From what month do they give mashed potatoes. Three signs that the tubers are good. Baby potato dishes

Young inexperienced mothers are very worried when it comes time to give the baby complementary foods. Food should be healthy and of high quality, because the taste preferences of the child in the future depend on this. Although mother's milk is the best food for babies, in some situations it is replaced by formulas. From solid food, mashed potatoes are very useful for babies. It is soft and delicious.

Potato dishes are liked by both children and parents. Not surprisingly, many kids start using it at a very early age. Potatoes are available and easy to buy or grow locally. But it is important for a young mother to know how many months this complementary food can be given to a child. It is also important to properly cook potatoes, choose only fresh young fruits. Otherwise, an allergy may occur.

Positive properties of potatoes. Why is this product recommended for young children?

  1. Influence on the digestive and nervous system. The root crop is rich in iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus. Potatoes contain vitamins and minerals that are useful and necessary for a growing body. To save them, you need to properly prepare the product.
  1. Pleasant taste. Potatoes are never too salty or too sweet. The taste of mashed potatoes is unobtrusive, light, which children like so much. Such complementary foods are suitable for a nursing baby: it does not cause irritation. Mashed potatoes are best, but baked potatoes are also suitable.

There are also disadvantages. They can be avoided by choosing good fruits and monitoring the reaction of the child.

  1. Allergies may occur because the tubers are rich in starch. Therefore, the reaction of children must be monitored: this is especially true for the first complementary foods. Giving and preparing mashed potatoes for babies should be done carefully. If the baby becomes ill, nausea, vomiting, weakness appear, complementary foods should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted. Allergies in infants are more difficult, the help of a doctor is always required.
  1. Only light young fruits without specks are suitable for feeding. Green spots are dangerous: they can poison the baby with solanine. Mom should carefully choose potatoes to prepare complementary foods. Tubers grown on their own plot are useful, but they also need to be inspected: they can be damaged by worms.


At what age (in months) can you give your baby mashed potatoes? How old should the baby be? What is the best way to do this and how to make puree? At what age can you safely introduce it into the diet? These questions concern inexperienced mothers. There is a general opinion, but it is better to consult a doctor, since all cases are individual.

Babies who received only breast milk, potatoes are introduced into complementary foods from 6 months. If the baby is artificially fed, the first complementary foods can be started at 5 months, but it is better not to rush and wait up to six months.

Together with this product, other vegetables can be added to complementary foods: zucchini, cabbage. But this must be done carefully: allergies in babies at 6 months occur due to the wrong combination of products. It is better to consult about everything with a pediatrician. You should also carefully monitor the reaction of the child: his condition, mood, stool.

Some doctors say that it is necessary to introduce potatoes into complementary foods after fermented milk products and cereals. The baby's digestive system will get used to mashed dishes, so it will be easier to digest the vegetable. You can first prepare a decoction, and only then move on to mashed potatoes. Thus, it will be possible to avoid eating disorders, there will be no allergies.

How to enter into the diet

How many months old should a baby be? To give a baby from 6 months a new dish should be carefully and gradually. You can first just give it a sniff, and then treat it with a teaspoon of mashed potatoes. If the baby reacted normally, the next time you can increase the portion. The child should have a good chair, there should be no discomfort. Therefore, after the first feeding, you need to wait for some time.

If the mother noticed bad signs in the mood or condition of the child, complementary foods should be postponed. Maybe mom just couldn't cook potatoes properly. When a baby develops an allergy, you should postpone such feeding or even consult a doctor.

Definitely do not give mashed potatoes before 5 months. At this age, the baby's body is not yet accustomed to such food. Experienced mothers advise mixing breast milk with mashed potatoes first. So it will be easier to digest.

How to choose

If an adult can eat any tubers, then with baby food everything is different. To give a baby at 6 months of complementary foods you need dishes made from young potatoes. Vegetables should be small and juicy. There should be no damage, stains, plaque. It is strictly forbidden to use and mash tubers damaged by insects.

Tubers from your own garden are most suitable. Buy store-bought with caution: they often add chemicals for growth and storage. Potatoes grown in their garden are more useful, especially for a child.

There are also food banks. When a mother cannot determine the quality of a purchased product, you can also buy a canned one. For very young children, you can prepare a one-component puree that does not contain salt, cream, sugar, or additives.

When a mother decides to make her own puree and give it to her baby, she should not add anything other than water to the dish. Potatoes and plain water are the best ingredients for baby food. This may be the first complementary food. The recipe according to which the potato tubers were prepared is also important. They only need to be baked or boiled.

What recipe to use to make the most delicious and healthy puree? There are only two of them: bake and cook. Already prepared vegetables are crushed to the smallest state. Then add a little milk, preferably breast milk. This recipe is great for babies: tasty and satisfying.

There is a recipe for those who are artificially fed: with the addition of infant formula. There is also a recipe with vegetable oil and cow's milk. But he will not fit in the first complementary foods: it is better to give it to children a little older. And for the first time, it is better to use a recipe with breast milk.

Grind potatoes as finely as possible. The mixture should not be very liquid, but solid pieces should not come across. It is better to dilute the puree with mother's milk, and gradually transfer the child to cow's milk, otherwise an allergy will occur.

  1. Many mothers strive to preserve vitamins and often do not even finish cooking potatoes. It is undesirable to give such a dish to a child at 6 months of complementary foods: it may not only occur allergy, but poisoning will occur. It is necessary to soak the tubers before cooking in cold water. Some vitamins will be lost, but starch can't hurt. How much to cook? Better down.
  1. The first feeding with mashed potatoes occurs without salt and sugar. There should be only water and potatoes. The recipe with a salted dish is suitable for older children.
  1. There is no need to abuse such dishes. Potatoes are healthy, have a pleasant taste, but contain starch: this substance can be harmful. You can give puree to the baby 2-3 times a week, but not more often. Otherwise, an allergy will occur.
  1. You need to cook and give meals to the baby right away. Even if it has stood in the refrigerator, the beneficial properties are lost, and the taste changes. They give the baby only a fresh dish that mom has just cooked.
  1. It is better to grind the potatoes yourself, and not in a blender. The latter forms gluten.
  1. It is recommended to cook potatoes in their skins, not peeled. Then the skin is removed, and the tubers are crushed. It can also be steamed.

“In Russia, without potatoes, it’s like a holiday without an accordion,” people say. An earthen apple has taken root on our table. This is an inexpensive vegetable that quickly saturates the body. It rarely provokes allergies, is rich in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C, which is why it appears on the baby’s menu in the first year of life. But potatoes also raise a number of concerns: there are disputes about the timing of complementary foods, negative reactions, and even how to properly prepare mashed potatoes for babies.

Potatoes are mainly composed of carbohydrates, therefore they are the most high-calorie of vegetables. Overweight people are advised to limit this product. But if there are no problems with weight, then the vegetable must be included in the diet.

Potato normalizes water balance, improves metabolism and removes toxins from the body. The product contains 11 types of vitamins. It contains a record amount of potassium, which normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

About the benefits of potato dishes

There are a number of reasons why you should not refuse a children's potato menu. In the first place is hypoallergenicity: cases of allergy to potatoes in a child are rare. If such a reaction occurs, then most often it is caused by the starch contained in the potato. Then it is recommended to soak the vegetable before cooking. What else is a potato good for a baby?

  • Powerful energy drink. A portion of children's mashed potatoes "covers" 1/10 of the growing body's need for energy.
  • Available source of nutrients. Potatoes are available all year round. Its price is not very affordable, but at the same time, one serving of the product contains a fifth of the daily dose of minerals needed by the baby. If the potato is young, then with it the child will immediately receive half of the prescribed norm of ascorbic acid, which strengthens and is a strong antioxidant. The same amount will be given by potatoes and routine, which strengthens capillaries and increases the body's resistance to infections. And the microelement selenium, which potatoes, unlike many vegetables, can boast of, will help to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Helper for the digestive tract. Due to the high content of fiber and minerals, potatoes are able to cleanse the body of toxic substances, stimulate the intestines and stomach. When using this vegetable, the risk of reproduction in the gastrointestinal tract is reduced.
  • Protein supplier. Potato protein is similar to animal proteins and contains the amino acids necessary for the formation of protein in the human body and the construction of cells.

Potatoes also contain folic acid, which is important for the formation of the central nervous system and brain development. And potato starch lowers cholesterol levels.

Product composition in the table

The table below shows an analysis of the main composition of potatoes, how many useful substances are contained in 100 grams of a peeled product.

Table - Chemical composition of potatoes

SubstanceQuantity per 100 g
The nutritional value
Squirrels2 g
Fats0.4 g
Carbohydrates16.3 g
Macro- and microelements
Calcium10 mg
Magnesium23 mg
Sodium5 mg
Potassium568 mg
Phosphorus58 mg
Chlorine58 mg
Sulfur32 mg
Iron0.9 mg
Zinc0.36 mg
Iodine5 mcg
Copper140 mcg
Manganese0.17 mcg
Selenium0.3 µg
Chromium10 mcg
Fluorine30 mcg
PP1.8 mg
beta carotene0.02 mg
BUT3 mcg
IN 10.12 mg
IN 20.07 mg
B50.03 mg
B60.3 mg
B9 (folic acid)8 mcg
FROM20 mg
E0.1 mg
H0.1 µg

Vegetable as medicine

Potatoes, juice and decoctions based on it are used in traditional medicine recipes. In what cases can a vegetable show healing properties?

  • Diseases of the digestive system. Potato juice, boiled vegetables or potatoes from the oven can be prescribed for ulcers, gastritis, liver problems. The product in these cases is able to relieve inflammation and create a protective shell.
  • kidney disease. Due to the high content of potassium, potatoes help to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Bronchitis, colds. By inhaling potato vapors through an inhaler, you can recharge your body with natural antiseptics. And by attaching hot tubers to the nose or chest, you will improve the blood circulation of the affected organs.
  • Headache . Juice squeezed from potatoes has an antispasmodic effect.
  • Burns. Grated raw potatoes, applied to the affected areas of the skin, contribute to the healing of wounds in case of thermal injuries.

When potatoes are poison

However, in some cases, potatoes can really have a negative impact on the child's body. This is due to a large amount of carbohydrates, a variety of substances in the composition and the ability of the product to change properties depending on the timing and storage conditions. What are the most common risks?

  • . Over time, the substance solanine is formed in the potato - a poisonous alkaloid that can destroy red blood cells and the nervous system. An overdose is deadly to humans. A clear sign of the presence of this toxin is the green tint of the product. Solanine accumulates under the skin and in the sprouts, so it is strictly forbidden to give old, sprouted potatoes to children.
  • . There are cases when, when potatoes are introduced into the baby, it begins to experience difficulty with defecation. Starch, contained in large quantities in the product, is able to suppress intestinal motility. To avoid this effect, the vegetable should be added to the menu after the child has mastered foods that stimulate the process of excretion of food.
  • Overweight . Due to the high calorie content of the product, if you eat a lot of it and constantly, it can cause rapid weight gain. Therefore, pediatricians recommend a menu with a limited content of potatoes for obese children.

A vegetable is definitely useful, but if it is incorrectly introduced into complementary foods and overeating, it can give an unjustified burden on the child's body. So from how many months will its appearance in the diet be appropriate? Pediatricians recommend starting a baby's acquaintance with potatoes no earlier than six months.

When to introduce complementary foods

The time when it is possible to introduce potatoes into complementary foods without health risk comes after the child has tried and. Moreover, potatoes should not be the first of the vegetables on the crumbs table. First recommend , onions. It turns out that artisans come to potatoes faster - approximately to. But children who eat will receive the first half-spoon of mashed potatoes a month and a half later.

Usually, potatoes and other vegetables are given to children at feeding time, which is close to 2:00 pm. In the first weeks it is better to prepare fresh puree before each meal, the product for older children should be stored in the refrigerator for two days. The volume of the daily portion by the year is brought to 130-150 g.

Three signs that tubers are good

It is good if the baby eats potatoes from his garden. Then you know exactly what was fertilized and how the fruits were processed. If this is not possible, then consider a few tips when buying vegetables in the market or in the supermarket. There are three signs by which you can visually determine the quality of potatoes.

  1. Color . The fruits should be uniform in color, without spots and green patches.
  2. The size . Too large potatoes should alert you. For a child, it is better to take a vegetable of small and medium sizes, imperfectly shaped, but without sprouts.
  3. Wateriness. The presence of watery secretions is a sign that the tubers have been treated with nitrates. Choose any potato from the box and ask the seller to cut it. This will allow you to assess the internal state of the fetus and, by pressing, determine the amount of moisture.

It is better to purchase potatoes grown in your area. Tell the seller directly that you need a vegetable to feed your baby. As a rule, in this case, conscience prevails over the desire for profit, and a really normal product is advised.

Cooking features

If potatoes appear on an adult table in a fried form or with the addition of butter, then when preparing it for children, such culinary turns are strictly taboo. At the beginning of weaning, pediatricians recommend a static and simple recipe for mashed potatoes for babies.

So, potatoes should be peeled from the "uniform" and boiled without salt in a steam bath. The finished vegetable is chopped with a blender. Very often, children do not like the taste of this fruit at first, so to "sweeten the pill" in the puree, you can add breast milk or formula, as well as a few drops of refined vegetable oil. Salting potatoes and other unsweetened dishes, as a rule, begins after 10-12 months.

Other recipe

But the reviews and experience of experienced mothers open up other options for cooking potatoes for the baby. Parents of allergy-prone children must soak the vegetable in water before cooking to get rid of starch. Some pre-grated potatoes, squeeze out excess moisture and only then subjected to heat treatment, for example, in a slow cooker.

More daring parents give potatoes in combination with other vegetables and even meat, after the appearance of the latter in the child's menu. At the same time, a number of nutritionists do not recommend potatoes as a side dish for meat products: the combination of these dishes puts a strain on the stomach and contributes to the formation of "bad" fat.

Cooking rules

Whatever method of cooking potatoes you choose, you should follow the general rules for processing tubers before cooking.

  • The washing up . Before peeling, potatoes should always be pre-washed under running water. Where it comes to feeding a child, there should be no dirt.
  • Removing the peel. In old potatoes, the layer you cut off when peeling should be thick. Do not spare the product - here it is important to exclude even the slightest possibility of harmful substances that may be contained under the skin getting into the baby's plate.
  • Cooking. Good potatoes are cooked no more than 20 minutes. You need to lower the vegetable into boiling water.

The older the child becomes, the more potato dishes can be offered to him. Steam potato pancakes, pancakes, boiled with herbs and baked potatoes, mashed soups, dumplings. The ban on the use of a fried product remains at least until the age of three. French fries and chips are generally beyond discussion.

At what age and how to introduce potatoes into complementary foods specifically for your baby, of course, the observing pediatrician should say. If the baby is healthy, this is likely to happen around the equator of the first year of life. After adapting to a new product, you do not need to feed your child with a pound for joy. Ask your doctor about how many vegetables will be good for you. Depending on the rate of weight gain of the crumbs and its physiological characteristics, the doctor will recommend suitable dosages and food combinations.


Delicate and beloved mashed potatoes, the child will sooner or later fall in love. It is important to serve it according to all the rules, and then this complementary food, and later a side dish, will win his love.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods from potatoes

According to many pediatricians, potatoes should be introduced into the child's diet only after he has tried broccoli and zucchini. It is desirable that this happens no earlier than six months. If this is done earlier, the digestive system will not be ready to accept heavy starch.

Dr. Komarovsky advises to start later, from about 8 months of age, when the child already has at least one tooth. In this case, it is necessary to give not immediately mashed potatoes, but a decoction, and only after that, potatoes should be introduced as part of vegetable soups and mashed potatoes.

For the first time, it is enough to give a taste of half a teaspoon. After that, you need to follow the reaction of the body for several days. If there is no rash, allergy, stool changes, etc., the child feels well, then you can gradually increase the portion.

Give mashed potatoes and other potato dishes should be no more than three times a week. These conditions are dictated by the same starch, which is digested by the stomach for quite a long time. Each time you need to prepare a new puree, because in just a few hours all the useful components are lost, and when reheated, they disappear completely.

During the first feeding, you do not need to add anything to the dish. This applies especially to salt. Later, some mothers begin to add sunflower or butter, as well as breast milk. This increases the nutritional value and slightly improves the taste.

If the child refuses to eat, it is not necessary to force him. He may not like the taste of the root vegetable. It is enough to try later to add it to another vegetable puree.

If the child eats with pleasure, then it's really a matter of taste. If he refuses again, it may be worthwhile to abandon this product for a while. With age, the child himself will let you know when you can try again.

How to choose potatoes for mashed baby

Farm products are of the best quality, although sometimes they are more difficult to get and the price is slightly higher than in the store. But the homemade root crop will not have any chemical additives, and this is very important for the child.

When buying a root crop, you should pay attention to the standard signs of poor quality: a huge number of "eyes", cracks, putrid smell, softness, wrinkled peel, etc. It is also important to take into account seasonality: young potatoes appear quite quickly in spring. When there is already quite a lot of it on the market, it is worth using just such a vegetable, and not last year's.

Correct recipe (monopure)

This puree can be prepared for children from 5-6 months. For the first time, it is enough to give literally 2 g per sample.

How to make mashed potatoes for babies:

Recipe for mashed potatoes with vegetables

It will take 35 minutes to prepare.

How many calories - 78.

How to cook:

  1. This dish can be served to children from 8 months of age. If the child has already tried zucchini, you can also add it here, quite a bit.
  2. Remove the skin from both potatoes and carrots. Thoroughly wash the roots.
  3. Cut into several pieces and place in a saucepan, pour water, put on fire and boil.
  4. Place the cooked foods in a blender, adding quite a bit of olive oil here, smash until smooth. This can also be done with an immersion blender.
  5. Cool slightly, then you can start feeding.

Baby mashed potatoes with meat

It will take 45 minutes to prepare.

How many calories - 104.

How to cook:

  1. The dish can be given to a child from 8 months.
  2. Meat (veal, turkey, rabbit) must be slaughtered in a blender or scrolled twice through a meat grinder. From the resulting mass, roll two or three balls, that is, make meatballs, and then boil or steam them.
  3. Peeled root vegetables should be washed, then cut into cubes and steamed. To do this, it is not necessary to have a double boiler, you can use a regular basket over boiling water.
  4. Smash the vegetables in a blender into a pulp. If the child still does not know how to chew, then the meatballs need to be killed along with the vegetables.
  5. Salt the resulting mass a little, add a drop of melted butter to it, mix, let it cool slightly, and then you can start feeding.

How to cook with fish

It will take 50 minutes to prepare.

How many calories - 82.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the leek, remove all its hard fibers. To do this, it is enough to break the stem in half with your hands. Those fibers that do not break, but remain hanging, need to be removed. Cut everything else into rings.
  2. Cut the peeled potatoes into several slices.
  3. Fish steak or its tail is also cut into small pieces.
  4. All these ingredients should be placed on the steaming basket or in the steamer itself. You don't need to cook separately.
  5. Steam until fully cooked, and then transfer to a blender. Add a couple of drops of sunflower oil here and beat everything together.
  6. The resulting, slightly cooled puree, you can start feeding.

Cooking option with breast milk

It will take 40 minutes to prepare.

How many calories - 86.

How to cook:

  1. Peel potatoes, then boil in a small amount of water or steam. To speed up the process, you can cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Place in a blender and blend into a paste.
  3. Warm breast milk in a saucepan, transfer to a blender and beat again.
  4. Place the resulting mixture in a bowl, add a little butter, mix.
  5. When the dish has cooled down a bit, serve.

Also, some mothers prefer not to cook, but to bake foods. This is easiest done in foil in the oven. In this case, the peel is also not removed immediately. The fruit needs to cool, only after that the peel can be easily removed. Such potatoes have their own special taste, so often no additives are needed. Only a little breast milk or other liquid is needed when mashing so that it does not turn out too dry.

If you don't have a blender, don't worry. It will take a little more time to cook the dish with the help of a pusher. This must be done with high quality, otherwise the child will not be able to chew the lumps, they can get stuck in the digestive tract or cause constipation.

To avoid this, potatoes can be rubbed through a sieve with a spoon, and then any additive can be added here.

Not only butter and mother's milk can be added. To dilute the puree and add extra flavor, you can use a little milk mixture, as well as allowed fruit juices or vegetable broths.

It is worth remembering that such experiments can only be started from the age of 8 months, and they must also be given in very small portions. This will protect the child from allergies.

In order for excess starch to come out of the root crop, it is soaked. Small fruits require several minutes. The water becomes cloudy and turns white. Larger fruits need to be soaked for two to three hours.

Regardless of whether you have a baby, or a child who does not take milk from the very beginning, you must engage in a variety of his nutrition. However, at such a young age, this must be done as carefully as possible. Therefore, next we will find out Can a 5 month old baby eat mashed potatoes?, in what proportions and how to give it correctly.

If you feed your baby with mother's milk, doctors assure all mothers that in this case it is better not to rush. Since it is believed that the most optimal period to start complementary foods is exactly 6 months, and not earlier.

As for children who stopped eating mother's milk from the very beginning, their diet is completely different, and in some cases mashed potatoes can be given as early as 5 months. Therefore, consider both options for starting nutrition.

Is it possible for a 5 month old baby to have mashed potatoes if he does not drink milk from the very beginning.

There is such a problem when the child simply did not take milk and in the future refuses any mixtures. Often, mothers in this case immediately switch to a different diet. The key point that mothers should know in this case is that complementary foods occur in the following sequence: first there are cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn) - these are industrial cereals for children, to which you just need to add boiled water and dilute. After some time, usually from 2-3 months, you can begin to move carefully to vegetable puree mixtures. And if you have been feeding your child stably with mashed vegetable mixtures for 2 months, then in this case you can smoothly switch to mashed potatoes at 5 months. Naturally, it is also correct to do this in small doses.

Is it possible for a 5 month old baby to have mashed potatoes if he is a baby?

A baby who eats mother's milk is recommended to start the complementary feeding procedure, starting at 6 months. However, if you want to wean the baby from the breast as soon as possible (which pediatricians do not recommend), then in this case it is recommended to give cereals at 4 months, from 4.5-5 months you can start adding vegetable puree, and by 6 months add mashed potatoes.

Nevertheless, despite the fact that many mothers tried to feed a child even at 3-4 months of age, although they still had milk, this is not a completely justified practice, which can then lead to improper development of the child's digestive system. Therefore, we and the doctors agree that it is better not to rush in this case.

In custody.

Remember that starting complementary foods with mashed potatoes is strongly discouraged. Since the baby's digestive system can simply be disturbed due to the transition from breast milk to heavy potatoes. Complementary foods should be carried out gradually in a strict sequence. Be careful with your child's body. In this case, it is better to wait out the feeding period than to start too early. And then listen to what the leading pediatrician Komarovsky says about this:

The introduction of new foods into a child's diet should be consistent. For each vegetable, there is a certain time when the digestive system will be ready to accept it. Mashed potatoes for babies are one of the first to be added to the menu. Its preparation does not require much time. But in order for the dish to be as healthy and safe as possible, you need to know a few simple recommendations. It is important to choose and process the root crop correctly, as well as determine the method of cooking.

The benefits and harms of potatoes

Potatoes contain a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. As a result, dishes from it are high in calories and difficult to digest. That is why it is not recommended to give your child mashed potatoes too early.

The benefits of this product are due to the content of organic acids, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B6. All these elements are necessary for the baby to grow and develop. The root crop contains fiber in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

When weighing the pros and cons, it should be borne in mind that properly prepared mashed potatoes for babies will not only be useful, but will also please him in taste and texture.

When to introduce a dish into the diet

First of all, it should be noted that mashed potatoes can be given to a child only if he has already "tried" more easily digestible vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin.

From what age you can give a dish to a baby depends on the main type of feeding:

  1. You can introduce mashed potatoes into the diet of an artificial child no earlier than 5 months.
  2. For breastfed babies, the minimum age increases to 6 months.

There is no need to rush. You can wait up to 7-8 months, especially if the baby has frequent constipation and digestive problems.

You need to start with one or two teaspoons a day, watching the reaction. If the baby has allergies or stool retention, it is worth giving up potatoes for a while. This is not a very valuable product in terms of the content of nutrients, so its absence will not have any effect on the health of the baby. The child will be able to get the necessary vitamins from other vegetables, which must be present in his diet after 6 months.

If, after the first feeding with mashed potatoes, no problems arose, you can continue to give it to your baby. But it is advisable to cook such a high-calorie dish for a child no more than 1-2 times a week.

The root vegetable can contribute to weight gain when it is lacking. In this case, you can cook mashed potatoes for babies a little more often. However, it is important not to overdo it so as not to provoke problems in the digestive system.

How to choose potatoes

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right vegetables. It is best to take medium-sized smooth new potatoes. Tubers should not have the following features:

  • putrid areas;
  • green peel;
  • cuts and other damage;
  • "eyes" in large numbers;
  • too large.

It is advisable to use potatoes from your garden: purchased ones may contain a lot of nitrates and other harmful substances. The vegetable will bring less harm and more benefit in the autumn and winter periods.

In the spring, it is recommended to use potatoes for babies as little as possible - at this time, the concentration of the toxic substance solanine increases in the peel due to long storage.

First food

How to make mashed potatoes for baby? The usual dish that many cook for every day will not work. There are some features that you need to know in order not to harm a growing organism that has not yet been fully formed.

It is necessary to prepare food for infants immediately before feeding. During storage, the beneficial properties of products are lost and harmful microorganisms develop. The baby's body is not yet able to fight bacteria, unlike adults.

To prepare mashed potatoes, potatoes can be boiled in their skins or peeled. The peel contains many nutrients. Therefore, you need to cut off a thin layer, as close to the surface as possible. The peeled vegetable is cut into cubes and poured with cold water for a day. This will get rid of excess starch and nitrates. Then the water is drained and the potatoes are washed.

The rest of the recipe is quite simple. The prepared product is laid out in a saucepan and poured with clean water so that the potatoes remain a few millimeters above its surface. It is not recommended to use salt in dishes for babies. In extreme cases, you can add a little salt, but the less the better.

You need to cook on low heat for a maximum of half an hour. Do not boil potatoes longer to prevent the breakdown of vitamins and other beneficial substances. If after this time the root crop is not cooked, then this is a variety not intended for human consumption. Moreover, you can not give his baby for complementary foods.

At the end of cooking, the potato broth is poured into another container and the vegetable is chopped, rubbing it through a sieve or kneading it with a crush.

You can also make mashed potatoes by steaming the vegetable or roasting it in the oven. Such methods are considered more gentle for the first complementary foods, as they retain most of the vitamins and other important elements.

Potato or other vegetable broth is added to the puree and brought to the desired consistency. It is better to make it thinner so that it is easier for the baby to eat. You can add breast milk or formula for softness. It is important to mash the potatoes well so that there are no hard lumps left. Otherwise, the child may choke. If desired, add a little butter for taste.

Puree for older babies

After 8 months, the child can begin to feed multi-ingredient dishes. Potatoes are mixed with cauliflower, carrots or zucchini, and chicken or veal meat is also added. This is especially true if the child refuses the root crop in its pure form.

  • Potato and cauliflower puree

Vegetables are well washed and cleaned. You can take them in any proportion. If the child does not like potatoes, you can take quite a bit, each time increasing the amount.

Products are placed in a saucepan and poured with water. You can add dill greens. Everything is boiled until tender, then crushed. To do this, use a blender, pusher or sieve. Puree is made on the basis of vegetable broth, if desired, you can add milk. Olive oil is optionally added to the finished dish - 1 teaspoon per serving is enough for babies.

  • Other multi-component mashed potatoes

The recipe for mashed potatoes with other vegetables will be similar to the previous one. Use any products that have already been introduced into the child's diet before. The proportions are also unbounded. With the help of such dishes, you can accustom your child to vegetables that he does not like, gradually increasing their amount in mashed potatoes. Potatoes in the composition of multi-component dishes will add nutrition and improve taste.

Mashed potatoes are a nutritious and tasty dish. When to introduce it into the diet of the baby, it is up to the parents. It is advisable to coordinate this decision with the pediatrician. He will be able to tell you how many months it is better to give the root crop, and assess the readiness of the digestive system for a new product. Compliance with all recommendations will avoid possible problems or reduce their manifestation.

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