide the baby the necessary conditions for normal life. The fetus at this time is threatened by hypoxia, which can lead to his death. In addition, the outcome of labor beyond 42 weeks may lead to birth trauma or fetal macrosomia (weighing more than 4 kg).

A pregnant woman should be alerted by a decrease in fetal movements, a decrease in the size of the abdomen, and weight loss. All these symptoms, even if they occur after 38 weeks, indicate oxygen starvation fetus. In this regard, there is a need urgent appeal for medical help.

In the conditions of the maternity hospital of a pregnant woman, examinations of the cervix and cardiotocography of the fetus are carried out. Based on the results of examinations, a decision is made to stimulate labor activity.

To prepare the uterus for dilatation stationary conditions prostaglandin hormones are used, which in the form of gels or suppositories are injected through the vagina into the cervix. These hormones are small quantities found in amniotic fluid and seminal fluid. Therefore, this method of labor stimulation has practically no contraindications.

After preparing the cervix, an amniotomy is performed. The procedure is to open amniotic sac for the discharge of amniotic fluid. After the discharge of water inside the uterus, the pressure decreases, and the head of the fetus rests against pelvic bones. This in many cases contributes to the onset of contractions.

If after three hours after the amniotomy labor activity does not begin, the hormone oxytocin is administered intravenously.

This hormone affects the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Dosing of oxytocin is very individual. Since the effect of the drug enhances pain, it is recommended to combine it with antispasmodics.

Contraindications to the use of oxytocin:

  • incorrect presentation of the fetus;
  • scars on the uterus;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Oxytocin has a number side effects: due to the high activity of the uterus, circulatory disorders and fetal hypoxia may occur. Therefore, this method requires constant and careful monitoring of the doctor.

If there are no indications for hospitalization of a pregnant woman, labor can be stimulated at home.

What should be done to speed up the onset of labor?


In the absence of contraindications at 40 weeks, a pregnant woman is recommended to have sex. How to speed up labor with sexual activity? The prostaglandins in semen can soften the cervix and stimulate its opening.

But during intercourse, the risk of placental abruption increases, threatening the loss of the fetus. In addition, when entering the vagina pathogenic microorganisms increased risk of intrauterine infections.

During stimulation of the nipples, the body of a pregnant woman produces oxytocin, a hormone responsible for uterine contractions. Light uterine contractions that have arisen during the massage can turn into real contractions. Obstetrician-gynecologists recommend expectant mothers to regularly massage the nipples, preparing them for feeding the baby, and starting from 38 weeks, this will help prepare for childbirth.

The work of the digestive system.

The active work of intestinal peristalsis also provokes the onset of contractions. Expectant mother throughout pregnancy, and even more so during the last weeks, you need to eat food rich in fiber for active bowel function. Vegetables, fruits, greens contain solid fibers and stimulate the intestines.

If a pregnant woman is worried frequent constipation, it is recommended to use a candle with glycerin or castor oil.

On the eve of the upcoming birth, it will be useful to make a cleansing enema. During this procedure, the muscles pelvic floor tense up.


It is important to move as actively as possible throughout pregnancy. Special breathing exercises, water aerobics, yoga for pregnant women, swimming will help.

At home, physical activity will help speed up childbirth. For example, cleaning, grocery shopping, playing with an older child, frequent walks in the fresh air.

Exercises on a large ball will speed up the onset of childbirth. Also, exercises on the fitball will help to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and prepare for the upcoming contractions.

The beginning of the contractions will help tilting forward, to the side, circular motions hips, squats.

Inflating balloons is one of the options breathing exercises increasing pressure on the uterus.


Highly effective tool aromatherapy is considered to stimulate labor. A few drops are added to the aroma lamp essential oils roses or jasmine. Pairs of these aromatic oils can cause uterine contractions.


Acupuncture is one of the Tibetan medicine, which has become increasingly popular modern people. A specialist with the help of a thin needle, having stimulated a certain point on the body, will be able to induce labor.


A warm bath will help speed up the onset of labor. This procedure has contraindications:

  • the water in the bath should not be more than 40? to prevent overheating of the body;
  • you can not take a bath after the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

Folk remedies:

  • decoction of raspberry leaves: provokes contractions;
  • pineapple: contains bromelain, which can soften the cervix;
  • castor oil stimulates intestinal motility and can cause uterine contractions;
  • have a similar effect: curry spice, fresh beetroot juice, parsley leaves.

Psychological mood.

The psychological state of a pregnant woman is directly related to the onset of labor. The constant concern of a woman with the question of how to speed up labor can cause reverse effect. Excitement and fear will affect the health of the expectant mother. Arises high blood pressure, cardiopalmus.

A child needs hormones of joy, not stress. A positive attitude will speed up the onset of labor better than anyone medicinal product.

The role of mental attitude during pregnancy and childbirth

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of a positive psychological attitude of a pregnant woman, because we all know that the mother's condition directly affects the baby. However, to what extent this happens is not always known, so it is important to assess the “scale” of the influence of the psychological component.

How does the mental state affect the child?

Since ancient times, it has been known that if a pregnant woman is a little nervous, the behavior of the baby in the womb changes: he calms down or, on the contrary, becomes restless and constantly pushes. This is due to the release of "stress" hormones in the mother's body - together with the blood they penetrate the baby's body and excite the nervous system that has not yet fully formed. At the same time, the child experiences a similar state, only to a slightly lesser extent.

The state of sadness is directly related to the lack of "hormones" of happiness, and if the expectant mother experiences a shortage of them, the baby is also in conditions of their shortage.

In addition, the mechanisms of action of nervous processes on contractility muscles. Excessive mental stress - stress, anger, fear - cause increased uterine contractions, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage on early dates and premature birth- in the third trimester. It is obvious that in this state the child cannot feel well.

Also mental processes negatively affect the health of the child indirectly - through a violation of the functions of the mother's organs. Depressed mood can cause a loss of appetite and, as a result, a lack nutrients in the body of the fetus. Stressful situation and a feeling of fear provoke a violation of the blood supply to the small pelvis, because in emergency cases, blood rushes to other vital important bodies. Increased arterial pressure, tremor, insomnia, disruption of the heart and blood vessels in the form of tachycardia, arrhythmias - this is an incomplete list of the consequences of negative emotions that equally affect the child. That is why it is important to remain calm throughout pregnancy, and pay special attention to your psychological state closer to childbirth - this will allow them to pass relatively easily.

Psychological preparation for childbirth

AT recent times Preparing for childbirth is being talked about more and more as there is growing awareness in the field. female body has all the necessary resources for physical training: by the end of pregnancy, the level of hormones changes, muscles and ligaments relax, even the composition of the blood undergoes certain changes. However, a woman's thoughts and feelings do not always "self-regulate" properly - on the contrary, as big day she may experience increasing anxiety and excitement.

It is known that the higher psychological readiness mothers, the less is the risk of complications of childbirth, which means that they are better, more natural, softer. A ready woman arrives at the maternity hospital on time, realizes the need to help the baby and is informed about how she can do it, she rationally spends her resources and saves her strength, listens carefully to the doctor and takes an active part in the birth of her dear little man. The better the birth went, the more pleasant consequences they leave: mothers are less likely to experience postpartum depression, have a stronger emotional connection with the baby, successfully establish breast-feeding, used to practice cohabitation in the postpartum ward, etc.

Therefore, it is important to prepare for childbirth psychologically, however, before starting preparations, it is necessary to assess the current degree of readiness for childbirth. natural process.

Psychologists distinguish three degrees of readiness:

1. Low. It is characterized by the following conditions:

  • strong excitement;
  • multiple fears associated with the birth process and postpartum recovery;
  • fears related to the health and condition of the child;
  • expectation of severe, excruciating pain;
  • poor awareness of the periods of childbirth;
  • lack of knowledge about methods of assistance during contractions, etc.

Such women in labor, as a rule, panic a lot, often ask for medical or surgical intervention, in childbirth they concentrate exclusively on painful sensations feel sorry for themselves. Unprepared women are more difficult to make contact with a doctor and accept his recommendations, refuse to cooperate, experience a range of negative emotions in relation to her husband, child, up to aggression and anger. It is not surprising that there are often cases of complications during childbirth - from the fear experienced, contractions can disappear at the very important point, muscle spasm occurs, which makes it difficult for the child to pass through the birth canal, there is a high risk of ruptures, since the woman in labor does not take into account the commands of the obstetrician.

2. Medium. It is characterized by the following conditions:

  • there is information about childbirth, but it is not systematized;
  • a generally positive attitude, but there is uncertainty;
  • theoretical knowledge is not supported by a practical base.

In this case, a woman may enter into labor positively, but, having experienced pain, lose her confidence and go astray. It is bad if this occurs towards the end of childbirth in the most crucial period - this is also fraught with complications. In general, this level of training presupposes knowledge, but they are not systematized and not supported by practical exercises - mastering the practice of breathing, etc., therefore, even knowing the algorithm of actions, in practice, a woman in labor can simply forget how to behave.

3. High. This level is characterized by:

  • perception of the birth of a child as a miracle, an expected and planned holiday;
  • a high degree of awareness about the periods of childbirth, the condition of the child at each stage, ways to help yourself, etc.;
  • bringing the acquired skills to automatism: breathing techniques, self-massage, taking pain-relieving postures;
  • cooperation with doctors and clear execution of midwife commands;
  • a positive attitude and perception of oneself as a helper to the child in his first and most difficult task.

A prepared woman positively enters into childbirth and maintains her mood until the very end, helping the child to be born. She doesn't focus on painful sensations and knows the techniques for relieving pain, experiences a tremendous emotional upsurge after the birth of a baby, even despite physical fatigue. The impressions of childbirth in such women are usually positive - they remember labor pain as relatively tolerant, they are less likely to suffer from emotional disorders later on.

So, after we have learned about the variety of degrees of preparation, it's time to determine how you can help yourself in preparing for childbirth, if necessary.

How to prepare for childbirth?

There are several aspects that are important to consider when developing high readiness for important process.

Physical readiness. At first glance, this stage is not related to the psychological mood, but it is the basis for the formation of a positive attitude! It is extremely important:

  • acceptance of changes in your body;
  • timely visit antenatal clinic and identification of the features of the course of pregnancy;
  • regular testing and health assessment.

It is the doctor conducting the pregnancy who determines the appropriateness of certain physical activity, and also recommends special exercises - for the development and strengthening of muscles, breathing training, the use of postures, self-massage. In this case good helper training courses for expectant mothers can also take place, attending them helps to bring the acquired skills to automatism, which means that they are unlikely to “fly out of their heads” already in the process of giving birth to a baby.

Information about the birth process. Here the woman's attitude to the natural process is directly connected. In cases where a woman has an idea of ​​childbirth as something good and joyful, special literature, documentaries, the stories of familiar mothers will only help to get correct information. If the attitude is ambiguous or sharply negative, the expectant mother will somehow find confirmation of her fears, strengthening them.

It is important to choose from the total amount of information good examples, and if there are already bad ones, start collecting data “from a clean page”. You should ask yourself the question: how can I influence the outcome of childbirth and prevent possible difficulties? And be sure to find the right information.

In order for everything to go perfectly, it is necessary to obtain the following knowledge from trusted sources:

  • how childbirth begins - harbingers, signs;
  • how many stages they consist of, what characterizes each of them;
  • what can and cannot be done in each of the periods;
  • how to improve your well-being and the condition of the child.

If after searching for information remain outstanding issues they should be asked to the doctor. It will help to determine the difference between training and real fights, talk about possible features the course of the birth process in each individual case.

Knowing what happens in childbirth in the body of mother and baby, you can reduce anxiety, make sure that everything is going as it should.

The emotional component of preparation. The stage is already directly psychological preparation, which includes several aspects:

a) it is important to gain confidence in a successful outcome by providing a complete "set" of the baby's nest. A lot of excitement is due to the fact that a woman feels unprepared to accept a child in the house, so you need to satisfy the nesting syndrome and make the room cozy and ready for her new little inhabitant.

c) relax. You can perceive the process of childbirth symbolically - try to imagine the opening of a flower, in the depths of which there is a beautiful sleeping baby. You can also use the fullness of your imagination using art therapy.

d) change settings. If a woman is frightened by the very word "birth", you can put it differently - the baby's birthday. If the fears associated with them are disturbing, it is better to concentrate on the positive aspects - getting to know the child, attaching to the chest, the joy of being together.

d) visit a psychologist. If a anxious thoughts do not leave, you need to contact a specialist - he will send psychological condition in the right direction and will allow you to correctly perceive your condition and future prospects.

Family help. Last on the list, but not the least important step is interaction with family members. The well-being of childbirth can be influenced not only by relationships with relatives and husband, but also by their attitude towards the appearance of the baby. The ability to share your feelings with loved ones is the basis of positive thinking. This is provided in several ways:

a) allow participation. No need to avoid asking for help, hide your bad feeling and bad thoughts from loved ones, it is important to talk about your experiences.

b) exclude communication with those who negatively affect the state. it last resort, but in some cases it is justified. Especially when a relative negatively perceives the news about the baby, sets the woman up for an unfavorable outcome, or obsessively talks about her negative experience.

c) joint birth. This method has many both supporters and opponents. It is necessary to weigh the pros and cons and make a joint decision with a loved one if his presence will help the woman in labor feel confident, and they both allow this scenario. By the way, they can be not only a spouse, but also a mother, sister, close friend, mother-in-law, etc.

Summarizing the above, we can safely say that the 4 components of psychological preparation have something in common with each other and form a common integral readiness for the most important process and the upcoming global life changes.

The article was prepared by psychologist Poltoranina Margarita Vladimirovna

It is very important for a pregnant woman that before giving birth she has good mood and there was no feeling of anxiety or fear. Changes in mood at 38 weeks of gestation are quite common, so it is important to take care of emotional state in advance.

First of all, you need to make sure that the delivery is taken by a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist, whom the expectant mother absolutely trusts. Despite this, the doctor only helps the woman, and she does all the main work in labor. Therefore, the mood of a pregnant woman before childbirth should be positive. At this time, she must tune in to the fact that she will successfully overcome this test, which nature itself laid in a woman. The mood of a woman is no less important than the attentiveness and competence of doctors.

If the expectant mother is observant, she may notice that after each anxiety state or experiencing negative emotions, the baby behaves restlessly and pushes the mother in the tummy. This is a consequence of stress - catelochamin hormones disturb the baby and do not allow him to calm down. Do not disturb the baby in the last stages of pregnancy and concentrate on negative thoughts.

The change in mood before childbirth is caused by the following reasons:

Changes in the body hormonal level- rapid rise in estrogen and progesterone;
changes in habitual lifestyle;
unwanted pregnancy;
deviations prenatal development fetus, complications of pregnancy, hospitalization of the expectant mother.

Sometimes childbirth does not go as doctors predicted, but difficult situations rarely occur. Therefore, you should not bring yourself to depression and tears before childbirth, imagining emergency cases. You need to trust the knowledge of obstetricians and rely on your own strength. It is best to imagine that the birth was easy and that everything is fine with mom and baby.

In partnership childbirth, when a husband, mother or other close person will be present when the baby is born, talk heart to heart with this person. Let him know how you want to feel his support and what you expect from him during and after childbirth.

In advance, you should not worry about the health of the child. Sometimes Bad mood before childbirth due to poor test results. The expectant mother needs to convince herself that the problems that have arisen will not become a reason for sadness and will not overshadow the day when the baby was born. The task of the mother is to help the baby overcome stress. The newborn will immediately feel any excitement of the mother, so she should be calm and balanced.

In the case when the mood changes before childbirth, meditation helps a lot. Two to three weeks before giving birth, you need to perform simple movements, meditate, and conduct auto-training. Thanks to this, the psychological state of the pregnant woman before childbirth will improve. She will be filled with strength and energy, so necessary for labor activity. For a meditation session, it is important to choose the right music that will give confidence and positive emotions. If you listen to songs, then they should be positive, not sad. The best option are classics, melodic romances, lullabies and children's songs.

If the mother-to-be attends a maternity school class, you can ask the trainer to dedicate one session to the topic of relaxation. Special exercises will help relieve tension and stress before childbirth, and during labor - relax, relax between contractions.

The emotional state before childbirth is normalized by regular walks in the fresh air and light physical education for pregnant women. Even before childbirth, you need to walk and lead active image life. this will make it easier to give birth.

The mood on the day of birth should be positive. A pregnant woman should listen to her every feeling and tune in to a long-awaited meeting with her beloved baby. The expectant mother should pay maximum attention to communicating with the child, because he hears and feels her.

To cope with the different emotions that overcome a pregnant woman at 9 months, experts have developed the following recommendations.
The expectant mother must part with anxieties and fears before giving birth, and tune in to a joyful and happy meeting with her baby!
Top 9 rules to cheer up before childbirth

Psychologists have developed basic rules that will help you have a good mood before childbirth.

1. Emotional imbalance is normal phenomenon for pregnant women. It is important to realize that mood swings before childbirth are temporary. After a short period of time, everything will end, and the emotional mood will be stable, and a newborn baby will make her experience positive emotions.

2. Reading the correct literature contributes to the correct perception of changes, as in physical relationship as well as emotionally. Therefore, having correctly selected books on pregnancy and newborn care, a woman receives positive experience and does not worry about trifles.

3. Proper nutrition and optimal mode day allows a pregnant woman not only to maintain good health but also take care of your health and the health of your baby.

4. Active communication with loved ones and maintaining friendly relations with the medical staff will allow you to get rid of fears and worries.

5. It is necessary to prioritize work in such a way as to give yourself the opportunity to rest more, because pregnancy can cause more fatigue, a decrease in energy.

6. Find yourself a hobby or define pleasant things that will help you get the most positive emotions.

7. Try to restrain yourself when emotions come up: analyze everything, and only then make an adequate decision.

8. Feel free to seek professional help from a doctor or psychologist when things start to get out of hand.

9. Communicate with your child, listen to him and his "wishes", because you are constantly in inseparable connection and love.
Love yourself and your baby! And then a good mood and healthy child you are guaranteed!

More materials - what can a child at 3 months

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