Aesthetic correction of teeth. Artistic restoration of anterior teeth. Types of composite materials

Modern dentistry stepped far ahead. To obtain beautiful smile It is not necessary to get rid of a decayed tooth. The procedure allows you to restore damage, completely or partially restoring the tooth. By contacting our clinic, you can inexpensively and quickly get rid of problems with your teeth and gain a snow-white smile.

Art restoration of teeth is cosmetic restoration structure of the surface of deformed anterior teeth at a bargain price using composite materials or prosthetics.

If a person wants to straighten his teeth, give them desired shape, appearance and color, then a visit to our dental clinic will be the solution to all problems. Professional specialists will eliminate small defects caused by chips and other damage, and choose the best option for the ratio of price and quality of treatment. The specific choice will largely depend on how damaged the tooth is.

Advantages Flaws
  1. Minimal grinding of tooth tissues.
  2. With direct restoration, all operations are carried out directly in oral cavity patient in one visit.
  3. The maximum similarity in structure, color and shape with their teeth.
  4. Tooth rotation in one visit without braces.
  1. Not suitable for people suffering from bruxism.
  2. Contraindicated in direct bite.
  3. There are contraindications in the absence of 2 or more main chewing teeth.

The price of artistic restoration of the tooth

The use of this method is most effective when it is necessary to solve the problem of chips or restore the crown part. The restored tooth acquires a healthy shine, and in shape and color practically does not differ from the natural one.

If we talk about the artistic restoration of teeth, the price in Moscow will depend on many factors: the degree of tooth decay, the materials used, the complexity of the procedure, and anesthesia.

Can only name the price professional dentist by conducting an examination and establishing the extent of damage.

More detailed information for prices you can see in our price list.

Photos before and after artistic restoration of teeth

Video: restoration of a deformed tooth

Methods of artistic restoration of teeth

To restore a tooth, we use the best and quality materials completely imitating natural dental tissue giving it a healthy natural shine.

The best option is veneers, which eliminate the darkening of the enamel and make the smile as blinding as the smile of the stars.

Artistic or aesthetic restoration teeth is a restoration procedure appearance and function of the damaged tooth. With its help, you can align the front teeth, correct their shape, get rid of chips, eliminate ugly gaps.

Indirect restoration (prosthetics)

With indirect, restorative materials are used, which include inlays, veneers, onlays. They are made by technicians in the laboratory after taking a dental impression.

A dental inlay is a micro prosthesis made in a laboratory from composite materials or ceramics based on an impression. problem areas dental cavity.

It strengthens and restores the structure of the teeth. The main difference from dentures is that they do not replace a tooth, but restore its natural shape. The patient will have to visit a specialist at least a couple of times. The first is to take an impression, the second is directly for the restoration process, if no preliminary treatment is required.

Direct (composite) restoration

With direct restoration of teeth, all operations are performed directly in the patient's oral cavity. For this, various filling materials.

In most cases, a beautiful smile can be obtained in one or a maximum of two visits to the dentist. Direct restoration includes the following methods.

Often teeth, due to congenital or acquired factors, are crooked, because of which the beauty of a smile suffers and the impression made on people deteriorates. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to lighten the enamel by several tones. If the crown part of the tooth has serious defects, radical correction is indispensable. In particular, many patients require the restoration of crooked teeth. Also in demand are procedures for restoring the anatomical shape of the incisal edge and restoring the root of the tooth.

Aesthetic (artistic) restoration of the anterior teeth makes it possible to mask defects in enamel, old darkened fillings, correct the shape of the tooth, its cutting edge, get rid of interdental spaces, align the incisors of the upper and mandible. Teeth are restored using light (rarely chemical) filling materials or micro prostheses. The best option The doctor selects corrections together with the patient. In this article, various restoration techniques will be considered, introductory photos and videos are given.

Artistic restoration of teeth - description of the procedure

Restoration of teeth is defined as artistic (it is also called aesthetic, cosmetic) if it is used to restore not so much functionality as the appearance of the front teeth. This manipulation can be carried out in the patient's oral cavity or outside it.

Restoration of anterior teeth is successfully used in dentistry to restore the crown part of the tooth, its shape, color and position. It is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • professional cleaning of teeth in order to determine their natural color, selection of the appropriate shade of filling material;
  • an injection of local anesthesia if the manipulation causes pain or other discomfort in the patient;
  • drilling of areas affected by caries or old fillings, if any;
  • isolation of the crown from the destructive effects of saliva and wet breath of the patient using a latex lining (cofferdam);
  • installation of an anchor or fiberglass pin in the cavity of the tooth root (if the loss of dental tissue is significant) (we recommend reading:);
  • layer-by-layer application of filling material;
  • correction of the shape of the crown, final processing of the filling.

Restoration goals - before and after photos

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In the photo - the result of aesthetic restoration of the smile zone. The procedure is aimed at correcting defects in the anterior teeth, restoring their function and aesthetics.

In the case of incisors, the task is complicated by the fact that, in addition to the strength and durability of the material, it is important to preserve the natural look of the patient's smile, without signs of cosmetic intervention, so the restored tooth should fit organically into the dentition, no different from the neighboring ones. This is the task and the main difficulty of the restoration of teeth, see before and after photos below.

Methods for restoring the crown part of the tooth

When choosing one or another method of restoring the front teeth, it is important to take into account a number of individual characteristics. In particular, the number of diseased and healed incisors, other dental problems, the location of the teeth in the dentition and their condition, as well as the expected result and the timing of correction are taken into account.

Restoration of the crown part of the tooth can be carried out by direct (using filling materials) and indirect (using microprostheses) methods. Among other types of restoration, restoration with a pin can be distinguished. This technique is indicated if the loss of dental tissue is up to 50%, as well as during the restoration of the tooth root. A pin is placed in the root cavity, over which a crown is put on.

There is also a procedure for restoring tooth enamel. It involves the use of fluorine varnish, remineralization or deep fluoridation. Sometimes, to improve the aesthetics of the teeth, the use of any one method is not enough. In this case, the specialist resorts to their combination.

direct method

Direct restoration of the crown part is performed by a dentist-therapist, as a rule, in one visit. Technique direct method implies the use of photopolymers for building up the cutter. Less commonly used glass ionomer cement. All manipulations are performed directly in the patient's mouth, the design is made immediately at the doctor's appointment without involving a dental technician.

indirect way

If the front teeth are destroyed only in front, best way their restoration - the installation of composite or ceramic veneers (micro prostheses covering the front surface of the incisor). On the first visit, the orthopedic dentist takes impressions and sends them to dental laboratory. After that, the technician makes a design according to the model of the dentition. Stages of restoration with micro prostheses:

In addition to veneers, in modern dental practice another type of microprosthesis is used - lumineers. They differ from veneers in a much larger thickness and in the method of fixation - on unturned teeth. Lumineers adhere to the surface of the anterior teeth more tightly, which makes it impossible for plaque to accumulate under them. The main advantages of microprosthetics are reliability and durability.

Alternative ways

The crown is fixed prosthesis worn on the entire part of one tooth, located above the gum. Usually they are installed if the incisor is destroyed by at least 70%, and also when the tooth being restored is pulpless.

The following types of crowns can be distinguished:

Type of crownProduction materialAdvantages and disadvantages
metalStainless steel, titanium or precious metalsStrong and durable, fully restore the chewing function. They look unaesthetic, and therefore are installed only on the side teeth.
plasticPlasticThey quickly collapse, darken, cracks form on them.
Ceramicporcelain massThe best way to imitate the natural color of the teeth. Not strong enough, therefore not used for the restoration of premolars and molars.
Zirconia constructionsPorcelain mass with zirconium frame insideThe base has a light-transmitting ability, so the crowns do not differ from natural teeth. To date, this optimal choice to correct incisors.
CombinedMetal base and coating (ceramic or plastic) imitating tooth enamelDurable, relatively inexpensive, but short-lived. Over time, the metal base begins to show through the coating.

The problem of missing one or more front teeth is solved by installing bridges. A bridge is a non-removable structure that is fixed on several teeth (natural or artificial).

Key Recovery Points

Correction of the crown part of the tooth requires individual approach to every patient. Key Points when carrying out this type of work are the shape, color and transparency of the incisors. Only by taking into account these factors, it is possible to make the patient's smile irresistible, and so that after the restoration, none of the outsiders would guess that this is the result of aesthetic manipulations in the doctor's office.

Tooth shape

To fashion a new crown with the help of filling material, exactly repeating the anatomical shape of the tooth, is not an easy task, requiring painstaking and creativity. Each tooth has an individual relief. It is necessary to completely recreate all the bumps, depressions, surface features, fissures, and this requires certain skills and artistic flair.

enamel color

The color of teeth is different for every person. It depends not only on enamel, but also on dentin. The shade is usually grayish or yellowish, and it cannot be uniform over the entire surface of the tooth. The color varies significantly from the cutting edge of the tooth to its neck. At first glance, the changes are minor, but if this point is not taken into account, the appearance of the restored tooth will be noticeably different from the neighboring ones, and the smile will lose its naturalness. Dentists in practice have to deal with 20 shades of materials used. They are superimposed in layers, such combinations allow you to recreate the natural color of the teeth of a particular patient.


The transparency of the tooth, as well as the color, varies from the cutting edge to the base. If this indicator is neglected, the restored tooth will look like plastic crown. To accurately recreate the transparency of the incisor so that it looks like a natural one is not an easy task. For achievement natural look of the restored tooth in the restoration of tubercles and the cutting edge in dentistry, materials are used that have greater transparency during curing.

How long does the coating last?

How long the result lasts depends on the care of the oral cavity, the lifestyle and daily habits of the patient (smoking, drinking drinks containing dyes, etc.), as well as dietary habits.

Plant foods have less negative impact on the condition of the teeth than the animal, therefore, it allows you to enjoy the effect of the restoration longer. Importance has the professionalism of a dentist and compliance with all norms and rules of installation.

The composite usually serves no more than five years, then its original shade and luster are lost, cracks form, the material ceases to fit snugly enough to the tooth, which is fraught with the appearance of chips and development secondary caries. As a result of surface damage composite filling, it becomes rough, and a dark coating settles on it.

Porcelain veneers with proper care can last up to ten years, they do not lose their original color and luster over time. After this period, the dental cement, with which the veneer is fixed, may begin to break down. Since the surface of the tooth is ground before installing the veneer, which means that the enamel is damaged, there is a possibility of secondary caries developing in this place. In such cases, replacement of the veneer is indicated. The service life of lumineers is almost twice as long (up to 20 years). They hold for a long time due to the fact that they are attached to a special glue that is not exposed to aggressive environments.

Modern realities dictate their conditions. Appearance affects not only communication and business contacts, but also mental attitude. White teeth- attribute successful person. To be afraid to smile and constantly control this process is not the most necessary habit.

The condition of the front teeth and lateral incisors is affected by many factors - coloring substances in food and drinks, smoking, poor-quality water, mechanical chips and individual characteristics buildings. Problems of the appearance of the “facade” of a smile are solved by aesthetic restoration.

What is aesthetic restoration of teeth?

10 years ago main task the dentist had to ease physical state patient, and save the tooth with filling material and amalgam. At the same time, the surface of the teeth differed markedly from the real ones in color.

The procedure of aesthetic restoration of teeth is aimed at restoring teeth with the help of polymer material, which allows you to return not only functional part but also natural whiteness.

A beautiful smile is

  • Healthy gums (without bleeding and inflammation);
  • Smooth dentition (without chips and protruding parts);
  • Natural color (transparent white).

With the help of modern technology and materials, the patient gains psychological comfort and self-confidence.

How is the procedure of aesthetic restoration of teeth?

At the first appointment, the dentist visual inspection and checks the viability of bone tissue. Of necessity root canals and the walls of the teeth are restored.

Aesthetic restoration technology is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • Anatomically irregular shape of teeth;
  • Cracks, chips, chips, abrasions, crevices;
  • Excessive abrasion;
  • Dark color enamel (if other bleaching methods are ineffective).

There are 2 main recovery methods:

  1. Direct (carried out in the patient's mouth) - a filling material with light-reflecting photopolymers is used. The work is performed by a dentist-therapist for 1-2 visits.
  2. Indirect (ceramic plates are made separately, taking into account individual sizes) - veneers are used, which, after turning the tooth surface, are glued to special composition. The work is performed by an orthopedic dentist in several visits.

The choice of technique depends on the condition of the teeth. If the lesions are minor, the direct method is used. Serious Defects masked with veneers.

It is possible to restore the shape, color, length both on the front teeth and on the side teeth.

How does aesthetic restoration work with the direct method?

The peculiarity of the technology lies in the sculpting of a crown made of photopolymers or glass ionomer cement directly in the patient's oral cavity.

The main stages of restoration by the direct method:

  1. Preparatory measures - hygienic cleaning of the oral cavity from tartar and plaque is carried out (using professional paste and nylon brushes). According to a special Vita scale, the natural color of the patient's teeth is determined, and the appropriate shade of the photopolymer material is selected.
  2. As needed under local anesthesia and sparing technology, tissue preparation is carried out - old fillings are removed, parts of the tooth affected by caries are drilled out. Channels and cavities are sealed.
  3. For isolation from saliva and wet breath, a rubber dam (latex scarf) is used. Failure to comply with this point will lead to moisture getting between the tooth surface and the restoration material, which provokes the formation of caries and the loss of the entire structure under the influence of daily loads. In the absence of half of the tooth and its depulpation, a pin is installed in the canal for strength.
  4. To restore the crown of the tooth, a layer-by-layer technique of applying filling material of different shades of white is used. This allows her not to look "artificial", and not to stand out from the rest.
  5. The final stage includes shape modeling using dental equipment - bur, polishing and grinding nozzle.

Important points of the direct method:

  • The choice of a dentist for aesthetic restoration should be approached responsibly. Difficulties arise at the stage of selecting the color of the filling material and modeling the crown. In this case, the doctor must have the skills of an artist and a sculptor;
  • The natural color of the teeth changes vertically, if this is not taken into account, the restored crown will stand out;
  • Transparency also changes from the incisal edge to the gum, so materials that, after curing, have this quality are preferred.

Disadvantages of the direct method:

  • Restoration requires a long time (several hours in a chair);
  • After 8-12 months (depending on the food and drinks consumed), the filling slightly changes color;
  • Cannot be installed in patients with a pacemaker;
  • Oral care becomes more complicated - periodic polishing and professional hygienic cleaning are required.

Advantages of the direct method:

  • The aesthetic problem is solved in 1-2 visits;
  • The ability to adjust the shape and color of the crown;
  • Long term services.

How does aesthetic restoration work with an indirect method?

Microprosthetics with veneers - modern technique correction of interdental gaps, chips, darkening of the enamel. Ideal for restoring the front of the teeth.

A veneer is a plate made of ceramic or porcelain. Fixed on outer part crowns on special glue.

The main steps of the indirect method:

  1. The preparatory stage is the same as with the direct method - removal of tartar and plaque.
  2. Grinding of enamel by 0.5-0.7 mm from the front of the teeth. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
  3. Removal of impressions of teeth. Samples of future veneers are obtained in 2 ways - using special paste(to get an anatomical shape) or using a virtual model made on professional equipment. The production time in the first case is extended by 12-14 days, in the second it is reduced to 3-4. Until the plates are ready, the patient is advised to wear removable veneers.
  4. Final installation - the dentist attaches the finished veneers to a special cement and glue that adheres the surface of the tooth and ceramics (or porcelain). Cement hardens instantly under the influence of a light beam.
  5. At the final stage, turning under a real tooth is carried out.

After a couple of weeks, you need to come to the reception. The dentist will examine the oral cavity for the presence of inflammatory process on the gums. This is due to the reaction of the mucosa to the appearance of a foreign body.

Disadvantages of the indirect method:

  • It cannot be installed in patients with extensive damage to bone tissue by caries - the walls of the tooth will not withstand turning and will collapse;
  • Do not use pads for people with jaw anomalies (bruxism) and increased enamel abrasion;
  • Under influence external factors the veneer darkens, periodic professional cleaning and polishing is necessary.

In the presence of bad habits(biting nails or threads), a traumatic sport - boxing, wrestling, it is recommended to use other methods of aesthetic restoration.

Advantages of the direct method:

  • The lining protects the tooth surface from aggressive external factors;
  • The veneer gives the smile naturalness and beauty, and the teeth - correct form;
  • Subject to the rules of care, the plate has a high wear resistance;
  • After installation, there is no visual difference between the veneer and real teeth.

The material used for the manufacture of veneers is different:

  • Composite- inexpensive material, the service life is less than that of the others. Changes color under the influence of food dyes;
  • Ceramics- they are made for a long time, durable, do not stain. It is installed on both frontal and lateral teeth;
  • Hollywood Lumineers- very thin, used for aesthetic purposes to correct the color of the tooth, but are not able to hide strong enamel defects.

The price for aesthetic restoration depends on the qualifications of the dentist, the condition of the teeth, the quantity and quality of the required material, the status of the medical institution, and the methodology. The approximate cost of restoration with the help of filling material is from 3,500 rubles, with the help of veneers - from 8,000 rubles.

Doctor Hollywood offers dental restoration services in Moscow.

What is artistic restoration of teeth?

This direction aesthetic dentistry and the modern standard of treatment and restoration of the crown part of the tooth, taking into account the reconstruction of the anatomical natural shape of the tooth, as well as the aesthetic component.

Aesthetic restoration of teeth divided into direct and indirect methods. To indirect view All prosthetic services are included. But in this article we will consider the method of direct restoration of teeth.

Who is shown the artistic restoration of teeth.

Approach the mirror. Smile broadly, open your mouth, even use a small mirror to see the state upper teeth. Found flaws? Such as: caries (black spots), old fillings that do not match the color of your teeth, flat fillings, like "platforms" without grooves and tubercles, stains on the teeth, chips on the front teeth, worn teeth, or maybe you have front teeth with "slots" or simply curves. If you have found at least one of these flaws, then welcome to us for a direct restoration. But, if your tooth is destroyed by more than 2/3, then you are shown prosthetics. But the doctor will be able to tell you everything in detail and choose the best treatment plan for a free consultation.

Direct artistic restoration of teeth.

Patient: female 1984

Doctor: Tskhovrebova N.N.

Doctor: Khachatryan M.S.

Restoration of the anterior teeth (extension of the anterior teeth)

A patient: woman, 1986
Doctor: Tskhovrebova N.N. (physician, aesthetic dentistry)

Professional teeth cleaning
upper jaw

Professional teeth cleaning
upper jaw

Professional teeth cleaning
lower jaw

Professional teeth cleaning
lower jaw

aesthetic artistic
restoration anterior tooth

aesthetic artistic
anterior tooth restoration

Direct Restoration Technology.

Direct restoration is carried out directly in the patient's mouth, i.e. without the use of orthopedic structures (crowns, prostheses, etc.). A special material is used - a composite, which is applied in layers and shaped like a real tooth. In our center we use materials of the latest 5th generation of the highest quality Filtec Ultimate, Estelite Sigma Quick, Gradi. The entire palette of colors, even the rarest, is always available, which allows for restoration with high artistic accuracy and reproduction of the color of a real tooth. After spending a few hours on the dentist's chair, plus the professional work of the dental team (doctor and assistant), and you get a beautiful smile.

Direct restoration of the anterior tooth without preparation (extension of the anterior tooth)

Stages of dental restoration.

Preparation: conducting professional cleaning teeth - cleansing from pigmented plaque and stones ()

color selection for restoration


dental treatment, preparation of affected areas or removal of old fillings, if necessary, installation of fiberglass pins

direct restoration of the tooth using a light-curing composite of the 5th generation, the restoration is carried out by layering different shades of the material, which provides a natural look of the tooth, and maybe even better than the natural one.

modeling with burs, tooth grinding.

Speed. Perfect smile in 1-2 appointments.

The big advantage of direct artistic restoration is the speed of obtaining perfect smile. In one visit, you can correct the flaws and become the owner of a beautiful "grand smile".

Restoration of teeth: price

  • Restoration chewing tooth(composite 5th generation *) - 8000 rub.
  • Restoration of anterior tooth (5th generation composite *) - 10900 rub.
  • Restoration of anterior teeth with a change in shape - 12900 rub.
  • Local anesthesia - 300 rub.

* materials manufactured by Filtec Ultimate, Estelite Sigma Quick, Gradi

The word "restoration", as a rule, refers to a whole range of aesthetic dentistry procedures, the task of which is to restore or correct the shape and color of teeth. The main indications for the aesthetic restoration of the front teeth are gaps between the teeth, small chips and microcracks in the enamel, as well as changes in the shape of the teeth as a result of unscrupulous treatment of pulpitis and other diseases in the past. The most common type of procedure is direct restoration of teeth with composite materials, in particular tooth extensions. With its help, they quite effectively eliminate chipped front teeth and gaps between teeth in the smile zone.

Indirect restoration of teeth includes veneer, prosthetics using dental inlays, ceramic crowns and half crowns. But in general, when we are talking about restoration, after all, it is precisely the correction of teeth with composite materials that is implied.

Composite restoration of teeth

Even the most ordinary filling should be beautiful. Therefore, direct composite restoration of teeth in dentistry is increasingly becoming an alternative to the usual filling and is actively used as the final stage in the treatment of caries. Such a technique should be carried out in specially equipped dental offices by specialists with certain qualifications, and using highly aesthetic light-cured composite materials. All this improves not only the quality dental treatment, but also its cost (prices for dental restoration in Moscow can vary from 1,500 rubles to 50,000 rubles per tooth). But how can an ordinary patient understand how the restoration of teeth with a composite material differs from a traditional filling, and is it worth overpaying for it?

Main difference composite restoration teeth from conventional fillings is the final result. The restored tooth becomes identical in color to its natural counterpart. Its natural form is restored considering all anatomical features. If the composite restoration of the anterior teeth is carried out with high quality, the patient will not be able to determine the presence of a filling by touch with his tongue and will not experience sensations of something foreign in the oral cavity when the jaws are closed. The latter aspect is of paramount importance for normal function temporomandibular joint, which is important for the health of not only the oral cavity, but the whole organism as a whole.

Photos before and after the restoration of the anterior teeth with composites

Artistic restoration of teeth

Unlike simple restoration, artistic or cosmetic direct restoration of teeth in dentistry solves only aesthetic problems. Irregular shape, insufficient length or size of the tooth can be corrected using this technique. Chipped teeth and various defects resulting from trauma are also problems that artistic restoration of teeth can solve. In addition, with the help of restorative whitening, teeth can be corrected, the unaesthetic color of which cannot be changed by standard methods. Cracks between the teeth are also the most common problems that artistic restoration of the front teeth solves.

The described technology is an exclusive high-cost service that is not offered in all dental clinics in Moscow. For such delicate work, the dentist requires not just skill, but real talent. He must have the technique of layering different materials to achieve the effect of transparency. Artistic restoration of teeth is partly an alternative to indirect restoration of teeth, which is carried out using inlays, crowns and restoration with veneers or the installation of lumineers, but only for certain indications.

Restoration of crooked teeth

As you know, the crooked position of the teeth is an indication for orthodontic treatment, for wearing braces or other structures that provoke the displacement of the teeth in the right direction. However, in some cases, with minor, but still noticeable curvature, artistic restoration of crooked teeth is possible. It helps to get rid of smile flaws, avoiding stress from long-term treatment involving wearing braces. Particularly relevant is the restoration of anterior teeth with curvature.

Contraindications for carrying out

Of course, artistic and composite restoration of teeth has its contraindications. The absolute ones are allergic reaction on filling materials, severe gum disease, extensive caries, the presence of a stimulant in the patient heart rate, as well as the impossibility of isolation carious cavity or tooth from moisture. It is also impossible to restore milk teeth and permanent teeth in which the processes of mineralization and root formation have not been completed. But on relative contraindications we should dwell in more detail, so let's look at each of them.

  • Significant destruction of hard tissues of the tooth. If the tooth is destroyed by more than 1/3, this is a serious contraindication. Even if the doctor decides to do the procedure, in this case he is obliged to warn the patient about the unreliability of the design and possible further complications.

    The destruction of the hard tissues of the tooth goes under the gum. As in the previous case, the effectiveness of dental restoration with composite materials is doubtful. Adhesive materials used in the restoration cannot provide 100% reliable and durable fit of the composite to the tooth root in the subgingival region. Therefore, in similar situations preference should be given to dental crowns.

    Metal-ceramic and metal crowns on opposing teeth. Ceramics and metal are superior to composite materials in strength and wear resistance. Therefore, if there are ceramic-metal or metal orthopedic structures on the antagonist teeth, they will provoke increased wear of the restorations and even their destruction when chewing or biting.

    Absence of teeth in the lateral sections. In the absence of chewing teeth, the restoration of the anterior teeth, or front teeth, cannot be carried out, since the entire load will fall on them. As a result of overloading, restorations in the smile zone will fail prematurely and wear out quickly. Therefore, before restoring the front teeth, it would be good to solve problems in the lateral sections.

    Erasure of teeth and malocclusion. Any malocclusion leads to an incorrect distribution of the chewing load on the teeth and can provoke their increased tooth wear. Obviously, in such a situation, the priority should be orthodontic treatment, and only then restoration with the help of artistic restoration of teeth.

    Bruxism. For bruxism, or involuntary grinding of teeth, more reliable orthopedic structures, for example, crowns. Strong jaw compression, especially in men, can cause premature failure of composite restorations, even if indirect restorations are used.

After the procedure, the patient is recommended not to eat for two hours and, in general, to refrain from solid foods that require intensive chewing throughout the day. The color fastness of restorations in the first 24 hours leaves much to be desired, so you should not use strong tea, coffee, colored drinks and berries, women should not paint their lips with bright lipstick. Restored teeth require strict observance rules of oral hygiene. With insufficient care, marginal pigmentation quickly appears (also appears when smoking), shine is lost, and the risk of caries increases.

The quality of direct artistic or composite restoration of teeth can be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Conformity anatomical shape restored tooth
  • Absence of a tactilely defined boundary between artificial and natural tooth tissues
  • Healthy condition gums in the area of ​​the restoration
  • Absence of a white or gray line along the edge of the restorative material
  • Lack of postoperative sensitivity
  • Matching the color of the restored surface to the natural shade of the tooth
  • The presence of surface gloss
  • Absence of pores and white lines in the thickness of the restoration

How much does a restoration cost?

As mentioned above, the artistic restoration of teeth is a rather expensive process, involving the use of expensive materials, and also requiring considerable training from the dentist, so the cost of dental restoration can be quite high. So how much does dental restoration cost? The average price of a front tooth restoration in Moscow ranges from 1,500 rubles in economy-class dentistry to 50,000 rubles in premium-class VIP clinics.

Dental restoration is an art. Even experienced doctor may not be capable of such painstaking work. Choose a clinic and doctor carefully, study the information about the type of restoration work you need and do not be afraid to ask questions. Remember that a smile is your business card, take care of your teeth and smile more often!

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