Get rid of papillomas on the nipples. Do they threaten health? Papillomas: structure and causes of appearance

The human papillomavirus (HPV) causes the formation of unpleasant growths on the skin, which are called papillomas. This is a type of benign tumor, in its appearance resembling warts. Formations appear singly or in groups, sometimes growing in whole foci. Neoplasms in the chest, genitals, and face are especially unpleasant. For example, papilloma on the nipple brings a lot of inconvenience when wearing underwear and breastfeeding.

Unfortunately, in addition to cosmetic troubles, papillomas bring much more terrible consequences. Itching and growth of formations can lead to the development of cancer, so this disease should be treated with increased attention. Small bleeding in the nipple area, translucent or yellowish discharge, a sharp increase in the size of the growth are signals for an immediate visit to a mammologist.

The papilloma virus can “sleep” in the human body from one month to several years.

How can you get HPV: ways of infection

Due to the long period of development of the disease in a latent form, a person infects loved ones, unaware of the existence of the infection. Diseased cells are present not only on the skin, but also in urine, saliva, semen, and mucous membranes. Do not be surprised if, after using a washcloth, a razor or slippers of a sick person, a papilloma appears near the nipple, in the eye or genital area.

The most common ways of infection with papillomavirus:

  • ordinary kiss;
  • sexual contact;
  • household way at home - through clothes, dishes, towels, shoes, hygiene products;
  • household way in a public place - a bathhouse, a swimming pool, an aqua park, a solarium, a gym;
  • vertical infection mother-child during pregnancy or childbirth.

During pregnancy, there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, although the virus does not always penetrate the fetus. The next critical place is the birth canal, passing through which the baby can catch an unpleasant disease during childbirth. In the future, the virus is transmitted through close contact through milk, blood, and even clothing.

There are special risk groups, for example, lovers of frequent changes of sexual partners or people who do not attach importance to protective equipment. It should be noted that drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking also contribute to HPV infection.

Removal of papillomas and genital warts

Unfortunately, even the most advanced methods of modern medicine are unable to cope with a viral infection. Therapeutic methods can eliminate only the external manifestations of HPV.

Removal of ugly neoplasms produces a great aesthetic effect. Sometimes they just get in the way of personal life. A huge growth above the eye, condyloma "on the leg" in an intimate place, papilloma on the nipple - photos on the Internet make it possible to imagine how difficult it is for people infected with a viral infection.

Papillomas near the nipple or in any other open place contribute to the appearance of complexes associated with personal unattractiveness

In no case should you fight the manifestations of the infection at home, since the removal of the growth can cause severe bleeding. If it is caused by accident, stop the bleeding by covering the wounded area for 5 minutes.

Intraductal papilloma - small growths (papillomas)

The most effective methods of getting rid of papillomas and warts:

  1. Electrocoagulation. The growths are removed by high-frequency electric current. Due to the pain of the procedure, preliminary anesthesia is necessary.
  2. Cryocoagulation. The active substance is liquid nitrogen, which "burns" excess tissue. A course of repeated procedures over several weeks is required. Approximately 80% of patients have complete disappearance of papillomas. Pain relief is rarely required.
  3. Laser cauterization. Often used in the event that other methods have not helped, that is, with the reappearance of formations. It has high efficiency, therefore it is becoming more and more popular.
  4. Surgical removal. Under local anesthesia, the papilloma is removed mechanically using scissors or a scalpel. This method did not justify itself.

In some cases, treatment with keratolytics is prescribed - dichloroacetic or trichloroacetic acids. The therapeutic effect resembles the action of liquid nitrogen: the diseased tissue is quickly destroyed. Within a few weeks, the specialist applies the medicine to the infected area of ​​the skin. Frequency - once a week. Sometimes it is possible to take antifungal agents or antibiotics at the same time.

Before treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist - a dermatologist, mammologist or gynecologist (depending on the location of the papillomas), pass the necessary tests and follow further instructions.

By secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of papillomas? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, the victory was not on your side.

And have you already thought about laser removal or other procedures? It is understandable, because papillomas are a discomfort, a minus for your appearance and a risk of developing oncology.

is a benign neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus. This is the so-called outgrowth on the skin, which has a small diameter and a granular structure. The color of such neoplasms can vary from white to black. The accumulation of such growths on the skin is called papillomatosis. Most often, it is women who are subject to such appearances, and they are mainly found on the nipple. Such growths cause a lot of inconvenience and pose a great threat of transition to a malignant form.

Causes of growths

The human papillomavirus is one of the most widespread on earth. They infect about 70% of the population.

  • External papilloma on the skin or nipple
  • Intraductal papilloma (cystadenoma)

Moreover, the first is not difficult to diagnose. This is a soft growth on the skin on a stalk or a wide base. Their size can be from 1 mm to several centimeters. As a rule, in itself, such a formation does not cause any discomfort, but with regular damage by piercings, underwear seams, during breastfeeding, it can cause or bleed.

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The second form is found exclusively in women. This is a subcutaneous formation, manifesting itself as tingling and burning, secretions of a different nature. Moreover, on palpation in the area around the nipple area, a small formation can be detected.


As soon as a growth on the nipple was detected, it is necessary to go to a medical facility. The diagnosis of such formations is carried out by a dermatologist, gynecologist or oncologist. But first, it is recommended to contact a therapist, it is he who will direct you to the right specialist. Diagnosis occurs in stages:

  1. Inspection and palpation, if such an outgrowth is too small to be examined, uses a special medical device - a dermascope.
  2. They give direction to a number of tests to identify the human papillomavirus, the stage of development and oncogenicity.

The main stages in the diagnosis of formations on the nipple are:

  • Scraping of epithelial tissue.
  • Analysis for cytology.
  • Mammography and ultrasound for suspected internal formations.
  • . Withdrawal for examination of a small piece of tissue from a neoplasm.
  • Histological examination of the neoplasm tissue for malignancy.

Based on the results of the research, the specialist will understand how to proceed further - to observe the neoplasm or remove it.

If the first couple of days it is not possible to visit a doctor, you can diagnose yourself at home. To do this, stand in front of a mirror. Hands must be raised up, and carefully examine the nipple, as well as the chest for changes. If a growth is found, but its size is too small to see, you can photograph it. The resulting photo is maximized in size and studied.

You should be alerted if the skin around the formation has become red or swollen. This can only mean one thing - the beginning, which will lead to complications. Symptoms such as chest pain, the appearance of a specific smell of discharge, as well as bleeding and suppuration of neoplasms are an alarming bell about the need for urgent medical care.

Treatment at home

Quite often, people who have such growths are interested in how they can be removed at home. This can be done using various creams, patches, liquid nitrogen, which can be safely purchased at any pharmacy. Quite often, experts prescribe the following means:

  • Viferon
  • Wartner
  • Octacid

They can be treated at home. But, in order not to spend fabulous money on medications, you can prepare the ointment yourself.

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Papillomas during pregnancy and lactation

Hormonal imbalance, as well as a sharp weight gain during pregnancy, can trigger the appearance of neoplasms on the skin. The virus can enter the baby's body not only in utero, but also during childbirth or breastfeeding.

If the growth is small and does not become inflamed when wearing clothes, experts advise removing the neoplasm after the birth of the child. After childbirth, the neoplasm may decrease or disappear on its own (the exception is the formation on the nipple). Removal of such formations is absolutely safe for both the mother and the fetus. All medicinal products must be used exclusively under the strict supervision of a physician.

  • Do not wear too tight or tight underwear, so as not to irritate the neoplasm
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Monitor your weight
  • As soon as you notice a build-up, immediately seek the advice of a specialist
  • You can not treat and remove such formations on your own at home

A growth on the breast that occurs during pregnancy or lactation is a benign formation. Incorrect or untimely treatment contributes to the transformation of the growth into a malignant tumor. During lactation, as well as when caring for an infant in the postpartum period, growths in such places can lead to infection of the child. Therefore, if formations are found on the chest, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.

Preventive Precautions

Experts recommend that in order to avoid such neoplasms on the nipples and skin, constantly maintain and strengthen your immunity. So the body will independently fight the disease and will not allow it to be activated. In addition, all hygiene rules must be observed.

You need to constantly feel the chest, at least once a month. If during such a procedure you find an education, do not hesitate to go to the doctor. You do not need to self-medicate, because this can lead to more serious consequences. Then you have to spend a lot of effort and money on recovery.

Every day, scientists are developing new methods of treating this unpleasant disease. They are trying to withdraw against this virus, but, unfortunately, at the moment everything is to no avail. Any pregnant girl should know that the use of protective equipment during sexual intercourse does not protect against infection. Expectant mothers are advised to carefully monitor their weight, wear loose, seamless underwear.

Skin formations - papillomas - are very common among the population. Their growth provokes a special type of virus - HPV (human papillomavirus), which infects most of the population. According to statistics, papillomas during pregnancy are first diagnosed in 70% of women, and in those who already had similar formations on the skin, their growth and increase in number are noted.

Why do papillomas appear during pregnancy? This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy.
  2. Some decrease in immunity, because it starts to work "for two".
  3. Activation of the emotional sphere associated with pregnancy.

Isn't it dangerous if papillomas appeared during pregnancy, can they harm the unborn child, and should anything be done? This is a completely logical question that worries women in anticipation of childbirth.

Important! If during pregnancy one or more formations appeared on the skin, it is imperative to go to a dermatologist and find out their nature, do an analysis for the human papillomavirus and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

Are papillomas dangerous in pregnant women?

By themselves, simple skin papillomas do not pose a danger to either the health or the life of a woman. Newly appeared small papillomas usually disappear on their own a few months after childbirth. Another question is, are they dangerous for the unborn child?

The human papillomavirus can be transmitted to the child from the mother during childbirth or while breastfeeding. In this regard, papillomas located in the perineum, genitals, and mammary glands are dangerous. During childbirth, the probability of infection of the child with papillomavirus is high, as well as during breastfeeding.

A separate issue is papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy. Most often they are single, look like small soft warts and are located not on the nipple itself, but on the areola. In these cases, the danger is double: for both the child and the mother.

Important! The baby can become infected with papillomavirus while breastfeeding. For his mother, the danger is that frequent injury to papillomas during feeding leads to their inflammation, growth, this creates a risk of their transition to a cancerous tumor of the breast.

If the papillomas are located inside the milk ducts of the nipple, they are not visible from the outside, but there may be bleeding from the nipple.

Important! Often, papillomas on the skin of the nipples are combined with intraductal papillomas, which are precancerous breast diseases. Therefore, examination and treatment by a mammologist are necessary.

Is it necessary to treat papillomavirus in pregnant women?

Papillomavirus infection during pregnancy is treated, but very carefully. Conventional antiviral drugs are not used because they are toxic and may adversely affect fetal development. Pregnant women are prescribed vitamin preparations and natural remedies to stimulate immunity. Also, immunity is strengthened by good rest, proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air. If the woman's immune system is strong enough, then the papilloma virus is not terrible for her. It will be in the body in an inactive state and will not cause disease.

Is it possible to avoid infection with papillomavirus during pregnancy? Of course, to a large extent it is possible by undergoing regular examinations even before the onset of pregnancy. Indeed, many women do not even suspect that they have papillomavirus until it begins to become more active and manifest itself with the onset of pregnancy.

Important! Pregnancy and papillomavirus is a situation that requires systematic observation of a woman by a doctor with a laboratory immunological study, and correction of immunity.

Should papillomas be removed during pregnancy?

So, papillomas appeared during pregnancy. How to deal with them, should they be removed? And is it possible to remove papillomas during pregnancy? In principle, any papilloma can be removed. But the fact is that a woman will have to do without normal anesthesia, because the introduction of an anesthetic can be dangerous for a child. Usually limited to superficial freezing, which only partially anesthetizes.

This is the removal of papillomas at the request of a woman for aesthetic reasons. But there are also medical indications, according to which the following types of papillomas are subject to mandatory removal:

  • growing in the area of ​​the nipples and areola;
  • located in the perineum, on the genitals;
  • rapidly growing and inflamed papillomas, regardless of their location;
  • located in places of injury by clothing.

Important! You should not be afraid of removing papillomas during pregnancy, if necessary. The doctor will select the most gentle method that will not cause harm.

What methods are used to remove papillomas in pregnant women?

Several bloodless, minimally invasive methods for removing papillomas during pregnancy are used:

  1. Diathermocoagulation - cauterization with high temperature.
  2. Cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen at -192 ° C.
  3. Laser coagulation.
  4. Chemical removal.

In each individual case, the removal method is selected individually so that the trauma for the woman is minimal. Preference is given to laser coagulation, which does not require anesthesia, and the wound heals quickly. In addition, the laser has a detrimental effect on the papillomavirus. On the genitals, a chemical method of removal is preferred, for example, lubrication with trichloroacetic acid, silver nitrate. This is not accompanied by pain and will not provoke a reflex contraction of the uterus.

The appearance of papillomas during pregnancy is a sign of infection of a woman with the human papillomavirus. Mandatory observation, examination, treatment and removal of papillomas, which are dangerous for a woman and an unborn child, are necessary.

One of the manifestations of HPV is the formation of papillomas under the breast, on the nipples and in the areola. For external growths of a light or dark brown shade, which are easy to see with the naked eye, a granular structure is characteristic, they are attached “on a leg”. Most often, these changes in the skin are benign. In some cases, intraductal formation of papillomas occurs, accompanied by discharge from the mammary gland. To exclude oncology, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

Provoking factors

Infection with the human papillomavirus occurs by contact of the mucous membranes (during a kiss or unprotected intercourse) or damaged areas of the skin. The pathogen can be transmitted to a healthy person in a domestic way: through personal hygiene items of the carrier. Sometimes self-infection of HPV in public places is possible, since the virus is able to exist outside the human body for some time.
After infection, the papillomavirus is in a latent state and begins to act only against the background of a decrease in immunity. A characteristic feature of the active phase is the formation of papillomas in various parts of the body, including on the chest, in the region of the nipple circumference.

Additionally, the following factors can provoke the formation of epithelial growths:

  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding period).
  • Micro cracks and scratches on the halo.
  • Bruising of the mammary glands or trauma to the nipple during feeding.
  • Tight (uncomfortable) bra.
  • Hygiene failure.

Papillomas on the chest often appear in the fairer sex. Sometimes single or multiple growths can occur in men, since this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body is not protected from contact infection and hormonal effects.

Symptoms of the pathological process

Superficial papilloma on the areola of the nipples is well visualized and does not require additional research. To exclude or confirm the germination of the neoplasm inside the mammary gland, breast palpation is performed. The procedure is performed monthly after the end of menstruation. To do this, one hand is raised, and with the fingers of the other hand, the peripapillary zone is probed. Intraductal papilloma is characterized by elasticity and a rounded shape, and is often accompanied by painful sensations, clear or bloody discharge. There is a burning sensation, tingling, a feeling of discomfort when pressed, increased sensitivity of the chest.

If the papilloma on the nipple is accidentally torn, bleeding can be stopped with a clean napkin. It is enough to attach the tissue to the injury site for 5 minutes. Self-disposal of growths is strictly prohibited, since it is possible to provoke the degeneration of a safe formation into a malignant tumor.

Changes in the epithelium of the nipples during pregnancy

Pregnant women are at risk for the occurrence of papillomas on the breasts and nipples, since hormonal changes in the body, together with weight gain, are favorable factors for the transition of the virus to the active phase. Treatment or removal of growths that do not cause discomfort is carried out after delivery. In some cases, there is an independent reduction or disappearance of neoplasms.

As long as the baby is in the womb, HPV does not pose a threat to his health. The pathogen is transmitted during childbirth or during breastfeeding.

If external or intraductal papillomas appear during pregnancy or lactation, it is necessary to seek medical advice from a mammologist. Also recommended:

  • do not wear tight underwear, so as not to injure the build-up;
  • do not self-medicate or remove papilloma with home remedies;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • control weight.

Comprehensive diagnosis of papillomas

Diagnosis of neoplasms is carried out by a mammologist or oncologist. Studies are performed in the laboratory and are aimed at identifying the type of papillomavirus and the degree of its oncogenicity.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the following procedures are necessary:

  • scraping of the upper epithelial layer and analysis of secretions;
  • ultrasound or mammography, if there is a suspicion of the development of pathology in the mammary glands;
  • x-ray examination by galactography (ductography). Before the procedure, a woman is injected with a special contrast agent, with the help of which the localization of formations is determined.

After receiving data on the nature of the papilloma, the doctor prescribes appropriate therapy and makes a conclusion about the need for removal. Since a feature of the neoplasm is the presence of blood vessels, self-disposal of growths in beauty salons or the use of folk recipes is not recommended.

All activities are carried out with the aim of early detection of a malignant tumor of the breast and prevention of its further development. Untimely treatment causes the rapid spread of the virus in the body, an increase in the size and number of formations.

Options for removing growths on the chest

Modern medicine offers safe options for removing papillomas on the nipples and in the halo area. Among the hardware techniques, good results show:

Hardware or surgical intervention is accompanied by the appointment of immunomodulators to strengthen the patient's defenses and inhibit the activity of papillomavirus.

Papilloma of the nipple is a benign neoplasm. This phenomenon is formed as a result of infection of the body with the human papillomavirus, or HPV. Despite the fact that this formation is of a benign nature, it gives a woman severe discomfort.

In clinical practice, papilloma of the nipple is a cosmetic defect. However, the risk of degeneration of the formation into a malignant one cannot be completely excluded. This is especially true of formations formed inside the ducts of the mammary gland. They cause the development of malignant breast diseases in 10% of cases.

Therefore, if papilloma is found on the mammary gland, you should consult a doctor. Read more about the disease, the causes of its occurrence and ways to get rid of further.

What is it and what does papilloma on the nipples look like?

The main source of papilloma formation on the nipple area is the human papillomavirus. About 75% of the world's population is infected with it. It is easy to catch the virus - just hug a sick person or use his personal item.

Papilloma on the nipples and breasts in women are most common. This is due to the fact that the mammary glands have a porous structure and a very delicate skin. And since, with the help of medical research, it has long been proven that papilloma appears not only through infection, but also due to hormonal disruptions, any endocrine disorders (puberty, pregnancy, menopause) can provoke an "awakening" of the infection. And it is rather difficult to find a more sensitive and vulnerable place in the female body than the breast. Therefore, the mammary glands take the whole blow.

Notorious obesity, which also has a hormonal origin, can also provoke the appearance of papilloma. Therefore, in people who are overweight, these formations are often found in various parts of the body.

Who else is at risk?

  1. Since HPV is most stable in a humid environment, visiting baths, saunas, shared showers, and pools can cause infection.
  2. Women who are sexually active.
  3. Bad habits - smoking, frequent drinking.
  4. Chronic diseases.
  5. Weakened immunity.

It is worth noting that immediately after entering the body of a woman, the virus does not manifest itself in any way. It may take a month or more from the moment of entry. The impetus for its progression is a decrease in the protective functions of the body or hormonal imbalance.

In addition, injury to the mammary gland, poor hygiene, wearing low-quality and too tight underwear (read:), the presence of cracks, abrasions, etc. can “activate” the infection.

Papilloma on the nipple is a neoplasm on the leg, which has a granular structure. She is soft to the touch. When touched, pain is not felt. Papilloma can be of different colors (from dark brown to pink).

Single papillomas can disappear on their own - after 1 month. This suggests that the immune system cope with the virus and produce a sufficient amount of antibodies. If the lesion is extensive, then in this case it can be argued that the protective functions of the body are not able to perform their functions, and therefore immediate medical intervention is required, otherwise the infection will capture more and more new areas.

Localization zones of papillomas in women

Papilloma in women can be localized in different areas. Most often, education can be found under the breast, because in this area there is increased sweating and diaper rash, and regular friction, lack of air create ideal conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Especially often, papillomas form in this area in overweight people and in the presence of diabetes. This category has extensive foci of infection.

Papilloma under the breast is a pink formation no more than 1 cm long.

Papilloma can also appear on the halo. It is a loose formation, which is localized on a wide base, brown. The size usually does not exceed 5 mm. The wart is painless, causes only cosmetic discomfort in a woman.

Neoplasms can also be located in the neck and décolleté. There are frequent cases of their localization on the face and on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Intracurrent papilloma

Formed from the epithelium of the ducts of the mammary gland. It is a cystic growth with papillary growths. This education is of a good quality. They appear in women at any age, from puberty to menopause. Another name for this variety of papillomas is "cystadenopapilloma".

This phenomenon in 10% of cases is the cause of tumor-like malignant processes in the mammary gland.

This type of papillomas is easily injured. At the same time, a bloody fluid begins to appear, which subsequently penetrates into the ducts of the mammary glands, and then is released from the nipples.

If there are many cystadenopapillomas in the ducts, then in half of the cases this leads to the development of a malignant process.

The size of such a papilloma usually does not exceed 2 cm. It is localized, as a rule, at a depth of 5 mm in the nipple area.

The most common causes of cystadenopapilloma are:

  • pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • puberty;
  • infertility;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • adnexitis in a chronic form.

Predisposing factors are bad habits, obesity, psycho-emotional disorders, prolonged use of hormonal drugs, diffuse, nodular mastopathy and heredity.

Types of papillomas and their causes

Most often, filiform papillomas form on the mammary gland. Their other name is "acrochords". They are usually formed singly. Their structure is dense, and the shape is oblong. The color of the formations is brown. Most often, their appearance is noted in the area under the breast. They do not deliver pain. The cause of the appearance are strains of the virus 7 and 2. Active growth is observed during pregnancy, with menopause and obesity.

Another type of papillomas that can often be found in the chest area is flat. They are usually localized on the areola and nipple. This species is a light brown spot (slightly protruding above the surface of the skin), which consists of many nodules. Unlike other types of papillomas, this growth, in addition to cosmetic discomfort, can cause itching and burning. The reason for their appearance are viruses 28, 49 and 10 types. Most of these appear during puberty. After stabilization of the hormonal background, the formations disappear on their own.

Candilomas or pointed papillomas rarely affect the female breast. However, in isolated cases they are still diagnosed.

Papillomas on the nipples during pregnancy

Papilloma on the nipple is a frequent companion of pregnant women. During this period, as you know, the body of the expectant mother undergoes hormonal changes more than ever (this once again confirms that papillomas also occur due to endocrine changes).

The difficulty lies in the fact that during the period of bearing a child, a woman is not allowed to take any antiviral drugs, since some of them can cause birth defects in the child. All therapeutic measures should be carried out only after the baby is born (the decision to remove the papilloma is made on an individual basis by the doctor).

All a woman can do is:

  • regularly carry out activities to strengthen immunity;
  • do not wear tight underwear;
  • avoid stress;
  • control your weight;
  • do not self-medicate, and even more so, use traditional methods of therapy.

In most cases, papilloma of the nipple disappears after the birth of the child and does not need treatment. Most likely, this is due to the stabilization of the hormonal system.

As for the fear of many mothers that HPV is transmitted to the child during breastfeeding, it is absolutely in vain. Yes, indeed, the papillomavirus can pass from mother to newborn, but this happens in rare cases and only when it passes through the birth canal. If a papilloma has formed on the nipple, then this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding.


When immunity weakens or a hormonal failure occurs, the virus begins to spread throughout the body and manifest itself in the form of the formation of papillomas. External formations practically do not bother a woman - only from the aesthetic side. But those papillomas that form from epithelial tissue in the ducts have characteristic symptoms.

  1. In the nipple area, a woman feels a burning sensation and tingling.
  2. The nipples become very sensitive.
  3. Fluid comes out of the nipples. At the initial stage, they are insignificant. In advanced cases, the discharge becomes abundant.
  4. The color of the liquid can be different - ranging from whitish to yellow and green (purulent inflammatory process). Red, pink and brown colors are noted in 90% of cases.

In addition, a woman feels weakness, loss of strength, temperature indicators often rise, the affected part of the mammary gland swells, turns red and hurts a lot.

It is worth noting that in most cases, the internal papilloma does not manifest itself in any way. It can only be diagnosed during a preventive examination of the breast.

Why is HPV dangerous?

HPV can pose a danger to a woman's health, since in 10% of cases, papillomas that form inside the ducts of the mammary gland can turn into malignant tumors.

In addition, these growths are easily injured - when putting on underwear or during breastfeeding. Then bleeding may occur, which will lead to secondary infection with all the ensuing consequences.


Plan of diagnostic measures for suspected intraductal papilloma.

  1. Mammography (after 40 years).
  2. Ultrasound, MRI, CT. Determine the location and size of the formation.
  3. PCR. Identifies the type of pathogen.
  4. Ductography. Determines the number of formations and their location in the mammary gland.
  5. Biopsy.
  6. Cytological examination of fluid secreted from the nipple.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will determine the methods of treatment.

How to remove papilloma?

For the treatment of papillomas, physical and chemical methods are used. In the latter case, components based on phenol (Ferezol) and various acidic agents (Solcoderm, Duofilm) are used to cauterize the growths. Treatment can be carried out both at home and within the walls of the clinic. Chemical methods for papillomas formed on the nipples and on the skin of the breast are not applied.

As for physical methods, their use is advisable in almost all cases, including during pregnancy. Here are the most effective and safe methods for removing papillomas.

  1. Cryodestruction. It is carried out using the effect of liquid nitrogen on education. Several procedures will be required. In the case of the formation of a single papilloma, one session of cryodestruction will be enough.
  2. laser removal. In this case, a carbon dioxide laser is used. The method requires pain relief. The procedure lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. One session is enough. Laser removal is considered the most effective procedure.
  3. radio wave method. Papillomas are eliminated by exposure to low-frequency radio waves. The procedure is less traumatic than the others. You can not use the radio wave method during pregnancy. The session lasts up to half an hour.
  4. Surgical intervention. Papillomas are removed in the classical way - with the help of a surgical scalpel.

All physical methods are carried out only after the use of antiviral drugs - for 3-5 days. The main means that stimulate the protective functions of the body are drugs that contain interferon (Viferon, Kagocel, Isoprinosine, Panavir).

As for the intraductal papilloma of the nipple, in this case only the surgical method is used, since this disease is classified as precancerous. The main removal method is sectoral resection, which consists in removing tissues with affected mammary ducts. The operation does not affect the size of the breast and does not require further mammoplasty to restore its former shape.

It is possible to prevent the formation of papilloma inside the duct of the mammary gland with the help of regular mammography, as well as timely treatment of nodular and diffuse mastopathy. For early diagnosis of breast cancer, systematic self-feeling of the breast is required.

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